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Smok|ng shou|d be banned everywhere

1he harms of smoklng have become more popular around Lhe world Clobal healLh organlzaLlon has
dlscussed many of Loplcs abouL Lhe effecLs of smoklng whlch lnclude lung cancer hearL dlseases mouLh
cancer and many oLher assoclaLed healLh problems ln my counLry many people dle every year ?ou
could also flnd more lnformaLlon abouL Lhese problem ln Lhe many webslLes on Lhe lnLerneL whlch
dlscuss Lhls problem also when you go Lo any hosplLal you wlll see many phoLos on Lhe walls LhaL
conslders abouL effecLs problem smoklng 1hls essay wlll look aL Lhe mosL lmporLanL reasons why
smoklng should be banned everywhere

1he flrsL reason Lo make smoklng banned ls Lo mlnlmlze dlseases LhaL affecL human such as lung cancer
dlseases hearL and cancer mouLh LhaL affllcL smoker durlng smoklng and make hls healLh very bad and
he may noL do anyLhlng well because Lhe smoker needs much breaLhlng

1he second reason ls Lo save money LhaL are pald Lo smoke because Lhe packeL of smoklng cosL much
money so when Lhe smoker buys every day packeL how much money wlll be ln Lhe monLh and ln Lhe
year Loo? also Lhe smoker wonL has money Lo llve happy llfe wlLh hls famlly and all Llme wlll be angry
and Lhlnks how he can geL money Lo geL clgareLLes

ln summary Lhere ls a need for smokers Lo be conLrolled and Lhere ls a need Lo ban smoklng ln
everywhere Lo save humans money and hls healLh also Lo save envlronmenL from polluLlon whlch
causes lL smoklng

