WHO 1 Compare Contrast Instructor 23-24 Baski

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METU/SFL Spring 2024

Comparison & Contrast
(Instructor’s Copy)

In this handout, students will

- analyze sample comparison and contrast paragraphs
- study the linkers and vocabulary items that are frequently used in comparison paragraphs (similar, similar to, similarly,
alike, likewise, in the same way, like, and, and so…, both… and…, not only… but also…, neither… nor…)
- study the structures and vocabulary items that are frequently used in contrast paragraphs (however, on the other hand,
in/by contrast, while, whereas, unlike, in contrast to/with, different from, contrary to, as opposed to, be different from,
differ from… in that/ with respect to/ in terms of…, comparatives, not as/so…as)
- study the patterns to show concession (although, even though, though, despite, in spite of, nevertheless, however, but)
- write a contrast paragraph.

I. Writing about Similarities

A. Discuss:
1. Do you remember your first day at university? How did you feel? Why?
2. Was it easy to make friends? Why?/Why not?
3. Do you agree with the following statement? Why/Why not?
“First day at work is similar to first day at school.”

B. Below is a text about the feelings of new students and new employees on their first day. Does the
writer have similar opinions to yours?
Starting Out
Students and employees experience similar feelings on the first day at a new
school or at a new job. Firstly, both the students and the employees feel
nervous and anxious on their first day. These feelings come from the
unknown. Students have to find classrooms, the cafeteria, and other
important places on campus. They are afraid that they will get lost and be
late, and they think that everyone will notice their mistakes. Likewise, new
employees must become familiar with their surroundings. They feel as confused and insecure as
new students do until they learn their way around. Moreover, most students feel anxious about
their new classmates and future relationships. Similarly, new employees may feel nervous about
their new colleagues. Secondly, new students and employees may have the fear of failure. Students
may doubt their ability to meet the demands of their classes. Similar to students, new employees
might worry about their assigned workload. Both students and employees might need to make a
good impression on an instructor or a boss and figure out how to use the books, computers, and
other materials to be successful. Therefore, not only students but also employees may feel that
they have to work hard. To sum up, the feelings of students on their first day at a new school and
the feelings of employees on their first day at a new job are remarkably similar.

What is a compare-contrast paragraph?
The paragraph you have read is an example of comparison/contrast paragraph. A comparison/contrast
paragraph analyzes either the similarities or differences between two people or things. The purpose of a
comparison paragraph is to show how two people (or groups of people), places, things, or ideas are
similar, and the purpose of a contrast paragraph is to show how two people (or groups of people),
places, things, or ideas are different.

There are many reasons for comparing and contrasting two people, things, places or ideas. For example,
in a political science class, one might compare and contrast two leaders to show the more successful
one in implementing economic reforms. In an engineering class, one might compare and contrast two
methods of combustion to show the more efficient one. Therefore, with comparison and contrast, the
aim is not just to point out differences and similarities, but to persuade, explain or inform the reader.
Think of comparison and contrast as a method of development – not a purpose for writing.

You must write about two items that already have some kind of connection. The paragraph above is
about the similar experiences of two groups of people. This is a logical comparison. You can compare
two places, two kinds of music, two people/groups of people, two cultures, two animal/plant species,
two methods of doing something, and more. Don’t compare or contrast things that have no logical

C. Read the paragraph again, study its organization, and underline the words and phrases that signal
similarities. Then, complete the table below.
Topic Sentence: Students and employees experience similar feelings on the first day at a new
school or at a new job.
1 Point of  Feelings of nervousness and anxiety
Supporting Ideas / *The environment is new (the unknown is the source of nervousness and
Details / Examples / anxiety)
Explanations, etc. - students look for classrooms, cafeteria, etc. + they are afraid that they
will get lost
- employees try to find some places
* students feel anxious about their new classmates and future relationships.
* employees feel uncertain about new colleagues

2nd Point of  Fear of failure

Supporting Ideas/ * students may doubt their ability to meet the demands of their classes
Details / Examples/ * employees might worry about their workload
Explanations, etc. * both may feel that they have to work hard.
Conclusion: To sum up, the feelings of students on their first day at a new school and the
feelings of employees on their first day at a new job are remarkably similar.

