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Hayden Van Der Post Vincent Bisette

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Hayden Van Der Post

Vincent Bisette

Reactive Publishing
To my daughter, may she know anything is possible.

Title Page
Chapter 1: Foundations of Calculus in Data Science
1.1 Scope of the Book
1.2 Prerequisites for Readers
1.3 Primer of Key Calculus Concepts in Data Science
Chapter 2: The Role of Calculus in Machine Learning
2.1 Understanding the Basics: Limits, Derivatives, and
2.2 Gradient Descent and Cost Function Optimization
2.3 Multivariable Calculus and Model Complexity –
Unravelling the Fabric of High-Dimensional Spaces
2.4 Calculus in Neural Networks and Deep Learning – The
Backbone of Artificial Ingenuity
Chapter 3: Infinite Series and Convergence
3.1 Sequences and Series Basics – Unraveling the Skeleton
of Analysis
3.2 Power Series and Taylor Expansion
3.3 Fourier Series and Signal Analysis
3.4 Complex Analysis Basics
Chapter 4: Differential Equations in Modeling
4.1 Types of Differential Equations in Data Science
4.2 Solving Differential Equations Analytically
4.3 Numerical Methods for Differential Equations
4.4 Real-world Applications in Data Science
Chapter 5: Optimization in Data Science
5.1 Optimization Problems in Data Science
5.2 Linear Programming and Convex Optimization
5.3 Nonlinear Optimization and Heuristics
5.4 Multi-objective Optimization and Trade-offs
Chapter 6: Stochastic Processes and Time Series Analysis
6.1 Definition and Classification of Stochastic Processes
6.2 Time Series Analysis and Forecasting
6.3 Forecasting Accuracy and Model Selection
6.4 Spatial Processes and Geostatistics
Additional Resources

he intersection of mathematics and data science is a
thrilling domain, where the theoretical grace of calculus
intertwines with the tangible discoveries driven by data.
It's in this dynamic confluence that Hayden Van Der Post's
'Foundations of Calculus for Data Science' shines as a
pivotal guide, illuminating the deep synergy between
abstract mathematical theories and practical analytical

As an experienced data scientist with a lifelong passion for

mathematical intricacies, I'm profoundly privileged to write
this foreword for a book that transcends academic
boundaries, serving as a compass for those navigating the
contemporary data landscape. Hayden's comprehensive
work bridges the intellectual allure of calculus with the
detailed demands of big data analysis, providing an
unparalleled roadmap for mastering the intricacies of our

The importance of 'Calculus for Data Science' is immense. In

an era of increasingly complex datasets, the necessity for
sophisticated analytical methods is paramount. Hayden
deftly acknowledges this need, addressing it with
exceptional clarity and precision. The book highlights critical
methods like multivariable functions, partial derivatives, and
integral transforms such as Laplace and Fourier, which are
fundamental for deciphering intricate data environments. It
skillfully positions these methods in the context of real-
world data challenges, thereby extending beyond traditional
theoretical confines.

Furthermore, the text brilliantly fuses detailed academic

rigor with the approachability needed for practitioners and
students to not only comprehend but also apply these
concepts effectively. Hayden adeptly clarifies the
foundational principles of advanced calculus while fostering
the skills required for constructing robust data models in
both research and industry contexts.

On a personal note, I had the privilege of observing the

early development of these ideas and pedagogical
approaches during engaging conversations with Hayden,
from academic quads to the cozy ambiance of coffee shops.
Amidst discussions peppered with espresso sips, no subject
was too bold, no theory too complex. This same vibrant
enthusiasm and intellectual curiosity permeate every
chapter of this seminal work.

I endorse 'Calculus for Data Science' not just as a textbook,

but as a companion for those eager to delve into the core of
data science and enhance their work with advanced
mathematical insights. Whether your interest is in the
theoretical pinnacle or the practical foundation of the field,
this book offers the knowledge, motivation, and direction to
further your path.

In the vast ocean of literature on this topic, Hayden's

‘Calculus for Data Science' stands as a beacon for the
mathematically inclined explorer. May your journey through
its pages be as enlightening as it is vital for the ongoing
progression of our discipline.

Johann Strauss
Data Scientist
n the world data science, calculus does not merely play a
role; it leads the performance. Imagine it as the rhythm in
the music of data that guides every move, from the
simplest step to the most elaborate routine. Like a maestro
conducting an orchestra, calculus orchestrates the flow of
information, turning raw data into a opus of insights. This
mathematical discipline, with its fluent language of
derivatives and integrals, allows us to step beyond the
present, providing a window into future trends and hidden
patterns. It's in this dynamic interplay of numbers and
equations that the true magic of data science unfolds. Here,
understanding calculus isn't just a skill – it's akin to a
superpower, enabling data scientists to predict, optimize,
and innovate in ways that were once thought impossible. In
the dynamic and ever-evolving world of data, calculus
stands as a beacon of clarity and foresight, turning the
complex art of data science into an elegant and
comprehensible narrative.

Calculus, often described as the mathematics of change,

serves as a fundamental pillar in the vast and dynamic
world of data science. At its core, calculus provides the tools
to understand and quantify change and motion. In the world
of data science, this translates to unraveling the mysteries
hidden within data - a world where numbers don't just add
up, but evolve and tell stories.

Imagine a bustling city street; just as you observe the flow

of traffic, identifying patterns and predicting changes,
calculus allows data scientists to navigate through the ebbs
and flows of data. It is the mathematical equivalent of a
high-powered microscope and telescope combined - it lets
us zoom in to understand the minutiae of data points, and
simultaneously zoom out to view the larger trends and

In the dance of data that surrounds us – from the subtle shift

in consumer preferences to the aggressive progression of a
global pandemic, or even the unpredictable swings of the
stock market – calculus is the lens that brings clarity to
complexity. It helps in making sense of the rate at which
these changes occur, providing a quantitative narrative to
what might otherwise seem like random fluctuations.

For instance, when we dive into the world of consumer

behavior, calculus helps in modeling the rate at which
consumer interests change, guiding businesses in making
data-driven decisions. In healthcare, it aids in understanding
the rate of spread of diseases, shaping public health policies
and strategies. In financial markets, calculus is
indispensable in modeling the dynamic fluctuations in stock
prices, empowering traders and analysts with foresight and

In essence, calculus in data science is not just about

computation; it's about translation. It translates the
language of data into actionable insights, offering a bridge
between theoretical mathematics and practical application.
This bridge is where data scientists stand, gazing into the
horizon of endless possibilities, ready to decipher, predict,
and innovate. Thus, in the continuously evolving narrative of
data science, calculus emerges not just as a tool, but as the
very language that articulates change, drives discovery, and
shapes the future."

Calculus stands at the forefront of data analysis and

modeling, playing a critical role in various key areas. This
section dives into specific applications where calculus is not
just useful but essential in the world of data science.

In the world of data science, optimization is akin to finding
the best possible route in a complex network. Calculus is
pivotal in tackling these optimization problems. Whether it's
about fine-tuning algorithms for greater accuracy or
maximizing operational efficiency in various industries,
calculus provides the necessary tools. It helps in identifying
optimal solutions in a landscape filled with variables and
constraints. For instance, in logistic operations, calculus aids
in minimizing costs and maximizing delivery efficiency. It’s
the silent engine behind many of the optimizations we take
for granted, from streamlining manufacturing processes to
enhancing user experiences in digital platforms.

Predictive Analytics
Predictive analytics is about peering into the future, and
calculus is a key to this foresight. In predictive models,
calculus assists in understanding the rate of change of data
points over time, an aspect crucial for accurate forecasting.
Be it predicting market trends, consumer behavior, or even
weather patterns, the principles of calculus allow for the
modeling of data trends and the anticipation of future
events. It enables data scientists to construct models that
not only analyze past and present data but also predict
future outcomes, providing invaluable insights for decision-
making in businesses, finance, and public policy.

Machine Learning and AI

In the rapidly evolving field of Machine Learning and
Artificial Intelligence, calculus forms the backbone of
numerous algorithms. It is particularly crucial in
understanding, developing, and training models. Key
concepts in machine learning, such as gradient descent, rely
heavily on calculus. This concept, for example, helps in
optimizing algorithms by minimizing a cost function, a
process central to the training of machine learning models.
From neural networks to deep learning, the applications of
calculus are evident in the way these technologies learn
from and adapt to new data, continuously improving their

Calculus is not just a branch of mathematics; in the context

of data science, it's a foundational element that drives
analysis, prediction, and innovation. These applications
demonstrate how calculus acts as a catalyst in transforming
raw data into meaningful, actionable insights, and solution.
It is also a lens that enhances our interpretation of data,
allowing us to perceive beyond mere numbers and graphs. It
is in this world that calculus truly shines, transforming raw
data into a narrative that speaks volumes about underlying
patterns and truths.

Seeing the Story in Data

Calculus enables us to decipher the 'story' that data tells.
This storytelling aspect is crucial, as data is not just a
collection of numbers; it's a record of events, behaviors, and
changes over time. By applying calculus, data scientists can
go beyond surface-level analysis to uncover deeper
meanings and relationships within the data. For instance, in
tracking the growth curve of a startup, calculus helps in
understanding not just the current valuation but the rate of
growth, acceleration, and potential future trajectories.

Understanding the 'Why' Behind the 'What'

One of the most profound capabilities of calculus in data
interpretation is uncovering the reasons behind observed
patterns. It helps in identifying causal relationships and
understanding the dynamics that drive data trends. For
example, in analyzing consumer behavior data, calculus can
reveal not only how customer preferences are changing but
also why these changes are occurring, perhaps in response
to market dynamics or evolving social trends.

Forecasting 'What's Next?'

