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Opening: Dear sisters, To meditate on the paths of the Lord is to walk with Christ the whole way of his

salvation. Contemplating the paths of the Lord is to say that it is not death but life itself that has value.
In this hour of the Way of the Cross, may the Way of the Cross become a constant prayer in our lives,
now with the sentiments of children who love the Cross, may we learn to love the Cross. price and make
the cross blossom in life.

Station 1: Jesus is condemned

-Excerpt from the Gospel of Matthew:

(Mt 27:24-26)

- Contemplating: If we were present at the trial of Jesus in the past, we also found that this was too
unfair and harsh judgment. During the trial that day, the people raised their hands to denounce Jesus;
The religious leaders kept making accusations to urge Pilate to close the trial. People have successfully
condemned Jesus. We are surprised to see Jesus peacefully accepting them all. He has no complaints, no
anger, and no objections. On the contrary, obeying the will of the Father, Jesus accepted to enter the
path of suffering. All because He wants to save people.

For more than a year, the world has suffered so much from this Coronavirus. Many people lost their
jobs, so many people got sick, their lives turned upside down. The most painful consequence was that
millions of people were killed. Now and here, let us ask Jesus to help us realize God's Will through this
pandemic; so that we can continue to dream of the path to a better future[1].

- Pray: Lord Jesus, many people are learning to live with this terrible virus. They want to start walking
with God. Even if it's difficult, if God is with us, we believe that ahead is a bright sky. Help us to accept all
events in peace; from there, we have the strength, love, and spirit to go out with God and with each
other. Amen.

Station 2: Jesus Carrying the Cross- Excerpts from the Gospel of Luke:

“If anyone wants to follow Me, let him deny himself, take up his cross daily, and follow Me.” (Luke 9:23)
- Contemplating: The cross has never been light and comfortable log. That is the disgraceful punishment
that people give sinners. Today, it is Jesus who is taking that rough cross. He hugged it and put it on his
shoulder. From that moment on, the cross has always been associated with Jesus. People wonder why
He accepted the cross with amazing serenity. Surely the answer can only be because of obeying God the
Father, and because of loving people! It was love that made Jesus ready to carry all the suffering on his
shoulders to go to the top of Calvary. For the past several months, the whole world has had to carry the
weight of the pandemic. That weight falls on the shoulders of doctors and nurses, on the healthcare
system, on leaders, and affects most of us. Surely we do not need to explain why there is this terrible
cross! Instead, following Jesus' example, we ask for the grace of faith to live in times of pandemic
together and with God. The cross is only light and fleeting when we carry it together. Each person, each
organization, each country, if they know how to cooperate, surely the weight of the cross will be greatly

- Pray: Lord Jesus, may each of us accept the cross of our lives with faith in your companionship. Then
the cross becomes the cross that helps us to become saints in the middle of life. During and after this
pandemic, whether we like it or not, we have to be affected. Instead of resenting heaven and earth,
complaining and sighing, please let us know how to trust God to accept everything and trust everything.
Only then will we have more hope and strength to overcome the pain of this pandemic together. Amen

Station 3: Jesus falls for the first time

- Quote from the prophet Isaiah:“Truly, it was he who bore our sufferings, who bore ours.” (Is 53,4)

- Contemplating: At the age of 33, with broad shoulders and strength, Jesus could easily carry the cross
up Calvary. However, with many scourges, many hours without sleep, and the night of his arrest, Jesus
was now exhausted and exhausted. The log on His shoulder now becomes much heavier. Walking on the
rough and winding road, He fell. He fell down to the pain of people to continue to encourage and
support people to get up and move on. The Coronavirus has shown us this truth: Humans are not
omnipotent, science cannot do everything. That is the limit that we have to accept as creatures. Over
the past year, humanity has "fallen" over and over again in the economic, medical, political, social, and
so on. Of course, every fall hurts, is also unexpected, and makes people panic, especially when the
number of infected people is skyrocketing every hour, every day in many countries.

