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A Practical Guide to Common Ailments Safely Treated at Home using

Conventional and Complementary Medicines


B oth conventional and complementary medicine have a
valuable part to play in treating many of the ailments from
which families suffer on a day-to-day or occasional basis.
In some cases aspirin or antibiotics may effect a cure. In other cases
it may be more effective to take a herbal or homeopathic remedy,-
to change your eating habits in order to reap the benefits of good
nutrition,- to de-stress yourself with yoga or aromatherapy,- or to
employ acupressure, reflexology, or the Alexander Technique
to stimulate the body's own healing mechanisms and improve
its posture.
The Family Book of Home Remedies offers a down-to-earth, practical
guide to common ailments that you can safely treat at home using
both conventional and complementary medicine. Consultant editor
Michael van Straten contributes nutritional, acupressure, and
exercise advice, as well as offering vital preventative tips, and leads a
team comprised of a doctor in general practice, an aromatherapist, an
herbalist, and a homeopath, supported by advisory therapists on the
Alexander Technique, reflexology, and yoga.

PART One, an A-Z Directory, comprises a cross-reference system to

all the ailments covered in the book, listing the therapies to which
they will respond and directing the reader to the relevant pages.

PART Two, The Ailments, looks at the various complaints in detail

(including children's illnesses), grouping them by body system,
with a section on first aid for minor injuries. Each ailment is treated
separately, with advice on conventional, herbal, homeopathic,
aromatherapeutic, and nutritional therapies (including traditional
"kitchen medicine," based on remedies that might be found in your
corner store). In addition, there are exercise ideas and preventative
advice, together with a section on Outside Help - other therapies
that you might already be practicing with a teacher, such as
acupressure, the Alexander Technique, reflexology, and yoga.

PART Three, A Practical Home Pharmacy, shows you how to make

all the basic herbal remedies,- includes diagrams of acupressure
and reflexology points that are safe to use yourself,- gives a
chart of the most comon medicinal drugs, listing their actions
and any contraindications,- suggests the 20 most useful herbal,
homeopathic, aromatherapeutic, and nutritional remedies,- and
outlines the ideal home medicine chest: a practical combination
of conventional and complementary remedies.
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A Practical Guide to Common Ailments

Safely Treated at Home using

Conventional and Complementary Medicines

Consultant Editor.-


Contributors Dedication
Consultant Editor: Michael van Straten This book is dedicated to two great English Dames who could not be more
(Introductions, Acupressure, Exercise, Kitchen Medicine, different, although both have one enduring passion—the health of the nation.
Nutrition, Preventative Measures) Dame Barbara Cartland, world famous for her romantic novels and pink frocks, is
Alexander Technique: Katarina Diss one of the early pioneers of nutritional therapy and was talking about the
Aromatherapy: Josie Drake dangers of food additives, pesticides, and insecticides long before most people
Conventional Medicine: Naomi Craft had heard of them. She was also one of the earliest advocates of vitamin
Herbal Remedies: Penelope Ody supplements and it was on this topic that I made my first radio broadcast
Homeopathic Remedies: Fiona Dry together with Dame Barbara, who has remained a friend and a constant spur to
Reflexology: Kristine Walker my work and research for 35 years.
Yoga: Sarah Ryan
Dame Kathleen Raven is not a household name, but she is the most important
This edition published by Barnes & Noble lnc„ and influential nurse since Florence Nightingale and was born in the year she died
by arrangement with —1910. She devoted her entire life to the care of others and to the training of
The Ivy Press Limited nurses, not just in England but throughout the world. As a Sister at Bart's Hospital
(St Bartholomew's), London, she served throughout the war years, sleeping on
1998 Barnes & Noble Books the floor and tending the casualties while the bombs rained down, In 1948 she
was appointed Matron of that great hospital, the Leeds General Infirmary, and 10
Design copyright ©The Ivy Press Limited 1998 years later became the British Government's Chief Nursing Officer at the
Introductions, acupressure, exercise, kitchen medicine, nutrition and preventative Ministry of Health. In "retirement" this remarkable woman helped establish
measures text copyright © Michael van Straten 1998 hospitals throughout the UK and the Middle East, setting standards of nursing to
All other text copyright ©The Ivy Press Limited 1998 which only she could aspire. Dame Kathleen has always understood the
importance of a "hands-on" approach to patients, to which end she has now
All rights reserved, Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, endowed a Chair of Practical Nursing. In common with every medical student
no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a who passed through her wards—many going on to reach the peaks of eminence
retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means (electronic, —I have learned more about real medicine from my regular chats with "Matron"
mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise), without the prior written during the past 20 years than it is possible to learn in a lecture room.
permission of both the copyright holder and the publisher of this book.
As I write this, Dame Barbara approaches her 98th birthday and Dame Kathleen
The moral right of the author has been asserted. her 88th, I can only hope that these home remedies, which they both know so
well, will enable me to be half as energetic when I get to their age. Knowing these
ISBN 0-7607-1066-X two women and working with them has been a joy, a privilege, and an education.
M 10 987654321 Michael van Straten

Note from the Publisher The publishers wish to thank the following for the use of pictures:
Information given in this book is not intended to be taken as a Heather Angel p. I 65t; Bruce Coleman pp.35t, 5 I b, 59t, 125t, 204b; Bridgeman Art
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2/3 St Andrews Place
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Without the help of lots of other people, this book would never have seen the
Art Director: Terry Jeavons light of day. My thanks are due to my secretary Janet, to my ever-patient editor
Designer: Ron Bryant-Funnell Mandy Greenfield and all her colleagues at the Ivy Press, and, above all, to my
Editorial Director: Sophie Collins partner Sally, who has not only put up with lots of midnight-oil burning and very
Commissioning Editor: Viv Croot little socializing, but also spent most of our Spanish holiday slaving over
Managing Editor: Anne Townley her laptop computer
Text Editor: Mandy Greenfield Michael van Straten
Captions: Fiona Corbridge
Picture Research: Liz Moore Abbreviations used in the book
Photography Coordinator: Kay Macmullan BRAT diet Bananas, Rice, Apples, and (dry) Toast diet
Studio Photography: Mike Hemsley, Walter Gardiner Photography; IU International Units
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Illustrations: jerry Fowler; Andrew Milne NSAIDs Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs
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INTRODUCTION 6 Aromatherapy 206
The 20 most useful aromatherapeutic oils
PART ONE: A-Z DIRECTORY 9 and the ailments they can help 207
Additional remedies 207
Immune System 20 Nutrition 208
Nervous System 48 The 20 most useful healing foods and the ailments they can help 208
The Senses 64 Food combining (the Hay diet) 210
Bones and Muscles 96 The exclusion diet 211
Circulatory System 112

Respiratory System 120 Outside help 212

Digestive System I 34 Acupressure 212
Reproductive System I 64 The AlexanderTechnique 213
Excretory System 174 Reflexology 214
First Aid 180 Yoga 215

PART THREE: A PRACTICAL HOME PHARMACY I 93 Home medicine chest 216

Herbal remedies 194 Kitchen, conventional, herbal, and homeopathic remedies,
Basic methods 194 and aromatherapy oils 21 6
List of herbs mentioned, with botanical names 196

The 20 most useful herbal remedies and the ailments they can help 198 Useful addresses 218
Further reading 220
Kitchen medicine 200 Index 221

Conventional medicine 202

The 20 most useful conventional-medicine remedies

and the ailments they can help 202


Doses for adults, children, and pregnant women 203

Symptoms that require urgent medical attention 203


Homeopathy 204

The 20 most useful homeopathic remedies

and the ailments they can help 205



T here is nothing new about home remedies.

Since the time of man's most primitive
headaches to a mustard poultice for backache, from
lavender for insomnia to dandelions for cystitis, there
homes—in caves and mud huts, the tree- are answers for dozens of everyday health problems.
houses of the tropical rainforest and the igloos of the What is more, these are gentle answers, to which more
frozen wastes, the farmer's cottage and the native and more people are turning in order to avoid
North American wigwam, the monastery and the unnecessary medication with powerful drugs—many
medieval castle—people have used home remedies to now available "over the counter"—and endless
treat their everyday ailments. prescriptions for sleeping pills, tranquillizers,
Home remedies have been passed down from painkillers, and antibiotics.
generation to generation—in the Western world, Many "alternative practitioners" talk about the good
usually from mother to daughter—and, until quite old days before we had a pharmaceutical industry,
recently, featured strongly in every cookbook, in but this is simply living in fantasy land. All treatments
which there was always a section on food for people and medicines must be viewed in the light of both
who are ill. In fact, it was not so long ago that nurses risk and benefit, and it is doubtless true that the
had to take an examination in the preparation of majority of natural therapies represent minimal risk
appropriate healing foods for their patients. and valuable benefit. However, th e advances of
For the first time, this book brings together the modern medicine and surgery, together with the life¬
ancient wisdoms of herbal medicine, traditional saving benefits of sophisticated pharmaceuticals,
Chinese acupressure, the more modern applications of cannot be dismissed.
homeopathy, the expertise of conventional medicine, Though many of the home remedies in this book
the gentle effectiveness of aromatherapy, and the age- are an alternative to other treatments, there is really
old practices of kitchen medicine. The information no such thing as "alternative medicine"—only good
you will find in these pages tells you not only how to and bad medicine. In serious illness the patient is best
deal with minor health problems that affect every served by a combination of the most suitable therapies
family, but also how to utilize home remedies to for their particular problem, and this is why I always
hasten the healing of more serious illnesses and relieve use the term "complementary medicine." When
some of the discomforts of complex diseases. physicians and other practitioners work together, and
From homeopathic pilules for sinusitis to cabbage their treatments are complementary to each other, the
poultices for arthritic knees, from acupressure for patient reaps the greatest benefit.
This book is not meant as a substitute for your knowledge that you need to tackle many common
physician, though in many instances the safe, simple ailments. Most of the remedies have stood the test of
treatments suggested will help prevent unnecessary time and, like many other aspects of complementary
trips to the doctor's office. Remember, though, that therapy, can now claim scientific validation. Others
first aid is just what it says, and if you are in any doubt are included on the basis of centuries of use and a vast
as to the seriousness of a symptom—especially when body of anecdotal evidence. Although scientists may
it involves children—then see your physician. Most scoff, modern medicine has been built on the
parents have a natural instinct about the health of their observations and anecdotes of great practitioners of
children, and if your gut instinct is worrying you, then the healing arts, and some of the most powerful
do not delay in seeking medical help. modern drugs were in common use long before clinical
Most accidents occur in the home—more than half trials were invented.
of us have an accident each year requiring some sort I hope that you will quickly discover the benefits
of treatment, and one-fifth of us suffer an injury that of these simple remedies and, by passing them on to
requires medical treatment. Common sense and care your relatives and your friends, will add to that vast
can help to make accidents less likely, but it takes a body of anecdotal evidence and old wives' tales that
bit more effort to prevent many of the other ailments really work.
described in this book. However, making the effort is

well worthwhile and you will find detailed advice on

how improving your nutrition can help you avoid

recurring problems,- how taking appropriate exercise MICHAEL VAN STRATEN

can protect your joints,- and how, using many of the i998

other home remedies, you can boost your resistance

to everyday infections.

In today's overcomplicated, technological, and

stressful world many of us are anxious to take more

control of our own lives. Using the home remedies in

this book is one step in that direction, and my

colleagues and I hope that the information we have

provided will give you the self-confidence and the

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Anemia is a condition in which the


Back pain has a number of causes, and

may come on gradually or suddenly
blood has a reduced ability to absorb
DIRECTORY oxygen and transport it around the stab you in the back without warning,
body, usually as a result of iron but most people will suffer from it at

of AILMENTS deficiency. some time.

Conventional medicine Aromatherapy
Herbal remedies Conventional medicine
Homeopathic remedies Herbal remedies
The Directory is ABDOMINAL PAIN Kitchen medicine Homeopathic remedies
STOMACH ACHE Nutrition Kitchen medicine
designed to give you quick, page 1 40 Preventative measures Nutrition
DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Preventative measures
See also Fatigue Restless legs
Abdominal pain, or stomach ache, can
efficient access to The
be triggered by stress and anxiety or by ARTHRITIS BACTERIAL
dietary indiscretion, Severe pain may page 104 INFECTIONS
Ailments. Each ailment is
herald serious disease. BONES AND MUSCLES page 20
Aromatherapy There are more than 200 different IMMUNE SYSTEM
entered independently and its Conventional medicine forms of arthritis that cause problems See Infection (bacterial/viral)
Herbal remedies with the joints, although pain, stiffness,
page number indicated. The Homeopathic remedies BAD BREATH HALITOSIS
swelling, and inflammation are usually
Kitchen medicine
present. page 88
body system it affects is listed Nutrition
Aromatherapy THE SENSES
Preventative measures Bad breath is nearly always the result of
Conventional medicine
below the heading, and a short See also Constipation Diarrhea poor dental hygiene —a build-up of
Herbal remedies
Flatulence Gallbladder problems plaque, infected gums, a tooth abscess,
Homeopathic remedies
Gastroenteritis Irritable bowel a rotten filling, or lazy brushing
summary of symptoms and Kitchen medicine
syndrome Peptic ulcers techniques,
Preventative measures Aromatherapy
causes is given to enable you ACNE See also Rheumatism Conventional medicine
page 64
Osteoarthritis Herbal remedies
to pinpoint the ailment in THE SENSES Homeopathic remedies
Acne is a distressing skin problem Kitchen medicine
question. A checklist of main characterized by angry red pustular Nutrition
spots and triggered by the fluctuating Preventative measures
therapies indicates which will levels of hormones during adolescence. See also Catarrh Constipation
Aromatherapy Gingivitis Sinusitis
Conventional medicine
help and a cross-reference
Herbal remedies BEDWETTING
Homeopathic remedies page 74
directs you to similar or
Preventative measures Bedwetting is seldom the result of
related ailments.
underlying disease or physical
ALLERGIES problems, but is usually one of those
page 22 ASTHMA things that "just happen" and most
IMMUNE SYSTEM page 132 children will grow out of it.
An allergy is an abnormal response by RESPIRATORY SYSTEM Aromatherapy
Charts showing the the body’s natural defense mechanisms, In children, asthma is nearly always an Conventional medicine
acupressure and very often to something that would allergic response to inhaled allergens; in Herbal remedies
not normally be a hazard. adults it is triggered by changes in the Homeopathic remedies
reflexology points Aromatherapy body. Preventative measures
mentioned throughout Conventional medicine Aromatherapy See also Stress
Herbal remedies Conventional medicine
the text can be found Homeopathic remedies Herbal remedies
on pp. 2 i 2-15. Nutrition Homeopathic remedies
Preventative measures Nutrition
See also Asthma Dermatitis Preventative measures
Eczema Hay fever Hives See also Allergies Hay fever


page I 82 page I 84 page 28
Bites, by animals, insects, and marine Burns may be caused by dry heat, such See Herpes simplex
species, vary in strength and as fire, friction, sun, chemicals, or
seriousness, but often result in localized electricity, and are often accompanied COMMON COLD
pain, reddening, and swelling, and by shock. page 124
sometimes in nausea, fainting, and CHICKEN POX
breathing problems,
page 40
Conventional medicine Colds, characterized by a sore throat,
Aromatherapy Herbal remedies runny, sore, or blocked nose, headache,
Conventional medicine This highly infectious illness,
Homeopathic remedies and general aches and pains, are caused
characterized by a rash of small spots
Herbal remedies Kitchen medicine by viruses, caught from other people.
Homeopathic remedies all over the body, is caused by the
Nutrition Aromatherapy
Herpes zoster virus and is most
Kitchen medicine Conventional medicine
common in children.
CANDIDA I Herbal remedies
BLACK EYES page 16©
Homeopathic remedies
page 181 Conventional medicine
Herbal remedies
FIRST AID See Thrush Nutrition
Homeopathic remedies
See Bruises Preventative measures
CATARRH Set also Catarrh Coughs and
BOILS page 122
Preventative measures
bronchitis Influenza
page 6© See also German measles Measles
Mumps Scarlet fever Shingles
THE SENSES Irritation of the mucous membranes in CONJUNCTIVITIS
A boil is characterized by a red, raised the nose and throat, or allergic page 8©
lump with pus in the middle, which is
reactions, can cause the blocked nasal THE SENSES
page 112
very tender to touch. It may be a sign passages that are characteristic of Conjunctivitis is an acute inflammatory
of underlying illness or lowered catarrh. condition of the mucous membrane
Chilblains are sore, itching, inflamed
resistance. Aromatherapy covering the surface of the eye and
patches of skin, occurring most
Aromatherapy Conventional medicine lining the eyelids, caused by viral or
commonly on the backs of the fingers
Conventional medicine Herbal remedies bacterial infection.
or tops of the toes, caused by
Herbal remedies Homeopathic remedies Aromatherapy
restriction of the blood supply to the
Homeopathic remedies Kitchen medicine Conventional medicine
Kitchen medicine Nutrition Herbal remedies
Nutrition Preventative measures Homeopathic remedies
Conventional medicine
See also Chilblains Herpes See also Allergies Hay fever Kitchen medicine
Herbal remedies
simplex Sinusitis Nutrition
Homeopathic remedies
See also Styes
Kitchen medicine
I8I 70 Nutrition
Preventative measures page 1 56
See also Boils Herpes simplex
Bruises are the visible sign of bleeding The orange-peel-like skin that DIGESTIVE SYSTEM

beneath the skin, resulting from characterizes cellulite is not an illness, Constipation, or infrequent passing of
pressure or a blow. They generally but is caused by a combination of stool, is one of the most common
change color over a period of days. hormone changes, skin structure, and digestive problems, often caused by
page S©
A black eye is the result of severe fat deposits. insufficient soluble fiber or fluid, or by
bruising of the eye socket and lids. It is Aromatherapy bad toilet habits.
This ailment is typifed by grinding
internal bleeding that results in the Conventional medicine Aromatherapy
fatigue and exhaustion, an inability to
swelling and the skin turning black or Herbal remedies Conventional medicine
stay awake, muscle pains, mood swings,
dark blue. Nutrition Herbal remedies
and loss of concentration, enthusiasm,
Aromatherapy Preventative measures Homeopathic remedies
and appetite.
Conventional medicine See also Weight problems Kitchen medicine
Herbal remedies Nutrition
Conventional medicine
Homeopathic remedies Preventative measures
Herbal remedies
Kitchen medicine See also Flatulence Hemorrhoids
Homeopathic remedies
Irritable bowel syndrome
Preventative measures
See also Fatigue Stress
page 68 page 180 page i 58 page 174

These are hardened, thickened areas of Minor cuts do not usually require The passing of frequent, loose, or even See Bedwetting
skin occurring on parts of the body medical attention, because blood clots liquid stool is the result of irritation or
that are subject to constant friction, should quickly form and seal them, but inflammation of the gut, due to FAINTING
usually the hands and feet, they should be carefully cleaned and overindulgence or an infection, page 191

Aromatherapy dressed. Aromatherapy FIRST AID

Conventional medicine Aromatherapy Conventional medicine Fainting is caused by a temporary

Herbal remedies Conventional medicine Herbal remedies reduction in the supply of blood to the
Homeopathic remedies Herbal remedies Homeopathic remedies brain. It may be caused by a shock, fear;
Kitchen medicine Homeopathic remedies Kitchen medicine or exhaustion, missed meals, an over¬
Preventative measures Kitchen medicine Nutrition hot atmosphere, or by standing still for
See also Warts Preventative measures too long.
CYSTITIS See also Gastroenteritis Irritable Aromatherapy
COUGHS AND page 178 bowel syndrome Conventional medicine
page 126 Cystitis is characterized by a stinging, Homeopathic remedies
RESPIRATORY SYSTEM burning sensation and increased Kitchen medicine
A cough may be caused by inhaled frequency when passing urine, caused
irritants, or it may be the sign of by infection of the bladder or urethra. FATIGUE
underlying illness; bronchitis, Aromatherapy page 54
characterized by persistent coughing Conventional medicine NERVOUS SYSTEM
and copious phlegm, is caused by an Herbal remedies Fatigue is characterized by tiredness,
infection, often following a cold or flu. Homeopathic remedies irritability, stress, and anxiety; unless
Aromatherapy Kitchen medicine there is a specific diagnosis, it may be
Conventional medicine Nutrition due to poor nutrition, insomnia,
Herbal remedies Preventative measures snoring, or even depression.
Homeopathic remedies Aromatherapy
Kitchen medicine DANDRUFF Conventional medicine
Nutrition page 82 EARACHE
Herbal remedies
Preventative measures THE SENSES
page 84
Homeopathic remedies
See also Common cold Influenza THE SENSES
See Hair problems Kitchen medicine
Whooping cough Pain in the ear is generally caused by
DERMATITIS an infection and is very common,
Preventative measures
CRAMP page 72 especially in young children.
See also Anemia Chronic fatigue
page 96 THE SENSES Aromatherapy
syndrome Stress
BONES AND MUSCLES Dermatitis is an allergic reaction of Conventional medicine
Cramp is a sudden and severely painful the skin, producing an acute local Herbal remedies
contraction of the muscles, often in the inflammation, caused by contact with Homeopathic remedies page 24
calves, and can be due to a potassium irritant substances or being part of a Kitchen medicine
deficiency. general allergic condition. Nutrition
A fever or high temperature is the
Aromatherapy Aromatherapy Preventative measures
body's way of reacting to an attack by
Conventional medicine Conventional medicine invading bacteria or viruses, and it is
Herbal remedies Herbal remedies ECZEMA
usually self-limiting.
Homeopathic remedies Homeopathic remedies
page 74
Kitchen medicine THE SENSES
Kitchen medicine Conventional medicine
Nutrition Nutrition Eczema is inflammation of the skin,
Herbal remedies
Preventative measures Preventative measures accompanied by redness, flaking, and
Homeopathic remedies
See also Asthma Eczema tiny blisters, and often runs in families,
Kitchen medicine
Hay fever Psoriasis sometimes accompanied by other
Preventative measures
See also Gastroenteritis Infection
Conventional medicine
Influenza Nausea
Herbal remedies
Homeopathic remedies
Kitchen medicine
Preventative measures
See also Asthma Dermatitis
page I 44 page 32 THE SENSES
Gallstones, characterized by discomfort German measles is a mild, infectious
or pain in the upper abdomen, and disease typified by a rash that starts on HAY FEVER
FIBROIDS nausea and vomiting, are the main the face and spreads down the trunk, page 128
page I 64 gallbladder problems, caused when a sometimes accompanied by swollen RESPIRATORY SYSTEM

REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM stone blocks bile flow to the stomach. glands. True hay fever is an allergic reaction to

Fibroids are benign tumors in the Aromatherapy Aromatherapy the pollen produced by grasses,

smooth muscles of the uterus and Conventional medicine Conventional medicine characterized by sore, puffy eyes,

often cause heavy menstrual bleeding Herbal remedies Herbal remedies streaming nose, and violent bouts of

or menstrual pain. Homeopathic remedies Homeopathic remedies sneezing, but it may also describe

Aromatherapy Kitchen medicine Kitchen medicine allergic reactions to other airborne

Conventional medicine Nutrition Nutrition irritants.

Herbal remedies Preventative measures Preventative measures Aromatherapy

Homeopathic remedies See also Abdominal pain See also Chicken pox Measles Conventional medicine

Kitchen medicine Mumps Scarlet fever Herbal remedies

Nutrition GASTRITIS Homeopathic remedies

Preventative measures
page I 46 GINGIVITIS Kitchen medicine

See also Anemia

DIGESTIVE SYSTEM page 92 Nutrition
Gastritis is characterized by heartburn, THE SENSES Preventative measures
vomiting, and flatulence, often with a Gingivitis, when the gums bleed very See also Allergies Asthma
burning sensation at the top of the easily and dental plaque and tartar Sinusitis
page I 42
stomach, and is nearly always self- accumulate around the gum line, is by
inflicted. far the most common cause of gum HEADACHES
Flatulence, or excessive wind, often
Aromatherapy disease. page 50
accompanied by a sensation of
Conventional medicine Aromatherapy NERVOUS SYSTEM
uncomfortable fullness, is the normal
Herbal remedies Conventional medicine A throbbing pain in the head,
by-product of digestion and
Homeopathic remedies Herbal remedies accompanied by tension in the neck
fermentation that takes place in the gut.
Kitchen medicine Homeopathic remedies and shoulders, is rarely a symptom of
Nutrition Kitchen medicine underlying disease, but is usually caused
Conventional medicine
Preventative measures Nutrition by stress, anxiety, or poor posture.
Herbal remedies
See also Abdominal pain Preventative measures Aromatherapy
Homeopathic remedies
Flatulence Nausea See also Bad breath Conventional medicine
Kitchen medicine
Herbal remedies
Preventative measures
page I 48 page 82 Kitchen medicine
See also Abdominal pain
The acute and violent diarrhea and Hair problems range from dandruff and Preventative measures
vomiting that are a feature of damaged hair to hair loss and See also Migraine
page 1 48
gastroenteritis are most commonly deterioration in hair or scalp condition,
caused by viral or bacterial infection. and are often a sign of underlying HEARTBURN
See Gastroenteritis
Aromatherapy illness. page 134
Conventional medicine Aromatherapy DIGESTIVE SYSTEM
FRACTURES Heartburn, or acid indigestion, in which
Herbal remedies Conventional medicine
page 1ST
Homeopathic remedies Herbal remedies there is a burning sensation behind the
Kitchen medicine Homeopathic remedies breastbone, is usually the resu lt of too
A fracture is a broken or cracked bone,
Nutrition Kitchen medicine much of the wrong kind of food.
caused either by direct force (e.g. a
Preventative measures Nutrition Aromatherapy
blow or kick) or by indirect force, when
See also Abdominal pain Diarrhea Preventative measures Conventional medicine
the bone breaks at some distance from
Fever Nausea Herbal remedies
the point of force. Homeopathic remedies
Aromatherapy Kitchen medicine
Conventional medicine Nutrition
Herbal remedies Preventative measures
Homeopathic remedies See also Indigestion
Kitchen medicine
I 16
page ISO page 1 54

Hemorrhoids, or piles, are varicose Hives, also known as urticaria or nettle DIGESTIVE SYSTEM DIGESTIVE SYSTEM

veins (either external or internal) in the rash, is an allergic reaction to foods, The term infestation covers a wide IBS is typified by severe abdominal pain,

soft lining of the anus, caused by plants, cosmetics or cleaning materials, range of conditions, from head lice to a alternating diarrhea and constipation

constipation and straining, pregnancy, alcohol, sudden cold or hot air; or variety of intestinal worms. and bloating of the abdomen.

and childbirth. sunlight. Aromatherapy Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy Aromatherapy Conventional medicine Conventional medicine

Conventional medicine Conventional medicine Herbal remedies Herbal remedies

Herbal remedies Herbal remedies Homeopathic remedies Homeopathic remedies

Homeopathic remedies Homeopathic remedies Kitchen medicine Kitchen medicine

Kitchen medicine Kitchen medicine Preventative measures Nutrition

Nutrition Nutrition Preventative measures

Preventative measures Preventative measures See also Abdominal pain

See also Constipation See also Allergies Constipation Diarrhea


COLD SORES page I 36 page 4-4
IMMUNE SYSTEM Indigestion, typified by heartburn and See Sore throat
These unsightly and uncomfortable skin severe discomfort around the
eruptions are sometimes the result of a breastbone, is often caused by the acid ME MYALGIC
cold, but are always triggered by contents of the stomach getting back ENCEPHALOMYELITIS
stress—either physical or emotional, into the esophagus. page 56

Aromatherapy Aromatherapy NERVOUS SYSTEM

Conventional medicine Conventional medicine See Chronic fatigue syndrome
Herbal remedies Herbal remedies
Homeopathic remedies Homeopathic remedies MEASLES
Kitchen medicine Kitchen medicine page 3 0

Nutrition Nutrition IMMUNE SYSTEM

Preventative measures Preventative measures A highly infectious viral infection that
page 26
See also Boils Chilblains See also Heartburn attacks the respiratory system, usually
accompanied by a red rash on the face,
Influenza is an acute viral infection,
INFECTIONS which spreads to the lower limbs.
characterized by headache, fever and
chills, muscle pain, loss of appetite, and
page 20 Conventional medicine
a rapid pulse.
IMMUNE SYSTEM Herbal remedies
Infection occurs when the body's Homeopathic remedies
Conventional medicine
natural defense mechanism is not Kitchen medicine
Herbal remedies
strong enough to withstand attack from Nutrition
Homeopathic remedies
one of the many billions of bacteria and Preventative measures
Kitchen medicine
viruses, See also Chicken pox German
Aromatherapy measles Mumps Scarlet fever
Preventative measures
Conventional medicine
See also Fever Nausea
Herbal remedies MENOPAUSE
HICCUPS Homeopathic remedies page 172
page 3 20 Kitchen medicine REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM
page 62
RESPIRATORY SYSTEM Nutrition Menopause occurs when a woman's
Hiccups are caused by a sudden spasm Preventative measures periods stop and there is a radical
Insomnia is a state of habitual
of the diaphragm and are nearly always See also Fever Nausea change in the balance of hormones
sleeplessness, which may be caused by
the result of indigestion, overeating, circulating within the body
many different factors, although anxiety
rushing a meal, or having too many Aromatherapy
and stress often play a part.
carbonated drinks. Conventional medicine
Aromatherapy Herbal remedies
Conventional medicine
Conventional medicine Homeopathic remedies
Herbal remedies
Herbal remedies Kitchen medicine
Homeopathic remedies
Homeopathic remedies Nutrition
Kitchen medicine
Kitchen medicine See also Menstrual problems
Preventative measures
Preventative measures


PROBLEMS page 34 page 108
page I 68

REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Mumps is a highly contagious viral Osteoporosis is a condition in which

Menstrual problems range from infection, which starts with general the bones become weak and brittle,
irregular or painful periods to heavy malaise and fever; followed by painful resulting in fracture, most commonly in
periods and lack of them, sometimes swelling of one or both salivary glands women after menopause.
caused by an upset to the natural on the side of the face. Aromatherapy
balance of hormones in the body, Aromatherapy Conventional medicine
Aromatherapy Conventional medicine Herbal remedies
Conventional medicine Herbal remedies Homeopathic remedies
Herbal remedies Homeopathic remedies Nutrition
Homeopathic remedies Kitchen medicine Preventative measures
Kitchen medicine Nutrition NEURALGIA
Nutrition Preventative measures page 48 PARASITES
Preventative measures See also Chicken pox German NERVOUS SYSTEM page ISO
See also Menopause PMS measles Measles Scarlet fever Neuralgia is pain in the nervous tissue, DIGESTIVE SYSTEM

usually felt near the surface of the skin See Infestation

MIGRAINE NASAL CONGESTION as a severe, piercing pain, which may
page 52 page I 22 settle down to a continual ache. PEPTIC ULCERS

There is no mistaking a real migraine; Catarrh Conventional medicine DIGESTIVE SYSTEM

its visual disturbances, nausea, violent Herbal remedies Peptic ulcers are caused by erosion of
vomiting, neuralgia, and blinding pain. NAUSEA Homeopathic remedies the lining of the stomach, and are
Aromatherapy page 138 Kitchen medicine accompanied by abdominal pain,
Conventional medicine DIGESTIVE SYSTEM S Nutrition heartburn, cramp, and burning
Herbal remedies Nausea is a feeling of sickness, often Preventative measures sensations.
Homeopathic remedies followed by actual vomiting, and may See also Shingles Aromatherapy
Kitchen medicine be due to overindulgence, ingestion of Conventional medicine
Nutrition a toxic substance, food poisoning, or NOSEBLEEDS Herbal remedies
Preventative measures some other form of viral or bacterial page f 88 Homeopathic remedies
See also Headache infection. FIRST AID Kitchen medicine
Aromatherapy Nosebleeds may be caused by illness, Nutrition
MOTION SICKNESS Conventional medicine a blow, by rupturing the nasal blood Preventative measures
page 1 $0 Herbal remedies vessels, or may occur for no apparent See also Abdominal pain
FIRST AID Homeopathic remedies reason. Heartburn
Any form of motion can cause the Kitchen medicine Conventional medicine
nausea, vomiting, headache, and Nutrition Herbal remedies PREMENSTRUAL
dizziness or travel sickness. Preventative measures Homeopathic remedies SYNDROME
Aromatherapy See also Motion sickness Kitchen medicine page I TO
Conventional medicine REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM

Herbal remedies OSTEOARTHRITIS PMS, including bloating, mood swings,

Homeopathic remedies page food cravings, and weight gain in the

Kitchen medicine BONES AND MUSCLES few days before the onset of a period,

See also Nausea Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint is the most common of all menstrual
disease, affecting mainly the hip, knee, problems.

MOUTH ULCERS spine, and fingers, and is often the Aromatherapy

page 9© result of wear and tear on weight¬ Conventional medicine

THE SENSES bearing joints. Herbal remedies

Mouth ulcers are painful, irritating, sore Aromatherapy Homeopathic remedies

patches inside the mouth, generally on Conventional medicine Kitchen medicine

the lips and cheeks. Herbal remedies Nutrition

Aromatherapy Homeopathic remedies Preventative measures

Conventional medicine Kitchen medicine See also Menstrual problems

Herbal remedies Nutrition

Homeopathic remedies Preventative measures
Kitchen medicine See also Arthritis Rheumatism
Preventative measures
See also Stress
page 78 page 110 DISORDER AD page 44


Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition, Rheumatism is a general term used to NERVOUS SYSTEM A sore throat may be caused by a viral
characterized by a unique, silvery, scaly describe painful problems affecting SAD is much more than just the winter or bacterial infection, dehydration,
eruption of the skin, most commonly muscles, tendons, and connective tissue blues, involving episodes of depression, overuse of the voice, or by other
on the knees and backs of the elbows. often (but not always) surrounding lethargy, mood swings, and weight gain, infectious diseases.
Aromatherapy joints. caused by lack of daylight. Aromatherapy
Conventional medicine Aromatherapy Aromatherapy Conventional medicine
Herbal remedies Conventional medicine Conventional medicine Herbal remedies
Homeopathic remedies Herbal remedies Herbal remedies Homeopathic remedies
Kitchen medicine Homeopathic remedies Homeopathic remedies Kitchen medicine
Nutrition Kitchen medicine Kitchen medicine Nutrition
Preventative measures Nutrition Nutrition Preventative measures
See also Dermatitis Eczema Preventative measures Preventative measures See also Common cold Fever
Hives See also Arthritis Osteoarthritis See also Chronic fatigue syndrome Influenza Tonsillitis
page 80 SHINGLES page I 89
Ringworm is an inflammatory infection IMMUNE SYSTEM Splinters are generally small pieces
of the skin caused by mold or fungi and Shingles is caused by the same virus of wood or thorn that become
typified by red circular patches with a that is responsible for chicken pox, and embedded in the skin and may cause
raised outside edge. creates a burning sensation and blisters infection if not removed.
Aromatherapy on the skin, which may be very Aromatherapy
Conventional medicine sensitive. Conventional medicine
Herbal remedies Aromatherapy Herbal remedies
Homeopathic remedies Conventional medicine Homeopathic remedies
Kitchen medicine Herbal remedies
REPETITIVE STRAIN Kitchen medicine
Nutrition Homeopathic remedies
Preventative measures Kitchen medicine
page 98 SPRAINS
See also Hives Psoriasis Nutrition page 1 80

RSI is a result of overuse of the upper Preventative measures FIRST AID

RUBELLA See also Chicken pox
body at work and nearly always A sprain occurs when the ligaments
page 32
involves pain in the wrist, forearm, surrounding and supporting a joint are
shoulder and neck. SINUSITIS overstretched or torn, most commonly
See German measles page 130
Aromatherapy in the ankle or wrist.
Conventional medicine Aromatherapy
Herbal remedies Sinusitis is inflammation of the mucous Conventional medicine
page 36
Homeopathic remedies membranes lining the sinuses, caused Herbal remedies
Kitchen medicine by a cold or upper respiratory Homeopathic remedies
Scarlet fever is an infectious illness that
Nutrition infection, allergies, irritant smells, Kitchen medicine
is nearly always the sequel of a bout of
Preventative measures smoking, or adverse food reactions.
tonsillitis in children, characterized by a
Aromatherapy STINGS
sore throat, fever; inflamed tonsils, and a
RESTLESS LEGS Conventional medicine page 183
scarlet rash.
page i ! IS Herbal remedies FIRST AID
Conventional medicine
CIRCULATORY SYSTEM Homeopathic remedies Stings, by insects and marine animals,
Herbal remedies
Restless legs are typified by an Kitchen medicine vary in strength and seriousness, but
Homeopathic remedies
uncontrollable need to move the legs, Nutrition often result in localized pain, reddening,
Kitchen medicine
pins and needles, and jerky spasms of Preventative measures and swelling, and sometimes in nausea,
the leg muscles, often caused by iron- See also Allergies Asthma fainting, and breathing problems.
Preventative measures
deficiency anemia or circulation Catarrh Hay fever Aromatherapy
See also Chicken pox German
problems. Conventional medicine
measles Measles Mumps
Aromatherapy Herbal remedies
Conventional medicine Homeopathic remedies
Herbal remedies Kitchen medicine
Homeopathic remedies
Kitchen medicine
Preventative measures


page 140 page 76 page S SO


See Abdominal pain Sec Hives Severe overweight and painful thinness
both increase the risk of suffering from
STRESS VAGINAL YEAST a range of ailments, as well as
page 60 INFECTION emotional problems.
NERVOUS SYSTEM page 116 Aromatherapy
Stress is an ingredient of everyday life; REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Conventional medicine
what is important is learning how to Herbal remedies
See Thrush
cope with it, to avoid the other Homeopathic remedies
problems that can accompany Nutrition
unresolved stress. page 114 See also Cellulite
Thrush is a common infection caused
Conventional medicine WHOOPING COUGH
Varicose veins are visible, often raised,
by the yeast organism Candida albicans page 38
Herbal remedies
unsightly, and painful distended veins
and generally refers to vaginal infection.
Homeopathic remedies that commonly appear in the legs.
Kitchen medicine This is an acute, highly infectious
Conventional medicine
Nutrition bacterial illness, characterized by the
Conventional medicine
Herbal remedies
Preventative measures typical “whooping sound" caused by
Herbal remedies
Homeopathic remedies
See also Headache Insomnia uncontrollable bouts of coughing.
Homeopathic remedies
Kitchen medicine
Migraine Aromatherapy
Kitchen medicine
Conventional medicine
Preventative measures
STYES Herbal remedies
Preventative measures
page 07 Homeopathic remedies
See also Constipation
THE SENSES Kitchen medicine
page 00
A stye is an abscess in the tiny gland at Nutrition
the bottom of each eyelash and tends VIRAL INFECTIONS Preventative measures
See Ringworm
to be most common in those in poor page 20 See also Coughs and bronchitis
general health. IMMUNE SYSTEM
Aromatherapy WORMS
See Infection (bacterial/viral)
page 46 page ISO
Conventional medicine
Tonsillitis is an acute infection of the
Homeopathic remedies page 67 See Infestation
tonsils, usually caused by a virus,
Kitchen medicine THE SENSES
although it may also be bacterial,
Nutrition Warts are caused by a virus and are
See also Conjunctivitis generally spread from other warts,
Conventional medicine
either on another part of the body or
Herbal remedies
SUNBURN caught from someone else.
Homeopathic remedies
page 1 85 Aromatherapy
Kitchen medicine
FIRST AID Conventional medicine
Sunburn is caused by ultraviolet rays, Herbal remedies
Preventative measures
and susceptibility to it depends on the Homeopathic remedies
See also Sore throat
amount of pigment in your skin, but any Kitchen medicine
excessive exposure carries a risk of skin See also Corns and calluses
page 94
Conventional medicine
Toothache is usually the result of poor
Herbal remedies
dental hygiene, but tooth decay, an
Homeopathic remedies
abscess, or gingivitis may all be the
Kitchen medicine
cause of the pain,
Conventional medicine
Herbal remedies
Homeopathic remedies
Kitchen medicine
Preventative measures
See also Gingivitis Mouth ulcers

& mt


'■'S-'A: v




f^'WwWr. • ■ fi.. ^ ’1. - ^,


right Many infections are Diagnosing

acquired through the air: Infections

we breathe them in. Fever

Other routes are through Other symptoms depend on the

broken skin, skin contact, underlying cause

sexual contact, and

contaminated food.


infections bacterial/viral

Always read pain-reliever

e share the world we live in with teeming billions of bacteria and viruses. Many

have no impact on the human species, some cause minor discomfort, while others
packages carefully, and do not

exceed the stated dose. cause life-threatening disease. There are even a few that are essential to our healthy survival.

The reason that Homo sapiens has survived as a species is because

of the body's extraordinary ability to defend itself from attack by

all these dangerous organisms. Our natural defense system is a


■ In essence, the immune delicate mechanism that needs careful nurturing and when we ignore
system depends on specific
nutrients, and an adequate its needs we can expect to reap a bitter harvest of ill health, disability,
above Staphylococci are
supply of these depends in
and even death. Nurturing this system starts and finishes in the home. microscopic foe.
turn on a balanced and
varied diet. There are,
however, two vitally CONVENTIONAL MEDICINE

important minerals that are

little understood by the When you feel shivery Alternatively, try sponging the Dosage information ~
general public and not due to a fever, curling body with tepid water. Dress in Adults
always easily obtainable up in bed wearing extra clothes cool clothing and take a pain- Take one to two tablets of
from everyday food. can increase the body's reliever. Sometimes antibiotics pain relievers at onset of fever,
9 These are zinc and temperature and simply make will be prescribed to treat the repeated every 4 hours,- see
selenium. Guarantee a the problem worse. Instead, infection, although viruses will package for details.
surplus intake of both by try a warm bath, which will not respond to them. Children
eating a handful of pumpkin help restore normal body Give regular doses of liquid
seeds every day for their temperature (this is particularly pain-reliever,- see package or
zinc and five Brazil nuts useful for children).
follow medical advice.
daily for their selenium.

Modern research has Building a sound immune dairy products,- half a dozen eggs a
vitamins: the triumvirate of vitamins
shown that many herbs system starts three months week,- at least four portions of oily
A, C, and the all-important E provides
can combat viruses or bacteria. before conception. Healthy eating fish each week,- plenty of other
an enormously powerful and protective
Use and Dosage: by both prospective parents and fish, and poultry, and modest
antioxidant force that defends the body's
Echinacea is one of the most avoidance of alcohol, large amounts of red meat. The same
effective herbs—take up to 600mg amounts of caffeine, nicotine, and injunctions are just as relevant cells against attacks by bacteria,

in tablets three times daily at the drugs are a vital part of pre- when breastfeeding. viruses, and free radicals.

first sign of infection. conceptual planning. The nine In every adult's life there are
LIVE YOGURT: one of the great
Garlic is both antiviral and months of pregnancy must be a periods of greater risk: the teens,-
immune-boosters is the high natural
antibacterial, so take up to 2g daily period of optimum nutrition. That the student years,- the pressures
bacteria content of live yogurt, which
in capsules or add 1-2 cloves to means: a minimum of five portions and stresses of building a career,-
plays a dual role in promoting good
cooked dishes. a day of a wide selection of fruit the retirement years, when one
Chinese tonic herbs, like and vegetables,- lots of complex partner may be left alone and may health. Not only do these beneficial

astragalus, reishi, and shiitake carbohydrates such as whole lose interest in food. Good bacteria colonize the gut and control the

mushrooms will boost the immune wheat bread, brown rice, pasta, nutrition is important throughout growth of harmful bacteria, but the
system. Try the mushrooms in oats, all the other cereals, and life, but at these vulnerable times enzymes they produce are absorbed
soups, or buy them in capsules. beans,- a sensible intake of low-fat it is absolutely vital. directly through the gut wall and

strengthen the immune system.

STRESS: learning some method of stress

± TEA TREE keeping active plays a key role control is yet one more piece in the
*5? A Melaleuca alternijolia in the maintenance of natural
jigsaw of building a strong immune
* LAVENDER immunity.The activity
system. Yoga, meditation, or any other
Lavandula angustifolia hormones produced during
relaxation technigue is a must, if we are
& EUCALYPTUS physical exercise boost the
to survive in the modern stressful world.
Eucalyptus radiata immune system to an
± THYME extraordinary extent—athletes
Thymus vulgaris and regular exercisers always
± NIAOULI have a higher count of the
Melaleuca viridijlora T-helper cells—essential
± BERGAMOT components of the body's
Citrus bergamia above Lavender oil is extracted from
natural defense mechanisms.
These oils work in three ways: by the flower heads. It is good for flu
School children seem to take
initially attacking the organisms and throat infections.
little exercise these days, partly
themselves,- by killing airborne
because they rarely walk or
germs (thereby preventing further effective and widely used is
bike to school. Organized
infection),- and by strengthening probably tea tree.
sports at school are in great
the body's immune system. Most Application:
decline, but worse still is the
of, if not all, the oils are active Depends on what is most
fact that so many children
against infectious organisms of one convenient or pleasant to use
spend so much time sitting in
kind or another, although the most for the user.
front of a television or

computer screen.This might

explain the ever-increasing
t • m
amount of infectious illness,
In homeopathy the patient Influenza on p.26, Sore throat on p.44,
allergies, and asthma above Encourage your child to
is treated according to etc). It is possible to treat a person
experienced by the young. exercise: invite friends round for
symptoms that the body produces, to reduce their susceptibility to

not necessarily according to the infection, but this requires a group games such as soccer. Make

type of infection that leads to remedy selected for the individual, the journey to school a walk rather

those symptoms (so see Fever on p.2i, so consult a homeopath. than a car ride.
right Allergies may Diagnosing
manifest anywhere in Allergies
the body and in Mild symptoms include:

many ways, such as Itching skin and/or eyes

skin reactions, Sneezing fits

breathing problems, Blocked or runny nose

or stomach upsets. More severe symptoms include:

Wheezy breathing

Difficulty in swallowing

Swollen lips and tongue


CAUTION A llergies seem to be an ever-growing problem in our polluted, chemical-ridden, and

Violent allergic reactions— l. junk-food lives. An allergy is an abnormal response by the body's natural defense
anaphylaxis—can be fatal.

Sufferers should always carry mechanisms, very often to something that would not normally be a hazard. The body
an emergency injection of
wrongly identifies a food, a pollen, or an atmospheric pollutant as a dangerous invader;
adrenalin. Breathing difficulties

or swelling of the face should

the white cells overreact, causing more harm than the foreign substance,- and this “allergic
be treated as dire

emergencies. response" then becomes an illness in itself. Sometimes avoidance of the allergen is the only

cure, and there are many practical solutions to this problem. In other situations, home

HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES remedies can make an enormous difference. [See also Asthma on p. 1 32, Dermatitis

Severe allergic reactions on p.72, Eczema on p.74, Hay Fever on p.128, Hives on p.76.J
require medical help. (See
also Hives on p.76, Asthma on p.i32 and
Hay Fever on p.i 28.)

APIS 30c For swelling around necklace, which describes your details or follow medical advice.
Mild symptoms can
eyes, sometimes too great to open allergy, in case you fall ill. Apply 2 puffs of steroid nose
be treated with
lids. Swollen face, lips, and
antihistamines or steroid nose Dosage information ~ spray per nostril twice a day.
drops. For more severe and Adults Children
Dosage: one tablet every 15
potentially fatal allergic Doses of antihistamine syrup
Antihistamines are available
minutes. Maximum six doses.
reactions, such as some cases of as tablets, syrup, or eyedrops,- depend on the age of the child,-
It is also possible to treat allergies
peanut allergy, seek urgent some preparations can cause see package for details or follow
using "isopathy," in which a
medical attention. If you know drowsiness. Most tablets are medical advice. With steroid
homeopathic dose of the substance
you have a severe allergic taken once a day, although nose sprays, apply 2 puffs per
causing the allergy (for example,
reaction, it is useful to wear a eyedrops are applied more nostril twice a day to children
house-dustmite, cat or dog fur, or
MedicAlert bracelet or frequently,- see package for over six.
pollen) is taken.
Dosage: one tablet of 30c potency
twice weekly. Maximum six weeks.

Foods are among the The most common food All foods that are rich in B
Food is only part of the allergy
commonest causes of allergens are milk, eggs, dairy vitamins—as long as you are not
story, and identifying the culprits
allergic reactions, and not just as a products, shellfish, nuts, and allergic to them—can help reduce
can be a long and tedious
result of eating them. Some foods berries. But allergies—which are the severity of allergic symptoms,
business. Many other substances
trigger a reaction just through very rapid reactions—should not and oily fish can be a great help in
contact (see Dermatitis on p.72). It is be confused with food intolerance, the treatment of eczema, due to its are also potential allergens, and

also possible to become allergic to which produces symptoms hours high content of omega-3 fatty acids making the effort to identify the

a food that you have been able to after consumption. Milk source of your personal problems
eat for years without problems. intolerance is a very common can be well rewarded.
Allergies often run in families, but problem, whereas true milk allergy
FOOD: keep a detailed diary of everything
there is evidence that exposure to is quite rare. Coffee, cocoa,
you eat and drink for two or three weeks,
some foods too early in life can chocolate, tea, cheese, beer,
Melissa officinalis
also cause problems. Cow's milk sausages, canned food, red wine, noting when you suffer allergic reactions.
introduced too soon can cause and wheat are common causes of This should reveal distinct patterns,
Chamaemelum nobile
allergic reactions in babies. intolerance. Another major enabling you to track down the offending
Children exposed too early to difference is that an allergy is items and eliminate them from your diet.
Lavandula angustifolia
peanuts or peanut products (and triggered by the most minute You will need professional help to make sure
These oils soothe and relax the
peanut oil has even been used in amount of the culprit, whereas
body after its overreaction to that you replace any missing nutrients
nipple creams) may develop life- intolerance requires more
whatever the external stimulus. with the appropriate supplements.
threatening allergies. substantial quantities.
They are also calming to the
FOOD ADDITIVES: artificial colorings,
flavorings, and preservatives are a very

This will depend on the form that common cause of allergic reaction,

^ ALEXANDER TECHNIQUE Garlic is traditionally used the allergy takes [for Hay Fever, see especially in hyperactive children and

this will not cure allergies, by many herbalists to p.i28). If there is irritation on the asthmatics. Read food labels carefully and
but as practicing the technique combat food allergies—either add skin, use a compress, soothing don't befooled by "freefrom all artificial
makes you more aware of your cloves to cooking or take daily baths or some lotion containing a colorings" on the front of the package and
body's needs and responses, it can garlic capsules. Regular cups of few drops of the oils, which can
other additives in tiny print on the hack.
be a helpful tool in managing agrimony tea can improve the be rubbed in regularly. Or use a
yourself and your condition. digestive system's ability to cope HOUSEHOLD CHEMICALS these are
spray, if the skin is too irritated to
REFLEXOLOGY: regular sessions with allergens, while marigold will be touched. another common trigger. Air fresheners,

should include the reflex for the help combat the fungal infections polishes, cleaning agents, detergents,
area affected (e.g., the skin or the often associated with food allergy.
CAUTION dishwashing licjuids, and fabric softeners
lungs), as well as the endocrine Teas made from chamomile, elder,
can all cause severe reactions in the
system, liver and kidneys, colon, or yarrow flowers can also reduce
Most melissa that you can unsuspecting. Eco-friendly alternatives
and diaphragm. allergic reactions. While herbalists
buy will be something called are now readily available.
often recommend ephedra for
a chemo-type, which is
allergic conditions, its use is COSMETICS: another common cause of
manufactured, but contains
limited in many countries to allergic reactions, mostly in the skin [see
all natural ingredients. If you
professional practitioners. Dermatitis on p.72), so try to use
are using true melissa, which
hypo-allergenic cosmetics if you are
is very rare and expensive,
CAUTION susceptible.
be extremely careful about

Several herbs can trigger how you use it, for it can METALS: nickel is widely used in costume

allergic reactions; sensitive cause nasty burns to the jewelry, buckles, and the studs on jeans.
individuals should be skin—so do check what you In contact with the skin, it often causes
especially careful when have bought from your
allergic reactions [see Dermatitis
above A reflexology treatment may handling fresh rue. supplier.
on p.72).
help treat allergies.

right A fever will cause Diagnosing

body temperature to rise: Fever
you may feel very hot and Shivering

poorly, and perspire a Hot, dry skin

great deal.


A fever or high temperature is the body's way of reacting to an attack by invading

■ If very high temperatures, above . bacteria or viruses. The body's temperature is strictly regulated and is normally
I02.2°F (39°C), do not respond to
between 98.4° and 99.5°F (36.9° and 37.5°Cf As little as half-a-degree change in
conventional medication; are
accompanied by cystitis, headache, or
temperature may make you feel unwell and suggests there is an infection somewhere in the
abdominal pain; or persist for more than
24 hours. body. In most cases this is a self-limiting process, and the normal sort of high temperature—

as a result of flu, for example—may be left to run its course. However, any prolonged
bout of fever for which there is no obvious cause, or very high temperature, must be
Be particularly alert for fevers
thoroughly investigated.
starting after trips abroad,

after accidents involving cuts

and scrapes, contact with CONVENTIONAL MEDICINE

animals, or recent surgery. ■ Encourage sweating with
Curling up under reliever. Sometimes antibiotics
this favorite kitchen cordial:
blankets wearing four will be prescribed to treat the
add the juice of a lemon,
layers, if you feel shivery and cause of the fever.
2tsp/1 Oml of honey,
unwell, can raise the body Dosage information ~
1 tsp/5ml of grated ginger
temperature and simply make the Adults
root, !4tsp/2.5ml each of
problem worse. Try a warm bath 1-2 tablets of pain-relievers at
cinnamon and nutmeg, and
instead, which will help to onset of fever, repeated every 4
I tbsp/1 5ml of brandy or
restore normal body temperature. hours,- consult package for details.
whisky to a large mug of
This is particularly useful for Children
boiling water. Sip slowly.
children. Alternatively, try Give regular doses of liquid
sponging with tepid water. Dress pain-reliever,- consult pack for
in cool clothing and take a pain- details, or follow medical advice.

measu res
YOGA lying or sitting, inhaling through the mouth helps to cool you. Use Crow Mudra, Shitali,
Keep your immune system
or Sitkari (without head movements), exhaling through the nose. Rest as much as possible.
working efficiently by ensuring

a regular intake of vitamin C,

zinc, selenium, and all the

carotenoids. You will get all

these nutrients by eating a wide

variety of fruit and vegetables,

nuts and seeds.

To inhale in Shitali, the tongue Sitkari is an alternative for those For the Crow Mudra, purse the
protrudes, with the sides who cannot shape their tongue lips as though you are going to AROMATHERAPY
curled up. Close the mouth to for Shitali. Inhale with the tip of whistle. Close mouth to exhale,
exhale. the tongue behind the teeth.
Close the mouth to exhale.
K; .. Cbamaemelum nobile




"Feed a cold and starve a Drink plenty of diluted fresh 1% ACONITE 30c For first Melaleuca altemijolia

fever"—the old adage is citrus juices for their immune- stage of illness. Hot, & JUNIPER

absolutely correct. You will not boosting vitamin C; pineapple thirsty, anxious, and restless. If no Juniperus communis

feel like eating anyway, but the juice for its soothing enzymes improvement move on to: & PEPPERMINT

body will lose huge amounts of (cartons of juice are fine),- and 1% belladonna 30c For rapid Mentha x piperita

fluid through sweating, so copious herbal teas—camomile, lime onset, high fever, red burning Tea tree and juniper encourage
drinks are essential. blossom, and elderflower. face, dry skin, cold feet. Dilated the body to sweat, if it needs
pupils. Hallucinations. to eliminate excess fluid. The
& FERRUM PHOSPHORICUM 30c cooling oils, such as lavender and
For slower onset. Fever fairly high. peppermint, are especially useful
Sweats and shivering, for infants, when there is a high
ffe GELSEMIUM 30c For heavy, temperature that may induce
aching limbs, reluctance to lift convulsions. Chamomile is
head off pillow. Drowsy, chills soothing and calming.
up and down spine. No thirst. Application:
Dosage: one tablet every 30 Use either in a bath or in low
minutes, for six doses, then doses in cool water, to sponge the
every 4 hours. Maximum 3 days. body down at regular intervals.


Herbs have long been used during the "chill" stage of the fever
in fever management— (with stimulants like angelica,
cooling the body during the "hot" cinnamon, ginger, or horseradish).

stages by encouraging sweating Use and Dosage:

(e.g. with yarrow, lime flowers, High fevers require skilled
above Make this easy cordial to relieve a fever.To a large mug of boneset) and stimulating the treatment, so confine home

boiling water, add the juice of a lemon, ItspHOmI honey, digestion (using bitters such as remedies to milder cases of fever,

ItspISml grated ginger, '/2tsp/2.5ml cinnamon, '/2tsp/2.5ml gentian or wormwood), then using infusions of these herbs

nutmeg, and ItbspllSml brandy or whisky. alternately heating the system as appropriate.
right Flu can make you Diagnosing
feel very unwell. Besides a Influenza
sore throat, coughing, and High fever
sneezing, and a high Backache and muscular pains

temperature, it’s liable to Tiredness and loss of appetite

cause muscle pain, Sneezing

lack of energy, and Sore throat and dry cough

dull your appetite. Swollen glands in the neck


T his is an acute viral infection that recurs throughout the population every year.

M If a cough is getting worse and you are Approximately every 3 years flu reaches epidemic proportions, as new strains of
finding it difficult to breathe.
virus appear, to which the general population has no acquired immunity. So make sure

that your kitchen cupboard is always equipped with the necessary home remedies.

Flu is a serious illness and can

be complicated by secondary There is no specific prevented by an annual & gelsemium 30c For

chest infections and possibly treatment for influenza, vaccination. drowsiness and heavy lids.

pneumonia.The very young, which is caused by a virus Dosage information ~ Head heavy. Chills up and down

the elderly, and anyone with infection and so will not Adults spine. No thirst. Weakness and

asthma, chronic bronchitis, or

respond to antibiotics. Feeling Take one to two tablets of trembling legs. Muscular soreness.
shivery due to a high fever can pain-reliever at onset of fever, & EUPATORIUM PERFOLIATUM
other obstructive-airways
be eased by taking pain- repeated every 4 hours,- see 30c For pain in bones and aching
disease, heart disease, kidney
relievers, which will also ease package for details. muscles in back and limbs.
problems, diabetes, or
the muscular aches. Lozenges Children Thirsty. Throbbing headache.
undergoing immuno¬
and hot drinks can soothe a Give regular doses of liquid Aches and pains better for
suppressant therapy is at
sore throat. Rest in bed and pain-reliever,- see package sweating.
great, possibly even fatal, risk
drink plenty of water. Some for details, or follow BRYONIA 30c For aches, pains,
from flu.They should get
strains of influenza can be medical advice. and headaches that are worse for
medical help at once and avoid
slightest movement. Thirsty for
contact with any obvious
long drinks. Sweats easily. Chill
sufferers. Returning to your
right Hot lemon and honey with hot head. Cough that makes
normal lifestyle too quickly
is a traditional soother of headache worse.
can lead to fatigue.
sore throats. Dosage.- one tablet every 4 hours
until improved. Maximum 12



■ To help with the
Herbs can help to relieve with 2tsp/10ml per cup—add a
miserable symptoms of Avoiding flu depends on the
some of flu's more pinch of cinnamon to this as well.
headache, temperature, effectiveness of your body's
unpleasant symptoms, as well as A compress soaked in lavender
combat the debilitation that often aches and pains, and the dry natural defenses. To keep them
tea can be used to ease feverish
follows an attack. cough that nearly always firing on all cylinders, see
Use and Dosage: accompanies flu, drink lots Infections (p.20).
As a post-flu tonic, combine a
of lemon juice, hot water,
Mix equal amounts of boneset, decoction of elecampane root with
and honey as a general
yarrow, elderflower, and an equal amount of an infusion of OUTSIDE HELP
soother for the body.
peppermint and make an infusion vervain and St. John's wort.
I Copious amounts of
lime-blossom tea will help PmH complete foot reflexology
lower your temperature and
treatment can act as an energy-
The time to worry about relieve the aches and pains
pasta. By the fourth day you booster when recovering from flu.
nutrition and flu is before of influenza. Adding a
should be able to go back to your Treat the whole foot lightly and
you get it. So boost your immune generous pinch of cinnamon
normal (and, 1 hope, healthy) diet. briskly every 4 days.
system by following the advice to all your hot drinks
The restricted food intake at the YOGA lying or sitting, inhaling

given under Infections (see p.2oJ. increases their benefit.

start of this plan will push up through the mouth helps to cool
If you are unfortunate ■ Drink lots of pineapple
A your white-cell count and, you. Use Crow Mudra, Shitali, or
enough to catch flu- juice for the healing
together with the vitamin Sitkari (without head movements),
and most of us do enzymes it contains.
C in the fruit, will give exhaling through the nose. Rest as
from time to I Cold, wet compresses
>. your immune system much as possible.
time—go to bed, around the neck and on the
a much-needed
go directly to front of the chest will help
bed, do not pass make you much more
During a bout
Go, do not collect comfortable while you have
of flu, take lg of
$200. And stay in bed for a high temperature.
vitamin C three below Give a pain-reliever
at least 48 hours. Do not times a day, 5,000 to reduce shivers
go back to work, school, 1U of vitamin A and aches and pains.
or college for a week. For and a high-strength
the first 24 hours, B-complex
take plenty of above Citrus fruits fuel-inject the immune tablet. After a
fluids and eat system with vitamin C. week, reduce
grapes, berries, the dose to 1 g
citrus fruit, and of vitamin C a
ripe pears only. In the second 24 day, 1,000 1U of vitamin A and
hours, add cooked vegetables and continue with the B-complex.
salad. On the third day, start Keep taking these supplements for
eating bread, potatoes, rice, and at least 3 weeks.


& TEA TREE person) of tea tree into a warm

At A Melaleuca alternijolia bath and soak. After your bath,

Tea tree will make you sweat, drink a large glass of water, then go

which should help prevent any to bed. Repeat as necessary. Use

worse onset. steam inhalations and burners to

Application: stop cross-infection and for

Immediately you feel the onset symptomatic treatment. (See also

of a cold or flu, put four to six Common cold on p.i24.)

drops (depending on the size of

right Cold sores break out Diagnosing
around the mouth or nose. Herpes
Despite their name, they Itchy or sore area, usually

are not always associated around the mouth or nose

with colds. Symptoms may be preceded

by a numb or tingling feeling

in the same area

Cluster of small blisters, which

may ooze clear fluid before

crusting over


simplex s ores
T hese unsightly and uncomfortable skin eruptions are sometimes the result of a cold,

■ If you get recurrent herpes. but they are always triggered by stress of some sort—either physical or emotional.

The Herpes simplex virus may hibernate in the nerves after the initial infection, then

spring to life if you get run down, become emotionally stressed or, just as easily, as a result

KITCHEN MEDICINE of physical stress to the skin or extremes of temperature. Women often get cold sores at the
■ At the very first sign of
the tingling lip that heralds time of their periods,- vacationers get them when exposed to too much sun—and they are
the arrival of a cold sore,
rub the affected area with
most likely to occur on skiing, boating, or beach vacations. Although there are now antiviral
a slice of lemon. This may
drugs, these are best kept for the much more serious problem of shingles (see p.42j and
abort the development of a
full-blown sore.
should not be used indiscriminately.


Treatment with creams follow medical advice.

containing antiviral Treatment with cream may cause is stress, then
daigs may help limit minor need rather more frequent weekly, relaxing complete foot
outbreaks, particularly if used application reflexology treatment may well
early. Antiviral tablets are used Children reduce the frequency and
to prevent frequent recurrences Dose depends on the weight intensity of the problem.
and to limit severe attacks. and age of the child,- follow
Dosage information ~ medical advice. Apply creams

Adults every few hours.

Take antiviral tablets up to

five times a day for 5 days,-

Numerous antiviral herbal Use and Dosage: & NATRUM MURIATICUM
Once you have had a cold sore,
extracts and oils have been Internally, lemon-balm tea can be 6c For pearly white cold
the Fderpes virus will live for
used as a topical treatment for cold effective, as the herb shows sores. May have mouth ulcers too.
ever, dormant in the nerve
sores, including tea-tree oil, oil of significant antiviral activity against Swelling and burning of lower lip.
cade (a juniper extract), lavender Dry mouth and lips. Cracks in endings just under your skin,
Herpes simplex.
oil, clove oil, Aloe vera sap, sliced Capsules containing echinacea middle lower lip. Person may be and will rear its ugly head when

garlic, and house-leek juice. (up to 600mg daily) or goldenseal introverted and easily hurt. you least want it to. Preventing

(up to lOOmg daily) can also help & RHUS TOXICODENDRON 6C For recurrent attacks necessitates
combat the infection and boost cracks in corners of mouth, cold keeping your immune system
the immune system. sores around lips and chin, with
functioning at its best and
scabs. Watery spots. Tongue red
avoiding the physical triggers,
and coated, except tip. Thirsty.
which is equally important.
Dosage: one tablet taken every
4 hours until improved. NUTRITION: the immune-boosting

Maximum 1 week. foods already listed should he part of

your regular diet. In addition, you

NUTRITION should be eating large Quantities of whole

grain cereals for their vitamin B content

As cold sores may be a
and a daily container of live yogurt to
sign of being generally run
maintain your gut flora—essential for
down, make sure that you really
some vitamin B production and also an
boost your nutritional status if you
aid to natural immunity. Vitamin C and
are suffering from an attack.
the bioflavonoids must also be part of
Because these sores sometimes
make eating difficult, rely on your regular daily consumption, so eat

pureed vegetable or chicken soups, lots of citrus fruit, including some of the

which are full of the vitamins and pith and skin around the segments, and

minerals you need. Try to boost all the berries.

above A forest of evergreen eucalyptus in Australia. your resistance by chewing a few
LIP PROTECTION: when you are
Essential oil is extracted from the leaves and twigs. pumpkin seeds each day for their
exposed to cold winds or bright sunshine,
It is antiviral, bactericidal, and fungicidal. zinc, a handful of Brazil nuts for
their selenium and pureed avocado use a total sunblock on your lips and

with garlic for its vitamin E and remember to replenish it regularly if you

the antiviral benefits of garlic itself. are swimming or being active and likely
to sweat.

