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Fall 2023 Syllabus

Online Section (Y01)

Course Details

Time & Location: No class meetings

Instructional Modality: Distance Learning (Asynchronous-Online)
Credit Hours / CRN: 3.00 / 53420

Dr. LeeAnn E. Moss
Department of Agricultural Economics
589 Krannert
Virtual Office Hours: Wednesday: 1:00 – 4:30 PM
By appointment on Microsoft Teams (Link to my booking page).
I am happy to respond to questions via email as well. I check my email on weekdays from 9:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. and will
respond within 24 hours. Before emailing me, please review the syllabus and the content/announcements posted on
Brightspace. The answer you need may be there. If you email me, please include “AGEC 217 Online” in your subject
line. (I teach multiple courses and I need to know which one you are enrolled in.)

Undergraduate Assistant
Mr. Jamil Mansouri

Course Description & Learning Outcomes

National economic problems such as unemployment, recessions, inflation, taxation, bank interest rates, the growth
of government, monetary systems, and a rising national debt are discussed along with the principles, policies, and
institutions for solving these macroeconomic problems. After completing this course, a student should be able to:
• Describe how markets function and what leads to economic growth.
• Debate issues in current events such as inflation and unemployment.
• Describe the role of the Federal Reserve, the role of fiscal policy, and the causes of national debt.
• Recognize that policy choices and everyday decisions (even in your own lives!) involve tradeoffs.
• Apply knowledge of economic measurement, economic models, and the history of U.S. economic policy to
analyze economic events (both personal and global).

How to Succeed in this Course

The content, assessments, and learning activities in this course have been set up to allow students to be successful.
Whether you pass or fail generally depends on you. The successful student will:
• Study this syllabus, make sure you understand it, and refer to it often.
• Log on to Brightspace daily to read announcements and access course content.
• Watch the Boilercast recordings of each lecture.
• Read the textbook chapters.
• Do the assignments immediately after the corresponding chapter is presented. Don’t procrastinate!
• Develop a strategy to prepare for and execute each exam.
• Use whatever tools/apps/calendars etc. you need to stay organized.
• Reach out to me immediately if you have problems with specific aspects of the course content.
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• Access your Achieve assignments through Brightspace to ensure that your grades transfer correctly and
that you see any communications and content from Dr. Moss.

Course Materials (Required)

Course Brightspace: Please check the course Brightspace daily for announcements, course materials, and deadlines.
Brightspace is where I will communicate with you, and where I will post lecture slides before each class.
Coursepack: This includes the Econland simulation. The cost is $10.00. Purchase it from Harvard Business Publishing
after registering as a student user, using your PURDUE EMAIL ADDRESS. Here is the link.
Each student must purchase access to Achieve, which includes the eTextbook entitled “Macroeconomics: Principles
for a Changing World,” by Eric Chiang, 5th Edition. Achieve is an online learning management system (LMS) offered
by Macmillan Publishing. You will complete assignments in Achieve via access links posted on Brightspace in each
weekly module. You can purchase Achieve through the MacMillan Student Store or from the Purdue Bookstore:
• ISBN 9781319538323 (**this is a unique ISBN for my students in this course**)
• 1-term online rental = $88.99
• Here is the link to purchase it from Macmillan.

If you also want a hard copy of the 5th edition, I suggest purchasing it used from an online reseller (Google it). It’s
much cheaper.
You should register/pay for Achieve through Brightspace. Here is how to do it.
You must purchase the textbook+ Achieve access using your PURDUE EMAIL ADDRESS and using the correct course
ID for your section of this course:
• Your course ID is: botmqp
Achieve Frequently Asked Questions:
• The recommended web browser is Google Chrome. Make sure you are using the most up-to-date version.
Here is how to check.
• Make sure you have disabled your pop-up blocker. Here is how to do it.
• Clear your cache/cookies regularly. Here is how to do so.
• Try an incognito window if you are experiencing loading issues (due to cookies/cache). Here is how.

