Fast Sticky V1.6-1 3

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Welcome to /FAST Sticky V1.

Discord Rules:

1. Don’t be a dick.
2. Try not to troll

What is Fasting?
Abstaining for a period of time from all caloric intake. Variants include broth fasts, snake juice
fasting, water only, dry fasting and hard dry. The benefits of fasting are numerous and include:

● Most rapid fat loss of any dietary regimen.

● Reduced hunger and cravings after adaptation period (this can take a few days)
● Greatly reduced inflammation and reduction of autoimmune symptoms.
● Autophagy and increased stem cell expression, increase in mitochondrial density.
● Reversal of insulin resistance, Type II Diabetes and Fatty Liver.
● Increased mental acuity and reduction of anxiety.
● Potential anti-cancer effects* (​Cheese’s Notes​: Heavy citation needed here, ketogenic
diets and dry fasting may help certain cancers but research is in its infancy, see ​1​ , ​2​.
Potential adjunct therapy, speak with your oncologist about Rapamycin)
● Increased energy and the ability to go days without food.
Mechanisms of Fasting:

Dr. Jason Fung has a wonderful primer on ​IDM (Intensive Dietary Management)​, there are 37
posts in total and quite exhaustive for those interested in more of the physiological mechanisms.

A simple version:
When one fasts, hepatic (liver) glycogen is depleted, typically within 24 to 48 hours depending
on the level of activity. This signals the body to begin production of ketone bodies
(acetoacetate, beta-hydroxy-butyrate and acetone) which are the breakdown products of fats in
the liver. Over a period of weeks (in the absence of sugars and starches) many of the bodies
tissues will adapt to a greater and greater degree to burning these ketone bodies. The liver will
convert the glycerol backbone of triglyceride (fat) into glycogen for transport to the brain, nerves
and red blood cells (erythrocytes), are glucose obligate tissues. ​There is no dietary need for
carbohydrates​ at all, your liver will produce all the glucose needed to run obligate tissues
through gluconeogenesis (latin: new glucose making).

Ketone bodies are protein sparing, have anti-inflammatory effects among their benefits as an
alternate (arguably preferred) fuel source. A ketogenic diet is similar in its function to fasting,
but the fuel is coming from foods and not your own body fat stores; in addition, the constant
intake of calories does not allow for autophagy to up-regulate nor insulin sensitivity to increase
to the degree that fasting achieves.

In response to the acute energy crisis of fasting, the body will greatly reduce insulin secretion
within a few days, this will allow the body to over time, correct insulin resistance of the cells. Of
particular importance is the reduction of insulin resistance in the pancreas and liver, pancreatic
insulin resistance is one of the primary drivers of Type II Diabetes.

As you fast, the reduction in circulating insulin will induce the kidneys to drop sodium and water,
this is the ‘woosh’ effect (sudden water dump) that keto dieters or any other low carb dieters
experience. This dumping of water and salt will also take potassium with it, this is the primary
reason Snake Juice contains both sodium ​and​ potassium.

During fasting or a ketogenic diet, sodium needs will increase, low sodium is the usual cause of
negative symptoms during the initial phases of a fast (headache, dizziness, hypotension etc).
Low sodium can also induce the release of insulin from the pancreas in order to get you to take
more salt. ​Salt can be regulated by taste,​ your kidneys can process tremendous amounts of
salt. Apart from a small subset of people (sodium sensitive), most people will not suffer any
high blood pressure or negative effects from too much salt.

As the fast progresses beyond a few days, the body will down-regulate MToR (Mammalian
Target of Rapamycin) and up-regulate AMPK (Amp Protein Kinase). These are short and
longer term nutrient sensing pathways and regulate autophagy. Autophagy is the process by
which your body ‘eats’ and rebuilds old and damaged proteins, cellular components and
aberrant / senescent (old and busted) cells. Longer fasts have the added benefits of
rejuvenating tissue (anti-aging to a degree), stimulating stem cells and removing pre-cancerous
cells. Autophagy can be overdone if you fast for too long. It is highly complex subject beyond
the scope of the sticky. See Resources or #Infographics.

How do I Fast?

It is recommended that new fasters begin with a ketogenic diet approximately one week prior to
a fast, this will help you adapt. This will allow a smoother transition into a deep ketotic state,
however you can start immediately if that is your choice. During the fast ‘Snake Juice’ is
recommended, this is a homemade electrolyte drink that will sustain you and prevent most of
the ‘side effects’ that are common with plain water fasts. Plain water fasts are not advised,
depletion of minerals is a strong stressor for the body and will inhibit progress.

Snake Juice Recipe:

● 1-2L Water
● 1 tsp Potassium Chloride (No-Salt, Nu-Salt, Salt Free etc, check your grocery store)
● 1-2 tsp ​or more​ Sodium Chloride (Salt, table salt, himalayan pink salt, redmans real salt
● Recommended additives : Magnesium, see below.

