Cheat Sheet

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, fv'<LlD
, PMD. -
• (>vu' -

Writing Dates April 13, 2004:

2004-04 J3 (handwritten)
2004 04 13 (typed)November 06, 1999:1999-11-CX, (handwntten)or1999 1106 (typed)
BUN blood urea nitrogen
after l0AM.10 ::>4 09 6
Writing Times 24 minutes, 09 seconds
minutes after 8 PM:20.064 minutes, 18 secondsafter mldmght:00:04:18
c&s culture and sensitivity

CBC complete blood count

d1ff white blood count


ESR erythrocyte
sed1mentat1on rate

APPC application of plaster of pans PA posterior anterior sed erythrocyte

cast rate sedimentation rate
Ba barium
BP blood pressure CSF cerebrospinal fluid
GB gallbladder
drsg dressing FBS fasting blood sugar
IVC intravenous
E enema cholang1ogram Hb hemoglobin
qd every day
hwb hot water bottle IVP intravenous pyelogram Hgb hemoglobin
bid twice a day
l&O intake and output KUB kidney, ureters, bladder LP lumbar puncture
(x-ray of) t1d three times a day
IPPB intermittent positive pressure PCV packed cell volume
breathing Lat lateral side q1d four times a day
PT prothromb1n time
TPR temperature, pulse, respiration lat lateral side qh every hour
Pro prothrombin time
vs vital signs UGIT upper gastrointestinal Time qlh every hour
wt weight PTT partial thromboplast1n q2h every two hours
qhs every night at
rbc red blood cells bedtime
ss one-half
RBC red blood cell count qd every day
iss one and one-half
spec specimen q2d every two days
gtt drop(s)
wbc white blood cells q3d every three days
u unit (e.g. insulin)
WBC white blood count qdx3 daily for three days
s1g d1rect1on to patient
regarding amount of
medication; let it be labelled
u,,,, Ut:'A\IU~~ 111 Wd~~I

DSW 5% de•trose In CD..a."'' "'J... -) Uf>fV"- ( t'vo:><\ ,..,._-'-)

water ( @I.\ d- ,J.. Da~v"\ l l..,ov-''--'--
0/5 de•trose In saline ~ V " \ \:: (F"'- u \
Abb Meaning 1/3 • 2/3 saline and 1/3
1/3 de.trose
caps capsule(s)
NS normal saline
ungt ointment
ung TKVO to keep vein open

supp suppository ,rn to keep open (vein

tab tablet(s)

syr syrup

Abb Meaning
A5AP as soon as
--= possible IM intramuscular (into a muscle)

0 \_ ..,, u \-.-e IV intravenous (into a vein)

@:) C ""'- (...,,,... \-\ (V',

stat 1mmed1ately
SC subcutaneous (under the skin)

AM morning
ID intradermal (into the skin)
('('I f'<\ - M, \; (\"I PM afternoon
OD right eye (into the right eye)
hs at bedtime
OS left eye (into the left eye)
\t-.l~f\Wc- ac before
fC.... 1 ~"'(o.rr"I M\ \;~ye.""" meals
OU both eyes (into both eyes)

po orally (by mouth)

pc after meals

~\o6cl vu--\d prn as

subhngual (under the tongue)
\-\ e _ ~ _ (.a,..,- C\_; 0 R rectal (into the rectum)
ad hb as desired

J f'"'.\.; s.i~ - PV per vagina (into the vagina)

,c_ ( ; !,.\()'V"'s p.,,...w,~...:_\'.' ~- _._ -kv J-.-.-J-- ~x,'l!D - tl)v'rYlf,·+

L 'Zc""'""~) , 1, f//t11 t:L - PflitJ
e ,... <>-'('> '?i .
J>~~ 8,'1_1)-
E11J.i., o,.. - blood comd.t I? om
r.o., - lornc/.t 11 CYYJ
· vrvYJ '?, - ..S tOM"
I +-(s - f)d. .r~Io m'Yl?a ·1 om
'-.11\-c:.J S,-'.)"''> ( V]t;.)
Q1b - '-\
t1 f3J ab - E 01°1j1'Yle-rvf
~\> Offl{}._ - -ruMOJi..
b\) - 1
~v,~c. ( H ~ .,,,..~) ais - Gh/)"10/l~ Alvrdl/1

1- ,e.., Pef1v..j - ia dt's <?a..M

Wt.· :: W< i..) W.:. M.,J, .f CA.. ..- / j_ oI).)
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----= & !hi O 675 - f.t,.;-; cJ,f,, i'IY'r}
c__C...U _, (_y,. \-:c..-..9 -..i....,,

O\:l..- O?c"~1'oc""'
/rl; ff/1,,1/t-~, I c - IVL-i 'YI ir>-J
P...R ,... Re '--">..r<':') e._0 ' ' " " ' G.M!,.-l-.1?.!::.'°s - PU/flr.JuJu.
£. P... - "" ' "'bv-r':) R ~o""' f}J-r...Qtm7 -g.>i of h- _ Jie coJ1.d
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