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REFERENCES that MDCT arteriography could be used as a first step

1. Bastarrika G, Redondo P, Sierra A, Cano D, Martı́nez-Cuesta A, technique for the diagnosis of KTS, we consider that
López-Gutiérrez JC, et al. New techniques for the evaluation
and therapeutic planning of patients with Klippel-Trénaunay
efforts in using noninvasive dynamic MRA would be
syndrome. J Am Acad Dermatol 2007;56:242-9. more beneficial for such a population.
2. Cohen MM. Klippel-Trénaunay syndrome. Am J Med Genet On the other hand, Li and Tian propose the
2000;93:171-5. performance of indirect MDCT venography for
3. Ziyeh S, Spreer J, Rössler J, Strecker R, Hochmuth A, Schu- patients with lymphedema. After our preliminary
macher M, et al. Parkes Weber or Klippel-Trénaunay syndrome?
Non-invasive diagnosis with MR projection angiography. Eur
experience, we now prefer indirect venography
Radiol 2004;14:2025-9. to direct injection of contrast in lower extremity
veins to assess patency of the venous system. With an
doi:10.1016/j.jaad.2008.09.044 adequate delay time of two to three minutes, this
approach allows us to delineate the anatomy and
extension of the entire vascular malformation while
Reply depicting patency of the deep venous system in all
To the Editor: In their letter, Li and Tian suggest that individuals.
multidetector row computed tomography (MDCT) MDCT arteriography may be a useful tool to
arteriography should be considered as the first step in differentiate KTS from other mimicking entities.
the endovascular management of KlippeleTrénaunay However, taking into account the age of patients in
syndrome (KTS). Their assumption is supported on whom these exams are performed and the need of
findings in a young patient in whom MDCT arteriog- further follow-up studies, we firmly believe that MRA
raphy and venography allowed the diagnosis of KTS. is the most suitable tool to make a correct diagnosis,
This noninvasive technique permitted the differentia- evaluate the extension, plan the therapy, and follow-
tion of KTS from other similar entities based on the up on peripheral vascular malformations.
presence or absence of arteriovenous malformations.
Gorka Bastarrika, PhD,a and Pedro Redondo,
In a previous manuscript,1 we concluded that
MDCT and three-dimensional magnetic resonance
(3D-MR) venography are extremely helpful for the Departments of Radiologya and Dermatology,b
global evaluation and therapeutic planning of University Clinic of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain
patients with KTS. For this assessment, we analyzed
Funding sources: None.
a cohort of patients with known KTS. In our study
population, these noninvasive tests were performed Conflicts of interest: None declared.
with the main objective of delineating the location
Correspondence to: Pedro Redondo, PhD, Depart-
and extent of venous malformations and determin-
ment of Dermatology, University Clinic of
ing patency of the deep venous system before
Navarra, 31080 Pamplona, Spain
percutaneous schlerotherapy. Therefore, more
emphasis was placed on the usefulness of MDCT E-mail:
and 3D-MR venography in detecting venous system
anomalies than in diagnosing KTS per se. In their REFERENCES
letter, Li and Tian propose the performance of MDCT 1. Bastarrika G, Redondo P, Sierra A, Cano D, Martinez-Cuesta A,
arteriography to diagnose KTS. López-Gutierrez JC, et al. New techniques for the evaluation
The role of noninvasive techniques for the assess- and therapeutic planning of patients with KlippeleTrénaunay
syndrome. J Am Acad Dermatol 2007;56:242-9.
ment of peripheral vascular malformations is under 2. Herborn CU, Goyen M, Lauenstein TC, Debatin JF, Ruehm SG,
continuous research. Both MDCT and magnetic Kroger K. Comprehensive time-resolved MRI of peripheral
resonance angiography (MRA) provide high spatial vascular malformations. AJR Am J Roentgenol 2003;181:729-35.
resolution volumetric imaging of vascular malforma- 3. Ohgiya Y, Hashimoto T, Gokan T, Watanabe S, Kuroda M, Hirose
tions. However, MDCT implies exposure to ionizing M, et al. Dynamic MRI for distinguishing high-flow from low-
flow peripheral vascular malformations. AJR Am J Roentgenol
radiation, and this fact may preclude its widespread 2005;185:1131-7.
use, especially in younger patients. Moreover,
because patients with peripheral vascular malforma- doi:10.1016/j.jaad.2008.10.038
tions require follow-up studies, we consider mag-
netic resonance imaging to be a more suitable tool
for this purpose. In particular, dynamic MRA appears Skin manifestations of cocaine use
to be valuable for assessing vascular malformations To the Editor: I read with interest the September
of the extremities2 and distinguishing high- from 2008 article on the skin manifestations of cocaine
low-flow vascular malformations.3 While we agree use by Brewer et al,1 and note that a readily

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