± EUCALYPTUS Application:
HYGIENE: cold sores are highly
Eucalyptus radiata Apply these oils at the onset of
infectious, so do not kiss anyone who has
± TEA TREE cold sores and continue until they
one and never let anyone with a cold sore
Melaleuca altemijolia have cleared and even beyond,
pick up, hold, or kiss your baby. Do not
These oils are antiviral, so they will just to make sure that they are
kill off the virus causing the completely cured. Put the oils into share towels, facecloths, toothbrushes,

problem, especially if you use the an alcoholic base (5 drops of either flatware, or dishes with anyone who has

tea tree and strengthen the body's eucalyptus or tea tree in ltsp/5ml an active cold sore. However, people

immune system, so that the cold of vodka), then dab the cold sore prone to cold sores can only transmit the
sores become less frequent. frequently.
infection through contact with the fluid in

above Live yogurt mixed with fruit helps the little blisters when they have a cold

to boost the immune system. sore—not at any other time.

right Small red spots with Diagnosing
white centers appear in the Measles
mouth, before the brownish- Fever

red measles rash erupts, Runny nose

starting on the face and Red, watery eyes

spreading down the body. Cough

Swollen glands
After 3 or 4 days, an itchy rash
develops, starting at the head and

neck and spreading downwards,

fading after 3 days


CAUTION T his highly contagious viral infection causes a rash and attacks the respiratory

There is nearly always system. The concerted effort to vaccinate all school children against measles now
complete recovery from this

illness, but watch out for fits makes it a much rarer complaint than it used to he, hut it is still a very serious illness and
caused by very high
should not he taken lightly. Home remedies are not a substitute for your physician's advice,
temperatures and the

possibility of meningitis, eye

but they can make a child much more comfortable. Children with measles must he isolated,-
problems, and secondary

infections. the infectious period lasts from the first symptoms—catarrh, conjunctivitis, high fever, and

Always read pain-reliever

complete misery—until 5 days after the first appearance of the rash. It can take up to
packages carefully, and do not
three weeks to develop symptoms after you have been in contact with someone with measles.
exceed the stated dose.


Treat the fever with Children

pain-relievers, and use Give regular doses of liquid

calamine lotion to help soothe pain-reliever,- see package for

itchy skin. details, or follow medical advice.

Dosatje information ~ Apply calamine lotion/cream

Adults directly to the skin as required.

One to two tablets of pain-

relievers at onset of fever,

repeated every 4 hours,- see

package for details. Apply

right Calamine lotion is an calamine lotion/cream directly

excellent preparation to
to the skin as required.

soothe itchy skin.


M Fruit juices—especially
Herbs can ease symptoms Use lemon-balm tea to help
vaccination other than avoiding
pineapple, with its soothing
and combat the infection, reduce fevers and bring down
children with the disease and making sure
enzymes, and orange, for its
to support orthodox treatments. temperatures.
vitamin C—should be given that your child's general immunity is at its
Use and Dosage:
in large amounts, diluted best (see Infections on p.20j,
Make an infusion containing equal
50:50 with water. vaccination is the only sure prevention.
amounts of hyssop, marshmallow,
■ Leeks, garlic, and onions Measles vaccination is safe and effective.
catmint, and ribwort plantain
are all protective against the
(M-ltsp/2.5-5ml of the mix per Mild side-effects (a faint rash, slight
secondary chest infection
cup, depending on age of the temperature] are comparatively common,
that often accompanies
child) and sweeten with a little
but serious side-effects are extremely rare.
measles, so use them in
honey, to soothe coughs and
On the other hand, measles can cause
lubricate dry throats and airways.
serious complications, such as brain
Well-strained, cooled infusions
damage and deafness. Any small risk from
of eyebright or self-heal can be
above Lemon-balm tea is both cooling vaccination is greatly outweighed by the.
used to bathe sore eyes, or to soak
and sedating for fevers. much larger risk of getting the disease itself.
a cloth for use as a compress.


If the condition worsens, Few children with measles apricots pureed with yogurt and & TEA TREE

consult a physician. will feel like eating in the stirred into a package of jelly Melaleuca altemifolia

& morbillinum 30c After early stages, but as soon as they do, before setting, kiwi fruit with their & EUCALYPTUS

contact with measles, this remedy foods rich in vitamin A and C tops sliced off and eaten like a soft- Eucalyptus radiata

may help to prevent the disease. should be given as light meals. cooked egg.. .these foods are easy & ROMAN CHAMOMILE

Take every 8 hours. Pureed carrot with a poached egg, to eat, are appealing to children, Chamaemelum iwhile

1% BRYONIA 6c For dryness and sweet potatoes cut into small and will boost the immune system, & LAVENDER

hotness. Cough with headache. batons and oven-roasted, dried as well as protect the eyes. Lavandula angustifolia

Worse for any motion. May be These oils help to fight infection
used before rash appears. and are calming and soothing.
& PULSATILLA 6c For miserable, Application:
clingy child, who wants to be Vaporize the sickroom, which
cuddled. Bland, creamy discharge should stop the virus being spread
from eyes. Not thirsty. by airborne germs. Use the oils
Temperature not very high. with a little warm water to sponge
EUPHRASIA 6c For watering down the patient, or spray them
eyes, burning tears, nose into the air or onto the patient
discharging bland fluid. (making sure that the water is
Throbbing head and dry cough. warm). You can also use them as
Dosage: one tablet every 4 hours inhalations, especially if measles is
until improved. Maximum 5 days. accompanied by a sore throat.


Take Morbillinum for

three doses only.

above Kiwi fruit is a rich source of

vitamins C and E, potassium, and fiber.

right Besides a rash, which Diagnosing
may creep over the whole German measles
body, German measles is Mild fever

likely to make you feel os if Sore throat

you've got a cold. Rash lasting 2-3 days, starting

usually on the face, then spreading

to the chest, abdomen, arms, and

legs,- individual spots may join

together to produce a more

generally flushed skin

Swollen glands, particularly behind

the ears
Rarely, rubella causes painful joints

he only significant thing about this mild, infectious disease is the risk it carries in

■ If you are pregnant, have been in pregnancy. It is not so long ago that young girls were deliberately exposed to other
contact with rubella, and are not sure of
children suffering from German measles so that they would catch it and consequently become
your immune status.

immune. Today, the majority of children are vaccinated against rubella [the medical term),

but any child who does catch German measles must be kept away from all pregnant women,

because of the risk to the unborn fetus—including deafness, blindness, heart and lung defects,
and even death. Do not forget that many women in the earliest stages of pregnancy may
If German measles is

contracted during the first 3 be unaware that they are pregnant. Children with the illness must be kept at home during
months of pregnancy, then the
the infectious period of the disease, which lasts from the start of symptoms until at least l
effects on the developing fetus

can be catastrophic.
week after the appearance of the rash. If you have been in contact with someone with

rubella, it can take 2 or 3 weeks before you develop a rash.


■ Camomile tea sweetened

If you have this most women have had rubella
with honey helps reduce
common viral infection, or been immunized, if you are
the fever and, when it is
you should rest if you feel pregnant and worried that you
unwell and avoid contact with used unsweetened but
have the illness, or have been
refrigerated, makes a useful
other people, particularly in contact with someone with
solution with which to
school-age children and rubella, you should contact
pregnant women. Although bathe the affected area to
your physician.
reduce itching.

Plenty of fluids are needed & LAVENDER burned or vaporized, help prevent
There is no way to prevent
and herbal teas are ideal: Lavandula ancjustifolia the virus spreading.
German measles, apart from
they can be sweetened or flavored * ROMAN CHAMOMILE Application:
vaccination. But it is important,
with honey (use pasteurized for Chamamelum nobile Use chamomile and lavender in the
very young children), lemon, as always, to maintain your
* TEA TREE bath. They can also be used (as can
licorice, or a little peppermint Melaleuca alternifolia tea tree) in warm water to sponge child's general immunity in as

essence. Many soothing, cooling ± EUCALYPTUS children down, if they are getting strong a state as possible (see

herbs are suitable, including lemon Eucalyptus radiata hot, clammy, and distressed. Burn Infections on p.20).

balm, chamomile, catmint, Chamomile and lavender help to or vaporize the eucalyptus and the
marigold, sage, and hyssop. ease any irritation from the rash. tea tree,- alternatively, use them in a
Use and Dosage: Tea tree and eucalyptus, when water spray.
Elderflowers, marigold, and
left Put a few drops of
chamomile make a good
chamomile in some
combination,- use V2-2tsp/2.5-10ml
warm water and use below The battle to build a
per cup of water (depending
this to sponge the child strong immune system gets a
on age).
down. It is soothing and little help from the citrus army.
Echinacea capsules (100-600mg
will reduce a high
daily) will help combat the
infection of German measles.

Sage, agrimony, cleavers, or

cinnamon tea helps to ease sore
throats and swollen glands.


This is usually a mild Fluids are absolutely vital.

disease and does not Drink plenty of diluted
require treatment. Because of the fresh citrus juices for their
danger to the fetus, most women immune-boosting vitamin C,
are immunized against it, but if a pineapple juice for its soothing
woman is not immune to German enzymes (cartons of pineapple
measles and may have been juice are fine),- and herbal teas—
exposed to it, then RUBELLA 30c, camomile, lime blossom and
taken every 12 hours for three elderflower are all ideal.

doses only, may help.

above Cleavers is an especially good

tonic for the lymphatic system and

skin conditions. Use a food blender to

produce fresh juice.

right Mumps affects the Diagnosing
salivary and parotid Mumps
glands, causing the neck Tiredness
to swell. Together with Mild fever

flu-like symptoms, mumps Sore throat

can make a child feel Painful swelling in front of and below the

very miserable. ear, usually on both sides, after a couple of

days,- temperature will rise sharply

Swollen glands under the jaw

Chewing, and sometimes swallowing,

is painful
Men may have tender testicles, sometimes 2

or 3 weeks later


CAUTION T his highly contagious viral infection mostly affects children between the ages of 4

Orchitis generally affects and 14. It starts with general malaise and fever, followed by a painful swelling of
just one testicle, with little or

few complications, but if both the salivary gland on one side of the face. In 70 percent of sufferers it goes on to affect the
testicles are severely
gland on the other side of the face, too. The incubation period lasts 14 to 21 days and
affected, there is

considerable risk of sterility,

sufferers are infectious [via coughs and sneezes or saliva] for 7 days before, and until 9
which is seriously increased if

the disease occurs in adults. days after, the first swelling appears. The main complication of mumps is a condition

Always read pain-reliever

called orchitis—swelling of the testicles—which occurs in one-cjuarter of boys who catch
packages carefully, and do not
the disease. There is no specific treatment for mumps, but the symptoms can be dealt with
exceed the stated dose.

as they arise using the home remedies described below.


Take a simple pain- package for details.

reliever to reduce the Children
fever and ease the symptoms. Give regular doses of liquid
Eat soft food and drink plenty pain-reliever,- consult package
of liquids. for details, or follow medical
Dosacje information ~ advice.

right Mumps must be
One to two tablets of pain-
especially carefully
relievers at onset of fever,
monitored in boys for signs
repeated every 4 hours,- see
of orchitis.

Swollen glands may be 2 hours. Take echinacea, which is
There is no way to prevent
eased by a mixture of antiviral, to combat the infection,
mumps, apart from vaccination.
cleavers, thyme, and marigold. and if the testicles are affected, use
But it is important, as always, to
Use and Dosage: agnus-castus (10 drops of tincture
maintain your child's general
Mix equal amounts of the herbs in water three times daily).
and make an infusion (M—2tsp/ Lemon balm or St. John's wort immunity in as strong a state as

2.5—10ml per cup, depending on infusion can be used externally in possible (see Infections on p.20).

the child's age),- sweeten with compresses applied to the face and
honey and a tiny pinch of chili throat,- it can also be used to bathe
powder or cayenne. Repeat every swollen glands. KITCHEN MEDICINE

■ Cold compresses applied

NUTRITION to the side of the face
relieve the pain, they are
Getting sufficient calories inflammatory and has a high Pulsatilla comes from the pasque
above equally effective if the
into the child is the main content of natural sugars, to give flower, Pulsatilla vulgaris. This remedy testicles are involved. Tepid
difficulty, and soft or blended the child energy. As soon as the is often used for treating childhood (not cold) sponging of the
foods and drinks are best. patient is able to eat soft foods, whole body will help to
Give plenty of vegetable juices give scrambled eggs, rice or control the fever and
diluted with warm water, apple or tapioca puddings, pasta, mashed minimize fluid loss Repeat
pear juice, purees of carrot and potato or avocado, real ice cream, & PULSATILLA 6c For use if
as often as necessary.
potato, blended yogurt with minced chicken, and lots of the illness lingers,- if there
■ Keeping the patient well
honey, fresh non-citrus fruit like bananas. A soluble vitamin C are complications of breasts
hydrated and nourished is a
dried apricots, mangoes, and tablet (500mg) should be given swelling in girls or testicles
problem, as eating and
papaws which are both nutritious every day. swelling in boys (in which case,
drinking will be painful. Try
and healing. Pineapple juice will Avoid acidic fruit juices, as consult a physician).
an alkaline vegetable broth
help, too. It is rich in the enzyme these increase the flow of saliva, & LACHESIS 6c For swollen left side
made with celery, cabbage,
bromelain, which is anti¬ which is very painful. of face, which is sensitive to touch.
watercress, carrots, parsnip,
Person tries to move away if
sweet potato, and parsley,
Sweet potato Cabbage someone tries to touch it. Sore
strained through a fine
throat, cannot swallow.
sieve. Let the child drink it
& MERCURIUS 6c For right-sided
warm, through a large
Parsnip pain, with production of lots of
Watercress plastic straw.
saliva. Smelly breath.
Dosage: one tablet every 2 hours
for six doses, then four times daily.
Maximum 3 days.


& LAVENDER Lavender and chamomile are

Lavandula ancjustifolia calming and soothing, and help to

& ROMAN CHAMOMILE kill the pain. The other oils help to

Cbamaemelum nobile combat infection.

& TEA TREE Application:

Melaleuca altemifolia Put into an oil or a lotion to

Celery & NIAOULI smooth gently over the affected

Parsley Melaleuca viridiflora area, or use as a compress to apply

above Blend a selection of lightly & LEMON to swollen areas. Air sprays or

cooked vegetables for a nutritious, Citrus limon vaporization will help stop the

easy-to-swallow soup. spread of airborne germs.

right Preceded by a Diagnosing
feverish sore throat, the Scarlet fever
characteristic scarlet Fever
fever rash may appear F-leadache

on the neck, chest, Vomiting

stomach, arms, or legs. Red rasFi, wFiicFi is not itchy,

often with flushed red cheeks

Tongue has a thick white coat

with red spots


S carlet fever is nearly always the secjuel to a bout of tonsillitis in children. They will

often have a sore throat, pain on swallowing, a high temperature, and inflamed tonsils,
■ If you think you have scarlet fever.

and if a rash appears 4 8 hours later on the neck, chest, stomach, arms, and legs, then it

is almost certainly scarlet fever. A hundred years ago this was the commonest cause of
death in children over the age of one year—now it is rare. It is caused by a bacterial
Scarlet fever can have serious

complications, including
infection and usually lasts about a week. Scarlet fever is infectious, so keep children away
rheumatic fever and
from others who have it.
inflammation of the kidneys,

so consult a physician if in doubt

or if the condition persists.


If you or your child antibiotics. Because of the serious

Always read pain-reliever
show any symptoms of Dosage information ~
complications of this
packages carefully, and do not
scarlet fever, you should Adults disease, orthodox treatment is
exceed the stated dose.
contact your physician. You can One to two tablets of pain- recommended. Belladonna may,
treat the fever with a simple relievers at onset of fever, however, be used, together with
pain-reliever, but if your repeated every 4 hours,- see orthodox medicine, to help relieve
physician confirms that you package for details. the symptoms.
have scarlet fever, then you will Children & BELLADONNA 6c For sudden red
probably need treatment with Give regular doses of liquid face and high temperature,- could
pain-reliever,- consult package "fry an egg" on the skin. Paleness
for details, or follow medical around mouth, pupils dilated.
advice. Fdallucinations.

Dosage: one tablet every 2 hours

for up to six doses, then every 4

hours as needed. Maximum 3 days


. A sore throat and tonsillitis killed off by the medication. A ■ A sore throat can be
It is difficult to prevent any
will make eating painful twice-daily drink made of a relieved by gargling with

sage tea. Put ltsp/5ml of of the infectious childhood

and difficult, while a high container of live yogurt, 2tsp/10ml
fresh chopped sage leaves diseases, other than by providing
temperature means that there will of honey, a banana and A
be a greatly increased need for cup/l20ml of milk, blended into a (or 2tsp/1 Oml of dried) into good nutrition and a sound

fluid replacement (see Fever on p.24). smooth milkshake, should be given a glass, add boiling water, immune system, but recurrent

Pineapple and papaw juices are of morning and evening. cover and leave to stand for bouts of tonsillitis increase the
great value, as the natural enzymes 10 minutes. Strain and use
risk of scarlet fever see Tonsillitis
that they contain are both as a mouthwash when cool.
on p.46).
soothing and extremely healing to ■ Cold compresses applied

the damaged and inflamed delicate to the body relieve the

membranes of the mouth and pain. Tepid (not cold)

below Young children will benefit
throat. sponging of the whole body
greatly from a comforting cuddle to
Drink plenty of vegetable soup will help to control the
soothe their distress and help recovery.
made with masses of broccoli, fever and minimize fluid

leeks, onions, garlic, and carrots, loss. Repeat as necessary.

blended and given warm in a cup.

This will help boost the body's
levels of the powerful antioxidant
nutrients, which increase natural
resistance. The onions, garlic,
and leeks all have antibacterial
properties, which will help above Keep up your fluid intake,

speed recovery. and help to replace beneficial

If antibiotics are administered, it intestinal bacteria killed off by

is important to replace the natural antibiotics, by whipping up a

bacteria in the gut, as these will be live yogurt milkshake.


Certain herbs can alleviate

the discomfort experienced

during scarlet fever.
Use and Dosage:
As an alternative to sage (see under
Kitchen Medicine), try gargles

containing 10—20 drops of either

golden seal or myrrh tincture.

To help reduce fevers and ease
discomfort, drink a tea containing
a mix of catmint, chamomile,
above Resin of the myrrh tree is mixed
elderflowers, and boneset
with alcohol to make myrrh tincture,
(M-2tsp/2.5-10ml of the mix per
which is antimicrobial. It boosts
cup, depending on the child's age).
production of the white blood
Echinacea tablets will help
cells that fight infection.
combat the infection: 100—600mg
daily in tablets, depending on age.
right The severe, spasmodic Diagnosing
coughing of whooping cough Whooping cough
will exhaust the sufferer, Sneezing
particularly if accompanied Watery red eyes
by vomiting. Sore throat

Mild fever
Cough,- irregular bouts of severe

coughing fits start nearly 1 weeks later

and can last for a month

Gasping for breath at the end of a
coughing fit causes the characteristic

whoop while breathing in

oping cough

Whooping cough is a serious

T his highly infectious childhood disease is spread by coughs and sneezes and is most

infectious in the early stages. It starts with the symptoms of a normal cold—runny
illness, and although most

children recover fully, eyes and nose, cough, slight temperature—followed 2 weeks later by violent, uncontrollable
complications can occur and
bouts of coughing, which frequently end in vomiting. Because the child cannot breathe in
medical care is essential,

especially for children under

during these spasms, they may feel as though they are suffocating, and the typical
the age of three.

"whooping sound" as the child fights to breathe in again is extremely distressing. In small

babies, oxygen deprivation can become a real hazard. The coughing can also do permanent

damage to the lungs. Home remedies can, however, speed recovery and help relieve some of

the most distressing symptoms, to make your child more comfortable.


KITCHEN MEDICINE ■ Rubbing the soles of the

If your child has been
■ The old wives' favorite of child's feet with the cut end of
in contact with
honey and garlic is extremely a clove of garlic is another old
whooping cough and has not
soothing. Add 2 cloves wives' tale that really does
been immunized, then you
of finely sliced garlic to a help. The garlic enters the
should be on the lookout for
8oz/225g jar of runny honey, bloodstream through the skin
symptoms, as it can only be
cover and leave overnight. and its powerful antibiotic
treated during the first stage,
Next day add ltsp/5ml of the chemicals are soon circulating
before the coughing fits start.
mixture to a cup of warm through the lung tissue.
Treatment is with antibiotics
water and get the child to sip
prescribed by your physician.
it. Repeat four times a day.


* FRANKINCENSE This is a serious & IPECACUANHA 6c For
Avoid contact with other
Boswellia sacra condition and requires spasmodic cough, suffocating,
infected children, their siblings,
& LAVENDER medical assessment. wheezing. Chest feels full of
or parents.
Lavandula ancjustijolia & DROSERA 6c For deep spasms phlegm, but cannot cough it up.
The risk of contracting this
it SANDALWOOD of coughing that start in larynx, Constant feeling of nausea.
serious disease is greatly reduced
Santalum album retching and vomiting. Worse at Nosebleeds with cough.
by immunization, which is safe
Frankincense is calming,- it slows night, for lying down. Better for & ANTIMONIUM TARTARICUM 6C
and effective.
and deepens the breathing. cold drinks. For very sticky phlegm, rattling in
Lavender is also very calming— chest. Cough worse after eating.
not only for the patient but for T& CUPRUM METALLICUM 6C For OUTSIDE HELP

the carer, too. Sandalwood is violent, spasmodic cough with

antispasmodic, as well as being & REFLEXOLOGY: some
vomiting. Better for drinking
calming and soothing. KffiS symptomatic relief may be
water. Tight feeling in chest.
Application: found if the reflexes of the
Dosage: one tablet every 4 hours.
Burn these oils in the sickroom, or respiratory tract are worked. Find
Maximum 2 weeks.
use them to massage the chest and the reflexes of the lungs on the

the back. balls of the feet, and include the

throat and trachea reflexes, as well
as the diaphragm. Work firmly and
left Drosera comes from Drosera
methodically over this area for a
rotundifolia, the sundew. It is
few minutes daily.
recommended for tackling problems

of the respiratory system.


Teas to help calm the child and A cup/l25ml of the mix

and reduce the violent (further diluted with water to make
coughing spasms can be used to a whole cup), depending on age.
support more orthodox remedies. Use a chest rub containing basil,
Use and Dosage: hyssop, and cypress oils (2 drops of
Combine a decoction of licorice each to ltsp/5ml of almond oil). above Working the lung, trachea, and

above A lavender-oil massage is and elecampane (ltsp/5ml of each Give echinacea tablets to support bronchi reflexes on the ball of the foot

especially suitable for young children. per cup) with an infusion of wild the immune system (100—600mg will improve the function of the

It must be diluted in a carrier lettuce, thyme, and chamomile daily in tablets, depending on age). respiratory system.

oil before use. (ltsp/5ml of each per cup), then

give the child between ltbsp/15ml


It is impossible to feed vegetable or chicken broth,- yeast made with cloves, cinnamon, and
normal meals to a child extract drinks—all these will honey,- thin porridge with lots of
with severe whooping cough. provide nutrients and are soothing. honey,- very well-pureed potato
Give plenty of fluids—especially Unless it is the only thing your and carrot, creamed with a
important when the child is child will drink, tiy to avoid large tablespoon or two of very low-fat
vomiting. Mixtures of warm apple amounts of milk during the first yogurt and a sprinkle of nutmeg.
juice, honey, and water,- pineapple few days. As the child begins to Do not force food on your
and blackcurrant juice with warm feel better, small light meals child, but you must be insistent
water,- warmed, mixed vegetable between coughing bouts are ideal: about giving regular intakes of
juices,- warm ginger tea with a little scrambled egg,- ground liquids, even if they are given just
honey,- blended or clear soups, like chicken with rice,- fruit purees a couple of teaspoons at a time.

right Chicken pox will Diagnosing

appear as small raised Chicken pox
spots, breaking out first on Low fever

the trunk, and later on the Vomiting and general aches in some

face and limbs. cases

Patches of itchy blisters, affecting

the skin, eyes and mouth,- blisters

will gradually crust and form scabs


C hick en pox

Always read pain-reliever

packages carefully, and do not

exceed the stated dose.

t: 'his highly infectious illness is caused by the Herpes zoster virus and is most

common in children. If you have been in contact with someone who is infected, it

may be 2 or 3 weeks before you develop symptoms. Although uncomfortable and

irritating—the most serious side-effect is usually the scars left after picking the spots—

some children may feel c/uite poorly if they have a severe infection. In adults, however,

chicken pox can be an extremely serious and debilitating illness and can lead to acute

pneumonia. After contracting chicken pox, avoid scratching, to prevent the spread of

infection and the risk of scars. Keep children's fingernails very short—the hands of youngest

children should be kept in cotton gloves whenever possible. Residual scars can

be treated with a few drops of vitamin E oil applied every night.


Treat the fever with relievers at onset of fever,

pain-relievers, and use repeated every 4 hours. Apply
calamine lotion to soothe itchy calamine lotion/cream directly
skin. More severe infections to the skin.
can be treated with antiviral Children
drugs, which may also be used Give regular doses of liquid
in the early stages for adults. pain-reliever,- see package for
Dosage information ~ details, or follow medical advice.

Adults Apply calamine lotion/cream above Make your child wear

One to two tablets of pain- directly to the skin as required. cotton gloves to stop him

scratching his spots.



& RHUS Fderbs can ease the fever

TOXICODENDRON 6C For associated with chicken
intense itching, better for warm pox and soothe its rash.

applications. Small watery blisters. Use and Dosage:

This is the first remedy to try. To ease fevers and irritability, use

& ANTIMONIUM TARTARICUM 6C a tea made from equal parts of

For spots that are slow to come boneset, elderflower, and

out. Person is drowsy, sweaty. chamomile (M-2tsp/2.5—10ml
May have a cough with a rattly per cup, depending on patient's

chest, but does not bring up any age, three times a day).

actual mucus. Rashes can be soothed with a

& ANTIMONIUM CRUD. 6C For wash made by mixing borage juice

chicken pox and upset stomach. (2tbsp/30ml) with standard

above Borage is in flower in late spring
Person is irritable, sulky. Cries chickweed infusion (A cup/lOOml)
or early summer. Pulp the aerial
when touched, looked at, or and distilled witch hazel
(2tbsp/30ml). Apply gently parts to extract the juice, which can
washed. Tongue has a white coat.
Dosage: one tablet every 2-4 with a cotton swab as required. ease irritation.

hours until condition improves. Taking up to 6 x 200mg

Maximum 5 days. echinacea capsules daily will help

combat the infection.

Take plenty of fluids, & LAVENDER so that hopefully other people
Children almost invariably
especially pineapple juice Lavandula angustifolia will not catch it.
recover from chicken pox
diluted with water (50:50), & ROMAN CHAMOMILE Application:
without problems. All you
camomile tea, and water. A short Chamaemelum nohile Use in lukewarm baths,
can do is make sure that
fast (24-48 hours) will boost the & EUCALYPTUS vaporizers, and sprays. Immerse
the child in a lukewarm bath your child's natural defenses
body's white-cell count and help to Eucalyptus radiata

fight the infection. & BERGAMOT containing 1 drop of any of the are well nourished by a

Citrus bergamia above oils (but not all of them) good, healthy diet.

Bathing in these oils or rubbing in every 2 hours. Regular bathing is

a lotion containing them will also soothing for adults with

relieve itching. Vaporization will chicken pox, who may be quite ill.

help stop the spread of the virus,

right Eucalyptus oil is

antiviral and a good

local pain-killer. It is

also used to treat

insect bites and skin

infections. Do not use

on very

young children.

above Pineapples are high in vitamin C,

which helps fight infection. The juice

makes a soothing drink, rich in the

enzyme bromelain.
right The red rash of Diagnosing
shingles may appear on the Shingles
waist, chest, shoulders, or Burning sensation on an area of

face. This is accompanied by sensitive skin, which then develops

severe nerve pain in the blisters

area of the rash. Most commonly affects an area

around the shoulder or waist, or

one side of the face and one eye


S hingles [Herpes zoster is its medical name] is caused by the same virus that causes

chicken pox [see p.40j. After chicken pox, some of the virus makes its home in the
■ If you think you have shingles.

nerve ganglions, where it stays dormant for many years. Exposure to chicken pox in later

life if you have never had the illness—or to stressful events—physical or emotional—can
then catalyse the virus. Up to 20 percent of adults will be affected at some time, but the
Shingles that affects the eye

may cause serious elderly and those with a suppressed immune system are at greatest risk. Home remedies can
complications and should
be extremely helpful in reducing both the severity and the duration of an attack of shingles.
be monitored carefully by

your physician.
For some, shingles is a mild infection that comes and goes in a couple of weeks,- for

others, an attack can leave them with a wretched condition called “post-herpetic neuralgia."

KITCHEN MEDICINE This causes excruciating pain over the area originally affected, and even the lightest touch
■ A traditional Dutch
folk-remedy for post-herpetic may be unbearable. Washing, shaving, eating, or even the weight of a bedsheet can be so
neuralgia is often very
successful: coarsely chop
painful that it can ruin all semblance of normal life, and the condition can persist for
2in/5cm of fresh leek and
months or even years. Powerful drugs, and even neurosurgery, may be of no avail.
then, with a mortar and pestle
(or the back of a wooden
spoon), crush it to extract its CONVENTIONAL MEDICINE

juice. Strain the juice and use

If you develop If the shingles affects your urgently. Antiviral drugs are
a cotton ball to paint it over
symptoms of shingles, eye, it could cause permanent only effective if given early.
the affected area. Repeat
you may need treatment from damage and you should Strong pain-relievers will
morning and evening for at
your physician. consult your physician also help.
least a week.

Shingles responds to a & EUCALYPTUS also help to build up the body's
It is very difficult to prevent
variety of herbal remedies. ~'T- ... Eucalyptus radiata immune system, so that afterward
viral infections like shingles.
Use and Dosage: * TEA TREE the body is much stronger and
However, people in the at-risk
During an attack, echinacea (up Melaleuca alternifolia more able to fight off infection.
groups—the elderly, those with
to 2g in tablets daily) will help & LAVENDER Application:
combat the viral infection. Lavandula angustifolia Smooth the oils very gently over very low immunity or receiving

Drinking plenty of St John's & ROMAN CHAMOMILE the affected area and down either immuno-suppressant drugs—

wort infusion can help to limit the Chamaemelum nobile side of the spine, which is where should be extremely careful to
risk of lingering nerve pain, which tfe BERGAMOT all the nerve endings are, as this avoid contact with children who
is so commonly associated with Citrus bergamia area may also be affected and it have, or may have been exposed
attacks of shingles. These oils are painkilling, antiviral, helps the essential oils get into the
to, chicken pox.
A tea containing equal amounts and help to dry out the blisters. system. If the body is too painful
of passion flower, lemon balm and to touch, add the oils to a water SUPPLEMENTS: the earliest signs of
Bergamot is also an antidepressant,
wild lettuce will also ease the pain and people who develop shingles spray,- use a very soft brush to shingles are slight irritation, burning, or

and discomfort. have often been low or depressed paint the oils on,- or use the oils pain in the skin segment supplied by the '

Apply fresh Aloe vera sap to any prior to an attack. It is active in the bath. affected nerve. This is commonly on the
blistering. Afterwards, use against the Herpes zoster virus that trunk and round the waist—this is what
cayenne, vervain or St John's wort causes shingles. Tea-tree oil will
gives shingles its medical name, Herpes
in either creams or infused oils to
zoster, meaning "a belt of fire." But it
combat nerve pain: cayenne is
OUTSIDE HELP can also occur on the side of the face,
specially effective.
around the eyes, and at the bottom of the
ACUPRESSURE this likely to help post-herpetic
spine over the sacrum The earlier
NUTRITION Mwi depends entirely on the neuralgia, and a qualified
treatment is started, the better, and this is
site affected by the virus. practitioner will be able to advise
Y?The B vitamins, equally true of improved nutrition and
Traditional acupuncture is one on appropriate acupressure points
bioflavonoids, and vitamin in individual cases. supplements. It may be useful to take a
of the few therapies
C are the key nutrients, so eat small dose ( of the essential amino

plenty of citrus fruit, with some of acid L-lysine, plus a vitamin B-complex.

the pith and skin between the HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES

segments,- dark cherries, tomatoes,

* RHUS Dosage: one tablet every 4 hours
and mangoes,- eggs, poultry, and
Effii TOXICODENDRON 6C For until blisters have settled. below Ranunculus flowers.
liver,- nuts, seeds, and whole wheat
painful, small, watery blisters with Maximum 5 days. The bulb of the plant is used.
cereals,- olive, sunflower, and
a lot of itching. Better for warm
safflower oils. Do not forget that
applications. Person is restless,
the probiotic bacteria that are
which helps to relieve itching.
present in live yogurt are an
Probably the most often-used
essential factor in the body's
remedy for shingles.
production of some B vitamins.
& MEZEREUM 6c For pain-like fire
in the muscles, smarting of the
skin. Intense itching. Crusts over
spots, with pus underneath. Worse

for heat and scratching. Neuralgia

after shingles, especially in face.
Brownish scabs.

For burning pain, itching worse

for touch. Bluish appearance of

above Both mangoes and tomatoes spots, which appear in clusters.

contain valuable nutrients. Neuralgia of the chest wall.

right Sore throats are a Diagnosing a
recurrent problem in the Sore throat
winter season of coughs Hoarse, sore voice, which may
and colds. Smoky disappear altogether
atmospheres may also Sore cough
cause them. May follow a cold, overusing

the voice, or breathing in smoke


A sore throat (pharyngitis) may he caused by a viral infection, by dehydration,

overuse of the voice or shouting (laryngitis), or it may be an early symptom of

■ If there is any change in the quality of
your voice that does not return to
other infectious diseases. It can also be caused by infection, inflammation,
normal within a week or two.
■ If you have been hoarse for more than and/or enlargement of the tonsils (see Tonsillitis on p.46). Sore
6 weeks.
throats are common, uncomfortable, but usually of little clinical

significance. A simple sore throat that accompanies a cold or


Recurrent and chronic sore

flu is best treated with home remedies, which are infinitely more
above Steam inhalations will
throats may be caused by
successjul than most proprietary medicines and gargles. ease the soreness.
smoking, excessive alcohol

use, repeated vomiting (as in

bulimia), or even by a CONVENTIONAL MEDICINE

hiatus hernia.
Sore vocal cords need or 1 lozenge every 4—5 hours,- make this more pleasant by
rest, which means no see package for details or adding eucalyptus or other oils
talking. Steam inhalations are follow medical advice. (see under Aromatherapy), but the

also useful, as they tend to Children steam itself has most effect on
reduce the swelling around the ltsp/5ml of linctus or half the cough. Or you can invest
cords, speeding up recovery, and a lozenge three times daily,- in a humidifier,- put wet towels
can be used as often as necessary. see package for details or on the radiators,- or fill the tub
Antibiotics are rarely required for follow medical advice. with hot water and sit in the
a sore throat. Adults and children steamy bathroom with
Dosage information ~ For steam inhalations, lean your child.

Adults over a bowl of boiling water with

1—2tsp/5—10ml of linctus a towel over your head. You can

measu res
Soothing, astringent, and For an acute sore throat, Drink plenty of pineapple juice
If you use your voice
antiseptic herbs for use in especially when this is and citrus juices diluted 50:50 with
professionally and you keep
gargles include sage, lady's mantle, accompanied by a fever, a 24-hour water,- eat plenty of avocados,
getting attacks of laryngitis,
rosemary, thyme, silverweed, raw fruit and fruit-juice fast (as together with all the exotic fruits,
consult an experienced voice
agrimony, and echinacea. much of both as you like) will give like pineapple, papaw, and mango.
Use and Dosage: a boost to the immune system If you are prescribed antibiotics, expert or speech therapist, who

Make a strong infusion (2—3tsp/ and also provide essential make sure you have plenty of live will be able to teach you the

10—15ml per cup), strain well and nutrients, which are healing to the yogurt to recondition the natural most efficient way of using your
gargle every 30 to 60 minutes. mucous membranes located bacteria that live in your intestines. voice without causing strain on
(Use the aerial parts of Echinacea in the throat.
the vocal cords. If your problem
purpurea, or use a root decoction
is recurrent episodes of
of any of the three available
tonsillitis, seep.46. Sometimes
echinacea species.) Fresh Aloe vera
ongoing chronic sore throats
sap added to the gargle will also
REFLEXOLOGY: work the YOGA: if your throat feels hot,
are linked to the postnasal drip
help. Drink additional cups of
Ha™ reflexes of the throat scratchy, or dry, use Shitali or
standard infusion (ltsp/5ml per of perennial rhinitis (see Sinusitis
around the "neck" of the big toes Sitkari for at least 12 breaths,
cup) of any of the above herbs. on p.13o and Hay Fever on p.i 28).
and thumbs. Work the upper with Nabho Mudra: after
lymphatics with a forefinger, breathing in, curl the tip of the DIET: to protect your throat, keep your

moving up a finger's length toward tongue upward and exhale. salt consumption to a minimum, drink
the ankle or wrist from each web This helps to moisten the throat. only modest amounts of alcohol (not
■ The throat's best
and sliding back down with a Suck soothing candies like spirits), stop smokincj, and avoid very
friend is the kitchen
gentle pinch. butterscotch.
faucet. Four to six glasses hot drinks and cola drinks, which

of water each day are irritate the throat's delicate membranes.

essential, together with

your normal consumption
of other drinks. & BELLADONNA 30c For tonsils, right side especially AROMATHERAPY
■ Hot water with sudden onset. Throat red, swollen. Neck stiff.

2tsp/10ml of honey and dry, painful, initially on right side. 1% LACHESIS 30c For left-sided & SANDALWOOD

the juice of half a lemon Swallowing very painful. pain initially, spreading to right. Santalum album

is one of the most & PHYTOLACCA 30c For pain in Sensation of tightness in throat, & MYRRH

soothing of all remedies. ears on swallowing. Swallowing sensitive to touch. Wakes with Commiphora molmol

Always keep a jar of hot drinks impossible. Dark red sore throat. Difficult to swallow tk TEA TREE

honey to which you have saliva, worse for hot drinks. Melaleuca alternifolia

added half a dozen peeled Dosage: one tablet every 2 hours These oils are antibacterial,

cloves of garlic, as a for six doses, followed by every 4 fungicidal, and help to kill the pain

teaspoon or two of this hours until improved. Maximum and stop it spreading.

mixture several times a 12 doses. Application:

day will help both & PHOSPHORUS 6c For hoarseness It is possible to gargle with these

pharyngitis and laryngitis. worse in evening. Larynx painful oils but they do not taste

■ A thin cotton dish and cannot talk. Person is restless particularly nice, so it is preferable

towel soaked in cold and fearful. to put them into a massage oil or

water and squeezed, to ifc CAUSTICUM 6c For laryngitis cream and actually massage them

remove excess moisture, after exposure to cold. Hoarseness into the throat area. Then wrap

should be wrapped round worse in morning. Burning in something warm around the

the neck and throat for windpipe and coughs, but cannot throat. If the glands in the neck

20 minutes, three times above Soak a thin cotton cloth in bring up mucus. are also swollen, put a drop of

a day. chilled water to make a soothing cold Dosage: one tablet every 2 hours lemon into the massage blend,
compress. Use three times a day. for six doses, then every 4 hours. which will take down the swelling

Apply, and relax for about 20 minutes. Maximum 3 days. in the lymphatic glands.
right The tonsils are lymph Diagnosing
tissues either side of the back of Tonsillitis
the mouth. If they are infected, Sore throat

they swell up with fluids, white Difficulty swallowing

blood cells, and dead germs. This Swollen glands in the neck

may make it difficult to swallow. Fever


T onsillitis is an acute infection of the tonsils, usually caused by a virus, although

it may be bacterial. When the tonsils enlarge and become infected they look red,
■ If you are unable to swallow saliva.

inflamed, and may be covered in yellow spots of pus. There may also be a fever (see

p.24j, swollen glands, and a coated tongue. The tonsils are the guardians of the lungs,

and when they swell they are simply doing their job—trapping invading organisms before
During a bout of tonsillitis
you inhale them. Tonsillitis mostly occurs in children, especially when they are first exposed
eating will be difficult, as
swallowing can be excruciatingly
to a range of illnesses on starting school. Sometimes the problem can become chronic, and
painful. Give blended vegetable
soups made with carrots, sweet it may also affect adults. While severe infections may need treatment with antibiotics (which
potatoes, and broccoli for their

beta-carotene,- shredded cabbage are only effective for tonsillitis caused by bacterial infection), home remedies are a powerful
and tomatoes for their vitamin C;

and leeks, onions, and garlic for

aid to reducing pain and speedier healing.
their natural antiseptic qualities.
Drink plenty of hot water, honey, CONVENTIONAL MEDICINE

and lemon, together with

Most infections will produce an anesthetic gargle. Children
unsweetened fruit juices.
get better without Lozenges and hot drinks can be Give antibiotic syrup up to

any treatment, but physicians soothing. Recurrent infections four times a day. Dose depends
often prescribe antibiotics if may be prevented by surgery to on age and weight of the child,-
symptoms have been present remove the tonsils. follow medical advice and
for several days, although only Dosage information ~ remember to complete the
infections caused by bacteria Adults course. Bottles often contain
will respond. Painkilling tablets Take antibiotic tablets up to more than is required to allow
can relieve the sore throat and four times a day,- follow medical for spillages.
fever, and can be dissolved to advice,- complete the course.


■ Two of the most ancient

Mild cases will generally Use and Dosage:
culinary ingredients come to
respond well to gargling Support the immune system with
the rescue in tonsillitis—
with sage and echinacea tinctures echinacea capsules (up to 600mg
garlic and honey. Peel and
(5ml/ltsp of each) diluted in a glass four times a day).
crush 2 cloves of garlic and
of warmed pineapple juice. Other Drink a mixture of chamomile,
stir them into a jar
suitable gargles are raspberry-leaf cleavers, and sage tea (equal
of runny honey. The
tea, marsh cudweed infusion, or amounts, 2tsp/10ml of the
antibacterial contents of the
10 drops of thuja or goldenseal mixture per cup) to help the
garlic mix with the soothing
tinctures in a glass of water. lymphatic system.
properties of the honey. A
teaspoonful of this can be
given every couple of hours.
■ Homemade ice "lollies" of
There are many remedies throat. Swallowing makes person
pure frozen pineapple juice For children with recurrent
for this condition, and nauseous. Worse for cold drinks,
are very easy for the sufferer tonsillitis, boost the immune
recurrent problems are best treated swallowing liquid.
to suck, and the bromelain system with the appropriate
by a qualified homeopath. LACHESIS 30c For purple tonsils.
enzyme in the pineapple nutrients (see Injections on p.2o).
& PHYTOLACCA 30c For dark red Wakes with sore throat or worse
juice helps reduce both the If the child frequently gets
or purple tonsils with gray or after sleep. Worse on left side, for
swollen glands and the
white pus. Pain goes to ear on swallowing liquids (rather than secondary earache, seep.84-, if
inflammation of the tonsils.
swallowing. Worse on right side, solids) and saliva. May start on left sinusitis, seep. 130. It may be

worse for warm drinks. Better for side and move to right. worth cutting down on their
cold drinks. Dosage: one tablet every 2 hours intake of dairy products.
& MERCURIUS 30c For red throat, for three doses, then every 4
swollen uvula. Burning pain in hours. Maximum 2 days.

I Make some garlic-infused AROMATHERAPY ^ OUTSIDE HELP

honey to benefit from dual
antiseptic qualities. Honey is
also very soothing. * THYME ^ ^ REFLEXOLOGY do not
M Thymus vulgaris give reflexology while the
* LAVENDER throat is infected, but to prevent
Lavandula angustijolia recurrence, regular treatments
& TEA TREE may help to boost the immune
Melaleuca alternijolia system. The reflexes of the throat
Tea tree and thyme both fight the and tonsils are found around the below Working on the throat reflex

2 Buy a container of organic infection, and lavender and thyme "neck" of the big toes and thumbs, may help to relieve the discomfort of
honey. Peel eight cloves of garlic,
are local anaesthetics or have a and on the nearest webs. a sore throat.
and crush into the honey. Leave
to infuse for several days. slightly anesthetic effect.
Use in steam inhalations or in a
warm compress on the throat area.
If other symptoms accompany the
throat problem, such as earache,
headache or abdominal pain, then
3 Tip the honey out and look under the appropriate ailment
strain off the pieces of garlic.
for other remedies.
Return the honey to the jar
Take the honey by the
teaspoonful: one for children,
and four for adults. It will help
to boost the immune system.
right The classic site for Diagnosing
neuralgic pain is down one Neuralgia
side of the face, where the Pain like a knife or electric shock,

trigeminal nerve is affected often on one side of the face

(trigeminal neuralgia).

Other parts of the body

are also vulnerable.



■ All nerve tissues need

N euralgia is pain in the nervous tissue, usually felt at the ends of the system—that

is, near the surface of the skin. It is nearly always a severe, piercing pain to start
abundant supplies of the B
vitamins. Old-fashioned, with, but may then settle down into an extremely painful and continual ache. The most
homemade chicken soup
that is enriched with yeast common forms are postherpetic neuralgia (the extreme pain that often follows a bout of
extract, barley, and brown
rice offers a simple,
shingles and can last from a few days to several years,- see p.42) and trigeminal neuralgia
nutritious and delicious
(which affects the trigeminal nerve on the side of the face). These can both be so excruciating
way of providing them.

that washing, shaving, and even the weight of bedclothes may be unbearable. In the

treatment of neuralgia, home remedies are not hugely successful, but neither are the very

powerful drugs that are normally prescribed. The best chance of success is a combination

below Simmer a chicken carcass to of orthodox treatment, acupuncture, and self-help.

obtain stock for the basis of a tasty

chicken soup.

Warmth or massage may where a specialist may repeated every 4 hours,- see
help during an attack. recommend a combination of package for details.
Pain-relievers may not be different treatments, including Children
sufficient to control the pain, and behavioral therapy and Give regular doses of liquid
your physician may prescribe acupuncture. pain-reliever,- see package for
drugs used in other patients to Dosage information ~ details, or follow medical advice
treat depression or epilepsy. In Adults
intractable cases your physician Take one to two tablets of
can refer you to a pain clinic, pain-relievers at onset of pain,


One simple remedy which Eat plenty of potatoes, below Nuts, seeds, dried fruit, and

many find brings rapid liver (but not if you are brown rice are rich in B vitamins.

relief is to smooth a little warmed pregnant), nuts and seeds, brown Neuralgia sufferers should aim to

lemon juice or diluted lemon rice, Brazil nuts, milk, eggs, include these foods in their diet.

oil on the painful area. poultry, whole wheat bread, dried

Cayenne creams and fruit, green and root vegetables,
infused oil are also useful legumes and fish for their B
externally, especially if the vitamins, which are essential
pain follows shingles, while in the diet of neuralgia
internally herbs to help restore sufferers. If chewing is
and repair nerves can be useful. painful, make some
Use and Dosage: soup from a wide
Drink a combination of St. Johns variety of the foods
wort, vervain, and chamomile (equal above Warm some lemon juice and containing the B vitamins,
amounts, 2tsp/10ml of the mix per dab it on to the tender area with a so that it can be drunk
cup), or try valerian, which is most cotton ball. It will assist with pain from a cup or, if this is
easily used in tincture or tablets. relief. easier, through a thick straw.


& SPIGELIA 6c For left¬ Pain worse for stooping or & LAVENDER
Unfortunately, you cannot
sided pain, like hot opening mouth. Lavandula angustifolia
normally prevent this painful
needles, sharp. Pain above left & CAUSTICUM 6c For right-sided ROMAN CHAMOMILE
condition. Although it is a
eye—person can point to the spot. facial neuralgia. Worse for wind Cbamamelum nobile
common aftermath of shingles,
and change of weather. Pain in & MARJORAM

jaws, worse for opening mouth. Origanum majorana it often occurs for no known

>1? ACONITE 6c For use in first & ROSEMARY reason. There is, however, one

stages. Intense pain after going out Rosmarinus officinalis commonly overlooked cause that
in cold, dry wind. Often left-sided. These oils are calming and can be prevented: problems with
May have tingling and numbness. soothing and help to ease the pain
the joint between the upper and
Dosage: one tablet hourly for six and tension of neuralgia.
lower jaws, or with the way in
doses, then every 4—6 hours. Application:
which your teeth come together
Maximum 3 days. They are best used in a cold
when you bite, can be a cause of
compress held over the affected
facial neuralgia and trigeminal
area. Do be aware that the
condition is aggravated by stress, neuralgia. Regular visits to your
left Spigelia anthelmia, or pink root, is
so look at the oils for stress (see dentist can generally prevent this
a perennial herb from the West Indies
p.6o) and find something there that from happening.
and South America.
you like and can bath in, as well as
using the oils for neuralgia on the
OUTSIDE HELP particular area affected.

a ^ ACUPRESSURE this is not longitudinal arch (the bony ridge

MM usually an option, simply on the inside of the feet) and,

because these conditions are very using the reflexology charts on

complex, but treatment by a pp.214-15, work the reflex area Do not use rosemary oil if you

professional acupuncturist is one corresponding to the problem. For have high blood pressure.

of the best therapies I know. facial neuralgia, work the painful

REFLEXOLOGY: work the reflex or tender areas on the big toes.

of the spine along the medial

right Headaches vary from Diagnosing
a mild, inconvenient ache, a Headache
to a skull-crushing, Headache all over scalp, with pain

incapacitating pain. Causes in the neck and shoulder muscles.

range from stress, eye Likely causes: stress, tension, poor posture

strain, overindulgence in Frontal headache. Likely causes:

sun or alcohol, to food eyestrain, sinusitis

allergies and bad posture. Throbbing headache on one side,

with nausea or vomiting, often

preceded by blurred vision. Likely

cause: migraine


H eadaches are one of the most common reasons for consulting a physician, yet they

are rarely a symptom of any underlying disease. Though they frequently

■ If the headache is the result of a blow to

the head.
accompany acute infections—more so in the presence of a high temperature—many routine
■ If there is numbness, confusion, or sudden

drowsiness. headaches are mechanical in origin. Stress, anxiety poor posture, badly designed work
■ If you have a headache with a fever,

associated with pain on bending your head stations, and the ever-growing use of computers, both at home and at work, can all result
forward, stiff neck, nausea, or vomiting, dislike

of bright light, and drowsiness or confusion.

in tension developing in the neck and shoulders. And this is by far the most common cause
■ If you have a very severe headache that
of everyday headaches.
starts suddenly, often feeling like being hit on

the head.
■ If ordinary pain-killers do not help and the
pain is severe.
Drink plenty of water. Headaches can be ■ Herbal teas are a good
■ If your balance, speech, memory, or vision
Have a warm bath to triggered by low blood- aid—use lime blossom or
is affected.
relieve the tension. Once a sugar levels. Eat at least some rosemary for tension
■ If you wake up with headaches that are
headache has started, rest in a whole wheat toast and a banana headaches, mint for those
worse when you cough or sneeze.
. quiet, darkened room and take for breakfast, or a bowl of cereal. caused by overindulgence,
M If you are having recurrent mild
a pain-reliever. Always have a banana and a bag of and chamomile for
Dosacje information ~ nuts and dried fruit to nibble on headaches that are due

Adults throughout the day. Beware of to exhaustion.

Take 1-2 tablets of pain- sudden drastic changes in your

reliever at onset of pain, then eating patterns,- very low-calorie

every 4 hours,- see package. diets will also cause headaches.
Always read pain-reliever Children Catarrh (see p.i22) and sinusitis (see
packages carefully, and do not Give regular doses of liquid p.i 30) are other common causes.

exceed the stated dose. pain-reliever,■ see package for And it is important to differentiate

details or follow medical advice. between ordinary headaches and

migraine (see p.52).

ANY form of general
ENVIRONMENT: make sure that
exercise—particularly if it gets

you out into the fresh air—will you do not spend hours on end working in a

help. Specific exercises to help stuffy atmosphere. You can create your own

relax the neck and shoulder micro-climate by putting green plants near

muscles are important, too. your desk and using a small combined

These should be slow, gentle, ionizer and humidifier—in the home

stretching exercises, avoiding or workplace.

sudden, jerky movements,
MASSAGE: this is a real boon and it is
which you do a few times each
virtually impossible to do yourself any
day at regular intervals.This is
harm. You cannot massage your own neck
particularly important if there
and shoulders very well, but you can buy
is any arthritis in the joints of
(T) Roll the shoulders backward and foiward, then turn the neck slowly from long-handled rollers, which make the task
the neck—a common cause of
side to side. (2)—(T) Push the chin down to the chest and up as far as you can.
headaches. (4)—(5)Tip the head from side to side toward each shoulder somewhat easier.

NUTRITION: avoid excessive alcohol and

caffeine, which cause headaches.

A low fluid intake is one of the most common

There are various relaxing Headaches associated with * LAVENDER causes of headaches. Drink at least 2pt/il of
herbs for headaches. depression can be helped by a Lavandula angustifolia
water every day, as well as other drinks.
Use and Dosage: combination of oats and vervain & PEPPERMINT

Tension headaches often respond (ltsp/5ml of each per cup). Mentha x piperita

to betony and skullcap tea Lavender is good for burning * EUCALYPTUS

(ltsp/5ml of each per cup). headaches (eased by an ice Eucalyptus radiata HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES
Use rosemary or a low dose package)—use a few drops of & BASIL

of Korean ginseng (200mg daily) tincture neat on the tongue or Ocimum basilicum & BRYONIA 30c For

for headaches associated with drink an infusion. Lavender is calming, soothing and pressing, bursting, or

overexertion and tiredness. a natural painkiller. Peppermint splitting headache over left eye.
clears the head, as does basil. Pain worse for least movement
Eucalyptus clears the sinuses. (even of the eye), for light, cough,
Application: or stooping. Better for pressure.
Put onto a facecloth with some & NUX VOMICA 30c For splitting
acupressure this can REFLEXOLOGY: the head and neck
cool water and use as a compress. headache, sore scalp, dizziness,
VATO be extremely helpful for reflexes are found on the thumbs
For headaches due to a cold, put "hang-over" headache. Better for
instant relief. For general and big toes, so work these areas
one drop of neat lavender on the warmth, lying down. Worse for
headaches, use point 41; for pain deeply with the side of your
tips of your fingers and massage movement, drafts. Person is
in the forehead or around the eyes, thumb for symptomatic relief.
into the temples, or a steam irritable and oversensitive.
points 45 and 46 as well, if the Rotate the big toes both ways
inhalation with eucalyptus will & GELSEMIUM 30c For head that
pain is in the temples, use point several times, and explore the
help. If the headache is due to an is heavy and aching, and hard to
47,- for the back of the head, use pituitary gland and cervical
overactive brain, try just a couple lift from pillow. Feels like a band
point 42,- for most headaches reflexes for tender spots.
of drops of basil on a tissue or around head. Person is chilly.
adding points 4 and 18 will help. YOGA: to reduce future risk of
handkerchief; a few drops on the Better for passing urine.
ALEXANDER TECHNIQUE as this headaches, keep the shoulders,
pillow at night will calm you. Dosage: one tablet every 4 hours,
improves awareness of your neck and face as relaxed as
as needed. Maximum six doses.
posture during activities, you possible. When practicing, be very

should be able to avoid the build¬ aware of this area and keep your

up of tension in your neck and movements fluid and unstrained.

If you feel a headache starting, try left To disperse a tension headache,
shoulders that so often contributes

to headaches. Take a moment to slow alternate nostril breathing, blend a few drops of peppermint

realign yourself frequently. then palm your eyes. essential oil in a carrier oil, and use for

a firm neck and shoulder massage.

right Migraine headaches Diagnosing
are severe, recurrent, and a Migraine
may be accompanied by Severe headaches, which often start
other unpleasant side with distorted vision

effects such as vomiting. Pain is often throbbing and on one

Certain foods may trigger side of the head, often near an eye,

an attack. and associated with nausea or

Rarely may experience pins and

needles or weakness in parts of the

body, during an attack



M Grow a feverfew plant

I t is common for people who suffer from regular headaches—particularly when caused

by stress and tension—to describe them as migraines, which may seem more acceptable
on your windowsill, but
make sure it is the correct to bosses and friends. Sadly, there is no mistaking a real migraine, with its visual
variety: Tanacetum partbenium.
A couple of leaves in a disturbances, nausea, violent vomiting and literally blinding pain. There is now a wide
sandwich each day on a
regular basis helps prevent
variety of drug treatments, but self-help may be the best long-term key to success. The
migraine attacks for many
saddest thing about migraine is that it becomes as much a social as a medical problem, as
sufferers. Do not chew the
feverfew leaves on their
sufferers tend to become increasingly reclusive, due to the embarrassment of becoming ill
own, though—they are
horribly bitter and can when out with friends or repeatedly cancelling engagements at the last minute because of
cause mouth ulcers.
M Ginger tea (see Motion an attack—possibly brought on by the stress of worrying about going out.
Sickness on pA9o) can help
Migraines are far more common in women than in men, especially around the time of
prevent vomiting, but it
must be taken at the first
their periods, so there is certainly some hormonal link. They
sign of an attack, before
you start being sick. tend to start after puberty and many women sufferers
M Two or three glasses of

cold water straight from the improve dramatically after menopause. Unfortunately,
tap at the very earliest signs

of a migraine may be
migraine may occur out oj the blue at any time of life,
enough to abort an attack.
though it is cjuite common for it to run in families. Children

who suffer badly from motion sickness (see p. 190] have

a greater chance of developing migraine in later life. above women are more prone to

migraine than men.


Avoid anything that Dosage information ~ Naturopaths have known
FOOD DIARY: keep a detailed diet
may precipitate a Adults for decades that there is a
diary of every single thing you eat and
migraine. As soon as the Take one to two tablets of link between migraine and food.
drink for a minimum of 3 weeks (longer if
migraine begins, take soluble pain-reliever at onset of pain, The most common triggers are
necessary—it should cover at least three
pain-relief combined with an repeated every 4 hours,- see chocolate, citrus fruit, cheese, and
antiemetic prescribed by your caffeine, though red wine, yeast attacks). Then go back and identify
package for details.
physician. Modern prescription Children extracts, pickled herrings, foods eaten up to 3 hours before an

medicines may be able to avert Give regular doses of sauerkraut, and other fermented attack started. This will guide you

an attack. Lie down in a liquid pain-reliever,- see package foods are also thought to be towards the foods that you should
darkened room, if possible, for details, or follow causes. Many of these contain the eliminate from your diet. If this process is
and drink plenty of water. medical advice. chemical tyramine, which irritates
successful, you can then start to add
blood vessels in the brain.
foods back. Do not go for long periods

without food or keep yourself going with

sweet foods.

Lavender and betony are ACUPRESSURE: points I neck by massaging its base. STRESS the weekend migraine is very
useful migraine herbs. :v:3.A" and 4 encourage the body YOGA: if you feel a migraine
common, especially in men/ as soon as
Use and Dosage: to eliminate waste products more coming on, lie down in a darkened
they relax, the symptoms start. Yoga,
Combine equal amounts of both efficiently and should be used room in the Relaxation Posture:
relaxation exercises, or meditation can
herbs in an infusion and sip while daily, even when you do not have imagine that each time you exhale,
help overcome this problem.
the pain continues. a migraine. During an attack, use your tension gradually dissolves.
Drops of feverfew tincture in the same points, but add points ALCOHOL-, avoid red wines and

water are more palatable than the 41, 47, and 51 to relieve the pain. right Meditation fortified wines, like port, sherry, and
fresh leaves: add 10 drops to a ALEXANDER TECHNIQUE this is helps to dissipate Madeira, as these have a very high
little water and take at 15-minute no cure for migraine, but if stress after a concentration of tyramines.
intervals during an attack. practiced regularly it will remedy hard week at
An equal amount of valerian some of its contributory factors,
tincture (a strong sedative) can such as stress, muscular tension,
also help. poor respiration, and circulation. It is often best to consult
REFLEXOLOGY: if linked with a qualified homeopath for
digestive disturbances, work the the treatment of migraine.
digestive tract. Work all sides of ffc IRIS 30c For blurred vision,
Avoid feverfew if taking
the big toe deeply with the side of then right-sided headache with
prescribed blood-thinning drugs
the thumb. Rotate it several times nausea. Better for gentle motion.
such as warfarin or heparin, as
each way, and ease tension in the Often occurs at weekends.
it can reduce the blood’s
clotting ability still further.
AROMATHERAPY pulsating headache, beginning at
back of head and extending to

& LAVENDER Application: right eye. Better for vomiting,

Lavandula angustifolia These oils may be put onto a lying asleep. Worse for light,

migraines may very occasionally & MELISSA facecloth with some cool water noise, fasting. Starts in morning,

be brought on by exercise, but Melissa officinalis and used as a compress, held on improving during the day.

unless this is the case for you, & PEPPERMINT the forehead, at the back of the ffc GLONOINE 30c For waves of

physical activity can be highly Mentha x piperita (if the migraine is neck, or at the base of the skull. congestive, pulsating headache.

beneficial; it improves the accompanied by nausea and sickness) You can either add peppermint or Dizziness on being upright. Better

efficiency of the cardiovascular Lavender is calming, soothing, and melissa to the lavender or use them for vomiting. Flashes of light.

a natural painkiller. Peppermint separately. Alternatively, put one Worse for straining or motion.
system and there is definitely a
clears the head and stimulates the drop of neat lavender on the tips of Dosage: one tablet every
link between blood flow to the
brain. Melissa is antidepressive and your fingers and massage well into 30 minutes until improved.
brain and migraine.
gently sedative. the temples. Maximum six doses.
right Physical fatigue Diagnosing
causes mental fatigue, Fatigue
making it difficult to Exhaustion
summon up the effort to Sleeping for longer than usual

try and rectify the problem. and waking feeling tired

Inability to concentrate


E xtreme fatigue, or TAT [Tired All the Time syndrome), has become a problem of

■ If your symptoms have been present almost epidemic proportions in both LIS and in Britain, but it should not be confused
for more than 2 weeks.
with Chronic Tatigue Syndrome or ME (myalgic encephalomyelitis, see p.56j,

in which fatigue is just one symptom of a complex illness. It is

KITCHEN MEDICINE important to rule out the presence of any underlying

I The time-honored
kitchen remedy for
illness—anemia, continual blood loss, thyroid problems,
exhausted invalids,
diabetes, glandular fever, and many other conditions
immortalized by Charles
Dickens in Oliver Twist, is
could be the cause. In the absence of a more specific
gruel. Add 2 heaped
tbsp/40ml of oatmeal to 1'A diagnosis, extreme fatigue is most likely to be caused by
cups/600ml of boiling
water and stir continuously poor nutrition, insomnia (see p.62), snoring, sleep apnea,
until it comes back to a
or anxiety and depression.
boil. Simmer for 20

minutes, stirring
occasionally, then strain CONVENTIONAL MEDICINE

through a fine sieve, add

Try to sleep regularly make a routine appointment to
ltsp/5ml of honey and above An Alexander Technique teacher
for 8-9 hours a night. see your physician, who may
1 tbsp/1 5ml of light cream.
will ensure that your posture is not
Take regular exercise and eat arrange for some blood tests to
Drink a bowl full every day.
a balanced diet, avoiding contributing to feelings of fatigue by
rule out a physical cause for
excessive alcohol. If symptoms your symptoms. incorrect use of muscles.

persist for more than 2 weeks,


surprisingly, this is one time ^ A full complement of the juice with your boiled eggs, green
supplements: regular
when exercise is really BGrfJ many essential nutrients is vegetables with the liver.
supplementation with zinc and a daily
important, as it stimulates the the first requirement and this can Avoid absolutely all the
iron supplement should be routine for
body’s production of only be achieved by a well- commercial energy drinks, which
anyone prescribed antidepressants or
adrenalin—the activity balanced diet chosen from a wide provide little else but sugar, and do

hormones. Start gently with variety of foods. not go overboard on the protein. tranquilizers. Co-enzyme Qio is another

two or three easy 10-minute Rich sources of iron, like liver What you need are the starchy link in the conversion of food-to-energy

walks each day, and gradually (but not if you are pregnant), foods—but not biscuits, cakes and chain and should also be taken every

work up to three brisk walks. other organ meat, dates, raisins, confectionery. So go for a small day.