Predicting future events based on current data is a
cornerstone of data science, and here calculus plays a
pivotal role. It provides the framework for extrapolating
current trends into the future, offering forecasts and
predictions. This aspect is immensely valuable in fields like
finance, where predicting market movements can have
significant implications, or in meteorology, where
forecasting weather patterns can aid in disaster

Enhancing Data Visualization

Calculus also enriches data visualization. By using calculus-
based methods to analyze data, we can create more
accurate and telling visual representations. This is especially
important when dealing with complex datasets where
traditional plotting methods fall short. Through calculus,
data visualization becomes a more powerful tool for
conveying insights, trends, and predictions.
Calculus therefore empowers data scientists to dive deeper
into the data, providing a comprehensive understanding of
both the current state and potential future scenarios. It's a
tool that transforms data from static numbers into a
dynamic and insightful narrative, offering a window into the
'why' and 'what's next' of the data-driven world."

In reflecting upon the myriad ways in which calculus

intersects with and enhances the field of data science, one
thing becomes abundantly clear: calculus is far more than a
mere branch of mathematics. It is, in every sense, a
fundamental framework for critical thinking within the data
science landscape. This discipline, steeped in the
exploration and interpretation of change, empowers data
scientists to transcend the limitations of surface-level
analysis, turning raw data into a Mosaic of profound insights
and foresighted predictions.
As we venture further into an era where data is ubiquitously
woven into the fabric of decision-making, the role of
calculus becomes increasingly indispensable. It is the
invisible hand guiding the algorithms that shape our digital
experiences, the silent whisper predicting market trends,
and the steady gaze forecasting future occurrences in a
world inundated with information.

Through its ability to model the complexities of the real

world and its phenomena, calculus offers a unique vantage
point. It enables data scientists to not only answer the
pressing questions of today but also to pose and solve the
challenging queries of tomorrow. In this way, calculus is
more than a tool; it is a catalyst for innovation and progress,
a beacon that guides the relentless pursuit of knowledge
and understanding in the vast and ever-expanding universe
of data science.
Thus, as we stand at the crossroads of data and discovery, it
is evident that the language of calculus will continue to be
an integral part of the conversation — a language that
speaks not just in numbers, but in possibilities, insights, and
the endless potential of the human mind to decipher and
shape the world around us

n these pages, we explore the vast landscape of calculus
as it applies to data science. From the foundational
theories of derivatives and integrals to the advanced
worlds of differential equations and optimization, each
concept is unwrapped with an eye towards real-world
application. The book dives into how these mathematical
tools are essential in data analysis, modeling, and predictive
analytics, illuminating their role in machine learning,
artificial intelligence, and beyond.

Our journey is not just about equations and computations;

it's about understanding the 'why' and 'how' of calculus in
interpreting, analyzing, and predicting data. This book aims
to equip you with the mathematical insights necessary for a
data science career, fostering a deep appreciation for the
power of calculus in this field."

Structure of the Book

The book is structured to guide you step by step through the
complexities of calculus in a data science context:

1. The Role of Calculus in Machine Learning

2. Infinite Series and Convergence
3. Differential Equations in Modeling
4. Optimization Techniques
5. Stochastic Processes and Time Series

Who This Book Is For

Whether you are a student embarking on a data science
career, a professional seeking to deepen your mathematical
expertise, or a curious mind eager to explore the
intersection of calculus and data, this book is for you. It's
crafted to be accessible yet challenging, insightful yet

"With 'Calculus for Data Science,' you are not just learning
formulas and methods; you are gaining a perspective that
will illuminate your path in the data science world. This book
is your companion in translating the language of calculus
into the stories told by data, driving innovation and
discovery in the age of information.

efore commencing on this explorative journey through
'Calculus for Data Science,' it's essential to understand
the prerequisites required to fully appreciate and
engage with the material presented. This section aims to
outline the foundational knowledge and skills you'll need to
navigate the concepts and applications discussed in the

Mathematical Background
A solid understanding of basic mathematical concepts is
crucial. This includes:

Algebra: Proficiency in algebraic operations and

manipulations, dealing with equations and
Pre-Calculus: Familiarity with functions, graphs,
and basic trigonometry.
Basic Calculus Concepts: While the book will
cover calculus in detail, a preliminary
understanding of limits, derivatives, and integrals
will be beneficial.
Computational Skills
In data science, computational skills are as important as
mathematical ones. A basic understanding of programming,
particularly in languages like Python or R, will greatly
enhance your ability to apply the concepts learned.
Familiarity with data handling and manipulation techniques
is also advantageous."

Logical and Analytical Thinking

An aptitude for logical reasoning and analytical thinking is
key. The ability to approach problems methodically and
think critically will aid in understanding and applying
calculus concepts to data science problems.

Curiosity and Willingness to Learn

More than any technical skill, a keen sense of curiosity and a
willingness to dive into new and challenging concepts are
vital. The field of data science is ever-evolving, and so is the
application of calculus within it. An open mind and the
eagerness to learn will be your greatest assets.

While these prerequisites provide a foundation, 'Calculus for

Data Science' is designed to be accessible yet challenging.
Each chapter builds upon the last, allowing readers to
develop their understanding progressively. Whether you're a
seasoned professional brushing up on calculus or a student
new to the field of data science, this book offers a path to
deepen your knowledge and enhance your analytical
1. Limits and Continuity

eginning with the very basics, we explore the concept
of limits - the cornerstone of calculus. Limits help us
understand the behavior of functions as they approach
specific points. In data science, limits play a crucial role in
understanding data trends and in the formulation of
algorithms, especially in dealing with discrete data sets."

In the world of calculus, and by extension in data science,

the concept of limits emerges as a cornerstone. Much like
the foundation of a building, limits form the bedrock upon
which many other pivotal concepts are built and
understood. In the mathematical landscape, a limit
describes the value a function approaches as its input, or
argument, approaches a certain point. This concept is not
just a theoretical construct; it is the gateway to
understanding and defining further crucial elements in
calculus, such as derivatives and integrals.

Imagine a function as a path drawn on a graph, and as we

follow this path, we come closer to a particular point. The
limit tells us where we are headed, or what value we are
approaching, as we get closer to that point. This is crucial in
data science, as it allows us to predict and understand
trends and behaviors within data sets.

Furthermore, limits are instrumental in analyzing the

behavior of functions at points that might otherwise be seen
as ambiguous or undefined. For example, in a scenario
where a function seems to 'break' or become erratic at a
certain point, limits help us understand the function’s
behavior near that point, providing clarity and insight.

In data science, this translates to a powerful tool for

modeling and understanding data. Whether dealing with
large-scale data sets or constructing complex algorithms,
the ability to understand and compute limits ensures that
we can make reliable inferences and predictions. It helps us
grasp how a particular algorithm will behave as it processes
an increasingly large dataset, or how a set of data points
will evolve as we adjust certain parameters.

One might wonder why such a concept is essential. In the

real world, and particularly in the world of data science, we
often encounter scenarios where we need to predict or
extrapolate information. For instance, consider a trend line
in a graph representing the growth of a company. By
understanding the limit, we can predict the future growth
trajectory or identify points of stabilization or change.

The concept of limits in calculus is not just a fundamental

mathematical idea; it is a critical tool in the toolkit of a data
scientist. It bridges the gap between abstract mathematical
theory and practical, real-world data analysis. As we explore
further into the world of calculus, keep in mind that the
journey starts here, with limits - the foundation upon which
many other concepts and applications are built in the
fascinating world of data science."

Why Limits Matter in Data Science

In data science, limits find a special place, especially when
dealing with large datasets or in the process of creating
algorithms. They help us understand how a dataset behaves
as it grows larger and larger, or how an algorithm behaves
as it gets closer to a specific point. For instance, in
optimizing algorithms, limits can help determine when
further refinement of the algorithm yields no significant
improvement – a concept known as 'convergence'. This
understanding is crucial for efficiency and accuracy in data
processing and analysis."

Exploring Continuity
Closely related to limits is the concept of continuity. A
function is said to be continuous if, at every point in the
function's domain, the limit of the function as it approaches
the point is equal to the function's value at that point.
Continuity is important in data science as it ensures that
small changes in input do not lead to large, unexpected
changes in output. This is especially critical in predictive
modeling and machine learning where the goal is often to
make reliable predictions based on available data.

To visualize this, imagine tracing a line along a graph

without lifting your pen; this uninterrupted movement
represents a continuous function. In data science, the
importance of this concept is manifold. Continuity ensures a
predictable and smooth behavior in the functions that model
data. It implies that small changes in the input of a function
lead to small and manageable changes in the output. This
characteristic is crucial in fields like predictive modeling and
machine learning, where stability and reliability in
predictions are paramount.

Consider a machine learning algorithm tasked with

predicting market trends based on historical data. If the
underlying function modeling this data is continuous, the
algorithm can make more reliable predictions. Small
changes in market conditions or input variables will result in
proportionate and expected changes in predictions. This
predictability allows data scientists to trust their models and
make confident decisions based on their outputs.

Furthermore, continuity plays a vital role in the world of data

interpolation and smoothing. When dealing with real-world
data, which can often be noisy or incomplete, continuity
helps in creating smoother, more realistic models of this
data. It aids in the process of filling in gaps and ensuring
that the modelled data accurately reflects the underlying
trends and patterns.

Continuity also has implications for the mathematical

properties of functions used in data science. A continuous
function is often easier to integrate, differentiate, and
analyze, making it a more tractable candidate for various
data science applications.

Continuity in calculus is not just a mathematical nicety; it is

a practical necessity in the world of data science. It ensures
that the functions and models we rely on behave in
predictable and understandable ways, allowing for more
accurate and reliable data analysis. As we dive deeper into
calculus and its applications in data science, the role of
continuity as a guarantor of stability and predictability in our
models becomes ever more apparent and invaluable.
The practical applications of limits and continuity in data
science are vast. From optimizing machine learning
algorithms to understanding the behavior of time series
data, these concepts are integral. For example, when a data
scientist works on a time series analysis, they use limits to
understand the behavior of the series at different points in
time, ensuring the continuity and smoothness of the data
for accurate forecasting."

Real-World Applications in Data Science

Having dived into the foundational concepts of limits and
continuity, it becomes imperative to explore their practical
applications in the dynamic field of data science. These
concepts are not just theoretical cornerstones but also vital
tools in the data scientist's arsenal, used to solve real-world
problems and generate meaningful insights.