- Pray : Lord Jesus, our God! He is God made man and still falls under the weight of the cross. That image
helps us a lot: That suffering and stumbling blocks in life is an inevitable part of a weak human life. But
most importantly, your stumbling along the way reminds us that we are not alone! God is still there,
always sharing all the joys and sorrows with people. Please help those who are giving up, who are
suffering and carrying heavy burdens, to get the strength to stand up and move on. Amen

Station 4: Jesus meets Mary

- Excerpts from the Gospel according to Saint Luke "A sword will pierce her soul, so that the thoughts of
many may be revealed." (Luke 2:35)

- Contemplating: During the childhood of Baby Jesus, Our Lady saw her child fall many times while
playing with friends. Mom ran over to help. However, right now, I can't go near my children because of
the jostling of people. In that chaos, Jesus and Our Lady met only for a moment. It is a time of
motherhood, a time of sharing. I understand the pain of a sword that will pierce my soul. And Jesus
experienced what it was like to be separated, separated, and especially helpless in the face of the pain
of Our Lady.

Lucky for us because during the pandemic, God allowed us to have Mary as Mother to support us. With
a motherly heart, she constantly comforts and encourages the spirit of each of us. Not only that, she
leads us closer to Jesus so that with her we can trust and hope in God. Through the brief encounter and
separation between the Lord and the Mother at this stage, the Church wants to bring each of us
together to accompany, comfort, share, and care, especially spiritually. God. We keep social distance,
not human distance, because “our God is always close” and “invites us to be close to each other, not to
distance ourselves from others.”[2]With Pope Francis, we pray together: “O Mother of God, under your
protection we seek refuge. Do not repudiate our vows under trial, and Glorious and Blessed Virgin,
deliver us from all dangers." Amen.

5. - Pray: Lord Jesus, the good news for humanity is that we have a vaccine for Covid-19. Thank God for
enlightening scientists to find a cure for this prevention. However, the question is how can countries
distribute fairly, rationally, if not based on the spirit of mutual assistance? May God help global leaders
fulfill their commitment to equity and justice as principles for building a better post-Covid-19 world[4].

6. At this moment, I wish there were Veronica's hands everywhere, reaching out to help those in need.
Be an extended arm of God, help your family, help life, and help people. Only love and compassion can
ease the pain of fellow human beings. - Pray: Merciful God, inspire our hearts. With love, we dare to
open our hearts to go to others. Help us to have the courage to come to the vulnerable and suffering to
ease our sufferings. Especially in this difficult time, we ask you to draw closer to those who are suffering,
lamenting, and sick. Amen

Leader: We adore You, O Christ and we bless you: Because by your Holy Cross,
You have redeemed the world

Leader: “The second most important commandment is this; Love your neighbor
as you love yourself (Matt 22:39). Simon of Cyrene, an unwilling participant,
assisted the Lord and put this commandment to practice. (Pause)

Be patient with those in error

All: Father, grant us the grace not to condemn but to live love. When we are
weary of life’s journey, give us strength. Change our lives to live in harmony as
we yearn to respond to Your call to live in humility and trust.

Leader: Lord Jesus, crucified

All: Have mercy on us.

Follow Christ and love the world as He did, When He walked upon the earth. Love
each friend and enemy as He did, In God’s eyes we have equal worth.


Leader: We adore You, O Christ and we bless YouAll: Because by your Holy
Cross, You have redeemed the world

Leader: Veronica goes out of her way to show sympathy to one who is
condemned to death. St. Paul reminds us; “Don’t be afraid. Always be
courageous, for you have been given the privilege of serving Christ not only by
believing in Him but also by suffering for Him. (Pause)

Forgive the Offences All: Lord Jesus, you teach us to forgive more than we can
ever imagine, beyond the comprehension of our hearts and mind. Help us to
recognize our brokenness and weakness. Put in our hearts the humility and the
will to forgive those who have hurt us.

Leader: Lord Jesus, crucified

All: Have mercy on us.
Do you know that the Lord dwells in men? Do you know He resides in their
hearts? His face is shining in everyone we meet. Do you know He’s disguised as
every man?