Then carefully increase your watercress, eggs, dark green leafy steak, plenty of potatoes (not
SNACKING it's not what you eat but
effort, making sure that you
vegetables, and sardines, must be always French fries), and lots of
when that is part of the fatigue equation.
top of your shopping list. Eat vegetables or salad, a large portion
always stop before you get
plenty of foods rich in vitamin C of pasta with a little Bolognese It is important to keep blood-sugar levels
too exhausted. Aim for three
alongside the iron-rich foods to sauce,- a bowl of risotto with on a constantly even keel, and this can be
or four periods of strenuous
improve absorption—for instance, plenty of rice,- or a selection of best achieved by eating little and often.'
exercise each week as your
tomatoes with the sardines, orange vegetables and a little chicken. So ensure that you eat some good-quality
final goal. You may feel

physically tired, starchy food at least every 3 hours.

but you will stop feeling Nuts, seeds, cereals, and dried fruits

permanently exhausted. are excellent sources of energy and

& ROSEMARY Application:

Rosmarinus officinalis Use these oils in the bath, in other nutrients.

HERBAL REMEDIES it LEMON GRASS massage oils or lotions, in

Cymbopogon citratus vaporizers, or on a handkerchief. HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES

Use and Dosage: & BASIL
Herbal tonics can be Ocimum basilicum A consultation with a
extremely effective in boosting & PEPPERMINT qualified homeopath is
energy levels to combat fatigue. Do not use peppermint or recommended.
Mentha x piperita
Korean ginseng (600mg daily) is rosemary oil at night—they are & NUX VOMICA 30c
For mental fatigue, rosemary,
extremely popular but can prove basil, and peppermint are useful both too stimulating; and For competitive, ambitious
too aggressively stimulating for and stimulate the brain. Lemon peppermint can disturb the workaholic, who becomes
many—traditionally it should be grass and rosemary are probably sleep pattern. exhausted from overwork or
used only by older age groups best for physical fatigue. Lemon Rosemary should not be used overindulgence.
(40-plus); American ginseng or grass builds up the body's by anyone who has high blood SEPIA 30c Often used for the
codonopsis is gentler, or women resistance to fatigue, and gives an pressure or epilepsy. worn out, weepy woman. Feels
may prefer Dang Gui. extra boost of energy. distant from family. Depressed and
Take Siberian ginseng (600mg dislikes company. Feels the cold
daily) during busy times to help easily. May be better for exercise.
cope with additional stresses. & KALI PHOSPHORICUM 30C For

ALEXANDER TECHNIQUE required, the pace should be slow mental and physical exhaustion

M by unconsciously and regular,- for an instant pick- associated with nervousness. After

overcontracting some muscles and me-up, make it brisk. working for exams. Everything

not using others enough you use YOGA: start with relaxation and seems a big effort. Worse for

fatigable muscles at the expense of gentle movements on your back, physical or mental effort.

nonfatigable muscles. Applying the all coordinated with a long, Dosage: one tablet twice daily.

Technique helps to redress the smooth breath. If you gradually Maximum 5 days.

balance. feel more energetic, progress to

above Korean ginseng may be REFLEXOLOGY: a complete foot kneeling, standing and/or seated

conveniently purchased as tablets. The reflexology treatment is a postures. Use Shitali or Sitkari.

root of the ginseng plant is used. Do not wonderful way of boosting energy Breathe in energy and breathe

take for more than 4 weeks at a time. levels. If a period of deep sleep is out tiredness.
right Chronic fatigue Diagnosing
syndrome appears to be Chronic fatigue
a disease of modern SYNDROME
times; as yet the cause is Fatigue from a particular date

unknown. Sufferers may onward

experience such a loss of Unexplained generalized muscle

energy that normal living weakness

becomes an impossibility. Often associated with painful

joints or muscles, forgetfulness

and difficulty in concentrating,

mood swings, and depression

hr onic fat igue

sy ndrome
HERBAL REMEDIES W hole volumes have been written about this controversial condition and there are

Herbal immune stimulants, still some medical experts who believe that it is entirely a psychological illness.
such as echinacea and

astragalus, can help in the long Typified by grinding fatigue and exhaustion, an inability to stay awake, muscle pains,
term, while traditional tonic herbs
(such as ginseng, damiana, or gotu
mood swings, and loss of concentration, enthusiasm, and appetite—all of which can lead
kola) will provide an energy boost
to severe depression—it is generally a poorly treated illness. No matter what treatment is
during the recovery stage: but
taking them too soon can simply
prescribed, the only route to long-term success is to combine treatment with self-help and
exhaust the system further.

Use and Dosage: the essential support of family and friends. Healthy eating is the foundation of recovery,
Use drop doses of bitters, like
wormwood or gentian tinctures, and extreme dietary regimes of any sort should be avoided at all costs.
before meals to improve the
digestion, while an infusion using CONVENTIONAL MEDICINE
equal amounts of vervain, betony,

and oatstraw can help with Because the cause of graded exercise, with rest

depression. chronic fatigue periods when the symptoms

A daily bowl of shiitake syndrome is not known, there are particularly severe. Eat a

mushroom soup acts as an immune is no specific conventional healthy diet. Take measures to

tonic and restorative. remedy that has been shown to limit stress, and consider

Take lg of evening primrose oil be more effective than any undergoing counseling.

other. Most physicians above It is vital to ensure nutrition

daily as a nutritional supplement.
recommend taking gentle, is monitored to give the body the

best chance of recovery.



measu res
ALEXANDER TECHNIQUE ^'s essent'al to keep supplements of hypericum.
M applying the Alexander blood-sugar levels on an Eat plenty of brown rice, whole
The general consensus is that

this problem is caused by a viral

principle in daily activities will even keel, so do not leave more wheat bread and pasta, and
infection, frequently attacking an
give you exercise without the risk than 3 hours between eating, and potatoes for their energy,- liver,
use healthy, natural-sugar foods individual during, or immediately
of exhaustion. It may also help all the legumes and dark green

with muscle pains, breathing, and like dried fruits when you need a vegetables for their B vitamins,- after, some other acute

mood swings. bit of a boost. Take a daily high- citrus fruit, salads, and vegetables infection—influenza,

REFLEXOLOGY: to boost energy dose multivitamin and mineral for their vitamin C. gastroenteritis, or even a severe
levels, work every 3—4 days for supplement and, to help cope with Avoid alcohol, all caffeine, cold. The only preventative
10 minutes over the complete the inevitable bouts of depression sugar, candies, cakes, and foods
measure may be maintenance of
left foot, then over the right foot; (effect, not cause), use herbal with poor nutritional value.
an adequate and efficient
5 minutes on the right hand,
immune system, which can only
followed by the left hand—in
AROMATHERAPY be achieved through a healthy
that order.
lifestyle and high-quality,
The oils you choose For depression:
nutritious diet.
depend on your & NEROLI

symptoms: Citrus aurantium

For muscular fatigue: & ROSE

& THYME Rosa centijolia/Rosa damascena This is a complicated

Thymus vulgaris The oils for muscular fatigue problem to treat, so a

& LEMON GRASS are warming, soothing, and consultation with a qualified

Cymbopogon citratus stimulating,- those for insomnia homeopath is recommended. The

MARJORAM are relaxing, soothing, and following remedies are suggestions

Origanum majorana warming,- those for depression are only,- they may also be used to

For insomnia: again both warming to the mind treat fatigue.

above The tops of the feet are
ffe CLARY SAGE and uplifting. & carbolic acid 6c For mental
where most of the reflexes of the
Salvia sclaria Application: Use these essential and physical fatigue. Very sensitive
lymphatic system are located. A
& VALERIAN oils in baths, foot spas, for sense of smell. Band-like
reflexologist will work this area to
Valeriana fauriei massage and in inhalations. Do headaches. Belching and nausea.
boost the immune system.
& MARJORAM get professional help from an Craves stimulants.

YOGA: lie in the Relaxation Origanum majorana aromatherapist who can see you & PICRIC ACID 6c For heavy, tired

Posture. For 12 slow breaths, every & ROMAN CHAMOMILE through this problem, and who feeling. Breakdown after mental

time you breathe out, give yourself Chamaemelum nobile will be able to get some of the exertion. FJeadache better for

up completely to relaxation. Just & LAVENDER oils that you may find it difficult bandaging head tightly. Dread of

lie there and enjoy it. Then, for Lavandula angmtifolia to obtain. failure at exams.

12 slow breaths, imagine yourself & CALCAREA CARBONICA 6C

becoming stronger with each For chilly, sweaty head, especially

inhalation, and that energy is at night. FJard working,

flowing more freely. Do this up during recovery you need to ignore all the well-meaning friends conscientious, takes on too much,

to three times daily. make gradual improvements in the and family who try to encourage practical. Lots of sore throats.

amount of physical and mental you to “go for a brisk walk" or Dosage: one tablet daily.

activity that you undertake. “take up jogging.” Too much Maximum 2 weeks.

Get plenty of rest and learn a exercise before you are really on

technique such as meditation, the mend will set your progress

relaxation, or yoga that you can back by weeks. Help to keep your

practice at home. When you feel mind active by reading and playing

up to it, take as much exercise as card games, chess, or checkers.

you think you can tolerate, but Jigsaw puzzles are therapeutic.
right An onset of depression Diagnosing
and lethargy, concurrent Seasonal affective

with the shortening days as DISORDER

fall slips into the bleak chills Mood changes related to the

of winter, are the main seasons—commonly depressed

symptoms of SAD. in winter and picking up again in

the spring
Often associated with a craving
for carbohydrates, lethargy, and



seasonal affective
disorder SAD
S AD is much more than just the winter blues. When the retina at the hack of the eye

is stimulated by light, the pineal gland is affected, so that the amount of the hormone

melatonin circulating in the body is reduced. During the winter months—certainly in

northern parts of the United States, the UK, and northern Europe—there is not much

sunlight, so more melatonin is released. This prepares us for hibernation and we tend to

slow down, eat more, and gain weight. Some people are much more severely affected by

this lack of daylight than others and become extremely depressed, displaying severe

symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder.


Exposure to a bright Both St. Johns wort and scent of the crushed leaves, or a
light source for lemon balm are effective few drops of the oil on a
several hours a day can help antidepressants, which can provide handkerchief.
in some cases. a little symptomatic relief. Basil is Siberian ginseng helps the body
above Cold, stark days make most of also very uplifting. cope with additional stresses: try

us feel a little down. But for SAD Use and Dosage: taking 600mg daily for 4 to 6

sufferers, the depression is magnified Fresh basil is available throughout weeks in early winter, before

and cannot be shrugged off. the winter from supermarkets, so symptoms become too severe.
eat plenty, and regularly inhale the

Like chronic fatigue 1% HELLEBORUS 30c For person ^ REFLEXOLOGY while
DIET: first, avoid the energy-robbers. It
syndrome, this problem whose mind is a blank, memory RA™ symptoms of SAD persist,
is bad enough feeling miserable all the
is complex to treat, so consult a poor, feels separate from the world. it may provide some relief to work
time, without eating or drinking things
qualified homeopath. The Answers questions slowly, the reflexes of the endocrine
that deprive your body of what little
following remedies offer only sometimes feels guilty. system. Press firmly with the side
a brief guide. of the thumb and hold sensitive energy you have. So refined
Dosage: one tablet daily.
& SEPIA 30c For person who Maximum 5 days. points for 15 seconds. Do this carbohydrates (like sugar, white flour,

cannot be bothered, even with three times. cakes, cookies, candies and puddings)

family. Feels separated from family YOGA meditate on the golden, should be reserved for very occasional
and depressed. Guilty feelings and life-giving sun,- feel its heat and its
treats. Avoid excessive amounts of animal
tearful. Slow mentally and sharp- energy. Then imagine it glowing
fat and do not have more than one
tongued. Better after exercise. and radiating from your solar
alcoholic drink a day—a glass of good
AURUM 30c For depressed, sulky, plexus throughout your body.
red wine or i'/ cupshooml of real beer
weepy person. All emotions are felt Practice Salute to the Sun daily,
are best (too much alcohol destroys the B
in the extreme. Critical of both self above Sepia is made from the ink of with visualization, and vigorous
and others. the cuttlefish. expansive postures, such as and C vitamins). The caffeine in tea,

Warrior and Triangle, Upward- coffee, chocolate, and cola drinks

NUTRITION EXERCISE Raised Dog and Bow. interferes with iron absorption, and

nicotine not only reduces the oxygen

Do not go for more than exercise is an important factor
levels in your blood, but also interferes
3 hours without eating. in overcoming SAD. Get as
AROMATHERAPY with vitamin B absorption.
Eat plenty of almonds, apricots, much fresh air and daylight as

bananas, broccoli, spinach, brown SUPPLEMENTS: give your body and

you can: a brisk 10-minute
Fdowever SAD affects you,
rice, sesame and sunflower seeds,- walk once or twice a day can mind a boost with vitamins A, C, and E,
look up the oils given
whole wheat bread, potatoes, pasta, make all the difference. a B-complex supplement, and the
under stress (see p.6o] and use them
and porridge,- and sensible amounts Exercise also produces the minerals iron, zinc, and selenium. And
in the way that you find most
of eggs, fish, poultry, lean meat, and body’s own “feel-good" soothing for your condition. take a regular dose of co-enzyme Q10,
low-fat dairy products. Eat masses
chemicals in the brain. which helps release energy from food,
of fruit, vegetables, and salads.
throughout the winter months.

LIGHT: SAD responds well to treatment

with high-intensity light. Light is

■ If you are suffering from cinnamon are all good (2) Cover, leave for 10 measured in a unit called a lux: the

SAD, or just feeling tired and stimulants, so use them minutes, then strain. average office has an intensity of 500

worn out after months of generously in cooking and to (3) Add a little honey and sip lux: a normal home 300 lux,- while if
winter weather, there are lots make your own teas. slowly while sitting down to
you look out of the window at a sun¬
of kitchen herbs and spices (T) Put 2tsp/10ml of your relax for 20 minutes,- Min/lcm
drenched garden, you are getting 2,500
that can help. Parsley, thyme, chosen fresh chopped herb of peeled grated ginger root
lux, and this is the level that you need to
rosemary, mint, sage, (or I tsp/5ml of dried herb) can be used in exactly the
beat depression and keep down your levels
horseradish, ginger, and into a cup of boiling water. same way.
of melatonin. You can create this with a

special light box, which is best kept in

O the kitchen of your home or at your

workplace and provides the level of

illumination needed to control melatonin.

right Raised blood pressure, Diagnosing
heart disease, headaches, Stress
skin problems, ulcers, and Lots of minor medical ailments,

even a stroke can be the often all at the same time

end result of long-term and Fast heartbeat

unresolved stress. Diarrhea

Edgy or depressed feeling

Difficulty sleeping
Poor or increased appetite



I t is most important to realize that some stress—the kind that excites us and gives an

edge to our performance or our relationships—is an essential ingredient of everyday

■ If you have been feeling consistently
stressed for more than 2 weeks
life. What varies is the way in which people cope with, and adapt to, different levels of

stress. Once you have learned the stress levels you can comfortably withstand, it is not

difficult to learn the skills necessary to cope with higher stress levels. Whatever causes

■ Many of the common

your stress, your body's response is the same. Large amounts of adrenalin are poured into
culinary herbs have powerful

calming effects. Among the your system, preparing you for “flight or fight." Difficulties arise when, as in most situations
best are rosemary, thyme,
lemon balm, basil, lemon in modern life, you cannot do either. In most instances stress counseling, psychotherapy,
verbena, marjoram, and
and relaxation techniques can help, but home remedies have a major part to play, too.
nutmeg, so use them lavishly
in appropriate recipes.
■ A tomato, lettuce, and
basil sandwich makes a
wonderful destressing snack,
Following a stressful your physician may be able to
especially at bedtime, if stress
episode, try to make a referral to a counselor.
is causing sleep problems.
reorganize events to avoid Drugs to control the symptoms
further upset. Eat regular meals or to lift your mood are not a
and take regular exercise— panacea, but are useful as they
consider yoga or meditation may improve the symptoms to
relaxation therapy. Try to avoid a point at which you are more
resorting to alcohol or able to help yourself.
cigarettes. If the symptoms

become unmanageable, then above Exercise lifts the mood and

dissipates physical symptoms of stress.



Relaxing herbs like betony, is distinctive, so tablets may be The range of potential oils
Planning your life to minimize
lemon balm, lavender, preferable. is vast: there are sedative
over-commitment and learning
chamomile, vervain, or skullcap Use and Dosage: and antidepressant oils,- relaxing
how to say "no" are the first
make ideal teas to soothe tensions Use 1-2tsp/5-10ml of the relaxing oils,- oils that strengthen the
and nervous stress. Valerian is herbs per cup of tea. steps toward avoiding stress-
adrenal glands,- stimulating oils for
sometimes referred to as "nature's Siberian ginseng will help the periods of exhaustion. The smell related problems. Yoga,

tranquillizer," but without the usual body cope with stress: take 600mg of the oils is very important, so meditation, relaxation exercises,
sleep-inducing side-effects, so it is daily in the week before expected pick ones that you like: perhaps massage, aromatherapy, and
ideal for easing tensions: the taste stresses occur. lavender, geranium, patchouli, calming baths are all protective
clary sage, or petitgrain,- any of the
against stress.
citrus oils,- the floral oils—niaouli,
DIET: avoiding excessive consumption of
rose, jasmine, ylang yiang,- woody
oils such as sandalwood or mental irritants, like alcohol and the
A consultation with a & NUX VOMICA 30c For a

qualified homeopath is competitive, impatient, ambitious cedarwood,- vetivert. If your stress caffeine in cola drinks, coffee, tea, and

recommended. go-getter. Symptoms of abdominal is a digestive, muscular or chocolate, is important. Beware of taking

& DYS. CO. (bach) 30c For anxiety pain, which is cramping. Likes menstrual problem, then look unnecessary behavior-modifying drugs.

before an event like an exam. coffee, spices, alcohol, and fats. under the relevant ailments.
Although these are sometimes essential, in
Reacts to any criticism, cannot Stress from overwork at the office. Application:
many cases self-help, home remedies, and
keep still. Dosage: one tablet twice daily. Whatever oil you choose, try not
natural therapies are even more effective
Dosage: one tablet every 12 Maximum 5 days. to make a regime for yourself that
and have no side-effects.
hours. Maximum three doses. is difficult or creates even more
stress. Put the oil in the bath, in a
burner, into a massage oil or body OUTSIDE HELP
lotion, and just enjoy the pleasure

It is hard to overemphasize For tryptophan, eat plenty of of it. Try and make the time. ^ ALEXANDER TECHNIQUE

the role of nutrition in potatoes, beans, pasta, rice, and stress is often accompanied

helping to calm a stressful life. whole wheat bread. Porridge and by a build-up of muscle tension,

Serotonin and tryptophan both muesli make a good start to the bad posture, and poor breathing.

have a calming effect on mind day. Get your protein from modest The Alexander Technique cannot

and body. For serotonin, eat amounts of fish, poultry, and low- take these stress factors away, but

plenty of nuts (especially walnuts), fat dairy products, as well as beans practicing it makes you more

dates, figs, pineapples, papaws, and cereals. The B vitamins and aware of your body's reaction and

passion fruit, tomatoes, avocados, iron are also key requirements in a enables you to manage yourself

and eggplant. stressful life. better in stressful situations.

REFLEXOLOGY a complete

reflexology foot treatment is a

EXERCISE wonderful way of relieving stress-
related symptoms. Slow, light, and
EXERCISE IS without question one Do not create more stress by
rhythmic treatment relaxes,- but if
of the most effective ways of trying to stick to a punishing
a boost of energy is needed, the
reducing your body’s stress levels. regime or an over-burdensome above Certain oils will be more
treatment can be brisk and
Stress-related headaches, digestive schedule. Any activity that you appealing to you than others: use
stimulating. Treat twice-weekly.
problems, menstrual problems, enjoy can be beneficial, as long as these, rather than something you don’t
YOGA: don’t be competitive in
insomnia, hyperactivity (mental you are burning up the surplus like! There are plenty to choose from
your yoga practice. Focus on slow
and physical), and the muscular adrenalin and releasing all those for various therapeutic effects.
movements coordinated with the
aches and pains that result from a feel-good hormones.
breath, and long exhalations.
stressful existence can all melt Practice Aruloma Ujjayi: in
away thanks to exercise. through both nostrils, out through

alternate. Fdumming as you exhale,

sitting or lying, is very peaceful.
right Don’t just lie there Diagnosing
thinking about sheep Insomnia
jumping oyer bottles of Difficulty getting to sleep, which

sleeping pills: a positive may occur at any time during

approach to winding down normal sleeping hours

before bed and a

reassessment of your daily

activities, will help.


CAUTION N one of us can escape the occasional had night's sleep. Indigestion, toothache,

Avoid sleeping pills, which backache, anxiety about something happening the next day, being too hot or too
are addictive.They may,

however, be suitable for cold... these and many other factors can conspire to rob us of our usual beauty sleep. Real
short-term treatment under
insomnia, however, is a state of habitual sleeplessness, repeated night after night, often for
medical supervision.

months or even years on end. Worrying about insomnia, to the point of obsession, does

more damage than the lack of sleep itself. But in most instances there is no need to take

sleeping pills, tranquilizers, or alcohol. Better sleep hygiene and a wealth of home remedies

■ A bottle of milk, a jar of

can help you get the sleep of the just.
honey, a loaf of bread, and a
lettuce are all you need. A

glass of warm milk and honey
is a time-honored aid to
Stop working at least an Repeat as many times as most chronic insomniacs say
sleep; with a lettuce sandwich
hour before bedtime. necessary. During the day (never they are too tired to exercise,
you will be off to the land of
Have a hot milky drink and a just before bedtime), take regular but in fact regular exercise
nod before you can count ten
bath (but not too hot). Avoid aerobic exercise, at least three releases endorphins (the
sheep. The starch in bread
alcohol. Go to bed, but if you times a week. Seek body’s own “feel-good"
stimulates the brain to release
are still awake after 30 minutes, medical advice if chemicals) from the brain. No
the relaxing natural substance
get up and settle into a relaxing the symptoms of matter how tired you feel,
known as tryptophan, while
activity, such insomnia
exercise will help you to a
lettuce has been used as a
as reading a persist.
better night’s sleep—as long as
soporific since the time of the
newspaper or
ancient Romans. there is no underlying medical
magazine After
SI Chamomile and lime- condition causing your
30 minutes go WET left A glass of warm milk
blossom tea are also gently insomnia for which exercise
back to bed. and a lettuce sandwich.
soothing for insomniacs. would not be advised.
A simple remedy suitable What you eat plays a key & LAVENDER
A 44 r
This is one condition for which
for all ages is Californian role in the pattern of Ate? i Lavandula angustifolia
prevention really is better than
poppy, which can be grown in the insomnia. Going to bed too full or & CLARY SAGE
cure. The first step is to
garden as an annual and is an too hungry interferes with your Salvia sclarea
recognize that insomnia is not a
effective sleep-inducing remedy, normal sleep habits, and it is the & ORANGE

with none of the side-effects disturbance of these regular Citrus aurantium/Citrus sinensis
disease—nobody dies of it and

associated with more potent types patterns that leads to insomnia. & MARJORAM nobody should let their lives be

of poppies. Eating too late—especially a meal Origanum majorana dominated by it.

Use and Dosage: based on animal protein—is a tk BASIL
SLEEPING HABITS a regular sleep
Use Californian poppy fresh or great mistake, as such foods are Ocimum basilicum
routine is vital and depends on going to
dried in an infusion. stimulating and trigger greater These oils are calming and
bed and getting up at roughly the same
Also worth trying are passion production of the activity soothing. Basil helps to clear the
time every day—insomnia is cjuite rare
flower, lavender, and betony—use hormones. Starchy foods, on the mind, while oils like marjoram are
in equal amounts in an infusion as other hand, encourage the body to warming muscle-relaxants. in those who have to he up at 6.00 a.m..

a nighttime drink. manufacture more of the Application: If your sleep pattern has been

Cowslip flowers are a traditional nonactive, growth and repair Use in warm baths, or put a couple disrupted—by illness or a stay in

and effective remedy for insomnia hormones, which function best of drops on the pillow, in a burner hospital, or by traveling across time
associated with overexcitement. during sleep. Ideally, evening or a light ring in the bedroom. Use
zones—it is crucial to get back into
Use a tincture and take 20-40 meals should therefore be based the oils in combinations and find
your normal pattern as quickly as
drops in hot milk before bed. on foods like rice, pasta, potatoes, the ones you like best—smell is an
possible. Do not allow yourself to sleep
root vegetables, and beans, saving extremely important factor, as a
during the day, as this will make getting
meat meals for eating during the smell that you do not like is not
back to normal even more difficult.
middle of the day. very conducive to sleep.
Eat plenty of organ meats (but CAFFEINE, most people are aware that
not liver if you are pregnant), fish,
too much coffee can keep you awake, but
poultry, eggs, potatoes, brown rice,
Never drink alcohol if you are they forget there are considerable amounts
whole wheat cereals, whole wheat
going to use clary sage, or of caffeine in tea, cola drinks, chocolate,
bread, and soy products, which are
drive after using it. It is very
and cocoa. Insomniacs should avoid it in
the best sources of vitamin Bg, lack
sedative and can have quite a
all forms, from lunchtime on.
of which can be a factor in
nasty effect in combination
insomnia. Culinary herbs can
with alcohol.
above A dreamy field of Californian also be a tremendous help and

poppies. Grow them in a sunny the ones you should use most

spot in your garden, in your cooking are sage, fennel,

dry, and store. rosemary, and basil. OUTSIDE HELP

& ^ ACUPRESSURE points 34 REFLEXOLOGY: a full foot

KImS and 38 will help. reflexology treatment often

& PASSIFLORA 30C anxious, restless sleep. Sleeps with ALEXANDER TECHNIQUE produces sufficient relaxation to

For restless, wakeful sleep. the head raised. Particularly if a reducing unnecessary tension, as induce a good night's sleep. The

Try this remedy first. chilly person. well as inhibiting its build-up, is treatment should be slow and

ik NUX VOMICA 30c For ik COFFEA 30c For waking in part of what the technique rhythmic and the pressure light.

overworked person, who wakes in early hours, mind full of ideas, teaches. Practicing, especially in YOGA before going to bed, do a

early hours thinking of work. Falls dozing afterward. Wakes semi-supine, before you go to very peaceful, meditative practice

asleep just before time to wake up. suddenly, dreams disturb sleep. bed—as well as while you are Incorporate Cat and one or two

Wakes with hungover feeling. Dosage: one tablet before bed for lying awake—may greatly improve lying postures, all with slow

& ARSENICUM ALBUM 30c For 10 days or until improved. the quality of rest you are getting. breathing. Finish lying or sitting:

It may even send you to sleep! ask God, or your Fdigher Self, for
help with any problems and give

thanks for the day.

right Acne is most Diagnosing
distressing when it occurs Acne
on the face, as it can't be Blackheads

hidden, but it may also Spots

erupt on the shoulders, Greasy skin

back, and chest.

HERBAL REMEDIES A cne is a distressing skin problem that affects around 80 percent of young people

Combine cleansing herbs 1 V between the ages of 12 and 24. It occurs as a result of a build-up of oil or sebum
taken internally with
external antiseptic washes, steam
secreted through the pores. The pores become blocked, then infected, causing spots. It is
baths or lotions.
more common in boys than girls and is triggered by the fluctuating levels of hormones
Use and Dosage:

Drink three cups daily of a tea

during adolescence. Though not directly caused by diet, food can play a vital part in the
made by infusing 'A cup/lOg each
of agrimony, burdock leaves and improvement, or worsening, of the angry red pustular spots which most commonly appear
marigold petals to lpt/500ml
of water. on the face, neck, top of the shoulders, and back.
Apply a lotion of 4tbsp/60ml
each of distilled witch hazel and
rosewater with 1 tsp/5ml each of

tea-tree and thyme oils. Treatment varies In severe cases, oral treatment REFLEXOLOGY regular

A traditional remedy is simply according to how severe with a derivative of vitamin A "A™ sessions that might help
to rub acne pustules with a garlic the condition is and which parts may help, but this has to be could include the endocrine
clove each night. of the skin are affected. The aim prescribed by a dermatologist. system, the liver and kidney
of conventional treatment is to Most treatments take up to 3—6 reflexes, the colon, and the
unplug the blocked pores, kill months to work and may need to diaphragm.
any germs, and reduce the be continued beyond this to YOGA: in yoga terms, this is a
THERE is no specific exercise inflammation. Mild acne may only prevent acne recurring. problem of overheating. Cool the
that will help with acne, but require a lotion that dries the skin. Dosage information ~ system through closing postures,

any general physical activity In moderately severe cases, an Adults and children such as Forward Bends,- emphasize

that improves the circulation antibiotic preparation applied Apply lotions and creams to long exhalations, and practice
to the skin may be used in the whole area, not just the spots, Shitali or Sitkari. You also need to
and breathing is always
combination with a drying lotion. twice a day. Tablets may be taken reduce stress on the liver, so be
beneficial for the skin.
If acne is persistent, antibiotic once a day or more frequently,- careful with fried foods and sugars
tablets may be more effective. follow medical advice.


& LAVENDER Your diet should be low in just raw fruit, vegetables, and
a Lavandula angustifolia animal fats and high in the salads with unlimited water,
& BERGAMOT immune-boosting nutrients. Sugar unsalted vegetable juices, and PREVENTATIVE

Citrus bergamia consumption should be minimal to herbal teas should be followed for measures
& TEA TREE reduce the production of sebum 3 days each month. After the third
Acne is not just a physical
Melaleuca alternijolia (the skin's natural protective day add whole grains and cooked
condition but, when severe, can
These oils are bactericidal and grease) and deprive bacteria of vegetables, returning to your
lead to depression and social
relaxing, which will help anybody their favorite food. normal diet on the fourth day.
isolation. Bad cases should be
who is stressed due to severe Eat plenty of all the dark green Your standard diet should be
acne. Lavender is also calming for and orange vegetables and fruit for rich in all the whole grains and seen by a dermatologist for

the skin, as well as the emotions. their beta-carotene,- citrus fruits for fresh produce, with limited specialist treatment. But even

Tea tree builds up the body's their vitamin C, nuts, seeds and amounts of dairy produce. they can be helped by taking
immune system, which should vegetable oils for their vitamin E. Complex carbohydrates, like preventative measures.
prevent infection from getting Eat some cabbage every day—it potatoes, brown rice, whole wheat
SUPPLEMENTS daily doses of vitamin
into the open spots. helps regulate hormone levels, as bread, and beans, can be eaten in
Application: well as containing lots of beta-
A (sooftg), zinc (sing) and evening
abundance. Use vegetarian protein
Apply lavender neat, using a carotene and vitamin C. sources or fish and lean poultry. primrose oil (i,500mg). For premenstrual

cotton bud, directly to the spot. Avoid high-fat, high-sugar Tropical fruits are especially good, flare-ups take somg of vitamin Bg each

Tea tree, bergamot, and lavender convenience foods. Eliminate due to their high enzyme content, day for the to days preceding onset.

can all be used in a compress or chocolate, ice cream, salt, burgers, so include mangoes, papaws,
HYGIENE: use tea-tree oil skin-wash
facial steamer. Using the three hot dogs, and all manufactured pineapple, and kiwis.
and cleanse daily with a container of
oils together, or separately, in a meat products. A detox program of
natural live yogurt
bath can be especially useful with
containing a heaped
teenagers, who do not want a
fussy routine. They can simply teaspoon of coarse

put their facecloth in the bath, sea salt. Although

then over their face, to get a cosmetics can he

compress effect. Do ensure you useful to cover
are drinking plenty of water—the
inflamed skin, try
body needs water to flush the
to avoid heavy, oil-
system out.
based cosmetics.
above Stimulating blood
Picking at the skin
flow to the skin by
CAUTION may make things brushing with a loofah.

worse by spreading
Do not apply any oil
the infection or causing scars.
other than lavender
HYDROTHERAPY: after your hath or
directly to the skin.
above Fruit and vegetables are vital for their shower, stimulate the blood flow to the

vitamins and cleansing effect on the body. skin by brushing vigorously with a

loofah or back brush and cold water.


during the summer months due to the

A consultation with a & CALCAREA SULPHURICUM 6C For washing, sensitive to cold air. Spots
antibacterial effect of ultraviolet light.
qualified homeopath is lots of pimples, spots that discharge that are scratched discharge pus.
Get as much natural daylight on your
recommended. pus on face and around ears. Heal Patient intolerant of heat, lazy, and
skin as possible—in the early morning
it KALI BROMATUM 6c For acne of slowly. Pus can form a crust on the produces smelly sweat.

face, cheek, and forehead. Spots Dosage: one tablet daily. and late afternoon during the summer and
skin. Scalp has pimples.
look bluish-red, discharge pus, and 1% SULPHUR 6c For spots on Maximum 2 weeks. any time during the winter. But never

produce scars. forehead and nose. Skin worse for sunbathe when there is a risk of burning.

right Boils are infections Diagnosing

which start around a hair a Boil
follicle, forming pus. The Localized swelling

back of the neck, nostrils, Hot, red skin over the affected area

armpits, between the legs, Pain, often throbbing

and buttocks are likely sites. Possibly a yellow discharge of pus

HERBAL REMEDIES A nyone can (jet a boil at any time, and the occasional AROMATHERAPY

Apply slippery elm or episode is painful and unpleasant, but not of great & TEA TREE

chickweed ointments, or Melaleuca altemifolia

make a slippery elm poultice by significance, as long as it is treated correctly. Repeated boils & LAVENDER

mixing ltsp/5ml of the powdered Lavandula angustifolia

herb with enough hot water, or

may, however, be a sign of underlying illness [for example, & BERGAMOT

hot marigold infusion, to make a Citrus bertjamia

diabetes] or an indication that your natural resistance has
thick paste, then apply to the boil tk JUNIPER
Internally, garlic or echinacea (2 x Juniperus communis
declined for some reason.
200mg capsules, twice a day) will Application:

help improve resistance. Use tea tree, lavender, and

bergamot in a hot compress,-

OUTSIDE HELP juniper and lavender in the bath.

A boil may burst Dosage information ~

spontaneously or it may Adults

a £2 REELEXOEOGY it is
need lancing to release the pus. Take antibiotics three or four
WS possible that complete and KITCHEN MEDICINE
Treatment at an early stage with times a day for 3—7 days,- follow
regular reflexology treatment may ■ The traditional bread
antibiotics can sometimes medical advice.
help to stimulate all the systems of poultice is the best way to
prevent a boil from developing, Children
elimination and may therefore be treat a boil (see Kitchen medicine
as can cleaning all cuts well with Antibiotic syrup up to four
beneficial for acne. on p. <89).
soap and water. times a day,- take medical advice.


1% BELLADONNA 6c For slightest touch. Bad-tempered. Eat plenty of vitamin C- for its antibacterial properties.

sudden onset, skin painful, Brings boil to a head. rich food—currants, citrus Avoiding high-sugar and high-fat

red, hot and throbbing. First & SULPHUR 6c For crops of boils. fruit, kiwis, and fresh fruit juices,- foods substantially reduces the risk

stages: little pus formation. One boil finishes as another starts. liver, carrots, broccoli, and spinach of getting boils.

& HEPAR SULPHURIS CALCAREUM Dosage: one tablet every 4 hours for their vitamin A,- pumpkin seeds

6c For splinter-like pains at for 2—3 days. and shellfish for their zinc,- garlic

right The common wart is

most often found in Warts
children, especially on the Most warts cause no symptoms,
hands. These are more of a but may cause pain if found on
nuisance than anything. the sole of the foot
Plantar warts, or verrucae, Can be unsightly, depending on
however, can be painful. their position

HERBAL REMEDIES W arts are caused by the human papilloma virus HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES

Thuja is extremely antiviral and are generally spread from another part of & THUJA 6c For large,
and antifungal. jagged, cauliflower warts.
Use and Dosage: the body or caught from someone else. Most people with Large, flat warts located on hands
A couple of drops of tincture on and fingers. Nails deformed.
warts will lose them as the wart virus dies off. For the
the wart night and morning will Painful verrucae.
usually clear it reasonably quickly. CAUSTICUM 6c For warts on
remainder, they can vary from a mildly irritating single
Also take 5 drops of tincture in a hands, face, lips. Bleed easily.
little water twice a day. wart to painful verrucae ‘and large, conjoined groups of Warts inflamed and hard; near or
Other useful herbs include tea- under fingernails.
tree oil, marigold, Aloevera, house distressing genital warts, which may also put these women's & NITRIC ACID 6c For large, soft,
leeks, and the sap of freshly picked yellow warts. Especially on eyelids
greater celandine.
babies at risk. Genital warts can be sexually transmitted and nose. Bleed on washing.
DULCAMARA 6c For smooth,
and both partners should receive medical attention.
large warts on face or palm.
Dosage: one tablet taken twice
daily until improved. Maximum
3 weeks.
Hb ji Citrus limon

± TEA TREE Most warts will infection. Before applying a

Melaleuca alternifolia disappear eventually treatment, file the surface of the

Tea tree is antiviral, while both oils with no treatment, but because wart to remove any hard skin. KITCHEN MEDICINE

are antiseptic. they can spread or be painful, Seek medical advice for B Simple, non-genital warts

Application: many people prefer to treat persistent or spreading warts. may respond to rubbing

Apply neat oil using a toothpick, them. The principle of all Dosage information ~ them with the cut end of a

so that you get one drop directly treatment for warts is to try and Adults and children clove of garlic, a cut

onto the wart or verruca. Cover destroy the wart tissue without Apply the treatment daily dandelion stalk, or even

with a dry plaster or dressing and harming the surrounding after filing the surface with an undiluted lemon juice.

repeat at least twice a day. normal skin. Keep the wart emery board or pumice stone, Repeat twice daily for a

Alternate the oils after 2 or covered to avoid spreading the see package for details. week or two.

3 weeks.
right Corns and calluses Diagnosing
usually occur on the feet, Corns & calluses
but may also appear on the An area of thick, hard skin, often on
hands after rough, repetitive the toes
manual work. Corns can be painful

CAUTION C orns and calluses of the feet are the inevitable result of wearing ill-fitting shoes. If

Do not use corn-removing there are deformities of the foot, these can also lead to areas of excessive pressure or
gadgets; instead, seek advice

from a qualified podiatrist or a change of weight distribution when standing or walking. Either way, corns or calluses—
areas of hard, thick skin—may result. Corns should be dealt with by a Qualified podiatrist

or chiropodist and not hacked at with any of the patent corn-removing gadgets. Calluses

CONVENTIONAL MEDICINE may also occur on the palms of the hand and the fingers—for example, as the result of

You can gently file gardening or manual work.

a callus and then

moisturize the skin. It may

be easier to file the skin
after a bath, when the skin & ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM 6C
is soft. Covering a corn For thick and distorted
with a cushioned bandaid, nails. Horny lumps on hands and
which is designed to avoid soles. Callosities from slight
pressure on the corn itself, pressure. Inflamed corns. Feet
can relieve the pain. very tender.
Otherwise seek advice GRAPHITES 6c For thick, ingrown,
from a podiatrist. and crumbling nails. Callosities on

hands, with skin that cracks and

discharges sticky substance.

with yellowish discoloration. May

also be many warts on the hands. above Gardening is a particular risk factor for calluses on
Dosage: one tablet twice daily. the hands. Gardeners should protect their hands with
Maximum 2 weeks.
thick gloves, and use a barrier cream.


FOOTWEAR: shoes should have a round

rather than pointed shape, and there

should he at least tin/l.5cm between the

end of the longest toe and the tip of the

inside of the shoe. For reasons of vanity,

women always buy shoes at least half to

one size smaller than they should—and

their feet pay the price. Avoid high-heeled

IF calluses form as a result of a some pressure on the rolling
shoes and pumps, both of which cram the
fallen arch or some injury to pin, move the foot forward until
foot down into the toe end, squeezing the
the foot or ankle that alters the heel is on the rolling pin
toes together, deforming the shape of the
the gait, the joints and muscles and the toes are on the floor in
foot and applying greatly increased
of the foot can be exercised front. Repeat 20 times with

each foot.Then turn the rolling pressure in all the wrong places. Lace-up
using an old-fashioned wooden

rolling pin. Place the rolling pin pin round and place the foot shoes hold the foot back into the heel end

on the floor at right-angles to along its length. While gripping and ensure proper weight distribution.

the foot, then start with your with the toes, roll the pin from
FOOTCARE. at least twice a week soak
toes on the rolling pin and left to right. Repeat 20 times,
the feet for to minutes in hot soapy water,
above It pays to ensure that you buy
your heel on the floor. Exerting then change feet.
sensible, correctly fitting shoes from rub any callused areas carefully with a

childhood, to avoid problems in pumice stone, diy thoroughly, then apply

later years. liberal amounts of moisturizing cream.


There are numerous & ROMAN CHAMOMILE

traditional herbal remedies M Chamaemelum nobile

for corns, such as mashed house & LAVENDER

leeks, onions, garlic cloves, or Lavandula angustifolia

lemon rind and juice applied & GOOD-QUALITY VEGETABLE OIL

directly to the affected area. (or calendula oil: available from

Inflammation can be soothed with reputable suppliers)
St. John's wort cream or comfrey These oils are anti¬
I Treat yourself to a pedicure twice 2 Use a pumice stone to rub gently
oil while easing pressure on the inflammatory, so they will bring a week. First, soak the feet in hot, at hard skin.This obviates the need

area with thick felt rings. Rubbing the swelling down and thus lessen soapy water for 10 minutes. for proprietary hard-skin removers.

the feet with fresh plantain leaves the pain. Using a good-quality
was traditionally believed to vegetable oil will reduce
prevent corns. the areas of hard skin. o

Use in daily massage, especially

KITCHEN MEDICINE with the essential oil mixed with

M For corns, apply crushed the good-quality vegetable oil.

garlic to a piece of gauze, If there is inflammation and the

put over the corn, and affected area is too tender to

secure in place with touch, then foot baths (or hand 3 Dry your feet thoroughly,This is 4 Massage plenty of moisturizer into
good practice and helps stop fungal your feet. While you are at home, go
a bandaid. baths, if the calluses are on the
infections such as athlete's foot. barefoot as often as possible.
hand) will be more relevant.

right The thighs and Diagnosing

buttocks are the areas Cellulite
where women most often Pitted orange-peel appearance on

complain of cellulite: areas the skin, often on the upper thighs,

where women have a higher buttocks, and arms

proportion of fat than men.

T his much-discussed and written about “ailment" is not an illness at all. The orange-

peel-like skin that characterizes cellulite is not the result of a build-up of toxins

but rather something that happens to the skin of most women—-and it's almost only

women who complain of this problem (98 percent of sufferers being female]. This is

because women have a thinner outer skin than men, a thinner underlying level of the dermis

and a different composition of fat cells in the subcutaneous layer. Cellulite is caused by
above Swimming is great exercise

because it ensures both arms and legs a combination of hormone changes, skin structure, and fat deposits, and though it
get a workout. Gradually build up the
occurs in women of all shapes and sizes, it is undeniably more common in those who are
length of the session.

overweight. Despite being a cosmetic problem, cellulite is the cause of considerable

distress to those suffering from it. And, since a woman's total number of fat cells is
regular physical activity is a

major factor in the prevention

partially determined by her mother's nutrition during pregnancy, there are certain
and treatment of cellulite,
women who are more prone than others to experience this particular condition.
which most commonly occurs

on the buttocks, thighs, and

back of the upper arms. So

cycling, swimming, skipping

with a rope, and a regular, Cellulite may improve no evidence to suggest that

brisk, arm-swinging walk will by taking regular rubbing in expensive

all help: 20 minutes three exercise and shedding excess moisturizers and oils has any

times a day is the minimum in weight, although it tends to positive effect.

order to see any real benefit.

worsen in pregnancy. There is


Weight loss is the first step sugars, biscuits, cakes, candies and
toward the reduction of soft drinks.
cellulite, but do take care: lose Eat plenty of brown rice, oats,
weight too quickly and the beans, whole wheat bread, and
condition gets worse. So no crash pasta for their soluble fiber
diets, no ridiculous regimes of content,- plenty of bell peppers,
meal replacements and pills, just broccoli, spinach, and sweet
sensible eating (see Weight Problems potatoes for their beta-carotene.
on pA6o), together with a reduction Reduce your intake of salt and
right Juniper essential oil is
of refined carbohydrates—from cut down on alcohol.
stimulating and rubefacient,

and is an ingredient
in proprietary skin rubs.


Juniperus communis

Foeniculum vulgare PREVENTATIVE

1% ROSEMARY measures
Rosmarinus officinalis Popular demand has
Keep your weight down, keep
Fennel is a diuretic. Juniper will (Mp created a variety of "over-
active, and avoid high-fat, high-
help the body to detoxify and the-counter" herbal products
sugar, high-salt foods.
rosemary will help to stimulate purporting to reduce cellulite. Most
the lymphatic system, which are based on metabolic stimulants, SKIN CARE stimulate circulation to the

enables the body to remove waste such as kelp, to encourage weight skin by vigorous brushing with a loofah
products. If a hormone imbalance loss and should not be used for
or soft brush in the bath or shower.
is suspected, then geranium more than 2 to 3 weeks. Avoid
above Fennel is a feathery-leaved herb, Massaging the areas of cellulite briskly—
(which is another diuretic) could over-the-counter cellulite remedies
the seeds of which are used always in the direction of the heart—
also be used. based on powerful laxatives (for
in medicine. stimulates the lymph flow, although it will
Application: example, senna, cascara sagrada,
Use these oils as a massage and in not rub away the cellulite. Using gels
rhubarb root), which are designed
baths (including foot baths). You CAUTION to cause sudden weight loss. Patent containing extracts of horse chestnut has

are looking for long-term benefits, skin rubs are often based on been shown to increase the effectiveness of
Rosemary and fennel oils must
as there is no short-term relief. rubefacient oils, such as juniper or skin-brushing.
not be used by those with high
The skin will feel better before it pepper, which increase surface
blood pressure or epilepsy.
looks better. Remember that stress blood flow in an attempt to revive
can be a factor (see p.6o). tired tissues.


^ ^ REFLEXOLOGY: a brisk

"A" reflexology treatment

every 3-4 days over the entire

feet can help to boost circulation.
YOGA: circulation in the thighs

will generally be helped by

postures like the Dancer, Cobbler,

Locust, and Bow, as well as by all

the standing postures. above The Half Locust (left) and the Full Locust (right) can be done in various ways.

They tone the buttocks and strengthen the lower back.

right Dermatitis may occur Diagnosing
anywhere on the body. Dermatitis
It can be triggered by Starts as a patch of itchy skin

frequent contact with a covered with small blisters

substance: hairdressers are Area may become raw if it is

prone to it through scratched

immersing their hands in Often starts after prolonged contact

shampoo many times a day. with a mild irritant such as some

soaps and detergents


D ermatitis is often an allergic reaction of the skin, producing an acute local

inflammation. This may he caused by contact with irritant substances, such as

■ If the dermatitis is weeping and
crusting, since it may be infected.
metals, perfumes, cosmetics, or even plants, or it may be part of a general allergic or “atopic"

condition, often linked with asthma and hay fever (see pp. 1 32 and 128]. Even a local

patch of dermatitis caused by direct contact can spread to distant parts of the body. Self-

■ Oats make a wonderful

help and simple home remedies are a real must in the treatment and long-term control of
emollient, or soothing
application, for all inflamed all forms of dermatitis.
skin problems. Make up a
bag of cheesecloth


uncooked oats. Hang it

Moisturize your skin g- fcg! ACUPRESSURE point 38
under the taps as you run
regularly. If the FAS may help reduce the
the bath, then use the bag
dermatitis is severe, consult itching, but it is not a treatment
as a sponge for cleaning the
a physician, as treatment for the condition.
skin. The natural oils and
with steroid creams may be REFLEXOLOGY: it is possible that
vitamins will soothe
necessary. regular complete reflexology
inflamed areas and stimulate
Dosage information ~ treatment might increase
the growth of new skin.
Adults and children resistance to contact or food
Use for three or four baths
Choose a non-perfumed allergy and reduce stress reaction.
before replacing the oats.
moisturizer and apply it as Wipe affected areas of the hands
often as possible. and feet with witch hazel before
above The substances causing
dermatitis are as diverse as the

people who suffer from it. Common

culprits are metal, cosmetics, plants,

and rubber gloves.


Many forms of dermatitis irritant foods (in descending order)
METALS: for contact dermatitis, avoid
are triggered by foods: are milk and all dairy products,
skin contact with nickel (used in most
both by their natural constituents shellfish, eggs, citrus fruit,
and by a variety of artificial food costume jewelry) and metal alloys—
strawberries, red meat, and
additives. Handling foods can wheat products. found in foreign silver, gold plate, rolled

also set off episodes of A high intake of gold, zippers, clips, studs (jeans are a

dermatitis on the hands and vitamins A and E, beta- common offender), hooks and eyes,
fingers, and garlic, raw fish, and carotene, and essential watchstraps, and buckles.
mangoes are common triggers. fatty acids is very
COSMETICS: perfumes, soaps, detergents
This type of allergic reaction important, so drink a
usually occurs in such as bubble baths, and cosmetics,
large glass of carrot
professional cooks who are juice every day. including nail polish, are common causes

handling large amounts Eat plenty of broccoli, of contact dermatitis, so buy

of such foods. spinach, parsley, hypoallergenic varieties. And avoid hair

Avoiding the tomatoes, apricots, dyes. Problems commonly arise after '
consumption of all artificial sunflower seeds and oil,
years of use, when an attack of dermatitis
additives is the first step towards oily fish, nuts, soy products,
erupts without warning.
healing. But after that it is a red and green bell peppers, oats,
Regular moisturizing is the most vital
question of detective work. Keep a above Tomatoes, bell peppers, oats, wheatgerm, and brown rice. Drink
wheatgerm, and brown rice help boost part of your daily routine. Do not be put
careful diary of everything you eat copious amounts of water and eat
and drink, with a note of when the essential nutrient content in the off by the idea of lanolin causing
parsley and celery to stimulate the
your skin looks better or worse. diet. Include them in meals as often as kidneys, so that more waste allergies (you are more likely to be

This will provide some pointers to possible, together with other fruit and products are eliminated in the allergic to strawberries), for it is the best

the culprit, but the most common vegetables, oily fish, and nuts. urine rather than through the skin. of all moisturizers and 95 percent of the

population tolerate it with no allergic


OTHER IRRITANTS: rubber gloves,

T& RHUS TOXICODENDRON 6C and eyelids.Very itchy. Worse in & TEA TREE

For small watery blisters. evening. Better for warmth. Melaleuca alternifolia many medicated creams and ointments,

Itchy and better for placing in hot & PETROLEUM 6c For dry, leathery, & LAVENDER and some plants—particularly poison

water. "Poison ivy" rash. rough skin with cracks. Burning Lavandula angustifolia ivy, primulas, chrysanthemums,

& KALI ARSENICOSUM 6c For itching and itching. Skin may be red, raw, & ROMAN CHAMOMILE euphorbias, and rue—can trigger instant
that is intolerable. Worse for and bleed. Worse in winter. Cbamaemelum nobile
reactions, so try to avoid these irritants
warmth, at night and for Dosage: one tablet daily. Tea tree is antiviral, antifungal,
if you are susceptible.
undressing. Skin dry and scaly. Maximum 1 weeks. and antibacterial, so it helps to

& KREOSOTUM 6c For dermatitis on See also Eczema on p.74. stop the infection spreading and SUPPLEMENTS: regular doses of 3g a

hands and backs of fingers, face becoming even more infected. day of evening primrose oil have been

Lavender and chamomile are both shown to be highly effective. When the

calming, soothing, anti¬ problem subsides, stick with a

inflammatory, and painkilling. maintenance dose of tg a day. This
Borage, and other herbs, Evening primrose or comfrey Application:
should be taken together with a B-
are useful in soothing the creams can also help,- or you can Use in a bath and as a topical
complex vitamin and 5,ooo IU of
irritant rash of contact dermatitis. apply the sap squeezed from a cream to put on the skin. Tea tree
vitamin A daily.
Use and Dosage: fresh Aloe vera leaf. can also be used in the laundry of

Use a lotion made from equal Internally, garlic has an towels and facecloths, which will

amounts of borage juice and antihistamine effect to combat the stop the spread of the infection

distilled witch hazel. Fresh borage allergic response (use cloves in (and make sure that you have a

juice can be made by pulping the cooking or take up to lg daily in separate towel and facecloth from

leaves in a food processor, or it is capsules), while burdock and the rest of the family). (See also

available commercially. cleavers tea can be soothing. Eczema on p.74 and Stress on p.6o.)
right Eczema often first Diagnosing
occurs in infancy, though it Eczema
may start at any time in Starts with a patch of itchy skin
life. There are five types of covered with small blisters

eczema: contact, atopic, Area may become red and raw if

seborrheic, discoid, and it is scratched

varicose, commonly affecting In long-standing eczema, the

different parts of the body. skin may become thick, with

accentuated skin markings

In some cases eczema can cause

flaky skin


T hose unfortunate people who suffer from asthma, hay fever, and eczema are described

as atopic. They may have to endure all these problems, and frequently pass them
■ If the eczema is weeping and crusting,

as it may be infected.
on to their children, for these conditions are often familial complaints and—though some

individuals, or even generations, may escape—atopic illness spreads throughout the family

tree. There are many similarities between eczema and dermatitis (see p.72) and some
D Oats or wheatgerm
conditions labeled dermatitis are in fact eczema.
make a soothing application
for the relief of the
eczema. Using a 12in/30cm
Moisturize the skin There are many remedies SULPHUR 6c For dry, burning,
square double thickness of
regularly using bath for this condition and scaly skin. Scalp dry. Itching
cheesecloth or thin cotton,
oil, soap substitute, or consultation with a qualified worse for scratching and water.
place 8 heaped teaspoons
lotion. If eczema is severe, homeopath may be helpful to Dosage: one tablet twice daily.
of either cereal in the
consult a physician, as find the best one. Stop after 2 weeks or on
middle, bring the four
treatment with steroid & CLEMATIS 6c For eczema that improvement. Repeat if necessary.
corners together and tie in
creams may be necessary. starts with small, watery spots.
a knot to form a bag. Hang
Dosacje information ~ Then burning, stinging, itching.
under the running bath
Adults and children Worse for heat and cold water.
faucet so that the emollient
Choose a nonperfumed & ARSENICUM ALBUM 6c For dry,
substances dissolve in the
moisturizer and apply it as rough, scaly skin. Itching and
water, then use the pad as a
often as possible. burning. Scratching until skin is
sponge instead of soap.
raw briefly alleviates this.
Rich in vitamin E and
& GRAPHITES 6c For rawness in
healing demulcents, this
bends of elbows and knees, and
makes an effective remedy.
behind ears. Oozes pale fluid. above Clematis erecta, the remedy
Corners of mouth crack. Skin dry source, is a climbing plant with

and hard. beautiful, star-shaped flowers.



^ ^ ACUPRESSURE: point 38 Food is frequently a major All dairy products and citrus
may help relieve intense factor in controlling the fruit can make eczema flare up, but
common cause of eczema is an allergic
itching of the skin. flare-up of symptoms, but is not a the offending food is often very
REFLEXOLOGY: it is possible that personal to the individual, and reaction resulting from contact with the
cure for the condition. Food
regular complete reflexology culprits vary from individual to allergic reactions may be droppings of the house-dustmite—of

treatment might increase resistance individual, but in asthmatic precipitated by any food—from which there are five million in your bed.

to contact or food allergy and children, one of the most common shellfish to strawberries, chocolate All the necessary measures should be
reduce stress reaction. Wipe food groups implicated is chemical to cashew nuts. taken to minimize the dustmite population
affected areas of the hands and additives—colorings, flavorings, The careful compiling of a diet
surrounding anyone with eczema (see
feet with witch hazel beforehand. preservatives, and flavor diary, and noting when the
Asthma on p. 132).
enhancers—which should all be condition becomes either better or

avoided. Early exposure to cows' worse, often supplies pointers to SUPPLEMENTS: these can play a key

milk is often the original cause of foods that should be excluded. role in reducing the inflammatory process

infantile eczema and may result Unless the trigger foods are few that causes eczema and in boosting the

from a high maternal consumption and not essential nutritionally, nutrient intake that builds healthy skin:
during pregnancy or breastfeeding, then long-term exclusion diets
i—3g of evening primrose oil, together
or when given in bottles. It is best (especially for children) should
with a B-complex supplement and
to avoid giving cows' milk to be undertaken only under
7,500 pg of beta-carotene, should be
babies for as long as possible. professional guidance.
taken every day.

above Acupressure on point 38

AROMATHERAPY CLOTHING, avoid wearing wool next
helps to relieve one of the most
to the skin, as it can make the itch worse,
annoying symptoms: the itching suits you and helps your
and try to avoid getting overheated.
which drives the sufferer to scratch condition. Check for allergies (see
’‘fe i Lavandula angustifolia
Wear cotton (which is cooler than wool)
and so worsens the problem. it ROMAN CHAMOMILE p.22) and stress levels (see p.6o) and
and manmade fabrics. Keep fingernails
Cbamaemelum nobile make sure that your clothes are
short—this applies particularly to
& GERANIUM made of natural fibers, if possible.
babies, who may cause further damage to
Pelargonium graveolens

Herbalists generally treat & JUNIPER the skin by scratching their eczema.

atopic eczema with Juniperus communis

cleansing herbal teas and limited & ROSE EXERCISE

use of creams to reduce the Rosa damascena/Rosa centifolia
exercise with caution, because
discomfort. & CEDARWOOD

Use and Dosage: sweating is a common irritant

Cedrus atlantica

Mix equal amounts of red clover, Eczema is very varied in its to the sensitive skin of the

heartsease, burdock leaves, manifestations, but all these oils eczema sufferer. Chlorinated

fumitory, and stinging nettles, are calming, soothing, and anti¬ water in swimming pools may
above Rose oil is distilled from fresh also have to be avoided.
which will help to reduce inflammatory. Juniper also has a
rose petals, and has a very high odor
inflammation, stimulate the detoxifying effect, which is useful
digestion and circulation, and clear if the body needs to eliminate intensity. It is recommended for the

any toxins that are contributing to toxins (it may, however, make treatment of eczema sufferers.

the problem. Use 2tsp/10ml of the your condition worse before it

mixture to a cup of boiling water, gets better, but do persevere). CAUTION
three times a day. Application:
Evening primrose used as an Mix calendula base oil or aqueous Do not apply essential oils
external cream or taken internally cream (available from any to broken, weeping skin
(2g per day) can also help. pharmacy) with the oils, then rub without first getting
Chickweed, marshmallow, them gently into the affected
professional advice.
and chamomile creams can all area. You may need to alter the

be beneficial. formula until you find one that

right An urticaria rash can Diagnosing
flare up anywhere on the Hives
body. An allergic reaction Itchy rash that looks like nettle- or

causes fluid to seep from poison-ivy rash, affecting anything

the skin’s blood vessels and from a small area of skin to the

swell the surrounding whole body,- tends to come and go,

tissues. leaving no marks

May get better after a few days, but

can continue for months


s urticaria
H ives—or urticaria, to give it its medical name-—is also known as nettle-rash, as

its appearance is similar to the lumpy skin eruptions caused by stinging nettles.
■ If the rash persists, or becomes
It is an allergic reaction and can he caused by foods, contact with plants (and not

necessarily nettles], cosmetics, the whole range of domestic cleaning chemicals, alcohol,

sudden exposure to cold or hot air, and, very often, by sunlight. Food additives and colorings

are frequent culprits, but eruptions of these irritating lumps and bumps can also be triggered

by stress and anxiety



H Unless your hives are

If you know what Dosacje information ~ The only long-term
caused by exposure to cold
triggers the rash, you Adults treatment is to identify and
temperatures, placing a few
can avoid it, but in most cases Most antihistamine tablets then avoid the foods that cause
ice cubes in a plastic bag on
this is difficult and all you can are taken once a day,- consult attacks by following the Exclusion
the offending area may help
do is try and reduce your package details or follow Diet (see p.211], The most common
relieve the itching.
symptoms. The rash will be medical advice. Apply calamine irritating foods are shellfish,
more comfortable if you keep lotion/cream directly to the skin chocolate, strawberries, eggs, nuts,
cool. Antihistamines may as required. dairy products, wheat (rarely), and,
prevent the rash from Children very commonly, food additives
developing, although some Doses of antihistamine syrup (particularly tartrazine).
preparations will make you depend on the age of the child:
drowsy. Try calamine lotion to see package for details, or
soothe hot, itchy skin. follow medical advice. Apply
calamine lotion/cream directly

to the skin as required.



I Anyone with hives should wear
"AS the reflex of the area that A Cbamaemelum nobile
loose-fitting cotton clothes,
is affected may be of benefit to & LAVENDER
especially underwear, and avoid
those suffering from hives. If stress Lavandula angustifolia

is a trigger, then include the synthetic materials and "scratchy"


diaphragm and solar plexus in a Melissa officinalis fabrics. Some sufferers find that

relaxing treatment. Chamomile and lavender soothe the taking l,500mg of vitamin C a
YOGA this ailment is often stress- irritation,- melissa and chamomile day prevents, or at least lessens
related. Explore different ways of calm the allergic reaction. the severity of, their attacks.
relaxation to see what technique Application:
works best for you. Finish your Use in a light cream base to rub
its derivatives, like nonsteroidal anti¬
practice with 12 breaths of onto the irritated area,- in a spray,
alternate nostril breathing, above Treating the ref ex of the if the area is too tender to be inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs,

using long, slow exhalations. arm, for an outbreak of touched,- or in water—either commonly prescribed for arthritis and

urticaria brought on by a day sponge the affected area down or nou? available "over the counter" for

in the sun. use in the bath. everything from toothache to period

pains), are a very common factor in this

condition. For those who have identified

aspirin as a culprit, it may be worth
Severe allergic reactions APIS 30c For swelling and eliminating all foods that contain natural
require medical help. puffiness of skin, which feels it
aspirin as well (most berries, dried and
& URTICA URENS 30c For nettle- will tear. Stinging, burning pains,
fresh fruit, some nuts and seeds). Dairy
rash, very itchy red blobs with worse at night. Urticaria from
products, vegetables, poultry, fish, meat,
white center. Allergic reactions, insect bites and bee stings.
cereals, and legumes contain very little or
particularly to shellfish. Worse for Dosage: one tablet every
no aspirin.
cold bathing. Urticaria with joint 15 minutes until improved.
pains. This is probably the most Maximum ten doses. SUNLIGHT SUFFERERS if your
common remedy.
nettle-rash is triggered by sunlight, eat

lots of foods rich in beta-carotene. The

HERBAL REMEDIES richest sources are the bright orange, red

and dark green fruit and vegetables—

Minor or occasional Use and Dosage:
carrots, apricots, spinach, broccoli, bell
outbreaks of hives can be For persistent problems, generally
peppers, and tomatoes. You should avoid
soothed with chamomile cream or associated with food allergy, make
borage juice, as well as with such a tea containing agrimony and Earl Grey tea (it is flavored with

traditional standbys as chamomile (2 parts each) with bergamot) and buckwheat (or anything

dock leaves, freshly heartsease and stinging nettles made from it). Both may make the skin

sliced onion, or crushed (1 part each), to combat the more sensitive to sunlight and
cabbage leaves. action of histamine and improve
aggravate the condition.
resistance to allergens in the gut.

Use 2tsp/10ml of the mixture per

cup, three times daily.
left The juice of crushed

borage is an excellent tonic

above broccoli is rich in
for the adrenal glands.
beta-carotene, and may

also protect against cancer.

right Zucchini are beneficial

for skin problems.

right Psoriasis most often Diagnosing
erupts on the trunk of Psoriasis
the body and the limbs. It Thick red patches of skin covered

sometimes occurs after a by silvery-white scales

bout of illness, and may

be hereditary.


P soriasis is a chronic skin condition, which tends to run in families and affects

■ Soothing and approximately one person in 50 in both United States and the Britain, although it is
moisturizing the skin are

vital steps in the relief of much rarer in the black population. It occurs because the skin cells are reproducing far more
this condition. Fill a
quickly than normal—the normal cycle for cell reproduction takes 31 i hours, but in psoriasis
cheesecloth bag with
wheatgerm and hang it
it takes just 36. It is more common in smokers and heavy alcohol drinkers, although it can
under the faucets when
running a bath, then use start at any age [from diaper rash onward], most frequently in the late twenties to thirties.
the bag as a sponge when
washing. The vitamin E in Attacks may start with a bacterial throat infection, particularly in children, or following
the wheatgerm dissolves in

the water and is both

a stressful event,- psoriasis can also be a reaction to some drugs. The unique silvery, scaly
soothing and healing.
eruption of the skin often starts on the knees and backs of the elbows, but can spread to be
B Do not have the bath
too hot.
a life-ruining illness covering most of the body surface. Unlike eczema [see p.74], psoriasis

is not an allergic reaction, although dietary changes may help mitigate the symptoms.


It is important to medical advice—conventional Dosac/e information ~

keep the skin well treatment includes prescribed Adults and children
moisturized using bath oil, lotions, shampoos, and creams Choose a nonperfumed
soap substitute, or lotion. to put on the skin. In cases that moisturizer and apply it as
Rehumidify the air using a do not improve with creams, often as possible.
bowl of water near radiators. treatment with ultraviolet light
If the symptoms persist, seek may help.