Optimizing Machine Learning Algorithms

In machine learning, limits and continuity play a critical role
in algorithm optimization. Limits are used to determine
when an algorithm has reached a point of diminishing
returns, a concept known as convergence. This
understanding is crucial for efficiently training machine
learning models, ensuring that computational resources are
not wasted in pursuit of negligible improvements.
Continuity, on the other hand, guarantees that small
changes in the input data do not lead to erratic or
unpredictable changes in the algorithm's output, a property
vital for the stability and reliability of machine learning

Time Series Analysis

Time series data, which involves sequential data points over
time, is another area where limits and continuity find
significant application. Data scientists employ these
concepts to understand the behavior of a series at different
points in time. By analyzing how the data points approach
certain values, predictions about future trends can be made.
Continuity ensures the smoothness of these time series,
aiding in more accurate forecasting and trend analysis,
essential in fields ranging from economics to meteorology.

Data Interpolation and Smoothing

Dealing with incomplete or noisy data is a common
challenge in data science. Here, the concepts of limits and
continuity are instrumental in data interpolation and
smoothing processes. They allow data scientists to fill in
missing data points or smooth out erratic data in a way that
maintains the overall trend and pattern, leading to more
accurate and reliable data models.

Understanding Data Trends and Behaviors

The application of limits and continuity extends to the
broader aspect of understanding data trends and behaviors.
Whether it’s analyzing the growth rate of a company or the
spread of a disease, these calculus concepts help in
modeling and interpreting data in a meaningful way. They
provide a framework for understanding how various factors
influence data trends, enabling data scientists to draw
insightful conclusions and make informed decisions.

The real-world applications of limits and continuity in data

science are extensive and profound. These concepts are not
just abstract mathematical ideas but practical tools that
empower data scientists to optimize algorithms, analyze
trends, make predictions, and ultimately turn raw data into
valuable insights. As we progress further into the intricacies
of calculus in data science, the relevance and utility of these
foundational concepts will continue to be evident in a
myriad of applications.

Understanding limits and continuity is akin to learning a new

language - the language of change and behavior in data.
This knowledge is crucial not only in the technical intricacies
of algorithm design, optimization, and data analysis but also
in developing an intuitive grasp of how data behaves,
evolves, and tells its story. It is this deep, intuitive
understanding that often marks the difference between a
competent data scientist and a truly exceptional one.

Limits teach us about the boundaries and potential

extremities in data trends, while continuity ensures a
smooth and predictable flow of data analysis. Together, they
form a powerful duo that aids in creating robust, reliable
models and algorithms. This understanding is indispensable
in today’s data-driven world, where the ability to analyze,
predict, and make informed decisions based on data can
have far-reaching consequences.

As we move forward, keep in mind that the journey through

calculus is not just about mastering mathematical
techniques. It's about acquiring a new lens to view the world
of data – a lens that brings clarity, insight, and foresight.
The concepts of limits and continuity are just the beginning
of this fascinating journey. They lay the groundwork for what
is to come, preparing you to dive into more advanced topics
with a solid understanding and confidence.

2. Derivatives and Differentiation

Next, we dive into derivatives and the process of
differentiation. Derivatives represent the rate of change of
functions and are crucial in understanding dynamics within
data. In data science, they are fundamental in optimization
algorithms, error minimization in machine learning models,
and in sensitivity analysis.

The Essence of Derivatives in Data Science

"In data science, derivatives play a pivotal role in several
key areas. They are the cornerstone of optimization
algorithms, where finding the maximum or minimum of a
function is essential. By understanding the rate of change of
a function, data scientists can determine where these peaks
and troughs occur, leading to more effective and efficient

Derivatives are also fundamental in the world of machine

learning. Here, they are integral in error minimization
processes, particularly in techniques such as gradient
descent. This method uses the concept of derivatives to
adjust the parameters of a model, iteratively reducing the
error and enhancing the model's accuracy.

Another critical application of derivatives is in sensitivity

analysis. This process examines how different variables'
changes affect the output of a function or model. By
understanding these relationships, data scientists can
predict how changes in input data might impact their
results, allowing for more robust and reliable models."

Differentiation: The Process and Its Significance

Differentiation, the process of finding a derivative, is a key
skill in the data scientist's toolkit. It involves calculating the
slope of the function at any given point. This 'slope' provides
a quantitative measure of how sensitive a function is to
changes in its inputs. In practical terms, this means being
able to quantify exactly how a small change in one variable
can affect the outcome of a data model.
The ability to differentiate functions forms the basis of many
advanced techniques used in data analysis and predictive
modeling. It allows for a deeper understanding of the
relationships within data, enabling data scientists to craft
more nuanced and effective strategies for analysis and

Derivatives and the process of differentiation are more than

just mathematical concepts; they are essential tools in the
data scientist's arsenal. They provide a way to understand
and quantify change, a fundamental aspect of the data
itself. As we continue to explore the rich and complex
applications of calculus in data science, the significance of
derivatives in modeling, optimization, and analysis becomes
increasingly clear. They are indispensable in our ongoing
quest to extract meaningful insights from data and turn
those insights into actionable knowledge.

3. Integrals and Integration

Integrals, the counterparts of derivatives, involve the

accumulation of quantities. Integration, therefore, is a key
player in areas such as data aggregation, area under curves
(useful in probability and statistics), and in solving
differential equations which model various data science

Having explored the dynamic world of derivatives, we now

turn our attention to their counterparts – integrals. Integral
calculus deals with the accumulation of quantities and is a
fundamental concept in the analysis and interpretation of
data. Where derivatives give us the rate of change, integrals
help us understand the total accumulation of these changes
over a period or across dimensions.
Understanding Integrals and Their Applications

At its heart, an integral calculates the area under the curve

of a function. This can be envisioned as summing up or
aggregating small pieces of data over a range. In data
science, this concept finds extensive application in areas
such as data aggregation, where it is essential to sum up
data over intervals to understand total trends or impacts.

Integrals are also crucial in probability and statistics,

particularly in determining probabilities and expectations.
For instance, the area under a probability density function
(PDF) over a given interval can give the probability of a
random variable falling within that interval. This application
is central to many statistical analyses and predictive
modeling techniques.

Moreover, integrals play a key role in solving differential

equations, which are frequently encountered in modeling
various phenomena in data science. Differential equations
often describe how a particular quantity evolves over time,
and integrals are used to find the function that describes
this evolution. This is particularly important in fields like
epidemiology, where models of disease spread are based on
differential equations."

Integration: The Process and Its Impact

Integration, the process of finding an integral, can be

viewed as the inverse of differentiation. It involves
calculating the total accumulation of a quantity, rather than
its instantaneous rate of change. In practical terms, this
means being able to quantify the total effect of a variable
over a period or across dimensions.
In the context of data science, integration allows for a
comprehensive understanding of data. It helps in
constructing more complete models and in making sense of
large and complex datasets. Integration techniques enable
data scientists to distill vast amounts of data into
meaningful insights, aiding in everything from decision-
making to strategy formulation."

Integrals and the process of integration are indispensable

tools in the data scientist’s repertoire. They provide a
means to aggregate and analyze data in a way that is both
comprehensive and profound. As we continue to navigate
the diverse applications of calculus in data science, the role
of integrals in shedding light on the total impact and
accumulated effects in data becomes ever more apparent.
They are key to unlocking a deeper understanding and a
more holistic view of the data-driven world around us."

4. Multivariable Calculus

Expanding our horizon, we will explore multivariable

calculus, dealing with functions of several variables. This is
especially pertinent in data science for handling multi-
dimensional data sets, optimizing functions with several
variables, and in advanced modeling techniques used in
machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Applications of Multivariable Calculus in Data Science

In data science, multivariable calculus plays a crucial role in

various advanced applications. One of the primary areas is
the handling and analysis of multi-dimensional data sets. In
a world where data is not just vast but varied,
understanding the interactions and relationships between
multiple variables is essential. Multivariable calculus
provides the tools to analyze these relationships, whether
they are between different features of a dataset or between
various inputs and outputs of a model.

Another significant application is in the optimization of

functions with several variables. In real-world scenarios,
data scientists often face the challenge of optimizing
functions that depend on multiple factors. Multivariable
calculus allows for the simultaneous optimization of these
factors, a process crucial in areas such as resource
allocation, logistics, and in maximizing or minimizing
business objectives.

Moreover, multivariable calculus is integral to advanced

modeling techniques used in machine learning and artificial
intelligence. These fields often require the understanding
and manipulation of functions that depend on numerous
variables. For example, in training a neural network,
multivariable calculus helps in adjusting multiple weights
and biases simultaneously to minimize error and improve
the model’s performance."

Multivariable calculus includes concepts such as partial

derivatives, multiple integrals, and gradient vectors. Partial
derivatives extend the concept of a derivative to functions
of several variables, allowing us to understand how a
function changes with respect to each variable
independently. Multiple integrals extend the concept of
integration to functions of several variables, providing a way
to aggregate or accumulate over multi-dimensional spaces.
Gradient vectors, on the other hand, combine the partial
derivatives of a function into a vector, giving direction and
magnitude to the steepest slope at any point in the
function’s domain.
These concepts are not just theoretical constructs but
practical tools that offer a deeper understanding and control
over multi-dimensional data and functions. They enable
data scientists to navigate through the complexity of large
and intricate datasets, extract insights, and build
sophisticated models."

Multivariable calculus is a vital component of the data

science toolkit, especially as we deal with increasingly
complex and high-dimensional data. It offers a framework
for understanding and manipulating functions that span
multiple variables, a scenario that is increasingly common in
the age of big data. As we continue through the chapters,
the applications and techniques of multivariable calculus
will become increasingly evident, showcasing its
indispensable role in driving innovation and discovery in the
field of data science.