(​Cheese’s Notes​: If you are a former vegan or at all concerned about Oxalate dumping, adding
unsweetened Lemon Juice to your snake juice. Citrates (potassium, magnesium) also may bind
oxalates. If adding acidic components, use a straw to protect your teeth.)


Be very cautious with potassium if you are taking high blood pressure medications, specifically
ACE Inhibitors. Risk of hyperkalemia. ​ALWAYS read the documentation provided with your

Sodium​ is important in the first few days. As you fast, the insulin drop will cause water and
sodium to dump, this is signalled by the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone axis. This causes a
significant drop in weight during the first few days. In a low insulin state, your kidneys will hold
less sodium, increasing your need for salt. Low sodium is correlated with increased mortality,
insulin resistance and cardiovascular events. LINKS [ ​1,​ ​2,​ ​3,​ ​4,​ ​5,​]
Some recipes will include Baking Soda (Sodium Bicarbonate), this is ​usually​ reserved for Dry or
Prolonged Fasts and can also increase pH (more alkaline, it is not needed for a standard fast,
but will not harm you if you wish to use it). Prolonged fasts and very deep ketosis can induce a
mild hyperacidosis, adding some bicarbonate for a prolonged fast can buffer this, this may also
help with oxalates (need clarification). In larger amounts Baking Soda tastes like I imagine
bigfoots dick would.

Magnesium ​Sources:
Epsom Salts (Magnesium Sulfate) are a powerful laxative. They are ​not to be used​ in Snake
Juice recipes as you will simply void the electrolytes you have just consumed as well as
dehydrate yourself.

2 potential Magnesium sources during a fast:

● Magnesium Citrate/Glycinate/L-Threonate supplements 300mg+ / d
● Homemade Magnesium Bicarbonate: 2 tbsp Milk of Magnesia (Magnesium Hydroxide)
mixed into 2L of seltzer water, it will react with carbonic acid to form very bioavailable
Magnesium Bicarbonate, drink 1 cup daily. See ​LINK

Magnesium and Potassium are linked to sodium levels, low sodium will cause magnesium and
potassium wasting, for a great talk on this see: ​LINK

During the fast, ​no food or caloric beverages are consumed​, black coffee, tea and water are
permitted. Artificially sweetened beverages are not recommended as they can induce the
Cephalic Phase Response and may transiently spike insulin. (references: ​1​ , ​2​ ).

For Fasts exceeding one week​, a B-Complex supplement or a daily dose of nutritional yeast is
STRONGLY recommended. A 200-500mg Vitamin C supplement can also be useful to avoid
sub-clinical scurvy and aid in collagen synthesis.

(​Cheese’s Notes​: Conventional fortified B-Vitamins are not well absorbed, consider a
Methylated B-complex, especially if you have a MTFHR SNP. For example: B12 as
Cyanocobalamin​ has to be processed in the liver and cleaves a ​Cyanide​ molecule, this is the
cheap synthetic b12 put in most foods. ​Methylcobalamin​ is the pre-formed bioavailable form.
Approximately 30% of the population has a mutation of MTFHR or related genes.)

If you have to ask the question “can I have X, during a fast?”, the answer is most likely ‘no’!

Durations are variable depending on goals, common variants include:

● 16:8 notation as follows (hours fasted) : (hours feeding)

● 20:4
● 23:1 aka OMAD (One Meal a Day)
● ADF (Alternate Day Fast or OMEAD, one meal every other day, effectively 36:1)
● Multi Day fasts, time denoted in either hours or days. (eg 96hrs = 4 days)
● Multi-Week, self explanatory.

OMAD is particularly good for ​maintenance​ and lean bulking.


Hunger is a commonly misinterpreted signal. Hunger is largely controlled by ​Ghrelin​ and is

pulsatile, meaning it comes in waves. It is entrained over time to spike during your normal meal
times. If you ignore the hunger near mealtimes it will pass. Bored eating, or habit eating is
something you need to be aware of and actively think about in order to overcome it. True
hunger is a feeling most people in the developed world have never experienced.


Refeeding is defined as the reintroduction of food after a fast. For fasts below a week, no
special preparations are usually required to refeed, but it is recommended that food be taken
slowly and in smaller volumes than normal eating.

For fasts greater than one week, it is suggested that broth be taken a few hours before a first
small meal such as eggs or meat. Some may experience loose stool after a refeed, others not.

What about refeeding syndrome?

Refeeding syndrome is a rare metabolic shitstorm that occurs with high carbohydrate feeding of
individuals who have been starving, deprived of electrolytes and dehydrated. It was noted
amongst Prisoners of War and in cases of abject starvation (which is a very different state than
a controlled fast). See: ​Refeeding Syndrome​.