II. Writing about Differences

A. Discuss:
1. In your opinion, does a student have similar feelings on their first day in traditional education and
online education? Why/Why not?
2. Compare online and face-to-face education and make a list of their differences below. Which one do
you prefer? Why?
Possible responses:

B. Below is a text about the differences between online education and traditional education. Does the
writer have similar opinions to yours?

Online Education or Traditional Education?

Online education and traditional education are different in two ways. The first difference between
online education and traditional education is in the relationship students develop with other students
and professors. In online education, the students cannot find the chance to get to know other
students or the teachers as they can only communicate through e-mail, chat rooms and forums. This
makes the relationships impersonal. In contrast, in a traditional classroom, there is face-to-face
contact between the students and the teacher. As the students and the teacher come together in a
classroom environment, they have a higher chance of developing strong relationships. The second
difference between online education and traditional education is the financial costs of these two
types of education. Online education is not as expensive as traditional education. There are no
expensive course materials that needs to be purchased. Also, the students do not have to pay extra
money for accommodation and transportation. On the other hand, in traditional education, students
have to pay for the course materials and the books. In addition, they need to spend money on extra
costs, such as transportation, food and accommodation. Therefore, traditional education is more
expensive. To conclude, one should consider these differences before deciding which type of
education to choose.

C. Read the paragraph again, study its organization, and underline the words and phrases that signal
similarities. Then, complete the table below.

Topic Sentence: Online education and traditional education are different in two ways.
1 Point of the relationship students develop with other students and professors
Supporting Online education:
Ideas / Details /  the sts usually don’t have the chance to get to know other sts and the teachers
Examples / Traditional education:
Explanations, etc.  face-to-face contact enables sts and the teachers to develop stronger relationships
2nd Point of financial costs
Supporting Online education:
Ideas / Details /  not as expensive as traditional education (no expensive course materials + no
Examples / extra money for accommodation and transportation)
Explanations, etc. Traditional education:
 sts have to pay for the course materials and the books
 sts spend money on extra costs, such as transportation, food and
accommodation more expensive
Concluding To conclude, one should consider these differences before deciding which type
Sentence: of education to choose.


Comparison and contrast paragraphs are usually organized by point-by-point method. In this
organization, first, the two subjects are compared/contrasted in terms of the first point of
comparison/contrast. Then, the two subjects are compared/contrasted as regards the second point of
comparison/contrast. The same thing is done until all the points of comparison/contrast between the
two subjects are drawn.

Remember these points from the first semester:

Order of ideas: It is a good idea to have a logical order. The logic depends on the topic and the
purpose of writing. The types of logic can be the following:

- From the more obvious to the least obvious

- From the most well-known to the least well-known
- From the least important to the most important

Length of explanation: Balance your explanation for each basis of comparison. Include the
necessary details for each one.


The topic sentence of a comparison-contrast paragraph includes the topic (the two subjects of
comparison) and a controlling idea that clarifies the discourse of the paragraph. The topic sentence may
also include the points on which the subjects will be compared (bases of comparison). As you learned in
the first semester, if the major supporting ideas (bases of comparison in a compare-contrast paragraph)
are listed in the topic sentence, it is an open topic sentence. If not, it is a closed topic sentence.
Closed topic sentence:
 Students and employees experience similar feelings on the first day at a new school or at a new job.
topic controlling idea

 Online education and traditional education are different in two ways.

topic controlling idea

Open topic sentence:

 Students and employees similarly experience feelings of nervousness and anxiety and fear of failure on
topic controlling idea
the first day at a new school or at a new job.

 Online education and traditional education are different in terms of the relationship students develop with
Topic controlling idea
other students and professors and financial costs.

Practice: Read the example topic sentences below and identify the topic and the controlling idea. Decide
whether they are open or closed topic sentences.

1. Turkish and Indian films are similar in two ways. – closed topic sentence
topic controlling idea
2. Jazz and Blues are different with respect to their origin and song structure. – open topic
topic controlling idea

The following sentence patterns are useful in writing topic sentences for a comparison paragraph.
There are two (main/certain) similarities between ________ and _________.

There are two main similarities between Turkish and Indian cinema.

in two ways.
_________ and __________ are similar in terms of _______ and _______.
with respect to

_________ is/are similar to _________ in two ways.

e.g. Turkish and Indian films are similar in two ways.