5. Differential Equations
Differential equations, representing equations involving
derivatives, come into play in modeling scenarios where
data changes over time. They are crucial in predictive
modeling and in understanding dynamic systems in data

Predictive Modeling with Differential Equations

One of the key applications of differential equations in data
science lies in predictive modeling. These equations enable
data scientists to create models that not only describe the
current state of a system but also predict future states. This
is incredibly valuable in fields like finance, where predicting
future market trends can lead to informed investment
decisions, or in meteorology, where forecasting weather
patterns can have significant implications for planning and
Differential equations provide the framework for
understanding how variables evolve over time and under
varying conditions. This dynamic modeling is essential in
accurately capturing the complex behavior of systems, be it
the growth of a population, the spread of a disease, or
changes in environmental conditions."

Understanding Dynamic Systems

Beyond predictive modeling, differential equations are

instrumental in understanding and analyzing dynamic
systems. In many aspects of data science, we deal with
systems that are continuously changing. Differential
equations help in quantifying these changes and
understanding the underlying mechanisms that drive them.

For instance, in epidemiology, differential equations are

used to model the spread of infectious diseases, taking into
account various factors like transmission rates, recovery
rates, and population dynamics. In economics, they can
model the dynamics of supply and demand, interest rates,
and other economic indicators over time."

Solving Differential Equations

Solving differential equations, which often involves finding

functions that satisfy the equations, can be complex. The
solutions to these equations can take various forms, ranging
from simple formulas to complex functions that may require
numerical methods for their approximation. The approach to
solving these equations depends on their nature – whether
they are ordinary or partial, linear or nonlinear.
The ability to solve these equations opens up a world of
possibilities in data analysis and modeling. It equips data
scientists with the ability to not only describe what has
happened or is happening but also to predict and prepare
for what is yet to come."

6. Optimization Techniques
Calculus is at the heart of optimization – finding the best
solution from all feasible solutions. Optimization techniques,
grounded in calculus, are ubiquitous in data science, from
tuning machine learning models to maximizing business

The Essence of Optimization in Data Science

Optimization in data science revolves around maximizing or

minimizing a particular function, known as the objective
function. This could be minimizing the error in a predictive
model, maximizing the efficiency of a logistic network, or
finding the optimal allocation of resources in a business
process. Calculus, particularly through the use of
derivatives, plays a key role in these optimization processes.

The process typically involves identifying the objective

function and then using techniques like differentiation to
find the points at which this function reaches its maximum
or minimum values. These points, known as critical points,
are where the derivative of the function equals zero or does
not exist.

Gradient Descent and Beyond

One of the most widely used techniques in machine learning

is gradient descent. This iterative optimization algorithm
utilizes the concept of the gradient from multivariable
calculus to minimize a function. By repeatedly moving in the
direction of the steepest descent, as defined by the
negative of the gradient, the algorithm finds the local
minimum of the function.

Beyond gradient descent, other advanced optimization

techniques employed in data science include convex
optimization, Lagrange multipliers, and linear programming.
Each of these techniques has its own set of applications and
is chosen based on the specific requirements of the problem
at hand."

Real-World Applications of Optimization

In real-world scenarios, optimization techniques are

employed in a myriad of ways. For example, in supply chain
management, they are used to minimize costs while
ensuring efficient distribution of goods. In finance,
optimization algorithms help in portfolio management by
maximizing returns and minimizing risks. In the field of
artificial intelligence, these techniques are crucial for
training algorithms and neural networks to perform tasks
effectively and efficiently."

This primer of key calculus concepts lays the groundwork for

our deeper exploration into their applications in data
science. Each of these concepts is a tool in its own right,
capable of unlocking insights and guiding decision-making
in the data-driven world. As we progress through the book,
these concepts will not only be explored in detail but will
also be seen in action, applied in real-world data science
achine learning, at its core, is about making
predictions. Whether it is forecasting stock market
trends, diagnosing medical conditions from scans, or
recommending the next product to a shopper, it leans
heavily on calculus to optimize these predictive models. But
what is this optimization, and how does calculus fit into the

Calculus, particularly in its differential and integral forms,

provides a language and framework for understanding
changes and accumulation of quantities. In machine
learning, this translates to the ability to discern how tweaks
to input variables alter a model's prediction—an invaluable
asset when the goal is to minimize error or maximize

The journey through machine learning calculus begins with

the humble derivative—a measure of how a function's
output value changes as its input elements are
infinitesimally varied. This concept is the driving force
behind gradient descent, an algorithm fundamentally rooted
in calculus that serves as the linchpin for training most
machine learning models. It navigates the treacherous
terrain of high-dimensional error surfaces, guiding models to
the coveted low points where predictions are most accurate.

But the narrative of calculus in machine learning is not

limited to derivatives and errors. Integral calculus brings its
own set of tools to the table, enabling the aggregation of
data points to discern underlying patterns—a technique
often employed in unsupervised learning to detect clusters
or principal components within data.

As we dive into the mechanics of machine learning models,

particularly neural networks, we encounter calculus yet
again in the form of backpropagation—essentially, a
cascading application of the chain rule, a fundamental
theorem of calculus. This process meticulously tunes the
neural connections, refining the model with each iteration of
training data, all in the quest for a more predictive and
intelligent algorithm.

Throughout this chapter, we will cast a spotlight on these

concepts, illustrating the omnipresence of calculus in
machine learning. From the optimization of cost functions to
the complexities of multivariable calculus, we will dissect
the mathematical underpinnings that enable machines to
learn from data. We will explore the essential calculus-based
algorithms that have propelled machine learning to its
current prominence, and we will consider the future of this
symbiosis as we stand on the brink of new and uncharted
analytical horizons.

In doing so, we will not merely present calculus as a toolkit;

we will celebrate it as the intellectual partner to machine
learning—a collaboration that has and will continue to
revolutionize our world.

xpanding on the concepts discussed in our primer, we
need venture into the detail of it.The concept of a limit
is not merely a mathematical construct; it is a
fundamental pillar underpinning the very essence of change
and motion within the universe. It provides us with the
means to capture the notion of proximity and trend without
the need for exact values that may be elusive or undefined.
In the dynamic world of data science, understanding limits
is crucial for grasping the behavior of functions as inputs
approach a particular point.

At the heart of the definition of a limit lies the idea of

closeness. Formally, the limit of a function f(x) as x
approaches a value 'a' is the value that f(x) gets closer to as
x gets closer to 'a'. Symbolically, this is represented as
lim(x→a) f(x) = L, where L symbolizes the limit value. This
means that for every small number ε (epsilon) that
represents the error margin around L, there is a
corresponding δ (delta) that defines a range around 'a', such
that whenever x is within this δ-range, f(x) will be within the
ε-range around L.

In data science, we often model phenomena that are

continuous by nature, and limits aid in predicting the
behavior of these models under various conditions. As
parameters vary, it's the limit that guides us towards an
understanding of the potential outcomes of our functions
and algorithms.

Visualizing the concept of limits can be achieved through

real-world scenarios. For instance, consider the performance
of an algorithm with an increasing size of the dataset. One
might not be able to compute the exact computational time
for an infinitely large dataset, but through limits, one can
predict the trend of the algorithm's performance as the
dataset size approaches infinity.

Another application of limits in data science is found in

iterative algorithms, such as those used in training neural
networks. Here, the limit concept helps us in understanding
the convergence properties of the algorithm—that is,
whether repeated application of the algorithm will lead to a
stable point or if it will continue to change indefinitely.

The Epsilon-Delta Definition: The Rigor Behind Limits

To interpret limits with mathematical rigor, the epsilon-delta

definition provides a concrete framework. This definition
specifies that a function f(x) approaches the limit L as x
approaches 'a' if, for every ε > 0, there exists a δ > 0 such
that if 0 < |x - a| < δ, then |f(x) - L| < ε. This definition
captures the essence of limits in a precise and unambiguous
manner, ensuring that the function's value can be made
arbitrarily close to L by bringing x sufficiently close to 'a'.
In data science, this epsilon-delta approach embodies the
precision with which we can model complex systems. It
allows us to express the bounds of our predictions and set
confidence intervals around our estimations, which is
essential when dealing with uncertain or noisy data.

Limits at Infinity and Infinite Limits

The concept of limits also extends to infinity. A limit at

infinity examines the behavior of a function as the input
grows without bound. Conversely, an infinite limit indicates
that the function's value increases without limit as the input
approaches a particular value. These concepts are
particularly relevant when dealing with large datasets or
when modeling extreme scenarios.

The Power of Limits in Machine Learning

Ultimately, the power of limits in the context of machine

learning lies in their ability to provide a mathematical
foundation for understanding and manipulating continuous
functions. As we build and refine machine learning models,
the concept of limits ensures that we grasp the subtleties of
convergence behavior—whether we're tuning
hyperparameters, managing vanishing or exploding
gradients, or optimizing cost functions.

In our journey through the mathematical landscapes of

machine learning, the road we traverse is paved with limits.
They are the silent sentinels that watch over our models,
offering assurance that as we tweak and tune, we are
moving towards precision, towards the insights hidden
within the data. The definition and interpretation of limits,
therefore, is not just an academic exercise; it is a narrative
on the predictability and stability that is so coveted in the
chaotic world of data analysis.

The Concept of Derivatives and Differentiation


The derivative stands as a testament to the unyielding

progress of calculus, a beacon that illuminates the rate of
change and the slope of the curve at any given point. It is a
tool of extraordinary power and subtlety in the hands of a
data scientist, offering a glimpse into the instantaneous and
the infinitesimal. Differentiation techniques are the methods
we employ to wield this tool, to dissect functions and extract
their dynamic qualities.

Understanding Derivatives

When we discuss derivatives, we dive into a world where

change is the only constant. A derivative measures how a
function changes as its input changes, providing a numeric
value that represents the rate of this change. In the notation
of calculus, if y = f(x) is a function, the derivative of y with
respect to x is denoted as dy/dx or f'(x), and it encapsulates
the idea of the function's slope at any point along the curve.