Small areas of psoriasis Cleansing teas will also help: mix & LAVENDER

often respond well to equal amounts of the roots of blue Lavandula angustifolia

cleavers cream. flag, burdock, and yellow dock for Tk BASIL

Use and Dosage: a decoction (ltsp/5ml per cup) or Ocimum hasilicum

Add a cup of strained cleavers use an infusion of cleavers, red & BERGAMOT

infusion to 1 cup/250g of melted clover flowers, and burdock leaf Citrus bergamia

emulsifying ointment (available (2tsp/10ml per cup). Where stress & VETIVERT

from pharmacies) and stir is a factor, add skullcap or Vetiveria zizanoides

constantly as it cools and thickens. passionflower to the mix. The body/mind connection is very

important here, as it can be a nasty

link in a vicious circle: you have
psoriasis, so you become stressed
above Getting out into the sunshine is
There are many remedies off, leaving raw, moist surface. because it looks unsightly and feels
often a help, but protect yourself with
for this condition and Thickened skin. Psoriasis on awful, and the stress only makes
sunscreen and suitable clothes.
consultation with a qualified wrists and palms. the psoriasis worse and creates

homeopath may be helpful. & PETROLEUM 6c For dry, further tension. So you need

SEPIA 6C For itchy psoriasis, cracked, rough, leathery skin. to break the cycle with these
not relieved by scratching. On Cracked ends of fingers. Worse in de-stressing oils.
elbows, backs of hands, palms. winter. Itching at night. Psoriasis Application:

Scaly, but as soon as one scale on hands. Good base oils are essential— There is no specific way to

comes off another forms. Dosage: one tablet twice daily. unrefined avocado (if you can get prevent psoriasis, but it is often

& ARSENICUM IODATUM 6C For Stop after 2 weeks or on it), or just ordinary avocado,- or possible to keep it in check by
dry scales, itching. Scales come improvement. Repeat if necessary. carrot oil. You can add just a few
following the nutritional advice
drops to these if you do not want
already given. Supplements of
your aqueous cream base to be
NUTRITION vitamin D, beta-carotene, and
particularly greasy. Regular
zinc can also play a certain part
Zinc, beta-carotene, fruit, red meat, dairy products, massage from a professional, as
in controlling this most
vitamin D, and omega-3 caffeine, and alcohol are the most well as localized massage done by
yourself, will also be really useful. unpleasant illness.
fatty acids are essential nutrients. common triggers, but only apply

Eat plenty of oily fish for their to a very small percentage of SUNSHINE: this is known to be

vitamin D and fatty acids,- orange, sufferers. If you notice that any of beneficial and, in severe cases of psoriasis,
red and dark green fruit and them make your skin worse, it is
ultraviolet lamps are used in conjunction
vegetables for their beta-carotene,- obviously sensible to avoid them. a ACUPRESSURE: self-help
with drugs that increase the skin's
and shellfish, oysters, and pumpkin Avoid liver and other organ WkM by means of acupressure is
sensitivity to sunlight. There is, of course,
seeds for their zinc. meat, because they can increase not appropriate to this condition,
a balance between the severity of the
Although psoriasis is not an the body's production of although professional acupuncture
condition and the increased risk of skin
allergic condition, specific foods prostaglandins—complex may be a great help.
may aggravate it in some chemicals, which, though normally REFLEXOLOGY: regular reflexology cancer, and the usual precautions must be

individuals. Fish, shellfish, citrus beneficial, can aggravate psoriasis. treatment could be given and may taken in hot countries (and even in the

help to alleviate some of the UK in midsummer).

symptoms of psoriasis.
RELAXATION: stress is known to be a
YOGA: stress usually worsens this
major factor in increasing the severity of
condition, so incorporate into your
psoriasis. Relaxation techniques like
daily practice enough relaxation
time, and at least 12 slow breaths, yoga, meditation, and stress control have

with the exhalation twice as long a great deal to offer.

as the inhalation.
CENTRAL HEATING avoid central

above Oily fish, shellfish, and oysters are heating wherever possible, as it tends to

especially rich in beneficial nutrients. make dry skin conditions worse.

right The ringworm Diagnosing
fungus lives on skin in Ringworm

any part of the body, One or more round areas of scaly,

but is particularly happy slightly itchy, abnormal-looking

in areas which are both skin

moist and warm, such The center of the abnormal area

as the armpits, groin, may look more normal, leading to

and feet. the appearance of a ring


ringworm tinea
R ingworm, is an inflammatory infection of the skin caused by mold or fungi (and

90 percent of all fungal infections are caused by the molds Microsporum

epidermophyton and M. trichophyton]. Ringworm infections (so called because

of the red circular patches with the raised outside edge, and actually nothing to do with

worms] or—to give it its medical name—tinea may appear on the skin, hair or nails, in

the groin, on the feet, and sometimes on the head. Home remedies work well in the treatment

of these conditions. Ringworm is a common complaint and highly contagious, as it is

spread by direct physical contact. It can often be acquired from horses, farmyard animals,

and particularly from cats (Microsporum canisj.

above When your friendly feline rubs up

against you, she may be giving you

more than affection: cats can

transmit ringworm. Ringworm on the body Dosage information ~ & tellurium 6c For
can usually be treated Adults and children ringworm over whole body,
effectively with antifungal Most creams are applied lower limbs. May be more on left
creams. If the rash has not twice a day,- see package for side. Itching worse after going to
cleared up after two weeks, details. bed, for cool air and rest.
then consult your physician. Intersecting rings over whole body.
Ringworm affecting the scalp & SEPIA 6c For ringworm in isolated
or nails can be more difficult to spots, mainly on upper body.
treat and you should discuss it Itching not better for scratching.
with your physician. May occur every springtime.

Dosage: one tablet daily.

Maximum 2 weeks.


& TEA TREE this, as it has a slight fungicidal Application.

A Melaleuca alternijolia effect. Apply as a compress, as a water
& MYRRH spray (but do not spray too near
Commiphora molmol the eyes), or in a massage medium.
& LAVENDER Do be aware, however, that

Lavandula angustifolia ringworm is infectious, and make

Since ringworm is a fungal sure that your hygiene is good,
infection, oils that have a especially if you are applying oils
fungicidal action, such as tea tree to somebody else. Make sure that
and myrrh, are obviously going to you wash your hands well

be the most relevant. If lavender is above Tea tree oil is antibacterial afterward and use the oils in the

the only oil you have, you can use and fungicidal. hand wash.

Tea tree, thyme, and Poor nutrition, which
HYGIENE: keep the towels, facecloths and
marigold all show results in a lowered natural
bed linen of those with ringworm separate
antifungal activity and can be very resistance, can make anyone more
from the rest of the family and make sure
effective for infections such as susceptible to attack by these
that you use high temperatures in your
ringworm. ubiquitous molds and fungi.

Use and Dosage: A diet rich in all the essential washing machine to kill off the fungus.

Apply tea-tree, thyme, or marigold nutrients, especially vitamins A, C,

CLOTHING: if ringworm affects feet or
creams to affected areas three or and E and the minerals zinc and
toenails, wear cotton socks, leather or
four times a day. selenium, is generally important
canvas shoes, and change your socks
If the scalp is affected, use a for maintenance of the body's
and wash your feet twice a day, drying
strained marigold infusion as a natural defences. Regular
them by patting, not rubbing. If the
rinse, or add 5 drops of tea-tree or consumption of garlic acts as a

thyme oil to the rinsing water after systemic fungicide and is infection is in the groin, wear only cotton

shampooing (ideally, with a strong particularly important if the underwear, shower, bath, or wash the

soapwort infusion, which is very ringworm has affected finger- area at least once a day [more in hot

cleansing). or toenails. humid weather), and again dry by

Internally, cleavers and patting, not rubbing.
chickweed tea will also help
(ltsp/5ml of each per cup).


■ Garlic and cider vinegar,

which no kitchen should

ever be without, are
sovereign remedies for these
fungi. When combined
together and left to infuse,

they can be used to soak

feet or hands, or as a lotion
(I }To make a lotion for treating (T) Pour on 2/2 cups/600ml of boiled 3 Add Itbsp/ISml cider vinegar.
applied to any other
ringworm, peel two cloves of garlic, water, which has been allowed to cool Leave to infuse for 10 minutes, then
infected area.
and crush into a bowl. slightly. dab on the affected area.
right If you have one too Diagnosing
many bad hair days, look Hair problems
at your lifestyle. Stress, Flaking scalp. Likely cause: dandruff
poor nutrition and unkind Men's hair receding at the temples. Likely

chemical treatments all cause: male-pattern baldness

take a toll. Generalized thinning of women's hair, often

starting 3-4 months after the birth of a

baby. Likely cause: hormonal changes

Patches of complete hair loss, in men or
women, often with very short hairs visible.

Likely cause: Alopecia areata

Generalized thinning and dry hair. Likely

cause: underactive thyroid gland


h air problems
EXERCISE H air problems are frequently a sign of underlying illness, as hair is a true barometer

any form of exercise that of health. Many of the difficulties that arise are, however, simply the result of not
stimulates the circulation on a

regular basis will help maintain caring for your hair properly. Naturally hair health depends on nutrition, but constant
healthy hair. There is a
blow-drying, coloring, perming, and heavy overuse of sticky cosmetic products all combine
suggestion that the head and

shoulderstand yoga postures

to make your crowning glory look drab, brittle, and lackluster. Save money and revitalize
encourage blood flow to the

scalp and carry extra nutrients your hair with easy, do-it-yourself home remedies. Most women lose hair after childbirth,
to the hair follicles—but no

scientific evidence for this.

but don't panic-, it does grow back again. The same is true—for men and women—after

any serious illness.


Excessive hair growth and may not need treatment, Dosage information ~ ■ Rinsing fair hair with

can be treated with though your physician may Adults and children diluted lemon juice and dark

bleaching, but beware that it arrange for some blood tests, to For male-pattern baldness, hair with a vinegar solution,

can make dark hair look ensure that your thyroid gland apply solution containing gives them extra shine.
orange. Other treatments is working normally. Male- minoxidil twice a day. For ■ For a dry, flaky scalp,

include electrolysis, which is pattern baldness can be treated, dandaiff, use a mild detergent massage half a cup of warm
painful and can be expensive, but the new hair is thin and shampoo once or twice a week. olive oil (stand it in a bowl of
but is permanent. Waxing downy. Treatment is expensive Products containing hot water,- do not heat it on
needs repeating every few and if it is stopped, the hair will Ketoconazole are probably the the stove) well into the scalp
months and can cause fall out again. Dandruff can be most effective. If using bleaching after washing your hair.
ingrowing hairs. Hair loss controlled with shampoo or cream, apply to hairy skin and Wrap your head in a towel,
after pregnancy or due to lotion. In severe cases consult leave, usually for 10-15 minutes,- leave for a half hour, then
Alopecia areata tends to regrow, your physician. see package for details. shampoo again, and rinse.

& KALI SULPHURICUM 6C falling from hair. Scalp This is a vital factor in
For yellow, flaking dry or itchy. Psoriasis maintaining healthy hair,
male-pattern baldness is strongly
dandruff, which may be or cradle cap and anemia is one of the most
familial, so men u>bose father or
moist or sticky. (in babies). frequent causes of hair loss.
grandfather went bald early probably
Hair may fall out, Generally Eat plenty of iron-rich foods,

leaving bald spots. worse for like liver (but not if you are will too. There are now some licensed

& GRAPHITES 6c eating oranges. pregnant), all other organ meat, medicines that stimulate the regrowth of

For crusts on scalp. Also Dosage: one tablet whole grain cereals, dark green hair, but they are not without sideeffects

eczema behind ears, twice daily. leafy vegetables, eggs, dates, and and the results are on the whole
which may be moist. Maximum 2 weeks. raisins. Do not forget that vitamin
disappointing. Although pills are not a
Oozes sticky fluid. C improves the absorption of iron,
substitute for a balanced diet, there are
& OLEANDER 6C above Nerium oleander is the source for so eat fruit or vegetables at the
some vitamin and mineral supplements
For large white flakes the homeopathic remedy of oleander. same time. Vitamin E is also
specifically formulated for hair care—
important for healthy hair growth,
they will maintain the condition of your
so eat avocados, nuts, seeds, and
HERBAL REMEDIES hair and may slow down the genetic
olive oil on a regular basis.
Reduce your intake of animal march of time.
Herbs have a beneficial southernwood (massage an infused
fat and sugar, as these can
effect on a wide range of oil into the scalp). HAIR CARE: do make sure that you
aggravate the production of sebum
hair problems. Dry hair can best be treated by use good-cjuality hair brushes and
and make the scalp more greasy, so
Use and Dosage: cleansing and demulcent herbs combs, because harsh nylon bristles and
they are best eaten in moderation.
For dandruff, try adding 1—2 cups taken internally, such as sharp teeth may damage the hair and
of rosemary or stinging-nettle marshmallow and burdock as a tea
scalp, particularly if used when the hair
infusion to the final rinse when (1 tsp/5ml of each per cup).
is wet and vulnerable.
shampooing. Itchiness can be soothed by a
Hair loss will sometimes final rinse of catmint or camomile
respond to arnica, rosemary, or infusions.

± ROSEMARY water or to a good vegetable oil,

OUTSIDE HELP Rosmarinus officinalis then massage into the scalp. Wrap
& ROMAN CHAMOMILE all the hair on your upper head in
a ^ REFLEXOLOGY nails are YOGA: many people say that Cbamaemelum nobile plastic wrap, then place a warm
PAH the reflexes for the hair inverted postures like Downward- * LEMON towel around it and leave the
and scalp, and 5 minutes daily Facing Dog, Standing Forward Citrus limon essential oils in the hair for 2 to 3
buffing of the fingernails of one Bend, Shoulderstand, and & GRAPEFRUIT hours, or overnight if you can bear
hand against the other may help Headstand help keep hair healthy. Citrus x paradisi it. Then shampoo the hair as usual,
hair and scalp problems. For hair * CEDARWOOD using a mild shampoo (not a
loss caused by stress, work the Cedrus atlantica medicated one), so that you do not
diaphragm and adrenal reflexes. Aromatherapy can improve the damage the sebum balance (sebum
condition of the scalp and of the being the body's natural oil, which
person in general, so improving the coats the hair, making it look shiny
growing conditions for hair. and healthy).
Rosemary is usually used for dark
hair and chamomile for fair hair. CAUTION

Rosemary, lemon, grapefruit, and

Avoid rosemary oil if you have
cedarwood also stimulate the
high blood pressure. If you have
circulation and balance the body's
sensitive skin, keep lemon and
The Downward-Facing Dog. Start on secretions, so reducing dandruff.
your hands and knees. Rock back and The Headstand increases blood flow grapefruit doses low as they
up on to your feet, straighten your to the scalp. Use a wall for support. may be slightly irritating.
Add 2 drops of your chosen
arms, chin on chest. Hold, then Avoid if you have heart problems or
return to the starting position. high blood pressure. essential oil either to the rinse
right Earache is often the Diagnosing
result of the spread of a Earache
throat infection to the Throbbing pain and a fever, often
middle ear. during or after a cold, may be worse

if taking off or landing in an

airplane,- child may scream and

possibly pull at one ear. Likely

causes: middle-ear infection or fluid in the

middle ear
Pain after syringing or after

swimming. Likely cause: external

ear infection


T his is a very common problem, especially in young children, and is generally caused

by an injection. The Eustachian tube, which links the back of the nose and throat
■ If earache persists in young
to the middle ear, can allow bacteria access to this sensitive region. The lining of the ear
■ If you have severe earache.

canal is very thin and can easily be damaged if you scratch or clean it overenthusiastically,

CAUTION an infected ear canal will be sore and often produces a discharge. In some cases, pain is

Always read pain-reliever referred to the ear from other places—a classic example is when children complain of earache
packages carefully, and do not

exceed the stated dose. after having their tonsils removed. Earache in children should always be regarded as serious

and seen by your physician, although it is not necessary to resort to antibiotics on every

occasion. Home remedies can help and often avoid the need for stronger medication.


To prevent damage to Dosacje information ~

■ Fill a sock with bran

the ear canal, avoid Adults and heat in the

cleaning the ears with One to two tablets of pain- microwave, or gently in a

cottonwool swabs or scratching reliever at onset of pain, very low oven inside a

them too vigorously. A pain- repeated every 4 hours,- see heatproof dish. Wrap the

reliever will usually ease package for details. sock in a towel and use it

earache, but if the pain persists, Children as a hot compress on the

there is a discharge, or a high affected ear. The warmth

Give regular doses of liquid
fever consult your physician. In is very soothing, relieving
pain-reliever,- consult package
the meantime, keep the ear the pain, and the bran will
for details, or follow advice
dry by putting cotton in it retain the heat for quite a
from your physician.
while showering. time.


It is very important to mullein or St.-John's-wort, for Earache can respond person frantic. Child is irritable,
avoid putting anything in instance) can be helpful as ear well to homeopathic angry, better for moving.
the ear if there is the slightest risk drops, or you can infuse a treatment. For recurrent earache, & BELLADONNA 6c For sudden
that the eardrum has perforated. chamomile teabag for a few consult a qualified homeopath; if onset. Throbbing earache worse
Use and Dosage: minutes, then place this over the worsening, consult a physician. for heat. Hypersensitive hearing.
Warmed herbal oils (infused ear while it is still warm. & PULSATILLA 6c For heavy, Face very hot and red. Skin dry,
pressing pain outward from may be delirious.
eardrum. Worse for applied heat. ACONITE 6C For initial stages
Thick, bland, smelly discharge. of earache. Pains may be worse in
& LAVENDER Chamomile is beneficial for a dull Child is miserable, clingy, and left ear.
Lavandula angustifolia ache and lavender for sharp pain. wants to be cuddled. Dosage: one tablet every 4 hours
& ROMAN CHAMOMILE Application: & CHAMOMILLA 6c For severe, for 2-3 days or until better.
Cbamaemelum nobile Put a drop of lavender on some sharp pains in the ear driving
cotton and make a plug of it to
place in the ear. Use chamomile
in a warm compress on the side of
the face.
& ^ ACUPRESSURE point 42,
BEDROOMS: it is important that

CAUTION just behind the tip of the

sinuses be kept as clear as possible in
mastoid bone at the bottom of the
susceptible children. A mixture of
Do not pour essential oil back of the ear, can relieve the
directly into the ear. If there is lavender and eucalyptus oils in a
pain of earache.
no improvement within 24 fragrancer (electric, not candle) in a

hours, or if pus appears from child's bedroom, with a few drops of

the ear or you develop a fever, decongestant oil on the pillow, will help.

seek medical help. Keeping the bed and bedroom dustmite-

above Roman chamomile flowers

produce an analgesic, antiseptic oil. free (see Asthma on p. 132}, well

ventilated, and not too hot is also

NUTRITION important.

NUTRITION: susceptible children

Children with recurrent from light snacks, as chewing and
should be on a diet rich in all fresh
earache may respond to a swallowing often make the pain
above The acupressure point 42 helps
produce and low in refined sugars,
diet free of dairy products for a even worse.
pain relief.
short period of time, as this does For adults, the decongestant animal fats, and dairy produce.

spices, such as cinnamon, ginger, REFLEXOLOGY: work the ear,

seem to reduce the amount of
mucus that the body produces. chili, horseradish, and mustard, are nose, throat, and Eustachian-tube
Ginger is anti-
Though there is no scientific a great help. reflexes in the webs between the catarrhal and
helps the
proof, naturopaths have used this fingers and toes—particularly

dietary plan with great success between the third, fourth, and
since the start of the twentieth fifth—as well as the entire

century. Plenty of pineapple juice If your child is on a reduced fingers or toes.

Cinnamon is warming
should be drunk for its healing dairy-product diet, seek and aromatic

enzymes, and citrus juices for their professional advice to make right Kitchen spices can help to

vitamin C, to fight off infection. sure that there are no decongest catarrh-filed passages,

nutritional deficiencies. which often cause earache. Mustard is a pain-reliever

Otherwise, most children with
and expectorant
earache will want little food apart Add them to your cooking.

Chili powder is
stimulating and
rich in vitamin A
right The white of the eye Diagnosing
and the inner surface of the Conjunctivitis
eyelids are covered by a Symptoms may affect one or
membrane called the both eyes

conjunctiva. When this Eyes appear red

becomes inflamed, it is A gritty feeling

called conjunctivitis. Eyes are often itchy

Watery or sticky discharge



■ Thin slices of cucumber

T his acute inflammatory condition of the mucous HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES

membrane covering the surface of the eye and lining Ffe APIS 6c For swollen,
or used, cold, teabags placed
red, puffy eyelids. White
over the closed eyes for 6 the eyelids is caused by an infection or allergy. A foreign of eye red, intolerance of light.
minutes help to relieve the
inflammation. body in the eye can also result in similar symptoms.
yellow or white discharge, white
of eye red. Babies with sticky eye.
Conjunctivitis can be serious and is highly infectious.
Ffe PULSATILLA 6c For white or

yellow discharge. Lids inflamed.

Itching and burning.

EUPHRASIA 6c For white of eye

Herbal eyebaths are For minor infections, Dosage information ~

that is red, constantly watering.

soothing and easy to make. bathe the eyes with Adults and children
Tears burn, lids swollen.
Use and Dosage: water that has been boiled and Pull down the lower lid and
Add ltsp/5ml of herb to a cup of Dosage: one tablet every 4
then cooled. If this does not insert antibiotics or ointment,-
boiling water, then simmer gently hours. Maximum 2 days.
help, then antibiotic drops or consult package, or seek medical
for 5 minutes before straining well. Euphrasia tincture can be diluted
ointment may be helpful. For advice. Continue for 48 hours
Let cool and then use in an (two drops in an eggcup of cooled
allergic conjunctivitis, anti¬ after the symptoms have
eyebath. Try marigold flowers, boiled water) to bathe the eye.
histamine eyedrops can ease resolved themselves.
eyebright, chamomile flowers, the symptoms.
rose petals, raspberry leaves,
elderflowers, or fumitory.
Take echinacea (6 x 200mg
capsules daily) to combat any NUTRITION OUTSIDE HELP
infection and strengthen the

immune system. Foods rich in beta ^ j-g REFLEXOLOGY: eye reflexes

Bitd^i carotene and vitamin A are M are on and between the

important for all eye conditions— second and third fingers and toes.
so eat orange and red fruit and Pinch the webs until tenderness is above The remedy Euphrasia comes

No essential oils can be vegetables, all dark green leafy located, then massage for 5 minutes from a plant known as eyebright.

used near the eyes. vegetables and liver. each side, four times daily.

right A stye is a small boil

at the root of an eyelash, Styes
caused by bacterial Starts with a painful lump near an
infection. It is infectious: eyelash
wash your hands after Pain may become severe and
touching it, and do not throbbing and the stye may
share a towel. discharge pus


■ Compresses are very

A stye is an abscess in the tiny gland at the bottom of



each eyelash. It comes to a head or "point" on the
soothing: make one from a * reflexes are found on and
used teabag dipped in cold outside of the lid and can cause extreme inflammation of between the second and third
water and rest it on the fingers and toes. Press firmly
closed eye for 10 minutes. the eyelids. Infection may spread to the eye itself so styes with the thumb and work on the
■ Alternatively, add tender areas located. Work the
ltsp/5ml of sodium are not to be treated lightly. They tend to be more common
lymphatics/immune system.
bicarbonate to 2Mcups/
in those with low resistance and in poor general health.
600ml of hot water and use
this to bathe the affected
eyelid with cotton balls. Use CONVENTIONAL MEDICINE
Pulsatilla 6c For stye
a clean ball each time.
on upper lid. May also
PTI A stye will often get Dosage information ~

have a creamy, bland discharge

1 1 better with no treatment Adults
from eye.
except pain-relievers, as required. One to two tablets of pain-
^ STAPHYSAGRIA 6c For recurrent
If it does not improve, then a relievers at onset, repeated every
styes, and styes that leave a hard,
course of antibiotics may be 4 hours.
inflamed area in the skin.
Marigold or eyebright necessary. Children
decoctions can be used to
Dosage: one tablet every 4 hours
Regular doses of liquid pain-
until stye is improved. Maximum
bathe the affected area, or a little
reliever,- see package for details.
four days.
marigold cream will also help.
Use and Dosage:
Simmer the decoction for 5 NUTRITION AROMATHERAPY
minutes to help ensure a sterile

mixture for bathing the eye. lyT 1 Foods that are rich in zinc, A little bit of lavender in a
If styes are recurrent and linked kbbE beta-carotene, and vitamin base oil, rubbed onto the
to overwork, taking Siberian C are important to raise natural cheek underneath the stye, will be
ginseng in the build-up to any immunity. A high-dose supplement fine, but do not put any essential
especially stressful period will help of these vitamins would also be oils actually on the stye or
the body to cope. useful once a stye appears. anywhere near the eye.
right Bad breath is usually Diagnosing
due to poor dental hygiene, Bad breath
but may also be caused by Unpleasant smell on the breath

catarrh, constipation, the

underproduction of saliva,

smoking, and drinking



edically, bad breath is not usually very significant. Sometimes, however, it can

M Chew a few caraway

seeds, mint leaves, or a

M; be a pointer toward the diagnosis of more serious illness—the fish-like smell caused

coffee bean. by liver failure, the ammoniac odor of kidney disease, or most obviously, the smell of nail-
■ U se a mouthwash of
thyme tea (see p.92). polish remover (or very ripe pears) found in diabetic coma.

Nearly always halitosis is the result of bad dental hygiene—a build-up of plague,

infected gums, a tooth abscess, a rotting filling, or lazy brushing technigues. People

often become obsessive about their breath, but dentists in the LIS, Israel, and the

LIK are now using electronic machines that measure the odors in exhaled breath,

enabling them to tell exactly how bad the problem is and to demonstrate to patients

with halitophobia (fear of having bad breath) that they are not actually suffering—
Aromatic caraway
seeds help
digestion and nor are their friends. It is worth noting that more people lose their teeth through gum disease
relieve flatulence

than tooth decay (see Gingivitis on p.92), so heed the following advice.
Mint leaves are
refreshing and
stimulate digestive

Looking after teeth and teeth and gums are not the problem, but it is important
gums by regular responsible for unpleasant to seek medical advice if there
brushing, flossing, and dental smells in the mouth. Sensible is no obvious cause.
check-ups will help ensure that eating habits will often avoid
measu res
Identifying the cause of Where bad breath is associated & TEA TREE
TOOTH CARE: see your dentist
bad breath is important. with catarrh, use peppermint or M Melaleuca alternijolia
regularly. Brush your teeth ajter eating
Use and Dosage: tea-tree oil inhalants. & PEPPERMINT
and before going to bed. If this is not
If hyperacidity is to blame, then A traditional remedy is to chew Mentha x piperita
always possible, chew sugar-free gum
meadowsweet tea can help,- if a few lovage or fennel seeds. & THYME

sluggish digestion is at fault, then An effective herbal mouth spray after meals to stimulate the production of
Thymus vulgaris

agrimony or fenugreek seeds can be made by adding ltsp/5ml ffe LEMON saliva, neutralize acids, and prevent the

(1 tsp/5ml of herb to a cup of each of tea-tree and rosemary oils Citrus limon formation of plague, which leads to

boiling water) can be useful. to scant 1/2 cup/lOOml oz of water & NIAOULI decay. Use dental floss and change your
and pouring into a spray bottle. Melaleuca viridijlora toothbrush at least every 3 months.
These oils kill off any unnecessary
Avoid excessive amounts of high-sugar
bacteria or viral infection that was
foods and drinks, especially the acidic
in the mouth or throat, and which
carbonated ones (even sugar-free),
might be causing bad breath, and
also freshen that area.

Use in a mouthwash or gargle.


Do not give these

mouthwashes to children.

above Meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria) reduces

stomach acidity. Make a tea by infusing 2tspl 10ml of dried Constipation is thought to unpleasant, although all these
herb in boiling water for 10 minutes. be a common cause of bad foods are extremely healthy—so
breath and is easily remedied by avoid them if you feel you must.

HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES OUTSIDE HELP following the appropriate advice Regular daily helpings of natural
(see Constipation on pA56). Sinus live yogurt, plenty of water and
Ensure that there is no ^ ^ REFLEXOLOGY if bad infections, catarrh, and chronic adequate amounts of fiber-
serious cause for this breath is a digestive chest diseases can also be containing foods—apples, pears,
particular complaint. problem, work the digestive responsible (see Catarrh on p.i 22, carrots, whole grain cereals, and
& MERCURIUS 6c For offensive reflexes on the entire palms of the Sinusitis on p.i3o). Some people find beans—all improve the digestive
breath, metallic taste in mouth. hands or the soles of the feet. the smell of garlic, onions, curries, function and will help bad breath.
Dribbles on the pillow at night. YOGA: look at your diet and and other highly spiced food
Bleeding gums. lifestyle,- something about them

it? PULSATILLA 6c For halitosis in probably needs changing. Keep

the morning. Dry mouth with your mouth cleaner like this: first

greasy taste. Not thirsty. Food thing eveiy morning gargle with

may taste bitter. salted water, then scrape your

1% KALI BICHROMICUM 6C tongue gently with the back of a left The smell of onions,
For offensive breath, sensation of spoon. Massage your gums, then and another member of
a hair on the tongue. Thick, gargle once again.
its family, garlic, tends to
saliva, ropy, yellow catarrh.
linger on the breath.
Dosage.- one tablet twice daily.

Maximum 2 weeks.
right Mouth ulcers may Diagnosing
appear on the tongue, the Mouth ulcers
roof of the mouth, the Painful white craters, often with

groove between the gums bright red borders

and cheek, or elsewhere May occur singly or in clusters

on the cheek. and often recur


T hese are painful, irritating sore patches inside the mouth, generally occurring on the

■ If you have an ulcer that recurs

inside of the lips [especially the lower one] and cheeks, although they can appear
regularly in the same place, because it is
on the gums and roof of the mouth. Their medical name is apthous ulcers and, though
quite likely to be traumatic in origin and
caused by a dental problem. frequently caused by injury—biting the cheek or lip, badly fitting dentures or the jagged
M If an ulcer fails to heal after 3 weeks.

edge of a damaged tooth—there may equally be no clear cause. In rare cases they are

associated with an underlying disorder affecting the whole digestive tract.


Most ulcers improve Dosacje information ~ As well as sage (see under

with no treatment after Adults and children Kitchen Medicine), suitable

a few days, but they can last Apply a paste containing herbs for mouthwashes include
for two weeks. Pastilles or steroid combined with a local rosemary, marigold, raspberry
ointment containing local anesthetic pastille or ointment leaves, cloves, or chamomile.
anesthetic can relieve the pain. to the ulcer at regular intervals,- Use and Dosage:
These can be used with a paste see package for details. Salt¬ Myrrh and golden seal both taste
containing steroid, which may water mouthwashes used three extremely bitter but can be very
speed up the healing process. or four times a day may be effective: buy the tinctures from a
Try rinsing the mouth with helpful to you. pharmacy or health-food store and
warm, salty water. Avoid hot, add 10-20 drops of either to a
spicy, or acidic foods. glass of warm water.

Strengthening the immune

system with regular garlic capsules
above Infuse 2tsp/IOml of raspberry
can be helpful for recurrent
leaves in a cup of boiling water, allow
ulcer problems.
to cool, strain and use as a



■ An old wives' tale from pv ^ REFLEXOLOGY the In addition, give some attention to
southern Europe is the most Mm reflexes of the mouth, the digestive tract on the soles or
effective remedy I know, teeth, and gums are found on the palms, and to the lymphatic/
albeit not the most pleasant. joints of the fingers and toes. immune system.
Cut a clove of garlic in half,
squeeze it until the oils
appear on the cut surface,

then dab on the ulcer two or I Put I tsp/5ml of fresh chopped As this condition is so Avoid foods that may be
sage leaves (or 2tsp/10ml of the dried
three times a day. Although often related to stress, it is damaging to the delicate mucous
herb) into a glass.
this treatment stings and really important to have a diet that membranes of the mouth,
smells, the ulcer will is extra-rich in all the B vitamins, including very salty food, such as
normally disappear within so make sure that you eat plenty chips, cocktail snacks, salted nuts
24 hours. of meat, poultry, wheatgerm, vinegar, pickles, chilies, and very
■ A mouthwash with sage brewer's yeast, leafy green hot curries. If you have ulcers, all
tea is very soothing and vegetables, whole grain cereals, these foods will make them
antiseptic and helps prevent and whole wheat bread. much more painful.
ulcers becoming infected.

2 Add boiling water, cover and leave
to stand for 10 minutes, SUPPLEMENTS: regular sufferers of
S®? M Commiphora molmol
mouth ulcers should take a daily dose of
Myrrh helps to kill the pain and
5,000lU of vitamin A, 200mg of
the infection, and stop it
vitamin E, and to mg of vitamin B~. It is
spreading. If you cannot get hold
also extremely helpful to suck a combined
of myrrh essential oil, then myrrh
tincture (available from herbal vitamin C and zinc lozenge every day—

suppliers) can be used in place of and take three or four a day when you

the myrrh and vodka solution. actually have the ulcers. When attacks
above Garlic is a natural
Application: are specifically associated with periods,
antiseptic and antibiotic. It has
Put 2 drops of myrrh in ltsp/5ml of
been used for healing since then taking 50mg of vitamin Bg and
3 Strain off the leaves and use as a
vodka, then dab directly onto the
ancient times. mouthwash when cool enough. 2,000mg of evening primrose oil every
mouth ulcer. This mixture can also
day during the week before your period is
be added to a cup of warm water
due may help to ward off the ulcers.
and used as a mouthwash.


Check with your & NITRIC ACID 6c For blisters

physician that there is no and ulcers in mouth that bleed
anemia. Consult a homeopath to easily. Ulcers on tongue and soft
treat the tendency toward ulcers. palate. Tongue clean, red
& BORAX 6c For painful, white & NATRUM MURIATICUM 6C For
ulcers that bleed easily on contact, recurrent mouth ulcers, cold sores,
left Make your
or when eating. Mouth hot and and colds. Person may be
tender. Bitter taste in mouth. own treatment
introverted and easily hurt.
& MERCURIUS 6c For ulcers on Dosage: one tablet twice daily lotion from myrrh,

tongue and soft palate. Tongue until improved, then stop. vodka, and water.

yellow, thick, coated, and shows Maximum 5 days. Myrrh is soothing,

the imprint of teeth. Metallic taste antiseptic, and

in mouth. Lots of saliva. healing.

right If your gums bleed Diagnosing
easily when you clean Gingivitis
your teeth, it may be a Sore gums, which may be red and

sign of gingivitis, may bleed easily

especially if the gums are

tender. The condition

needs treating to prevent

eventual loss of teeth.

F ar more teeth are lost through gum disease than through tooth decay, and gingivitis—

fl The antiseptic Thymol— when the gums bleed very easily and dental plague and tartar accumulate around
the pink wash you are given
by the dentist in order to the gum line—is by far the most common cause of gum disease. If gingivitis is left untreated,
rinse your mouth—was
originally extracted from the
then pockets of infected pus can develop at the base of teeth, followed by abscesses
culinary herb thyme. And
and loose teeth, which may eventually fall out. Good oral hygiene is essential to the
you can use thyme to make
an effective mouthwash at
prevention of this painful condition, but home remedies can be an extremely effective cure
home—add 1 heaped
tsp/5nil of dried thyme once infection occurs.
leaves (1 tsp/5 ml level
teaspoon if they are fresh) to
a glass of hot water, cover
and leave to stand for 1 0 Antiseptic relievers at onset of pain, Some mouthwashes may
minutes. Strain and, when mouthwashes and pain- repeated every 4 hours,- see cause brown stains on the
cool enough, use the whole relievers may help in the first package for details. teeth, which improve
glass, a mouthful at a time. instance. Seek the advice of a when the mouthwash
M One item you will find in dentist or hygienist if the is discontinued.
Use a recommended
every kitchen is salt: I level symptoms persist. mouthwash twice a day. Give
tsp/l 5ml added to a glass of
Adults regular doses of liquid pain-
hot water produces another
Use a recommended reliever,- see package for details,
extremely cheap and
mouthwash twice a day. Take or follow advice from your
effective mouthwash, which
one to two tablets of pain- physician.
will help keep the mouth


tfe MYRRH antimicrobial,- tea tree helps build & MERCURIUS

A Commiphora molmol up the body's immune system. SOLUBIUS 6c For

& TEA TREE Application: inflamed, bleeding gums. Produces

Melaleuca altemifolia Use in a mouthwash, putting a few lots of saliva. Breath is offensive
* THYME drops of oil into a cup of warm and teeth may be loose. Metallic
Thymus vulgaris water. Alternatively, massage taste in mouth. Mouth moist but
& FENNEL myrrh tincture (available from person is thirsty.
Foeniculum vulgare herbal suppliers) into the gums to & KR.EOSOTUM 6c For spongy,

These oils are all healing and help improve the circulation (obviously bleeding gums. Teeth painful,
to stop infection,- thyme is making sure that your hands are decay easily, and are crumbly.
antiseptic and myrrh is very clean before you do this). Bitter taste. above Phosphorus is recommended

& PHOSPHORUS 6c For gums that for hemorrhage.

bleed easily and ulcerate. Bleeding

after tooth extraction.
TOOTH CARE: learning the correct
& NITRIC ACID 6c For teeth that

way to brush your teeth is essential, so ij
become loose,- spongy, bleeding
you don't know, ask a dental hygienist to
gums. Tongue clean, red. May
have ulcers on soft palate. explain. And make sure that you change

Dosage: one tablet three times your toothbrush at least every 3 months.
p\: \\- -
daily. Maximum 1 week. Sadly, gum disease and dental decay are

'Tf: ;V on the increase, as cost keeps more and

NUTRITION more people away from regular visits to

above Fennel essential oil Is extracted from its seeds.

These are harvested in the fall, when ripe. the dentist. But gum disease can have
It is the fibrous, as well as
generally debilitating effects on your
the nutritional, content of
health, as well, so whatever economies
HERBAL REMEDIES your food that is important in the
you make, avoiding your dentist will be
treatment of gingivitis. The
Herbal mouthwashes rosemary, sage, or tormentil a false one.
massaging effect of produce like
can help to tonify and (2tsp/l0ml per cup), or dilute 2
apples, pears, celery and raw NUTRITION: do not forget that
improve gum tissues, as well as drops of tea-tree oil in a cup of
carrots stimulates the blood flow
natural fruit juices may be full of
combating infection and soothing water and use this instead.
to the edges of the gums and
nutrients, but they also have a high
ulceration. Myrrh is very effective, if
prevents the development of
Use and Dosage: available: use 10 drops of tincture sugar content, although they are
plaque, which is a haven for
Use a cooled, well-strained in a cup of water as a mouthwash. infinitely healthier than all the soft drinks
bacteria. Unfortunately, when this
infusion or decoction containing Take echinacea or golden seal (including those of the diet, life, and low-
condition develops, the gums
such herbs as echinacea, lady's capsules in order to boost the calorie variety). No matter how much
bleed easily, making the
mantle, marigold, marjoram, immune system.
consumption of these raw foods you may hate the idea, sugar-free

quite painful, and so a vicious chewing gum is a great protector of teeth

OUTSIDE HELP circle starts. and gums. If you cannot brush your
Eat plentiful daily amounts of
teeth after a meal, chewing gum for 15
citrus fruit and all other fresh
minutes will do part of the job.
KAJi reflexes of the gums can be
produce, as vitamin C is the most
found on the fingers. Working
important single nutrient.
over the fingers and thumbs two
Reduce your intake of sugar,
or three times a day for about
which (apart from poor nutrition)
5 minutes, paying particular
is your gums' worst enemy—eat as
attention to the tender areas on
little as possible and try to dean
the joints, might be of benefit.
your teeth immediately after you
above This refexology treatment have had any high-sugar foods.
is easy to do yourself.
right Toothache varies in Diagnosing
intensity, depending on its Toothache

cause—decay, gingivitis or Pain, often severe and throbbing,

an abscess. Visit your dentist around a tooth

regularly to try and head off

trouble before it starts.


CAUTION T oothache is usually the result of poor dental hygiene. Scrupulous attention to oral

Always read pain-reliever hygiene—proper flossing, careful brushing, and a reduced consumption of soft drinks
packages carefully, and do not

exceed the stated dose. and sugar in general—is the first step. Next come regular visits to your dentist. But many

of the problems can be avoided by healthy eating.

Dental caries [tooth decay], an abscess, or gingivitis [see p.92] may be the cause of
the pain. Pain may come in short bursts, triggered by sweet foods or hot/cold drinks, which
■ Cloves are one of the
best pain-relievers for all
suggests caries, with slight inflammation of the tooth pulpor in long periods, triggered
types of toothache. If you
have some clove oil, dip a by heat or cold. Severe sudden pain that is worse at night-time means that the pulp is
tiny piece of cotton into the

oil, roll it into a ball, and badly inflamed. Intense and throbbing pain with a sensitive area on the gum is likely to
stick it into the painful part
be an abscess, which may cause fever, with inflammation and swelling of the tissues around
of the tooth.
■ Alternatively, holding a
the tooth. Go to your dentist! Weeks of painkillers will keep you going until the tooth pulp
dove between the teeth, or

between the side of the dies off and the pain stops, but then you will almost certainly lose the tooth.
mouth and the painful tooth,
will release enough essential
oil to dull the pain.

Take a pain-reliever as Dosacje information ~ Children

necessary to ease the Adults Give regular doses of

toothache, and contact One to two tablets of pain- liquid pain-reliever,- see package

your dentist. relievers at onset, repeated every for details, or follow

4 hours,- see package for details. medical advice.



Dental problems can be

m For abscesses and similar Use and Dosage:

avoided by healthy eating * infections, strong These antibiotic herbs are best
Good oral hygiene, low

although this must be combined antibiotic herbs—especially consumption of sugars and high-
taken in tinctures (ltsp/5ml three
with good oral hygiene. Chinese figwort (Xuan Shen), times daily). sugar foods, and healthy eating

Eat plentiful daily amounts of forsythia berries, and echinacea— are all you need to prevent
citrus fruit and all other fresh can sometimes solve the problem tooth problems leading to
produce, as vitamin C is the most completely.
important single nutrient.

Reduce your intake of sugar,

which (apart from poor nutrition)

is your gums' worst enemy—eat as

little as possible and try to clean
r° & CLOVE Chamomile is soothing and helps

Syzytjium aromaticum to kill the pain.

your teeth immediately after you & ROMAN CHAMOMILE Application:
have had any high-sugar foods. Chamaemelum nobile To use the clove oil, see under Kitchen
These oils only represent first-aid Medicine. You can also mb clove oil

help until dental treatment can all around the gum as well. If you
be organized. Clove has an just have toothache, rather than
anaesthetic effect and is also a full-blown pain, then a warm
strong antiseptic, so it should help chamomile compress on the facial
prevent any infection setting in area is very soothing.
until ;you can get dental treatment.

above Swill your mouth after eating

citrus fruit to reduce acid levels.

a ^ ACUPRESSURE point 4,

FMI between the thumb and

HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES forefinger, can bring great relief to
toothache sufferers.
Th is condition requires
REFLEXOLOGY: the reflexes of the
dental assessment.
teeth are found on the joints of
& CHAMOMILLA 30c Teething
the fingers and toes. Press across
remedy for children. Person is
the big toe joints to locate the
intensely irritable, has intolerable reflex for the painful tooth. Fdold
pains, and cries angrily. Child has
this point firmly for 2 minutes.
to be carried constantly. Better YOGA to cope with pain, use
for warm food. Ujjayi: lengthen your exhalations
COFFEA 30c For toothache
by 1 second each time, until you
eased with ice-cold water. reach your maximum. Continue
& PLANTAGO 30c For teeth that for a while longer, breathing out
are sore to touch, swelling in as slowly as possible.
cheeks. Produces a lot of saliva.
Worse for cold air and contact.

Better for eating.


For toothache in pregnancy. Teeth

very sensitive to touch, painful to

bite. Worse at night Pain from
cutting wisdom teeth. right Acupressure on point 4 will help

Dosage: one tablet hourly for six to numb the throbbing pain.

doses, as needed.
right Cramp is a sudden, Diagnosing
involuntary contraction of Cramp
muscle. It can flare up Sudden and continuous pain in

anywhere in the body, most a muscle, often the calf or foot

frequently occurring in the Pain may develop during exercise

legs and feet. or at night


T his sudden and severely painful condition always seems to strike at the most

inappropriate moments. It is most common in the calf muscles, hut it can happen
■ If you have had pain in the chest or
calves during exercise.
anywhere in the body and is excruciatingly uncomfortable, often leaving you feeling as

though you have been kicked by a mule. The common wisdom is that it is due to a deficiency

EXERCISE of salt, but unless you are standing in front of a roaring fire all night in the tropics, or

playing a five-set Grand Slam tennis final in 104°F/40°C this is never the case. Potassium

deficiency is afar more likely cause of cramp than salt loss. Cramp can also occur if the

muscles are not receiving enough oxygen because the blood supply is damaged. Cramps

at night are common in pregnant women and the elderly, although they may be a sign of

a more serious underlying condition, such as diabetes.


excessive exercise can lead to ■ A glass of tonic water at

Cramp-like pain will muscle. Pain in the chest or
a build-up of lactic acid in the bedtime—without the
usually go away when calves during exercise, which
muscles, which can itself cause gin—often helps, due to its
the muscle is relaxed. This stops after resting, can be
quinine content.
cramp. Gentle, regular generally means resting for a more serious and requires
exercise on the other hand few minutes. Cramps at night medical attention.
helps to tone the muscles and are often relieved by stretching

improve the blood flow, so it and rubbing the affected

is a good weapon in the fight

against night cramps.



_ ,._

REFLEXOLOGY work the YOGA use gentle lying twists and This is often the key to so eat avocados, nuts, seeds, and
M corresponding area on Knees-over-Chest posture, and relieving attacks of cramp, lots of good olive oil. Sardines

the hands or feet. Shitali or Sitkari, regularly. but it must be seen as a long-term contain beneficial omega-3 fatty

benefit, not an instant cure. If you acids and also are a rich source of
suffer regularly from cramp, eat at calcium, as are all dairy products.

least one banana each day. Vitamin Eat natural yogurt for its riboflavin

E is a great aid to the circulation, and eggs for their vitamin B | j.



To do the Knees-over-Chest posture, For a gentle but effective lying twist, 6c For violent, sudden the calves and soles, with lots of
lie on your back and bring your bend the legs, with feet on the floor cramps in the calves at night. muscle spasms. Sleeplessness,
knees up to your chest. Exhaling, take knees to right; inhale,
Useful for cramps during particularly toward morning, with
return to center, then go to left.
pregnancy. Try this remedy first, dreams of arguments. Person may
6c For writer's cramp, cramps Dosage: one tablet before
from prolonged exertion. Cramps retiring. Maximum 1 weeks.
in the calves better for rubbing.

If cramp is due to poor aggravated by stress or tension, so

circulation, rub the legs from practicing some relaxation techniques

the knees down with alternate and taking regular breaks from the

You can also do a lying twist with the feet and hot and cold sponges for 5 activity will alter the pattern. If the
knees apart: experiment and see which version
minutes before bedtime. problem persists, seek specialist referral.
you prefer
RELAXATION: occupational cramps, NUTRITION: take 400 III of

often suffered by writers, musicians, vitamin E each day and a good

HERBAL REMEDIES typists, and the like, are caused by mineral supplement containing

relentless but controlled repetitive calcium, potassium, and magnesium.

■mi Decoctions of cramp bark black haw to 1 'A cups/350ml of
movements. These problems are greatly
or black haw can help water and simmer for 10 minutes

persistent night cramp, while teas to make a decoction.

of wild yam, chamomile, or fennel Make an external rub using 5

can ease stomach cramps. drops each of cypress, marjoram,

Use and Dosage: and basil oils in lf<tsp/7.5ml of

Add ltsp/5ml of cramp bark or almond oil.


GERANIUM Pelargonium Application:

X? m graveolens Use in a compress, in the bath, or

ffe GINGER Zingiber officinale in a foot spa. You really need to

CYPRESS Cupressus sempervirens be looking at prevention, rather

These oils are stimulating and than cure, so make sure that you

increase the circulation, warming massage the feet and legs in the above As part of your bedtime routine, rub the

up the muscles so that cramp does evenings, before you go to bed, if cramp-prone area with sponges soaked

not set in. you are susceptible to cramp. alternately in hot and cold water.
right Repetitive strain injury Diagnosing
may seem to be a modern Repetitive strain
problem associated with injury

computer use, but any Pain in the hand, arm, or neck

repetitive task involving the Often related to using a keyboard

hand, wrist, arm, shoulder, for long periods

and neck may bring it on.


strain injury
R epetitive strain injury is a result of overuse of the upper body at work. While the

term RSI has become popular in the media, the condition should properly he called

work-related upper-limb injury, as it nearly always involves pain in the wrist, forearm,

shoulder and neck. The pain can occur in any one or more (even all) of these areas. Many

treatments have been tried, often with little success, but the best results may come from a

combination of rest and home remedies.


I Keep a large bag of frozen use as an ice pack. Use a Prevent pain by taking pain-reliever. Your physician

peas (loosely packaged, or permanent-ink marker to mark a break from the may suggest that you seek the
empty them into a larger the package, so that you do not keyboard at regular intervals. advice of a specialist.
plastic bag) in the freezer, for eat the peas by mistake. Ensure that your keyboard, Dosage information ~
monitor, and desk are Adults
First cover the skin with a thin cotton
comfortable and ergonomically Take one to two tablets of
dish towel (do not forget to do this,
safe. If pain develops, rest until pain-reliever at onset of pain,
unless you want freezer burns). Apply
the pain has completely repeated every 4 hours,- see
the ice package and leave in place
disappeared. If it persists, try a package for details.
for 10 minutes.Then give the area a
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
brisk rub with a warm facecloth,

followed by a rough towel. Repeat up

to three times a day.

& LAVENDER ’’k JUNIPER the toxins that are creating the
RSI is caused by continual
Lavandula angustifolia Juniperus communis pain.
repetitive activities—on an
ifc ROMAN CHAMOMILE Essential oils should not be used to Application:
assembly line, in a kitchen, at a
Chamaemelum nobile mask the pain so that you can carry Use to massage around the
supermarket checkout, and, most
& ROSEMARY on—they should be used as affected area,- or use in hand or foot
often, at the computer
Rosmarinus officinalis treatment once you have stopped baths, or soak the affected area in
& GINGER doing the movement that created the bath. But do identify what it is keyboard—so the workplace is

Zingiber officinale the problem. These oils will help you are doing that is creating the where you must start taking

& MARJORAM the circulation, warming the problem and try either to stop it preventative measures.
Origanum majorana muscles and killing some of the totally or to do less of it.
OFFICE FURNITURE: to minimize the
pain. Juniper also helps to remove
risks you must have a properly designed

chair, with a height adjustment, tilt

mechanism, variable rake, and adjustable

height for the back support (and for the ■

Anti-inflammatory herbs and 104) may give some relief. ios'- jj Rg[ js an inflammatory
arms, if any). There should also be a
such as meadowsweet, Some sufferers find that tonic ■iivA condition, so you should
white willow, or St.-John's-wort herbs used to help the body cope eat plenty of the natural anti¬ foot-rest, and the height of the desk must

may be helpful in teas. with physical stresses—notably inflammatory foods—oily fish, be appropriate to the work being done on

Use and Dosage: Siberian ginseng, astragalus, or orange, red, and dark green fruit it. The center of your PC screen should

Use 2tsp/10ml of these herbs shiitake mushrooms—can bring and vegetables, citrus fruit, nuts, be as near as possible to your eyeline,
per cup. Herbal rubs suggested for about improvements in chronic seeds, and olive oil for their
there must be a paper holder if you are
rheumatism and arthritis (see pp.t <0 RSI conditions. antioxidant vitamins A, C, and E,-
copy-typing or constantly referring to
eggs, brewer's yeast, and Brazil
documents, and ideally room at the edge
nuts for the antioxidant mineral
HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES of the desk for a padded wrist-bar. If
selenium. Regular consumption of
all these foods will help the body's your work involves using the telephone
ft? ARNICA 6c For bruised tunnel syndrome. Person is very
own self-healing mechanisms. and keyboard at the same time, and for
sensation in muscles and idealistic and intense.
Avoid too much red meat,- stick long periods, you need a hands-free,
tendons. Aching muscles after & STAPHYSAGRIA 6c For tearing
to poultry, white fish, legumes and headset telephone.
overexertion. Worse for damp pains in arms, which may feel
whole grains for your protein.
weather and continuing beaten. Worse for motion and REST: it is crucial that you take regular

movement. Person says they are touch. Person is very sensitive,

breaks from the keyboard. I consider to
fine, even when obviously not. deeply hurt. May appear very EXERCISE minutes out of every hour an absolute
CAUSTICUM 6c For burning pain, sweet but be angry underneath.
minimum for proper protection, and in a
inflamed tendons. Pain worse for Dosage: one tablet twice daily. APPROPRIATE EXERCISES will help,
perfect world, no one would spend more
drafts, cold, or overuse. Carpal Maximum 2 weeks. but the wrong sort of activity
than 3 hours at a keyboard (with a total
can make matters much worse.

This is not the time for “Do-it- of 30 minutes off) before taking a
yourself”—you need to see a complete hour away from it.

specialist osteopath or
^ ^ ACUPRESSURE: this is not certainly alleviate the symptoms, EARLY WARNING SIGNS if you
physiotherapist, who will assess
"AW really appropriate for RSI, if not help actually prevent experience the slightest sign of pain in the
recurrence of RSI. your individual needs and
although traditional acupuncture wrists, forearms, elbows, or shoulders
can be effective. REFLEXOLOGY: it is possible prescribe specific exercises
after an hour or two at work, speak to
ALEXANDER TECHNIQUE RSI, that reflexology treatment may accordingly.
your immediate boss or human-resources
like many other conditions, be of benefit in treating RSI: try
manager and get immediate medical
involves overexercising some applying techniques to the hand
advice. If you allow RSI to become well
muscles at the expense of others. or foot on the affected side.
established, it can mean weeks or months
Practicing the Alexander
Technique, with its emphasis on off work- and, at worst, being forced to

overall good use of your body, will change the type of job you do.
right Back pain may occur Diagnosing
along any part of the spine, Back pain
but low back pain is Pain may come on suddenly or may
probably the most common. be more long-standing

The back carries the weight Often worse after sitting or standing

of the head and body, and for long periods

most movement involves it, Low back pain may be associated

so it is subject to many with pain down the leg



back pai
Y ou have an almost 90 percent chance of suffering from hack pain at some time in

your life, and once you have had it, you are twice as likely to suffer again. More
■ If you cannot control when you pass

urine or open your bowels.

than 10 percent of the population suffers all the time. Most causes of hack pain can he
■ If you have numbness in a limb or

difficulty moving it. relieved hy manipulative therapy within the first 6 weeks, though in some cases surgery
■ If you have pain passing down your

leg. may he the only answer. Prevention is the best treatment, but if you are already a sufferer,
■ If you cannot control the pain.

■ If there is no improvement after 4-6

you should take steps to minimize the risk of repeated attacks and to maintain your back
in a strong, healthy and mobile state. Do not stay in bed for more than 48 hours, even

with a severe attack of back pain—seek professional help as soon as possible.

Whatever the cause of your

back pain, make sure that it Take a pain-reliever activities may help to hasten Dosage information ~

is properly diagnosed. regularly. This may recovery and will reduce the Adults
need to be combined with a chance of developing a long¬ One to two tablets of pain-
Always read pain-reliever prescribed muscle-relaxant, term back problem. Most back relievers at onset of pain,
packages carefully, and do not which may help to relieve pain is short-lived and self- repeated every 4 hours,- see
exceed the stated dose. muscle spasm and avoid the limiting, but if problems persist package for details.
need for strong pain-relievers. for more than a few days, then Children
Try to avoid prolonged bed early referral to a physiotherapist Give regular doses of liquid

rest. There is evidence to is recommended. pain-reliever,- see package for

suggest that continuing normal details, or follow medical advice



■ Apply a hot package

Herbal remedies can ease
made from bruised, warmed
symptoms, but where back CINNAMON
cabbage leaves, or try one of
pain is related to a mechanical
my favorite recipes—a bran
fault, such as a slipped disc, then
and mustard poultice. Mix 4
manipulative treatment is generally
cups of bran with 4tsp of
dry mustard powder. Put
Use and Dosage:
into the top of a double
Low back pain can be associated
boiler, cover and heat over
with kidney problems, so remedies
boiling water until hot. Fill
like buchu, corn silk, and above Cinnamon is a
two small bags made of two
couchgrass (2tsp/10ml of each per warming kidney tonic, useful in a
or three layers of
cup of tea) can be helpful. compress for low back pain.
cheesecloth. Apply one bag
To ease local discomfort, soak a
to the painful area, keeping
compress in scant A cup/lOOml of Reheat the mix and reapply as
the other hot between two
hot water containing cramp bark required. Anti-inflammatories such
plates in the oven. Change
(1 tbsp/15ml) and cinnamon as devils claw (6 x 200mg capsules
the bags over when the first
(ltsp/5 ml) tinctures, then apply. daily) can also help.
one is cool. Continue
applications for I 5 minutes,
two or three times a day.
^ ^ ACUPRESSURE: use points longitudinal arches of the feet (the POSTURE- maintain good posture at
KAS i j: 24, and 25,- points 3 1, bony ridges on the inside). Work
work, in your bobbies and at home.
35, and 39 are also useful. these areas, particularly sore or
Proper chairs, work stations, work
ALEXANDER TECHNIQUE tender parts. Check the neck and
benches, beds, and armchairs—of the
NUTRITION muscular imbalance and excessive pelvic reflexes. First-aid treatment
right height, with good upright support
shortening of some muscles, for symptomatic pain relief
and firm seating—are essential.
which leads to ineffectiveness of requires firm pressure.
others, are often contributory YOGA: if you can, lie down with DAILY ACTIVITIES: don’t wear high
factors to back pain. Practicing the legs bent, feet flat on the
heels or use shoulder bags. Avoid
the Alexander Technique may floor. Rest in this position as
combinations of twisting and bending,
sometimes be beneficial in curing much as possible, exhaling fully
and keep your weight down, learning to
the problem. It will certainly help and slowly for at least 12 breaths.
lift with your back straight and avoiding
avoid recurrence of it, by teaching If it feels right, try some simple
excessive loads. When working in the
you a more balanced use of your arm movements, coordinating
own body. them with the breath, but do house or garden, keep a variety of

REFLEXOLOGY: the spinal reflexes nothing that seems to feel painful different tasks on the go at the same time,
above Celery seed combats water
are found on the medial or wrong. in order to avoid long periods of a single
retention; turnips relieve
repetitive movement.
inflamed muscles. below The legs are bent, with feet flat

on the floor, positioned about shoulder-

Eat plenty of celery and
width apart. Hands rest on the
parsley to encourage fluid
stomach, and elbows on the
elimination,- turnips for their anti¬
floor. Do this for 20 minutes
inflammatory action,- pineapple for
every day.
its pain-relieving enzymes,- and

oily fish to maintain mobility.

Reduce your intake of caffeine. above An Alexander teacher will show
Avoid carrying excessive weight, you a good resting posture to adopt,
which puts even more strain on lying down. The head is first brought
the spine.
into line with the body.

FOR MOST back problems these 12 exercises will build strength and mobility.

0 Numbness in the bottom,

or difficulty knowing
with numbness. Worse on right

side, for lying down and motion. Do daily for 10 minutes. If any of them make your pain worse, skip for a

when you want to pass urine or Better for sitting in chair and few days, then try them again.Take it gently—you’re not training to be an

open the bowels, requires urgent drawing legs up. Olympic weight lifter. Many of my patients get distressed and angry with

medical assessment. TELLURIUM 6c For pain their problems. Don't get mad—get even.The way to get even is to get fit.

BRYONIA 6c For stiffness in extending down the leg, sciatica,

small of back at change of right-sided. Pain worse for cough,

weather. Slow onset, worse for sneezing, opening the bowels, or

I. THE TAIL TUCK down. Raise pelvis just off the
slightest movement. Better for touch. Also lumbago. position: Lying on your back, floor Do not lift lower back. Hold
knees bent, feet flat on the floor for 5 seconds. Relax pelvis for
pressure, rest, and cold Dosage: one tablet every 2-4
exercise: Flatten hollow of back 5 seconds, keeping back flat on
applications. hours, as needed, for 3-4 days.
on the floor using abdominal the floor Repeat five times,
Tk GNAPHALIUM 6c For pain muscles to pull the abdomen breathing regularly.

extending down the leg, "sciatica"



It is important to have a The oils for muscular problems

good diagnosis before are warming and soothing, while

decid ing which oils to use. those for kidney pain and disk

For muscular problems: problems are soothing and

& LAVENDER calming and will also help to

Lavandula angustifolia kill the pain.

& GINGER Application:

Zingiber officinale The oils for muscular pain can be

& MARJORAM used in a massage, in the bath, or

Origanum majorana in a compress,- those for kidney

pain and disk problems also in a

For kidney pain: compress or in the bath (if you
& LAVENDER can manage to get into a bath), to

Lavandula angustifolia help relieve inflammation. If back

& ROMAN CHAMOMILE pain is due to period pains, then

Chamaemelum nobile the best oil would be clary sage, 2. the straight-leg tail tuck
used in a compress or in a lotion, position: As in I.
exercise: As in I, but gradually
For disc problems: which you can rub in periodically.
straighten the legs.This prepares
1% LAVENDER For back pain due to stress, have you for exercise 3.

Lavandula angustifolia a good massage, using the

& ROMAN CHAMOMILE destressing oils (see p.6o) and the
position: Stand with back
Chamaemelum nobile warming muscular oils. against a suitable wall, feet
6-9in/l5-24cm away from bare
Origanum majorana
EXERCISE: Flatten small of back
against wall, using the abdominal
muscles. Do not bend the knees.
Hold for 5 seconds. Relax and
repeat five times. Keep breathing
regularly. You can practice this
exercise against an imaginary
wall at any time when you
are standing.



Hamstrings are located at the back of the thigh. Stretching both at

once can do more harm than good.
position: Sitting on floor one knee fully bent, with foot flat on the

exercise: Allow bent knee to fall outward, then stretch both hands
towards foot of straight leg as far as is comfortable. Now start a
gentle, rhythmic, bouncing movement, reaching for the foot. Continue
for 20 seconds. Rest, change legs and repeat,


Lifting both legs strains the back. Until you are several weeks into your
exercise plan, stick to lifting one at a time, then switch to both legs, but
starting with your feet resting on a low stool,
position: Lying on your back, one leg bent with foot flat on the floor
other leg straight.Tuck in tail and maintain this position throughout the
exercise: Without bending the knee of the straight leg, raise it upward
until level with knee of the bent leg, Hold for 5 seconds, lower slowly,
rest for 5 seconds. Repeat five times, change legs, then do five more
lifts with the other leg,


This is an isometric exercise (one that tones the body by opposing
one muscle to another) to strengthen the abdominal muscles.
position: Lying on your back, knees bent, feet flat on the floor
4. THE SKIER'S TAIL TUCK exercise: Tuck in tail and maintain this position throughout exercise.
position: As in 3. Raise right knee until calf is parallel with the floor Now place left hand
exercise: As in 3, but slowly bend the knees, keeping back flat against the on right knee, keeping your arm straight. Raise head and tuck chin into
wall. Hold for 15 seconds. Repeat three times with 5-second rests. Do chest, Now push hand against knee, and knee against hand, using the
not let your flattened back come away from the wall. As you get better muscle strength of shoulder and arm against knee and hip. Hold
at this exercise, you can increase the amount you bend your knees, until pressure for 5 seconds, then relax, Repeat five times, then change over
they are at 90°—as if sitting on an imaginary chair Carry on until you can hand and leg, and repeat another five times,
hold this position for a full 60 seconds. Remember: isometric exercise = no movement.


position: Erect, with a quarter gripped between the cheeks of position: Lying on your back, legs straight.
your buttocks. exercise: Tuck in tail and maintain this position, spreading legs apart
exercise: Flatten lower part of back and, keeping the coin held firmly in to 45°.Tuck chin into chest and place right arm across body. Now,
place, walk around the room for I minute, pushing your right shoulder toward your left leg, raise your trunk until
both shoulder blades are off the floor Relax and repeat five times.
6. HEAD UP Change arms and stretch left shoulder to right leg. Repeat another
position: Lying on your back, knees bent, feet flat on the floor five times.
exercise: Flatten back to floor Lift arms up, put chin on chest. Roll toward
until shoulder blades are off the floor Hold for 5 seconds. Roll back to
floor Keep tail tucked in. Build up to 10 repeats.

You must be proficient at this one before you can even consider
the Sit-Up,
position: Sitting on floor knees bent, arms around knees.
exercise: Lean slowly backwards, using arms to support the weight of the
trunk.Then use arms to pull back to a sitting position. Rest for 5
seconds. Repeat 10 times. As your abdominal muscles gain in strength,
you can reduce the support of your hands and arms, until you can
perform the sit-down exercise 10 times without holding your knees. You
can then move on to:


position: Lying on your back, knees bent, feet flat on the floor
exercise: Tuck in tail, put chin on chest, with hands along sides. Roll
upright from the neck, keeping tail tucked In. When upright, straighten
legs, stretch fingers to toes, then roll slowly back to floor bending the
knees. Work up to 10 repeats.
right Arthritis affects the Diagnosing
joints, causing them to Arthritis
swell. In rheumatoid Joints are often sore and swollen
arthritis, these are and may be an abnormal shape

commonly the fingers, Aching, stiff joints

wrists, elbows, shoulders,

knees, ankles, and feet.


