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Describe variations in neuronal activity of genuine people vs. spineless cowards.


1. The “Control Network” consist of the brain regions that deal with conflict response,

inhibited response (aka ignoring someone cause you can’t deal), and cognitive control.

Further explained.

2. Behavior in dishonest individuals, increases Control Network Activity….(interesting).

3. Increased Control Network caused by:

• 3 Reasons

o Honesty is our “default”, for some people at least, however dishonest

individuals have to make the decision to lie, thus increasing this neuronal


o Cognitively these individuals may resist the temptation to lie…even though at

any moment they could just come clean and be honest with the other

individual, they’d rather be dishonest and become unsuccessful in resisting the

urge to lie and be deceitful, which also increases the Control Network activity.

o During the process of actively deciding to lie (take note: ACTIVELY

Copyright 2022 by Lauren, Bitch Inc. & PNAS.ORG

deciding- this can also be explained as someone who is ACTIVELY doing a

task they don’t want another person to know about; however, they continue

doing it anyways until the end of the semester because they are cowards), this

increases the neuronal activity in this phase because they are actively making

the choice to lie.

4. In comparison, some individuals have no increased neuronal activity when lying because

these individuals lie, cheat, etc., automatically. This leads to no increasing or decreasing

of activity in the Control Network because they are just that good at lying and being


5. Have students identify which brain is theirs in groups. Which brain is Chris’? Which

describes Lauren’s brain?

Can’t Forget the Reference Page 1

Copyright 2022 by Lauren, Bitch Inc. & PNAS.ORG

Greene, J.D., Paxton, J.M., (2009). Lineage separation and divergence (Vol. 106, No. 30),
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.
(Pages 12209-12562).

Just so you read that correctly… This is the book: Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences of the United States of America. Tip: always pick legitimate sources.

1. Ya know…. the reference pages and citations we learned were so important at south
campus when we took classes together and drove together every single day and you
sat there and lied to me knowing what you were doing behind my back distancing
yourself cause you were too much of a coward to tell me to my face and then you
blamed what I was going through mentally instead of accepting your own selfish
patterns and arrogant beliefs that display regard only for yourself and NO ONE

My hypothesis is that your Control Network is likely not even engaged because
you are so used to lying at this point with evidence based solely upon you being
just so good at it that you really fooled me. You truly deserve a medal. Good work

Copyright 2022 by Lauren, Bitch Inc. & PNAS.ORG

Copyright 2022 by Lauren, Bitch Inc. & PNAS.ORG

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