Leader: We adore You, O Christ and we bless YouAll: Because by your Holy
Cross, You have redeemed the world

Leader: We too fall again and again because of our infidelity and hardness of
heart. We want to be ‘of the world’ and not ‘of Christ’. Yet God does not leave us
crushed by our sins and burdens but picks us up and forgives us. (Pause)

Pray for the living and the dead

All: Help us Lord, to put the commandment into practice, “A man can have no
greater love than to lay down his life for his friends. Just as I have loved you, you
must also love one another. May we imitate Mary, by accepting a share in the
cross of Jesus and trying to live always free from sin and fear of death.

Leader: Lord Jesus, crucified

All: Have mercy on us.

my sins I have abandoned, Right and claim to heaven above. Where the saints
rejoice forever, In a boundless sea of love. Chorus: Jesus! Lord! I ask for mercy,
Let me not implore in vain! All my sins I now detest them, Help me not to sin


Leader: We adore You, O Christ and we bless YouAll: Because by your Holy
Cross, You have redeemed the world

Leader: A large crowd of people followed Him; among them were some women
who were weeping and waiting for Him. Jesus turned to them and said, “Women
of Jerusalem, don’t cry for Me, but for yourselves and your children.” (Lk 23:27-
28) (Pause)

Feed the Hungry All: On Calvary we were joined together in you, Lord. Help us
crucify all self-indulgence so that we will bear the fruit of the Spirit in our life-
love, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, truthfulness and gentleness.

Leader: Lord Jesus, crucified

All: Have mercy on us.

All to Jesus I surrender, All to Him I freely give, I will ever love and trust Him, In
His presence daily live. I surrender all (2x) All to Thee my Blessed Savior, I
surrender all.

The first station: How many times I have this prayed, Let this cup pass? How
many times has been prayed by millions of Christians, followers of Jesus? Yet in
the end we know that most often God does not rescue us or our loved ones.
Normally we have to say with Jesus,” Not as I will, but as you will.” God did not
rescue Jesus either, He endured a most painful death. However, God saved
Jesus at that moment of surrender in the resurrection from the death. And so it
is with us. If we pray with Jesus, God will comfort us also in our sorrows, though
we may not be rescued until the time of resurrection.

The third station: The second Vatican council, in its decree” Non-Christian
Religions,” declares, “ Even though the Jewish authorities and those who
followed their lead pressed for the death of Christ, neither all Jew
indiscriminately at that time nor Jews today, can be charged with the crimes
committed during his passion. The church deplores all hatreds, persecutions,
displays of anti-Semitism leveled at any time or from any source against the

The fifth station: Death comes to us all. Death is that unexpected, or in the case
of terminal illness, the expected visitor. All the great religions, as they look to
the ultimate possibility of our being, have taught their adherents that death is
something to prepare well for and also to face head-on and enter into. One Asian
Indian story says that its as if suddenly there is a knock at the door and you go
to answer, and there you find an old friend whom you haven’t seen for ages. You
are ready to live everything and to be occupied in welcoming your friend, and so
it should be for us as we face the possibility of our dying. Who is knocking at the
door, but our oldest and best friend, God! Surly we welcome God.

The ninth station: Mary women were especially close to Jesus to help Him and
apostles. Yet, how conscious are we at this time in history of the ways in which
women have been poorly treated? They have often taken second place to men
and have had to fight for their rights in western society. We remember the
women who have been harassed and sexually, and now we are acutely
conscious of the grave evil of “trafficking” in which millions of young girls and
women are slaves and moved to different parts of the country and the world to
be used as sexual objects. This is a horrendous crime that continues in our day!

The twelfth station: Mary the mother of the Lord who stood by the cross of her
son, knows perhaps more than anyone the great power of the cross of Jesus and
how it can conquer all evil. Marry, given by the Lord as our spiritual mother,
always calls us to the heart 0f her son and to the complete surrender of our lives
to his love for us.

The thirteenth station: Jesus Christ has died. This death of Jesus Christ, the son
of the living God, has meaning for all of history. His is a passage from this world
into the next that opens up the way for the whole human race to follow. This
death reveals the greatness of the love of God for us and enables us to have
hope for our future and the future of the whole world. This death receives its full
meaning in the resurrection of Jesus from the dead, for here we see that the
entry to death becomes an entry into life.

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