If you have a technical issue, please contact Macmillan Support for Achieve and get a case number. Provide your
case number when communicating with anyone regarding your issue. Here is how to get a case number. For tech
support and questions, you can use MacMillan Learning Support, online chat, or for urgent or time sensitive issues
you can contact them by phone at (800) 936-6899. Hours of operation are (Eastern time):
Monday-Thursday: 8 AM-3 AM Friday: 8 AM – 12 AM
Saturday: 12 PM – 9 PM Sunday: 12 PM – 3 AM

Attendance Policy
Your active participation is critical to your success in this course. Be sure to visit Brightspace daily!
The University Senate recognizes the following as types of absences that will be excused: Absences covered under
the Grief Absence Policy for Students (GAPS), Military Absence Policy for Students (MAPS), Jury Duty Policy for
Students, Parenting Leave Policy for Students, and the Medical Excused Absence Policy for Students (MEAPS)
In cases falling under excused absence regulations, the student or the student’s representative should contact the
Office of the Dean of Students to complete appropriate forms for instructor notification. If this is done properly by
the student and the documentation is acceptable/legitimate, Dr. Moss will accommodate assignments or exams that
may be missed during the period of absence. If not, the missed work will count as a drop.

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Course Activities & Grading
Your overall course grade will be determined as follows:
Course Activity Points Each % of Grade
Learning Curves (best 11 of 12) 20 20
Homework Assignments (best 11 of 12) 30 30
Lecture Video Activities 0 0
Econland Simulation 100 5
Exams (best 3 out of 4) 100 45

Letter grades will be assigned at the end of the semester, and plus/minus grading will be used. I reserve the right to
adjust the grade thresholds downward as appropriate.
A+: 97% or higher B+: 87-89.99% C+: 77-79.99% D+: 67-69.99% F: 0-59.99%
A: 93-96.99% B: 82-86.99% C: 72-76.99% D: 62-66.99%
A-: 90-92.99% B-: 80-81.99% C-: 70-71.99% D-: 60-61.99%

Late Assignments & Missed Examinations

I do not accept late assignments, nor do I accommodate missed examinations. (The only exception may be an
absence approved by the University Senate, with appropriate documentation, as discussed above.)

Course Activities in Greater Detail

Lecture Recordings:

Each of the Tuesday and Thursday lectures from the classroom section of this course will be recorded live using
Boilercast. The lectures end at 4:15 p.m. and typically the recordings are posted by early evening the same day. You
can find the recordings on Brightspace – click on “Kaltura Media Gallery” under the “Course Tools” dropdown menu.
Learning Curves:
These consist of numerical, multiple choice, etc. questions which test your understanding of the concepts presented
in each chapter of the textbook. You will complete these in Achieve. For full credit, complete all questions until the
status bar indicates that you are finished. You are not penalized for incorrect answers. To calculate your final course
grade, I will drop your lowest score on one Learning Curve.
• All learning curves for Chapters 1 - 6 are due at 11:59 PM on Sunday, October 1. No exceptions.
• All learning curves for Chapters 7 - 15 are due at 11:59 PM on Sunday, December 3. No exceptions.
Homework Assignments:
These consist of numerical, multiple choice, graphical, etc. questions which test your ability to apply the information
presented in each chapter. You will complete these in Achieve. These are graded. You have up to three (3) attempts
per question to get the correct answer. You are not penalized for incorrect attempts. To calculate your final course
grade, I will drop your lowest score one Problem Set.
• All homework assignments for Chapters 1 - 6 are due at 11:59 PM on Sunday, October 1. No exceptions.
• All homework assignments for Chapters 7 - 15 are due at 11:59 PM on Sunday, December 3. No exceptions.
Lecture Video Activities:
These are optional. Previous students have found them very useful in deepening their understanding of the course
content and preparing for examinations.

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Econland Simulation:
Each student will have the opportunity to manage the fiscal and monetary policies of their own country in this
engaging simulation from Harvard Business School. Dr. Moss will open the simulation for student play on Tuesday,
November 28 and it will be closed/due on Thursday, November 30 at 3:00 PM. The student(s) who achieve(s) the
best economic results will receive a prize. Detailed instructions will be provided closer to Week 15.
There are four (4) online exams, administered as follows:
• You will have two attempts per exam, and a one-hour time limit per attempt.
• They consist of 25 multiple-choice or true/false questions.
• Exams are open book.
• Each exam will open at 4:15 p.m. on Tuesday and close at 11:59 p.m. on Thursday (of the same week).
• Both attempts must be taken within this window.
• Each exam will cover only those chapters and that course content presented since the previous exam.
• No student will receive the same exam questions (they are pulled from a large pool), but each exam will
have the same level of difficulty.
• I will drop your lowest exam grade when calculating the 45% total.
You must complete each exam inside the corresponding exam window to receive full credit. In other words, if you
begin Exam #1 at 11:45 p.m. on a Thursday, you will have 14 minutes to complete it and will only have time for one
attempt. If you only have time to answer 10 questions correctly before the window closes, your grade would be 10/25.