It is not typically a concern during a proper fast as electrolyte concentrations and hydration are
maintained. ​Do not refeed with sugars or starches after a prolonged fast!

Lifting during a fast:

Fasting does not make you lose muscle mass! (see: ​LINK​ ).

While you cannot gain lean mass (unless starting from obese) during a fast, excercising during
the fast is very important.
(​Cheese’s Note​: Ketones themselves induce leucine sparing mechanisms, and light lifting will
aid in stimulating muscle protein synthesis).

Walking is an excellent fat burning exercise, as is swimming and any other activity that is not
super intense. Light weights and reductions in weekly volume are recommended during a
longer fast. To supercharge fat burning, consider thermally challenging your body with cold
temperatures (walks in the winter with lighter clothing, cold swims etc)

Maintenance and Dietary Habits during and after /Fasting:

Newbies may find a particular bent toward carnivory on this discord, this is due to a large
volume of experience and success with this regimen.

Maintaining a low to zero carb lifestyle after fasting and/or during refeeds greatly enhances
adherence and success in keeping the fat gone.

Regularly introducing fasting into your daily life is a way to maintain health and youth after fixing
your metabolic dysfunction through prolonged and regular fasting.

Thirty six hours of fasting on a weekly basis with a 5-6 day once / quarter are hypothesized to
be optimal for health over the long term.

For optimal health, some recommendations:

#1. Stop Smoking​:

This is, without doubt, by far, the best thing you can do for your health This dwarfs all other

#2. Food


● Sugars, you should never eat sugar again, ​LINK​ ​(everyone should watch this​)
● Starches and simple carbs (unless targeted for workouts)
● Grains and seeds, refined or otherwise (use non-grain sources of starch for workouts),
this includes rice, oats, barely, wheat, corn, etc.
● Seed Oils, the extreme oxidised O-6 fatty acids are highly inflammatory to the
endothelium of the arteries in particular. ( ​1​ , ​2​ , ​3​ )
● Legumes such as peas, peanuts, lentils and beans, have a high lectin content which can
agglutinate blood and increase inflammatory responses. ( ​1​ , ​2​ )
● Most vegetables (data can be provided if you are curious)
● Saturated fatty acids, animal fats, butter, coconut oil, olive oil sparingly (use cold not
● Meat, red meat and white meats, fish and shellfish for O-3 Fatty acids.
● If you want, add some veg, but be aware that many of the compounds in plants can be
inflammatory, even when cooked.

#3. Lift

Resistance training is the best method for inducing and maintaining insulin sensitivity and lean
tissue mass is highly correlated with longevity and health regardless of age.

There are many programs and methodologies, high volume, HIT, splits etc. Pick one or
experiment but get into the gym, lift and continue for your entire life. Thank us later.


On youtube:
Ken Berry
Paul Saladino Md
Jason Fung
What Ive Learned​ Watch This first IMO
Siim Land 1​, ​2​,
/FAST Discord - Links PDF

Potential side effects of fasting/carnivore diets

(​Cheese’s Notes​: ​This is a recent rabbit hole, citation needed throughout)

They happen, keep fasting, or refeed and change your timing/frequency, the plateau will
eventually break.
Post-fasting, consider cutting dairy as it can be inflammatory for some.

Vitamin C:
Likely not a concern if organ meats are concerned and blood glucose is kept very low. The
occasional supplement is just fine. Occasionally adding some to snake juice is tasty with lemon,
Vit-C is required for collagen synthesis.


Thanks to: Gabriel, Ryutaa, Whately, Ratikal, Asdflower,, Bart, Pim, Emo, Alpherior, Drew, and
everyone on the /FAST server. Shout out to Lukegear, Necrokittie, Babernator on Barts server.

Cheese was here 2020.

More resources and images below this line


Oxalates (Copy paste from Fallon’s website, needs


Oxalates​ are the​ ​dianion​ with the formula C​2​O​2−​. Many metal ions form insoluble precipitates
with oxalate, a prominent example being​ ​calcium oxalate​, the primary constituent of the most
common kind of​ ​kidney stones​. Oxalates form nano and macro crystals within the body with
needle like forms similar to Asbestos. They can accumulate in the liver and deplete sulfate and
B6, magnesium, calcium and potassium. Leaky gut will accelerate the intake of oxalates.

Cheese’s notes:​ Consuming salt, potassium and magnesium (even as chloride and
bicarbonates) as part of Snake Juice ​may​ also contribute to Oxalate clearing despite not being
in citrate form. Adding lemon juice to your snake juice is good.