AlLhough smoklng ls a proven klller Amerlcans wasLe 8llllons of dollars
each year on Lobacco producLs CLher drugs LhaL are harmful such as crack or
marl[uana are lllegal ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes Powever Lhe use of clgareLLes
whlch kllls mllllons worldwlde annually ls perfecLly legal lf cerLaln harmful
subsLances are lllegal Lhen clgareLLes should noL be permlLLed elLher
Smoklng has several harmful effecLs on Lhe body ClgareLLes cause
elghLyflve percenL of lung cancer and are responslble for LhlrLy percenL of all
deaLhs resulLlng from cancer (8arLecchl 49) eople who have smoked for a
slgnlflcanL perlod of Llme wlll have noLlceable problems breaLhlng and wlll mosL
llkely be ln poor healLh Cne ouL of four deaLhs of people LhlrLyflve Lo slxLy
four years old resulL from smoklng Cn Lhe average every clgareLLe Lakes flve
and a half mlnuLes of llfe away from a smoker (8arLecchl 46) AlLhough
resLrlcLlons have been placed on Lhe use of clgareLLes ln publlc areas such as
resLauranLs and alrplanes Lhe uS has yeL Lo place a ban on smoklng 1he
governmenL frequenLly lnspecLs lLems sold Lo Lhe Amerlcan publlc Commerclal
producLs LhaL may be dangerous such as food cars and Loys have been recalled
ln order for alLeraLlons ln Lhe AugusL 1993 lssue of consumer reporLs LwenLy
four producLs were recalled because of posslble dangers Lo Lhe consumer 1hese
producLs lncluded a car LhaL may lose a wheel whlle ln moLlon a halr dryer LhaL
poses a flre hazard and cookles LhaL can cause an allerglc reacLlon (Consumer
8eporLs 300) ?eL Lhe sale of clgareLLes known Lo be unsafe has never been
prohlblLed by Lhe governmenL Why are clgareLLes any dlfferenL from oLher
producLs sold ln Lhe uS
ClgareLLes are noL only harmful Lo users buL are also damaglng Lo all
people ln Lhe vlclnlLy of a smoker Second hand smoke from clgareLLes ls [usL as
damaglng as smoke lnhaled by users Lach year 33000 people dle from Lhe
effecLs of second hand smoke A person llvlng wlLh a spouse who smokes has a
LhlrLy percenL hlgher chance of geLLlng lung cancer (8arLecchl 49) arenLs who
smoke force Lhelr chlldren Lo breaLhe Lhe fumes every day SevenLeen percenL of
lung cancer ls aLLrlbuLed Lo people who grew up wlLh parenLs who were smokers
Chlldren of smokers have a lower blrLh raLe and are ofLen less lnLelllgenL
(8arLecchl 49) eople who have chosen Lo smoke have accepLed Lhe unhealLhy rlsk
of Lhe drug Powever nonsmokers have noL opLed for Lhe hazards lnvolved wlLh
smoklng and Lherefore should noL be lnLroduced Lo Lhese hazards 1he governmenL
has chosen noL Lo place a ban on a drug LhaL puLs even Lhe nonusers aL rlsk Lo
healLh problems eople who do noL smoke musL always be wary of Loxlc clgareLLe
fumes LhaL may be ln Lhelr presence
MosL people are aware of Lhe healLh rlsks lnvolved wlLh smoklng lor
Lhls reason clgareLLe manufacLurers have lnvesLed much of Lhelr adverLlslng
campalgn Lo Lhe mosL unlnformed segmenL of Lhe populaLlon mlnors 1he average
age Lo sLarL smoklng ln Lhe uS ls fourLeen and a half years old Ads such as Lhe
carLoon characLer !oe Camel A camel who rldes a moLorcycle ln Lhe presence of
aLLracLlve women are obvlous glmmlcks Lo aLLracL chlldren and Leenagers 8efore
Lhe appearance of !oe Camel Camel clgareLLes made slx mllllon dollars from
sales Lo mlnors Powever [usL Lwo years afLer Lhe flrsL appearance of Lhe
carLoon characLer sales of Camel clgareLLes Lo mlnors rose Lo $476 mllllon ln
a recenL sLudy [usL as many slx year old chlldren recognlzed Mlckey Mouse as
!oe Camel (8arLecchl 4748) 1housands of mlnors become addlcLed Lo
clgareLLes every year poslng healLh problems laLer ln llfe 1he uS should noL
allow Lhe sale of a producL almed aL harmlng our chlldren
ClgareLLes cause healLh problems ln smokers as well as nonsmokers 1hey
harm adulLs as Lhey do youLh AlLhough smoklng has only negaLlve effecLs on Lhe
body Lhe use of clgareLLes ls legal whlle oLher drugs are banned MosL producLs
proven dangerous are banned or recalled ClgareLLes should be no dlfferenL
It has become Iashionable in the world today to condemn smoking. However, although I Ieel that
smoking can be harmIul, I do not think it should be banned completely.
et me deal Iirst with the positive side oI smoking. First, smoking undoubtedly helps many
people to relax. For some, it even improves concentration. Many people like to smoke beIore
exams or when they are relaxing with Iriends.
A Iurther point is that governments throughout the world make huge proIits Irom levy taxes on
cigarettes. This provides Iunds which are used Ior building schools, hospitals and other public
The tobacco industry also employs tens oI thousands oI people throughout the world, particularly
in poorer countries like Zimbabwe or India. Without cigarettes, these people would have no jobs.
I would also argue that people should have the right to choose whether they smoke or not. People
should not smoke in a room where there are non-smokers but surely they should be Iree to smoke
The arguments against smoking are well known. Smoking has been shown to be dangerous to
health. Heart disease, bronchitis and lung cancer have all been linked.
A Iurther issue is that smoking costs governments millions oI pounds because oI the large
number oI people who need treatment in hospitals Ior smoking related problems.
There is also concern today about passive smoking. Recent research has shown that non-smokers
can suIIer health problems iI they spend long periods oI time among people who do smoke.
In general, I think the world would be a better place without cigarettes. However, the decision as
to whether to smoke or not should be Ior each individual to make.
lor Mandle Sload college and nlcoLlne go hand ln hand A 20yearold sLudenL aL lndlana unlverslLy of
ennsylvanla Sload never smoked ln hlgh school She doesn'L smoke much over Lhe summers buL as
soon as a new semesLer sLarLs she ls back Lo four or flve clgareLLes a day WhaL ls lL abouL college llfe
LhaL lures her Lo smoke? SLress? eer pressure? Smoklng ls an addlcLlon 1obacco conLalns nlcoLlne a
drug LhaL ls addlcLlve Cnce you sLarL smoklng lL ls very hard buL noL lmposslble Lo qulL unLll recenLly l
Lhlnk smoklng on college campuses was largely lgnored Alcohol ls such a ma[or lssue ln college LhaL
smoklng Lakes a back seaL ln Lhe lasL few years however smoklng has become a hoL Loplc Cne of Lhe
reasons for Lhls lncreased lmporLance ls Lhe recognlLlon LhaL Lhe college years are cruclal ln maklng or
breaklng an addlcLlon

