Evaluation Rubrics For All Projects: Templates Are Given Below

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WHAT Planning WHEN 10-15 Oct,2011 HOW Template A WHO Project Incharge and Other Teachers who gave input Project Incharge and Other Teachers who gave input Panel of Internal Teachers Panel of External Experts MARKS 10


Every week

Template B


Presentation + Internal Viva + Report Display + External Viva

28 Nov-3 Dec,2011 5-9 Dec,2011

Template C Template D

10+10+10=30 30

Templates are given below.

TEMPLATE A (Master Plan)

(Fill the soft copy completely, show it to project incharge and then take print out)

1. Project Number: 11CSEX28

Project Statement: One day you and your friend go to the playground to play cricket. You see a boy there holding a thread and mass attached to its lower end.You and your friend think of the situation if the mass is removed and what should happen to such a system if mass is further increased.You plan to design a spring mass system to investigate the mathematical relationship between the period of a spring and the load (mass) carried by the spring. Based on the data you collect, you will be able to derive the spring constant, as described in Hookes Law, as well as the effective mass of the spring.Also develop the differential equations required for the system and plot a curve showing the relation using Microsoft excel.

2. Team members details:

Roll Number CUN110101046 CUN110101061 CUN110101054 CUN110101049 Himani Garg Khyati Manderna Jaspreet singh sidhu Inderjeet Singh Name

3. Approximate duration (in hours) to complete the project : 25 hours 4. Project Incharge: Vandana Chaturvedi

Other teachers, who gave the input: 1. Ms. Sapna Bola

2. Ms. Deepika Goyal

Check Points: o Does the project statement result in a product? If yes, what type of product? Yes. , it results in a system which depicts the relationship between period of spring and mass carried by the spring i.e. spring mass system..

o If it is a product, can a prototype be made, if not, what is it, which we can produce that our teachers can evaluate. Yes, a prototype can be made.

Does the project statement use multiple concepts to achieve the outcome? (yes/no) Yes,it do have

o Does it have enough for our team members to do sufficient amount of work?(yes / no) Yes

5. Technical Nodes (add more rows in the table below, if required):

Subject / Area / Topic Engineering physics

Technical Nodes Concept of 1. Knowledge of varios materials required. 2. Derivation of spring constant. 3. Curve of hookes law Mathematical relationship relating time period of spring and mass applied to the spring. Presenting the curve of hookes law on ms excel sheet

Engineering maths

CSE shop in MP lab.

Presenting skills

Presentation of the model

6. Learning Objectives: (add more rows in the table below, if required)

Subject / Area / Topic Physics

Learning Objectives 1. We would be able to learn the relation between the period of spring and mass carried by the spring
2. We would be able to learn to make spring mass

MP lab.

system and excessing MS excel.

7. Prerequisites (in terms of knowledge , concepts and material )for doing the Project: MATERIAL REQUIRED o Mini slinky

o Weight of around 35kg or approximately 1 tone. o Physical balance o Stop watch o Lab notebook o Graph paper

CONCEPTS It illustrates that extension in the spring is in proportion with load applied to the spring.

8. What could the total cost of the project? Rs 400-500

9. Resources available to us: Internet, Teachers, Books, labs.


Stepwise planning of project

Time required:2 hrs Nodes covered: Knowledge of hookes law.

Step 1: Searching of info. about the working principle & construction of spring mass system.

Resources availablelib. ,internet & teachers

Time required: 2 hrs Nodes Covered: Knowledge of

Step 2: Info. Regarding various materials required for construction

Resources availableinternet, books

Time required: 2 hrs

Resources availablemarket, lab.

Nodes Covered:



Step 3: Availability & cost of material required

Time required: 2 hrs

Step 4: Collection of all the material required

Resources available- CU campus.

Nodes Covered: marketing skills

Time required: 1 hrs Nodes Covered: balancung

5: Measure the mass of weight using scale


Resources available- MP lab

Time required: 2 hrs

Nodes Covered: Data collection

6: Bounce the spring back and forth holding from one end without weight and count the no. of cycles in 60 sec.

Resources available- MP lab

Time required: 2 hrs Nodes Covered: Data collection

7: Bounce the spring back and forth holding from one end with weight and count the no. of cycles in 60 sec.

Resources available- MP lab

Time required: 2 hrs

8: preparing observation table on MS excel.


Resources availableCSE shop in MP lab

Nodes Covered: software..

Time required: 2 hrs

Nodes Covered: Mathematics

9: Deriving the relationship between time of spring and mass loaded by the spring

Resources availableMaths staff.

Time required: 2 hrs

10: Testing the working of the model and making the necessary amendments

Resources available- MP lab

Nodes Covered: plotting



Time required: 2 hrs

11: Developing the fun tricks


Resources availablePhysics lab, teachers, team members

Concept of proportionate relation of time and

Nodes Covered:

Time required: 2 hrs

12: Individual preparation of presentation


Resources availableInternet, books

Nodes Covered:



Time required: 2 hrs

13: Presenting the demo of presentation.


Resources availableteachers and books

Nodes Covered:



Signatures of the teachers:

Assessment will be made at regular intervals of time according to the following table. Individual Performance Performance 1 (P1) Performance 2 (P2) Performance 3 (P3) Performance as a team member Learning Objectives covered Technical Nodes covered Maximu m Marks 10 10 10


Title Page
Project No.: Project Statement : Project Incharge : Other Teachers who gave input : Team Members :

2. Literature Review/Introduction 3. Planning of the Project (Template A) 4. Designing/Lab work/Workshop/Survey/Methodology 5. Results, Discussions and Future Scopes. 6. Summary of the project 7. References A report of maximum 10 pages is to be prepared.


1. Title Slide
Project No.: Project Incharge : Other Teachers who gave input : Team Members :

2. Project Statement 3. Page 3-Page 8 : Details of the project 4. Page 9-Page 10 : Summary of the project A powerpoint presentation of maximum 10 slides is to be prepared.


Display of the projects will be evaluated on the basis of either of the following three categories according to the project statement.

Theoretical (M.M.30)

Working Model (M.M.30)

Survey (M.M.30)

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