In data science, derivatives enable us to understand the

behavior of models in a granular way. By analyzing the
derivative of a loss function with respect to model
parameters, we can ascertain the direction in which we
must adjust our parameters to minimize error. This concept
is at the core of many optimization algorithms that guide
machine learning models towards higher accuracy and

Techniques of Differentiation
Differentiation techniques are the arsenal from which we
select our tools to tackle the particular characteristics of any
function. There is an array of methods, each suited to
different types of functions and their complexities.

- The Power Rule simplifies the process of finding

derivatives for monomials, stating that the derivative of x^n
is n*x^(n-1). It’s a fundamental tool, invaluable for its
simplicity and efficiency.

Let's consider an example using the Power Rule to find the

derivative of a monomial function. Suppose we have the
function \( f(x) = x^3 \).

According to the Power Rule, the derivative of \( x^n \) is \(

n \times x^{(n-1)} \). Applying this to our function:

- The original function is \( f(x) = x^3 \).

- The derivative of \( x^3 \) would be \( 3 \times x^{(3-1)} \)
or \( 3x^2 \).

Therefore, the derivative of \( x^3 \) is \( 3x^2 \), which

simplifies the process of finding derivatives for such
functions, demonstrating the efficiency and simplicity of the
Power Rule.

- The Product Rule is employed when we need to

differentiate the product of two functions, summarizing that
the derivative of f(x)*g(x) is f'(x)g(x) + f(x)g'(x). This rule
unveils the intertwined relationships between functions and
their rates of change.

Now consider two functions, \( f(x) = x^2 \) and \( g(x) =

x^3 \). We want to find the derivative of the product of
these two functions, \( f(x) \cdot g(x) \) = \( x^2 \cdot x^3

According to the Product Rule, the derivative of \( f(x)g(x) \)

is \( f'(x)g(x) + f(x)g'(x) \). Let's calculate this.

For our example with \( f(x) = x^2 \) and \( g(x) = x^3 \), we
apply the Product Rule as follows:

- The derivative of \( f(x) = x^2 \) is \( f'(x) = 2x \).

- The derivative of \( g(x) = x^3 \) is \( g'(x) = 3x^2 \).

According to the Product Rule, the derivative of the product \

( f(x)g(x) \) is \( f'(x)g(x) + f(x)g'(x) \). Substituting in our
values, we get:

\[ 2x \cdot x^3 + x^2 \cdot 3x^2 \]

\[ = 2x^4 + 3x^4 \]
\[ = 5x^4 \]

Therefore, the derivative of \( x^2 \cdot x^3 \) is \( 5x^4 \),

demonstrating the Product Rule's effectiveness in
differentiating the product of two functions.

- The Quotient Rule gives us the means to differentiate

when functions are divided, revealing that the derivative of
f(x)/g(x) is (f'(x)g(x) - f(x)g'(x))/g(x)^2. It is a testament to
calculus's ability to handle complexity with grace.
For the same example functions used earlier, \( f(x) = x^2 \)
and \( g(x) = x^3 \), we can apply the Quotient Rule to find
the derivative of the quotient \( f(x)/g(x) \) = \( x^2/x^3 \).

According to the Quotient Rule, the derivative of \( f(x)/g(x)