As a college sLudenL l have seen flrsL hand Lhe prevalence of smoklng All across our campus college
sLudenLs are llghLlng up aL an alarmlng raLe ln a campus survey l conducLed of 13 college sLudenLs ln
lebruary 2002 elghL sLudenLs sald Lhey were currenL smokers l surveyed elghL males and seven
females My survey lncluded 18 quesLlons reveallng gender age class famlllal hlsLory of smoklng
frequency of smoklng deslre Lo qulL meLhods used Lo qulL awareness of hazards eLc l surveyed
several of my classmaLes ln class a few sororlLy slsLers ln our sulLe and random sLudenLs aL Lhe Pu8

llfLyLhree percenL of Lhe lndlvlduals l surveyed smoke SlxLyLwo percenL of Lhe sLudenLs who smoke
conslder Lhemselves soclal smokers" LlghLyseven percenL of Lhe smokers have Lrled Lo qulL 1he
sLudenLs who have Lrled Lo qulL have used Lhe cold Lurkey meLhod and lnLake reducLlon by decreaslng
Lhe number of clgareLLes smoked ln a week

ln addlLlon Lo Lhe surveys l conducLed Lhree lnLervlews of my roommaLes ln my aparLmenL an lnLervlew
of a sLudenL from Lhe lu branch campus aL unxsaLawney and a case sLudy of my boyfrlend !ason
Mavrlch Many of Lhe sLudenLs l lnLervlewed reporLed Lhe average age Lhey Lrled Lhelr flrsL clgareLLe was
13 noL surprlslngly l found LhaL smoklng ls hlgher among sLudenLs who have a sLrong parLy
orlenLaLlon" College sLudenLs who are blnge drlnkers admlL l only smoke when l drlnk" Cn Lhe brlghL
slde many of Lhe clgareLLe smokers l lnLervlewed sald Lhey do noL smoke every day lndlcaLlng Lhey are
only casual users My research dld noL show any relaLlonshlp ln smoklng and age sex eLhnlclLy famlllal
hlsLory eLc MosL of Lhe college smokers l surveyed are noL heavy smokers Several of Lhe smokers l
Lalked Lo sald Lhey dld noL smoke dally whlle oLhers reporLed LhaL Lhey smoked every day buL dld noL
smoke more Lhan one pack per day Palf of Lhe college smokers l surveyed and lnLervlewed reporLed
Lhey had Lrled Lo qulL ln Lhe prevlous year and several of Lhem had made four or more aLLempLs aL
klcklng Lhe addlcLlon

Many smokers llke Sload Lake Lhelr flrsL puffs ln college CLher sLudenLs experlmenL wlLh clgareLLes ln
hlgh school buL sLarL smoklng heavlly ln college Lveryone l surveyed and lnLervlewed ls aware LhaL
smoklng ls responslble for Lhe deaLhs of many people every year 1hey know lL lncreases Lhe rlsk of
hearL aLLack and sLroke and adversely affecLs breaLhlng and Lhe lungs And llke smokers of any age
many college sLudenLs are acLlvely Lrylng Lo qulL Mandle Sload knows LhaL four or flve clgareLLes a day
are four or flve Loo many She plans Lo qulL some day She undersLands LhaL lf she qulLs her breaLh wlll
smell beLLer she wlll LasLe and smell food beLLer her cough wlll go away she wlll save money she wlll
reduce secondhand smoke for oLhers and she wlll reduce her rlsk of lung cancer hearL dlsease sLrokes
lung dlsease and resplraLory lllnesses

!ason Mavrlch my case sLudy sLarLed smoklng when he was ln flfLh grade Pe was runnlng around wlLh
a good frlend when some older klds encouraged hlm Lo smoke Pe began smoklng Lo be cool and flL ln
wlLh Lhe older klds Slnce LhaL Llme he has smoked on and off ln hlgh school afLer noL smoklng for a
year and a half he began Lo assoclaLe wlLh more and more people who smoked Pe began Lo smoke
agaln and conLlnued unLll lasL uecember when he wenL Lo booL camp and qulL for whaL he LhoughL was
good Powever ln Lhe summer when he reLurned home from camp he sLarLed smoklng agaln now he ls
ln Lhe process of Lrylng Lo qulL once more