T lhere are more than 200 different forms of arthritis that cause problems with the

I Cabbage leaves make a joints. Pain, stiffness, swelling, and inflammation are usually present, hut conditions
great poultice for inflamed
joints (gout, osteo- or may range from the inconvenience of arthritis in a finger, caused by an injury 20 years
rheumatoid arthritis).
Bruise one or two large,
before, to the severe disablement that can result from rheumatoid arthritis. Some of the severe
outer, dark green leaves
conditions do not lend themselves to treatment with home remedies, but whatever form of
with a rolling pin or knife

handle, and warm in a

arthritis you have, diet can play a key role in reducing the severity of your symptoms.
microwave, steamer, oven,

or on a hot radiator, then Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis also respond to self-help, though this is not a
wrap around the affected
joint. Cover with a towel substitute for surgery or drug therapy.
and leave in place for 1 5
minutes, repeating two or CONVENTIONAL MEDICINE ' EXERCISE
three times a day. You will

be amazed at the relief this Relieve arthritis with Dosage information ~ exercise is vital, as keeping

simple country woman's simple pain-relievers Adults supportive muscles in good

recipe provides. such as aspirin. Sore joints may One to two tablets of pain- shape greatly relieves the pain of
B Ginger is also worth a feel better when they are relievers at onset of fever, arthritic joints and movement
try—there is no scientific supported with a firm bandage. repeated every 4 hours,- see
keeps them supple.The exercise
proof of its efficacy, but You may find that keeping your package for details.
must be appropriate to your
lots of anecdotal stories. joints warm helps, too. Gentle Children
condition and, where there is
Drink ginger tea (see p.i9o) exercise is important in order to Give regular doses of liquid
severe joint damage, should be
and make sure that you keep your joints supple. pain-reliever,- consult package
add plenty of fresh ginger non-weight-bearing. Swimming is
for details, or follow advice
root and dried ginger from your physician. ideal, specially with water

to recipes when you aerobics (exercises in water).

are cooking.


n Anti-inflammatory herbs
such as birch, black
cohosh, meadowsweet, poplar, and
Use and Dosage:

Take up to 3g of devil's claw root

powder daily in capsules, for at it

Lavandula angustifolia

WEIGHT CONTROL: being seriously

overweight adds greatly to the stresses on

all weight-bearing joints and will

willow are widely used—usually as least 4 weeks. Cbamaemelum nobile
predispose you to arthritis in the lower
teas, tilthough birch sap (collected Ease painful symptoms by ifc EUCALYPTUS

in the fall and taken in teaspoonful spine, hips, knees, ankles, and feet.
combining 10 drops of rosemary or Eucalyptus radiata

doses) was once a popular folk wintergreen oil with ltsp/5ml of & JUNIPER
FOOT CARE: inappropriate shoes—
remedy. Devils claw-root, from the infused comfrey oil, then using the Juniperus communis
those with stiletto heels, very pointed toes
Kalahari, is now popular. mixture as a gentle massage. & GINGER
or, worst of all, both—are an almost
Zingiber officinale
certain guarantee of bunions (arthritis in
These oils have a painkilling
HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES the big toe joint).
effect, especially for localized
pain. They are also warming and JOGGING AND MARATHON

B It is helpful to consult
a qualified homeopath
stretch tendons. Worse for applied

heat and movement. Better for

soothing. But there are many
oils that can be used for this
RUNNING: as man is designed to run,

it is fine to do so on soft sand, grassy

about this ailment (see also applied cold.
condition and it is up to you to
Rheumatism on 1% RHODODENDRUM 6C For meadows, or the carpet of leaves in a
find out which ones suit you best.
ft? BRYONIA 6c For joints that arthritis that affects smaller joints, forest. It is not quite the same when you
are red, hot, with tearing pains. which feel weak. Worse for
pound around on city sidewalks—your
Use in baths—foot or hand baths,
Worse for slightest movement. changes of weather, and before
foot hits the ground a thousand times
depending on where the affected
Better for holding joint tightly storms and cold winters. Better
joints are—or massage an oil or a each mile. This high impact, even in
and a pplying heat. Dry mouth for warmth.
lotion into the body. If your joint modern, high-quality trainers,
and thirst. Dosage: one tablet taken three
problem is a very recent one, do dramatically increases the risk of arthritis
& GUAIACUM 6c For knobby times daily. Maximum period
check that your stress levels are as in all weight-bearing joints.
joints, feeling that is necessary to 1 month.
low as they can be.
DIET: a high intake of oily fish and

OUTSIDE HELP shellfish (see under Nutrition]

increases your consumption of the
If you are using a compress, or
tiS ACUPRESSURE an protective omega-3 fatty acids. It also
a warm hand or foot bath (or
excellent way to help ensures a constant supply of vitamin D,

control your own pain levels using just a warm bath), make sure
which, combined with a good calcium
points 6, 7, 8, and 9 for arm, that you mobilize the joints as
intake, means strong bones that are less
shoulder, and finger pain, and much as possible after heat
likely to be damaged. Include parsley,
points 13, 14, 15, and 16 for pain treatment, because the heat
celery, and watercress in your diet to
in the hips and lower limbs. It is can cause congestion, making
eliminate uric acid.
also worth using points 17, 18, matters worse.
above Rotating the ankles
and 19 for generalized discomfort.
eases pain in the hip joints.

can be of great benefit to arthritis and rotation of the ank'es,- the

sufferers. It helps to reduce deep- neck by rotation of the big toe.

held muscular tensions, which YOGA: don't give up in despair

results in relieving excessive when you can no longer achieve For all arthritic conditions, C and bioflavonoids,- olive oil,

pressure on the joints, thus things that you used to do easily. except gout: sunflower seeds, unsalted nuts, and

alleviating pain and improving Your yoga is more important now Eat plenty of oily fish and avocados for their vitamin E.

the circulation. than ever before. Practice very shellfish, for their omega-3 fatty Reduce your intake of red meat,

REFLEXOLOGY: all joints of the slowly and meditatively, seeing acids,- sweet potatoes, broccoli, coffee, and game.

hands and feet should be worked how far you can move affected apricots, carrots, and liver for their Gout sufferers must avoid all

for pain relief and mobility of the joints without causing yourself vitamin A and beta-carotene,- citrus alcohol, game, organ meat, yeast

corresponding body joints Hip pain. Do not exercise joints when fruit, strawberries, kiwis, and dark and meat extracts, all oily fish, fish

joints can be eased by pressure they are inflamed. green vegetables for their vitamin roe, mussels, and scallops.
right Osteoarthritis Diagnosing
mainly affects the hip, Osteoarthritis

knee, spine, and fingers, Stiff, painful joints

as the cartilage between May affect any joint, but common

the bones, which acts as in the hips, knees, and fingers

a cushion, wears away. Affected joints are often hard and



NUTRITION O steoarthritis is commonly seen as the result of long-term wear and tear on weight-

Oily fish are an important bearing joints, often as the result of occupation or sporting activities. However,
group of foods for anyone
suffering from osteoarthritis. The
this is not the only cause, and previous injury or fracture, damage to the cartilage (especially
omega-3 fatty acids in the fish are
in the knee], previous injection, or congenital deformity such as spinal curvature or bunions
naturally anti-inflammatory and
help to maintain the mobility of
may also lead to osteoarthritis.
affected joints.
Eat plenty of liver, carrots,
sweet potatoes, spinach, broccoli,

apricots, mangoes, and bright

Try to keep as active as pain-relievers and using Dosage information ~

orange cantaloupe melons for their

possible, which helps to mechanical aids, such as Adults
vitamin A and beta-carotene,
keep the affected joints supple a walking frame or stick. II Take one to two tablets of
which are equally important
and increases muscle tone and Your physician can arrange for pain-reliever at onset of pain,
nutrients,- all the green leafy
strength. It also helps to physiotherapy, if required. repeated every 4 hours,- see
vegetables, citrus fruit, kiwis, red,
control weight gain, which can In severe cases, a joint package for details.
yellow and green bell peppers for
aggravate osteoarthritis. replacement can provide a
their vitamin C, which helps to
Staying active may mean taking new lease of life.
protect the joints from further
damage. This is one condition for
which it is best to avoid red meat

and meat products as far as

possible—instead fish, poultry, EXERCISE

nuts, seeds, and beans, together

exercise is vital for all people individual’s condition, but turn to increasing stiffness and
with eggs and modest amounts of
suffering from osteoarthritis. maintaining strong supportive decreasing muscle strength—the
low-fat dairy products, should be
Obviously the amount and type muscles is a sure way to reduce worst possible combination for
used as protein sources.
of exercise will depend on the pain. Lack of mobility leads in arthritic joints.

H Ginger tea can be very
A number of herbs may Internally, herbs to stimulate
Maintaining a sensible weight
soothing to painful joints.
help this condition. circulation and clear toxins can be
Peel and grate ’/2in/lcm of and avoiding activities that are
Use and Dosage: helpful—try a decoction of
fresh ginger root, and add most likely to lead to stress-
The "wear and tear" contributing angelica, yellow dock, prickly ash
to a mug of boiling water. related arthritis are the key
to osteoarthritis can often be and willow bark (1—2tsp/5—10ml
Cover and leave to stand for factors. Marathon running,
helped by regular use of comfrey per cup).
10 minutes. Strain and add 1 relentless jogging on hard
cream or infused oil: massage a Devil's claw root is very
tsp of honey, then drink two
little into the aching joint every effective (see Arthritis on p.104). surfaces, and high-impact
or three mugs a day.
night for at least 2 months. aerobics can all damage joint
U For individual painful
surfaces and predispose you to
joints, use a cabbage poultice.
HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES osteoarthritis later on.
Take a large leaf of dark green
cabbage, cut out the thick DIET maintaining a diet that is rich
A consultation with a tires easily. Sweaty, cold feet.
center stalk, and bruise the in oily fish will protect your joints—
qualified homeopath is Dosage: one tablet three times
leaf all over with a rolling pin
recommended for this condition. daily. Maximum 2 weeks. and your heart and circulation, too.
or knife handle. Heat the leaf
& RHUS TOXICODENDRON 6C Including plenty of nuts and seeds, olive
in a microwave, steamer, or
For tearing pains, worse at night, oil, and avocados for their vitamin E also
low oven, or round a hot-
restless with them. Pain worse for
offers a degree of joint protection.
water pipe, then wrap it
initial movement, then improves as
round the affected joint
gets moving. Joints feel sore and
(checking the temperature
stiff. Worse for wet or cold weather.
first!). Cover with a towel and
PULSATILLA 6c For pains that are
leave for 15 minutes.
wandering from joint to joint.
■ Take warm baths with
Weepy with the pains and
3tbsp/45ml Epsom salt and
emotional. Pains better for gentle
soak for 20 minutes,- and use
motion. Worse for warmth.
regular alternate hot-and- left Rhus toxicodendron comes from
cold contrast bathing of the leaves of poison ivy. It particularly
joints that swell, particularly knees
painful areas. targets problems of the joints,
Pain worse in morning. Cold feet

in bed at night. Weakness of legs, ligaments, tendons, and skin.


ACUPRESSURE use points the eliminatory channels. Check 1% LAVENDER Application:

6, 7, 8, and 9 for the arms, the cross-reflex—if a knee or Lavandula angustifolia Use in warm baths, in hand or foot

shoulders and fingers,- points 13, shoulder joint is affected, for & ROMAN CHAMOMILE baths. You can also add them to

14, 15, and 16 for the hips and example, massage the Chamaemelum nobile massage oils or lotions, but do not

legs,- and points 17, 18, and 19 as corresponding area in the & MARJORAM massage over any area where there

general pain-relieving points for other knee or shoulder. Origanum majorana is inflammation.

arthritic conditions. YOGA: don't give up in despair & GINGER

ALEXANDER TECHNIQUE: in when you can no longer achieve Zingiber officinale

osteoarthritis, as in arthritis, too things that you used to do easily. & BLACK PEPPER

much pressure on afflicted joints, Your yoga is more important now Piper nigrum

due to deep-held muscular tension than ever before. Practice very & ROSEMARY

and uneven weight-bearing, almost slowly and meditatively, seeing Rosmarinus officinalis

certainly aggravates the condition. how far you can move affected & JUNIPER

Practicing the Technique will ease joints without causing yourself Juniperus communis

these symptoms. pain. Do not exercise joints when These oils are warming and above A few drops of marjoram oil

REFLEXOLOGY: work the reflex of they are inflamed. soothing. Juniper also helps in a bowl of warm water makes

the area affected, together with detoxify the system. a pain-relieving foot bath.
right Osteoporosis is a Diagnosing
weakening of the bones, Osteoporosis
making them vulnerable to Does not cause any symptoms but is

fracture anywhere in the the commonest cause of fractured

body. Keeping active helps bones in people over the age of

to prevent its onset. 75 years


OUTSIDE HELP O steoporosis—the condition in which the hones become weak, brittle and easily

jjj ALEXANDER TECHNIQUE broken—normally occurs in women after menopause, though men can get it, too.
the body alignment
achieved by practicing the
It is growing at an alarming rate in the LIS, Europe and Britain and must be seen as an
Technique will help toward the
extremely serious problem. Any medical condition that causes a premature menopause [see
desired quality of weight-bearing
and ease in all activities.
p. 172) increases the risk of osteoporosis; this is also true of long-term treatment with some
REFLEXOLOGY: great care should

be taken when handling the feet drugs [particularly cortisone and its relatives) and of eating disorders like anorexia and
or hands. It is, however, possible

that reflexology treatment may bulimia. Diseases that affect the body's absorption of nutrients [including calcium)—
benefit this condition.
YOGA: most yoga postures are
particularly Crohn's disease, colitis, and diverticulitis—also predispose you to a greater
weight-bearing, so practice daily
risk. Osteoporosis carries a strong familial link and, although you cannot choose your
to strengthen your bones. Be
sensible and avoid postures such parents, forewarned is forearmed. The best home remedy is prevention.
as Headstand, which might cause
you to fall and hurt yourself.

To avoid the risk of consumption. HRT prevents In homeopathy the patient

osteoporosis, encourage osteoporosis and can be taken at is treated according to the
children to take regular weight¬ any stage after menopause, symptoms that the body produces.
bearing exercise and drink usually for at least five years. If As a disease, osteoporosis does not
plenty of milk. Calcium and osteoporosis is already present, have symptoms until a fracture
vitamin D supplements are also it can be treated with prescribed occurs, so there are no specific
recommended in older women, drugs. Try to continue taking remedies for this ailment.
either through the diet or regular exercise to improve
prescribed tablets. Avoid muscle tone and bulk.

smoking and excessive alcohol


weight-bearing exercise to keep you fit, active, and mobile The key to avoiding
Of course it is best to start
throughout life is essential as part well into old age.The more you osteoporosis is building
preventative measures as early as
of the mechanism that builds do, the more you will be able to strong bones from the teens
possible, but don't believe the
strong bones. Lack of exercise by do and the less likely you will be onward, but unfortunately this is
today’s school children and the to develop osteoporosis. physicians who say it is too late
also the time when many girls get
virtual absence of it in the lives of on the treadmill of dieting and for dietary changes to make any
most young women predicts an weight loss—a treadmill they difference to you. You may have

appalling picture of pain, suffering Though exercise is vital, it is often stay on until their forties and to take drugs prescribed by your

and disability by the time they important to be aware of fifties. Having a low calcium intake physician, but even these will
reach their sixties. Walking, golf, the risks of excessive in the early years is almost a
work better if you improve your
tennis, badminton, bowling, guarantee of having problem
exercise. Many women, while diet and do weight-bearing
ballroom or disco dancing—in bones later on. The average
not being anorexic, strive to exercise.
fact, any activity (even gardening
woman who is modestly active
maintain ridiculously low
needs around 2,000 calories per CALCIUM: avoid anything that
or strenuous housework) that weights through intensive
day,- it is impossible to get all the increases the risk of excessive elimination,
keeps you on your feet and exercise.This often leads to
nutrients you need to build strong or poor absorption, of calcium. Too much
moving for an hour or so, three the cessation of periods and
bones on very low-calorie diets
or four times a week—is a great protein, too much sugar, excessive
an artificial menopause—the
(under 1,250 calories per day).
insurance policy. greatest of all risks for amounts of refined carbohydrates, too
The diet of all women should be
Apart from the benefit to your osteoporosis. much salt, overindulgence in alcohol, and
rich in foods that contain calcium,
bones, regular physical activity vast amounts of soft drinks all increase
vitamin D, bioflavonoids, vitamin
builds strong muscles, which help the body's loss of calcium. Large amounts
K, and magnesium. For calcium,
eat plenty of low-fat dairy of bran interfere with its absorption.

products, nuts, beans, and canned Smoking and the oxalic acid in rhubarb

HERBAL REMEDIES sardines (with their bones),- for have the same effect. Caffeine also

vitamin D, eat eggs and oily fish, increases calcium loss, so tea and coffee
Herbs rich in minerals, stinging nettles, alfalfa, and sage
you will get substantial amounts of
should be drunk in modest amounts.
vitamins, and steroidal (2tsp/10ml per cup) and take
vitamin C and bioflavonoids from
compounds are generally 2tsp/10ml of horsetail juice in VITAMIN D: without sufficient vitamin
citrus fruit (eating some of the pith
recommended to combat bone water three times daily. D, the body cannot absorb enough
and skin between the segments),
loss in old age and can make an Chinese angelica (Dang Gui) calcium. During the summer, vitamin D
blackcurrants, bilberries,
important contribution to also provides nourishment and is
blueberries, and blackberries,- for is manufactured in the body by the effect
dietary needs. becoming more widely available in
vitamin K, eat spinach, broccoli, of ultraviolet light from the sun on the
Use and Dosage: tablets from health-food stores.
and cabbage,- eat tofu, almonds,
skin. Today we are rightly concerned
Drink a daily tea containing
and cashews for magnesium.
about the risks of sunbathing and skin

cancer, but there is a happy medium:

early-morning, late-afternoon, and

evening exposure to the sun is quite safe,


m Toeniculum vulgare Styrax benzoin particularly in the spring and fall (and

& ROSEMARY These oils are warming, soothing, even in the summer in most parts of the

Rosmarinus officinalis and anti-inflammatory. Fennel world). It is the gray months of winter

it BLACK PEPPER contains plant estrogens. that are a problem. This is when you
Piper nigrum Application:
need to eat more oily fish and take a good
& LAVENDER Use in baths, in foot baths or in
vitamin D and calcium supplement.
Lavandula angustifolia bowls of warm water. They can

& ROMAN CHAMOMILE also be massaged in. Do not use HRT Hormone Replacement Therapy is

Chamaemelum nobile rosemary or fennel oil if you have above Blackberries have a very high now big news, but there are many women

& MARJORAM high blood pressure or epilepsy. vitamin C content, and are a good who either cannot, or do not want to,

Origanum majorana source of calcium and magnesium. take it (see Menopause on p. 172],
right Rheumatism is the Diagnosing
lay person’s term for Rheumatism
general aches and pains in Aching joints or muscles
muscles and joints, which

may be accompanied by

stiffness. Most people will

suffer from rheumatism by

the time they are in

their seventies.


R heumatism is a vague and general term that describes painful problems affecting

■ If your symptoms persist for longer

muscles, tendons, and connective tissue—often, but not always, surrounding
than 3—4 weeks.
joints—but it is not a specific disease. RSI (see p.98j, tennis elbow, frozen shoulder,

and tendonitis are just some of the disorders that can be grouped together under the broad
heading of rheumatism. Even fbrositis is part of this collection. None of them is linked to
■ Cold compresses and ice
packages can be particularly osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. Your physician may offer you anti-inflammatory
effective and should be
applied to the painful area drugs or even steroid injections, but there are home remedies that may be just as effective.
following the directions given
under RSI (see p.98). Unless you are in severe pain, try these first, as none of them has any side-effects.
■ Celery seeds increase the
body's elimination of uric acid,
which can aggravate the

inflamed tissues, so use them Often resting for a few Dosac)e information ~ EXERCISES are a vital part of
liberally in cooking. Beware days, followed by gentle restoring your affected tissues
celery salt, however, it does stretching exercises, is all that is to normal. Any general activity
Take one to two tablets of
contain celery, but also has a required. A warm hot-water pain-reliever at onset of pain, that does not increase pain
high salt content, which bottle or an ice package can repeated every 4 hours,- see levels is fine, but you really
encourages fluid retention help. Some people find that a package for details. need to get specific guidance
and will make painful joints firm supportive bandage Children from an osteopath or
even worse. provides enormous relief. Take Give regular doses of liquid physiotherapist before trying
pain-relievers as required. Your pain-reliever,- see package for to exercise affected muscles,
physician may want to arrange details, or follow medical tendons, or joints.
for further investigations if the advice.
symptoms persist.



Anti-inflammatory rubs Use and Dosage: & LAVENDER

(such as 5 drops of Try an infusion of bogbean, Lavandula angustifolia

chamomile essence in ltsp/5ml of meadowsweet, and yarrow leaves & ROMAN CHAMOMILE

infused St.-John's-wort oil) can be (2tsp/l0ml), which you have Chamaemelum nohile

helpful for conditions like tennis flavored with a little lemon juice. & JUNIPER

elbow or frozen shoulder. Warm compresses can also help: Juniperus communis

Rheumatism may respond to soak a cloth in cramp-bark and Tk MARJORAM

cleansing teas, which remove angelica decoction, reheating the Origanum majorana

accumulated toxins in the tissues. mix and resoaking as necessary. & GINGER

Zingiber officinale

Styrax benzoin

If the following remedies & RANUNCULUS BULBOSUS 6C & ROSEMARY above Roman chamomile.

do not help, then consult For neck stiffness, especially of Rosmarinus officinalis
these oils in a massage medium,
a qualified homeopath. (See also left scapula. Fibrositis. Worse for You may find that some of these
but never massage over swollen
Arthritis on p.i04 and Osteoarthritis cold and damp. oils are more beneficial to you than
and inflamed joints—instead,
on p.406.) & DULCAMARA 6c For stiff and others—so experiment until you
massage over the affected area
COLCHICUM 6c For severe painful joints. Worse in the fall, for find the oils that work best.
between flare-ups.
inflammation of joints, with severe cold and damp, getting wet. Better Application:
pain. Person is irritable. Worse for for moving, dry weather. May also Use in the bath, or in a compress
any motion. May affect several have diarrhea. over the affected area. Benzoin is
joints at once, or move from left to Dosage: one tablet three times not particularly effective in the Do not use rosemary

right side of the body. Worse at daily. Maximum 2 weeks. bath, as it sits on the bottom in oil if you have high
night. Also used for gout. little globules. You can also use blood pressure or epilepsy.


Follow exactly the same a ACUPRESSURE this left Arm
Raising and measures
nutritional guidelines as depends largely on

are given for arthritis (see p. 104). where your problem is and it is Warrior. One NUTRITION: if your normal diet is

Eat plenty of oily fish and all important that you get detailed position leads
deficient in the vitamins A, C, and E and
naturally to
the powerful antioxidant foods, instructions from a qualified the minerals zinc and selenium, there is a
the other
which are rich in vitamins A, C, acupuncturist. Benefits
greater chance that you may develop
REFLEXOLOGY: work the reflex shoulders,
and E and in the minerals zinc
elbows, and some form of rheumatism. Following the
and selenium. of the area affected. Work all
nutritional guidelines for arthritis (see
Avoid foods that will aggravate eliminatory channels, and
p. 104) and taking a daily supplement of
your inflammation, like red meat, the lymphatic system. below The Two-Foot Support
aids hip and knee flexibility, these essential nutrients will give you
and those likely to increase your Work the cross-reflexes (see
and strengthens the back.
levels of uric acid, such as offal, Osteoarthritis on p.to6). Very gentle added protection against rheumatism and

yeast, yeast extracts, meat extracts, work over the small joints may many other diseases besides.

roe, taramasalata and even caviar,- reduce pain and swelling.

avoid all red and fortified wines, YOGA: practice with great

and be modest in your awareness of all affected joints:

consumption of other forms of see how far you can move them

alcohol. Don't drink more than without pain. Emphasize opening, below The Cobra helps preserve mobility
and strength in the spine, improving
one or two cups of coffee a day. stretching movements, such as
posture and freeing the chest.
Arm Raising, Warrior, Two-Foot

Support, and Cobra.


right Cold weather or Diagnosing

pressure on the skin, or a Chilblains
combination of the two, Painful, itchy, dark red swellings
causes chilblains. Often affect the fingers and toes,

The inflammation lasts for but can also affect the ears, cheeks,

2 or 3 weeks. Prevent and nose

chilblains by wearing warm

gloves, a couple of pairs of

socks, thick trousers, and a

woolly hat.


C hilbl am
T hese sore, itching, inflamed, and frequently swollen patches of skin occur most

commonly on the backs of the fingers or tops of the toes. Sometimes they crop up
■ If a chilblain begins to ulcerate.

on the ears, outer thighs, and other parts of the body that are subject to cold and/or pressure.

The cause is restriction of the circulating blood supply in the capillaries—the tiniest blood

vessels at the very end of the system—leading to lack of oxygen and nutrients, and

consequent cell damage. Prevention is the only cure.


REGULAR physical exercise is Avoid chilblains, or Children a ^ REFLEXOLOGY: working

essential to improve the frostbite, by wrapping Give regular doses of liquid Km™ the fingers and toes will

efficiency of the whole up warmly in cold weather. pain-reliever,- consult package stimulate the blood supply to these

circulatory system.
Several thinner layers can be for details or follow medical areas and help to prevent
more effective than one thick advice. chilblains. Avoid the chilblains
one. Once developed, a themselves—work the cross-reflex
chilblain may take several instead (the corresponding finger

KITCHEN MEDICINE weeks to recover. Take pain- or toe on the same side).

P Cut a thick slice of relievers if required. YOGA: do all you can to improve

lemon, dip it in coarse sea Dosage information ~ circulation to the feet. Be

salt, and rub over the Adults particularly aware of them when

surface of the chilblain— Take one to two tablets of you practice, especially in inverted

but only if the skin is not pain-reliever at onset of pain, postures. Massage them gently last

broken or cracked. repeated every 4 hours. thing at night and in the morning.

right Winter can be fun,

but make sure your children

are well protected.



For habitual sufferers, Topical itching can be eased with Increase your consumption nutrients for effective peripheral
circulation can be arnica (do not use if the skin is of vitamin E, which is vital circulation.

improved by teas containing broken), Aloe vera or marigold for healthy blood vessels, by One unit of alcohol per day for
prickly ash bark, ginger, cinnamon creams. eating plenty of avocados, all women (two for men) will help
twigs or angelica root. nuts and seeds, and olive oil,- open up the tiniest blood vessels.
Use and Dosage: buckwheat (added to bread, cake, But be warned: larger amounts of

Simmer ltsp/5ml of dried herb— or cookie recipes, or as pancakes) alcohol have the opposite effect
singly or in combination—with 2 for its rutin content,- citrus fruit, and make chilblains worse.
cups of water for 10 minutes,- add blackcurrants, cherries, and Caffeine in any form is a
a dash of cayenne powder before blueberries for their vitamin C and vasoconstrictor and reduces blood
drinking. bioflavonoids, which are essential supply, as does nicotine.
Cayenne cream can ease
discomfort, or try compresses or

foot baths using oak-bark above Angelica root is a warming herb

decoction. for the blood circulation.


tk GERANIUM at improving your circulation,

• $- A Pelargonium graveolens either by massaging your feet or

& BLACK PEPPER by using oils in the bath or in a

Piper nigrum foot bath. As well as geranium

& LAVENDER and black pepper, you could use

Lavandula angustifolia rosemary, lemon grass, ginger,

These oils are warming, soothing, or marjoram for this purpose.

increase the circulation, and have All these oils are warming and

a slight painkilling effect. stimulating to the circulation.

above For chilblains on the toes, PREVENTATIVE
CAUTION bathe the feet in hot water followed measu res
Rub the oils, blended with either
by cold water (for 5 minutes each)
a carrier oil or a lotion, vigorously CLOTHING: keep hands and feet warm
Anybody who has high blood
to boost circulation.
into the chilblains. Do this only with thin cotton gloves and socks,
pressure or epilepsy should
to unbroken chilblains. In the avoid using rosemary oil. covered by thicker woollen or fur-lined

long term you should be looking gloves and boots. Make sure that gloves,

socks and shoes/boots are large

HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES enough—there should be at least

t int2.5cm. of clear space between the end

The application of Tamus & PLANTAGO 6C
of the toe and the shoe/boot, and
ointment is often For skin that
'hintl. 2cm for gloves.
soothing for chilblains. itches and burns
AGARICUS 6c For burning, and is sensitive. NUTRITION: take a daily dose of 400

itching and redness that is worse Dosage: one III of vitamin E and tg of vitamin C
for cold. tablet three times with bioflavonoids. Also take a B-
1% PULSATILLA 6c For bluish daily. Maximum 2
complex that includes nicotinic acid.
discoloration of skin, sharp pains weeks.
BATHING: contrast bathing of the
worse for warmth. Person may be

weepy. affected areas with alternate hot and cold

above The homeopathic remedy
& PETROLEUM 6c For burning water for 5 minutes, at least once a day,
made from the greater plantain
chilblains that itch, skin cracks. stimulates the blood flow.
is recommended for healing

sore, infamed skin.


right These swollen veins Diagnosing

may affect the whole leg or Varicose veins
just a small section of vein, Often there are no symptoms, apart
and occur when valves in from their unsightly appearance

the veins fail to work Veins may ache after standing for

properly and impede blood long periods of time

flow. Pregnancy is often a

precipitating factor.


varicose veins
V aricose veins are visible, often raised, unsightly, and painful distended veins that

■ If the skin starts to ulcerate over or

commonly appear in the legs, although they can also occur in the walls of the
near a varicose vein.
rectum [see Hemorrhoids on p.l 76). Though they are generally hereditary, they

are frepuently made worse by pregnancy, obesity, lack of exercise, jobs that involve

KITCHEN MEDICINE prolonged standing, a sedentary lifestyle and by constipation. If they become chronic, the
I The cheapest and most
abundant ingredient in any skin condition of varicose eczema may develop, and poor blood supply to the skin may
kitchen is water, which makes
result in severe ulcers from the most minor knocks and bumps.
one of the finest home
remedies. Fill a large plastic
water and a second bucket
with 4in/10cm of shingle and For varicose veins in the & VIPERA 6c For & PULSATILLA 6c For legs that
cold water. Stand in the hot legs, a well-fitting swollen, sensitive varicose feel heavy. Varicose veins itchy in
bucket for 30 seconds, then supportive elastic stocking that veins, with bursting pains. Also warmth.
stomp up and down in the includes a heel, worn all day, phlebitis. FLUORICUM ACIDUM 6C For
cold bucket for 10 seconds. may improve the symptoms. HAMAMELIS 6c For varicose painful varicose veins. Varicose
Repeat for 10 minutes every Surgical treatment may relieve veins that feel bruised and sore. ulcers with red edges.
day to stimulate the blood them, although they may recur. Veins large, blue. Varicose veins in & FERRUM METALLICUM 6c For
flow and strengthen the pregnancy. varicose veins during pregnancy.
muscles of the vein walls. Dosage: one tablet twice daily
H If you have a varicose until improved, or for 10 days.
ulcer, then a dressing of May be repeated.
sterile gauze spread with
thick organic honey will left Organic honey has

aid healing. healing properties.



Herbs like buckwheat, can cause further damage. Avocado is

packed with
which is rich in rutin, Use and Dosage: vitamin E Eggs are
can be used to strengthen the These herbs can be taken in teas rich in zinc

veins, while melilot, horse or tinctures (try equal amounts of

chestnut, motherwort, prickly ash, melilot, motherwort, or yarrow, for
or yarrow can be used to improve example).
the circulation, combat any Externally, distilled witch hazel
tendency to thrombosis, and or horse chestnut ointment can be
counter the deposit of fibrin that used in gentle massage.


EXERCISE IS vital, and any activity that from heel to toe, walking for a

you enjoy will pay huge dividends few seconds on your toes and

by improving the circulation in your then on your heels, constantly

legs. Walking, cycling, ball games, wriggling your toes, flexing your above Prepare meals
Buckwheat contains
rutin, which which include an abundance of foods
swimming, or any other activity will feet, and tightening and relaxing
strengthens blood
do, as long as you do it at least your calf muscles will all help to vessels that are known to improve blood circulation.

three times a week. keep the blood coursing through

If you already have strengthens blood vessels.
If you have to stand for long your veins and arteries.
varicose veins, your Eat plenty of avocados, olive oil,
periods, then shifting your weight
nutrition should be improved to and all the nuts and seeds for their

provide an abundance of nutrients vitamin E; liver, sardines, eggs,

that are beneficial to the shellfish, and pumpkin seeds for

circulation. Eat buckwheat—as their zinc,- and citrus fruit, black¬
pancakes, or added to bread or currants, blackberries, blueberries,

cookie recipes, for its rutin, a bilberries, and dark red cherries for

bioflavonoid that specifically their bioflavonoids and vitamin C.

& ^ REFLEXOLOGY: circulation
The major preventative step is to
rA™ in the legs and pelvis can
avoid constipation (seep. 156)—
above Cycling exercises the legs, while avoiding be generally improved by foot
plenty of fluid and the right kind
the need to bear body weight. reflexology. Pressure to the feet
of fiber are the key. Make
can be brisk and firm, but do not
work over-prominent veins. Cover lifestyle changes to control your
AROMATHERAPY weight and minimize the other
the whole of both feet every

3-4 days. causative physical factors,

± CYPRESS can be placed on the vein if it is
YOGA: any postures that raise the
Cupressus sempervirens very painful and throbbing, but DIET.- smoking, excessive amounts of
feet above the hips will help.
* GERANIUM never massage below or over the caffeine and alcohol all have an adverse
Modify the Relaxation Posture at
Pelargonium graveolens vein—this just puts more pressure effect on the heart and blood vessels, thus
the end of your practice by resting
These oils are stimulating and onto an already overloaded area.
reducing the efficiency of the circulatory
your legs over a chair, or up
increase the circulation. Putting your legs higher than your
against the wall. Then massage, system. A high salt intake encourages
Application: head for at least 10 minutes twice
with slow sweeping movements, fluid retention, swelling, and high blood
Put the essential oils into a carrier a day will also help.
from the feet upward. pressure, while refined carbohydrates and
oil or lotion that can be massaged Avoid constipation, as this
too much sugar lead to constipation and
above the varicose veins—never simply puts even more pressure on

over the veins. A warm compress the veins (see p.156]. weight gain.
right Restless legs are an Diagnosing
annoying disturbance just as Restless legs
you are drifting off to sleep, Burning, weakness, or numbness,

when the legs twitch for no or jerky movements in the legs

apparent reason. Commonly occurs in women

just before going to sleep or

soon after sitting down


restless legs
S ymptoms oj this usually minor, hut nonetheless unpleasant, problem start as soon as

you sit down or go to bed. An uncontrollable need to move the legs, jerky spasms oj
■ If you suddenly start suffering from
this problem and the condition is severe
the leg muscles, and uncomfortable feelings deep within them are part-and-parcel of restless
and intractable.

legs syndrome. It may be caused by prescribed drugs or possibly by a problem in the

central nervous system, but both these situations are rare. More often it is a symptom of

iron-deficiency anemia or caused by circulation problems, although sometimes it occurs

for no apparent reason.


Restless legs are & ZINCUM 6c For legs during sleep, twitching. though any physical activity

occasionally due to an twitching, constant Excitable people. improves circulation to the

iron deficiency, which can be movement of feet night and day. & tarantula 6c For restless feet lower limbs, there is no

treated easily with iron & CAUSTICUM 6c For restless and legs in bed, with weakness specific evidence that it will

supplements. and numbness. Restless sleep. help relieve restless legs.

Legs restless in evening and Anecdotally, however, many

left The remedy
before going to bed. patients have told me that
taking a brisk walk before
hispanica is For aches in legs. Worse for initial bedtime seems to improve
made from movement. Better for continued
the situation.
tarantula spiders movement. Legs often restless in
pickled in alcohol. bed at night.
This remedy is Dosage: one tablet three times

often prescribed daily. Maximum 1 weeks or until

for hyperactivity. improved.



Teas to soothe and relax Follow the advice given

the nerves are worth for anemia (see p. i t sj; even

trying, especially chamomile, if this is not the cause of your
lemon balm, skullcap, vervain, and problem, it is a healthy way to eat.
passionflower. If the problem is In order to improve blood flow
severe at night, it is worth bathing to the legs, it is also important that
the legs in cramp-bark decoction you have a high intake of vitamin
or massaging a little cream E, vitamin C, and bioflavonoids.

containing the herb into the legs Eat plenty of avocados,

before going to bed. sunflower, safflower or olive oils,

Use and Dosage: nuts, seeds, and dark green leafy

1-2 drops of chamomile, rose, or above A bedtime massage with vegetables for their vitamin E;
lavender oil in ltsp/5ml of almond fragrant, relaxing oils may dark-colored berries for their

oil also makes a good massage. inhibit the syndrome. vitamin C and bioflavonoids. It is
also useful to use buckwheat flour
in your cooking—make pancakes
from it and add it to bread, pastry

& LEMON GRASS can be carried out two or three and cookie recipes—as this
valuable member of the rhubarb above Garlic is helpful for
m Cymbopocjon citratus times a day, if practical. This
family contains rutin, a natural the circulation.
Lemon grass is good for condition is usually worse at
bedtime, so that is probably the substance that strengthens blood¬
stimulating poor circulation.
best time to apply it. Make sure vessel walls. And do not forget to
that your legs are raised regularly, use loads of garlic in your cooking,
Use lemon grass in a bowl of warm
so in the evenings put your feet up; which improves blood flow by
water or a foot spa, or add the
you may also find that putting a reducing the stickiness of blood
essential oil to a lotion or carrier
book under the end of the bed just and thus the risk of clotting.
oil, to make a medium that can be
to raise it slightly will help. Very small amounts of alcohol
massaged into the legs. Treatment
do improve the circulation, but
anything more than one drink an It is very difficult to prevent a
evening does exactly the opposite. condition for which there is not
Caffeine and nicotine also act as
always an obvious cause. Making
vasoconstrictors, closing up the
sure that your diet is rich in all
smallest blood vessels situated
the iron-containing foods and
at the end of the system and
vitamin C, and staying physically
reducing the blood flow. So do not
smoke, and drink tea and coffee active, are the best things you

only in reasonable quantities. can do.

(T) Put 4-6 drops of lemon (2) Give a relaxing massage to
grass essential oil into a carrier the legs and feet, which will
oil, such as sweet almond. stimulate the circulation.


OUTSIDE HELP ■ Chili, ginger, and

horseradish all help to
^ REFLEXOLOGY it IS these are appropriate. Rest with stimulate the circulation
possible to apply your feet higher than your hips— and improve blood flow.
reflexology to the feet to relax against a wall, or over a chair. Using these herbs liberally
the muscles. Massage the feet and legs with in your cooking can help
YOGA: emphasize postures such upward, flowing movements. relieve the symptoms of this
as Upward Raised Legs, plus irritating condition.
Shoulderstand and Headstand if
right Anemia is a reduction Diagnosing
of hemoglobin, which carries Anemia
oxygen in the blood. Iron is Tiredness
needed by the body to Pale skin
produce hemoglobin, and Shortness of breath on mild exertion

the commonest form of Rapid heart rate and palpitations

anemia results from a diet Swollen ankles

deficient in this mineral. Feeling of faintness

CALL THE PHYSICIAN Anmia ,s a C0ttta0n in wh,ch the bhod has a M aU,y ,0 ahsorh °^en
1 \^and transport it around the body in the form of hemoglobin. This may occur because
H If you think you are anemic.

insufficient haemoglobin is being produced or because it is being destroyed prematurely.

Around 90 percent of all cases are the result of iron deficiency and heavy or prolonged
periods, blood loss from ulcers, piles, or gum disease are all likely causes. Many women
■ Nettle soup and
dandelion leaves added to
of childbearing age are iron-deficient, but poor diet, deficiencies of folic acid and vitamin
salads are unusual but
effective ways of getting lots Bn, leukemia, sickle cell anemia, and thalassemia are comparatively rare causes.
of extra iron. You can also
make both into tea, by Vegetarians and pregnant women are vulnerable to anemia. Dietary improvement
adding 1 tsp/5ml of
is nearly always the answer. particularly for vegetarians and vegans.
chopped leaves to a cup
of boiling water.

H Add parsley, chives, CONVENTIONAL MEDICINE

lovage, fennel, watercress,

Because there are for a blood test to be done
and elderberries to salads
several different types before advising you. Pregnant
and fruit dishes.
of anemia, you should consult women often need iron and
your physician before taking folic acid supplements.
any treatment. Often a course Dosage information ~

of iron tablets is all that is Adults and children

required, but some kinds of Usually take 1 iron tablet a
anemia do not need any day,- see package for details. Be
treatment, and iron may even aware that iron often causes
make the condition worse. Your constipation.
physician may need to arrange
above Pregnant women often

become anemic.

left The vegetables
Always eat vitamin C-rich
aa in a curry will
Most anemia is self-induced by
foods together with those
careless or faddy eating. The
containing iron, in order to absorb iron from

the cooking vessel if majority of women with this

improve absorption. For
cooked in a cast- complaint are iron-deficient.
vegetarians a traditional vegetable
curry cooked in a cast-iron iron container. Improve your eating habits and

container is an excellent source of you can wave goodbye to the

iron that is well absorbed. In draining symptoms of

severe cases of anemia, food exhaustion, lethargy,
sources are not sufficient and
constipation, restlessness,
supplements will form an essential Many plants are rich in
headaches, irritability, and
part of your recovery. minerals and nutrients and
lack of concentration.
Eat plenty of organ meat for its can therefore be helpful for iron-

vitamin E | j; meat, green deficient anemia: those plants said DIET: eat well and regularly, including

vegetables, watercress, legumes, to "rob the soil"—such as stinging all the foods listed below and under

whole grain cereals, molasses, nettles, and parsley—are especially Nutrition. Avoid restrictive weight-loss
dried fruits, cashew nuts, rich in iron. Bitter herbs (like
diets or any other nutritional regime that
wheatgerm, tomato paste, yeast gentian) will improve the digestion
seems extreme. Exclusion diets should
extracts, and brewer's yeast for and mineral absorption.
only he carried out under professional
their iron and folic acid. Use and Dosage:
supervision, and in my experience the so-
Make a tonic by steeping 3
called "Candida diet" inevitably does
cups/lOOg each of stinging
nettle, Chinese angelica (Dang more harm than good.

Gui), and dandelion root in 2pt/l!

ANTI “NUTRIENTS uncooked bran,
of red wine for 2 weeks,- strain and
tea, coffee, cola drinks, and chocolate can
drink one sherry glass per day.
all interfere with your absorption of iron,
Echinacea (2 x 200mg capsules
so keep these to a minimum and eat or
daily) can help stimulate red above Yellow gentian root stimulates a

sluggish digestive system, to aid the drink them separately from iron sources.
above 8lack pudding, made from blood-cell production.

pigs' blood, is rich in iron. absorption of essential nutrients. PRO-NUTRIENTS: iron absorption is

greatly improved in the presence of

HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES vitamin C, so eat tomatoes with your

omelet, half a grapefruit before your

The cause of anemia & CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA 6C For & CHINA 6c For anemia from
boiled egg, and a large mixed salad with
should be established children who are growing rapidly. blood loss. Feels weak, sensitive,
your steak or liver.
before trying homeopathic Anemia after illness. Person and nervous. Easily upset
treatment and the remedies should dissatisfied with life and always and feels chilly. SUPER IRON: some surprising foods

be used together with efforts to looking for something new. Tends Dosage: one tablet twice daily. are extremely rich in iron and should be
treat the cause. A consultation to be irritable. Maximum 2 weeks.
eaten in great abundance.- fresh dates and
with a qualified homeopath, who
unsalted cashew nuts (twice as much iron
may work in conjunction with
as steak), as well as watercress, stinging
your physician, is suggested.
nettles, dandelion leaves, parsley, lovage,
chives, and fennel
person who appears strong,

flushed, has cold hands and feet,

but feels weak after any effort.
Fdammering headache. Flushes left Iron-rich foods: dates,

easily from pain or emotions. watercress, and cashew nuts.

Ringing in the ears before periods. Make an iron-clad salad!

Anemia due to heavy periods.

right Hiccups can be Diagnosing
embarrassing or give you a Hiccups
fit of the giggles. The spasm Sudden intake of breath associated
of the diaphragm that with a characteristic sound and

causes them is often sensation, often repeated several

brought on by too much times before stopping

food or drink, swallowed

too quickly.



Hiccups may sometimes be a

I t is a sudden spasm of the diaphragm that causes a hiccup, hut this spasm is triggered

by irritation of the major nerve that supplies this muscle. The diaphragm contracts
sign of underlying and serious

disease—liver abscess, chronic suddenly, making you breathe in Quickly. This breath is interrupted by your throat closing
kidney failure, or even a

symptom in the later stages of suddenly, which makes the characteristic hiccup sound. Hiccups usually come in clusters
severe cancer.
and an attack may last anything from a minute or so to an hour or two, or even months.

Attacks are nearly always the result of indigestion, overeating, rushing through a meal,

KITCHEN MEDICINE or consuming large Quantities of soft drinks—when the gas distends the stomach, which
■ Eat 2tsp/1 Oml of
presses against the underside of the diaphragm, thereby causing irritation. Surprisingly,
granulated sugar or try a
dose of babies' gripe
even medical textbooks suggest the traditional remedy of the cold key down the back or
water—its main constituent

is dill, which helps settle the drinking from the wrong side of a glass as possible cures.
stomach if the hiccups are
caused by indigestion.

Virtually everyone has an abnormally swollen

the occasional attack of stomach, the hiccups can be
hiccups, and they can even persistent. Most hiccups stop
occur in babies in the womb. In within a few minutes,- if they
most cases there is no obvious persist, you should consult your
cause, but if the diaphragm is physician, who may prescribe a
irritated by something, such as drug to relax the diaphragm.

above Even an unborn baby may give

its mother a start by an attack

of hiccups.


± LAVENDER CAJUP 6c For sudden ^ ACUPRESSURE point 43

A Lavandula angustifolia attacks of hiccups at any on the ring finger is a good

Lavender is calming and soothing. provocation—talking, laughing, one to try. If it works, it is instant.
Application: eating or motion.
Put a drop of lavender in the & RANUNCULUS BULBOSIS. 6C For

bottom of a brown paper bag, then hiccups associated with drinking

place the bag over the mouth and alcohol,- hiccups when drunk.
nose, and breathe in and out, & IGNATIA 6c For hiccups from
slowly and deeply. This slows and emotional causes. Hiccups and
deepens the breathing, calms the burping when eating, drinking, or
diaphragm, and will stop the above The essential oil extracted smoking. Empty sensation in
hiccups. Or you could use from lavender is anti-convulsive the stomach.
frankincense instead. and has a mild sedative effect. & CYCLAMEN 6c For hiccup-like
burping. Worse for fatty food.
above Point 43 lies on the Small .
NUTRITION Hiccups during pregnancy or
Intestine meridian, which runs from the
while yawning.
neck, down the arm, to the fingertips.
It is not really what you included). This is particularly HYOSCYAMUS 6c For hiccups
eat, but how you eat that is important when travelling by air, after eating.
important. Make sure that you as the pressure differential between & nux vomica 6c For hiccups HERBAL REMEDIES

chew your food well, that you sit the inside of your body and the from overeating or -drinking.
Although hiccups are
down to eat, take your time, and atmosphere in the cabin forces Dosage: one tablet every 30
usually self-limiting,
always have a glass of water with gases out of the drinks and causes minutes until improved.
prolonged attacks will generally
your meals. abdominal distension. This is Maximum 12 doses.
respond to the sort of herbal
Avoid excessive amounts of uncomfortable and a common
carminatives used for treating
carbonated drinks (mineral water cause of hiccups.
flatulence and indigestion.
Use and Dosage:
Sip peppermint or fennel infusion,

here is A simple exercise, which (2) Bring your knees up, and, (J) Hold for a count of three. Relax or take 2-3 drops of cinnamon or

may help stop an attack of with your hands, pull them toward and repeat several times.This puts clove oil on a lump of sugar.

hiccups. (T) Lie on your back on your chest as hard as pressure on the underside of the Eating papaw fruit or juice,
or chewing candied ginger, can
the floor with your knees bent. you can. diaphragm, and may stop the spasms.
also help.


m measu res
Follow the eating rules given

under Nutrition.
right Catarrh is mucus in Diagnosing
the nose, throat, and chest Catarrh
caused by infection, allergy, Excessive amounts of thick mucus in
or irritation of the mucous the nose and throat
membranes. Consult your Blocked or runny nose

physician if the catarrh

contains blood, or persists

for longer than a month.


■ Mix one-third beet juice

I rritation of the mucous membranes in the nose and throat, or allergic reactions, can

cause an increase in the amount of mucus produced by these tissues. Viral or bacterial
with two-thirds tepid water
and take two or three sniffs infections can also produce the same reaction and, if the sinuses become congested and
of the mixture through each
nostril, sniffing hard enough infected, this can lead to sinusitis (see p. 1 30j.
to force the juice into the
back of the throat. Then spit
it out. This sounds revolting
but it's not too bad after the Catarrh, or nasal Dosage information ~ A combination of
first sniff and the beet juice congestion, will improve Adults and children astringent and soothing
is gently healing and without any treatment, usually For steam inhalations, lean herbs will help clear catarrh and
antiseptic. Do not use within a week or two. However, over a bowl of boiling water ease inflamed membranes.
your favorite linen or inhaling steam makes breathing with a towel over your head. Use and Dosage:
embroidered handkerchief more comfortable, since steam You can make this more Try mixing equal amounts of
for at least 2 hours after makes mucus thinner and helps pleasant by adding eucalyptus dried elderflower, eyebright,
the treatment, unless you to reduce the swelling. Both or other oils (see under marshmallow leaves, and ribwort
want it stained red, stick to adults and children can have a Aromatherapy), but the steam plantain, then use in infusions
paper tissues. steam inhalation as often as is itself has most effect on the (2tsp/l0ml to a cup of boiling
necessary. Decongestants can congestion. Or you can invest water, four times a day).
help too, particularly ones that in a humidifier,- put wet towels Steam inhalants can also help:
are sprayed up the nose. on the radiators,- or run the hot mix 5 drops each of sandalwood
Beware: if continued for more tap into the bath and sit in the and eucalyptus oils with ltsp/5ml
than a week, a nasal steamy bathroom with your of friar's balsam (compound
decongestant will actually make child. Most nasal decongestants tincture of benzoin) in a basin of
the nose more stuffy than it are sprayed into the nose at boiling water and inhale for 10
was before. least twice a day. minutes. If you have a eucalyptus
tree in your garden, use a handful

of fresh leaves in boiling water



There are many catarrh & PULSATILLA 6c For stuffed-up Naturopaths believe that
remedies. If the following nose, white/yellow-green kkh-J a high consumption of
do not help, it is advisable to discharge. Better in open air. Loss dairy products can increase the Leeks are rich in
sulphur and
consult a homeopath (see also of smell or foul smell in nose from production of mucus. So cut down vitamin C
Sinusitis on p.130). catarrh. Ears may discharge. on all milk-based foods for a
& KALI BICHROMICUM 6C For 1% SAMBUCUS NIGRA 6c For couple of weeks. If you do this
thick, ropy, gluey, green, or snuffles in babies, with difficulty for any longer, however, get
yellow catarrh. Pressing pain in suckling. professional guidance about your
root of nose. Dry crusts in nose. Dosage: one tablet every 4 diet and about supplements, to
Worse for hot weather. hours until condition improves. prevent calcium and other
EUCALYPTUS 6c For stuffed-up Maximum 12 doses. nutritional deficiencies.
nose, chronic catarrh and pus¬
like discharge. Chives are a
tonic —


& EUCALYPTUS Application: Onions

strengthen the
Ah. A Eucalyptus radiata Steam inhalation and/or facial
& BENZOIN massage from a therapist for
Styrax benzoin specific pressure points are
& BASIL generally beneficial. Eat plenty of onions, chives,
Ocimum basilicum scallions, leeks, and garlic, all
& THYME traditional foods for the relief of
Thymus vulgaris These oils (excluding the catarrh,- sweet potatoes, carrots,
Scallions are
These oils relieve congestion and lavender and chamomile) are broccoli, and red or dark green a cleansing
Garlic is a antiseptic
help to fight infection. But if all very strong and should cabbage for their beta-carotene. decongestant
catarrh is due to an allergy, then probably not be used for Be sure to add thyme, rosemary,

lavender or chamomile may be small children. ginger, chilis, and horseradish to

more beneficial (see Allergies on p.22). all appropriate recipes, as these are


ACUPRESSURE points 26, worth trying, but always gently,
Stop smoking and avoid exhaust
Kdyi 41, 46, and 47 help without strain.
fumes, chemical smells, and
stimulate the flow of mucus.
other pollutants that are irritant.
REFLEXOLOGY: working the

fingers and thumbs, and the spaces ># Avoid allergens (see Allergies on

between the metacarpal bones p.22). Blow your nose frequently

located on the backs of the hands, to reduce the risk of infection,

may provide some relief. but never block one nostril and
YOGA: experiment with both
above Inhaling pungent essential oils blow the other—the increased
postures and breathing techniques,
will help penetrate stubborn mucus. pressure can force mucus into
and do what works best.
the Eustachian tube. Regular
Sometimes inverted postures like
inhalations over a bowl of
Standing Forward Bend, Dog, and
boiling water containing 3 drops
Shoulderstand help,- at other times

it seems best to avoid them. left The Standing Forward Bend each of eucalyptus, lavender, and

Likewise, Kapalabhati, Ujjayi, and may help to clear passages thyme oils will usually help.

alternate nostril breathing are blocked with catarrh.


right Cold symptoms are Diagnosing

miserable, affecting head, a Cold
throat, and chest, and often Fever
accompanied by temperature, Runny nose

aches and pains, and a lack Sneezing

of energy. Attack colds Tickly cough

positively by boosting the Sore throat

body’s immune system.


Always read pain-reliever

T here are hundreds of different viruses responsible for the symptoms of a cold, and

coughing or sneezing in confined spaces can transmit the virus via infected mucus.
packages carefully, and do not
exceed the stated dose. The common cold has defied the combined efforts of all the world's physicians, virologists,

and other medical experts, and this is one condition for which the old wives' tales often

produce the best results. Vast amounts of money are spent worldwide on “over-the-counter"

KITCHEN MEDICINE remedies, which at best make little difference and at worst can have serious side-effects. So
■ Time and again tests have
shown that hot water
encourage your body's natural defenses to overcome a cold, by taking plenty of rest, eating
containing the juice of a
nutritiously and enjoying the benefits of steam treatment and other simple home remedies.
lemon and plenty of honey is

more soothing and healing

than a whole bunch of cold
cures added

There is no cure for a until the symptoms subside. Dosage information ~

cold, although there are Inhalations of steam as often as Adults

lots of remedies that alleviate possible make the mucus One to two tablets of pain-
the symptoms (but surprisingly thinner, helping to clear the relievers at onset of fever, then
little evidence to support the nasal passages and make every 4 hours,- see package
use of cough medicine). Fever breathing easier. Babies may for details.
and malaise can be treated with need nose drops to enable them Children
pain-relievers, which often to breathe more easily while Give regular doses of liquid
need to be continued on a feeding. Colds usually last pain-reliever,- consult package
regular basis for several days between 3 and 10 days. for details, or follow advice

from your physician.

above Hot honey and

lemon drink.


lit EUCALYPTUS night, you could also add ACONITE 30c For first
a Eucalyptus radiata lavender, to help you sleep. signs of cold. Frequent
lit TEA TREE Application: sneezing, nose stuffed up. Thirsty,
Melaleuca alternifolia Use these oils in vaporizers or worse for stuffy rooms,
lit PINE inhalations (on handkerchiefs, lit ALLIUM CEPA 30c For profuse
Pinus sylvestris tissues, and bedcovers) to ease sneezing, streaming eyes and
Tea tree will make you sweat, that stuffy, congested feeling. In a nose. Hot, thirsty, better in fresh
which helps to eliminate the virus burner they will help to reduce air. Nose sore.
and make you feel better (make the risk of secondary infections lit DULCAMARA 30c For cold
sure that you have a large glass and alleviate cold symptoms. You from getting chilled when hot.
of water before you go to bed, can also put these essential oils in Severe sneezing, eyes red and
because if you are going to sweat, the bath, especially at bedtime, sore. Sore throat. Neck stiff and
above The remedy Dulcamara comes
you need extra fluid). Eucalyptus using tea-tree oil at the first onset pains in limbs.
from the woody nightshade. It is a
and pine help to ease stuffiness,- at of cold symptoms. lit NATRUM MURIATICUM 30c For
powerful enemy of catarrh.
cold that begins with sneezing.
OUTSIDE HELP NUTRITION Discharge from nose, like the
white of an egg. Nose may also be
ACUPRESSURE if sinuses Eat plenty of fresh fruit, measures
blocked. Cold sores, mouth ulcers
F&Si become blocked and IN. salads, and raw vegetables; and cracked lips. NUTRITION: eat plenty of pumpkin
painful, see Catarrh (p.122). at least two cloves of raw garlic Dosage: one tablet up to every 4 seeds, oysters and other shellfish to keep
REFLEXOLOGY: work the fingers daily—in parts of Eastern Europe hours, as needed. Maximum 3 to your zinc intake up to the mark. When
and thumbs, the webs between the they eat a whole bulb of garlic, to 4 days.
there are lots of colds around, suck three
fingers, the pads beneath the kill off the cold virus as well as
or four zinc and vitamin C lozenges each
fingers, and the spaces between keeping away the vampires,- thick
day to boost your immunity.
the metacarpal bones on the back onion soup or oven-baked onions
of the hands for the reflexes of the daily (onions and garlic have a ENVIRONMENT: try to avoid
head, lungs, and upper lymphatics. very powerful antiseptic and
overheated, overcrowded places like
YOGA: avoid inverted postures. decongestant effect). Drink plenty
department stores, movie houses, and
Emphasize backbends such as the of fluids to replace those lost
theaters—especially important if you
Warrior and Cobra. When the through sweating and sneezing,
suffer from asthma, diabetes, heart
nostrils are clear enough, practice but stick mainly to fruit juices,
disease, kidney disease, or any illness
Surya Bhedana for 12 breaths plain water, herbal teas, and the
followed by Ujjayi. hot water, lemon, and honey that compromises your natural immunity.

mixture (see Kitchen Medicine). If possible, travel to work earlier or later

Avoid dairy products and all than usual, to avoid the rush hour, and

sugary food for 2 or 3 days. make sure that you get plenty of fresh air

and exercise to keep your

HERBAL REMEDIES respiratory system functioning

well. Feeling stressed, tired, or

Herbs can ease many Gargling with a standard
depressed can increase your
symptoms of a cold, and infusion of sage will soothe sore
chances of catching a cold.
many display antiviral activity to throats,- you can improve the flavor
with fresh lemon juice. Getting wet or sitting in a
combat the cause.
Use and Dosage: Use plenty of garlic in cooking draft cannot give you a cold.

A tea that is made from equal and take up to 10 x 200mg

parts of elderflower, peppermint echinacea capsules daily, for up to

left Get out into the fresh air of open
(use catmint instead for children), 4 days, in order to boost the
spaces as often as you can. The exercise
yarrow, and hyssop (ltsp/5ml per immune system.
will do you good, and you’ll be well away
cup, taken up to four times daily)
from sources of cold germs!
will ease chills and coughs.
right Bronchitis is an inflammation Diagnosing
of the bronchi, the larger air Coughs & bronchitis
passages leading to the lungs. It Explosive release of air
causes wheeziness, coughing, and from the lungs
the production of phlegm. Mucus that is clear or colored,

often yellow or brown

Dry, tickly throat


& bronchitis
A straightforward cough may he due to nothing more than inhaled irritants like dust,

exhaust fumes, smoke, or a crumb of food. But of all symptoms in the respiratory
M If you have a deep cough.
M If you are coughing up bloodstained
tract a cough is the commonest and it may he a sign of underlying illness. Acute bronchitis,
mucus, which may be a sign of more
serious illness. however, is caused by an infection, often following flu or a severe cold. Chronic bronchitis

is most common in cool, damp climates and is caused by repeated irritation from smoking,
foggy weather, and damp air, leading to an overproduction of mucus in the lungs. Though
Acute or chronic
bronchitis and a simple
not always infected, this mucus clogs up the airways and reduces the amount of oxygen
irritant cough will all respond to
available, making the heart work harder. A chest infection on top of chronic bronchitis
dietary changes.
Eat plenty of celery, parsley, causes severe breathing problems.
and fresh dandelion leaves
(dandelion teabags are now

available if you do not have a CONVENTIONAL MEDICINE

garden) to increase your urinary

output and get rid of body fluids,- A dry cough will often elderly), may require pleasant by adding eucalyptus
onions and leeks (the same family be relieved by a steam antibiotics. There is no or other oils (see under
as garlic),- fish, legumes, brown inhalation, which you can have evidence that cough medicines Aromatherapy), but the steam

rice, and bananas for their B as often as necessary. If a cough have any effect on a cough. itself has most effect on the
vitamins,- liver, carrots, sweet does not clear up within 2—3 Dosacje information ~ cough. Or you can invest in a
potatoes and spinach for their weeks, see your physician. A Adults and children humidifier,- put wet towels on the
vitamin A,- oily fish for their anti¬ deeper cough, such as the type For steam inhalations, lean radiators,- or fill the tub with hot
inflammatory properties. that develops after a cold into over a bowl of boiling water water and sit in the steamy
Cut out all salt in order to bacterial lung infection (most with a towel over your head. bathroom with your child.
prevent fluid retention. Reduce common in children and the You can make this more
your intake of all daily products to

help lessen mucus formation.



Herbal cough remedies per cup) sweetened with honey. THIS BECOMES more difficult,

can ease bronchial spasms, A general syrup can be made by particularly for those suffering

expel phlegm, lubricate a dry layering slices of onion or turnip from chronic bronchitis, but it is

cough, or suppress an irritant one. with sugar,- leave overnight, then vital to keep the lungs working,

Use and Dosage: drink the liquid in ltsp/5ml doses as the less they do, the more

For chesty coughs or bronchitis, Cough suppressants like wild they will become inelastic and

use herbs like thyme, elecampane, cherry can ease nervous, irritant the less they will be able to do.
mullein, cowslip, white horehound, coughs but should be avoided Walking, deep-breathing
or Iceland moss in teas (ltsp/5ml when trying to expel phlegm. exercises, and swimming are all

a great starting point, but

amazing improvements can also

be seen as a result of taking up

a wind instrument—a recorder,

& RUMEX 6c For throat talking, lying on right side. Chest
penny whistle, or mouth organ
tickling with cold air, feels weak.
BRYONIA 6c For dry, hacking, works fine—or even by learning above Playing the recorder is a
spasmodic dry cough preventing
sleep. Hoarseness. Phlegm tough, spasmodic cough. Must sit up. to sing. good way to exercise the lungs.

worse for talking and cold air. Worse for eating, drinking, at

Better for covering mouth. night. Cough on entering warm

1% STANNUM 6c For forceful room. Holds chest on coughing.

Dosage: one tablet three times
cough, which brings up green
mucus. Worse evening until daily until improved. Maximum
& SANDALWOOD and assist in expelling excess
midnight. Worse for laughing, 2 weeks.
Santalum album mucus. Massage of the throat

& BENZOIN and chest eases the tension there,

Styrax benzoin especially if you are coughing a

& EUCALYPTUS lot. Gargling ensures that no

a ^ REFLEXOLOGY: work the YOGA: try Shitali or Sitkari, raising Eucalyptus radiata infection sets in in the throat.

rAH lung and diaphragm the head slightly as you inhale and & FRANKINCENSE Application:

reflexes on and beneath the balls lowering it as you exhale. Coughs Boswellia sacra Use the sandalwood, benzoin,

of the foot, paying particular sometimes signify difficulty with & TEA TREE eucalyptus, or frankincense in

attention to the webs between the communicating: reflect on whether Melaleuca alternijolia steam inhalations. Massage the

big toes and second toes—the you have been saying too much, Steam inhalations using these oils throat and chest with any of these

throat and trachea. too little, or the wrong things. soothe the throat and airways, and use tea tree for gargles.

■ For all respiratory problems
Don't smoke. Don't smoke. Don’t
a daily bowl of garlic soup is a
smoke. Avoid other smokers.
must, as it is both decongestant

and antibacterial. (T Crush six Keep the lungs in good condition

cloves of garlic and sweat in a through regular exercise. Keep

little hot olive oil. (2) Add a level bedrooms cool and well aired
teaspoon of crushed aniseeds and wear a protective mask for
and 2pt/1 / of water. (3) Boil for all dusty home improvements
1 5 minutes, then crumble in two
jobs and when air-pollution
or three thick slices of stale
levels are bad.
whole wheat bread. (4) Cook
for 4 minutes. Serve at once.

right Hay fever, like asthma, Diagnosing

is on the increase. At one Hay fever
time it described seasonal Sneezing fits
allergies to plants, but the Blocked or runny nose

term now covers reactions Sore, itchy eyes

to other pollutants. Tickle in the roof of the mouth


hay fever
H ay fever is an allergic reaction to the pollen produced by grasses that mainly flower

in the spring and summer. The sore, puffy eyes, streaming nose, and violent bouts

of sneezing are instantly recognizable. But it is not only grass pollens that cause hay

fever—and today the term is often used to describe allergic reactions to any type of pollen

or, for that matter, other airborne irritants, like exhaust fumes, general atmospheric

Buy organic honey for the

pollution, and even strong smells, like some perfumes. There are some unfortunate people
added benefit of its healing

properties. who suffer constantly from the symptoms—a condition known as perennial rhinitis,

which is most often caused by the droppings of the house dustmite [see Asthma on

M If you have a pollen

p. 1 32 for preventative measures].
allergy, a jar of locally

produced honey could be

your salvation. Studies CONVENTIONAL MEDICINE
have shown that eating
4tsp/20ml daily of honey Drug treatments work Dosage information ~ Children

made by bees feeding on by preventing the Adults Doses of antihistamine syrup

the pollen from flowers in allergic reaction and are Most tablets are taken once depend on the age of the child,-

your locality can provide available as eyedrops, tablets a day, although eyedrops are consult package for details or

considerable relief from and nose sprays. Antihistamines applied more frequently,- follow follow medical advice. For

the symptoms. sometimes cause drowsiness, package details or medical children over 6 years, apply two
although this is less of a advice. Apply two doses of nose doses of nose spray per nostril
problem with the more spray per nostril twice a day. twice a day.
recent formulations.