Sharks and dolphins are similar in in terms of their appearance and diet.
Indian cinema is similar to Turkish cinema in two ways.
_________ and _________ have two characteristics in common.

e.g. Sharks and dolphins have two characteristics in common.

The following sentence patterns are useful in writing topic sentences for a contrast paragraph.

There are two (main/certain) differences between ____________ and ____________.

There are two main differences between South Korean and Finnish education systems.

in two ways.
_________ and __________ are different in terms of _______ and _______.
with respect to

_________ is/are different from _________ in two ways.

e.g. Online education and traditional education are different in two ways.
South Korean and Finnish education systems are different in two ways.
Jazz and blues are different with respect to their origin and song structure.
Jazz is different from blues in two ways.

_________ and _________ have two different features .


e.g. Plant and animal cells have two different features.

Task 2. Rewrite the following topic sentences using the clues in brackets.
1. Blues and rock ‘n’ roll are similar in two ways. (there)
There are two similarities between blues and rock ‘n’ roll.
2. Chinese and Japanese cultures have two things in common. (similar)
Chinese and Japanese cultures are similar in two ways. / Chinese culture is similar to Japanese
culture in two ways.
3. Globe theater and modern theater are different in two ways. (difference)
There are two differences between globe and modern theaters.
4. Post-modernism is different from modernism with respect to form and content. (differ/terms)
Post-modernism differs from modernism in terms of form and content.


Another key element in writing a successful comparison/contrast paragraph is to organize it carefully.

After you select which two things you are going to compare, you need to choose the specific points of
comparison to use in order to explain the similarities.

The first
The second noun.
One similarity noun phrase.
Another is noun clause.
First, / Firstly, / First of all,
S + V.
Second, / Secondly,


- Students are afraid that they will get lost and be late, and they think that everyone will notice their
mistakes. Similarly / Likewise / In the same way, new employees must become familiar with their
- Students are afraid that they will get lost and be late, and they think that everyone will notice their
mistakes; similarly / likewise / in the same way, new employees must become familiar with their

- Students may doubt their ability to meet the demands of their classes. Similar to new students,
new employees might worry about their assigned workload.

- New students and employees are similar / alike in terms of their feelings.
in that they (both) feel nervous and anxious.

- New employees are similar to students in that they may feel confused and insecure until they learn
their surroundings.
- Both the students and the employees feel nervous and anxious on their first day.

*Note: Both ... and connects two affirmative structures.

When two subjects are connected by both … and, the verb is always plural.

- Not only students but also employees have a fear of failure.

- Usually, neither a student nor an employee feels relaxed on his/her first day.

*Note: Neither ... nor (not one or the other) connects two negative structures.
When two subjects are connected by neither ... nor / not only … but also the subject that is closer
to the verb determines if the verb is singular or plural.

Example: Neither the teacher nor the students were feeling good that day.
Neither the students nor the teacher was feeling good that day.
Not only the teacher but also the students are down with the flu this week.
Not only the students but also the teacher is down with the flu this week.

-In online education, students do not have to pay extra money for accommodation and transportation.
However / On the other hand / In contrast, in traditional education, students have to pay for the course materials
and the books.
-In online education, the students cannot find the chance to get to know other students or the teachers as they
can only communicate through e-mail, chat rooms and forums. This makes the relationships impersonal;
however/on the other hand/in contrast, in a traditional classroom, there is face-to-face contact between the
students and the teacher.

Unlike traditional classroom environment, a virtual classroom does not provide the students
In contrast to/with with many opportunities for socializing.
As opposed to
Different from

-Online education differs from / is different from traditional education in accessibility.

in terms of accessibility.
in that students can access the course
materials and assignments more easily.
-In online education, students have the chance to follow the lesson at any time of the day while/whereas in
traditional education, they cannot get education wherever and whenever they like.

-While/Whereas students have the chance to follow the lesson at any time of the day in online education, in
traditional education, they cannot get education wherever and whenever they like.