\) is given by \((f'(x)g(x) - f(x)g'(x))/g(x)^2\). Plugging in our
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confidence. For, as to careful attention to detail, had they not
previously muffled their faces in the best shilling-shocker manner
and actually distributed real gent’s blood about the place, with the
most gratifying results? What could any Chief Constable want more?
After a thoroughly satisfactory day, therefore, the two families
prepared to spend Sunday evening in their own respective houses.
George would have strolled across to Dell Cottage, had he not
thought that he did not wish to see very much more of Cynthia that
day; for, attempting to join the other two in the drawing-room after
dinner, he was promptly ejected. “For,” as Mr. Doyle pointed out with
some feeling, “much though I like and esteem you, George, there are
times when I like and esteem you better at a distance, and this is
one of them. Go out into the garden, George, and hang yourself on a
bush; that’s the proper place for gooseberries.”
“You needn’t stay, really, George,” Dora added earnestly. “I’ve
quite grown-up now, you know. And if the man’s intentions become
too dishonourable, I can always scream for you, can’t I?”
George fled, growling. George was one of those absurdly out-of-
date people who prefer their women-kind to leave unsaid those
things that ought not to be said. George was ridiculous.
It was fortunate that George took his leisure while he might.
Apart from the bother of an awkward journey to a place called
Manstead the next morning to retrieve his car in time to drive Dora
and Mr. Doyle up to London in it for the opening of the new Jollity
revue (the railway station would certainly be watched, George had
had it carefully impressed upon him), there was yet another blow
coming. It came at about half-past nine.
There was a ring at the front door, and, unlike Mr. Priestley,
George started guiltily. George was really not enjoying life very much
in these days. Knowing his sister, he heaved himself reluctantly out
of his chair and went to answer the ring.
“Hullo, George,” said Guy’s voice. “Here’s a couple of visitors to
see you, Monica and Alan. Cynthia has turned us out of the house.
Can you entertain us?”
“Oh, yes,” said the unhappy George. “Oh, rather.”
“Hullo, George,” said Monica brightly.
“Hullo,” said George with a ghastly smile. “Er—hullo, Alan.”
“Hullo,” said Alan, a somewhat stout young man of fourteen.
The conversation then lapsed.
“Do you entertain us here, George?” Monica asked with interest.
“If so, bring the piano out, too, and we’ll make an evening of it.”
“Oh, sorry,” George mumbled, and stood aside to let these most
unwelcome visitors enter. He closed the front door softly upon all
hope and led the way to the drawing-room.
The visitors stood upon the threshold of the drawing-room and
looked inside with interest. George was improving as an entertainer,
they felt. Even George forgot his sorrow for the moment too. For it
appeared that Dora and her fiancé had not heard the door-bell.
Indeed, unless they were trying to show off, it was quite evident that
they had not.
It seemed a pity to spoil such an idyllic scene, but Alan Spence
did so. He spoilt it with a guffaw. Alan’s guffaw might have been
guaranteed to spoil any idyllic scene. It was not a taking guffaw.
“Oh-oh-ah-hoo!” guffawed Alan.
Dora leapt off that portion of Mr. Doyle on which she was
reclining as if she had suddenly discovered that it was not her fiancé
at all, but a very large hornet. “George, you ass!” she cried, going so
red that it seemed as if she must set fire to her frock.
“George, you goop!” exclaimed Mr. Doyle, no less fiery.
“George, you old idiot!” cackled Guy.
“George, you scream!” shrieked Monica, quite untruthfully.
Alan contented himself with merely guffawing at George.
George sighed. Whatever happened, everybody seemed to
blame him. Whatever he did was always wrong. Life was a bleak
business. Then he looked at Dora and life did not seem quite so
bleak after all. He had never seen either of his sisters embarrassed
before. It was a sight which interested George a good deal.
“Sorry if we were tactless, Dawks,” said Guy, “but it really wasn’t
our fault, you know.”
“Of course it wasn’t. It was George’s. It always is.”
“May we come in now, or would you rather we didn’t?”
“Guy,” said Dora with feeling, “if you say another single word on
that subject, I’ll never speak to you again.”
“May my tongue be cut out,” said Guy, and introduced the new-
comers. While George carefully avoided every one’s eye, they sorted
themselves into seats.
“We were to have come on Tuesday,” Monica announced, “but
when we saw The Sunday Courier this morning, of course we
couldn’t wait till then. We just flew for the first train we could get.”
“What rot, Monica,” observed her brother, with proper scorn for
this feminine hyperbole. “We could have got here hours ago,” he
informed the company, “if she hadn’t wasted half the day packing a
lot of rotten clothes.”
“So now tell us all about it,” Monica continued serenely. “Cynthia
wouldn’t say a single word; can’t imagine why. She said if we wanted
to talk about it, we’d got to come over here, because two more words
on it to-day would send her raving mad.”
“Cinders always was a bit comic,” agreed Alan with brotherly
Guy crossed his legs and slid down in his chair. “Go on, Doyle,”
he said. “You’re the official historian.”
“The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?” inquired
Doyle cautiously.
“Heaven forbid!” said Guy, and winked gently.
“I say,” remarked Alan more respectfully, “are you that chap
Doyle, who wrote about it in the Sunday Courier?”
“I am that chap Doyle,” agreed Mr. Doyle with grave dignity.
He proceeded to retail a second version of his report to The
Courier, adding the chief points of the one he had already
telephoned through for the next morning’s issue.
While he talked George found himself at liberty to study Monica
without fear of being observed. Hitherto he had consciously avoided
looking at her; now that he did so he could hardly believe that this
was the same person, who, little more than two years ago, had
caused him to dance before the wedding-guests. She looked
completely different. The thick plaits which had been the cause of all
the merriment had disappeared and her hair, fair like her sister’s,
was cut short about her small head. George was not an admirer of
cropped heads on women’s shoulders, but even he could not but
admit that Monica’s really didn’t look half bad, considering.
Her features and figure seemed to have altered as much as her
hair. The lean, disjointed look of sixteen had given place to
nineteen’s curves of incipient womanhood; the curves were not
pronounced but they were curves. George liked curves. Her face
was curiously like Cynthia’s and curiously unlike. She had her
sister’s wide forehead and straight nose, and the corners of her lips
were touched with the same sense of humour, but there was an elfin
look about her that was quite different from Cynthia’s air of rather
amused repose. Looking more closely still, George could see that,
after all, this was the person who had brought him low with a hose-
pipe, but her methods, he felt, had probably developed with her
curves. She would use subtler means now, but she would no doubt
attain the same results. George shivered slightly.
“Footprints!” Alan’s voice broke into his thoughts. “Oo!”?
“Did the girl leave footprints, too?” Monica asked eagerly, with
her sex’s immediate conversion of the general into the personal. Just
over two years ago she would also have said only: “Footprints! Oo!”
Guy and Mr. Doyle exchanged glances. The glances said quite
plainly: “I think we shall be able to find use for this young man.”
The talk proceeded.
In due course George rose, went out of the room, returned with
drinks and dispensed them. Still the talk went on. At last Guy
suggested that it was time to make a move. George did not
contradict him. George was a courteous host, but there are limits.
Hose-pipes are one, frogs another.
“What are you doing to-morrow, George?” Guy asked as he
“Got to go over to Manstead to fetch the car,” said George, not
quite so dolefully. There had been a ring in Guy’s question, and
George was not sorry to have a sound excuse against whatever the
ring might portend. “It’s between thirty and forty miles from here.
Take me most of the morning.”
“Oh, are you going to drive forty miles to-morrow morning?”
asked Monica instantly. “Oh, George, how gorgeous! You’ll take me
with you, won’t you?”
“Um!” gulped George. “Er—yes, oh, yes. Er—rather. If—if you’re
sure you’d really like to come. It’ll be a beastly journey, you know,”
he added hopefully.
“Thanks awfully,” said Monica, promptly extinguishing the hope.
“I’d love it.”
George contemplated his feet with a moody air. He had, he now
realised, been quite mistaken about that trip to Manstead; he hadn’t
disliked the thought of it at all, he had actually been looking forward
to it intensely. It had promised a whole morning’s peace, away from
everything that was making life so bleak at present. Now life was
apparently to be bleaker still. Probably Monica would fill the petrol-
tank up with water and the radiator with petrol, or stick pins into the
tyres, or scratch her initials on the paint; at the very least she would
wilfully misdirect him on the road, in order to get a sixty-mile joy-ride
instead of a thirty-five. He meditated dismally.
Doyle had drawn Guy aside. “What about that youth for the
opening of the Inspector’s eyes?” he said in a low voice.
“Just what I’d thought of, my dear fellow. Couldn’t be better.
Come over as soon as you like after breakfast.”
“Do these two know about keeping Dora dark, so to speak?”
“By Jove, no! I’d forgotten all about it. As we’re keeping them in
the dark ourselves, what reason can we give?”
“Leave it to me,” adjured Mr. Doyle, thinking rapidly. He took
Guy’s arm and drew him back to the little group by the door.
“By the way, Nesbitt,” said Mr. Doyle loudly, “I wish you’d do me
a favour. Please don’t tell anybody about Dora being here this week-
end. She particularly doesn’t want her name mentioned in
connection with this affair, as it would be so bad for her at the
theatre. The management are very much down on any of the girls
getting mixed up in murder mysteries; they think it’s bad for
business. If it leaked out, Dora would probably get the sack.”
“Of course, my dear chap,” said Guy gravely. “I quite
understand. Nobody else knows?”
“So far, no. Not even the police. Particularly not the police, I
should say. And we’re going to smuggle her up to London to-morrow
in time for the show. Thanks so much, Nesbitt, thanks so much.”
Alan was staring at Dora with round eyes. “I say,” he said, in
tones to match them, “you’re not on the stage, are you?”
“I am,” Dora smiled, “yes.”
“Coo! What are you in?”
“Well, as there’s no Shakespeare season on at the moment, I’ve
been keeping my hand in up to a few weeks ago in ‘Thumbs Up!’ at
the Jollity.”
“And legs, dearest,” murmured Mr. Doyle sotto voce. “Be
“I say, were you really? I saw that last hols. Topping show!” Mr.
Spence continued to stare with round eyes. His manner had
changed considerably. In place of his former air of confident and
slightly contemptuous assurance he now wore one of respect
verging almost upon diffidence.
George looked at his sister with envy. There would clearly be no
frogs in her bed.
“What part did you play?” asked Monica, who seemed to be
sharing something of her brother’s feelings. She spoke humbly, as a
disciple addressing his master or a mate his plumber.
Dora laughed. “Well, not the lead exactly. I’m in the chorus.”
“Coo!” observed Alan. “Are you a chorus-girl?”
“I suppose I must be,” Dora admitted. “Am I?” she appealed to
her fiancé.
“Certainly you are. That’s why I’m marrying you. Clever men in
the best novels are always infatuated by chorus-girls.”
“Don’t you love wearing all those beautiful costumes?” said
Monica soulfully.
“Dora has a very good opinion of her figure, yes,” remarked Mr.
Doyle. “So have I, dear,” he added hastily, catching a glint in his
lady’s eye. “And I think it’s very sporting of you to have joined the
“That’ll do, Pat. That’s quite enough from you.”
Alan turned to George as one man of the world to another. “I
say, you were pulling my leg, weren’t you? She’s not really your
sister?” Old ideas die hard in the young.
The resulting hilarity took them out into the hall.
“Well, good-night, George,” said Guy, stepping out into the night.
“Good-night,” said George.
“Good-night, George,” said Monica. “Till to-morrow.”
“Till to-morrow,” echoed George dully, and walked back to the
drawing-room where he had left the whisky decanter. The drawing-
room door was locked.
“——” said George with emphasis, and went to bed.
Outside in the laurel bushes a dapper figure drew his thick
overcoat about him and shivered in the cold night air. “Well, I’ll be
hanged if I can make out who’s in it!” muttered the dapper figure, and
also went home to bed.
And that, so far as we are concerned, was the end of Sunday.
The drawing-room door, it is of no interest to record, remained
locked until Monday. Until twenty minutes past Monday, to be
George’s brain, it must be allowed (and George himself would
have been the first to allow it) was not a subtle organ. It worked,
much the same as a donkey-engine works; but there is little finesse
about a donkey engine. During the early hours of the night George’s
brain turned out for him a large number of straightforward schemes
for arriving at Manstead the next morning without a passenger; but
they were crude. George quite recognised that. The most ingenious
was that he should start at six o’clock, before his passenger should
so much as have opened an eyelid. Reluctantly George was
