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Tarea No.

2 “Personal Information Questions”

Vea el siguiente video de apoyo:
En hojas tamaño carta identificadas y engrapadas entregue escrito a mano cinco (05)
preguntas de información personal de cada grupo de los que se muestran seguidamente,
debiendo ilustrar cada una con recortes de revista, periódico o impresiones de imágenes de
internet. Fecha de entrega el 21MAR2024 en horario de clase; además debe subirse a la
plataforma educativa. Habrá evaluación corta del tema.


Personal information Questions are very important when you start learning English.
You need to know personal information questions to learn more about others and
create relationships. Questions like these can help you start long-term friendships:
 What kind of music do you like?
 What are some of your hobbies?
 What do you like to do in your free time?
 What are your pet peeves?
 How did your parents meet?
 What are you afraid of?

Personal Information Questions: Basic Questions

These are some basic common personal information questions:

 What’s your name?

 Where are you from?
 What’s your family name?
 Where do you live?
 What’s your address?
 What’s your telephone number?
 What’s your email address?
 How old are you?
 When were you born?
 Where were you born?

Personal Information Questions: Relationships & Family

These are some personal information questions about relationships

 Are you married?

 Are you single?
 Do you have a boyfriend?
 Do you have a girlfriend?
 Are you divorced?
 Are you dating someone?
 Are you seeing someone?
 Do you have any children?

Personal Information Questions: Hobbies & Entertainment

These are some basic personal information questions about entertainment

 Do you watch anime?

 Do you watch movies?
 Do you like independent films?
 What type of music do you like?
 What are some of your favorite shows?
 Do you follow YouTube channels?
 What are your favorite YouTube channels?
 What hobbies do you have?

Personal Information Questions: Sports

These are some basic information questions about sports

 Do you play any sports?

 Do you watch sports?
 Do you like going to the gym?
 Do you like running?
 Are you into sports?
 Do you like working out?
 Do you know how to swim?
 What sport would you like to play?

Personal Information Questions: Work

These are some questions about work and university

 Where do you study?

 What do you study?
 Where do you work?
 What’s your position at work?
 What do you do for a living?
 What subjects are you interested in?
 Are you good at ____________?
 Are you terrible at___________?
 What classes are you taking?
 What application/software are you using?
Other Personal Information Questions

 What is your favorite food?

 Is there any food that you do not like?
 What is your favorite color?
 Why do you want to learn English?
 What languages do you speak?
 Do you have any pets?
 What pets do you have and what are their names?
 Which sports do you like?
 Do you have a favorite team?
 What is something you do well?
 What is something you do not do well?
 Are you romantic?
 Do you have any tattoos?
 Can you describe yourself using what only two words?
 What makes you happy?
 Are you a good cook/singer/driver?

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