Part 1

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1. Back when I was a little kid, I used to have a sweet tooth. After every meal
of the day, I would eat a lot of cake and sweets. I am also a big fan of fast
food such as burger and fries. However, as I grew older, I decided to opt for
a healthier diet to keep myself in shape. I really like eating meat and
vegetable dishes, especially fried cabbage.
2. Well, that’s an interesting question, if I had an opportunity, I would like to
try Japanese food. There are many specialties in Japan, but the one I
particularly like is sushi, a dish which consists of rice mixed with vinegar
along with other ingredients. Another dish that I’s love to try is
okonomiyaki, a savory pancake served with a special sauce. It is also
adaptable – you can change to another protein choice apart from pork with
you prefer.
3. To be honest, I’m not really fond of cooking. In my opinion, in order to
make good dishes, the look and taste need to be taken into account. You also
have to remember their recipes, which I consider very demanding as I don’t
like it when I have to memorise a lot.
4. As I mentioned before, I’m not really interested in cooking. However, I do
occasionally cook for my family. If my memory serves me right, the last
time I cook a meal was rice with meat, egg and vegetables, which was a
complete disaster. The egg was okay, but the meat undercooked and the
vegetables too overcooked.
5. I prefer home-cooked food to food from restaurants. Home-cooked food may
take a lot of time to prepare, but they are more nutritious than those in
restaurants. Also, it may be expensive to pay for a meal at the restaurant, so
preparing a meal at home would be much better.
- Cycling
- New bike (bday gift) – seven
- First took up – fell off quite a lot so my dad used to teach me to cycle
- After some time, I soon got better at it
- Used to go cycle with my friends every day after school
- Cycle around neighborhood, parks
- Empty field
- Round and round the field without getting bored
- Cycle as fast as we want
- Great fun
- Get to high school: too busy with my schoolwork -> go cycling only once a
week on the streets to visit the nearby shops
- Cycling helps me to stay healthy and keep myself in shape
- Environmentally friendly
The social benefits of hobbies:
1. Yes
Broaden social circle: meet new people make more new friends
Ex: joining a sports club, meet ppl with the same hobbies, establish
2. Yes
Spend too much: waste money (ex: money for stamps)
Work + social life (too dedicated) -> balance
3. Benefits:
Relief stress from daily lives -> time for yourself
Exercises (gardening) -> more active -> improve physical health
Meet new ppl + make new friends with similar interests
Leisure time:
1. Every day: 8 hours at work + work at home + time for family + little time
for leisure
Not a good balance
Burnt out + struggle
2. Less free time than the past
Hectic schedule
Every day: 8 hours at work + work at home + time for family + little time
for leisure
Have to worry more about our families
3. Less
More productive -> more workload -> more hectic schedule
Society keeps developing -> higher demands -> work harder

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