A Note on Drops
The provision to drop an exam or assignment grade is meant to be used to accommodate student illnesses,
injuries/hospitalizations, or family emergencies. It is not meant to be elective. I would strongly suggest (if you are
able) that you attempt every exam and assignment and save drops for unexpected situations beyond your control.
Use of Artificial Intelligence
Students are not permitted to use artificial intelligence (AI) language models, such as ChatGPT, in this course.
Students who use AI in any course activity (e.g., assignments, examinations) will be deemed in violation of academic
integrity expectations for this course. Violations can include a failing grade for the assignment in question or a failing
grade for the course. All suspected incidents of academic dishonesty will be referred to the Office of Student Rights
and Responsibilities for further review of the student’s status with the university.

University Policies & Student Services Information

Please refer to the “Student Support and Resources” and “University Policies and Statements” content sections on
this course’s Brightspace for additional information and guidance including and not limited to the following:
• Academic Integrity • Nondiscrimination • ODOC Class Absences
• Accessibility • Emergency Preparedness • Mental Health & Wellness

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Week Starts
Tuesday Class Thursday Class Weekly Assignments
1 Aug. 21 Course & Syllabus Overview CHAPTER 1: Exploring Economics Chapter 1 Learning Curve
Chapter 1 Homework
2 Aug. 28 CHAPTER 2: Production, Economic CHAPTER 2: Production, Economic Chapter 2 Learning Curve
Growth & Trade Growth & Trade Chapter 2 Homework
3 Sept. 4 CHAPTER 3: Supply & Demand CHAPTER 3: Supply & Demand Chapter 3 Learning Curve
Chapter 3 Homework
4 Sept. 11 Optional Q & A Session NO CLASS (Exam includes CHs 1, 2 and 3)
EXAM #1 -- Opens at 4:15 PM EXAM #1 -- Closes at 11:59 PM
5 Sept. 18 CHAPTER 4: Markets & Government CHAPTER 4: Markets & Government Chapter 4 Learning Curve
Chapter 4 Homework
6 Sept. 25 CHAPTER 5: Intro to Macroeconomics CHAPTER 6: Measuring Inflation & Chapter 5 & 6 Learning Curves
Unemployment Chapter 5 & 6 Homeworks
All assignments to date are due no later than 11:59 PM on Sunday, October 1. NO EXCEPTIONS.

7 Oct. 2 CHAPTER 7: Economic Growth CHAPTER 7: Economic Growth Chapter 7 Learning Curve
Chapter 7 Homework
8 Oct. 9 NO CLASS – Fall Break CHAPTER 10: Fiscal Policy & Debt

9 Oct. 16 Optional Q & A Session NO CLASS (Exam includes CHs 4, 5, 6 & 7)

EXAM #2 -- Opens at 4:15 PM EXAM #2 -- Closes at 11:59 PM
10 Oct. 23 CHAPTER 11: Saving, Investment & CHAPTER 11: Saving, Investment & Chapter 10 & 11 Learning Curves
The Financial System The Financial System Chapter 10 & 11 Homeworks
11 Oct. 30 CHAPTER 12: Money Creation & The CHAPTER 12: Money Creation & The Chapter 12 Learning Curve
Federal Reserve Federal Reserve Chapter 12 Homework
12 Nov. 6 Optional Q & A Session NO CLASS (Exam includes CHs 10, 11 & 12)
EXAM #3 -- Opens at 4:15 PM EXAM #3 -- Closes at 11:59 PM
13 Nov. 13 CHAPTER 13: Monetary Policy CHAPTER 13: Monetary Policy Chapter 13 Learning Curve
Chapter 13 Homework
14 Nov. 20 No Class No Class (Thanksgiving Break)

15 Nov. 27 CHAPTER 15: International Trade IN CLASS: Econland Simulation Debrief Chapter 15 Learning Curve
Econland Simulation Opens @ 4:15 PM Econland Simulation CLOSES/DUE @ 3:00 PM Chapter 15 Homework
Econland Homework*
(* if you did not attend the debrief

All assignments since October 1 are due no later than 11:59 PM on Sunday, December 3. NO EXCEPTIONS.

16 Dec. 4 Optional Q & A Session NO CLASS (Exam includes CHs 13 & 15)
EXAM #4 -- Opens at 4:15 PM EXAM #4 -- Closes at 11:59 PM
17 Dec. 11 FINALS WEEK – There is no final exam in this course.

Disclaimer: Other than exam dates, this course schedule and syllabus is subject to change. You will be notified of any changes via
announcements posted on Brightspace and/or the posting of an updated syllabus.

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