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recognized type of finger nail onychodystrophy is in HIV/AIDS (with indifferent results, as it happens).3
not listed. It is available in the United Kingdom as an unli-
I refer to the claw-like ‘‘parrot beak’’ malforma- censed (category B) product for topical application
tion and curvature of the nails often seen in as a 0.5% aqueous solution.4 I recommend GV to
patients who use crack cocaine.2 Such changes colleagues for its simplicity, efficacy, and inexpen-
have most often been recognized in young fe- siveness. Given the increasing concern about the
males, and are commonly found in association role of MRSA in skin infections, perhaps it deserves
with perniosis, hyperkeratosis over the knuckles, to be more widely exhibited.
and some atrophy of the distal portions of the However, its safety is controversial. Bhandarkar
pulps of some of the digits (especially the thumbs et al1 write that 2% GV is approved by the US Food
and index fingers). The skin findings may be and Drug Administration as an over the counter
caused by ischemia from peripheral vasoconstric- medication and that to their knowledge, it is safe.1 In
tion induced by crack cocaine, and it is thought the United Kingdom, GV has enjoyed some notoriety
that persons with vasomotor instability are more as a potential carcinogen and is held to be potentially
susceptible to this type of reaction. These skin injurious to mucous membranes and open wounds,
findings do not occur in all crack cocaine users, such that its application to such sites is not recom-
and early cutaneous changes may resolve with mended by Martindale.5
drug avoidance. In vitro GV has been shown to interact with DNA
and is carcinogenetic in mice; necrotic skin reactions
Robert I. Rudolph, MD, FACP
of the submammary and gluteal folds, genitalia, and
Department of Dermatology, University of Pennsyl- toe webs have been reported after the use of the
vania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, topical 1% aqueous solution. Oral ulceration has
Pennsylvania been reported in neonates treated for oral candidosis
with 0.5% or 1% aqueous solutions. My patients have
Funding sources: None.
not experienced adverse effects to my knowledge,
Conflicts of interest: None declared. but although I have used GV (0.5% aqueous solu-
tion) on open wounds and on the genitalia, I have
Correspondence to: Robert I. Rudolph, MD, FACP,
not used it in the oral cavity. I remember my father (a
1134 Penn Ave, Wyomissing, PA 19610
physician in the Royal Air Force) treating me as a
E-mail: school boy for onychomycosis of the right index
finger nail with topical GV more than 40 years ago
REFERENCES when we lived in Ghana. I am alive and well.
1. Brewer JD, Meves A, Bostwick JM, Hamacher KL, Pittelkow MR.
Cocaine abuse: dermatologic manifestations and therapeutic Christopher B. Bunker, MA, MD, FRCP
approaches. J Am Acad Dermatol 2008;59:483-7.
2. Payne-James JJ, Munro MH, Rowland Payne CM. Pseudoscler- Department of Dermatology, Chelsea & Westmin-
odermatous triad of perniosis, pulp atrophy and ‘parrot- ster Hospital and Imperial College School of
beaked’ clawing of the nails—a newly recognized syndrome Medicine, London, United Kingdom
of chronic crack cocaine use. J Forensic Leg Med 2007;14:65-71.
Funding sources: None.
Conflicts of interest: None identified.

Topical gentian violet in dermatology Correspondence to: Christopher B. Bunker, MA,

MD, FRCP, Consultant Dermatologist and Pro-
To the Editor: I was delighted to see topical gentian
fessor of Dermatology, Chelsea & Westminster
violet (GV; also known as crystal violet and methyl-
Hospital and Imperial College School of Medi-
rosanilinium chloride) given column space in the
cine, Fulham Road, London SW10 9HH, United
April 2008 issue of the Journal, and congratulate
Bhandarkar et al1 on their ingenuity. I was fascinated
to learn (but not surprised) that it inhibits reactive E-mail:
I have not personally used GV for oral hairy REFERENCES
leucoplakia, but I use it frequently for leg ulcers, 1. Bhandarkar SS, MacKelfresh J, Fried L, Arbiser JL. Targeted
therapy of oral hairy leukoplakia with gentian violet. J Am Acad
especially in the presence of methicillin-resistant
Dermatol 2008;58:711-2.
Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA),2 and occasionally 2. Bunker CB. Malodorous wounds. Lancet 1996;348:1737.
for paronychia and other eclectic indications, such as 3. Fox PA, Barton SE, Francis N, Youle M, Henderson DC, Pillay D,
herpes simplex virus immune reconstitution disease et al. Chronic erosive herpes simplex virus infection of the

penis, a possible immune reconstitution disease. HIV Med 5. Martindale website. Martindale: the complete drug reference.
1999;1:10-8. Gentian violet. Available from: www.medicinescomplete.
4. Berth-Jones J. Topical therapy. In: Burns T, Breathnach S, Cox N, com/mc/ [subscription required]. Accessed November 7, 2008.
Griffiths C, editors. Rook’s dermatology, 7th ed. Oxford: Black-
well Publishing; 2004. p. 7550. doi:10.1016/j.jaad.2008.07.063


