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git --> Source code management

github / gitlab / bitbucket ---> Storage (online)


Source Code Mgmt (yaml , java, json, php, mysql)

/ \
CVCS DVCS [Distributed Version Control System]
Control System)


- login.php - mahinder (Timestamp)
- login.php - bijay (Timestamp)
- login.php - manoj (Timestamp)
- login.php - dhananjay (Timestamp)

yum install git -y

git --version

cd /opt/

mkdir myrepo

cd /opt/myrepo

mkdir project1

cd project1

Output ---> /opt/myrepo/project1

git init

git config --global "Ekam"

git config --global ""

git config --list

git status

echo "hello world" > index.html

echo "my address is" > contactus.html

git status

git commit -m "I have added few files for new project of CX ...."
git status

echo " Hello new AI world " >> index.html

git status

git add index.html

git restore index.html

echo "user1: India@123 " > password-info.txt

git add password-info.txt # Stage Area

git commit -m "My first passowrd file " # Commit area of local repo

git status

output :
On branch master
nothing to commit, working tree clean

rm -f password-info.txt

git add password-info.txt

git commit -m "Deleted password-info.txt"

git status

how to create new branch ?

git branch feature1

git branch

git checkout feature1


git checkout -b feature2

git status
How to list all branches of git (Local)

git branch

How to checkout in new / another branch ?

git checkout <branch-name>

git checkout feature1

git status
How to see logs / commit with id ( To help or track files info in branches) :

git log

git log --oneline #(branch wise log info will print)

Download and install Git scm tool for windows :

cd /opt/

mkdir myrepo

cd myrepo

git clone

ls -ltr

cd devops132024

ls -ltr

git remote -v

git pull

git fetch

git pull vs git fetch vs git clone

git push

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