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Nature and Environmental Education Institute of Finland (NEEIF)

NEI - Basic Level DAY 5

What can we do for our Mother Earth?

Limited resources and mass extinctions

The resources on the Earth are limited. They run out if we don't use them wisely.
The Earth's Overshoot day was on the 22nd August in 2020. That day we had used all
that year's renewable recourses. The Overshoot day is earlier each year.
There have been five mass extinctions in the Earth's history. The sixth one is going
on currently, and it is caused by humans.

What can we do?

It is good to realize that one person can't save the planet but everybody can do
something. And together we can make a big difference! Everyone has different
possibilities to act. Think what actions are easy for you to do in your everyday life. Start
with those and make them your routines. Every action counts.

Environment friendly actions:

1. Food: more plant-based food on the plate and less in the trash bin
2. Transport and traveling: more power from muscles (walk, bicycle), hopping on
public transportation or carpooling, traveling locally, compensating carbon
emissions and selecting eco-friendly holiday locations
3. Electricity and water: unplugging devices if not in use, using/buying renewable
energy, less running water (especially hot water), full washing machines and
dishwashers (with eco programs)
4. Recycling and consumption: recycling and composting as much as possible, buying
second-hand (which is trendy nowadays!), repairing what you can (by yourself or a
professional), doing charity, and differentiate between needs and desires
5. Set an example: share knowledge, teach others


Ecosystems support all life on earth. The healthier the ecosystems are, the
healthier the planet will be, and the healthier we will be.

Marianne Aalto
NEEIF Nature Courses Designer and Trainer

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