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Tugas Praktik Mandiri

Peserta membuat dialog untuk situasi di mana seorang staff menyapa atasannya di lobi,
beramah tamah dan meminta maaf karena kesalahan kecil, misalnya terlambat 5 menit, lalu
mengakhiri percakapan. Minimal 10 (sepuluh) pertukaran kalimat.
Prolog : Staff greet boss in the lobby, had a small talk and giving apologize for small mistake.

Staff (ARA) : Good morning, Mr Mail. Sorry to interrupt. May i talk for a moment, please?

Boss (MAIL) : Good morning Miss Ara. Of course, How can i help you?

Staff (ARA) : Thank you, sir. I apologize for being late yesterday there was demonstration

that held up the traffic.

Boss (MAIL) : Miss Ara i have noticed that you have been late more than three times in last

two weeks. Is this going to be continual problem?

Staf (ARA) : Iam terribly sorry. Last week, I had a lot of personal problems, but it is all

taken care of. I know that i dont have any excuse to be late anymore. I will

go to office early from now on and watch carefully my times management.

Boss (MAIL) : Being late so often shows that you are irresponsible. You had better fix your

managing time. Is that understood?

Staff (ARA) : Very well, understood. I will not be late again. I promise.

Boss (MAIL) : Iam not going to tolerate your tardiness again.

Staff (ARA) : I understand, sir. I will try to be more careful.

Boss (MAIL) : Good. Oh yes, don't forget to join the team meeting tomorrow morning at 7.

Staff (ARA) : Ready, sir. I will definitely be there on time.

Boss (MAIL) : Well. Now please continue your work.

Staff (ARA) : Alright sir. See u later.

Boss (MAIL) : See you.


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