Final Test

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Student: _____________________________________________ 1º grade

Teacher: Tania Vin Chanchari Date: ____/____/14

1. Write numbers missing: (2pts)

Ten two

2. Complete the family: (2pts)


3. look and match: (2pts)

Rabbit giraffe elephant fish

4. Write the parts of the body: (2pts)

nose – foot - eye

ear – mouth - hand

5. Write the personal pronouns: (2pts)

6. Circle the use of the correct article: (2pts)

a) a green ruler b) an green ruler

c) a orange book d) an orange book

7. Look and check: (2pts)

She is thin It is small

8. Look, read and check: (2pts

I have a robot,

I don´t have a yo- yo

I have a doll and a bike

9. Write correct form use the “is”: (2pts)

You ….. I ….. She ….. They …… He …. We …… It …… Marcos ……

10. Look, read and match: (2pts)

I like chicken

I don´t like potatoes

I don´t like spaghetti

I like pizza
Student: _____________________________________________ 2º grade
Teacher: Tania Vin Chanchari Date: ____/____/14

1. Write the correct amount: (2 pts)

There are ……………. cats. There are ……………… cats.

2. Complete with “A or An “ (2pts)

a. ………. Monkey c. …………. schoolbag
b. ………. Orange d. …………. umbrella

3. Draw a ball for each location: (2pts)

4. Complete witch “There is and there are” (2pts)

a. ……………………….. an eraser in the pencil case.

b. ……………………….. two playgrounds next to school.
c. ……………………….. seven clowns in the circus.
d. ……………………….. a ball in the box.

5. Write personal pronouns in English:

6. Complete with have/ has. (2pts)
a. He ……………. Long hair. c. I ………………. Short hair.
b. You …………... dark hair. d. She ………….. curly hair.

7. Complete with can / can´t:

a. A parrot ………….. swim. c. A snake …………… talk.

b. A frog …………….. jump. d. A lion ……………… run.

8. Answer the question: (2pts)

a. Do you like pizza ? b. Do you like fish?

Yes, ……………………. No, …………………………

9. Write the time. O´clock/ thirty: (2pts)

11:00 It´s……………………… 7:00 It´s ………………………

9:30 It´s ……………………. 2:30 It´s …………………………

10. Write the occupations (2pts)

Student: _____________________________________________ 3º grade
Teacher: Tania Vin Chanchari Date: ____/____/14

1. Write the time : (2pts)

It´s It´s It´s It´s

8:00 11:30 4:00 9:30

2. Write the personal pronouns: 2(pts)

3. Match the frequency adverbs correct order: (2pts)


4. Look, and write the verbs present continuous (ing): (2pts)

He is …………… Luis is …………… tv.

Dani is …………… Music. José is ……………. meat

5. Write the words :” this / that” (2pts)
a. How much is ………… shoes

b. b. How much is …………….shorts

6. Write the sentences in future (going to): (2pts)

I am …………………. ……………… in the zoo.
You are ………………. …………….. homework.
She is ………………… …………….. a pizza
He is ……………….. ………………. Tv in the morning.

7. Look and circle the words comparative regular / irregular : (2pts)

a. Strong - stronger c. bad - worse
b. Better - good d. heavier - heavy

8. Write the correct form “there is / there are” (2pts)

a. ……………….. some sugar. c. ……………… any lemons.
b. ……………….. any apples. d. ……………… some milk

9. Match the past verb to be correct. (2pts)

I you he she it you we they

Were/ weren´t was / wasn´t

10. Answer the question use auxiliar “did/ didn´t” (2pts)

a. Did you do your homework?


b. Did you eat chicken yesterday?

( )…………………………………

c. Did you watch tv yesterday morning?

( )………………………………

d. Did play basketball yesterday?

Student: _____________________________________________ 4º grade
Teacher: Tania Vin Chanchari Date: ____/____/14

1. Write order the frequency adverbs. (2pts)

100% …………………………. sometimes

80% ……………………. never

50% …………………… always

0% …………………….. usually

2. Write the time and draw in the clock: (2pts)

11: 45 ………………………... 7: 00 ……………………………….

9 : 30 ………………………... 12 : 15 ……………………………….

3. Write the verbs in past: (2pts)

Are : …………… go: …………………..

Cook: ……………… is: ………………….

4. Complete the sentences with have / has: (2pts)

a. She ………………………. English two time week.

b. I …………………………… math twice a week.

c. They ……………………… sport one time week.

d. Marcos …………………... a red bike.