compelled to reject even this. He had given his word, and unless a
plan presented itself to involve the inevitable breaking of this
inconvenient tie, and consistently with the ways of perfect gentility as
George understood them, he must keep it. It is almost superfluous to
add that no plan did present itself.
Perhaps Monica had caught something of the notable lack of
warmth in George’s voice the previous evening. In any case, she
was evidently leaving nothing to chance. A forty-mile motor trip was
an event in Monica’s life, and Monica liked her life to be eventful. At
half-past nine she presented herself on George’s front-doorstep,
hatted, fur-coated and gauntlet-gloved, the complete motorist.
George greeted her with ghastly geniality.
An impartial spectator, observing with pain George’s laboured
attempts to appear hearty, would have said that George was hard to
please. Monica looked the sort of passenger whom any right-
minded, car-possessing bachelor would go miles out of his way to
collect. Her pretty, eager face flushed with excitement, her tongue
prattling merrily, and her trim, fur-encased figure very nearly jumping
with pleasure, what better company could such a right-minded man
desire? George was evidently not right-minded. His face, as he
walked uneasily at Monica’s side towards the station, bore an
expression of mingled apprehension and gloom; he looked as if he
strongly suspected Monica of having a hose-pipe concealed
somewhere about her person. George need not have bothered.
Monica had few things concealed about her person, and certainly not
a hose-pipe. A young woman with any pretence to fashion seldom
wears a hose-pipe in these days.
She began to talk very earnestly about Dora. Monica, it
appeared, had long cherished the conviction that she, too, had a call
to the stage. She had taken part occasionally in local amateur
theatricals at home, and though that was of course nothing to go by,
people really had said quite decent things. Not that she wanted to
swank or anything like that, but she did somehow feel she could act.
Did George think that Dora would be too bored to give her some
advice? Did Dora know any managers? Had Dora enough influence
to get one of them to give Monica a trial? Did George think Dora
would let Monica come and see her in London? Was it possible to
see Dora at the theatre? Could Dora, did George think, let Monica
have a peep behind the scenes—just a tiny peep? What did George
think about this, about that, and about the other?
George began to brighten. Here was somebody who actually
wanted to know his opinion. Very few people ever wanted to know
George’s opinion. It was a pleasant novelty. Monica had improved. In
the old days she had shown no signs of interest in George’s opinion.
If she had consulted George as to his candid opinion, he would have
informed her that on the whole he did not think he much wanted to
dance before the wedding-guests; but she had done nothing of the
sort. Now, she seemed to be hanging on his words. By Jove, yes;
Monica had improved. George forgot all about hose-pipes and
became very nearly animated.
No, George’s brain was not a subtle organ. It never occurred to
him for a moment that his sudden importance was merely owing to
the fact that he was his sister’s brother. He accepted Monica’s
interest in his opinion as a tribute to his own worth, and as he
received very few tributes of that nature was correspondingly
delighted. Somebody once said something about ignorance and
wisdom, turning a neat phrase upon the advisability in certain cases
of the one and the drawbacks attendant upon the other. He might
have applied his aphorism to George that morning. In his folly
George expanded like a flower in the sun, and looked back with
incredulous astonishment to the remote time when he had brooded
sorrowfully upon radiators and petrol-tanks in connection with this
extraordinarily nice young person.
A very pleasant morning was spent.
George and Monica were not the only two people to spend a
pleasant morning. Cynthia did also in her way, and Mr. Doyle and
Guy too, were not ill-pleased with it, though their enjoyment was not
wholly unmixed. It was one thing to realise the use to them of Alan’s
presence; it was another to obtain a monopoly of it.
For Alan was sorely torn. On the one hand was a perfectly
topping murder mystery, right on the premises, which, of course,
demanded the most breathless and undivided attention; on the other,
within only a few yards was a real genuine chorus-girl, who was
going away that same afternoon; and Alan was naturally a good deal
interested in chorus-girls, as befitted a young man of fourteen.
There is a ring about the word “chorus-girl.” One wonders
whether it will ever quite outlive its naughty Victorian associations.
The chorus-girl of to-day is more respectable than a churchwarden,
more straight than a straight line (though having more breadth to her
length; even to-day, one gathers, some chorus-girls are tolerably
broad-minded), more refined than Grade “A” petrol—or so we are
earnestly given to understand by those who ought to know. Yet still in
clubs and places where men gather, the bare mention of the word is
enough to provoke the knowing wink and the cunning dig in the ribs.
And where the clubs wink the public schools guffaw; there is no
place where tradition is so strong as a public school. It gave Alan a
pleasurable feeling of doggishness just to enter the room where
Dora was sedately reading a magazine; to sit on the same couch
with her was sheer daredevilry.
Here he was, yes, he Alan Spence, alone in a room with a
chorus girl, exchanging light badinage, keeping his wicked end up as
well as a grown man! But for the unfortunate absence of champagne
and oysters (the inevitable concomitant of all genuine chorus-girls,
as any Victorian novelist will tell you) the scene was as abandoned
as you like. Alan was looking forward quite intensely to a number of
casual conversations next term which would begin; “Yes, a chorus-
girl I know, told me….” Or, “Did you see Thumbs Up! last hols? I
knew one of the chorus-girls in it. Quite a decent kid….” Or, “Chorus-
girls don’t always dye their hair, you know. One of the girls in
Thumbs Up!—Dora, her name is; frightfully decent sort—told me that
…” That Dora really was George’s sister, Alan could still hardly bring
himself to believe; but he was quite sure he knew why her presence
was being kept so dark. (Yes, madam, public schools are dreadful
places, aren’t they? I certainly shouldn’t send your boy to one.)
Inspector Cottingham did not put in an appearance till nearly
half-past eleven, so that the two conspirators were not unduly
pressed for time. Their idea was a simple one. They wished Alan to
make the discovery for himself that the undisputed footprint of Mr.
Reginald Foster in the flower-bed bore a striking likeness to certain
newly manufactured prints on the river bank, and to draw the
obvious conclusion. This conclusion they were then prepared to scoff
at and deride, with the result that Alan, seeking a more sympathetic
audience for the news with which he ought to be bursting, would
have recourse to the Inspector. The Inspector was then hopefully
expected to put three and two together, and make it four. There is
nothing so honest as honesty, and in this means Guy and Mr. Doyle
saw a way of causing their new clues to be officially swallowed with
no possible suspicions as to their administration.
Up to a point matters turned out as they intended. Alan was
conveyed into the garden immediately after breakfast, as agog as
Guy could have hoped, and shown Mr. Foster’s footprint; thence he
was led to the river bank and shown the other footprints.
Unfortunately, however, he failed to notice any connecting link. He
was impressed, even thrilled, but he displayed no brightness of
uptake. Guy left him for a moment to confer with Mr. Doyle, who was
strolling through the dividing gate between the gardens to join them;
when they looked round, the lad was gone.
It took them a quarter of an hour to run him to earth, in George’s
drawing-room. Then they led him back and repeated the process. It
was like training a dog to find tennis-balls; the dog is willing enough
to gaze for a space into the shrubbery, but he hasn’t the faintest idea
what he is expected to find inside it. Guy found himself in an even
worse position than that of the dog’s master, for he was precluded
from giving an intimation that there was anything to be found at all.
Having gazed respectfully at the footprints a second time, Alan
announced that they certainly were top-hole and took himself back to
the drawing-room and daredevilry.
Mr. Doyle retrieved him five minutes later with a resigned
expression and led him back once more. This time the two did not
leave things quite so much to chance. They pointed out to each
other with bland surprise that Mr. Foster must have had a tear in the
soles of one of his boots; they remarked that it might be quite
interesting to look around for other such footprints with a tear in one
of the soles; they obtusely ignored a string of such prints leading
from the flower-bed towards the library, and another leading from the
latter to the bank. Then they observed loudly that they were going in
for a short time to have a smoke in George’s drawing-room in the
absence of Dora, who was upstairs making her bed, her bed,
upstairs making her bed! They went, and through the curtains of the
window peeped out upon their victim.
Fixity of purpose does occasionally meet with its reward. Alan
having absorbed the information that Dora was no longer on view,
began to walk aimlessly about, his hands in his pockets, his eyes on
the ground. They saw him stop suddenly and stoop. He progressed
slowly in a bent position. He crawled like a crab towards the library
windows, and thence to the bank. He ran swiftly across the garden
and through the separating gate. Guy and Mr. Doyle, timing things to
a nicety, met him half-way across George’s lawn.
“I say,” said Alan, “I’ve made the hell of a discovery!”
“Oh?” said Guy.
“Really?” said Mr. Doyle. “But talking of emigration, Nesbitt, I do
think that the Government——”
“Listen, you chaps! You know what you were saying about
footprints just now? Well, dashed if I haven’t——”
“Footprints?” said Guy vaguely. “Were we?”
“Good Lord, yes; you know you were. About that chap Foster
having a bit out of one of his boots. You know. Well, I’ve spotted tons
of other prints just the same. Do you know what I think, Guy? I think
Foster’s one of ’em!”
“One of whom, Alan?” Guy asked in maddeningly tolerant tones.
“The gang, of course. Stands to reason. Come and have a
squint. On the bank, his footprints are, up to the library, all round. I
“Is Alan often taken like this, Guy?” asked Mr. Doyle rudely.
“Foster!” Guy laughed in a superior way. “Come, Alan, come.
You’ll be saying he’s the Man with the Broken Nose next.”
“Well, I shouldn’t be surprised if he was,” retorted Alan defiantly.
“You needn’t laugh. He’s mixed up with ’em all right. Bet you
anything you like. I should tell the police if I were you.”
“The police!” crowed Mr. Doyle, and staggered as if his mirth
were incapable of human control.
“The police!” echoed Guy, and staggered too.
Alan flushed. “All right. You see! If you won’t tell ’em, I will. Yes,
you can laugh if you like, but you’ll jolly soon find I’m right. Huh!
Fancy having a clue like that under your noses and never spotting it.
Huh!” And with considerable dignity Alan stalked, so well as a slightly
stout youth may stalk, towards the road.
“Go and ask Mr. Foster if he’s ever broken his nose, Alan,” Mr.
Doyle called after him derisively.
“All right, blast you, I will!” Master Spence called back.
Doyle caught Guy’s arm. “Look, there’s the Colonel and
Cottingham coming down the road. Nesbitt, I think this is where we
They did not retire at once, however. They waited till the three
actors on their stage met and stopped. The words came faintly to
them: “I say, are you the Inspector? I read about you in the Sunday
Courier. I’m Mrs. Nesbitt’s brother. I say, were you going to have a
look at the scene of the crime? I say, have you noticed something
jolly important about those footprints? I have. I’ll tell you if you like. I
told my brother-in-law, but he laughed. It’s jolly well nothing to laugh
about. I say, do you know if that chap Foster’s ever broken his
The two in the garden began to stroll towards George’s house.
“He might have been coached for the part,” observed Mr. Doyle
with some awe.
“He wouldn’t have done it as well if he had been,” murmured
Guy. “Doyle, this is all very pleasant and interesting, isn’t it?”
They went in to warn Dora that policemen were about. She was
not there.
To tell the truth, Dora had found herself, except for short minutes
during the last thirty-six hours, frankly bored. In addition she was not
altogether satisfied with the part she had played in the comedy; it
was all right, so far as it went, but it had not gone far enough. She
thought she saw a way of combining amusement with a little helpful
spadework. Unnoticed, she had slipped out of the house and gone
off to combine them.
Chapter XIV.
Interesting Scene in a Tool-Shed
Reginald Foster was surveying his garden. Every morning,
when it was fine, Reginald Foster surveyed his garden, and both of
them felt the better for it; Mr. Foster, because the garden, which was
a large one, stood for his success in life and Mr. Foster liked
surveying his successes; the garden, because surely nothing could
come under Mr. Foster’s benignant survey and not feel the better for
it. Mr. Foster strolled slowly round the neat paths, his podgy hands
clasped behind his back, and continued to survey benignly.
From a window at the back of the fat red house behind him Mrs.