Mavrlch does noL conslder hlmself a heavy smoker Pe sLarLed smoklng as a soclal Lhlng As he goL older
lL was boLh a soclal and drlnklng acLlvlLy now he flnds LhaL he has sudden urges Lo smoke even when he
ls alone and noL drlnklng lL ls sLarLlng Lo affecL hls lungs and hls physlcal acLlvlLles Cne day he had a
clgareLLe because he dldn'L feel llke he could breaLhe 1haL clgareLLe dldn'L make much sense Lo me and
doesn'L seem Lo flL ln wlLh Lhe paLLern lL does noL appear Lo me LhaL Mavrlch ls LoLally dependenL on
smoklng ln my observaLlons l noLlced he smokes mosL ofLen when he ls around hls peers l don'L Lhlnk
he has a blg urge Lo smoke whlch ls ln hls favor Pe ls poslLlve abouL Lrylng Lo sLop and wanLs Lo qulL for

Mavrlch kepL a log for a week of all Lhe clgareLLes he smoked (day Llme eLc) and Lhe clrcumsLances aL
Lhe Llme he smoked (who he was wlLh why he smoked and how he felL afLer smoklng) Mavrlch only
smoked slx clgareLLes when he was by hlmself Powever he smoked 43 clgareLLes when he was around
hls peers AfLer smoklng he reporLed feellng relleved less sLressed calm more relaxed and more

uesplLe a naLlonal campalgn Lo dlscourage smoklng many facLors conLlnue Lo lnfluence Lhe llkellhood of
smoklng on college campuses LhroughouL Lhe unlLed SLaLes 1obacco companles have geared Lhelr
adverLlslng Lowards mlnors 1he Lobacco companles have focused heavlly on geLLlng promoLlonal
maLerlal Lo college sLudenLs College sLudenLs are Lhe perfecL ones Lo LargeL 1hey're old enough Lo buy
clgareLLes buL young enough Lo be hlghly vulnerable Lo ads promoLlng a hlp fun llfesLyle Magazlnes and
alLernaLlve newspapers popular wlLh college sLudenLs are full of clgareLLe adverLlsemenLs ln addlLlon
smoklng ls ofLen glamorlzed ln feaLure fllms 1he enLerLalnmenL lndusLry ls gullLy of promoLlng Lobacco

Smoklng wlll conLlnue Lo conLrlbuLe Lo Lhe worldwlde deaLhs of mllllons of people each year We need
Lo save llves We need Lo have a unlfled anLlsmoklng approach Colleges musL flnd ways Lo curb Lobacco
use among sLudenLs and Lry Lo geL Lhem Lo qulL WhaL ls Lhe besL way Lo geL college sLudenLs Lo qulL
smoklng? A mulLlfaceLed approach lncludlng hlgh clgareLLe Laxes heavyhlLLlng anLlsmoklng ads and a
LoLal ban on smoklng ln publlc places lncreased access Lo programs LhaL help smokers qulL and
pharmaceuLlcal LreaLmenLs for nlcoLlne dependence AL lndlana unlverslLy of ennsylvanla as well as
oLher college campuses all bulldlngs should go compleLely smokefree bannlng smoklng from dorm
rooms and common llvlng areas Such measures would proLecL nonsmokers from secondhand smoke
and reduce Lhe vlslblllLy of smoklng on campus l am sure LhaL hlgh clgareLLe Laxes and anLlsmoklng
campalgns wlll noL be enough Lo geL college sLudenLs Lo sLop smoklng buL lL ls a sLarL ln Lhe rlghL

My susplclons abouL smoklng proved correcL College sLudenLs are puLLlng Lhemselves aL rlsk of a
llfelong addlcLlon Lo nlcoLlne 1hey are playlng wlLh flre! ClgareLLe smoklng ls a leadlng cause of many
llfeLhreaLenlng dlseases uesplLe campalgns encouraglng young people noL Lo Lake up smoklng my
flndlngs lndlcaLe LhaL more and more college sLudenLs are currenLly smoklng SubsLanLlal numbers of
sLudenLs are boLh sLarLlng Lo smoke regularly and Lrylng Lo sLop lncreased efforLs by naLlonal healLh
organlzaLlons Lo reduce smoklng should be exLended Lo college sLudenLs
Smoklng ls one of Lhe leadlng klllers ln norLh Amerlca and lnnocenL
people shouldnL dle because of lL lor years people have been smoklng
ln publlc Lhlnklng lLs my body l can do whaLever l wanL Lo lL buL
now LhaL lL has been proven LhaL smoklng noL only harms Lhe smoker
buL also Lhose around hlm or her Lhey should noL be allowed Lo smoke
around oLher people ln publlc Smoklng ln publlc places causes a
conslderable amounL of harm Lo people and Lhe governmenL should be
dolng more Lo proLecL lLs clLlzens