Hay fever can be treated Herbalists often treat

by using mixed pollens hay fever by using
(30c taken once fortnightly strengthening and cleansing herbs
during the season). Homeopathic for the respiratory tract early in
hay-fever tablets can be bought the year, before the problem
"over the counter," alternatively becomes too severe.
try one of the following: Use and Dosage:
& ALLIUM CEPA 6c For Make an infusion containing
constantly running sore nose, elderflower (3 parts), white
watering but not sore eyes. Worse horehound (2 parts), fumitory
for warm rooms. Better in the (1 part), and vervain (1 part),
open air. then drink 1-2 cups daily from
ffe EUPHRASIA 6c For watery and late January until Easter.
sore eyes, running but not sore To relieve symptoms during the
nose. Worse for light and warmth hay-fever season, take eyebright in
ffe SABADILLA 6c When bouts of capsules (up to 8 x 200mg daily)
violent sneezing are the main and bathe the eyes with well above Use marigold (Calendula officinalis, not

problem. Itching and tingling in strained, sterilized marigold or Tagetes spp.) flowers to make a soothing eyebath for

nose, worse for perfume. eyebright infusions. hay-fever symptoms.

Dosage: one tablet twice daily.

Maximum 2 weeks.
Following a regime that calcium) from other sources.
AROMATHERAPY The only real prevention is to
reduces the body's Vitamin C and its
avoid inhaling allergenic
± ROMAN CHAMOMILE production of mucus may be accompanying bioflavonoids are
material, but this is seldom
Cbamaemelum nobile helpful. So reduce your intake of important protectors of the
practical. If you suffer from
tk BASIL dairy produce—naturopaths mucous membranes. All berries

Ocimum basilicum believe this to be mucus-forming. and fresh currants supply large pollen allergy, staying indoors

* MELISSA If this helps and you make quantities of both, and citrus fruit, early in the morning and late

Melissa officinalis permanent changes to your diet, including some of the pith and in the evening, keeping the
Chamomile and melissa are anti¬ make sure that you replace the skin around the segments, should windows closed and wearing
allergens and basil helps to clear missing nutrients (especially the also be eaten in abundance.
wrap-around sunglasses will help
the sinuses and the head of the
to some extent. If you have
nasty effects of hay fever.
OUTSIDE HELP perennial rhinitis, follow the
advice on controlling the
Place 1 drop of each oil on a
r. ^ ACUPRESSURE, points 50
dustmite population in your
handkerchief, which you can then
"All and 51 may help stop a
carry with you everywhere for bedroom (see Asthma on p.132).
violent attack of sneezing,- points
instant relief. You can also use Take a daily dose of lOOOmg of
41 and 47 can be useful to increase
these oils for massaging
mucus drainage.
vitamin C, 400IU of vitamin E
the upper back and chest. and vitamin B-complex.
REFLEXOLOGY: work the reflexes

of the eyes, nose, and throat,

which are located on and between above Working the reflex to the bronchi

the fingers and toes,- plus the helps to make labored breathing easier.

reflexes to the lungs and

diaphragm. Kapalabhati and Pranayama

YOGA: focus on closing postures techniques regularly, throughout

such as Forward Bends. Practice the year.

right The sinuses are bony Diagnosing
cavities located around the Sinusitis
nose. When their mucous Pain in the face or teeth
membranes become Persistent headache, often over

infected, these swell, causing the eyes

a blockage of mucus which Pain worse on leaning forward

may be very painful. Foul taste in the mouth

Blood-stained discharge from

the nose
Completely or partially blocked




■ Garlic, which is
A heavy cold, allergies, irritant fumes, smoking, upper respiratory infections, nasal

. polyps, or adverse reactions to some foods may all he the cause of sinusitis. This
powerfully antibacterial, and
horseradish are powerful inflammation of the membranes lining the sinuses, and their consequent overproduction of
weapons in the fight against
sinus problems. Eat the mucus, is what produces the symptoms of headaches, facial pain, stuffiness, loss of smell,
equivalent of one good-sized
clove of garlic a day—or if pain in the teeth, repeated episodes of chest and ear infections, and thick, infected mucus.
you hate the taste and smell,
While antibiotics may be essential for severe infections, home remedies are best for milder
use a garlic tablet.
H Horseradish is a very
conditions and also for prevention.
strong decongestant, and a

couple of teaspoons of
peeled, grated horseradish CONVENTIONAL MEDICINE

root in a sandwich will soon

Treatment depends
get the mucus flowing out of
on improving
your nose.
drainage from the sinus,
B Onions and leeks are both
together with treating the
traditional foods for the
infection. Steam helps to
treatment of chest and sinus
make the mucus thinner and
infections, so eat lots of
reduces nasal congestion.
them—they are particularly
Nose sprays containing
good when cooked together
decongestants may help, but
to make a decongestant soup.
if used for too long can make
8 The natural enzymes in
the congestion worse.
pineapple juice are especially
Antibiotics may be necessary
healing to the sinuses. Drink
to clear the infection.
at least three glasses, diluted
Recurrent sinusitis may
50:50 with water, each day.
require surgical treatment.


Anticatarrhal herbs, such Gently massaging the sinus areas exercise of any sort can help to
If allergies are the root of the
as elderflower, chamomile, with a cream or infused oil improve breathing and clear the
problem, take the appropriate
ground ivy, coltsfoot, yarrow, containing any of these herbs will nasal passages. However, if hay
preventative measures (see under
eyebright, or plantain, can all help. also help. fever is involved, take care to

Use and Dosage: Nutrition). If perennial rhinitis—

Steam inhalantsare also beneficial: avoid exercising outside when

Make teas using 2tsp/l0ml of herb add 10 drops each of eucalyptus, pollen counts are likely to be all-year-round sinus problems—

per cup: add a pinch of goldenseal peppermint, pine, and sandalwood high and take precautions is the problem, then special care

or bayberry powder or 5 drops of oils to a basin of hot water and against house-dustmite dung, if must be taken to keep the home
tincture to the mix, if available. inhale for up to 10 minutes. you are exercising at home (see allergen-free (see Asthma on p.i32).
Asthma on p.132).
DIET: a diet that is constantly enriched
with the nutrients already recommended

will help to ensure strong and healthy

There are many remedies frontal sinuses worse for stooping.
OUTSIDE HELP mucous membranes in the sinuses. For
that help sinusitis. If the Pressure in ear. Worse for cold,
following do not help, consult a dry weather. Loss of smell. those susceptible to sinus problems, a
ACUPRESSURE: the points
qualified homeopath. ik HEPAR SULPHURIS CALCAREUM monthly 2-day cleansing regime of
around the eyes and nose
& HYDRASTIS 6c After a cold, 6c For thick, white or yellow, nothing but raw fruit, vegetables and
and the back of the head—49, 50,
for pressing pain in forehead. smelly mucus that makes nose salads—as much as you like—with
51, and 52—are useful to relieve
Scalp and neck also painful. sore. Person irritable. Facial bones
the symptoms of sinusitis. plenty of fruit and vegetable juices is a
Thick mucus at back of throat. sore. Right-sided shooting pains.
highly protective bonus.
& KALI BICHROMICUM 6C Dosage: one tablet three times
For thick, yellow, ropy catarrh. daily until improved. Maximum
Pulsating pain at root of nose and 10 days.



Ocimum basilicum
The food that most and skin, dark cherries, tomatoes,
commonly increases the and mangoes,- avocados, olive,
Eucalyptus radiata
production of mucus, especially in sunflower, and safflower oils.
children, is cow's milk. Even Reduce the amount of salt in
Melaleuca alternifolia
breastfeeding mothers who your diet, as this encourages fluid above Use strong pressure on point 49
These oils help to fight infection
consume a large amount of milk retention and swelling of the sinus on the Large Intestine meridian.
and clear the sinuses.
may make their babies more prone membranes,- go easy on the It will help to clear the head.
to chest and sinus problems. Try alcohol, which causes dehydration
REFLEXOLOGY: the sinus reflexes Put the essential oils onto a
excluding cow's milk and milk that will imitate already inflamed
are found on the tips of the fingers handkerchief, or vaporize them
products from your diet for a few sinuses.
and toes. Work up and down every into the air, in a burner, an electric
weeks. If this does help and you
below Fruit and part of these areas, and lift and vaporizer, a light ring, or simply in
are going to exclude them in the
vegetable defenders. straighten each toe in turn, a bowl of warm water, if that is all
long term, make sure you get
pushing up each bulb with your you have handy. Steam inhalation
plenty of calcium and vitamin D
thumb. Working the upper is an effective way of employing
from other sources (see Osteoporosis
lymphatics and ileo-caecal valve them. Most of these, oils are a bit
on p.t08).
reflexes might help. too strong to put directly on the
To maintain healthy sinuses,
YOGA: rapid breathing techniques face, but you can do a facial
vitamins A, C, and E and
like Kapalabhati and Bhastrika are massage combining them with
bioflavonoids are important,
excellent at keeping the sinuses either plain oil lotion or whatever
so eat plenty of carrots,
clear, but they should not be used ordinary night-cream you use. It is
apricots, and dark green
during an acute stage. worth finding a therapist who will
leafy vegetables,- citrus
show you how to carry out this
fruit, with some of the pith
facial massage treatment.
right When the bronchial Diagnosing
passages in the lungs are Asthma
inflamed, or narrowed by a Recurrent periods of difficulty in

bronchospasm (surrounding breathing

muscles tighten), wheezy, Tightness in the chest, associated

difficult breathing results. with wheezing

Cough, particularly at night (this

may be the only symptom in


Asthma is an extremely serious illness and can he life-threatening. The following advice
JL V. must he taken in context with any advice given by your medical practitioner. These
■ If you are already asthmatic but have
noticed that you need more medication
simple home remedies should not replace your regular medication, hut, used in a complementary
recently than usual.
■ If there is a rapid deterioration in way with other therapy, can greatly improve your c/uality of life and reduce both the frequency
your condition.
and severity of asthma attacks. In recent years, the incidence of asthma has dramatically

increased—partly, I believe, due to ever-increasing amounts of atmospheric pollution, partly

due to the growing addition of complex chemicals to food and drink, and partly to double
Avoid non-steroidal anti¬
glazing, insulation, and draft-proofing of our homes. Twice as many boys as girls suffer
inflammatory drugs, such

as ibuprofen or aspirin, from asthma and around 3 percent of the total American population endures this illness. It
which may make your

asthma worse. most commonly affects children, but adults can also suffer from late-onset asthma.


Most asthmatics will Herbal antispasmodics and a basin of boiling water) can often

already be taking broncho-dilators are very avert an attack.

prescribed medication, effective in treating asthma— Drinking cups of elecampane

which will need to be although the most potent herbs, can also help: macerate 2tsp/10ml
increased when an attack such as ephedra and lobelia, are of the root overnight in a cup of
starts. If you are confined to professional use. cold water, then heat to boiling
experiencing your first Use and Dosage: point,- strain and sweeten with
asthma attack, seek urgent For mild cases, a steam inhalant of ltsp/5ml of honey and sip
above We are continually contributing
medical attention. chamomile flowers (ltbsp/15ml to as required.
to our own health problems.


Asthma is a serious For rattly
chest, unable to cough up phlegm
beating in the bedroom and increase the
require medical attention. Do Wheezy, chest feels tight. Cough
ventilation. Use a high-powered-suction
not stop medication from your with each breath. Nausea. Better
physician. It would be helpful to vacuum cleaner with a medical-grade
for sitting up and in open air.
consult a qualified homeopath. & NATRUM SULPHURICUM 6cFor filter; and vacuum the mattress,

& ARSENICUM ALBUM 6c For coughing green sputum. Worse bedclothes, all flat surfaces, shades, and

wheezing, anxiety, restlessness, for damp weather and 4:00—5:00 drapes regularly. Use a plant mister to
fear of suffocation. Worse A.M.. Occurs with hay fever. spray windowsills, bedheads, closet tops,
above Exercise helps to increase
1:00—3:00 A.M., in cold air. Better Dosage: one tablet three times
the lungs’ efficiency: very and bookshelves, then wipe to remove all
for bending forward, warm drinks. daily. Maximum 1 week.
important for asthmatics. dustmite droppings daily, and use anti-

dustmite shampoo on carpets. Cover

exercise IS absolutely essential, but
NUTRITION bedding with impregnated netting in order
advice on this is rarely given to
to kill all dustmites, and use high-
asthmatics or their parents.
In children, asthma is for the health of lung tissue is
temperature washes for all bed linen.
Asthma is rarely a bar to physical
nearly always an allergic essential. Salad, greens, grapes,
exercise, so long as it is well All these practical steps help to remove
response and although this is melons, tomatoes, bell peppers,
controlled with appropriate dustmites and their droppings, which are
mainly to inhaled allergens, food kiwis, whole grain cereals, and lots
medication. Any exercise that highly allergenic.
and food additives can also be of all the green vegetables should
triggers. Start by keeping a be the basis of the asthmatic's diet. improves the efficiency of the
SMOKING: don't smoke or allow
detailed food diary, noting when One of the most common food lungs and increases the amount of
smoking anywhere in the house where an
the attacks occur. This should give groups to cause problems are dairy air that can be breathed in and
asthmatic lives.
you some clues as to the foods that foods, as milk and milk products out is of great benefit. Singing,

playing a wind instrument, PETS: don't have cats, dogs, cage birds,
might be better avoided. tend to increase the body's
Food additives like colorings, production of mucus. swimming (although the chlorine or other furry pets in the house. Snakes

flavorings, and preservatives can be You may need professional in pools can sometimes upset and other reptiles are fine.

severe triggers, and all these guidance to make sure that the asthmatics), or any sport that the

chemicals are best avoided. A child does not suffer nutritional child really enjoys should be

diet rich in all the protective deficiencies when you start encouraged.

antioxidants that are so important excluding major foods.


^ ^ ACUPRESSURE points 4, REFLEXOLOGY: during an asthma & FRANKINCENSE then placed on the floor under

18, 20, and 23 are useful attack, work the diaphragm and »4 Boswellia sacra the length of your spine will open

during attacks. lung reflexes located on the balls Frankincense slows and deepens the chest and drop your shoulders

ALEXANDER TECHNIQUE in of the feet, and especially the the breathing. It is used by monks backward, which will help your

1973 consultant physician adrenal glands. when they are going into deep breathing.

Dr. Wilfred Barlow stated, "The YOGA: focus on expansive postures meditation. But if asthma is an

asthmatic needs to be taught such as Warrior, Triangle, Two- allergic reaction, try chamomile CAUTION

how to stop his wrong way of Foot Support, and Cobra. In both, instead (see also Stress on p.6o).
Do not use frankincense in a
breathing." Asthmatics often postures and breathing practices Application:
steam inhalation, as the heat
overuse certain respiratory and aim to increase the length of your Use in a vaporizer, compress, or
will increase the
postural muscles at the expense of exhalation. Make friends with your bath, or for localized massage
inflammation of the mucous
others. Practicing the Technique breath through this meditation: around the chest/facial area.
membrane, making the
will help toward a more relaxed inhaling freely, gradually slow your Frankincense can also be put on a
congestion worse.
way of breathing and enable you exhalations, with a sense of ease. tissue or on your pillow at night

to manage yourself better during to help you breathe. And a large

an asthma attack. towel concertinaed (not rolled),

right A hot, burning feeling Diagnosing
behind the breastbone is Heartburn
caused by stomach acids Burning sensation in upper part of the
flowing back up into the abdomen, which goes up the center

esophagus, either because of the chest to the back of the

of lax muscles, eating too throat,- often associated with

much, or tight clothing. an acid taste in the mouth

Pain is often worse at night, when lying
flat, or when bending or stooping

Pain may start after drinking hot drinks

or alcohol and is aggravated by smoking,

fatty foods, and being overweight


H eartburn, also known as acid indigestion, may be caused by obesity, the late stages

of pregnancy, or a hiatus hernia, but most often it is the result of too much of the
■ If heartburn continues for a long
period of time, as it can be indicative of wrong kind of food or plain overeating. The acid contents of the stomach escape upward
complaints such as ulcers or gallstones.
■ If the symptoms persist or are not into the esophagus, causing the characteristic burning sensation behind the breastbone.
relieved by an antacid.
Whatever the cause, home remedies can help resolve the pain and the often severe discomfort

of this common symptom.


If you are pregnant, do not

physical activity stimulates the
Avoid eating fatty foods or both,- some are combined
take any medicines without
function of the whole digestive or drinking hot drinks with alginic acid and are
first consulting your physician.
system and any activity that or alcohol. Try to stop smoking particularly helpful for
Antacids usually contain tones and strengthens the and lose weight if necessary. heartburn,- see package for
magnesium or aluminum salts: abdominal muscles is an added If the symptoms are worse at full details.

the former (e.g. Milk of bonus. Hiatus hernia sufferers night, then try drinking a glass

Magnesia) tend to cause should avoid exercises that of milk before bedtime and

involve lots of bending, as this raising the head of the bed. right Milk is
diarrhea; the latter (e.g.

can allow stomach acids to Try taking an antacid if the alkaline and
Aluminum hydroxide) may

flow through the hernia into symptoms continue. will help to

cause constipation.

the esophagus. Dosage information—Adults reduce acid

and children over 16 levels in the

Many types of antacid are stomach.

available in tablet or liquid

form. Antacids contain

magnesium or aluminum salts,

Live yogurt
Soothing, demulcent dandelion, or black horehound,
herbs, such as can also be useful.
marshmallow and slippery elm, are Carminative teas used for
widely used for heartburn. indigestion (seep. 136) can also help,
Use and Dosage: or make a thin gruel by mixing
Take these herbs in tablets or ltsp/5ml of powdered slippery-elm
capsules (200mg) before meals. Potato
bark with a little water, then
Teas of antacid herbs, such as adding a hot chamomile infusion.
meadowsweet, centaury, bogbean, Rice
Drink before meals. Pasta

above These starchy foods are easy

to digest. Live yogurt replenishes
intestinal bacteria.
Persistent heartburn icy coldness. Water brash. Craves
NUTRITION: eating small meals at
requires medical stimulants such as coffee, but this
NUTRITION regular internals is the kindest way to
assessment, but a consultation causes nausea. Thirsty for water,
with a homeopath may help. but this causes shuddering. treat a digestive system prone to
Avoiding the symptoms of
& ROBINA 6c For heartburn with SULPHUR 6c For heartburn hyperacidity. Make sure that you use all
heartburn is simply a
acidity. Worse at night and for from eating either too much, or the good digestive herbs routinely in your
matter of applying common sense
lying down. Prevents sleep. spicy, food. Big appetite, craves cooking and end your meals with a glass
to your eating habits.
Abdomen bloated with wind and spices, alcohol, fats. Thirsty for
Avoid alcohol, nicotine, and of mint tea. Eat a container of live yogurt
colic. Headaches. cold drinks.
caffeine. Do not overeat or eat every day for its gut-friendly bacteria
& CAPSICUM 6c For acid Dosage: one tablet hourly for six
very acidic or irritant foods, such and lots of good starches—potatoes, rice,
dyspepsia, burning in stomach or doses. May be repeated.
as chili, pickles, raw onion, sour
pasta, sweet potatoes, bananas, and
fruit, or very hot curries. Deep-
bread—which are all easy to digest.
fried foods can also set off an
uncomfortable bout of heartburn. LOSING WEIGHT: obesity must be

^ ^ ACUPRESSURE: points 23, If your problem is a hiatus hernia dealt with, because it is a major cause of

RlS 27 and 28 will all or you are in the later stages of heartburn. Simply losing weight and

stimulate the digestive system pregnancy, make sure that you eat avoiding tight, restrictive clothes will
and encourage it to perform a little and often—not more food
make an enormous difference.
more efficiently. in total, but spreading your daily
REFLEXOLOGY: the reflexes intake over five meals instead of

involved in the relief of heartburn the usual three. very pregnant or have a hiatus hernia,

symptoms are the esophagus, Heartburn for which there is raise the head of your bed by

diaphragm, and stomach on the no obvious reason sometimes 2—3in/5—7cm, do not use extra pillows,
above Point 23 is on the Pericardium hands and feet. Work these responds well to a few weeks which will just give you a stiff neck and
meridian, which is said to protect the reflexes on the feet or the entire on the Food Combining (Hay)
will end up on the floor anyway.
heart. Stimulation helps digestion. palms of both hands. Diet (see

H As with most digestive

& FENNEL & GINGER disorders, there are many

Foeniculum vulgare Zingiber officinale common and effective

& PEPPERMINT These oils calm and soothe the kitchen remedies. Mint,

Mentha piperita digestive tract. dill, fennel, ginger, and

& BLACK PEPPER Application: slippery elm (see Gastritis on

Piper nigrum Use in a massage oil or massage p.146) can all be used to

* ROMAN CHAMOMILE above Massage the stomach lotion, or in a warm compress over great advantage.

Chamaemelum nobile with a soothing oil. the stomach area.

right Indigestion is caused Diagnosing
by what we put in our Indigestion
stomachs! Certain foods are Pain or discomfort in the upper part
harder to digest than of the abdomen, related to food

others, such as hot, spicy May be associated with nausea and

meals and some vegetables. belching

The tendency to indigestion

often increases with age.


T here cannot he a single person who has not had the occasional bout of indigestion

and, with the exception of underlying diseases being the cause, it is always self-
H If you have a persistent problem
with indigestion.
inflicted. Do not waste your money on expensive "over-the-counter" remedies. Indigestion
H If you have the symptoms of
indigestion and have lost starts in a kitchen—your own, the gourmet restaurants, or the takeouts-—and that is
weight unintentionally.
■ If it is the first time you have had these where you will find the answer.
symptoms and you are over 40 years old.


CAUTION Avoid eating Dosage information ~ daily dose: 800mg, but not
immediately before Adults and children over 1 6 more than 400mg in any period
Severe pain after eating or Many types of antacid are
bedtime, plus drinking and of 4 hours. If symptoms
when you are hungry, blood in smoking. Raising the head of available in tablet or liquid continue after 2 weeks, seek
the stool, and long-standing the bed may alleviate nighttime form,- see package for details. medical advice. To prevent
chronic digestive problems symptoms, while being Be aware that antacids usually nighttime heartburn take
could be symptoms of a more overweight or wearing tight- contain magnesium or lOOmg 1 hour before bedtime.
serious underlying condition fitting clothes may make the aluminum salts: the former (e.g. Avoid cimetidine in pregnancy.

and must be investigated. symptoms worse. When the Milk of Magnesia) tends to Take 75mg ranitidine with
pain starts, try drinking milk,- cause diarrhea,- the latter (e.g. water when the symptoms

Avoid aspirin and NSAIDS, if that does not help, take an Aluminum hydroxide, Alu-Cap) appear. If symptoms persist for

which may make the antacid to relieve the pain. If may cause constipation. Other more than 1 hour, or return,

symptoms worse. the symptoms do not respond indigestion mixtures contain another tablet can be taken.
to an antacid, then a short dimethicone to relieve wind. Maximum: 300mg in 24 hours.
course of cimetidine or Take 200mg cimetidine If symptoms continue after
ranitidine may help. when the symptoms appear, 2 weeks, seek medical advice.
then repeat after 1 hour if Avoid ranitidine in pregnancy.

symptoms persist. Maximum



Follow the guidelines given

variety of herbal
under Nutrition and you will
carminatives to use for indigestion,
not go far wrong.
ranging from familiar culinary
herbs and spices (such as caraway,
cardamom, and ginger) to more NUTRITION
exotic Eastern remedies (like
above Chinese herbalists use Chen Pi
galangal and dried tangerine If you choose to overeat
to direct energy downward and
peel/Chen Pi). —and who doesn't
ease indigestion.
Use and Dosage: sometimes?—you must be

All can be made into a standard root capsules will help protect the prepared for the consequences of

infusion or used in tinctures stomach lining. indigestion. Once in a while it is

■ Of all the culinary plants,
('/2tsp/2.5ml diluted with water, or Also worth trying are lemon probably worth it. Chronic
mint is king of indigestion
up to 20 drops on the tongue). balm and agrimony teas—both indigestion, however, is another
remedies. A glass of mint tea
Slippery elm or marshmallow- ideal for children. matter and can make your life a
is an almost instant cure—
misery. Long gaps between meals,
even more so when
eating on the run, large, rich meals
sweetened with a little
HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES late at night, and a surfeit of
honey, one of the great
burgers, hot dogs, and other
digestive soothers. Persistent symptoms
greasy or deep-fried fast-food
■ Another traditional require medical attention,
represent an assault on your
remedy is a generous pinch but a consultation with a
digestive system. So eat a sensible,
of baking soda dissolved on homeopath may be helpful.
well-balanced diet and make sure
the tongue. This is not the 1k LYCOPODIUM 30c For burning
you eat regular meals.
most pleasant of medicines, in throat from indigestion.
Avoid eating too much of the
but it is extremely effective Pressure in stomach and bitter
obvious culprits—raw onions,
and does not have the high taste in mouth. Bloating
pickles, hot, spicy chili and curry,
aluminum content of many immediately after meals.
above Lycopodium 30c is made from radishes, cucumber, and bell
of the proprietary antacids. 'Craves warm drinks.
Lycopodium clavatum, a moss. peppers. Unripe bananas are
& NUX VOMICA 30c For pain,
particularly indigestible—do not
like a stone, in the stomach some food. Food turns to gas in
eat them until the skin has a few
time after meals, together with stomach, with lots of belching
brown speckles, as that shows that
nausea. Indigestion from drinking and flatus.
the starch is changing into sugar.
strong coffee. Dosage: one tablet hourly for six
& CARBO VEGETABILIS 30c For doses, then three times daily.
heaviness, fullness, sleepiness after Maximum 1 week. EXERCISE
Foeniculum vulgare
TO COUNTERACT the occasional
Mentha x piperita OUTSIDE HELP one-off bout of indigestion, a
quick walk round the block
Piper nigrum a ^ ACUPRESSURE: points 23, YOGA: if you already have
might be all you need—and this
± ROMAN CHAMOMILE PsSi 27, and 28 will relieve indigestion, use Shitali or Sitkari.
is a good idea after a large meal
Chamaemelum nobile nausea and encourage the wave¬ To avoid indigestion in the
anyway. If you are a chronic
& GINGER like contractions of the colon that future, be very mindful of what
indigestion sufferer, then
Zingiber officinale speed up the digestive process. and how you eat, so that you
abdominal exercises to
These oils calm and soothe the REFLEXOLOGY: starting beneath find out what does and does not
strengthen the stomach
digestive tract. the knuckles or toe joints, work suit you. Some people need to
muscles can make all the
Application: across the palms and soles to the eat several small meals rather
difference (see Irritable Bowel
Use in a massage oil or massage wrists or heels, covering the than two or three large ones. Be
Syndrome on p. 154).
lotion, or in a warm compress over reflexes of the stomach, liver, peaceful when you eat: avoid

the stomach area. pancreas, intestines, and colon. rushing your food.

right Nausea is a very Diagnosing

common, though Nausea
unpleasant, part of life, Sensation of impending vomiting,

and may be precipitated often accompanied by sweating,

by many factors. excessive salivation, dizziness,


and pale skin

In pregnancy, nausea tends to be

worst in the first 3 or 4 months,

but can continue throughout the

pregnancy in rare cases,- although

often called morning sickness, it

may occur at any time of the day,

even at night


N ausea, that familiar feeling of sickness, may be followed by vomiting. This violent

expulsion of stomach contents may bring considerable relief if the vomiting has
■ If nausea is a recurring problem.

■ If bouts of nausea and vomiting have

been triggered by overindulgence in either food or alcohol, or by the ingestion of some toxic
no obvious explanation

■ If you have been feeling nauseous substance (accidental or otherwise). But it may also be the first of a series of repeated bouts
for more than a week, the nausea is

associated with abdominal pain, or you in a prolonged episode, if the underlying cause is food poisoning or some other form of
are not pregnant.
viral or bacterial infection (see Gastroenteritis on p,148j. High temperatures in

children, appendicitis, motion sickness, pregnancy, migraine, liver and gallbladder disease,
whooping cough, vertigo, Meniere's disease, and severe anxiety can all cause varying degrees
If you are pregnant, do not

take any medicines without of nausea. But whatever the cause, you can help yourself with simple home remedies.
first consulting your physician.

Do not take medicines

containing hyoscine if you

have glaucoma. Avoid eating, but take relieved by eating. Try eating Dosage information ~
frequent sips of plain frequent light snacks Adults and children
water and lie down until the throughout the day, possibly Treatments for travel
sensation passes. Antinausea even before getting out of bed sickness are usually taken
treatments can be helpful, in the morning. Get as much before traveling and then
R Exactly the same
particularly for travel sickness, sleep and rest as possible, as repeated at regular intervals,
remedies apply here as in
but consult your physician to being tired tends to make the if required,- see package for
motion sickness (seep. 19o).
choose the best remedy, nausea worse. details (see also Motion Sickness
If you are suffering from
which may depend on the on p.i9o).
vacation food poisoning, see
cause of the nausea. Nausea
gastroenteritis (p.148],
due to pregnancy may be


Ginger is probably the easily during bouts of nausea, as ^ ^ ACUPRESSURE frequent

most widely used herb for drops of tincture (diluted 50:50 rA«i pressure applied to point

nausea (see Motion Sickness on p.19o), with water) on the tongue. 38 on the wrist will bring great
but other useful remedies include Black horehound is often relief from nausea.
chamomile, peppermint, lemon recommended and can be REFLEXOLOGY: for symptomatic

balm, and bitter orange. extremely effective, but some relief, work the stomach reflexes
Use and Dosage: people find that the distinctive on both hands, starting beneath

Take these herbs in teas or, more flavor makes them feel worse. the knuckles and working down to
the wrists. Carry out the thumb- above Yoga breathing exercises calm an

HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES and finger-walking technique

irritated stomach.
across the palms, from side to side,
Ensure there is no serious smell or thought of food. Morning to do this. out more slowly than you inhale.
medical condition. These sickness before eating, vomits on YOGA: use Shitali or Sitkari, These exercises often help to settle
remedies can be useful for rinsing mouth. Craves vinegar, keeping the head still, breathing the stomach.
morning sickness experienced ife GLOSSYPIUM 6c For nausea and
during pregnancy. vomiting worse before breakfast,
& ipecacuanha 6c For constant movement or standing up. No
nausea, not relieved by vomiting. appetite, sensitive stomach with a
Clean tongue, needs to keep lot of gas. right For nausea induced

swallowing an excess of saliva. Dosage: one tablet every half- by anxiety, it is important

& SEPIA 6c For nausea at sight, hour. Maximum 12 doses. to learn to relax as much

as possible. Set aside time

every day to do this.



>'£- i Zingiber officinale


Mentha x piperita


Lavandula angustifolia


Chamaemelum nobite

Lavender and chamomile

are soothing and calming, while
peppermint acts as a mild
above Ginger is indicated for
anesthetic to the stomach wall and MENIERE’S SUFFERERS: if you suffer relaxation techniques—try meditation,
ginger is the universal remedy for nausea resulting from any cause,
from Meniere's disease, then severely yoga, or relaxation exercises. It is easier
nausea. whether it is an infection, travel
reducing your salt intake, avoiding all but to learn from a teacher, but a wide
Application: sickness, or pregnancy. Ginger oil
very small quantities of alcohol, and variety of audio and video tapes, as well
Use as a compress, and can be used for a gentle
hying to keep your life as stress-free as as books, is available.
accompanied by herbal teas. stomach massage.
possible will curtail your symptoms.
DEHYDRATION the young and the

NUTRITION GALLSTONE SUFFERERS where elderly can dehydrate rapidly as a result of

vomiting is caused by gallstones, a very repeated vomiting—even more so if this is

This very much depends Gastroenteritis on p.i48). Vomiting
low-fat diet is necessaty to prevent accompanied by diarrhea. It is essential to
on the cause of the nausea, caused by ulcers needs a specific
recurrent attacks (see Gallbladder replace lost fluids with very frequent but
but in general terms a bout of food pattern of eating (see Gastritis on
Problems on p. 144). small amounts of isotonic solution. You
poisoning should be treated with p.146). For nausea caused by vertigo
RELAXATION: vomiting brought on can buy remedies or make your own (see
the BRAT diet, followed by a or Meniere's disease follow the

gradual return to normal eating (see advice for motion sickness (see p.t9o) by anxiety or nervous tension reguires Gastroenteritis on p. 148).
right Abdominal pain has Diagnosing
many causes, ranging from Abdominal pain
overeating to food poisoning Waves of cramping pain, often associated

and more serious diseases. with diarrhea and/or nausea and vomiting.
Likely cause: gastroenteritis or food poisoning

Severe, constant pain in the lower right side

of the abdomen. Likely cause: appendicitis

Lower abdominal pain associated with pain

when passing urine. Likely cause: cystitis

Burning, acidic pain in the top of the

abdomen. Likely cause: stomach problems

Dull, cramping pain in lower abdomen

around menstruation. Likely cause: period pain


abd ominal pain

stomach ache
Abdominal pain (stomach ache) is the result of abusing your digestive system.

■ If abdominal pain becomes more

JL 1 Overeating,overindulgence, excessive alcohol, too much fat, or unwise combinations
severe, or has been unchanged for more
of food may all be the culprit. It is a problem that most people will suffer from occasionally,
than a day or two.

■ If you are in severe pain and unable to it can also be triggered off by stress and anxiety. Regular attacks of abdominal pain need
hold down fluids for more than 12 hours.

■ If a child has severe abdominal pain. investigation to rule out underlying disease. [See also Constipation p. 156, Diarrhea

p. 158, Flatulence p. 142, Gallbladder Problems p. 144, Gastroenteritis p. 148,

CAUTION Irritable Bowel Syndrome p.154, Peptic Ulcers on p,152j.

Avoid taking aspirins or
ibuprofens, as they may

irritate an already sore

Abdominal pain may be the pain subsides. If the pain Children
stomach lining. a minor problem or it becomes worse, or remains Give regular doses of liquid
can be life-threatening. unchanged for several days, pain-reliever,- consult package

Stomach ache can initially be seek medical advice. for details, or follow advice
treated with a simple pain- Dosage information- from your physician.
reliever, such as paracetamol Adults
B When cooking
(but not aspirin or ibuprofen, Take one to two tablets of
vegetables, add a few
which may irritate the stomach pain-relievers at onset of pain,
caraway seeds.
lining). Drink plenty of water, repeated every 4 hours,- see
B Chew a few dill seeds and
and eat only if you are hungry. package for details.
drink mint tea after meals.
Avoid spicy or fatty foods until

Carminative herbs— If stress and anxiety are to blame, & LAVENDER
Good digestion starts in the
such as aniseed, clove, try regular cups of lemon balm or ..-i Lavandula angustifolia
mind, so make sure that you
coriander, fennel, ginger, parsley, chamomile infusion. 'k ROMAN CHAMOMILE
always eat in a relaxed situation.
peppermint, and thyme—can help Use and Dosage: Chamaemelum nob/le
Chewing your toast on your way
relieve the pain associated with Use the herbs in standard infusions Both oils are soothing and
wind, while soothing remedies like and decoctions,- drink a cup eveiy calming and help to kill the pain. to work or school in the morning,

bogbean, centaury, Irish moss, or 3 to 4 hours while symptoms Application: wolfing down a sandwich at your

meadowsweet can also ease the persist. Avoid laxative herbs if the Place a warm compress on the desk, and rushing through your
inflammation and irritation cause of pain is uncertain. stomach area and possibly on the evening meal because you're
associated with overindulgence. lower back. A hot-water bottle going out will all guarantee
can be used on top of the
digestive discomfort.
HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES compress. If the pain continues
CHEWING: saliva is a vital digestive
and the reason is unknown, then
These remedies may also Better for being carried. good diagnosis is important. If the enzyme and it is essential to chew your

be used for infantile colic. Dosage: one tablet every half- pain is due to constipation, gentle food thoroughly so that by the time it .
& MAGNESIUM PHOSPHORICUM 6C hour. Maximum six doses. circular massage of the abdomen reaches your stomach, starch and cellulose
For cramping abdominal pains. with lavender and chamomile will are already being broken down and the
Better for heat, pulling legs up to also be of benefit.
rest of the process made easier. Make
abdomen, pressure, and rubbing.
time to sit and savor even the simplest of
Belching gives no relief. CAUTION
meals, and never eat standing in the
ik DIOSCOREA 6C For colic pains.
If using on small children,
Better for stretching or for kitchen while doing something else at
make sure that the doses are
bending backward. the same time.
the relevant sizes.
& COLOCYNTHIS 6c For cutting
FOOD DIARY: keep a diary of what
colic pains. Better for pressure,
you eat and when you feel discomfort —
heat. Pains after anger. Bends over
it is surprising how often patterns emerge
double,- presses on abdomen
above Irritable babies suffering that enable you to avoid your personal
for relief.
& CHAMOMILLA 6c For infant from colic may respond well to trigger-foods.
Everyone knows the
colic. Greenish stool, infant's cry homeopathic remedies. proverb "You are what you EXERCISE: after eating, don't be tempted
is angry, pains are unbearable. eat," and this is never truer than in to slump in your favorite armchair—the
relation to all digestive problems.
dreaded stomache ache will follow.
Eat plenty of foods containing
OUTSIDE HELP It's no good scrunching up your whole
soluble fiber (think of it as
digestive system when it is full of food and
acupressure use at smoothage, not roughage), such as
has work to do. Take your
point 27 in the middle of oats, apples, pears, root vegetables

the abdomen and point 23 on the and all the bean family. stomach for a 10-

outside of the leg, just below the Reduce your intake of minute walk after

knee joint. alcohol, coffee, you have eaten.

REFLEXOLOGY: for the relief of and all soft

discomfort in the digestive system, drinks. Eat

work the soles of the feet, little and

above A reflexology treatment
beginning just below the ball of often and
to ease abdominal pain.
the foot, or on the entire palms of cut down on

the hands. more slowly and fully than usual, all animal fats.

YOGA lie down with the legs and imagine that each time you A few weeks on the Food

bent, feet on the floor. Place your exhale the pain is dissolving. Combining (Fday) Diet (see left High-fiber

hands gently over the painful area Remain like this for a little while. p.2 io) often work wonders for foods such as apples, pears,

and feel the warmth from them. chronic digestive difficulties. root vegetables and oats, speed

Breathe out easily and quietly, but through the digestive system efficiently.
right Although potentially Diagnosing
embarrassing, flatulence is Flatulence
an absolutely normal result Excessive wind, either through the
of the digestive process. mouth or the anus
Certain foods will make its Often associated with a

occurrence more likely, as bloated abdomen

does eating too quickly and

swallowing air.



■ As with most digestive

C omedians joke about it,- Shakespeare and Chaucer even wrote about it, everyone

has it, hut pretends they don % no one in polite society ever talks about it. Yet nothing
problems, simple kitchen

remedies will be found in is more natural than flatulence—which is the normal by-product of digestion and
any well-stocked store

cupboard. Dill—both seeds fermentation that takes place in the gut. Many people feel obsessive anxiety about flatulence,
and fronds (the leaves)—
caraway and fennel seeds,
but unless it becomes excessive, there is no need for concern. Any sudden change in the
licorice, parsley, and mint
everyday build-up and release of these gases could, however, herald an underlying problem.
can all be added to cooking
and taken as tea, both to
Possible causes are hiatus hernia, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (see p. 1 54], diverticulitis,
prevent and relieve
excessive wind or severe constipation (see p. 1 56], But in the absence of other disease, home remedies will

usually overcome this problem.


as with all digestive A change in diet can be Dosage information ~

problems, exercise improves helpful, cutting down Adults and children

the overall function of the on legumes such as beans and Many suitable preparations
system, while toning up the lentils. Other foods that could are available, either as tablets
abdominal muscles has added be reduced include brussels or in liquid form,- see package
benefit. sprouts, peas, cabbage, and for details. right Eggs and

eggs. If the problem persists, try beans cause

taking an antacid that problems

contains dimethicone. for some.


Cilantro is a digestive
HERBAL REMEDIES stimulant and tonic

There is a wide choice of

Parsley seeds
herbal carminatives to dispel gas Sage is
dispel gas in the digestive tract and
improve function.
Use and Dosage:
The range includes common
culinary herbs such as aniseed,
cardamom, cayenne (chili), chewing the Victorian Prime
Thyme helps
cinnamon, clove, cilantro, garlic, digestion Minister William Gladstone maintained

ginger, nutmeg, sage, and thyme, that all food should be chewed 30

and adding these to cooking is an times—and thorough mastication means

easy way to avoid digestive
less wind. And not speaking with your
problems. Alternatively, drink chamomile, holy thistle, lemon
mouth full not only prevents you
them in infusions or try teas of balm, or peppermint after meals.
splattering your neighbor with half-

chewed food, but stops you swallowing

air with your food—a common

& RAPHANUS 6c For abdominal pains. Belching. In order to prevent aggravating factor.

flatulence after abdominal & CARBO VEGETABILIS 6C For flatulence you must allow
FOOD COMBINING: this way of
operations when wind feels heaviness after meals, sleepiness time for the digestive process to
eating, frequently known as the Hay
trapped. Distended abdomen, and belching. Flatus smells work—so savor the look and
Diet (see p.210j, involves separating
colicky pains. offensive. Craves both sweet and aroma of your meal and take time
protein foods (like meat, fish, cheese, and
& LYCOPODIUM 6c When food salt foods. to appreciate its flavor, because

seems to ferment in stomach. Dosage: one tablet hourly for six mixing your food with saliva is the eggs) from starchy foods (like bread,

Feels full after little food. Bloating doses, then twice daily. Maximum first step toward good digestion. potatoes, rice, pasta, cereals, cookies, and

abdomen. Flatus rumbles in 1 week. Avoid all carbonated drinks and cakes). It may be a long-term solution for

abdomen. Passing flatus eases reduce your consumption of sugar some people.
in all forms, as it increases the
amount of fermentation in the
stomach,- also avoid foods like
REFLEXOLOGY work the & ROMAN CHAMOMILE beans, brussels sprouts, cauliflower,
rA*® soles and palms in order Chamaemelum nobile and other "windy" foods if you are
to stimulate the functioning of & FENNEL suffering from flatulence. But as
the digestive tract. For chronic Foeniculum vulgare your eating habits improve and
conditions, massage and & GINGER you add to your diet more live
squeeze gently down the back Zingiber officinale yogurt and other fermented milk
of the lower leg. & MARJORAM products, with all their beneficial
YOGA: emphasize twisting Origanum majorana bacteria, you will find that you can

postures and forward bends, & PEPPERMINT return to eating virtually anything.
contracting the lower abdomen Mentha x piperita It helps, too, if you add caraway
each time you exhale, releasing it These oils aid gas dispersal and seeds when cooking cabbage, and

as you inhale. Try: standing— calm down the pain associated summer savory to all bean dishes.

Forward Bend, Twisted Triangle, with flatulence. Constipation is an extremely

Squat,- lying—Relax, Twist, Knees- Application: common cause of excessive and

over-Chest,- sitting—Twist, Use in either an oil-based or uncomfortable wind and will be

Forward Bend. Finish with Two- lotion-based massage and rub exacerbated greatly if you start

Foot Support and relaxation. onto the abdomen. adding bran to your daily food
intake. Instead, eat foods that above Proteins (top) and starches
contain soluble fiber, such as oats (bottom) should be eaten at separate
(see Constipation on p.i56].
times on a food-combining diet.

right The gallbladder is Diagnosing

attached to the liver and Gallbladder
connected to the bile duct. PROBLEMS
It receives and stores bile. Most people with gallstones never

Callstones are small solid experience any symptoms, but:

masses consisting of Gallstones can cause recurrent,

cholesterol, bile pigments, painful attacks in the upper right

and lime salts. side of the abdomen

Whites of the eyes and skin may
appear yellow, a condition known as

Pain may be associated with a fever

Nausea and vomiting are common


gallbladder problems
T CAUTION he five Fs are one of the aides-memoires that should stick in any medical student's

Always read pain-reliever mind: fair, fat, forty, female, and flatulent are the common denominators for women
packages carefully, and do not

exceed the stated dose. suffering from gallstones—and women are twice as likely as men to get them. At their

worst, gallstones can block the flow of bile from the gallbladder to the stomach and, without

bile, the digestion of fats becomes almost impossible. Bile works in the same way as


dishwashing lifuid on greasy dishes: it emulsifies the fats by breaking them down into

■ If pain persists, especially if

millions of tiny globules, vastly increasing the total surface area on which the digestive
accompanied by jaundice and a
raised temperature. enzymes can work. Without this process the sometimes horrendous symptoms of projectile

vomiting and violent pain ensue. Home remedies are not the answer for acute gallbladder

KITCHEN MEDICINE symptoms, but they can prevent them recurring.

H Every French housewife

will serve a fresh globe

artichoke as the first course

of a meal that has a rich, Pain from a gallstone jaundice.

fatty main course. If you can be excruciating. Dosacje information-
have gallbladder problems, If the pain continues, despite Adults
you should eat this taking simple pain-relievers, One to two tablets of pain-
wonderful vegetable at least contact a physician relievers at onset of pain,
two or three times a week. immediately. Seek immediate repeated every 4 hours,- see
The chemicals in the medical help if the pain is package for details.
artichoke plant have a associated with fever or
specific stimulating effect on above Globe artichokes are known to

the gallbladder and liver. improve the gallbladder’s efficiency.


measu res

E! Professional help is

essential for severe or

oil and the juice of about 9-10
lemons. The remnants of the
A problematic gallbladder

necessitates quite a strict

The best way to prevent

gallstones is to be a vegetarian,
persistent problems, but general gallstones should then be passed food regime. If you have had one
since they are only half as likely
discomfort can be soothed by anti¬ with stools over the next 3 days, acute attack, you certainly will not
to suffer as meat-eaters. Taking
inflammatory and bitter herbs, to appearing as small stones and want another, and you can
dilute the bile and ease excretion. gritty sand. virtually eliminate the risk by the contraceptive pill increases

Use and Dosage: Try decoctions of milk-thistle adhering to the following the risk, and a high-fat diet

The "olive oil and lemon" remedy seeds, fringe-tree bark, or wild- nutritional advice. Apart from combined with being overweight
is often successful for gallstones. yam root (ltsp/5ml per cup), or an controlling the return of your increases it even further. But
After breakfast eat nothing more infusion of fumitory and agrimony symptoms, this dietary regime has
beware: constant alternating
until iearly evening, then drink 2-4 (ltsp/5ml each per cup). the added bonus of helping you
between drastic diets and
tbsp/30—60ml of olive oil, followed For gallstone sufferers, bitters toward a considerable loss of
bingeing, with the resultant loss
by the fresh juice of 1-2 lemons before meals (e.g. 2-5 drops of weight—and obesity is a common
and regain of weight over and
diluted with as little warm water as gentian, wormwood, or centaury cause of gallstones.
over again, will predispose you
possible. Continue alternating this tincture) can encourage bile flow,- Eat plenty of vegetables and
combination every 20-30 minutes a tea containing parsley piert, milk fruit, and generous portions of to an even greater risk of

through the evening until you thistle, and dandelion root whole grain cereals, particularly gallbladder problems.

have consumed lpt/500ml of olive (ltsp/5ml of each) may also help. oats, which help to eliminate
cholesterol, the most common
constituent of gallstones,- plenty of
fish, including oily fish (but avoid
smoked fish, as it has a high fat
Consult a physician for all over body. Worse for pressure.
content and too much salt),- and
gall-bladder problems. Watery stools that are clay-
beans, which also help the body to
& CHELIDONIUM 6c For pain colored.
get rid of cholesterol. And make
undei• right ribs extending to right HYDRASTIS 6c For gallstones,
sure that you have at least one
shoulder blade. Colic, jaundice, tenderness over liver. No appetite
large clove of garlic (or a high-
gallst ones, "bilious vomiting." or thirst. Jaundice. Stools white.
strength garlic pill) every day.
Stools pasty/yellow. Dosage: one tablet every 2-3
Avoid alcohol and caffeine, but
BERBERIS 6c For pain under hours for six doses, then three
you must drink a minimum of
right ribs radiating to stomach and times daily for 2-3 days.
3'Apt/].7l of water, in addition to

other drinks, every day.


fats (no beef, pork,

lamb, duck, or goose).
feet or hands should be Lavandula angustijolia
Chicken without skin is all
treated to address all areas of ± ROMAN CHAMOMILE
right, as long as it is roasted
imbalance. The liver reflex is Chamaemelum nobile
(unbasted) on a rack, broiled
located in the mid-section of the These oils help to reduce the
or boiled. Eat no butter, cream,
right palm and sole, and the pain—aromatherapy is not going
cheese (except cottage cheese),
gallbladder reflex beneath the to cure gallstones or any other
eggs, or fried food. You can use
fourth right finger and toe. gallbladder problems, but it can
skim milk, very low-fat yogurt, and
help to alleviate some of the
a little olive, sunflower or safflower
oil. Do not eat sausages, salami,
pate, ham, bacon, meat pies,
The easiest way to use these
pasties, or any processed
essential oils would be in a
meat whatsoever.
massage oil or massage lotion,
above A vegetarian diet avoids
which could be applied over the
many foods that trigger
area of the gallbladder.
gallbladder problems.

right Gastritis is either Diagnosing

acute, and brought on by Gastritis
something eaten or drunk, Pain or discomfort in the upper part
or chronic, when there is no of the abdomen, related to food
particular cause. Chronic May be associated with
gastritis usually occurs in nausea or belching
elderly people, and is due to

the breakdown of the

stomach lining.


gastrit is
S evere and sudden gastritis—inflammation of the stomach lining—is nearly always

self-inflicted. Too much alcohol, too many cigarettes, very hot chili or curry.. .all
M If the symptoms persist or are not
relieved by antacids.
these can he the trigger. Some medicines—both prescribed and “over-the-counter"—can

also cause damage to these sensitive tissues: aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

(NSAIDsf oral steroids, and some antimalarial pills are among the culprits.


Avoid spicy foods, hot the symptoms. Antacids can Antacids usually contain

drinks, alcohol, and also be helpful. magnesium or aluminum

smoking. Avoid nonsteroidal Dosage information ~ salts: the former (e.g. Milk of

anti-inflammatory drugs, which Adults and children over 16 Magnesia) tend to cause

are often taken for pain relief. Many types of antacid are diarrhea; the latter (e.g.

Eating frequent, regular small available as tablets or in liquid Aluminum hydroxide) may
meals of bland food may relieve form,- see package for details. cause constipation.


& ROMAN CHAMOMILE These oils help to relieve the pain ^ ^ REFLEXOLOGY: when the
Chamaemelum nobile and irritation of gastritis. SrisP® acute phase of diarrhea
tfe LAVENDER Application: and vomiting has passed, work the
Lavandula angustijolia Apply as a massage over the stomach and intestine reflexes on
& MELISSA abdominal area, or as a compress. the soles of the feet. Work lightly
Melissa officinalis for a few minutes daily to help
above Acidic foods may
restore normal function.
be a culprit.

Herbs will soothe Fenugreek seeds (2tsp It is not normally difficult
Avoiding food irritants and
and protect the /10ml per cup) in a to identify foods that
following the dietary advice
inflamed stomach lining, decoction with a pinch of trigger bouts of acute gastritis and,
given are essential for anyone
as well as reduce powdered cinnamon can once isolated, these can then be
with a history of recurring
acidity and ease bring relief; or use lemon avoided. In addition to those
associated nausea. balm, meadowsweet, and already listed, coffee (particularly gastritis. Modest consumption of

Use and Dosage: } fennel in an infusion instant coffee), pickles, vinegar, alcohol and total avoidance of

Slippery elm and (V2— Itsp /2.5-5ml of raw onions, and all the very sour nicotine are important. Include
marshmallow are popular each per cup). fruits may be implicated. regular use of all the culinary
and widely available in Use licorice root in a Long periods without food can
herbs that are aids to digestion—
tablets or powders (make into a decoction or dissolve a lin/2.5cm result in discomfort, even more so
parsley, sage, rosemary, thyme,
paste with warm water). licorice stick in a cup of hot water. at times of stress, when the
mint, ginger, dill, fennel, and
secretion of acid from the stomach
caraway in particular.
HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES lining is increased. Chronically,
this pattern can lead to stomach
Severe pains, vomiting & NUX VOMICA 6c For gastritis ulcers, now known to be caused by
blood or dark "coffee- from alcohol. Cannot stand the bacteria Helicobacter pylori (H.
grounds" fluid, or persistent pain pressure around waist. Cramping pylori)—a bug that is particularly
require medical attention. pains, worse for eating, anger. susceptible to the naturally
A consultation with a qualified Workaholic and irritable. occurring chemicals in manuka
homeopath is recommended. CAPSICUM 6c For burning or icy- honey.
(See also Peptic Ulcers on p.t52.) cold feeling in stomach. Wants A sensible eating pattern of
ffe BISMUTH 6c For burning pains in coffee but this makes them frequent small meals combined
stomach, severe cramps. Person is nauseous. Lots of flatulence. with avoidance of known or
frightened, wants someone with Dosage: one tablet taken every 2 suspected irritants is the key to SLIPPERY ELM: one of the many great
them all the time. Thirsty for cold hours for six doses, then three solving gastritis. traditional medicines of the Native North
water, which they vomit very times daily. Maximum period
Americans is the bark of the slippery, or
soon afterward. 3 days.
red, elm. It is sold as a powder in health-

food stores and, to make a soothing

drink, simply mix itsp/sml with a little

cold water, add 2tsp/toml of honey and
■ A quarter of a teaspoon
a cup of boiling water, stirring
of baking soda in a glass of
thoroughly. The resulting gruel should be
warm water helps
taken every morning before breakfast.
neutralize excess acid.
■ A tea made of licorice,
fennel, dill, or peppermint
can be instantly soothing,
particularly when a
spoonful of honey is added.
■ Honey itself is a

centuries-old traditional
remedy for peptic ulcers
and gastritis—and manuka

honey from New Zealand

is a tried-and-tested
above Manuka honey, used by the Maoris of New Zealand, fights
remedy of the Maoris.
the bacteria that cause peptic ulcers.
right Gastroenteritis is Diagnosing
caused by bacterial or viral Gastroenteritis
infection, and eating Nausea and vomiting
poisonous substances. Diarrhea
Although the vomiting and Crampy abdominal pain
diarrhea are very Mild fever
unpleasant, this is how the

body expels the poison or



including food poisoning
cute and violent diarrhea and vomiting may he caused by an infection that you

HI If diarrhea or vomiting is prolonged, to

l catch from someone else—bouts of this type of bug can run through closed
rule out any underlying illness.
communities like the proverbial dose of salts —but, most commonly, acute gastroenteritis
■ If you have been unable to hold down

fluids for longer than 12 hours.

is caused by food poisoning and is transmitted by food that has spoiled, been improperly

cooked or handled, or prepared by someone with contaminated hands. For an otherwise

fit and healthy adult, home remedies can help bring about an effective and rapid recovery.
Severe gastroenteritis,

especially in children or the

elderly, who are at particular

risk of dehydration, may be

Take a sip of fluid every water. They can be flavored or REFLEXOLOGY: when the
extremely grave or even
5 minutes. If the made into ice cubes to make KAS acute phase of diarrhea
vomiting continues and them more palatable. and vomiting has passed, work the
Avoid medicines that claim to symptoms persist for more than Prolonged diarrhea may require stomach and intestine reflexes on
stop diarrhea, as they tend to 12 hours, seek urgent medical further treatment, so seek the soles of the feet. Work lightly

prolong the illness; reserve attention. If the symptoms are medical advice. for a few minutes daily to help

them for occasions when it may less severe, drinking extra water Dosacje information- restore normal function.

be difficult to use a lavatory

will help, but this needs to be Adults and children YOGA: when the pain is really

frequently, such as while

combined with salt and sugar Dissolve the contents of an bad, place your hands where it
to be most effective. Special oral rehydration packet in water hurts most. Feel their warmth.
traveling or taking
oral rehydration fluid and drink after each episode Inhaling, imagine them healing
an examination.
preparations are available, of diarrhea,- see package you. Exhaling, imagine that the
which taste like strong mineral for full details. pain is gradually dissolving.

Herbs can ease the lining. Bilberry or cranberry juice * ROMAN CHAMOMILE
symptoms, while nature will combat fluid loss while easing Chamaemelum nobile
poisoning still occurs at home, where
gets rid of the irritant. bowel discomfort. & LAVENDER
scrupulous cleanliness in the kitchen and
Use and Dosage: Aloe vera juice is often Lavandula angustifolia
careful attention to personal hygiene are
Combine bistort and fenugreek recommended and is an ideal * MELISSA

decoction with an agrimony and remedy, if available. Melissa officinalis the first lines of defense. It should, but

gotu kola infusion (1 cup of the Take 10 drops of echinacea & TEA TREE sadly does not, go without saying that

mixture, three to five times daily) tincture in a little water every few Melaleuca alternifolia washing your hands after going to the

to soothe the lower bowel. hours in order to combat any bathroom is essential. But remember
Take slippery elm or marsh¬ infecting organisms.
to scrub your nails, too.
mallow capsules to protect the gut
KITCHEN hygiene: frozen meat and

poultry must be thawed slowly and

thoroughly before cooking,- poultry and

Starve for 24 hours, burgers must be cooked until all the juices

maintaining hydration by run clear,- separate chopping boards must

taking sips of water every 1 5 above Roman chamomile soothes

be used for raw and cooked meat and
minutes. The following emotional distress.
poultry (and separate cloths to clean up
remedies may be used for
afterward). In the refrigerator, carefully
Tea tree will stop cross-infection,
travelers' diarrhea.
separate raw meat and poultry from
& ARSENICUM ALBUM 6C For because it is antiviral and
antibacterial. Chamomile and all other foods: put them at the bottom
gastroenteritis from food
lavender calm and soothe but are in deep containers so that blood cannot
poisoning. Diarrhea and vomiting
■ Apart from the culinary
also painkillers. Lavender also drip onto other food.
at the same time. Chilly, better for
herbs, many of which have a
relieves the stress that accompanies travelers’ tips: protect yourself
soothing effect on the lining warmth. Patient restless, anxious,
gastroenteritis, while melissa is an
of the intestinal tract (see and weak. Heat improves burning with a few simple rules and lots of
antidepressant and relieves spasms
abdominal pain. Thirsty for common sense. Remember the old adage
Gastritis on p.t46), yogurt plays
in the digestive tract.
sips of liquid.
a vital role in recovering when traveling to far-flung places:
from gastroenteritis. The
ifc VERATRUM ALBUM 6c Give if
"Cook it, peel it, or forget it." Do not eat
Tea tree is useful in the home,
Arsenicum album fails, for very
natural bacteria present in undercooked meat, fish or poultry or raw
especially to protect other members
profuse watery stool. Thirsty for
yogurt, known as probiotics,
of the family—so have it burning, shellfish. Don't touch salads anywhere in
large quantities of cold drinks.
attack and destroy
and make sure that you use it to Asia or Africa. And be very wary of the
Dosage: one tablet hourly until
unwelcome bacteria, play a
wash all surfaces down, and wash hotel buffet, sweltering in the fly-infested
improved, then every 4 hours.
key role in the digestive
out the bath and any soiled linen. sunshine. Water can be a great hazard—
Maximum 5 days.
process and have an immune-
Use the other oils in the bath, in a
beware ice cubes!
boosting effect on your
body lotion or for massage.
natural resistance. This is
also true of fermented milk
products. Unfortunately, NUTRITION

none of these benefits is

The first step is to replace You will not feel like eating until
provided by most commercial
lost fluids and electrolytes. the worst symptoms have abated.
yogurts, which contain none
Over-the-counter products are When you do, avoid all dairy
of the live bacteria, after
available, but in an emergency products for at least 48 hours and,
being treated a second time.
make your own by adding 8tsp/40g during that time, stick to the BRAT
For this reason, you must
of sugar or honey and ltsp/5ml of diet—ripe Bananas, boiled Rice,
choose live yogurt, which is a
salt to 2pt/ll of boiled water, then Apples, and dry whole wheat
rich source of the beneficial
drink a wineglassful every half- Toast. Do not have any ice-cold above Try the BRAT diet as
probiotic bacteria.
hour. Give children2—4tsp/10—20ml drinks and avoid all citrus juices. a first step back on the road

every 10 minutes. to normal eating.

right Lice live on the skin Diagnosing
and feed by sucking blood, Infestation
causing intense itching. Parasitic skin infections cause an

Intestinal parasites enter itchy rash

the body through Worms in the digestive tract may be

contaminated food, and may passed in the stool and may cause

cause anal itching or more itching around the anus

serious symptoms.

worms and parasites

arasites like bead lice and scabies and the wide variety of intestinal worms, such as

pinworm, are no respecters of person or position. Any one of us can come into contact
■ If you suspect that you are suffering

from an intestinal parasite. with an affected child's head or eat a piece of infected meat or fish. Intestinal parasites

require medical attention, while skin infestations can take several treatments to clear,

CAUTION particularly in the case of some head lice, which have become resistant to some currently
Infants and asthmatics should
available medicated shampoos and treatment lotions. In both cases, however, there are home
avoid using alcoholic solutions

for head lice. remedies that can help with the infestation.


Pinworms are easily affected area needs treatment. Dosage information ~

treated with a single Do not use insecticides too Adults and children
dose of mebendazole, although frequently on children,- instead, For scabies, apply a water-based
it may need to be repeated after for head lice, try regularly solution all over the body.
2—3 weeks. The whole family combing the hair with a fine nit- For head lice, apply a water-
should be treated at the same comb. This is easily done after based lotion to the whole scalp.
time. Parasitic skin infestations washing. Put on conditioner and Repeat after 7 days.
can be treated with insecticides, leave for 5 minutes before For pinworms, take one
above Conventional treatment relies
which are available as lotions combing, then wash off. dose of mebendazole, repeated
on insecticidal shampoo. Do not
and shampoos, and the whole 2 weeks later.
use too often.

