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Grade 8- Level J

T1 Final Exam Timetable and Study List - Level J (Grade 8)

The table below shows the scheduling for Final Exams for T1 of the current academic year,
2023-2024, for students in Level J (Grade 8).

General Notes:

The following information relating to revision and final exams is very important:

Wednesday, November 1 - Tuesday, November 7 Organized revision in class

Wednesday, November 8 Final Examination Starts

1. Students should be in school at least 15 minutes before each exam is due to start. Students
arriving after the start of an exam will lose 15 minutes of the exam time after their late arrival.
2. Students must wear school uniform.
3. Make sure that you have your own pencils, pen, eraser, ruler and sharpener (in a transparent
plastic pouch); students are not allowed to borrow anything during the exam.
4. Students are NOT ALLOWED to carry Electronic Gadgets (mobile phones, iPods, smart
watch etc.) to ITL® Hall."

T1 Final Exam Timetable - Level J

The table below shows the scheduling for Final Exams for Term 1 of the current academic
year 2023-2024, for students in Level J (Grade 8).

Nov. 8 Nov. 10 Nov. 11 Nov. 13 Nov. 14 Nov. 15 Nov. 16

Wed Fri. Sat. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thur.
11:00 – 12:30
11:00 –
Geometry / 11:00 – 1:00
11:00 – 1:00 12:30
Intensive 11:00 – 1:00 3rd Lang. 11:00 – 1:00 11:00 – 1:00
2nd Lang. Algebra/
Geometry Science French/ Soc. Studies English
French/Urdu Intensive
12:30 – 1:30 Chinese

The table below shows the scheduling for Final Exams for Term 1 of the current academic
year, 2023-2024, for students in Level J (Grade 8).

Study List:
English Language
Vocabulary and Spelling See Word List (attached)
Comprehension Unseen Comprehension
Composition Unit 3: Narrative

Grade 8- Level J

Class Reader
Peter the Great - Units 1-9 - pp.1-119
- Mrs. Packletide’s Tiger
- A Retrieved Reformation
Level J – Units 1-4 (Lessons 1-9 - pp.1-34)

Lesson 1:
Unit 1: Nouns and Adjectives
Checkpoint p. 1
Forms of Possessive Proper Nouns: exceptions p. 1
Possessive Noun No Noun Following p.2
Forming Adjectives from Nouns p. 3
Forming Proper Adjectives p. 3
Forming Adjectives with -a/ible p. 4
Participle Adjectives p. 4
Adjectives with Propositions p. 5

Lesson 2:
Unit 1: Nouns and Adjectives
Numeral Adjectives p. 6
Count & Non-count Noun p. 7–9
Count and Non-count Nouns: much and many p. 9
Count and Non-count Nouns: a lot/lots of p.10
Lesson 3:
Unit 2: Verbs: Infinitives and Tenses
Checkpoint p. 11
Checkpoint p.12
The Present Participle: longer verbs ending in one vowel and one
consonant p.12
Checkpoint p. 12
Going to: specific uses p.13
Checkpoint p.14

Lesson 4:
Unit 2: Verbs: Infinitives and Tenses
Present Progr.: specific uses p. 14–15
Checkpoint p. 15
Checkpoint p. 16
The Present Perfect with already and yet p. 16
The Present Perfect with for and since p. 16
The Present Perfect: specific uses p. 17

Grammar Lesson 5:
Unit 2: Verbs: Infinitives and Tenses
Checkpoint p. 18
The Infinitive p. 19
The Negative Infinitive p. 19
The Infinitive: tense and voice p. 20–21

Grade 8- Level J

Lesson 6:
Unit 3: Verbs: Tenses, Mood, and Voice
The Perfect Progressive Tenses p. 22
The Present Perfect Progressive p. 22
Pres. Perf. Progressive negative p. 23
The Present Perfect Progressive: recently and lately p. 23
The Present Perfect Progressive: specific uses p. 24–25

Lesson 7:
Unit 3: Verbs: Tenses, Mood, and Voice
The Past Perfect Progressive p. 25
The Past Perfect Progressive: negative p. 26
The Past Perfect Progressive: specific uses p. 26

Lesson 8:
Unit 3: Verbs: Tenses, Mood, and Voice
The Subjunctive Mood p. 27
Indicative and Subjunctive p. 27
Subjunctive Forms p. 28
Subjunctive Commands p. 29
Checkpoint p. 29
The Passive Voice: Perfect Forms p. 30
Checkpoint p. 30

Lesson 9:
Unit 4: Adverbs and Adjectives
Checkpoint p. 31
Adverbs of Degree p.31
Focus Adverbs p. 31
Checkpoint p. 32
Adverbs with Two Forms p. 33
Checkpoint p. 34

Additional Study Material:

English Language
2324 - Level J - Term 1: Vocabulary and Spelling Lists
Peter the Great - Lists 1-9 - pp.1-119

Social Studies

Ancient Civilizations Ancient Civilizations Chapter 5

Grade 8- Level J

Final Geometry: S3.1 – 3.3, S4.1 – 4.3, S5.1 – 5.2
Algebra: S1.1 – 1.6

Computing Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5


Final Cells and Genetics: 1.1 – 1.3, 2.1 – 2.3, 4.1 - 4.2

Pakistan Studies

Chapter 01: A New Power Emergence-Europeans in South Asia (Page

Pakistan Studies
Chapter 02: Revivalists in the Subcontinent (Page: 14-25)

Ch 1: Belief in Allah (pp 9-12)

Islamiyat Ch 3: Belief in Prophethood (pp 14-16)

Ch 10: Morals in Islam (pp 37-44)

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