Goeckerman treatment for remission of 23 days (range, 15-31 days). In response to treatment,
psoriasis refractory to biologic therapy 20 patients had [80% clearance of psoriasis; 3 pa-
To the Editor: We are increasingly seeing patients tients had 50% to 80% clearance. During Goeckerman
with recalcitrant psoriasis for whom the option of treatment, no patient had a worsening of psoriasis or
Goeckerman treatment has not been previously rec- any adverse effects.
ognized, and the patients have been placed on one In this age of biologics, Goeckerman treatment
biologic treatment after another without response. We has been almost abandoned in most US medical
undertook a 5-year retrospective study to assess the centers, but it remains extremely effective for psori-
efficacy of Goeckerman treatment for psoriasis recal- asis by inducing remission in most patients, including
citrant to one or more biologic agents that, generally, those unresponsive to biologic agents. Nonetheless,
had been prescribed by the referring physician; the there are caveats to our conclusion. The study is small
patients received Goeckerman treatment for psoriasis and retrospective, and the global assessment mea-
at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, between surements we used are not easily comparable to
September 2002 and September 2007. Psoriasis Area and Severity Index scores used in
Goeckerman treatment is a 3-week program recent psoriasis trials. However, this study confirms
administered on an outpatient basis that includes our observation5 that patients whose psoriasis had
the application of 2% crude coal tar to all affected skin previously resisted treatment with biologic agents
areas; the coal tar is removed daily to permit irradi- may respond well to Goeckerman treatment.
ation with broadband ultraviolet B phototherapy Rocco Serrao,a and Mark D. P. Davis, MDb
administered with a quartz lamp.1,2 Goeckerman
treatment historically has had the highest and most Visiting medical student, College of Medicine,a and
enduring remission rates in moderate to severe pso- the Department of Dermatology,b Mayo Clinic,
riasis.3,4 In our study, the response to Goeckerman Rochester, Minnesota
treatment was globally assessed with documentation Funding sources: None.
from daily clinical notes compiled by treating physi-
cians during the patient’s hospitalization and from the Conflicts of interest: None declared.
clinical summary. The results were categorized as Reprint requests to: Mark D. P. Davis, MD, Depart-
follows: [80% clearance, 50% to 80% clearance, 30% ment of Dermatology, Mayo Clinic, 200 First St
to 50% clearance, \30% clearance, no response, or SW, Rochester, MN 55905
Twenty-three consecutive patients with psoria- E-mail:
sis recalcitrant to biologic treatment received
Goeckerman treatment during the 5-year period REFERENCES
(Table I). Thirteen patients were female, and 21 1. Goeckerman WH. The treatment of psoriasis. Northwest Med
were white; the mean age was 51 years (range, 11- 1925;24:229-31.
2. Muller SA, Perry HO. The Goeckerman treatment in psoriasis: six
82 yrs). Patients had no success with various numbers decades of experience at the Mayo Clinic. Cutis 1984;34:265-8, 270.
of biologic therapies: one agent (16 patients), two 3. Menter A, Cram DL. The Goeckerman regimen in two psoriasis
agents (5 patients), three agents (1 patient), and five day care centers. J Am Acad Dermatol 1983;9:59-65.
agents (1 patient). The biologic agents included 4. Koo J, Lebwohl M. Duration of remission of psoriasis therapies.
etanercept (18 patients), infliximab (3 patients), J Am Acad Dermatol 1999;41:51-9.
5. Soares TF, Davis MD. Success of Goeckerman treatment in 2
efalizumab (9 patients), adalimumab (3 patients), patients with psoriasis not responding to biological drugs. Arch
and alefacept (1 patient). The duration of each bio- Dermatol 2007;143:950-1.
logic treatment ranged from 2 weeks to 36 months.
The average duration of Goeckerman treatment was doi:10.1016/j.jaad.2008.10.016

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