JKV As well as carrots (see under of the tincture, well diluted in
travelers’ TIPS: most worms and
KAkl Kitchen Medicine), cabbage is water or carrot juice and taken on
their eggs survive only in raw or
a traditional remedy for pinworms an empty stomach, may be
undercooked food. The fish tapeworm—
and can be used in the same way. sufficient to clear the problem.
found in pickled, raw, or undercooked
And there are other herbal Repeat the dose after 14 days (to
remedies for infestation. match the threadworm's life cycle). fish—is a risk in Scandinavia, parts of
■ Pumpkin seeds are a
Use and Dosage: Head lice can best be treated by Switzerland, the Baltic countries, and the
traditional remedy for worms,
Take garlic as a preventative when putting a few drops of neat tea- Far East (especially Japan). The beef
and here is an effective, but
you are traveling. tree or thyme oil onto a fine worm is found throughout the Middle
long and not exactly pleasant
Wormwood is one of the most comb and then combing the hair
treatment. Scald A cup/50g of East, Africa, and South America—rare
effective herbal remedies, but is well night and morning,- use a
pumpkin seeds with boiling burgers and steak are a real danger. The
very bitter and unpleasant to taste: strong tansy infusion as a rinse
water and remove the outer pork worm is most common in Eastern
ltsp/5ml (V4tsp/lml for children) after shampooing.
skin. Add a little milk to the
Europe, Africa, and Southeast Asia—
husks and grind to a paste—
and it represents a much more serious risk
most easily done with a HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES
than the other worms, as the larvae can
mortar and pestle, though the
The following remedies ft? NATRUM PHOSPHORICUM 6c migrate to the eye (where they cause
back of a wooden spoon will
i i have a reputation for For greenish diarrhoea and noisy blindness) or the brain (epilepsy).
do. After 12 hours without
helping to clear worms. flatus, which can bring some stool Mouse droppings may carry the
food, eat all of the resulting
However, if the symptoms with it. Itching anus.
paste and wait another 2 eggs of the dwarf tapeworm, which
persist, consult a physician. Dosage: one tablet twice daily.
hours without eating. Then contaminate food stores, but cause very
take 4tsp/20ml of castor oil ft? CINA 6c Common name: Maximum 1 week.
few symptoms. This parasite is common
mixed with orange juice. You wormseed. For patient who is ft? STAPHYSAGRIA For head lice,
in Egypt, parts of the Mediterranean,
can have a light meal now and restless, frantic, and irritable. dilute mother tincture (which is
Sudan, and areas of South America.
should pass the worms after Itchy rectum. May have diarrhea available at homeopathic
and cramping abdominal pain, pharmacies) in a ratio of 1:10 In Holland and Scandinavia, where
about 3 hours.
better for pressure. with baby shampoo. Shampoo the raw herrings are a popular delicacy,

CAUTION ft? SABADILLA 6c For chilly and hair, then leave on for 10 minutes, there is the risk of acquiring roundworm,

not thirsty person. Itching in the rinse and comb hair through. though modern production techniques of
Under no circumstances,
rectum may alternate with itchy Repeat next night if there are
take castor oil for any freezing the herring for a few days kill
nose. Usually considered a hay- further signs of lice. Repeat again
other purpose. Do not the worms.
fever remedy. 1 week later.
use it as a laxative. With
LICE: the only way to protect yourself
repeated use it can be
against head lice is never to let your hair
extremely damaging to
come into direct contact with anyone
the intestines.
ft? ROSEMARY Application: else's. Pubic lice can only be caught in
Rosmarinus officinalis For threadworm, the oils can be
someone else's bed.
U Two other traditional ft? LAVENDER used to massage the abdomen.

foods may not be quite as Lavandula angustifolia This should be accompanied by

effective, but are certainly ft? ROMAN CHAMOMILE treatment from your physician or
more palatable. Naturopaths Chamaemelum nobile pharmacist. To deter or treat head

have long advocated eating a ft? NIAOULI lice, add 1—2 drops of the oils to the REFLEXOLOGY: as part of a

big portion of carrots or Melaleuca viridiflora final rinse water,- or mix 2—3 drops iA» more complete cleansing

drinking a large glass of ft? EUCALYPTUS with some warm vegetable oil program, work the reflexes of the
carrot juice each day, as well Eucalyptus radiata (about ltsp/5ml), then massage into digestive tract on the soles and
as drinking the juice of a ft? TEA TREE the hair, wrap the hair in plastic palms. Begin beneath the knuckles
whole lemon vigorously Melaleuca alternifolia wrap, and a warm towel, and leave or the balls of the feet and work
mixed with 1 tbsp/l 5ml of These oils are calming and overnight. In the morning comb down firmly and thoroughly to the
olive oil. soothing and will help to through, then wash out the hair,- wrists or heels, especially over the
fight infection repeat if necessary. liver and colon reflexes.
right Peptic ulcers are an Diagnosing
inflamed break in the Peptic ulcers
mucous membrane lining Pain in the upper part of the
the stomach. Like mouth abdomen, often in a specific
ulcers, they are very painful place and that can be pointed

and are aggravated by out with one finger

certain foods. Pain is often worse at night

May be worse when hungry and

associated with nausea, flatulence,

and heartburn


ic ulcers
P eptic ulcers are caused by erosion oj the lining of the stomach by excessive amounts

of gastric acid. While stress frequently plays a part in this condition, we now know
M If you have specific pain in the

upper abdomen and have lost

that the balance between the acid digestive juices and the protective mucus produced by
weight unintentionally.

■ If it is the first time you have had these the stomach lining is also upset. The latest research has shown that bacteria called
symptoms and you are over 40 years old.
Helicobacter pylori may cause some ulcers. These bacteria are very widespread and

are common in cats, which may pass them on to their human owners, some of whom may

CAUTION develop an ulcer. There are still those who recommend bland diets of boiled rice and steamed

Nonsteroidal anti¬ fish for people with peptic ulcers, but simple home remedies and good healthy eating can
inflammatory drugs can
often overcome this problem permanently
make the symptoms worse.

Antacids usually contain

magnesium or aluminum

salts: the former (e.g. Milk Avoid spicy foods, hot physician may refer you to have if stress is a factor, then regular

of Magnesia) tend to cause drinks, alcohol, and further tests or may recommend exercise can help to dissipate

diarrhea; the latter (e.g. smoking. Do not take any a trial of an H2 antagonist first. the build-up of adrenalin and

Aluminum hydroxide) may nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory If you have Helicobacter pylori promote the release of the

cause constipation. drugs, which are often used for infection, you may need a “feel-good” and relaxing

pain relief. Eating frequent, course of antibiotics. hormones known as

regular small meals of bland Dosacje information ~ endorphins. Obviously the

food may relieve the symptoms. Adults and children over I 6 amount and type of exercise
Antacids can also be helpful— Many types of antacid are taken should be commensurate
try them if symptoms persist for available as tablets or in liquid with your age and the state of
more than a week. Your form,- see package for details. your physical health.

Herbal antibacterials, such Use and Dosage: In order to promote
DIET: ulcers can be prevented by sensible
as blue flag, echinacea, red Make 2tsp/10ml of slippery-elm healing of the gastric
eating. Food should be taken at regular
clover, thyme, and wild indigo, are powder into a gruel with a cup of lining, it is important to eat foods
intervals and in moderate quantities to
worth taking in capsules or teas to hot milk for relief from the that are rich in zinc, so eat plenty
avoid overloading the stomach and
combat the underlying cause. symptoms. of whole grains, pumpkin seeds,
Symptomatic relief from peptic oysters, and most shellfish; stimulating excessive production of
Licorice extracts have been used
ulcers comes from soothing in orthodox medicine for treating broccoli, red and green bell gastric juices. Long periods without food

demulcents, like slippery elm or ulceration: make a decoction of peppers, kiwis, apricots, and the can be a causative factor, and chewing

marshmallow, meadowsweet or the root, or dissolve licorice-juice sweeter citrus fruit for their vitamin gum may encourage the production of
Irish moss, taken as teas, liquid sticks in water and take in C and beta-carotene. These
gastric juices, which is a bad thing if
extracts, or tinctures. 2tsp/l0ml doses or add to teas. nutrients promote healing of the
there is no food for them to work on, for
ulcer. Oily fish is also important, as
they are then more likely to attack the
HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES its omega-3 fatty acids protect the
stomach lining. Cut down your salt
whole gastric lining.
A consultation with intake, avoid excessive amounts of
& PHOSPHORUS 6c For burning Contrary to traditional dietary
a homeopath is pain. Worse for eating, better for advice, a diet that is rich in fiber alcohol (especially spirits], and do not

recommended, after seeing cold food. Thirst for ice-cold is also protective, but avoid eat large quantities of smoked or pickled

your physician. water, but vomits soon afterwards. spoonfuls of uncooked bran. foods. If you have had peptic ulcers in
ARSENICUM ALBUM 6c For raw, May vomit "coffee grounds." Oats, brown rice, and most root the past, it is probably best to avoid hot
burning feeling in stomach. Worse Dosage: one tablet twice daily. vegetables contain soluble fiber,
chilis and very strong curries. Large
for food and drink. Better for milk. Maximum 2 weeks. which is more soothing.
amounts of coffee (especially instant)
Food feels as if it sticks in gullet,
may also irritate the stomach lining and
with nothing going through.
cause a recurrence of your ulcer.
Person is frightened and restless.
& graphites 6c For burning or The aim of aromatherapy
JL-vj I
constricting pain in stomach. here would be to reduce
Better temporarily for eating and stress levels, rather than treat the
warm milk. Vomits food above Arsenicum is prepared from ulcer, so look up the oils for stress
immediately after eating. white oxide of arsenic. (see p.6o) and use them in the way

that is most relevant to you, below Take measures to reduce the

OUTSIDE HELP applying your sense of smell to amount of stress in your life. Many
KITCHEN MEDICINE find the oils that you like best. physicians now offer courses in stress
■ Scientists in New Zealand r ^ REFLEXOLOGY: the mid- Do make sure you have good management. Set aside time for
have shown that manuka KAfl section of the soles of the diagnosis and that you do truly periods of complete relaxation
honey (from the tea tree) has feet contains the reflexes of the have a peptic ulcer. within the day.
the ability to kill the particular stomach and duodenum. Make
bug responsible for ulcers. several passes over this area,
2tsp/10ml with each meal and pausing to compress tender points

another at bedtime will gently. Complete reflexology

normally produce results treatment may be given regularly

within a few weeks. to reduce stress levels.

■ In European natural YOGA: see Stress (p.6o), which is

medicine, raw cabbage and often linked to ulcers. Practice

potato juice are known to be with great awareness to discover

effective in the treatment and what helps. Use Shitali or Sitkari

cure of peptic ulcers. A small with long exhalation. Lie in the

wine glass before each meal, Relaxation Posture, hands resting

on a daily alternating basis, is lightly over your abdomen, and

known to work. make the sound "aah" as you

breathe out.
right IBS includes a range of Diagnosing
symptoms, for which there Irritable bowel
is no single solution. But SYNDROME

sufferers have the power to Recurrent episodes of abdominal

improve and control the pain with constipation or diarrhea

distressing symptoms Pain is often relieved by passing

themselves. wind or a bowel movement


irrita ble b owel

■ Oats are particularly
rritable bowel syndrome has in recent years graduated from a relatively obscure

condition, known as spastic colon, to epidemic proportions throughout the US and

beneficial in the relief of
IBS, as they contain both Britain. Though it can be the secjuel to a severe bout of food poisoning or gastroenteritis,
soluble fiber and mucilage,
a substance that lubricates it is far more likely to be the result of an over-consumption of bran fiber and under¬
the bowel. In addition to
consumption of the soluble fiber found in fruit and vegetables. Contrary to the opinion of
eating a bowl of porridge
or muesli every day, make
some practitioners of alternative medicine, it is not caused by the yeast infection Candida
sure that you also have
2'A cups/600ml of thin and equally it is not, as many physicians believe, a symptom of depression or other
porridge gruel. To make
this, add 2 heaped psychological illness. Stress, however, can play a major part and it is hardly surprising
tbsp/40ml of oatmeal to 2'A
cups/600ml of boiling
that, after years of uncomfortable IBS symptoms, many sufferers do become stressed or
water and stir continuously
depressed. But IBS is a prime example of home remedies offering the best treatment.
until it comes back to the
boil. Simmer the gruel for

20 minutes, still stirring CONVENTIONAL MEDICINE

occasionally, then strain

Keeping a food diary symptoms worse, although it with stress. If the symptoms
through a fine sieve, add
can help to establish can be helpful in some cases. persist, your physician may
1 tsp/5ml of honey and
links between symptoms and Relaxation techniques may be recommend trying medication
ltbsp/l5ml of light cream.
particular foods. Many people beneficial, as irritable bowel to relax the muscle in the

find that dietary fiber makes the syndrome is often associated digestive tract.

PP^H Herbs can help regulate simmer 2tsp/l0ml of seeds with a If alternating bouts of
Simple herbal remedies like
1 digestive function as well pinch of cinnamon in a cup of constipation, diarrhea,
hypericum have no side-effects,
as ease the discomfort of IBS. water for 10-15 minutes. flatulence, and stomach distension,
are not habit-forming, and will
Use and Dosage: Herbs like wild yam and cramp with almost constant pain, have
help with depression while you
Make an infusion from equal bark can ease painful gut spasms been with you for years, do not
amounts of agrimony, hops, and cramps: use them either in despair. Changing your eating experiment with your diet.

meadowsweet, and peppermint decoctions or as tinctures habits can—and does—restore

and drink a cup before meals. (10 drops taken on the tongue at your life to normal. Do not expect
Fenugreek tea can also help— 30-minute intervals). instant success, as this is a process
of trial and error. Do keep detailed any regular exercise will help

records of what you eat and its improve general digestive function,
consequences, so that you know but abdominal exercises are really

IBS responds well to which foods are okay and which important here.Take care, though,
NUX VOMICA 6c For cramping
homeopathic treatment. abdominal pains. Worse for eating. ones you should avoid. for many of the traditional stomach

If the following remedies do Better after bowels open and for Eat plenty of food that contains exercises can put a strain on your

not help, then consult a warm drinks. Constipation: small soluble fiber—fruit, vegetables, back. Do the following exercises 5

homeopath. amounts of stool. Constant feeling oats, and beans. Cereals contain a times each night and morning,

& LYCOPODIUM 6c For bloating need to go to bathroom. Diarrhea mixture of soluble and insoluble building up to 20 repetitions once

that is better for passing wind alternates with constipation. fiber,- but wheat bran is not only an your muscles get stronger.

Rumbling in stomach. Eating little PULSATILLA 6c For changeable irritant, but can also interfere with

gives a sense of fullness. Craves the way in which the body absorbs 1. Lie on your back and bend one
stool, no two alike. Bloating.
knee, keeping that foot flat on the
candies and warm food and drink. Indigestion from fatty and rich vital nutrients like iron and
floor Raise the other leg straight until
Hard stool, then changes to liquid. foods. Little or no thirst. calcium. You must drink at least it is level with the knee. Hold for 5
Constipation away from home. 3pt/1.51 of water every day and seconds, then lower slowly, Change
Dosage: one tablet twice daily.
legs and repeat.
Maximum 1 week. ensure that you eat proper meals
2. Starting in the same position as in
at regular intervals. And it is
I, with the left leg bent, stretch your
important to make generous use of right hand toward your left knee,
all the culinary herbs that help the lifting only your head and right
shoulder off the floor Hold for 5
^ ACUPRESSURE: regular use & NEROLI
digestive process—rosemary, sage,
seconds, then relax. Change legs and
rA'Q of point 4 will help to thyme, mint, dill, caraway, garlic, repeat, stretching left hand toward
J Citrus aurantium
and ginger. right knee.
keep the large bowel functioning & ROMAN CHAMOMILE
The idea that IBS is an allergic 3. Sit with both knees bent and
efficiently. Chamaemelum nobile
hands grasping the back of the thighs.
REFLEXOLOGY: work the reflexes
response is erroneous, but for some
tfc ROSE Using your arm muscles, allow
of the digestive tract daily, people it is an adverse reaction yourself to lean gradually back, then
Rosa damascena/Rosa centijolia
to specific foods. These (in pull up with the arms to the upright
especially below the spleen on the These oils are calming and
position. Do not let your trunk go all
descending order of likelihood)
left foot. Start working beneath soothing, not only on a physical the way down to the floor
the finger knuckles or toe joints are: meat and meat products, daily In time, as your abdominal muscles
level but on an emotional one.
produce, and wheat products. Try strengthen, you will gradually get
and continue down to the wrist or Application:
farther and farther back, until you
excluding them in groups—one at
heel on the palms and soles. Use in abdominal massage, with can eventually change from "sit-
a time, for at least 2 weeks. Even if downs" to sit-ups.
YOGA: see Stress (p.6o). When either an aqueous cream or oil
you do not notice a significant 4. Lie flat on the floor with both
affected, practice gently, with The oils can also be used in a
improvement, you might find that heels on a stool or chair about
great awareness, and stop if any warm compress or in the bath.
!2in/30cm high. Raise one straight
movement feels wrong. Lie in the the symptoms get worse when you
leg and lower slowly. Repeat with the
reintroduce these foods. This is a other leg. After 3 weeks, raise both
Relaxation Posture with your
clue that you should continue to legs together To protect your back,
hands over your stomach.
never do straight-leg raises starting
avoid them. Get professional help
with your feet on the floor or worse
before excluding any complete still, with them wedged under a piece
group of food from your diet for of furniture or held down by
somebody else.
any length of time.

right If feces is retained for Diagnosing

several days, it dries out Constipation
and becomes harder to Straining to defecate

pass. Occasionally, straining Hard feces, sometimes

will cause an anal fissure. painful to pass

Help it to heal by applying Stomach pain

a soothing ointment. Bloating

General feeling of malaise



■ Pour I'AptlX I of boiling

C onstipation is one of the most common of all digestive problems, and at the same

time the one most suited to home treatment. People vary as to how often they open
water over 2lb/1 kg of pitted
prunes and a few pieces of their bowels: some normally go irregularly maybe no more than every 2 or 3 days, others
bruised licorice stick. Leave
to stand overnight. Remove go two or three times a day, or more. Children, the elderly, and pregnant women are more
the licorice, drain off the
liquid, and puree in a
prone to constipation, but it can occur in either sex at any age. A lack of the right sort
blender. Keep in the
of soluble fiber, insufficient fluid, and bad toilet habits are the prime causes, and these are
refrigerator and take
4tsp/20ml with breakfast
all easily remedied.
and 2tsp/10ml with a warm

drink at bedtime.

If the bowel has with some suppositories, can be for dosage information. A short
become stretched and helpful. If you suspect that course will usually restore a

EXERCISE full of feces, it needs to be prescribed medicines may be regular bowel habit, and the
retrained to respond to the urge causing your constipation, laxative can then be reduced
ALL EXERCISE is good, but
to go to the bathroom, by consult your physician for over a week, before stopping.
activities that work the
sitting regularly on the lavatory, advice before reducing the One or two glycerol
abdominal muscles are
without being hurried and dose. If constipation persists suppositories, moistened before
particularly so. Swimming,
without straining. The best seek medical help. use, will stimulate bowel
rowing (boats or machines),
time to do this is after a meal. Dosage information ~ movement. Usually once a day
and sit-up exercises all help Hard feces may need softening Adults is sufficient. Adult and child
to tone the abdominal by changing the diet and Natural or vegetable sizes are usually available.
muscles and get rid of increasing your fluid intake, laxatives are safe and Children
constipation. But abdominal although this may take a day or nonaddictive, so ask your Consult a physician for
exercises can stress the two to take effect. In the pharmacist for advice in medical advice before starting
lower back (see Back meantime, a laxative, together choosing one. Consult package laxatives.

Pain on p. 100).
Drastic herbal yellow dock and licorice roots In almost all cases
Follow the nutritional
purgatives—like senna and (2tsp/10ml to 1Vi cups/350ml of constipation is the result
advice to protect
cascara sagrada—were once water, simmered for 10 minutes) of faulty nutrition—
yourself from
household standbys, but should be with a dash of anise or fennel insufficient daily liquid
used in moderation, as long-term seeds to ease griping. and a shortfall in
use can damage the digestive Help lubricate the bowel with the amount of - / Watch out for

system. ispaghula seeds—add ltsp/5ml to a fiber required. medicines that can

Use and Dosage: cup of boiling water, cool, then Constipation is sometimes cause
Each morning, take a decoction drink the entire mix,- orange juice aggravated—and constipation as a
of equal amounts of dandelion, instead of water improves flavor. may even be
caused by—
including pain-
irregular toilet habits.
HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES reliever containing
Psychological factors
codeine and also iron
can play a major part,
Increase your intake of BRYONIA 6c For hard, dry, tablets. Children may
too. Drink at least 4pt/2l of water
fluids and fiber, and make large crumbly stools. May have
each day and eat regular portions become constipated following
sure that you take regular diarrhea after taking cold
of unpeeled apples, pears, root the change from formula or
exercise. A teaspoon of linseeds drinks. Thirsty for large
vegetables, oats, beans, and all breast milk to cow's milk.
taken daily may help. Sudden quantities of fluids.
green vegetables,- at least one
changes in bowel habit require & OPIUM 6c For stools that are REGULAR TOILET HABITS: never
container of live natural yogurt
medical attention. hard black balls. No urge to open ignore the essential call of nature (this
daily,- and plenty of real whole
ALUMINA 6c For soft, sticky bowels. Constipation from fright does not mean going to the bathroom
wheat bread. Brown rice, whole
or hard, dry stools that are and in newborn babies. Opium
wheat pasta, porridge, and muesli with a cigarette, a cup of tea, and the
difficult to pass, even when may require a prescription in
are great providers of soluble morning papers). Avoid the regular use of
soft. Constipation in the elderly, some countries.
fiber—smoothage, rather than irritant laxatives and excessive straining,
from inactivity. No urge to Dosage: one tablet three times
roughage. Do not use uncooked which is a certain guarantee of getting
open bowels. daily. Maximum 1 week.
bran or high-bran cereals.
hemorrhoids (see p. 1 76).



23, 28, and 29 are all yV- i Piper nigrum

helpful for constipation. tk GINGER

REFLEXOLOGY: the reflex for the Zingiber officinale

colon can be found on the lower & MARJORAM

half of the hands and feet, but to Origanum majorana

relieve this condition, work the

The Twist. (7) Sit with your left arm (2) Exhaling, slowly turn to look over
entire soles and palms in order to around your right knee, palm resting right shoulder. Hold for two breaths, These oils are warming and
on your thigh, right hand on the floor then repeat on the opposite side.
stimulate the functioning of the stimulating to the digestive
behind you,
digestive system. system.

YOGA: emphasize twisting Application:

postures and forward bends,

© Use these oils for abdominal

contracting the lower abdomen massage—mix the essential oil

each time you exhale, releasing it with either a lotion or a carrier

as you inhale. Try: standing— oil and massage in a clockwise

Forward Bend, Twisted Triangle, direction. This stimulates

Squat,- lying—Relax, Twist, Knees (l) Bend forward from the hips
peristalsis, which is the muscular

over-Chest,- sitting—Twist, whilst exhaling and reaching toward movement of the digestive tract.

Forward Bend. Finish with Two-

Forward Bend. (7) Sit erect, with your feet. Hold your feet, lower your
Check your stress levels
your feet out in front of you. Inhale head, and stay for several breaths.
Foot Support and relaxation. and raise your arms. Come out of the position in reverse. (see Stress on p.6o).
right Diarrhea has many Diagnosing
possible causes, but an Diarrhea
acute attack is usually Passing of feces more frequently,
due to gastroenteritis and which are often soft or watery, or

should not last for more may be more bulky than usual

than a few days. Exercise May also be symptoms reflecting

particular caution about the underlying cause of the diarrhea,

the food you eat when including fever, vomiting, and

traveling abroad. cramp-like abdominal pain


D iarrhea is a symptom, not an illness. The passing offrecjuent, loose, or even liquid

stool (sometimes uncontrollable] is the result of irritation or inflammation of the

■ If there is any sudden change in

bowel habits that lasts more than gut. It is often accompanied by severe vomiting and may be caused by overindulgence,
2 or 3 days (sooner in children

and the elderly). too much alcohol, or bacterial infection from food poisoning. Most minor bouts of diarrhea

can be dealt with adequately in your own home, but prolonged diarrhea may be the result

of a more serious underlying illness and can cause severe dehydration, particularly in

small children and the elderly

Avoid medicines that claim to

stop diarrhea, as they tend to

prolong the illness. Reserve

them for occasions when it
■ Garlic comes to the
may be difficult to use a Water, salts and water. They can be flavored or
rescue yet again. Crush
lavatory frequently, such as minerals lost through made into ice cubes to make
four cloves of garlic and
while traveling or taking diarrhea need to be replaced. them more palatable. Prolonged
stir into a llb/450g jar
an examination. Drinking extra water will help, diarrhea may require
of honey. Dissolve
but after a while, you will feel medical treatment.
2tsp/l0ml of this mixture
tired and ill if you do not also Dosage information ~
in a tumbler of hot water
replace the salts and minerals. Adults and children
and sip slowly, repeating
This is particularly important Dissolve the contents of an oral
three times daily.
in children and frail adults. rehydration packet in water and
Special oral rehydration fluid drink after each episode of
preparations are available, diarrhea. See package for details.
which taste like strong mineral

HRH One household standby Use and Dosage: Diarrhea is natures way of
HYGIENE: good kitchen hygiene is a
to soothe an inflamed Use 2tsp/10ml of herb per cup of getting rid of poisonous or
must, as food poisoning in the home is a
digestive tract is simply to drink boiling water. irritating material, so unless
very common occurrence. Keep all raw
cups of unsweetened black tea: Package a small bottle of absolutely essential, do not take
meats and poultry totally separate from
the high tannin content has an tincture of any of these herbs to anti-diarrhea drugs for the first
astringent effect, soothing and 24 hours and do not eat, either. other foods, in the bottom compartment of
combat vacation diarrhea (take
repairing sore tissues. Fderbs to use ltsp/5ml in water up to six times a You must replace fluids and the refrigerator. Use separate boards for

in teas for all sorts of diarrhea day), or eat papaw—a traditional electrolytes, so make up 2pt/l! of preparing raw meat, poultry, and fish,

include agrimony, bistort, lady's tropical remedy for diarrhea. freshly boiled water with a mixture and other foods. Wash your hands
mantle, meadowsweet, raspberry of 8tsp/45g of sugar and ltsp/5ml
thoroughly after handling raw meat or
leaves, and tormentil. of salt, and drink the whole
poultry and before touching any other
amount at least twice a day—if
food or utensil.
necessary, two or three spoonfuls
every few minutes. TRAVELERS’ TIPS: travelers' diarrhea

After 24 hours use the BRAT affects vast numbers of vacationers and
Usually self-limiting, CHINA 6c For painless
diet: ripe Bananas, boiled Rice, business travelers, so be extra cautious
diarrhea requires the diarrhea of undigested food,
Apples and dry whole wheat Toast.
same general measures as for flatulence, and colic. Worse after anywhere outside North America and
Eat little and often for the next 48
gastroenteritis. Persistent eating fruit. Patient feels weak. northern Europe. Do not eat salads-,
hours, after which add boiled or
diarrhea needs medical & COLOCYNTHIS 6c For jelly- beware the cold buffet standing in the hot
investigation. jacket potatoes, cooked carrots
like stool immediately after food sun, and remember the maxim “Cook it,
with any other mixed vegetables,
& PODOPHYLLUM 6c Gushing, or drink. Cutting abdominal pain,
peel it or forget it." Do not eat
and an egg. Then gradually get
watery diarrhea,- flatus sometimes relieved by bending double and
back to normal eating, saving all undercooked meat, poultry or shellfish.
causes stool to pass. Stool by pressure.
daily products until last. And it is no good cleaning your teeth
offensive, may be pasty or yellow. Dosage: one tablet hourly until
with bottled water, then putting ice cubes
Colic pains before stool better for improved, then every 4 hours.
lying on abdomen. Maximum 5 days. in your cocktail. When traveling in Asia

or Africa, ignore the normal rules of

right The BRAT healthy eating and stick to fried and

diet is the safest
char-grilled foods—preferably cooked in
a ACUPRESSURE: points 23, course to follow
front of you.
MlS 29, and 39 are helpful. after an attack.
Eat plenty of garlic, or take garlic
REFLEXOLOGY: for regulation of
capsules when you travel, as this is a
the intestines and colon, work the
powerful antibacterial. And avoid eating
soles of the feet and the palms of
the hands. Try rolling a golf ball in any establishments that look obviously

firmly between your two palms, dirty and unhygienic: this includes most

with the fingers linked. burger stalls, hot-dog stands, and

ice-cream vendors.


& ROMAN CHAMOMILE pains. They are also calming and

Lfc i Chamaemelum nobile soothing, not only to the

& NEROLI digestive tract, but also to the

Citrus aurantium nervous system (and stress may

& LAVENDER play a part). Chamomile is an

Lavandula angustifolia anti-allergen, useful if the diarrhea

& PEPPERMINT is an allergic reaction.

Mentha piperita Application:

These oils are antispasmodic, so Apply gentle abdominal massage

they will help griping stomach with any of these oils.

right Personal size and Diagnosing
shape are sources of great Weight problems
concern to most people Difficulty in maintaining the
living in our body-fixated recommended weight for your

society. Even young children height and build

are aware of “ideals’’ in You may weigh more or less than your

body shape. Neither ideal weight, or it may fluctuate from

extreme of the weight one extreme to the other

spectrum—fat or thin—is



weight problems
T he Western world has become obsessed with being overweight. Every newspaper and

magazine, together with countless books, now offer special "diets" that will

magically remove the surplus pounds from your body. Many of these diets are based on

extreme regimes, pseudoscience, and hocus pocus, and the real truth is that diets often do

not work in the long term. At the other end of the scale, there are many thousands of people

desperate to gain weight, but for them there is little help or advice. On the contrary, they

are usually regarded with envy by the massed ranks of the dieting brigade.

Both groups suffer emotionally as well as physically. Being severely overweight increases

the risk of heart disease, diabetes, respiratory problems, arthritis, and some forms of cancer,-

being painfully thin increases the risk of osteoporosis, menstrual problems in women, and

is often linked to reduced life expectancy. Neither group feels comfortable on the beach, at

the swimming pool or gym. The overweight will only achieve long-term success by changing

caution the way they eat and increasing the amount of physical activity they do. You might lose

lolb/4.5kg in 10 days on a drastic diet, but low-calorie eating simply leads to exhaustion,
Appetite-suppressants are

not recommended. irritability, sleep disturbance, and eventually to an eating binge that puts back l Tib!5.5kg

in 3 or 4 days. The shinnies end up stuffing in vast Quantities of fatty foods to increase

their calorie consumption, which puts them at risk of raised cholesterol and heart disease.


Herbal remedies are no exercise is a key factor in both These are best treated
real substitute for calorie weight loss and weight gain. with a remedy specific to
control, healthy eating, and Long, slow exercise, like cycling, the individual, which will help
exercise, and any proprietary walking, and swimming, helps to weight loss, together with a
"slimming" tea should be regarded burn up surplus calories, sensible diet. Consult a qualified
with suspicion: many are mixtures stimulate the metabolism, and homeopath. The following
of strong laxatives and diuretics, information illustrates how
make a weight-loss plan much
which will have only a short-term remedies differ.
more effective. Circuit training
effect on weight problems. Kelp & SULPHUR 30c For plump, hearty
in a gym and weight lifting will
can be useful, if the weight person with red cheeks. Lazy,
both help to build bigger
problem is associated with a untidy, does not feel the cold, and
muscles, improve body shape,
sluggish metabolism or an is worse for heat. Very sweaty, with
and add more bulk to those
underactive thyroid, although hot feet, which they have to put
who are over-skinny.
professional help is generally out of bed at night.
Both the overweight and
advisable in such cases. Malabar & CALCAREA CARBONICA 30c For
underweight will have to
tamarind is sometimes flabby person, who puts on weight
overcome their initial above Most people can benefit
recommended for short-term use, easily. Soft face, pale complexion.
embarrassment about exercising from going to the gym, but check
as it affects carbohydrate Sweaty head at night. Chilly, cold.
in front of others, but the with your physician if you have
metabolism and can therefore help Cold feet at night in bed and wants
benefits are enormous and the not exercised for some time.
prevent overeating. to wear socks, which are removed
rapid change in shape for both
after a while as feet get too hot.
groups will be gratifying.
Dosage: 1 tablet twice daily.
Maximum 1 week.


To lose weight, eat If people are overweight,

smaller portions of they often have a very
everything, avoiding fatty poor self-image, for which useful
and sugary food and essential oils would be jasmine (for
excessive amounts of confidence) and frankincense and
alcohol. In order to gain sandalwood (for insecurity). Any
weight, do the reverse, but of the citrus or floral oils will help
do not increase the amount the depression that may
of alcohol or food accompany weight problems.
containing high amounts of Again, it is a question of using the
fat or sugar. Treating a oils you like most in a way that
serious weight problem may supports you—whether that is in
require qualified dietary the bath,- by having regular
advice. Psychological help is massage,- by using the oil as a
beneficial in some severe perfume,- as a lotion for your
cases. face/body, or just your hands,- or

simply by wearing a drop of

essential oil on the collar of
your jacket.

right Lotions perfumed with essential

oils lift the spirits with their enveloping

fragrance. You can use them as often

as you like.
weight problems


BREAKFAST, sliced blood oranges BREAKFAST: an orange, half a BREAKFAST: orange or grapefruit
Weight loss: there is only
and pink grapefruit,- a helping of pink grapefruit,- yogurt with honey juice,- cold spiced apricots,- yogurt
one successful route to
creamy yogurt, with nuts and and nuts
weight control and that is to LIGHT MEAL OR SNACK: zucchini

change your eating patterns and honey, if liked LIGHT MEAL OR SNACK: baked pasta, or black olive pate with
habits. Naturally these have to fit LIGHT MEAL OR SNACK potato with butter or sour cream, toasted rye bread, cucumber,
in with your lifestyle, job, and
scrambled eggs and mushrooms and plenty of chopped fresh herbs, lettuce, and watercress salad
other commitments, but you need
with a green salad,- dried fruit served with red salad (tomatoes,
MAIN MEAL: crudites,- lamb chop
to follow a regime that ends up
compote (make enough for two red bell pepper, radishes, radicchio)
being the way you want to eat, with tarragon and cucumber,-
meals) on lettuce leaves,- a ripe sweet pear
if you are going to achieve orange souffle omelette
permanent success and never have MAIN MEAL.- bell peppers stuffed MAIN MEAL: rabbit with prunes,
to worry about another diet. Meal with rice, served with peas and served with young cabbage, dried
replacements, "diet foods," ready¬ Weight gain: those of you
stalks of celery,- dates and figs fruit compote (make enough for
made low-calorie meals and desperately trying to gain weight
two meals)
appetite-reducing cookies are all have the problem of increasing

the path to misery and failure. your calorie consumption without

Balanced consumption of real TUESDAY FRIDAY
relying on high-fat dairy
food, eaten at proper intervals, is BREAKFAST, dried fruit compote,- BREAKFAST: dried fruit compote products—like cream, cheese, and
the only remedy that works and
an orange,- yogurt with yogurt or a little light cream butter—and high-fat meat
keeps you healthy and happy.
LIGHT MEAL OR SNACK gratin LIGHT MEAL OR SNACK half an products. Good carbohydrates,
The suggestions in the
of mushrooms and potatoes, with a avocado, sliced, with cress, such as whole wheat bread, brown
following 7-day menu plan will

provide all the nutrients you need lettuce and watercress salad,- a ripe tomatoes, and cucumber, on rice, pasta, potatoes, and all the

without having to count a single sweet pear lettuce with a little oil and a drop dried beans, are excellent sources

calorie. Combined with some MAIN MEAL: mustard-marinated or two of lemon dressing,- crusty of calories, but they are bulky, so
exercise, this way of eating will whole wheat roll and a little butter the amount you can consume is
salmon with pureed spinach,-
help you achieve a sensible weight
apricot and almond crumble MAIN MEAL: beet and apple limited. Make sure that you eat
loss of around l-2lb/450g-lkg a
soup,- fish in chili sauce with modest amounts of food, but at
week, without making you a social
steamed broccoli more frequent intervals—at least
outcast who is living on celery and
WEDNESDAY every 2 to 3 hours. Get extra
carrot sticks. Remember: it is what
BREAKFAST: hot whole wheat calories from fresh unsalted nuts,
you do most of the time that
matters—if you have one bad rolls with butter,- a banana seeds, unsalted peanut butter,
BREAKFAST: an orange,- an apple,-
meal, or a bad day (or even a LIGHT MEAL OR SNACK risotto tahini, avocados, olive oil, and
a banana,- yogurt
whole bad week), don't quit,- just of marinated vegetables, with a plenty of dried fmit as nibbles. And
get yourself back on the plan as LIGHT MEAL OR SNACK salad
green salad,- raisins and nuts give yourself a real calorie boost
soon as you can. Nigoise, with stalks of celery and with a high-energy but very
MAIN MEAL: baked eggplant with
rye crispbread with a little cream healthy milkshake (such as one
crudites (carrot, celery, cucumber,
made from a banana, molasses,
fennel, sprigs of cauliflower),-
MAIN MEAL: chicken and onion honey, tahini, wheatgerm, brewer's
meatballs in tomato sauce with
casserole with steamed spring yeast powder, and dried apricots
green beans and stalks of celery
greens and a green salad,- spiced blended together). Remember: this

apricots (make enough for should be in addition to, not

two meals) instead of, other meals.


right Fibroids are benign Diagnosing

uterine growths, which a Fibroids
woman may not even be Most women with fibroids have no
aware of. They cannot be symptoms, but:

prevented, and will only be Commonest symptom is heavy

removed surgically if they menstrual bleeding

are causing annoying Some women notice the lower part

symptoms. of their abdomen is swollen

Urge to pass urine frequently may

be caused because fibroids are

pressing on the surrounding organs,

such as the bladder



■ For menstrual pain due

T hese benign tumors develop in the smooth muscle of the uterus and around 20 percent

of women over the age of 35 will he affected. They are more common in Afro-
to fibroids, apply alternate
hot and cold compresses to Caribbean women. They are probably the most common reason for a hysterectomy but
the lower abdomen and the
small of the back, adding 5 unless the symptoms are extreme, less invasive medical technic/ues can now be used, and
drops of lavender oil
self-help, with simple home remedies, may contain the growth of these estrogen-dependent
per 2'A cups/600ml

of hot and cold water.

tumors until menopause is reached. After this time the decline in the body's production of

estrogen results in a gradual reduction in fibroid size.


± ROSE Most fibroids do not ANY FORM of regular but estrogen. Women with

Rosa damascena/Rosa centifolia need any treatment, sensible exercise improves the troublesome fibroids should

& LAVENDER but if the menopause is a blood flow and stimulates the not lift heavy weights or do

Lavandula ancjustijolia long way off and symptoms production of small amounts strenuous high-impact
* ROMAN CHAMOMILE are troublesome, seek expert of testosterone, which can exercise, such as long-distance
Chamaemelum nobile medical advice. Treatments
counteract the effects of jogging or intensive aerobics.
Aromatherapy is not going to cure include medication, but if
fibroids, but these oils can help to this is unsuccessful, then
relieve some of the symptoms. If surgery may be required to
women feel that they are losing remove the fibroids or the
their femininity, rose can be whole womb.
beneficial in this respect.
Application: left Walking is good,
Apply any of these oils as massage gentle exercise.
oils for the abdominal area or

lower back.

Fderbal treatment should As a general supportive tea, Fibroids are best treated
FASTING: naturopaths have had
really be left to professionals, combine equal amounts of violet using a remedy based on
considerable success in controlling the
although simple remedies can be leaves, shepherd's purse and the individual, so you should
growth of fibroids by instituting regular
used to ease symptoms and support motherwort (2tsp/l0ml per cup, consult a qualified homeopath.
periods of short fasts. Initially this
other treatments. take three times a day). The following remedies may
Use and Dosage: Professional practitioners add however be a guide. should be done for one 24-hour period

Cramp bark or black haw, in herbs like blue cohosh, helonias & ustilago 6c For left-sided each week for 2 months. The fast day

decoction or tinctures, can ease root, agnus-castus, goldenseal, ovarian pain, which may extend to should comprise consumption every 2

pain, while shepherd's purse and life root. hours of at least i'/cups/300ml of liquid,
infusion (ltsp/5ml per cup) can help
alternating between herbal teas with
stop bleeding.
honey, freshly pressed unsweetened fruit

juices diluted 50.-50 with water, and fresh

or bottled organic vegetable juices —

3'Apt/i.7l in total An additional

Eat plenty of iron-rich In general, your diet should
foods, such as liver (but contain a large proportion of i V2/>t/900ml of water should also be

not if you are pregnant), other foods like oily fish for their consumed. During the third month,

organ meat, dates, watercress, essential fatty acids,- olive oil, above Ustilago maydis, source of the repeat every 2 weeks and

eggs, dark green leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds, and avocados for their remedy, is a corn fungus. thereafter once a month.
and sardines, because fibroids vitamin E,- shellfish and pumpkin
ORGANIC FOODS: with the ever-
frequently cause heavy menstrual seeds for extra zinc. the legs. Fibroids with heavy
increasing amount of growth hormones
bleeding and therefore loss of iron. Avoid all added salt, both periods and clots, especially when

when cooking and at the table. approaching the menopause. (both legal and illegal} being used in the
Cabbage in all its forms is
protective against the hormone- Salt causes fluid retention, & FRAXINUS AMERICANA 6C For production of meat, poultry, and milk

mediated tumors, so it should be which aggravates the pain fibroids with heavy feeling in cattle, it is really important for women

your number-one vegetable. and discomfort of fibroids. vagina. Watery vaginal discharge. with fibroids to try to eat only organic
produce. For those without fibroids, this
when the person is overweight,
is a good idea too, as I am convinced
chilly, and sweaty. Fibroids
that the increased use of these chemicals is
associated with heavy periods,
a factor in the large number of women
which last a long time.
Dosage: one tablet daily. now suffering from this distressing

Maximum 2 weeks. problem, which sadly often leads to

infertility followed by major surgery.


^ ACUPRESSURE: points 34 endocrine glands (see charts on

Ml™ and 44 can help relieve pp.214—i5). Regular reflexology

severe period pain. sessions on the entire feet and/or

hands may help to check further
REFLEXOLOGY: work the reflexes
growth of fibroids.
of the ovaries, uterus, and

Oily fish
left Point 34 is on the

Liver meridian, and

helps period pain.


right Women are especially Diagnosing

prone to an attack of thrush Thrush
after a course of antibiotics, Creamy-white vaginal discharge

which destroys even the Sore, itchy vagina

helpful bacteria in the body, Painful intercourse

so allowing the thrush fungus

to multiply. Beneficial

bacteria can be replaced by

eating live yogurt.


rush Can
T hrush is a common infection that is caused by the yeast organism Candida

I Live yogurt is one of the albicans. “Thrush" usually means vaginal infection, however, as opposed to the
most effective treatments for
this distressing condition. other common sites of Candida infection, which are in the mouth and throat and around
A small amount of yogurt
should be placed into the
the anus or areas of damaged skin. Vaginal thrush may he accompanied hy pain and
vagina each night, using a
burning when passing urine, together with a thick discharge and severe itching and
tampon inserter. The

beneficial bacteria in the discomfort along the lips of the vagina. For many years the home remedies of complementary
yogurt then attack the

Candida cells and destroy practitioners have offered effective treatment.

them, helping to restore the
normal balance of bacteria
that colonize not only the
vagina but other warm dark Conventional Dosage information ~
places in the body. treatment is usually Adults
with antifungal medicines. Follow medical advice on
These can be inserted into the the use of cream or
vagina as a cream or suppositories. Or a single tablet
suppository, or taken by mouth can be taken by mouth.
vaginal thrush can be as a single tablet. When a All treatment may be
aggravated by excessive woman has recurrent yeast combined with an antifungal
sweating, so it is best to avoid infections, her partner may cream for external use.
energetic exercise if you have need treatment.

an acute attack.

above Eat plenty of live yogurt to help

combat the spread of the

Candida infection.

Antifungal and antiseptic A consultation with a

herbs—such as echinacea, qualified homeopath is
garlic, chamomile, lemon balm, recommended.
thyme, and marigold—as well as BORAX 6c For itchy vulva.
immune stimulants like astragalus Discharge thick or like the white
and reishi (suitable even though it of egg, makes vulva sore.
is itself a type of fungus) can all Discharge before and after period.
be helpful for candidiasis. The & SEPIA 6c For dry vulva and
Amazonian herb pau d'arco is also vagina. White or yellow discharge
popular and is widely available in that burns. May have a feeling that
tablet form. the uterus has prolapsed or a
Use and Dosage: bearing-down feeling,
Try an infusion of marigold, ffe HELONIAS 6c For creamy white

lemon balm, chamomile and discharge, which may recur with

elderflowers (2tsp/10ml per cup, itching and soreness of vulva.
four times daily). Dosage: one tablet twice daily. above Babies often get thrush in PREVENTATIVE
For vaginal thrush, try tea-tree Maximum two weeks. the mouth, or in deep folds of measures
or thyme oil pessaries, or put & CANDIDA ALBICANS 30c skin subject to dampness.
HYGIENE: it is best to avoid wearing
1 drops of tea-tree oil onto a For recurrent thrush. Sterilize dummies, and keep
synthetic panties, and pantyhose should
moistened tampon, insert and Dosage: one tablet 12-hourly. baby as clean and dry as
have a cotton gusset—or, better still,
leave for up to 4 hours. Maximum three doses. possible.
wear stockings. Avoid very hot baths,

antiseptic soaps, excessive washing, and

all the highly perfumed and foaming bath

± LAVENDER Garlic is a powerful a REFLEXOLOGY: locate the additives. Vaginal thrush may be
Kb j Lavandula angustifolia antifungal and should be Ml reflexes of the affected part sexually transmitted and both partners
& TEA TREE used in very generous amounts—at by reference to the charts (see
should receive treatment, although men
Melaleuca altemifolia least two whole cloves a day, pp.H4—i5)—the intestines, vagina
are frequently symptom-free. Women
& MYRRH added to recipes, chopped into or mouth—then work these areas
taking the contraceptive pill are more
Commiphora molmol salads, or just eaten in a sandwich, for a few minutes daily for
likely to suffer from episodes of thrush.
& PALMAROSA are essential. symptomatic relief.
Cymbopogon martinii It also helps to eat a good DIAPER-RASH AND ASTHMA

Lavender eases the pain and portion of live yogurt daily, to SUFFERERS: thrush is quite a common

promotes healing. Tea tree and maintain the balance of beneficial secondary infection with diaper rash, but

myrrh both act against the probiotic bacteria in the gut, lots of exposure to fresh air and a light
organism that causes thrush (but which may help to prevent the
film of live yogurt once a day usually
use tea tree in a low dilution, as it spread of the Candida infection.
does the trick. Asthmatics using steroid
can be a mucous-membrane All the B vitamins are important
inhalers may get oral thrush, but this can
irritant). Another useful oil is too, so eat plenty of complex
be avoided by rinsing the mouth with
palmarosa, which helps to balance carbohydrates, like whole wheat
water after using the inhaler and
the intestinal flora, which are out bread, pasta, and brown rice,- and

of balance at this point in time. eat extra muesli, sunflower seeds, changing your toothbrush every month.

The treatment needs to be long¬ lentils, and white fish for their rich
DIET: some complementary practitioners
term, so that you regain the body's vitamin Bg content.
advise very extreme yeast-excluding diets,
balance of intestinal flora—if you Zinc is an important factor in
but there is no scientific basis for these.
stop too soon, thrush may recur. maintaining the good health of the
It is, however, advisable to reduce your
Application: mucous membranes and you can above Working the reflex to the

vagina helps relieve the irritating sugar consumption to the barest

Use in the bath or as a compress obtain it from eggs, sardines,

on the outer areas. Palmarosa can oysters, most other shellfish, and itching and soreness that make the minimum, as a high sugar intake can

also be used as a massage oil for pumpkin seeds. sufferer miserable. encourage the growth of Candida.

the abdominal area.


right Menstrual problems Diagnosing

can make life difficult every Menstrual problems
month, whether they cause Too frequent, irregular,
severe pain and heavy or absent periods

bleeding, which are Painful periods

incapacitating, or the Periods that last a long time

uncertainty of irregular Heavy bleeding, possibly with clots

periods. Menstrual

problems often settle down

as a woman gets older.

[reproductive system

menstrual problems
he menstrual cycle is controlled by your body's production of hormones and anything

■ If you are having long-term or very

that interferes with this mechanism will affect your periods. Significant loss or gain
uncomfortable menstrual problems.
of weight, stress, anxiety, or depression can all upset the natural balance of hormones and

thus interfere with the smooth running of your menstrual cycle. The underlying causes of

HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES menstrual disorder may be simple and medically unimportant, or complex and carry serious

It is useful to consult a medical implications, but remember that home remedies can play an important part in resolving
qualified homeopath.
many of them. The four main period problems are-, irregular periods, heavy periods
VIBURNUM 30c For cramp-like
pains in back, which radiate to
(menorrhagia), painful periods [dysmenorrhea) and lack of periods (amenorrhea). (See also
uterus and down thighs. Periods
may be very short. Osteoporosis p. 108, Menopause p. 172, Fibroids p. 164, and PMS p. 170).
For colicky abdominal pains,
eased by hot-water bottle and
pressing firmly on abdomen. Most changes in the acid, which also helps to reduce BEING PHYSICALLY active is of
Better when period is flowing. menstrual cycle are the amount of blood. The great importance in the
& CIMICIFUGA RACEMOSA 30c transient, but if there has been commonest reason for a missed regulation of the whole
For labor-like pains from hip to a sustained change for more period is pregnancy, and this hormone system, and a half
hip. Worse for movement. Pains than 6 months, your physician can be confirmed using an hour or so of brisk physical
worse, the heavier the period. may wish to investigate. Painful "over-the-counter" pregnancy activity three times a week will
Better for bending double. Person periods may need further testing kit. Excessive weight help. Choose something you
is chilly and thirsty. investigation, but can often be loss and over-strenuous enjoy—and make sure that
SEPIA 30c For cramping, heavy treated with prescribed pain- exercise can both stop periods you do it energetically enough
pains in uterus. Better for sitting relievers containing mefenamic occurring.
to get slightly out of breath
with crossed legs.Tired.
and sweat a little.
Dosage: one tablet 2-4 hourly.

Maximum 12 doses.


ITVIII Warming herbal teas are 4tsp/20ml of the tincture as a single r?cl What you eat and drink
ideal for soothing period dose in warm water and repeat plays a vital part in the
pain (and see also Fibroids and PMS on after 4 hours if necessary. solution of all menstrual problems.
pp. 164 and i 7o). For heavy periods use of lady's Eat plenty of whole grain
Use and Dosage: mantle, shepherd's purse, and cereals, yeast extracts, wheatgerm,
Mix equal amounts of St. Johns marigold (2tsp/l0ml of each per dried fruit, nuts, bananas, and oats
wort, raspberry leaves and skullcap cup). for abundant amounts of vitamin
(2tsp/l0ml of the mix per cup). Agnus-castus is a hormone B. The health-giving essential fatty
above Reduce your salt intake:
Black haw is an excellent regulator—use 20 drops of tincture acids are also important, so get
salt encourages fluid retention
relaxant for cramping pains: take in water each morning. these from oily fish. Vitamin E is
and bloating.
crucial—you will find it in good,

OUTSIDE HELP cold-pressed oils (especially extra¬

virgin olive, sunflower, and PREVENTATIVE

a ^ ACUPRESSURE: points 34 Fallopian tube. Work the safflower oils), wheatgerm, measures
and 44 will help relieve endocrine gland reflexes. avocados, and all edible seeds. You AVOIDING CONSTIPATION
menstrual pain. YOGA: before and during your need lots of zinc (from shellfish,
constipation can cause pressure in the
REFLEXOLOGY the reflexes of the period, practice more gently, with sardines, pumpkin seeds, and peas)
lower abdomen, which in turn causes and
uterus are best located in the area fewer postures and more relaxation and selenium (from whole wheat
aggravates menstrual problems. Make
beneath the medial (inside) ankle and breathing exercises. Avoid bread, Brazil nuts, almonds, and
sure you eat lots of fiber, most of which
bone on both feet,- of the ovaries, inversion and Bandhas. Cobra, soy products).
beneath the lateral (outside) ankle Cobbler Pose, and Maha Eating disorders can play a should be the soluble kind (from oats,

bones. Join these two areas over Mudra are often particularly major part in menstrual apples, pears, and most vegetables). You

the top of the foot for the recommended at this time. disturbance. If you are constantly also need whole wheat bread and cereals,

dieting (or just not eating), if your which contain a mixture of soluble and
weight is going down, and your insoluble fiber, but avoid bran and foods
periods are becoming scant and
with added bran, which can interfere
U Many of the uncom¬
& ROSE irregular, you could be heading for
fortable symptoms of J with your absorption of calcium and iron
Rosa damascena/Rosa centifolia anorexia and an artificially induced
menopausal problems are and could lead to Irritable Bowel
1% GERANIUM menopause, with all the long-term
the result of fluid retention Syndrome. Most women do not drink
Pelargonium graveolens problems that accompany it (see
and consequent swelling. So enough fluid—a common cause of
CLARY SAGE Menopause and Osteoporosis on pp. 172
eat lots of parsley, celery,
Salvia sclarea and i08). constipation. You should drink about
and dandelion leaves, which
These oils relate to the feminine Fdeavy periods increase the risk 6pt/2.75\ of liguid a day.
are all mild diuretics.
aspect—this is very important with of iron deficiency and anemia, so
■ Inflammation of the lining DIET: modest amounts of alcohol and
menstrual problems, so that eat more of the foods rich in iron,
of the uterus is another caffeine are not normally a problem, but
women do not lose their femininity including liver (but not if you are
common cause of menstrual an excess of either may interfere with
and feel that they are in control of pregnant), dark green leafy
pain. Eating fresh pineapple blood flow to the uterus and lead to
their own bodies. vegetables, raisins, dates,
and drinking pineapple juice menstrual difficulties. Salt can be a major
Application: watercress, and eggs.
are both very soothing, due
Use in the bath, in massage oil or hazard—and the average consumption
to the enzymes in this
lotion, or as a compress, in the US and Britain is well over twice
tropical fruit.
for excessive the safe recommended maximum of t level
■ Along with the other
bleeding, irregular tsp/smi a day. You should stop adding
herbs you grow, you should
and painful periods
salt to all cooking and banish the salt
also include some borage. A
(see also PMS on
few of the flowers (fresh or cellar from your table. Apart from being
dried) added to a salad helps the prime factor in the cause of

relieve many of the discom¬ high blood pressure, it also leads to

right Dried fruit and
forts of menstrual problems. fluid retention, which is the last thing
nuts are a good source of

iron to fight anemia. you need when you are having a period.
right Some women Diagnosing
experience a complete Premenstrual

change of character dose to SYNDROME

their period, but for most, Recurrent symptoms starting from

PMS is a catalog of minor midcycle onward, or in the week

physical annoyances and before your period, and stopping

unpredictable moods, which when the bleeding ends

nevertheless add up to an Symptoms may include back ache,

uncomfortable week or two. headache, bloated abdomen,

cramps, breast tenderness, irrational
behavior, anxiety, depression, and

poor concentration


P remenstrual syndrome is the most common of all menstrual problems (see p. 168]

and around 70 percent of women who are still having a menstrual cycle will suffer
■ If your symptoms are significantly

interfering with your life.

from it to some extent. The physical and mental changes may begin just after mid-cycle,

but usually occur in the seven days preceding menstruation and vanish as soon as the

period starts. Sadly PMS is still a much underrated and often ignored problem, from a
■ The calming herbs
should be used in cooking— medical standpoint, but even in mild cases it can be distressing and uncomfortable. However,
rosemary and basil are very
effective—and anything that the solution can be found in your weekly shopping basket—the ultimate home remedy.
promotes fluid excretion will
relieve discomfort.

■ Dandelion leasves are

Keep a chart that symptoms can also help, may recommend hormonal
highly effective—their
shows when the perhaps with other women treatments and possibly even
country name is "wet the
symptoms occur in relation to with similar problems. Try to some counseling.
bed," and in France you can
menstruation—perhaps grading eat regular meals and avoid Dosage information ~
buy pissenlit salad in any
symptoms on a scale of one to sugary foods. Take regular Adults and children over 16
street market. So mix a few
ten. It may then be possible to exercise and avoid excessive Take three to four capsules
of the young leaves with
change or rearrange schedules caffeine. Breast pain may be of gamolenic acid twice a day,
your salad every day.
to avoid particularly difficult helped by products containing usually for 2-3 months,- see
They will help prevent
days. A chart can also help to gamolenic acid (otherwise package for details.
bloating and are a great
determine whether remedies known as evening primrose oil).
source of iron.
are of benefit. Talking about If PMS is severe, your physician

Agnus-castus—which drops in the 10 days before the It is not just what you
SUPPLEMENTS a daily dose of 50mg
stimulates production of period is due. eat that is important in
of vitamin Bg should be taken on a long¬
the hormones associated with the Helonias, an ovarian stimulant, treating PMS, but what you don't
term basis. This should be supplemented
menstrual cycle—is often effective is available in capsules and tablets, eat and when you eat.
with a combination of evening primrose
for PMS. It is best taken in the and Dang Gui is also becoming Women with PMS can effect an
morning when the pituitary gland's more readily obtainable. enormous reduction in their oil and fish oil (2—3g of a combined

hormonal activity is highest. You can make a simple herbal symptoms simply by eating little capsule daily), starting to days before

Use and Dosage: tea from equal amounts of and often (never going more than the likely onset of menstruation until the
Take 10-20 drops of tincture each St. John's wort, raspberry leaf, 2 hours without food) and eating day after the period begins. As the
morning, increasing to 20-40 and vervain for daily use. plenty of complex
severity of symptoms declines and you
carbohydrates—whole wheat
get some totally symptom-free months, the
HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES bread, rice, pasta, potatoes, root
dose can be reduced to 2 5mg of Bg and
vegetables, beans—with sensible
A prescription based on puberty. Changeable in mood and ig of the combined oil pills. Eventually
protein like fish, eggs, cheese,
the individual is usually symptom. Chilly, but dislikes your improved eating habits should
poultry, and lean meat. Sweet
most successful, so consult a stuffy room. Likes butter, cream. cravings can be satisfied by fruit, supply all the nutrients you require
qualified homeopath. & LACHESIS 30c Particularly for which contains an abundance of without supplementation.
ik LILIUM TIGRINUM 30c For PMS around menopause. Intense nutrients, as well as natural sugars.
snappy, irritable person. Worse for talkative person. PMS improves Vitamins Bg and E, plus the
sympathy. Must keep busy. Heavy when period starts. Hot and minerals zinc and magnesium, play
period pains, uterus feels as dislikes tight collars. an enormous part in controlling
though congested. Dosage: one tablet twice the pattern of PMS. Eat plenty of
PULSATILLA 30c For weepy daily until improved. Maximum spinach and other dark green leafy OUTSIDE HELP
person, who feels unloved and 1 week. May be repeated at vegetables, and whole wheat
wants sympathy. PMS starts at the next period. bread, for their vitamin Bg and ACUPRESSURE pain and

magnesium,- lean red meat, poultry MpS discomfort can be relieved

AROMATHERAPY and all organ meat for their Bg as by using points 34 and 44, but

well as iron,- extra-virgin olive oil, professional acupuncture treatment

& GERANIUM eggs, nuts, and seeds for their will be even more useful.

Pelargonium graveolens vitamin E; shellfish, oysters, and REFLEXOLOGY: the reflexes of the

& FENNEL pumpkin seeds for their zinc,- all uterus are best located in the area

Foeniculum vulgare the oily fish for their omega-3 beneath the medial (inside) ankle

7k CLARY SAGE fatty acids. Avoid excessive salt, bone on both feet,- of the ovaries,

Salvia sclarea caffeine and alcohol. beneath the lateral (outside) ankle

ffc ROSE bones. Join these two areas over

Rosa damascena/Rosa centifolia the top of the foot for the

& YLANG YLANG Fallopian tube. Work the

Cananga odorata exercise can be hugely helpful endocrine gland reflexes. Work

& LAVENDER above Jasmine essential oil benefits the in the reduction of symptoms the abdominal and pelvic areas.

Lavandula angustijolia nervous system. and regulation of the cycle. It Treatment should be given weekly

& NEROLI not only encourages the body throughout the cycle.

Citrus aurantium & BERGAMOT to manufacture the feel-good YOGA accept that things are

& SANDALWOOD Citrus bergamia hormones known as different at this time: pressure

Santalum album You will have to decide, by trial endorphins, but stimulates all builds up. Therefore it is a good

& VETIVERT and error, which of these oils best the other hormones, too— time for reflection and stillness,

Vetiveria zizanoides suits your own range of symptoms. including those that affect the rather than action. Use closing

& JASMINE Application: menstrual cycle. postures like Knees-over-Chest,

Jasminum officinale Find the oils that you like most and Head-to-Knee and Seated Forward

Tk ROMAN CHAMOMILE use them in a way that suits you Bend, Maha Mudra, Pranayama,

Chamaemelum nobile and your particular condition. and meditation.

right Menopause can Diagnosing

occur any time from the Menopause

late 30s to the late 50s, No periods for more than one year

when the ovaries become Sudden attacks of feeling hot and

less responsive to the sweaty, known as hot flushes

pituitary gland in the Dry vagina, sometimes causing pain

brain. The change is during intercourse

gradual, and may occur Urinary problems, including

over several years. incontinence

May be associated with depression

and anxiety



■ Two great treats for your

S ome women sail through menopause without batting an eyelid. For others it represents

months, and sometimes years, of discomfort and misery. It is my experience that women
skin are found in the kitchen
rather than at the expensive
who regard menopause as an illness are those who suffer most. It is not a disease, it is in
cosmetics counter. Once a
week make an invigorating fact, for many women, the beginning of their golden years, free from the monthly discomfort
facial scrub and cleanser
from a container of live of difficult periods and contraception. To be sure, there are medical consequences of
yogurt mixed with 1 tsp of
menopause, but it is here that home remedies come into their own. They can strengthen the
coarse sea salt. Massage well

into the face and neck, leave

bones, protect against heart disease, and keep your skin glowing and healthy. When your
on as a mask for 1 5 minutes,
then wash off with lots periods stop, no matter at what age or for what reason, menopause begins. Anorexia,
of cold water.
M For skin nourishment, overexercising—especially in young, elite athletes like gymnasts and runners—and simply
pulverize or blend the flesh

of half an avocado with

being too thin can all affect your hormone production and cause artificial menopause.
I tsp/5ml of rosewater,
Having both ovaries removed produces the same result.
2tsp/10ml of olive oil, and

the juice of half a lemon.

Massage into the face
sparingly at night. Covered
Not all women need embarrassing symptoms, and HRT is given in the form of
with plastic wrap and kept in
treatment during can also help to reduce the risk tablets, patches, gels, or cream,
the refrigerator, this cream
menopause, either because they of osteoporosis and heart and may cause a regular bleed.
will last several days.
do not have symptoms or disease in later life. It is Consult your physician for

because their symptoms are not recommended for women who further details.
troublesome. Hormone are at particular risk, including
replacement therapy (HRT) can those with early menopause or

help to alleviate difficult or a family history of osteoporosis.



Menopausal discomfort can & GERANIUM Application: ^ ^ REFLEXOLOGY: all reflexes

include night sweats, hot Pelargonium graveolms Use in baths or in creams (body may be worked to help to
flushes, and palpitations, which & ROSE lotion, hand lotion or a facial alleviate menopausal symptoms.
may be eased by herbal remedies. Rosa damascena/Rosa centijolia cream). The oils could also be This can help reduce hot flushes,
Use and Dosage: & FENNEL mood swings, loss of confidence,
used in foot spas—whatever
A useful herbal mix to ease the Foeniculum vulgare method is most convenient and the sleep problems commonly
worst of these is a tea made from Geranium helps to balance the associated with menopause.
and most pleasant to you.
equal amounts of vervain, sage, hormones, fennel produces a plant Supplementation with starflower YOGA: allow the steadiness that

mugwort, and motherwort estrogen, and rose regulates the may also help. yoga brings, help you to accept
(2tsp/l0ml per cup). Sage is rich in menstrual cycle. Other oils that and cope with this period of
hormonal compounds, so a regular you might like to look up are any change. Practice more Pranayama
daily cup can be helpful throughout of the antidepressant oils or those and meditation. Take time to look
menopausal years. for symptomatic conditions, such at your life and see what you need
One widely used Chinese herbal as constipation (see p. i 56). to change, then decide on small,
tonic for this time is He Shou Wu achievable goals.
(also called Fo Ti), now available in right Fennel oil is extracted from the

many health-food stores. seeds, collected in the fall.


Homeopathy can be used sympathy and reassurance. weight-bearing exercise is vital

to treat the symptoms of Changeable, flushes. Upset by if you want to keep your bones

menopause, although there is no rich or fatty foods. Better for air. in good shape—you should

evidence that it actually prevents & SEPIA 30c For lack of have been doing this all along

osteoporosis. emotions, indifference to own anyway. Although cycling and

F&1 lachesis 30c For person who family, loss of sexual drive. swimming are great for the

may be talkative, jealous, worse Weeping and feelings of guilt. cardiovascular system, they will

for any sleep or alcohol. Flushes with fainting. Better for not strengthen your bones. For

Palpitations and flushes. Probably being alone. this you must be on your own
the remedy used most often. Dosage: one tablet twice daily. two feet doing any exercise, at
& PULSATILLA 30c For weepy, Maximum I week. least three times a week.
emotional person, who needs


Your risk of suffering Plan your daily eating to include fiber, and essential fatty acids—so regular quantities of soy bean

from post-menopausal the specific nutrients your body eat plenty of avocados, olive oil, products: tofu and soy sauce are

complications depends to a large now needs in greater abundance nuts and seeds, oats, brown rice, readily available.

extent on your genetic inheritance, than ever. To protect your bones, whole grain cereals, apricots, This is one time in your life

but good nutrition is the easiest, you need calcium and vitamin D carrots, and broccoli (in fact, most when taking regular vitamin and

safest way of reducing those risks. —so eat plenty of low-fat dairy vegetables), liver at least once a mineral supplements can be a real

If your decision has been not to products, sardines and other oily week, and lots of oily fish. bonus. 1 normally advise a daily

take HRT, you must pay special fish (with their bones whenever To protect yourself against multivitamin and mineral

attention to your diet for the rest possible), dark green leafy breast cancer, you need all of the supplement, calcium with

of your life,- even if you swear by vegetables, and garbanzo beans. above foods, plus copious vitamin D supplement, and lg of

HRT, your chances of avoiding To protect your heart and quantities of cabbage and its evening primrose oil. To help with

osteoporosis, heart disease, and circulation, and your skin, you relatives (brussels sprouts, curly hot flushes, a combination of

premature ageing will be greatly need vitamins A, C, and E, lots of kale, spring greens, and Chinese vitamin Bg, magnesium, and zinc

enhanced by eating well, too. beta-carotene, abundant soluble cabbage). You should also eat can be added.
right Bedwetting can Diagnosing

persist until about the age Bedwetting

of eight, but this is unusual. Uncontrollable urge to pass urine

Some adults also suffer in a child who is learning to use

from it, particularly after a lavatory

an alcohol binge.


dwetting enuresis
B edwetting is much more common in hoys than girls, and most children grow out ojit

■ If bedwetting does not improve after

by the age of four or five. It is seldom the result of underlying disease or physical
trying the remedies suggested here.
problems, although occasionally it may be, so medical advice should be sought. It can be

the result of stress, anxiety, or other behavioral disturbances, but in most instances is one

of those things that "just happen."