 Comparatives can also be used to give differences:

- Singapore is not so/as large as Trinidad & Tobago, but the standards of living are much higher.
- This is surprising because in the 1960s, people in Singapore did not live so/as comfortably as people in
Trinidad & Tobago.
- In fact, Singapore’s economy was much smaller than Trinidad & Tobago’s.
- Today, Singapore is far richer, and the crime rate is a lot lower.
- Because of the high crime rate in their country, people in Trinidad & Tobago do not feel so/as safe as
those in Singapore.
- Trinidad & Tobago has not been able to fight unemployment so/as effectively as Singapore.
You can use intensifiers to make the difference stronger or weaker:
X is a lot + comparative form + than Y.  NOT NEARLY as … as
* In traditional education, teacher control is much/a lot/far stronger than in online education.
* If the students have poor self-discipline, online education is not nearly as effective as traditional
a little
X is a bit + comparative form + than Y.  NOT QUITE as … as
* In traditional education, each lesson lasts a little/a bit/slightly longer than online education.
* Online education is not quite as costly as traditional education.


 Although traditional education is costly, it is still the most preferred type of education.
Even though S + V (+ O) , S + V (+ O)

 Despitethe its costliness, traditional education is still the most preferred type of education.
In spite of noun/noun phrase, S + V (+ O)

 Traditional education is costly; however, it is still the most preferred type of education.
Traditional education is costly. However, it is still the most preferred type of education.
 Traditional education is costly; nevertheless, it is still the most preferred type of education.
Traditional education is costly. Nevertheless, it is still the most preferred type of education.
 Traditional education is costly, but it is still the most preferred type of education.

TASK 3. Rewrite the following sentences using the clues in brackets.

1. The economy of Türkiye is based on tourism. The major source of income in Italy is tourism, too.
The economy of Türkiye is based on tourism. Likewise, the major source of income in Italy is
2. In South Korea, education is based on strict rules. Finnish education system is very liberal.
In South Korea, education is based on strict rules. Unlike South Korea, Finnish education
system is very liberal.
3. Educationalists want to improve the schools. School officials want to do the same. (similar to)
Similar to educationalists, school officials want to improve the schools.
Similar to school officials, educationalists want to improve the schools.
Educationalists are similar to school officials in that they want to improve the schools.
4. Leonardo da Vinci lived during the Italian Renaissance. Michelangelo lived during the Italian
Renaissance, too. (both … and)
Both Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo lived during the Italian Renaissance.
5. Most South Koreans see getting education as a duty to their country. The roots of Finnish
achievement in the education system lie in the social-democratic values. (in contrast)
Most South Koreans see getting education as a duty to their country. In contrast/; in contrast, the
roots of Finnish achievement in the education system lie in the social-democratic values.
6. The protection of the environment is essential for people today. The protection of the environment
is also essential for future generations. (not only … but also)
The protection of the environment is essential not only for people today but also for future
7. In South Korean schools, there is a strict assignment system. In Finnish schools, giving homework to
students is forbidden. (different/in that)
In South Korean schools, there is a strict assignment system. Finnish Schools are different from
South Korean schools in that giving homework to students is forbidden.
8. In globe theaters, the stage was surrounded by a pit where people could stand to watch the play.
In modern theaters, the stage is usually raised above the ground so that the audience can see
better. (differ from)
In globe theaters, the stage was surrounded by a pit where people could stand to watch the play.
Modern theaters differ from globe theaters in that the stage is usually raised above the ground
so that the audience can see better.

9. The actors weren’t good enough to hold the audience’s attention. The play itself wasn’t good enough
to hold the audience’s attention, either. (neither … nor)
Neither the actors nor the play was good enough to hold the audience’s attention.
Neither the play nor the actors were good enough to hold the audience’s attention.
You can finish your paragraph by writing either a summary sentence or a concluding sentence. If you
have a clear purpose, it is a good idea to write the conclusion that you draw from the explanations.
This should be an idea that is logically a result of the similarities or differences in the paragraph.

In summary, there are significant similarities between Greece and Türkiye in
terms of their traditions and social life.

To conclude, knowing the similarities between Greece and Türkiye may help
overcome the conflicts between them.
To sum up, there are significant differences between Japan and the US in terms of
transportation, marriage customs and communication styles.

In conclusion, knowing the differences between these cultures may help people
to develop a greater understanding and tolerance.