(​Cheese’s Notes​: Epsom salt baths (hot bath + 2-3 cups epsom, soak for 30m), in fact the mag
+ sulfate buffering may be the actual mechanism behind people feeling better after epsom
baths, unrelated to muscle tension.
When engaging a fast or a very low oxalate diet(carnivore/keto), there is a hypothetical
dumping of oxalates​ stored in the body (similar to how a T2 diabetic can see spikes in blood
glucose following cessation of carbohydrate intake as the cells release their stored glucose).
This is surmised to cause varied and unpleasant side effects. This can happen even months
after reducing oxalate intake and may be of concern later on in a carnivore diet.

This mechanism can hypothetically produce ‘keto rash’, adult-onset vulvodynia, kidney stones,
crystalline oxalate piercing through the skin, eyes and other glands, contribute to leaky gut,
idiopathic joint pain and fibromyalgia, among many other symptoms. This includes exacerbating
gout symptoms.

A lower carbohydrate or ketogenic diet can decrease Ph levels in the blood and kidneys slightly
increasing acidity. Oxalates being acidic, are less likely to be flushed in this environment,
leading to a progressive buildup. This may explain the ‘keto causes kidney stones’ meme, and
is easily remedied.

The supposed phenomena of oxalate dumping can be ameliorated by consuming more Citrates
in the form of potassium magnesium and calcium citrates (calcium citrates with meals can
greatly reduce intestinal absorption). Excess oxalate intake over time can cause the body to
dump potassium to the point of hypokalemia, and reduce bone density as it scavenges calcium
from the bone when dietary intake is high.

Water with Lemon juice can add citrate to the body and reduce acidity in the kidneys, increased
alkalinity in the kidneys may be the only thing saving a Vegan from kidney failure from spinach
smoothies. The entire ‘alkaline foods’ meme might even be traceable to this one effect of
reducing oxalate levels in the body.

Foods very high in oxalates include(the list is extensive and there are many ‘healthy foods on
this list:
● Beet greens
● Rhubarb
● Spinach
● Beets
● Swiss chard
● Endive
● Cocoa powder
● Kale
● Sweet potatoes
● Peanuts
● Almonds
● Tea
● For a complete list see ​spreadsheet
Treatment for hyperoxaluria (​source​)

● Low oxalate diet (Carnivore works best)

● Water intake of 2 to 3 liters a day when combined with calcium citrate or magnesium
citrate was found to not only help remove oxalates from the body but also change the
structure of the crystal giving it a more rounded shape. The rounded shape was thought
to prevent some of the damage that the jagged-edged crystals produced.
● Citrates in the form of citrus fruits with no sugar added. Squeezing ½ lemon in a glass of
water works great.
● Calcium citrate with meals, studies have shown that taking 150 mg can help excrete up
to 100 mg of oxalates into the urine. The easy way to do this to buy it in the powder form
and add it to a bottle of water. That way it can be sipped throughout the day and you can
better regulate how much calcium you are getting. Oxalates cause calcium levels in the
blood to be low since they prevent calcium absorption.
● Magnesium citrate, taken away from the calcium. Magnesium has been found to bind
and remove oxalates best, but high doses can result in diarrhea. Best to use this at
bedtime. A 300mg dose can cause loose stools in some people.
● Magnesium oxide has a PH of roughly 9 so it alkalizes the urine. Oxalates are highly
acidic so the addition of magnesium oxide may help excrete oxalates by increasing the
PH. Consistent research has found that an acidic environment causes oxalates to stay in
tissues. Since oxalates are made up of calcium oxalate, magnesium in its oxide form
may bind oxalates efficiently. Magnesium oxide should be used in rotation with
magnesium citrate for best results.
● Potassium citrate is known to inhibit stone formation along with magnesium in some
studies. This may result in low potassium levels in the body if potassium binds and
leaves the body the way magnesium does.
● Sulfate is needed to repair cells, sulfur is in every cell of the body and is needed for
hormone and protein synthesis. Oxalates remove sulfur from the body. Sulfate also
helps detoxify heavy metals. Low sulfate causes low serotonin levels and low
neurotransmitter levels in the brain. MSM is a good supplement to replace sulfur losses.
● Folic acid may have an inhibitory effect on oxalate formation.
● Vitamin B-6 and Thiamine deficiency has been connected with high oxalate levels
(​Cheese’s Notes​:​ Be wary of too much supplementation in this area if you have MTFHR
mutation, this includes Folate and B12(Cyanocobalamin form, the stuff they fortify with).
A bioavailable B- Supplement has different forms of the compounds)
● (​Cheese’s Notes​:​ Calcium Citrate(100-150mg) with refeed meals may also be useful,
particularly if you are concerned about oxalate dumping and are a former Vegan.)

Resources for Oxalates: ​1​ , ​2​ , 3

​ ​ , ​4​ , 5
​ ​ , ​6​, ​7​ , ​8​ ,
Other stuffs that may be useful:


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