Foster was also doing a little surveying. She was a tepid, pale-haired
little woman, and she knitted a good deal, persistently and quite
unnecessarily. She was not one of Mr. Foster’s successes.
It was not that Mrs. Foster was not patient, for she was; it was
not that she had not made Mr. Foster a good wife, for she had begun
to live with him nearly thirty years ago and was still doing so, nor had
she yet ever committed suicide; she even endured his talk without
screaming violently or running for the nearest razor. And yet she was
not a success. She had not worn very well, it is true, but that was not
enough to justify these harsh words; her once pretty hair was now
lankly nondescript, her face a little flaccid, and her eyes very weary
and resigned. She looked, in fact, not unlike a disillusioned mouse;
but even the most disillusioned of mice will show signs of emotion
before cheese or cats. Mrs. Foster never showed signs of any
emotion at all.
Mr. Foster was only too well aware that his Agatha was not one
of his successes, and it distressed him very much. He could not
understand it. Here they were, risen from a little house in Balham to
something very like a mansion in the country, with Mr. Foster retired
from business into the position of rustic gentleman, and Agatha
seemed no more excited about it than she had been over the burnt
sausages that morning at breakfast. And the rise was really all the
more remarkable when one reflected that the Fosters ought never to
have been in Balham at all, for it is much easier to rise out of one’s
real class than into it. Mr. Foster had been at one of the minor public
schools, and Agatha was actually related to a Duke. The connection
between the families was not a very recent one perhaps, nor a very
close one, but it was quite indisputable. A stranger seldom had
converse with Mr. Foster very long before finding these two facts
insinuated into his knowledge.
And yet Agatha was not a success. It really was very
remarkable. Mr. Foster never troubled to speculate about his wife’s
views on this disappointing subject, because really, what would be
the use? One did not want to think unkindly of Agatha, but one might
just as well speculate about the views of a piece of dough as the
cook puts it into the oven. Mr. Foster was in the habit of putting it
more tactfully in his own mind by reflecting that Mrs. Foster simply
never happened to hold views.
As is so often the case with our nearest, if not necessarily our
dearest, Mr. Foster was not quite correct in this opinion. As she
stood at her bedroom window and watched the centre of her
universe inspecting his spring greens with an encouraging eye, Mrs.
Foster was holding a quite definite view. She was wishing with
singular intensity that the ground would open and swallow her
husband up; then, and then only so far as she could see, would she
be free from the necessity of going into Abingchester in the big
closed car when she had a splitting headache, listening to the cook’s
insolence on the subject of burnt sausages, and doing all the other
hundred and one other repellent things which the living presence of
the cabbage-gazer in the garden imposed upon her. But above all
she would never, never have to listen to him talk again.
With a faint sigh she turned away from the window. The ground
gave no sign of incipient aperture; it never did. She began to put on
her aching head the new hat Mr. Foster had chosen for her last week
(Mr. Foster always chose his wife’s hats) and which she loathed with
singular intensity.
If a small fairy in whose veracity he could repose no doubt, had
appeared before Mr. Foster among his cabbages at that moment and
remarked: “Good morning, Mr. Foster. Do you know that your wife
hates you with a degree of detestation quite unparalleled in the
annals of Duffley? She does, you know. I thought you might be
interested to hear it. Good-morning,” he would, after the initial shock
was over, have been filled with complete bewilderment.
Why, in the name of Heaven? Why should she? Hadn’t he
always been kindness itself to her? And not only kindness but, far
more important, patience? Her headache, for instance. He had been
most sympathetic about that at breakfast, in spite of the sausages.
Naturally he had told her that it doesn’t do to make too much of a
fuss about these things, for otherwise the things get bigger than the
person; and that really one ought not to refuse to go into
Abingchester just on account of a little headache, like an unbalanced
schoolgirl. But the point was that he had said it kindly. He had not
even hinted for a moment at his opinion that Agatha took trifles just a
little bit too seriously, not for a moment. And that again in spite of the
sausages. No, the whole thing would have been completely beyond
It was very fortunate that no little busybody of a fairy put in an
appearance after all.
Ignorant of his fortunate escape, Mr. Foster pulled out his large
gold watch. He frowned. Well past eleven. He had better be going
indoors and seeing that Agatha was … A low whistle from the fence
behind him caused him to turn about sharply.
Mr. Foster’s fat red house stood at a corner of the main road,
where a somewhat insignificant turning led to a remote countryside
and a village two miles away. It followed that Mr. Foster’s garden ran
along the side of this insignificant turning, the boundary between
importance and insignificance being marked with a fence. Over the
top of this fence a girl’s face was now regarding Mr. Foster with
every sign of anxiety.
“Good gracious!” said Mr. Foster, and hurried towards it. Pretty
faces hanging anxiously over his fence were something new in Mr.
Foster’s experience. Large yokel faces, decorated with foolish grins,
he had seen before and with pain, but not pretty ones that whistled.
He proceeded to investigate.
“Where can I get in?” cried the owner of the face, in tones of
unmistakable agitation. “They’re after me. They’re—oh, isn’t there a
gate or something? Quickly, please!”
“There is a gate,” admitted the perplexed Mr. Foster. “But——”
“Then open it! Don’t you understand? It’s a matter of life and
“Is it?” asked Mr. Foster wonderingly. “Are you ill?”
“No, no! Don’t you recognise me? It was I who spoke to you in
the garden the night before last; who told you——”
“Good Heavens!” Mr. Foster gasped. “So it is. I thought you
seemed very familiar. I mean, your voice sounded familiar. But——”
“Open the gate!” said the girl tersely.
Mr. Foster ran along the fence and did so. The girl tumbled
through and stood for a moment, panting, one hand to her heart.
“Safe!” she muttered. “Oh, thank God! But quick—hide me!
They’ll be here any minute.”
“The deuce they will!” squeaked Mr. Foster.
His little fat legs twinkled along the path towards a tool-shed that
stood in the angle of the fence at the bottom of the garden. He pulled
the door open and shut it behind them.
“Good gracious!” said Mr. Foster, and mopped his brow.
“Oh, thank you,” murmured the girl, with a little sob.
They gazed at one another.
“Who are after you?” panted Mr. Foster. “The—the Man with the
Broken Nose?”
“Yes, and the whole gang with him,” replied Dora, who did not
believe in doing things by halves. For sisters, Dora and Laura had
much in common.
“Whew!” said Mr. Foster, thrilled to the core. “How many of
“Seventeen! Oh, what shall I do—what shall I do?”
Mr. Foster possessed himself of one of her hands and began to
pat it. Mr. Foster was the sort of person who does pat attractive
young women. “I don’t think they’ll bother you here,” he said,
swelling slightly. “You just leave things to me, my dear. I’ll look after
you. What have you done, then? Run away?”
“Yes, I simply couldn’t stand it any longer.” Dora made use of a
life-like shudder to withdraw her hand. “The constant murders! Oh, it
was terrible. They do get on your nerves after a time, you know,
murders do. Especially when one is only a woman.” She contrived to
look extremely helpless and appealing.
“Yes, yes,” soothed Mr. Foster. “Quite, quite. Well, I’m glad
you’ve got away, I must say. I thought at the time you had no
business to be mixed up with that sort of thing. Far too pretty and
charming, if you’ll forgive my saying so.”
“Oh, Mr. Foster,” simpered his companion.
Mr. Foster swelled a little further. “That’s all right, then. Now, you
stay here, my dear, all snug and safe, and I’ll run along and
telephone to the police; and then——”
“The police? But why?”
“To let them know you’re here. Don’t you realise that you’re a
most valuable witness? With your evidence we ought to be able to
lay these scoundrels by the heels.”
“No, that’s quite impossible. I may be a valuable witness, but I’d
be a still more valuable capture. Don’t you understand that the police
are after me, just as much as the rest of the gang? I’m—I’m wanted
on scores of charges. That was only one murder I committed; there
are ever so many others. If you tell the police I’m here, you put a
rope round my neck, Mr. Foster, as sure as you’re standing on a
Mr. Foster moved automatically off the rake. His eyes were fixed
on his companion’s face in an expression in which horror and delight
struggled for supremacy. “Did you say that—that you murd—killed
that man the other night?” he articulated.
Dora hung her head. “Yes,” she whispered.
A faint gasp emanated from Mr. Foster.
Dora raised her face somewhat wildly. “But it wasn’t my fault!
Don’t think that. I was forced into it. They had a hold over me—a
terrible hold. It was something to do with—with my mother. Oh, Mr.
Foster, there is nothing a girl won’t do for her mother. I had to do as
they wished. I had to carry out their assassinations for them, or see
my mother reduced to penury and disgrace. I couldn’t face it! I—I
gave way. Was it very wrong of me?”
“It—well, you see, I don’t know the circumstances,” stammered
Mr. Foster, for once nonplussed.
“It was only to pull a little trigger,” pleaded the girl. “That’s all I
had to do.”
“But that’s a very serious thing indeed, you know—er—pulling
triggers is.”
“Oh, I know it is! Don’t think I didn’t realise it was a serious thing
I was doing. I did, only too well. But what could I do? I was
completely at their mercy. I had to carry out their orders. Besides,”
she added reasonably, “somebody would pull the trigger in any case.
What did it matter whether it was me or not?”
Mr. Foster fingered his chin, but seemed disinclined to argue the
ethics of the case. He eyed his companion interestedly and mentally
compared her, as he did every woman he met, with Agatha. She
certainly was very pretty (somehow this reflection came before its
immediate successor, that she was after all more sinned against
than sinning) and there was an undoubted fascination about her.
Fancy! This delicate creature had killed at least one man and, on her
own confession, a good few others as well. Oh, yes, the situation
was intriguing enough, and so was she. It would be pleasant to earn
her unbounded gratitude. But, of course, Agatha must not know.
Agatha would hardly understand.
“But you must beware for yourself,” observed the intriguing
young woman very earnestly. “The Man with the Broken Nose is
merciless. Human life means nothing to him. If he knew you were
sheltering me, he’d kill you as soon as that beetle.”
“Would he?” said the startled Mr. Foster. Perhaps earning this
young woman’s unbounded gratitude would not be quite so pleasant
after all, if it involved being killed as soon as a beetle. Then he
recovered himself. These were civilised times, and people would not
go about killing other people like beetles.
“Would he, though?” he repeated more truculently. “I think you’d
find I’d have something to say about that, my dear.”
Dora reflected that, if the reports of Mr. Foster’s friends were
founded upon fact, this was probably true. She took advantage of the
psychological moment to clasp her hands and assume her most
piteous expression.
“What are you going to do with me, Mr. Foster?” she wailed.
“Are you going to turn me away, or hand me over to the police? Or
are you going to help me?”
“You intend—hm!—you intend to go straight if I give you your
chance?” inquired Mr. Foster in stern, manly accents.
“Oh, yes; I promise. I’ll never shoot anybody again, I swear it.
Oh, do say you’ll shelter me, Mr. Foster? They’ll kill me if you don’t.”
Mr. Foster coughed with some importance. “Don’t distress
yourself, my dear. I’ll shelter you.”
“And they’ll probably kill you if you do,” remarked the girl
“Come, come,” adjured Mr. Foster, hiding a certain
apprehension under a very hearty manner. “This sounds almost as
bad as a penny-dreadful, you know.”
“There’s no penny-dreadful ever written half so terrible as The
Exploits of the Man with the Broken Nose,” replied Dora, coining a
snappy title.
“Ah, yes. Now, my dear, we must go into that. I want you, if you
won’t interview the police yourself, to give all possible information
about him to me,”—here Mr. Foster, who had become a little
deflated, swelled once more—“and I’ll see that it is put to the best
possible use. Without involving yourself, of course. Now, I’m just
going up to the house to cancel something I was going to do this
morning, and then I’ll come back to hear your story.”
“Very well,” nodded Dora.
The door clicked behind him.
“Well,” observed Dora to its unresponsive surface, “God help his
Mr. Foster’s next few minutes were busy ones. Having informed
his Agatha that, in consequence of her headache, he had decided
now to cancel the expedition to Abingchester, he told her she was
wanted on the telephone; he then made use of her absence to
extract from her drawers certain surprising objects. A visit to the
spare-room and elsewhere followed, and then, cautiously as any Boy
Scout, Mr. Foster made his way back to the tool-shed, his burdens

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