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Ananias of Through Ananias, God restored Saul’s sight and gave
Damascus him the Holy Spirit (9:18).

Barnabas Barnabas sold his property and gave the proceeds to

the Jerusalem church (4:36-37). He welcomed Saul into
the church and later accompanied him on their first
missionary journey.

Cornelius A Roman soldier, Cornelius worshiped God (Acts 10).

Through Peter’s preaching, Cornelius became a
Christian, starting the church’s mission to Gentiles.

James, the Along with Peter and John, James formed Jesus’s
brother of innermost circle. James became the first of the apostles
John to die for his faith (12:2).

John Each time John appears in Acts, he is with Peter

(1:13; 3:1-11; 4:13,20; 8:14). Despite being viewed
as “uneducated and untrained” (4:13), Peter and
John answered their accusers boldly. Later, they
went to Samaria to confirm God’s work among the
Samaritans (8:14).

Peter A leader among the apostles, Peter served as a bridge

in the early church, working to unify believers. He
preached several powerful sermons in Acts.

Philip Chosen to help widows in the early church (6:5), Philip

also took the gospel to Samaria (8:5-13) and to an
Ethiopian (8:26-38). He later ministered to Paul after
one of the apostle’s missionary journeys (21:8).

Saul of Saul was a well-educated Jewish leader who was

Tarsus passionate about wiping out the early church. However,
he was completely transformed on the road to
Damascus (9:1-19) and became a Christian missionary.

Stephen Stephen became the first Christian martyr (7:54-60).

He stood boldly for Christ in the face of death, and God
used that to influence the apostle Paul.

ITEM 4 ®

Explore the Bible Adult Leader Pack, Winter 2023-24 • Suggested Use: Sessions 2, 4-13 • © Copyright 2024 Lifeway Christian Resources

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