What are the differences between online shopping and traditional shopping?
In about 180 words, write a paragraph explaining two differences between online shopping and
traditional shopping.
In your paragraph, make sure:
 you have a topic sentence, supporting sentences that give additional details, and a concluding sentence
 all your ideas are relevant to the topic,
 you use linkers and transition words where necessary (and, or, so, but, because, moreover, etc.),
 you pay attention to the content, the organization, the vocabulary, and the accuracy of the language.
Step 1: Brainstorm for ideas.
Suggested ideas:

Traditional shopping Online shopping

COST  Costly for the seller too -shop rents  People can easily compare prices
 People cannot easily compare prices  Shops can offer more discounts as it
 Esp. at small shops, the customer can is less costly for them
bargain with the seller and buy an  The customer cannot bargain with
item at a lower price the seller; they have to accept the
seller’s offer
CONVENIENC  People can shop only when the shops  People can shop anywhere, any time-
E are open, and they may have to saves time
wait in line  People have to wait for the delivery of
 People can buy the item and use it their order
immediately,  No tangibility: people cannot touch,
 Tangibility: people can touch, smell, smell, and try on the items
and try on the items  People can reach items from all over
 People can only reach the items in the world -variety
their local area -no variety

Step 2: Now, outline what you will write. Please note down your ideas in the table below and try to
explain them by giving reasons, results, facts and examples.

Topic Sentence: __________________________________________________________________.

Major Support 1: _________________________________________________________________.

Minor support (clarification/examples): - ____________________________

- ____________________________

Major Support 2: _________________________________________________________________.

Minor support (clarification/examples): - ____________________________
- _____________________________
Concluding Sentence: _________________________________________________________________.

Step 3: Write your first draft, submit it on ODTÜClass and hand in to your instructor. Remember to
self-edit your writing before submission. __________________________________________________


In order to self-edit your writing, the guidelines will help you. Tick the relevant box.
My paragraph: yes no
 tells about the differences between online shopping and traditional shopping.  
 begins with a sentence that has a topic and a controlling idea.  
 introduces each difference with a transition signal.  
 explains each difference by providing specific details or examples.  
 includes transitions to show the connection between ideas.  
 ends with a concluding sentence (optional).  
 uses correct spelling, capitalization and punctuation.  

After receiving feedback from your instructor on your first draft, write your final draft, submit it on
ODTÜClass and hand in to your instructor.


What are the similarities between high schools and preparatory schools?

In about 180 words, write a paragraph explaining the similarities between high schools and preparatory
In your paragraph, make sure:
 you have a topic sentence, supporting sentences that give additional details, and a concluding sentence
 all your ideas are relevant to the topic,
 you use linkers and transition words where necessary (and, or, so, but, because, moreover, etc.),
 you pay attention to the content, the organization, the vocabulary, and the accuracy of the language.
Step 1: Brainstorm for ideas.

Suggested Ideas:

Similarities between High schools and Prep. Schools

duration of - each class is about 45-50 minutes
classes - 10-minute break between classes
- a bell rings to signal the end of the lesson/break time

- taking attendance + attending classes = compulsory

- medical report is required if absenteeism is exceeded

- classroom (not in a lab or auditorium)

- classroom equipment: blackboard or white board (not a smart class)
- generally teacher-oriented instruction

- there are written exams/assignments to assess students’ performance

- there is homework

Step 2: Now, outline what you will write. Please note down your ideas in the table below and try to
explain them by giving reasons, results, facts and examples.

Topic Sentence: __________________________________________________________________.

Major Support 1: _________________________________________________________________.

Minor support (clarification/examples): - ____________________________

- ____________________________

Major Support 2: _________________________________________________________________.

Minor support (clarification/examples): - ____________________________
- _____________________________
Concluding Sentence: _________________________________________________________________.

Step 3: Write your first draft, submit it on ODTÜClass and hand in to your instructor. Remember to
self-edit your writing before submission.___________________________________________________


In order to self-edit your writing, the guidelines will help you. Tick the relevant box.
My paragraph: yes no
 tells about the similarities between high schools and preparatory schools.  
 begins with a sentence that has a topic and a controlling idea.  
 introduces each similarity with a transition signal.  
 explains each similarity by providing specific details or examples.  
 includes transitions to show the connection between ideas.  
 ends with a concluding sentence (optional).  
 uses correct spelling, capitalization and punctuation.  

After receiving feedback from your instructor on your first draft, write your final draft, submit it on
ODTÜClass and hand in to your instructor.


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