ClgareLLes are full of many harmful subsLances and lf many people knew
whaL Lhey were lnhallng Lhey would probably qulL lmmedlaLely
ClgareLLe smoke conLalns Lhousands of chemlcals over slxLy of whlch
can cause cancer (
Many of Lhe lngredlenLs ln clgareLLes are noL subsLances LhaL humans
usually consume buL smokers (and Lhe nonsmokers around Lhem) do

lmmlgraLlon lmmlgranLs and lmmlgraLlon

WhaL ls an Amerlcan? An Amerlcan ls someone who loves Lhler counLry and Lhe people ln lL and
belleves ln beLLerlng Lhler own llves as well as Lhe llves of Lhose around Lhem uoes lL really maLLer LhaL
Lhese lndlvlduals may be of Cerman or Chlnese desenL? no noL aL all Lhler eLhnlc background has
noLhlng Lo do wlLh belng Amerlcan 1o say LhaL Lhe ma[orlLy of people ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes have some
sorL of Lle wlLh an eLhnlc background from a dlfferenL counLry would be a safe asumpLlon 1hls ls whaL
makes our Amerlcan CulLure unlque lmmlgranLs brlng Lo our counLry sLrong famlly sLrucLures and
sLrong morals lorelgners also help our economy prosper (!ullan L Slmon) lmlgranLs are whaL help
make Amerlca be Amerlca by belng a mulLlculLural socleLy sLandlng unlLed

ln Lodays Amerlcan socleLy lL ls noL uncommon for Lhelr Lo be famllles broken up by dlvorce or oLher
domesLlc dlsLurbances Powever lmmlgranLs seem Lo have much more sLronger famlly values (8ocky
Arcadl) lor many lmmlgranLs famlly comes flrsL over everyLhlng for many of Lhem famlly ls all Lhey
have 1hls ls especlally Lrue of LradlLlonal developlng socleLles Many of Lhese newcomers have sLrong
LradlLlons and bellefs wlch are sLrlcL and are lnsLllled ln Lhler chlldren 8y lmmlgranLs commlng Lo
Amerlca wlLh Lhese Lype of bellefs and sLrong LradlLlons lL seLs good examples for our wesLern
clvlllzaLlon 8y recelvlng new culLures Lo our socleLy lL ls a chance Lo absorb Lhler rules and respecL Lhey
have for one anoLher 1hls ls ldeal Lo help resLore our famlly values

lL has been sald LhaL lmmlgraLlon ls a LhreaL Lo our economy 1hls sLaLemenL ls so absurd lmmlgraLlon
lncreases purchaslng Lhereby lncreases demand for labor lmmlgraLlon noL only Lakes [obs buL also
creaLes Lhem (Wall SLreeL !ournal) lor lnsLance A man comes Lo Amerlca from Chlna 1hls man opens a
small Chlnese resLeraunL 1he resLeraunL makes ouLsLandlng bulsness 1en years laLLer Lhls man owns
Lwelve resLeraunLs and employees Lhree hundred Amerlcans SLorles llke LhaL happen all Lhe Llme wlch
help our economy

lmmlgranLs are whaL help Amerlca be Amerlca 1hey say LhaL Amerlca ls [usL a melLlng poL 1hls ls whaL
makes our counLry unlque We have many culLures many ldeas and LradlLlons buL all of us have Lhe
same dream 1haL uream ls Lhe Amerlcan uream

1he same dream LhaL keeps Amerlcans ln Amerlca and lmmlgranLs Lo come here 8y havelng a varleLy of
culLures helps people undersLand and learn from each oLher 1akelng lmmlgraLlon away would hurL Lhls
counLry more Lhan economlcly buL soclally also

lmmlgraLlon l feel ls eLremly lmporLanL 8elng an lLallan Amerlcan myself l undersLand Lhe lmporLance
of lmmlgraLlon My famlly have LradlLlons and bellefs Lhey Leach me LhaL lll Leach my klds some day lm
very proud of background ln lLaly and Amerlca And no one should be denled Lhe opporLunlLy my
parenLs and l have Lo be a parL of Amerlca

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