5. Complete the questions with How much / How many: (2pts)

a. ………………………… apples do you eat a week?

b. ………………………… water do you drink a day?

c. ………………………… days do you go to school?

d. ………………………… butter do we need for the cake?

6. Complete the box with words: (2pts)

Sugar - cars some any

Milk - apples
shoes - butter
water – onions

7. Read and complete: use “going to” future: (2pts)

Give – go – run - watch

a. I …… ………………….. ………….. in the zoo.

b. We ……… ……………………. ………….. exam tomorrow.

c. You …….. ……………………. …………… a movie.

d. She …….. …………………….. ………… in the park.

8. Answer the question form superlative: (2pts)

a. Who is more intelligent in the picture?


b. Who is thinner in the picture?


c. Who is strongest in the picture?


d. Who is fatter in the picture?


9. Match the question words: (2pts)

Why do you live?

Who is your name?
What are you angry?
Where is Nancy?

10. Look and match: (2pts)


Student: _____________________________________________ 5º grade
Teacher: Tania Vin Chanchari Date: ____/____/14

1. Look and write the personal pronouns: (2pts)

2. Look an write: use jobs and article a/ an: (2pts)

He is ….. ……………… Lita is … ………….

Manuel is ….. ………….. John is … ………...

3. Complete the sentences use “going to” and the verbs (2pts)

Give – go – run - watch

a. I …… ………………….. ………….. in the zoo.

b. We ……… ……………………. ………….. exam tomorrow.

c. You …….. ……………………. …………… a movie.

d. She …….. …………………….. ………… in the park.

4. Circle the verbs regular in past (2pts)

visited – consonant – cooked –

yesterday – opened – when –

5. Complete the box with adjective (2pts)

Most beautiful Comparative Superlative


Most boring


6. Read and circle the correct option (2pts)

a) He doesn´t have _______________________ plans.

1. much 2. many 3. A few

b) She has got _______________________ money.

1. a few 2. Much 3. A lot of

c) He drank ___________________ coffee, Only a small cup.

1. a lot of 2. A little 3. Many

d) Anthony has ________________ friends.

1. lots of 2. a lot 3. a lots of

7. Complete (2pts)

8. Complete with will or won´t and the verbs in brackets (2pts)

a) People ____________________ (not use) electricity so much, they

will prefer solar energy.

b) Cars ______________________(be) smaller and more faster than


c) Robots ______________________ (do) most of the housework.

d) People _______________________ (build) hotels on the moon.

9. Write the transport. (2pts)

10. Make a sentences use the expressing like and dislikes: (2pts)

Do / karate wash / dishes

John……………………………….. Luis………………………………
Student: _____________________________________________ 6º grade
Teacher: Tania Vin Chanchari Date: ____/____/14

1. Write the frequency adverbs: (2pts)

Not often / not usually – usually – often – always - sometimes

2. Read and complete the sentences use the “ING” (2pts)

Dance – cook – read – clean

a. Mateo is …………………………………… a book.

b. Luz is ………………………………………. in the party.

c. My mother is ………………………………. a delicious foot.

d. My father is ………………………………. the home.

3. Circle the verbs to be and verb simple in past: (2pts)

visited – consonant – cooked

played - yesterday – opened – were
am - when – cleaned - was

4. Write the sentences use like and don´t like: (2pts)

…………………………………………. ……………………………………………

………………………………………… ……………………………………………..

5. Complete use the proposition the places: (2pts)

6. Complete the question with going to future and correct verbs. (2pts)

a. I ……………………………………………………… chess.

b. She …………………………………………………. In the party.

c. They ………………………………………………… shopping.

d. You ……………………………………………delicious spaghettis.

7. Read and match: (2pts)

a. If you play In the rain you´ll miss the bus.
b. If you get up late they´ll go to bed early.
c. If she goes to the party she´ll win the race.
d. If they are tired you´ll get sick.

8. Read and complete use the questions words: (2pts)

What – who – where - why

a. ………………. are my keys? on the table.

b. ………………. Is the problem? I forgot my usb.

c. ………………. Is your best friend? Alicia is my best friend.

d. ………………. Is she crying? Because she is sad.

9. Complete the sentences : have / has: have / has (2pts)

1. I __________ broken a leg.

2. You ____________ eaten Chinese food.

3. She ___________ fallen from the stars.

4. ________ he ridden a horse?

10. Read and complete. Use the passive voice (2pts)

1. Squirrels ______________ (see) in London parks every day.

2. Honey ________________ (make) by bees.

3. Bananas ________________ (eat) by monkeys.

4. A lot of animals ______________ (collect) by the zoologist the past.


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