There is no fixed age at scolding a child who has wet During the day, children
which a child should the bed—reassurance and can be given dilute herbal
be dry at night, but bedwetting encouragement to try to use teas to help strengthen the bladder
is often treated by physicians the lavatory next time are and soothe any emotional distress.
in children from the age of more effective. Do not with¬ Use and Dosage:

seven. A child who has hold drinks before bedtime, Mix ltsp/5ml each of cornsilk,
previously been dry may wet and use protective mattress shepherd's purse and skullcap and
the bed during a time of stress, covers to enable quick bedding infuse in 1 cup/250ml of water.
such as starting a new school, changes. Reward a dry night Give children under three half a
or because of a urinary with lots of approval,- consider cup, sweetened with 1tsp/5m! of
infection. However, there may trying a system of rewards pasteurized honey, two to three
be no apparent reason. Avoid for dry nights. times daily.

One hour before bedtime give

10 drops of sweet sumach tincture,
left Starting a new school,
diluted in 1tsp/5ml of water.
with the attendant

uncertainties, may cause

your child to resume



Ensure that there is

no medical cause
for this condition.

CAUSTICUM 6c For sensitive

person, who wets bed during
early part of sleep. May wet
during daytime when sneezing
or coughing. Unaware of
passing urine.
ffe EQUISETUM 6c For person
who has dreams or nightmares
when passing urine. Bedwetting
in children and elderly women.
& KREOSOTUM 6c For person
who wets bed during first part of
sleep, difficult to wake up.
Cannot get out of bed quickly
enough. Has dreams of
above Gently massage your PREVENTATIVE
above Equisetum is made from & PLANTAGO 6c For person child’s lower back before measures
a plant called horsetail who wets bed, lots of urine, bedtime. This is reassuring
Avoid giving the child any
(Equisetum arvense). It is a during later part of night. and comforting, and will
caffeine-containing drinks—
toning and astringent agent for Dosage: one tablet before bed help dispel anxiety. Try
chocolate, coffee, tea, cola—
the urinary system, good for until condition improves. making this ritual part
after midday. Make sure the
bedwetting and incontinence. Maximum 1 weeks. of nightly routine.
child passes urine just before

bedtime and, if the problem is

severe, it is worth waking the

child to pass urine again just

ACUPRESSURE; points 16, the kidney, ureter, and bladder strengthen your sphincter muscles before you go to bed.

KllSfi 17, 33, and 34 can all be reflexes. Treat the entire feet or by tightening and releasing them,
EXERCISE: simple relaxation exercises
extremely useful, especially if used hands, to relieve tension and many times a day. When practicing
can be of great help, while gentle massage
just before bedtime on children. stimulate nerve response. yoga postures and breathing
to the lower part of the back also helps to
REFLEXOLOGY: all the pelvic YOGA: examine the possibility exercises, tighten these muscles
relieve tension and anxiety.
reflexes around and beneath the of psychological causes. gradually on every exhalation,

ankles should be worked, as well as Physiologically, you can releasing them as you inhale.


There are no specific oils

for this condition, but
since it can be stress-related, look
up the oils for stress (see p.6o); for
small children, chamomile and

lavender are particularly good,

being both calming and soothing.
The bladder reflex is the area to the right Point I 7 is located on the Bladder Point 16, on the Spleen meridian, is Whichever oil you choose, use it
of the left thumb here, and often appears meridian, in the hollow behind the just above and in front of the inside in the way that is most pleasing

pink, raised, and slightly polished. ankle bone on the outside surface. ankle bone. to the child—in the bath, in a

massage lotion or in a vaporizer.

right Hemorrhoids are Diagnosing
varicose veins outside or Hemorrhoids
inside the anus, often Bleeding, often a bright red streak
caused by straining to on the bathroom tissue or on the

defecate. They are painful, surface of the feces

itchy, and may bleed. Part of the bowel may prolapse

(stick out) when feces are passed,

and may return or stay out


I f you have had children, suffer from constipation, stand a lot at work, or are seriously

■ If you have had any bleeding from the

overweight, the chances are that you will suffer from hemorrhoids [or piles, as they are
anus, to rule out a more serious cause.
more colloquially known). If severe, hemorrhoids—which are varicose veins in the soft

lining of the anus—may require surgical treatment, but home remedies can provide great

relief for most people.


■ An acute attack of piles Eat plenty of high-fiber

can be excruciatingly foods, such as apples,
painful and cause such pears, beans, oats, whole wheat
itching and irritation that it bread, and brown rice Drink
can drive the poor sufferer plenty of water. This will help
to distraction. Instant relief to keep the feces soft and avoid
is available in every straining to pass a bowel
kitchen, in the form of ice motion. Your physician may
cubes in your refrigerator. prescribe suppositories together
Put two or three in a with cream containing anti¬
plastic bag and apply it inflammatory drugs.
directly onto the piles.
The pain may well be

worse for the first moment

or two, but this will be above Pears, especially when

followed by relief from eaten with their skin, provide

both pain and irritation. above People whose careers demand a

lots of fiber. Choose organically
lot of standing are at particular risk
grown fruit.
of hemorrhoids.


One traditional—but pilewort leaves and root are readily

effective—herb for available, or the dried herb can be
hemorrhoids is pilewort, so called taken internally in capsules.
in the Middle Ages because its Infusions of yarrow, lime
roots actually resemble piles. It is flowers, or melilot will help the
extremely astringent and heals the circulation and blood vessels,
damaged tissues. while fresh Aloe vera leaves, distilled
Use and Dosage: witch hazel, chickweed cream, or
Ointments made from both borage juice can relieve itching. above Dried fruit, especially that old PREVENTATIVE
standby, prunes, help to keep measures
HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES the bowels moving.
FIBER INTAKE: above all, avoid

constipation (see p,156j, as straining

Unexplained or persistent ALOE 6c For hemorrhoids like NUTRITION
rectal bleeding requires on the lavatory will inevitably cause
bunches of grapes. Purple color,
medical attention. Paeonia better for cold bathing. Itching in During an episode of piles. Plenty of fluid and foods rich in

ointment may help to relieve the rectum. Diarrhea. painful hemorrhoids it is soluble fiber, like oats, apples, pears, and

itching of haemorrhoids, & HAMAMELIS 6c For important to keep the stool as soft nearly all vegetables, will do the trick for
ft? AESCULUS 6c For sensation of hemorrhoids in pregnancy, as possible. Dried fruit, especially
most people. Daily consumption of some
splinters in rectum. Pain extends profuse bleeding with soreness. prunes and apricots, and a regular
dried fruit—prunes, apricots and figs are
to hips. Large, painful, protruding, Dosage: one tablet twice daily. intake of prune juice will help. You
the best—is recommended.
purple piles. Anus dry and itchy. Maximum 2 weeks. must avoid the temptation not to

pass stools, however painful it CONTRAST BATHING to prevent

AROMATHERAPY might be, as further constipation hemorrhoids from developing, it is

will only make the piles worse— important to stimulate blood flow
* CYPRESS (a simple facecloth will do), held and the pain even worse when you to the rectum area. The best way
Ak- J Cupressus sempervirens on the anus or against the eventually go.
to do this is by daily contrast
& GERANIUM hemorrhoid. The oils can also be If you are constantly losing even
bathing with alternate hot and
Pelargonium graveolens added to some KY Jelly and then small amounts of blood from your
& JUNIPER applied: add about 10 drops of cold water.
piles, there is a risk of anemia, so
Juniperus communis geranium and 10 drops of cypress you must take nutritional steps to
* MYRRH to a whole tube of jelly, mix prevent this (see Anemia on p.a s). EXERCISE
Commiphora tnolmol together and store in a small jar. This is particularly important for
These essential oils will help to REGULAR exercise helps
women, especially during
CAUTION improve the circulation in
increase the circulation. Cypress is pregnancy.
also a natural astringent, which can general and is very important
Do not apply essential oils Avoid foods with lots of
have the effect of actually in both the treatment and
without diluting, as this will irritating small seeds, such as
shrinking the piles. prevention of piles.
make things more tomatoes, gooseberries,
Application: raspberries, blackberries, and kiwis,
uncomfortable. If there is any
Use either alternate hot and cold until your condition has settled
bleeding, seek medical advice
sitz baths or 3-4 drops of your down, because these can cause
before using essential oils.
chosen oil in a warm compress further irritation.


^ ACUPRESSURE: point 4 squeeze gently down the regularly. For stress relief, lie in
WmM prevents constipation. back of the lower leg. relaxation, or with your legs up

REFLEXOLOGY: work the soles and YOGA: if constipation is the cause, against the wall, and focus on long,

palms to stimulate the functioning seep. 156. Shoulderstand and/or slow exhalations of the breath.

of the digestive tract. For chronic FJeadstand positions may help,

conditions, you can massage and if you already practice them

right Cystitis is much more Diagnosing

common in women than Cystitis

men because their urethra Painful, burning sensation when

is closer to the anus. Germs passing urine, often worse at the

living in the bowel are end of the stream

therefore easily transferred Urine may be pink, due to the

to the urethra, and journey presence of a small amount of

up to the bladder. blood,- sometimes there may be

small blood clots

Frequent need to go to the
bathroom, perhaps only passing a

small amount each time



C ystitis can be an isolated acute problem or a recurring chronic nightmare, which

U If you have a high fever with cystitis affects millions of women but few men. It is frequently impossible to trace the specific
and/or vomiting.

■ If you have cystitis with back pain.

bacteria that trigger an episode of cystitis, which is often linked to concurrent attacks of
■ If your symptoms persist.
thrush (see p,166j. Recurrent episodes of cystitis may be treated with prophylactic

antibiotics. Self-help, on the other hand, and natural home remedies can be of considerable

benefit if you have been a martyr to cystitis for years on end.


"Over-the-counter" Dosage information ~ Drink at least

remedies can usually Adults 5—6pt/2.25-2.751 of water

relieve the symptoms of cystitis Take antibiotics up to two or each day and make sure you eat
by neutralizing the acid in the four times a day for 3-7 days,- plenty of the diuretic foods, such
urine. If symptoms remain, then follow medical advice. as celery, parsley, and dandelion
antibiotics are usually required Children leaves. Making sure that plenty of
to prevent the infection Give antibiotic syrup up to fluid goes in and out of the system
spreading to the kidneys. four times a day. Dose depends reduces the risk of infection.

on age and weight of the child,- Avoid caffeine,- drink little

left Cranberry follow medical advice and alcohol and only weak tea.

juice helps to remember to complete the

prevent bacteria course. Bottles often contain

from collecting in more than is required to allow

the bladder. for spillages.



I The traditional kitchen

Many herbs act as urinary (2tsp/10ml per cup of
treatment for cystitis is
antiseptics and can water). Add 1 parts
lemon barley water. The
therefore be helpful in combating shepherds purse to the
combination of citric acid and
infections and inflammation, while mix if blood is in the
the soothing demulcents in
drinking herbal teas provides a urine,- seek professional
the barley help relieve the
necessary increase in fluid intake. advice if symptoms persist.
burning discomfort and
Use and Dosage: Avoid spicy foods and
control the growth of
Take up to 2pts/lf daily of a tea those producing acid
bacteria. Pour 314cups/900ml
made from 1 part each of buchu, residues, such as
of boiling water over
couchgrass, bearberry and cornsilk, meat and shellfish.
Xcup/50g of washed barley
above Rogue’s gallery: colored
and the grated rind and juice
AROMATHERAPY bathroom tissue, bath oils, and bath
of an unwaxed lemon. Add
salts are all suspects.
Mtsp of sugar, stir thoroughly MYRRH

and drink one glass three Commiphora molmol

times a day. & TEA TREE

■ Modern scientific research Melaleuca alternijolia

has now proved that a & ROMAN CHAMOMILE Eat some live natural yogurt
traditional Native North Chamaemelum nobile
every day.
American remedy—cranberry ik LAVENDER

juice—is even more effective. HYGIENE after going to the bathroom

Lavandula angustifolia

Chemicals in the juice form a These essential oils are calming, always wipe yourself from front to back,

barrier lining on the inside of soothing, and anti-inflammatory,- once only with each piece of paper—
above Bearberry is a urinary antiseptic,
the bladder and on the tubes tea tree is antiviral, antifungal, daughters should be taught this from the
soothing, and healing for infections
that carry urine to and from and antibacterial. earliest possible age. Only use white
and inflammations.
it, which seems to prevent the Application:
bathroom tissue, as colored inks can be
cystitis-causing bacteria from Use in a warm compress over
an irritant. Always pass urine as soon as
making their home in the the lower back, in sitz baths
OUTSIDE HELP decently possible after intercourse,- and
bladder tissue. Drink at least or in ordinary baths.
always pass it as soon as you need to, to
1'A cups/600ml a day of a
^ ^ ACUPRESSURE points 22,
50:50 dilution of cranberry CAUTION prevent the risk of back pressure carrying
Mill 33, 34, and 37 help to
juice with water. This should bacteria into the kidneys. Avoid very hot
relieve the discomfort of cystitis. If blood or pus appears in the
be both a treatment during an baths, foaming bath oils, bath salts, and
reflexology: work the reflexes
urine, contact your physician
attack of cystitis and long¬ frecfuent washing of the vaginal area.
of the urethra, bladder, ureter, and
immediately. If antibiotics are
term protection, so continue
kidneys, for immediate relief. On
prescribed, continue with the
drinking the mixture even
the hand, the large muscle beneath
aromatherapy treatment, as
when you do not actually
the thumb contains most of these
they will work side-by-side.
have the symptoms.
reflexes and is easily accessible.


Drink lots of fluids. & sarsaparilla 30c When having had a catheter inserted.
Symptoms in males or passing lots of urine and Recurrent cystitis related to
worsening symptoms, back pain, frequently. Pressure felt on intercourse.
or chills require medical help. bladder, with last drop of urine Dosage: one tablet every 4 hours
& CANTHARIS 30c For "peeing painful to pass. until condition improves.
red hot needles." Constantly Tk staphysagria 30c For Maximum 5 days.
wanting to urinate, passing just a "honeymoon cystitis." Burning
few drops. Urine may be bloody. pain after intercourse or after

M inor cuts do not

usually rec/uire

■ A compress made from

Apply direct pressure Remove the pressure after 10
a clean cloth soaked in 2 'A
medical attention, because over the cut for 10 minutes—if the cut is still
cups/600ml of cold water
minutes with a clean, dry cloth. bleeding, reapply the dressing
blood clots should c/uickly and 2tsp/10mI of cider
If something is stuck in the for 10 minutes more. If the
vinegar (or any vinegar)
form and seal them, but they wound, such as glass, do not bleeding continues, apply
is effective for minor cuts.
remove it, but apply pressure pressure again and seek medical
should be carefully cleaned
around it and seek medical advice. When the bleeding
and dressed. For minor cuts advice. Raise the affected part stops, cover with a bandaid or

and scrapes, a heaped of the body above chest level. clean dressing.

teaspoon of salt in 2‘A

cups/600ml of warm water

makes a good emergency
After cleaning the cut with The most relevant oils are
d i s i nf ectant,- and in
marigold infusion, apply lavender and tea tree. ■ To encourage healing,
desperation the juice of a creams or ointments containing Clean the cut area with a bowl of the old-fashioned remedy of

lemon squeezed over the marigold, chickweed, St. John's warm water containing 5 drops of (T) crushed garlic (2) mixed

wort, echinacea, or chamomile. either oil. with honey makes a

affected area also works, but wonderful salve.
Emergency poultices for cuts
this remedy will not be too and scrapes away from home 3 ) Spread it thinly on a

can be made from crushed piece of clean gauze or lint-

popular with the patient,
self-heal, woundwort, cranesbill, below St.John’s wort is the free cotton and use it to
as it is likely to sting. herb robert, agrimony, or source for hypericum. It is a cover the damaged area.

shepherd's purse. good wound-healer.


Cuts should be cleaned

with water. Check that
you are immunized against
tetanus, particularly with

puncture wounds from nails or

needles. Hypercal solution can be
used to clean the wound, or

hypercal ointment used under a

clean dressing.
HYPERICUM 30c When injury is a

puncture wound or injury to a

fingertip that is rich in nerves.

Pains often sharp and shooting.

Dosage: one tablet every 4 hours.

Maximum 3 days.

black eyes
B ruises are the visible sign of bleeding beneath the skin,

resulting from pressure or a blow. They generally change

A black eye is the result of severe bruising of the eye socket

. and lids. It is internal bleeding that results in the swelling

color over a period of days. and the skin turning black or dark blue. Sadly, most black eyes

are sustained through accident or anger.


Apply an ice package swelling and bruising. Take
as soon as possible after a pain-reliever such as Apply an ice pack as
Two black eyes after a blow to
the injury to reduce the acetaminophen or ibuprofen. soon as possible after
the head may be the sign of a
the injury to reduce the
skull fracture—seek urgent
swelling and bruising.
medical advice.
Take a pain-reliever such as
acetaminophen or ibuprofen.

Apply comfrey, chickweed, sanicle, rue or St. John's wort

Gs nr arnica creams or lotions infusion,- a crushed cabbage leaf HERBAL REMEDIES AROMATHERAPY

(but do not use arnica if the skin is (hold in place with a bandaid
Apply fresh Aloe vera sap or Put 1 drop of chamomile
broken ),- a cold compress soaked in if necessary).
mashed plantain leaves,- a into 2tsp/10ml of ice-cold

cold compress soaked in rue or water, soak a cottonwool pad, then

HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES apply to the affected area.
comfrey infusion.

& ARNICA 30c This is the & BELLIS PERENNIS 30c For bruising
main remedy for bruises that is a little deeper and for very HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES

and is also helpful in treating sore muscles.

& ACONITE 30c Give Skin around the eye is
muscle aches after sport. Probably LEDUM 30c For very dark
immediately for the "shock" swollen.
the first remedy to try. Very useful bruising. Area feels cold and is
of the blow (can also be given for Dosage: one
if the person does not want help better for a cold compress.
any sudden injury). One or two tablet every 30
and says they are okay, even when Dosage: one tablet every 2 hours
doses only, over 15 minutes. minutes for six I;
it is obvious they are not. Also for six doses, then three times
LEDUM 30c For a black eye that is doses, then every LEDUM
good after surgery. daily. Maximum 5 days.
generally better for cold compresses. 2-4 hours. Maximum 12 doses.


■ Pineapple juice and ice

Put 4 drops of lavender ■ These days, the old- event the enzymes in
packs (see Black Eyes) are the pineapple juice speed up the
J and chamomile (2 drops of fashioned remedy of a raw
best kitchen medicine there rate at which the blood
each) into a bowl of hot water and steak as a treatment for black
is for bruises. causing the black eye
2 drops of each into a bowl of cold eyes may not be too popular.
■ Massaging the bruised dissolves, so that it will heal
water. Soak a facecloth in each In fact, the best kitchen
area with a little extra-virgin much more quickly.
bowl, then apply alternately to the remedy for a black eye is to
olive oil will disperse the ■ A clean dish towel filled with
bruised area—in other words, put drink copious amounts of
bruise, and the vitamin E crushed ice and applied over
the hot cloth on and, when that is pineapple juice—preferably
that penetrates the skin is an the affected area will hasten
cool, replace with the cold one,- before the injury (if you're a
additional aid to healing. the healing even further.
when that has warmed up, repeat boxer), but even after the

the process.


whether by an animal or

human bite—you will □ A bite from any animal

(including a human
bite) is susceptible to infection,
wound carefully with soap
and water, dry and then

cover it with a plaster or a

For insect bites, apply
fresh Aloe vera sap,- diluted

lavender or tea-tree oil (5 drops in

certainly need to check your
as all animals have germs in small sterile dressing, then ltsp/5ml of water),- fresh lemon
antitetanus vaccination, and their miouths. After cleaning the seek medical attention. balm or plantain leaves.

Bathe with marigold or echinacea

bites should always be seen by
tea, if the bite becomes infected.
a physician as soon as

possible. Turn on the kitchen HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES

faucet and rinse the bitten area

Hypercal tincture or

with copious amounts of lotion can be applied to

the skin and may be soothing.
water. If practical, wash with
LEDUM 30c For insect bites
soap, then rinse again for at where there is a lot of swelling.

least another 5 minutes. Discomfort eased when bathing in

cold water or a cold compress
applied. Ffas a reputation for

preventing mosquito bites in

people who are often bitten (for

prevention: one tablet daily for a

maximum of 14 days). Also useful
in animal bites.

& APIS 30c For burning of

surrounding area. Swelling often
marked. Worse for heat.
Dosage: one tablet taken every
above The sap obtained from
30 minutes (every 15 minutes KITCHEN MEDICINE
the leaves of the Aloe vera
for a severe reaction). Maximum ■ A real old wives' remedy
plant can be applied to the skin
six doses. if you are out in the
to relieve insect bites.
countryside is to chew up a

AROMATHERAPY mouthful of plantain leaves

and apply the resulting paste
rot Put a neat drop of lavender to the wound.
directly onto the area of ■ Flea bites should be
skin affected by the bite. rubbed with a slice of raw
onion, and mosquito bites

with the cut end of a clove

of garlic.
above Rub the cut end of a clove

of garlic on the skin for relief from

mosquito bites.


S tings, by insects and

marine animals, vary in


■ For wasp stings, make a

If the stinger is visible, below Calamine lotion can help
paste of salt and vinegar and
strength and seriousness, but remove it with lessen the itch created by a sting.
spread the paste over the
tweezers. Apply a cold
often result in localized pain, affected area.
compress. Use calamine
reddening, and swelling, and ■ For bee stings, use
or antihistamine to reduce
baking powder or sodium
the itching, and apply
sometimes in nausea, fainting bicarbonate, mixed to a
insect-repellent to prevent
and breathing problems. further bites.
paste in the same way—
making sure that you
remove the sting with a
pair of tweezers.
Wasps are the most likely to B A mixture of honey and
sting the inside of your mouth crushed garlic makes a
or throat. Sucking ice cubes will soothing ointment to apply
relieve the swelling and to the skin after most insect

discomfort, but at the slightest stings and bites.

sign of breathing difficulties, ■ The traditional remedy

rush to your nearest hospital. for stinging-nettle burns is

the dock leaf, but, based on
homeopathic principles, a

HERBAL REMEDIES cup of nettle tea can be

equally soothing, as can the
Apply a fresh slice of application of an ordinary,
onion to both bee and used teabag that has been
wasp stings,- sage or marigold dipped in ice water.
cream,- crushed plantain leaves. ■ Jellyfish stings can be
Bathe the area with sage or neutralized by sitting in a
marigold infusions, after removing hot bath for 20 minutes.
any remaining stinger. (See also Bites

on p. i 82.)
above The homeopathic remedy Apis is made from the

honey bee and helps soothe the bright red, inflamed

area caused by a bee or wasp sting.

Remove the stinger if

Kb i possible, then put 1 drop HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES
of neat lavender on the affected
area. If it is a plant sting (e.g. a ledum 30c For insect Swelling often marked. Worse for

nettle), again put 1 drop of neat stings where there is a lot heat. Good for both bee stings and

lavender on the area, repeating of swelling. Discomfort eased wasp stings.

if necessary. when bathing in cold water or a Dosage: one tablet taken every

cold compress applied. 30 minutes (every 15 minutes above A used teabag dipped in

APIS 30c For burning and for a severe reaction). Maximum ice water can provide relief

stinging of surrounding area. six doses. from stinging-nettle irritations.


B urns may be caused by CONVENTIONAL MEDICINE

water on a burn

re, Run cold water onto extensive, on the right away.

or W H the burned skin until face, or near the

the burning sensation stops. mouth, seek

Gently remove any rings if the immediate
k. fingers are burned. Remove medical advice.

burned clothing, unless it is

stuck to the burn. Cover the
kitchen remedy ojbutter or oil. burn with clean, non-fluffy

For small areas, run the material, such as a clean pillow

case. A plastic bag or plastic

affected part under cold water
wrap makes a good temporary
or fill a bowl and immerse the covering. If the burn is

burned area. Cold water

should be applied until the

pain diminishes—usually for
Severe burns require & URTICA URENS 30c For stinging For minor burns, apply a
at least to to 15 minutes. If compress soaked in cool
medical attention. For or burning pains. Skin is red and
the skin is broken or severely minor burns, cool the area with may look like nettle rash. chickweed, St. Johns wort,

cold water. Chemical burns need & CANTHARIS 30c For burn that marigold, or plantain infusion,- a
blistered, fill a plastic bag
specialist treatment. feels as if it is raw, with severe little infused oil of St. John's wort,
with ice, put it inside at least & ARNICA 30c Initial remedy to pains. Better for cold being after cooling the area under a

take after any trauma. applied. May have blistering. running tap,- fresh sap from an Aloe
two more plastic bags, then
Dosage: one tablet every 15 Dosage: one tablet every 15 vera plant,- slippery-elm powder
apply to the affected area, mixed with a little milk or water to
minutes for four doses. Then minutes for six doses, then every
removing every 15 minutes to consider one of the following: 4 hours. Maximum 12 doses. form a paste.

prevent freezing of the tissue.


HSTJ Anyone who has suffered ■ Mild to moderate rc4 First run the burn under
sunburn or serious burns to sunburn can be relieved freezing cold water, then
an area greater than your hand can by putting three or four immediately put some neat
readily cover, should be given chamomile teabags into a lavender oil on it.
plenty of fluids to drink in order to tepid bath and soaking for
prevent dehydration. 1 5 minutes (see also Sunburn

on p.185).


Severe burns need urgent

hospital treatment.


Find some sFiade and water or soaking it in a cold Apply infused St. John's
■ For cases of severe sunburn
drink plenty of cold bath. Mild burns can be wort oil with a few drops
with blisters.
water. Cool the sunburned soothed with calamine or an of lavender oil added,- fresh Aloe

skin by sponging it with cold after-sun preparation. vera sap or ointment,- evening

S unburn is caused by

ultraviolet rays and you

primrose or borage cream to help
the skin repair when the burn

starts to heal.
Drink an infusion of lime
are at greatest risk when the flowers, elderflowers, and yarrow
to encourage sweating and lower
sun is at its highest. Your
the body's temperature.
susceptibility depends on your

coloring and the amount of HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES

pigment in your skin. Those

Sunstroke often
with red hair and freckles accompanies sunburn, so

always burn and never tan, drink plenty of fluids. (See also
Bums on p.184.)
blue-eyed blondes always
& BELLADONNA 6c For red face,

burn but may tan lightly, and very hot to touch, "could fry an
egg on it." Throbbing headache,
everyone else may burn after
worse for light and noise. May
above The best protection against sunburn is to wear
too much exposure. have high fever and dilated pupils.
light, loose clothing and a hat, even when engaged in
It is difficult to believe that GLONOINE 6c For headaches
watersports, where refected rays are an added hazard.
from sun. Bursting headache with
there is anyone unaware of the
waves of pulsating pain. Worse

links between excessive sun AROMATHERAPY during hours of sun, even if not

■ Serious sunburn will directly exposed to it. Worse for

exposure and skin cancer. Add peppermint or
certainly require medical moving. Face may be flushed or, if
lavender to a cool bath or,
Tanned can never mean attention but a mixture of there is sunstroke, pale.
if the sunburn is quite bad, drip
one part olive oil and two Dosage: one tablet every half-hour
healthy, because the tanning lavender oil on neat after a cool
parts cider vinegar, rubbed for six doses, then every 4 hours.
process is the result of skin bath, repeating every 2-3 hours if
gently into affected skin, will Maximum 4 days.
necessary. If the sunburned area is
damage [this is equally true of help to relieve the irritation
too tender to touch, put the oils
of mild sunburn.
artificial tans acquired from into a water spray, then spray on.
If you have had just a little too
tanning beds]. Even one
much sun, the oils could be added
episode of severe sunburn to your aftersun lotion, to be put

increases your chances of on in the evening. Avoid getting

too much sun for the next 2-3 right Belladonna, or

getting skin cancer. Prevention deadly nightshade, is good
days if you have to give yourself

by avoidance is the only sane treatment for sunburn. for inf animation.




l ig a m en ts s u rro un d ing Apply an ice pack or a even pressure over the sprain. ft? ARNICA 30c Take for the

and supporting a joint are cold compress as soon Avoid using or walking on the initial bruising.
as possible after the injury in sprained joint, and raise it Dosage: one tablet every 15
either overstretched or torn,
order to reduce swelling and in a sling or on a footstool. minutes for four doses. Continue if
most commonly in the ankle bruising. Put on a bandage or Take a pain-reliever such as bruising is the main problem, at a
ace wrap to provide gentle, acetaminophen or ibuprofen. dose of one tablet twice daily.
or wrist.
Maximum 5 days.
& LEDUM 6c For sprains,

particularly of the ankle, when the

ankle looks black with bruising and

is better for cold compresses.

pRfi Use crushed comfrey compress soaked in the relevant YOGA sprains need time
or cabbage leaves as infusion or diluted tincture. in order to heal. In your
Pain worse on initial movement,
an effective poultice. Soak the affected area with Asana practice, be very careful
improves as the joint is "warmed
Apply arnica, comfrey, or an ice pack and a hot rosemary not to overwork an affected
up" by movement. Worse in the
marigold creams, ideally with infusion: use either a foot bath area too early.
morning when the joint seems stiff.
a few drops of lavender or thyme or compress as appropriate.
Better during the day and for warm
oil added,- alternatively, use a
weather. Person may be restless.
Dosage: one tablet three times

daily. Maximum 1 weeks.


I An ice pack applied to the or strained muscle or tendon. tablespoon of mustard powder
injury is again the most ■ The large outer leaves of or a cup of Epsom salt. If you

beneficial remedy that is a green cabbage make an live near the sea, a bucket of

available from your kitchen (see

Nosebleeds on p.188). Combined
excellent compress (see below).
U Soothing baths bring great
seawater added to a hot bath,

or a handful of seaweed, can

E First ice the sprain to

reduce any swelling, then

the whole area can be massaged
with rest, a good compress, relief for all strains and sprains, be extremely healing. using ginger, lavender, and
and elevation of the affected and a quick hunt round the chamomile. Keep the sprained area
area, an ice pack will bring kitchen cupboard can provide elevated and rest it as much as
speedy healing to any sprained suitable additions—a heaped possible. If it does not improve,
seek professional advice.

(T) Remove the central stalk, and (T) Heat the leaf gently in a steamer (T) Wrap around the affected area
bruise the leaf all over with a rolling or microwave. and cover with a towel. Leave for at
pin or knife handle. least 15 minutes.


Keep the fractured bone is necessary. Support the injured against the body (see below);
■ If you suspect that someone
still. Discourage the part with your hands without a broken leg can be strapped to
has a fracture.
injured person from drinking or moving it. If possible, make a the other leg for support. Seek
eating anything, in case surgery sling to hold a broken arm urgent medical attention.

A fracture is a broken or

.cracked bone, which is

caused either by direct force

(such as a blow or kick) or by

indirect force, when the bone

breaks at some distance from

(J)To make a sling, lay a triangular (2) Lift the lower end of the (T) Tie the end to the neck end
the point of force. bandage with the point beyond bandage over the injured arm by the collarbone.Tuck In (or pin)
the elbow of the injured arm. while the patient supports it. the bandage by the elbow.


Homeopathic remedies & SYMPHYTUM 6c This is also called Freshly pulped comfrey

may assist orthodox boneset or boneknit and may help leaves used as a poultice

medical treatment, but should with the joining up of the broken will be beneficial for minor cracks

not interfere with medication bones. Also used when the fracture or broken toes.

prescribed by your physician. is slow to mend or shows signs of Drink an infusion of horsetail,

& ARNICA 30c Take this remedy not mending. alfalfa, and comfrey to encourage

first, for the bruising associated & CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA 6C healing of the fracture.
with the injury. Use if Symphytum does not help.
M The only kitchen
Dosage: one tablet every Dosage: one tablet twice daily.
medicine of any value in
2 hours for six doses. Maximum 14 days.
the treatment of fractures

is comfrey tea—the
traditional name of AROMATHERAPY

comfrey is knitbone.
With fractures, it is same side- if it is the shoulder,
No more than two cups a
i quite difficult to use work the hip on that side, or work
day should be taken for
aromatherapy, as the affected area any area that is under stress). You
the first couple of weeks
is going to be encased in plaster,- cannot actually treat the fracture above Alfafa is rich in nutrients and will
after a fracture, to promote
what you can do is work on the itself. Choose an essential oil that help to rebuild bones and teeth, and
rapid healing of the break.
corresponding area (i.e. if the wrist is soothing and calming (see encourage healing.

is fractured, work the ankle on the Stress on p.60).



N osebleeds may be

caused by illness, a

Sit down, leaning pressure after 10 minutes. If

A traditional and effective
blow, by rupturing the nasal forward. Breathing bleeding continues, reapply
remedy is simply to insert
through the mouth, pinch the pressure for another 10
blood vessels, or may occur a yarrow leaf in the nostril and
soft part of the nose below minutes. After 30 minutes, if
then to pinch the nose gently until
for no apparent reason. the bridge. Avoid sniffing, the bleeding has not stopped,
swallowing, coughing, or seek medical advice.
spitting, which might provoke If the bleeding does stop,
further bleeding. Use a you should rest quietly for
For persistent nosebleeds, handkerchief or cloth to mop several hours, and avoid sniffing
consult your physician, up the blood. Release the or blowing.
ffe ARNICA 30c For nosebleeds
resulting from a blow to the nose.
This helps stop the bleeding.
■ The best remedy is in side for at least 5-6
& PHOSPHORUS 30c Often used in
your refrigerator—crush minutes. If the bleeding
children. For nosebleeds for no
a few cubes of ice and persists, put 2tsp/10ml of
apparent reason. Bright red blood,
wrap them in a clean cider vinegar into a glass
and nosebleeds when blowing
handkerchief. Place this of tepid water, tip the
the nose.
ice pack over the top of head back and use a
Dosage: one tablet every 15
the nose and apply dropper to trickle the
minutes. Maximum six doses.
pressure with the thumb mixture into each nostril.
and forefinger on each

left Sit upright, leaning

Use a piece of slightly forward. Pinch

absorbent cotton,
or a bunch of paper the nose below the
bridge and sit quietly

for at least 10

minutes. If a broken

nose is suspected,

keep holding the nose

and get medical help.

left If other methods fail, try

a little cider vinegar in water

in the nostrils.

S plinters are generally

small pieces of wood or


If possible, remove the Clean the area around the Use a little chickweed,

thorn that become embedded in splinter with tweezers. splinter with soap and warm marshmallow, or slippery-

If the splinter is deeply water. Check that your tetanus elm ointment to help draw
the skin and may cause
embedded or difficult to immunization is up to date. stubborn splinters: apply the
infection if they are not remove, seek medical advice. ointment, cover with a small
bandage, and leave for a few hours
removed. Soak the affected
before extracting the splinter with
area in comfortably hot, tweezers or a clean needle.
very soapy water, before
I For stubborn and difficult splinters, cover
attempting to scfueete the AROMATHERAPY
the area with a hot bread poultice, which will
splinter out or remove it with help to draw the splinter to the surface. Remove the splinter

a sterilized needle or tweezers. with tweezers or a sterile

needle, then apply 1 neat drop
of lavender oil to the site.

(7) Make the poultice by (T)Pour over boiling water.

putting three or four slices Mash with a wooden spoon

of bread (white, brown, whole until you have a thick, hot

wheat—it makes no paste. Make sure that the

real difference) into a strainer. temperature is not too hot

before applying. For really
stubborn splinters, especially
underneath finger- or
toenails, you may need
several applications.


Remove the splinter if at also aid expulsion of pins or screws

above Lavender oil is one of the few
above Silica comes from flint and all possible. Watch for used to keep a fracture in place!
essential oils that may be applied
promotes the expulsion of the splinter. signs of infection. Has been known to irritate dental
undiluted to the skin. It is analgesic
& SILICEA 6c Reputed to expel fillings. If this occurs, stop.
and antiseptic.
foreign material from the body. Dosage: one tablet twice daily.

Care should be taken, as it may Maximum 14 days.

A ny form of motion can

l cause the nausea,


Symptoms can be reading while moving. If Homeopathic motion-

vomiting, headache, and prevented by lying flat possible, get out of the vehicle sickness pills, which are a

with closed eyes. Try to avoid or take a break from traveling. combination of remedies, are
dizziness that we know as
available from some pharmacies.
motion or travel sickness. COCCULUS 30c For nausea and

Buses, cars, aeroplanes, boats, giddiness at even the thought of

food. Lots of saliva. Giddiness
even fairground rides can turn
The best way to take ginger is as tea. better for lying down. Worse for
I Ginger is the king of
a pleasant outing into a kitchen remedies, but for
watching moving objects (out of
car window), for loss of sleep,
nightmare. This condition is maximum benefit you need
light, and noise.
to administer it before the
much more common in TABACUM 30c For person
sickness starts, as once the
children, though adults too convinced they will die with
unfortunate victim begins
nausea. Pale with cold sweats.
to vomit, it is not always
can suffer. But, surprisingly,
Worse for opening eyes and smell
possible to keep the
those who cannot travel a mile of tobacco. Better in fresh cold air
medicine down long
(on deck).
as a passenger in a car enough for it to be
& PETROLEUM 30c For nausea that
absorbed and become
without being ill are often is worse for sitting up, noise. Better
effective. For long journeys 1 Peel and grate I in/2.5cm of fresh
perfectly all right when fill a thermos flask with ginger root into a mug, then add for eating. Lots of saliva.
boiling water Dosage: one tablet every 30
driving themselves. Home ginger tea and, after your
minutes until improved. Maximum
pre-travel mugful, sip a
remedies work effectively, six doses.
small cup every hour.
without turning you into a Children, who suffer most,
may not accept ginger tea. OUTSIDE HELP
zombie. And it is worth noting
For them, buy crystallized
that there is a link between ginger, cut into small
~ ^ ACUPRESSURE: point 38,

used continuously
severe motion sickness in cubes, dust liberally with
throughout the journey, will nearly
confectioner's sugar and
children and migraine always prevent motion sickness.
keep in a small tin, so that
in later life (see Migraine Elasticated wristbands that apply
the youngster can nibble a
pressure exactly on this point are
piece or two every half-
on p.52). 2 Add 2tsp/10ml of honey, cover; available at many pharmacies and
hour during the journey.
then leave for 10 minutes. Strain
health-food stores.
and sip at least half an hour
before traveling.

Drink a cup of any of the

following as teas, or use
2-3 drops of tincture on the
tongue at regular intervals during

the journey to provide relief: Put a couple of drops of containing them into the hands,- or
chamomile, black horehound, i ginger or peppermint massage the upper abdomen with Pressure applied to
lemon balm, or meadowsweet. point 38
on a handkerchief,- mb a lotion the essential oils.

F ainting is caused by a

temporary reduction in

■ A cup of hot green or

Encourage the person to it occurred,- whether the sufferer
Indian tea sweetened with
the supply of blood to the lie down with their legs was pale and sweaty; how their
honey should be sipped
raised about 6in/15cm, until they pulse felt) and encourage them to
brain. It may be due to a once the fainting has passed
feel completely better. Check for have a medical check-up. The
shock, fear or exhaustion, I Inhaling the aroma from
injuries, such as bruising or cuts. information gathered will be
a small piece of crushed
Make a note of the events that useful for the physician who has
missed meals, an over-hot horseradish is a good
occurred before, during and after to confirm the diagnosis.
atmosphere, or standing still substitute for old-fashioned
the faint (such as how suddenly
smelling salts.
for too long.



For chilly person, who emotional shock. Person is grief

Loosen all clothing, make
collapses with cold sweats. Wants stricken, sighing. Intolerant of
xk d sure that the person is
air and to be fanned. Fainting from tobacco. Lump in throat, as if
comfortable, then waft under their
too much food. about to cry.
nose some rosemary, peppermint,
& phosphorus 6c For open, lively, Dosage: one tablet every 10
or basil oil.
and artistic person. Sympathetic minutes. Maximum 12 tablets.
and sensitive to external Crush a tablet and place some
impressions. Fainting from hunger. powder on the tongue.


Sniff camphor,
rosemary, or tea-tree oils.
Drink chamomile or betony
tea to help recovery, once

above The delicious consciousness is regained.

fragrance of basil is quite

pungent, and will gently

ease a person back

into consciousness.

right Sniffing an essential

oil with stimulant

properties, such as

camphor, rosemary, or tea

tree, may stave off a faint.

,TT't ' Mi
iililfit' 1
$ ' :J

fHi Hi -NT 'A

Part Three

Herbal remedies

Although it is now possible to buy many herbal remedies commercially

it is often cheaper [and a lot more satisfying) to make your own at home.

That way you can make just the amount you need.


A compress—used either hot or

cold—is an effective way of

applying a herbal remedy directly
to the site of an inflammation or
skin wound to speed up the

healing process. Heat enhances

the action of the herbs, but
a cold compress may be
preferable for treating

some headaches and fever.

(T) Soak a clean linen or cotton cloth, or a pad of cotton (2) Apply to the affected skin as hot as is bearable,
gauze, in a hot infusion or decoction (see p. 195). changing it for a fresh compress as it cools down or
covering it with plastic or waxed paper, then with a hot-
water bottle, to maintain its temperature for as long as
possible. Prepare a cold compress in the same way, but let
it cool before applying to the skin.


A poultice consists of a pulp

or paste made directly of herbs. &
It is often used to draw pus
out of the skin.

NOTE: all quantities

given throughout ; I ) Mix dried herbs into a pulp with a little hot (2) Sandwich the paste between two layers of gauze, then
water until you have the right consistency for a paste. apply to the affected skin as hot as is bearable, changing it
the herbal sections
Alternatively, use the mushy herbs left over from or placing a hot-water bottle on top as for a compress.
refer to dried herbs, a hot infusion or decoction (see p.l95)\ or process
rather than fresh. fresh herbs in a food mixer.


Infusions represent the simplest

and most versatile method of

taking herbal remedies, since you

can drink them as teas or tisanes
(sweetened with a little honey, as
desired, and drunk either hot or
cold),- use them as a mouthwash,
gargle, or as an eyebath

(simmered to sterilize, then

cooled),- and even add them to

the bath. They are made from the

aerial parts—flowers or leaves—of
the plant, which readily release
[ I 1 Warm a china or glass teapot, then add the dried (2) Cover with near-boiling water. Allow I —2tsp/5— 10ml
their active ingredients. herb, breaking it into small pieces if necessary. of the herb for each cup of water. Steep for 5-10 minutes,
then strain and drink. Alternatively, use 1-114 cups/25-30g
of herb per lpt/500ml of water, which will be enough for
one day’s dosage. Make a fresh infusion each day.


Decoctions are similar to

infusions, and may be used in
much the same way, but involve
boiling the herb in water to

release its active ingredients. This

enables woody stems, roots, bark,
berries, and seeds to be used.

(T) Chop or crush the herb, to let it to break down more (2) Cover with cold water. Allow l!4cups/350ml of water
easily, into an enamel, stainless-steel, or glass-lidded pan to 14-ltsp/2.5-5ml of herb (or 3 cups/750ml to 1-14
(never use aluminum). cups/25-30g of herb, if you want to make enough for the
whole day). Bring to a boil and simmer for 10 to 15
minutes or until the volume is reduced by one-third.

(3) Strain and use while still hot.

It is preferable to make fresh
decoctions daily.

Tinctures are alcohol

preparations. The alcohol

dissolves most of the

herb's useful ingredients

and preserves the

preparation for a long

time. Tinctures are

stronger, volume for

volume, than infusions or

decoctions and are best

diluted with a little water. ( I ) Place V/ cups/40g chopped or powdered (2) Pour over a 25% water/alcohol mix.
herb in a container with a tightly fitting lid. Use a (Dilute a bottle of vodka [25fl oz/75cl] by
ratio of I part herb to 5 parts liquid (e.g. lib to adding I214fl oz/37.5cl of water to get the right
5pt, or 200g to 1!.) water/alcohol concentration.)

(T) Leave for 2 weeks, shaking the (4) Strain the mixture through cheesecloth,
mixture regularly. squeezing the cloth well to extract as
much liquid as possible.

List of herbs mentioned,

Common name .Botanical name CARAWAY .Carum carvi COMMON WORMWOOD see WORMWOOD
A G N U S - C A ST U S .Vitex agnus-castus CARDAMOM .Eletlaria cardamomum COMMON YARROW see YARROW
AGRIMONY.Agrimonia eupatoria CASCARA SAGRADA.Rhamnus pursbianus CORIANDER.Coriandrum sativum
ALFALFA.Medicago saliva CATNIP see CATMINT COUCHCRASS.Elymus repens
ALOE VERA .Aloe vera CAYENNE.Capsicum frutescens COWSLIP .Primula veris
AMERICAN ARBOVITAE see THUJA CENTAURY . Cenlaurium cry'lhraea CRAMP BARK .Viburnum opulus
AMERICAN GINSENG .Panaxcjuinguefolius CHAMOMILE.Matricaria recutita CRANESBILL .Geranium spp.
ANISE .Pimpinella anisum CHICKWEED .Stellar,a media CYPRESS.Cupressus sempervirens
ARABIAN COFFEE see COFFEE CHILLI .Capsicum anuum DAMIANA .Turnera diffusa
ARNICA.Arnica montana CHILI PEPPER see CHILLI DANDELION .Taraxacum officinale
ASTRAGALUS .Astragalus memhranaceus CHINESE FICWORT (Xuan Shen) .Scropbularia ningpoensis DANC GUI .Angelica polyphorma var. sinensis
BASIL .Ocimum basilicum CINNAMON .Cinnamomum zeylanicum DEVILS CLAW .Harpagophytum procumbens
BAYBERRY.Myrica cerifera CLEAVERS .Galium aparine DILL .Anetbum graveolens
BEARBERRY .Arctostapbylos uva-ursi CLOVE .Syzgium aromaticum DOCK .Rumex obtusifolius
BENZOIN—FRIAR'S BALSAM .Slyrax benzoin CODONOPSIS.Codonopsis tangstien ECHINACEA .Echinacea spp.
BETONY.Stachys officinalis COLA.Cola nitida ELECAMPANE.Inula belenium
BILBERRY.Vaccinium myrtillus COLTSFOOT.Tussilago farfara ENGLISH LAVENDER see LAVENDER
BIRCH .Bel 11 la pendula COMFREY .Symphytum officinale ENGLISH OAK see OAK
BISTORT.Polygonum bistorta COMMON BALM see LEMON BALM EPHEDRA.Ephedra distacbya
BITTER ORANGE. Citrus aurantium COMMON BASIL see BASIL EUCALYP1 US .Eucalyptus globulus
BLUE COHOSH.Caulophyllum thalictroides COMMON FUMITORY see FUMITORY EYEBRICHT.Euphrasia officinalis
BOGBEAN .Menyanthes trifoliata COMMON HORSE CHESTNUT see HORSE CHESTNUT FENUGREEK.Trigonella foenum-graecum
BONESET.Eupatorium perfoliatum COMMON HOREHOUND see WHITE HOREHOUND FEVERFEW .Tanacetum parthenium
BORAGE.Borago ofjicinalis COMMON HORSETAIL see HORSETAIL FORSYTH IA.Forsythia suspensa
BUCHU.Agatbosma crenulata COMMON JUNIPER see JUNIPER FRINGE TREE.Chionantbus virginicus
BUCKWHEAT .Fagopyrum esculentum COMMON MULLEIN see MULLEIN FUMITORY .Fumaria officinalis
.(now known as Polygonum fagopyrum) COMMON PLANTAIN. Pkmtagd major GALANGAL . .Alpinia officinarum
BURDOCK..Arctium lappa COMMON SAGE see SAGE GARLIC.Allium sativa
CABBAGE.Brassica oleracea COMMON TANSY see TANSY GENTIAN .Gentiana lutea
CADE OIL .Eucalyptus globulus COMMON THYME see THYME GINGER.Zingiber officinale
CALIFORNIAN POPPY .Escbscbolzia califomica COMMON VALERIAN see VALERIAN GINKGO .Ginkgo biloba


Syrups are

concentrated sugar
preparations, which

help preserve
infusions and
decoctions and
also mask the
unpalatable taste of

some herbs. They

are the traditional
way of making
(T) Bring some of your selected infusion or
cough mixtures and decoction to a boil with honey or sugar, using the
herbal brews more ratio Ipt liquid to lib honey or sugar (500ml to 500g).

acceptable to

© Pour into dark glass bottles and keep well stoppered. Store in a cool, dark (5) When the mixture turns syrupy, store until
place.The dosage is generally ltsp/5ml three times a day. required in a corked bottle (not a screwtop one).

with botanical names

GINSENG . .Panax ginseng MEADOWSWEET .Filipendula ulmaria SIBERIAN GINSENG. .Eleutberococcus senticosus
GOLDEN GROUNSELsee LIFE ROOT MELILOT .Aielilotus officinalis SILVERWEED .Potentilla anserina
GOLDEN SEAL. . . . .Hydrastis canadensis MILK THISTLE.Silybum mananum (previously Carduus marianus) SKULLCAP.Scutellaria lateriflora
GOTU KOLA . .Centclla asiatica MOTHERWORT .Leonurus cardiaca SLIPPERY ELM.Lllmus rubra
GREATER CELANDINE. .Cbelidonium majus MUGWORT.Artemisia vulgaris SOAPWORT.Saponaria oficinalis
GROUND IVY . .Glecboma bederacea MULLEIN.Verbascum tbapsus ST.-IOHN'S-WORT.Hypericum perforatum
GUARANA. .Paullinia cupana MYRRH .Commiphora molmol STINGING NETTLE.llrtica dioica
HELONIAS . . . . .Chamaelirium luteum NUTMEG .Myristica fragrans SWEET VIOLET see VIOLET
HERE ROBERT . . . .Geranium robertianum OAK.Quercus robur TABASCO PEPPER see CAYENNE
HE SHOU WU/FO TI . .Polygonum multiflorum OATS.Avcna saliva TANGERINE .Citrus reticulata
HOLY THISTLE. .Cnicus benedictus ONION.Allium cepa TANSY.Tanacetum vulgare
HOPS . .Humulus lupulus PA PAW .Carica papaya TEA . Camellia sinensis
HORSE CHESTNUT. . .Acsculus bippocastanum PARSLEY .Petroselinum crispum TEA TREE.Melaleuca altemifolia
HORSERADISH. . . . .Armoracia rusticana PARSLEY PIERT .Apbanes arvensis THUJA .Thuja occidental is
HORSETAIL. .Ecjuisetum arvense PASSIONFLOWER.Passiflora incamata THYME .Thymus vulgaris
HOUSE LEEK. . . .Sempervivum tectorum PAU D'ARCO.Tabebuia impetiginosa TORMENTIL.Potentilla erecta
HYSSOP. .Hyssopus officinalis PEPPERMINT . Mentha x piperita TURNIP. .Brassica Rapifero Group'
INDIAN TOBACCO see LOBELIA PILEWORT .Ranunculusficaria VALERIAN. Valeriana officinalis
IRISH MOSS . .Cbondrus crispus PINE .Pinus sylvestris VERVAIN.Verbena officinalis
ISPACHULA. .Plantago psyllium POET'S JESSAMINE see JASMINE VIOLET .Viola odorata
LAVENDER. . .Lavandula angustifolia RED RASPBERRY see RASPBERRY WILD INDIGO . Baptisia tinctoria
LEMON BALM . .Melissa officinalis REISHI. . . Ganoderma lucidum WILD LETTUCE . .Lactuca virosa
LICORICE. .Glycyrrbiza glabra ROSE. Rosa spp. WILD YAM . . . . .Dioscorea villosa
LIFE ROOT . .Senecio aureus ROSE GERANIUM see GERANIUM WINTERCREEN. Gaultberia pwcumbens
LIME FLOWERS . .Tilia cordata ROSEMARY. Rosmarinus officinalis WITCH HAZEL. Hamamelis virginland
LOBELIA. .Lobelia infiata SAGE.Salvia officinalis WORMWOOD . . .Artemisia absintbeum
LOVAGE. .Levisticum officinale SANDALWOOD.Santalum album WOUNDWORT .Stacbys palustris
MAD-DOG SKULLCAP see SKULLCAP SANICLE.Sanicula europaca YARROW.Achillea millefolium
MARIGOLD. . . , .Calendula officinalis SELF-HEAL.Prunella vulgaris
MARI ORAM . . . . Origanum majorana SENNA.Senna alexandrina
MARSH CUDWEED . Gnapbtbalium uliginosum SHEPHERD'S PURSE.Capsella bursa-pastoris
MARSHMALLOW . .Althaea officinalis SHIITAKE MUSHROOM.Lentinus edodes
The 20 most use ful herbal remedies
and the ailments they can help

agrimony: & soothes syndrome), good for cystitis,

digestive problems (including heavy menstrual bleeding, thrush,

diarrhea and food intolerance), vaginal discharges, gum diseases,

cuts and scrapes, skin problems, cooling in fevers.

minor eye problems (e.g.

conjunctivitis), sore ECHINACEA: & antibacterial,

throats, catarrh. antiviral, and antifungal for a

wide range of infections

ALOE VERA: & effective for (including colds and flu), and for

skin problems, minor cuts and skin problems such as athlete's

burns, insect bites, digestive foot and acne, sore throats,

problems, acts as an appetite kidney infections.

stimulant and tonic.

ELDER: & flowers are useful

BETONY: tk relaxing nervine for catarrh, colds, flu, hay fever,

for anxiety and stress, headaches, fevers, and inflammation, leaves

cuts and bruises, mouth and gum can be used in ointments for

disorders, sore throats, encourages bruises and sores.

contractions in childbirth, acts as

a digestive stimulant and GARLIC: 1% antibacterial,

circulatory tonic. antifungal, and antiseptic, lowers

blood cholesterol levels and useful

Q chamomile: & beneficial to combat candidiasis and

for digestive problems (including respiratory infections, strengthens

irritable bowel syndrome and the immune system.

indigestion), poor appetite,

insomnia, nervous tension and GINGER: warming for

anxiety, mouth inflammations chills and colds, combats nausea
and sore throats, minor eye and vomiting, calming for the
problems, nasal catarrh, eczema digestive system (especially
and skin problems, asthma, and indigestion and flatulence), acts
hay fever, homeopathic dilutions as a circulatory stimulant.
for colic, restlessness, and teething

problems in babies and toddlers.

^ LAVENDER: & sedative and

cooling for migraines, headaches,

insomnia, and stress, good for Herb gardens are a delight for the senses, as well as a source of exotic flavorings
wound herb for cuts, insect bites, digestive upsets (including for the kitchen, and a living medicine cabinet. The term “herb" encompasses a
stings, sores, etc., and skin indigestion), use externally range of different plants—from annuals and perennials to woody shrubs—requiring
disorders (including eczema), on burns, scrapes, and sunburn. a variety of growing conditions. There are a great many medicinal herbs to choose
antibacterial, soothing for from, so allow plenty of space when planning your herb garden.
digestive-tract problems
It also needs to be easily accessible.
(including irritable bowel

o LEMON balm: & calming ST. JOHN’S wort: &

for digestive upsets and nervous antidepressive, sedative,

problems, antidepressi ve,- restorative for the nervous system;
antibacterial—useful for useful in anxiety, nervous
infections and fevers, use tension, depression, neuralgia,
externally for wounds, on insect post-operative pain, period pain,
bites and as an insect repellent. antiseptic and soothing, so useful
topically for burns, skin sores,

^ MARIGOLD: & good in cuts, and scrapes.

creams for cuts, scrapes, fungal

infections, eczema, and many other © TEA TREE: & antiseptic,
skin problems, acts as a digestive antifungal; useful for all
stimulant, menstrual regulator; infections, including thrush,
cooling in fevers,- beneficial for gum athlete's foot, ringworm,
disease and swollen glands. septicemia, tooth and
gum infections and abscesses,

Q MARSHMALLOW: & soothing warts, cold sores, acne, insect

for digestive inflammations stings, and bites.

and ulceration, urinary

inflammations, coughs, catarrh,- THYME: & respiratory
use externally for skin sores, antiseptic and expectorant for
boils, abscesses, and for drawing coughs and bronchitis,- acts as a
splinters and pus. digestive stimulant—warming for
chills and diarrhea, the oil is

^ MEADOWSWEET: & calming antiseptic, for use as a wound

and antacid for digestive upsets herb and in infections.

(including gastritis and

ulceration),- good for arthritic and © VERVAIN: relaxing nervine
rheumatic disorders,- antiseptic for depression and tension, acts
and cooling. as a digestive and liver stimulant,
used in childbirth to ease labor

0 rosemary: & stimulating pains; use topically for nerve

and restora tive for nervous pains (neuralgia).

exhaustion and depression,

beneficial for headaches, migraine, YARROW: & used in fevers

Start giving consideration to your garden practices. Medicinal and culinary herbs digestive problems (including and to dilate peripheral blood

should not be contaminated by chemicals, so avoid excessive spraying against pests gallbladder problems, indigestion, vessels, acts as a wound herb,

and diseases. This may be the time to turn to organic gardening! Use soap solution etc.), use externally for arthritic digestive tonic, and helpful for

to combat aphids, or marigold infusion for mildew and fungal problems. Try and and rheumatic pains. urinary and menstrual

ensure that the herb garden is not sited where it is subjected to car fumes or irregularities.

agricultural chemicals. Prepare and enrich the soil, and get planting...
Kitchen medicine

M edicine started in the kitchen and now, centuries later, it is going back to its
Then use a wooden spoon to

squeeze out the excess water and

mash the bread into a paste. Wrap

origins. While no sane person would ignore the life-saving benefits of the modern
the paste in a piece of clean cloth,

pharmaceutical industry, millions of people are becoming increasingly concerned about apply as hot as is bearable over the

site of the boil—or a stubborn

using powerful drugs, with all their side-effects, in the treatment of minor ailments and splinter—and leave until cold.
Repeat as necessary until the boil
simple first-aid situations.
comes to a head or the splinter


The use of all medicines is based on ICE PACKS

the balance between risk and

Ice packs for the treatment of
benefit—and in many household
nosebleeds, sports injuries, and
situations the risks are simply not
damaged muscles or tendons can
justified. As public awareness
be made by putting ice cubes in a
grows, there is a great revival in the
plastic bag, wrapping them in a
craft of the "wise woman" and in
cold, wet cloth, then applying
the value of simple home remedies
them to the affected area. Never
prepared in your own kitchen.
apply ice cubes directly to the skin
With the help of this book you will
as this can cause severe damage.
find a safe remedy to suit
For information on how to prepare
most situations of minor
a hot (or cold) compress, seep.194.
illness or accident.
Every cookbook published GARGLES AND

before World War 11 contained MOUTHWASHES

whole chapters related to health: For sore throats or mouth ulcers,

recipes for convalescent foods, make a gargle/mouthwash by
above The heart of the home, and also of the healthy
instructions for making poultices, adding a teaspoonful of fresh
body. A return to more traditional remedies counters our
fomentations, and curative baths, chopped sage leaves (red sage is
over-reliance on manmade drugs.
and even detailed information on best) to a cup of boiling water.
the preparation of plant-based Cover and leave to stand for 10
creams, lotions, and potions. version of kitchen medicine, and entry there is information about the minutes, strain, then use as gargle
Cooking writers—from the Roman what we see in the health spas healing foods that should be eaten or mouthwash. For gingivitis, or
epicure Marcus Gabius Apicius of today is the heritage of those so that the body can speedily be boils or abscesses in the mouth,
to Britain's renowned Mrs Beeton— kitchen pioneers. But it is not only returned to health and vitality. follow the same method with a
used the kitchen as a dispensary the value of medicinal preparations It is this combination of natural glass of hot water containing a
and described the healing that we consider in this book,- it is remedies with the ideal food heaped teaspoonful of sea-salt.
properties of foods and how they the whole concept, described by regime that represents the taie Rinse the mouth thoroughly
should be prepared. More than 400 Hippocrates 2,000 years ago, spirit and practice of kitchen several times and repeat
years ago European books were when he said that man's food medicine. every 3 hours.
detailing the therapeutic value of should be his medicine, and
vegetable juices and how they his medicine his food.

should be used to heal the sick. Throughout this book you will Bread poultices are the most Everybody thinks of spices as
In modern times the naturopath's find not only advice on preparing effective way of treating boils. Put flavorings that you add to curries,
use of fasting and special diets has and using specific treatments for a few slices of bread in a strainer chilis, tacos, and apple pie, but
become the twentieth-century individual ailments. In almost every and pour boiling water over them. although spices all taste great,

they also have important left Early civilizations knew the value

medicinal value: of honey as a healing remedy.Traces of

BLACK PEPPER: & stimulates the honey have survived in Egyptian tombs

circulation and the digestion. for 2,000 years.

CAYENNE: added to any dish

will help relieve the itching and

discomfort of chilblains.
GINGER: ^ is the best of all remedies
Never dismiss honey as nothing
for morning sickness, travel sickness, and
more than a substitute for sugar. It
nausea after anesthesia. It also relieves
has been used as a healer since
the pain of arthritic joints.
time immemorial. For sore throats,
NUTMEG: in excessive Quantities can
coughs, and colds, honey with
be hallucinogenic, but a sprinkle in rice
hot water and lemon is just as
pudding, over a salad or cooked greens
effective as—and in many cases
such as spinach is very calming.
more so than—all the expensive,
SAFFRON: has an ancient history in
proprietary medicines.
the treatment of depression, menstrual pain,
As a dressing, honey speeds
and menopausal problems—though
the healing of varicose ulcers and is
costly, it is effective.
favored by many plastic surgeons
TURMERIC: is a traditional ingredient in
to prevent postoperative scars.
Indian food and has a bistoiy of use for all
Local honey can help hay-fever
liver complaints. Modem research shows
sufferers, as the bees feed on plants
that it is also anti-inflammatory (as effective
that are likely to trigger attacks and
as cortisone], antibacterial, and a
the offending pollens end up in
powerfully protective antioxidant.
concentrations in the honey.

increased blood flow suffuses the for stress and insomnia (fresh herbs Honey contains a natural antibiotic
whole area with a ruddy, warming, or essential oils will do). Adding produced by the bees, which

Since Roman times, and even earlier, healthy glow. Sit in a cold bath Epsom salt to the bath helps prevents it going off or growing

water has been used as a healing with 6in/15cm of water and give arthritis and rheumatism,- seaweed mold spores—small residues of

remedy and, since it is on tap in your body a good splash for a or peat extracts improves the skin,- edible honey have even been found

your home, it is certainly the minute. Stand up, add another and sea salt promotes healing, in the pharaohs' tombs.

cheapest medicine of all. Many 6in/l5cm of water and repeat the reduces inflammation and
of the ailments described in this splashing. Keep on until the water prevents infection.

book will benefit from increased is up to your navel, then finish with For circulatory

consumption of water, and simply a quick lie down. (This treatment is problems, such as
turning on the bathtub faucet can not for the elderly, infirm, small varicose veins, piles, and

create your own private spa. children, or those of chilblains, and for muscle,
Start by experiencing a cold bath: a nervous disposition.) joint, or ligament injuries,

quite the opposite to what you Hot baths are relaxing, lower the use alternate hot and cold

might expect, this is not a variation body's energy, stimulate sweating, water: hot water for 3 minutes,

of an ancient form of torture, but is and increase the elimination of then cold for 30 seconds, five

highly invigorating. When you toxins. For backache or chest times twice a day, ending with

apply cold water to any part of the problems, add 2tbsp/30ml of bath cold water.

body there is an initial chilling mustard to a hot bath, use If the world has wound you up,

effect, followed by dilation of the rosemary for the circulation,- just throw three lime-blossom tea above Only organic honey contains

small blood vessels in the skin. The chamomile for the skin, and hops bags into a hot bath. the healing ingredients.
The 20 most use ful
conventional medicine remedies
and the ailments they can help
^ ACETAMINOPHEN: it? [e.g. fever. If the spray causes dryness ^ emollients: it? [e.g. ^ METHOL SALICYLATE: &

Panadol, Tylenol]: provides and crusting, seek medical advice Euceria]-. may alleviate dry skill; [e.g. Icy Hot, Bengay].- sprayed
pain relief, useful for treating for an alternative. can be added to bath water or or rubbed onto the skin, it
headaches and sprains, and for applied directly to the skin, and produces heat or cold and can
reducing a fever. Many other used for babies. Almond oil can ease the pain of a sprained joint or
Q benzocaine: it:
tablets contain paracetamol in help to soften ear wax prior to muscle ache.
[e.g. Chloraseptic): a local
combination with other drugs, syringing.
anesthetic found in lozenges or
such as codeine phosphate and [e.g.
sprays, which relieves the pain of O miconazole: it1
caffeine, to enhance their effect. Micotin]: available as a spray
sore throats. O FLUCONAZOLE: &
Be aware that codeine phosphate for easy treatment of fungal skin
[Diflucan].- available as a single
tends to cause constipation.
Avoid paracetamol if you have
Q CALAMINE: & found in tablet, as an alternative to creams infections, such as athlete's foot.

many preparations used to to treat vaginal yeast infections. Miconazole gel is available for
liver problems. treating oral thrush.
treat itching skin.
Q ANTACIDS: & relieve
Q CHLORPHENIRAMINE ACETATE 0.5-1%: & a mild © POTASSIUM citrate: it?
indigestion, usually contain [e.g. Cymalon]: can be used to
MALEATE TABLETS: & [e.g. steroid cream, particularly useful
magnesium or aluminum salts. relieve the symptoms of a mild
Chlortrimetron): useful to prevent for treating minor skin irritation,
Aluminum salts [Aluminum
itching at night. It is not so useful such as mild cases of eczema, can urinary infection.
hydroxide, Alu-Cap] may cause
during the day as it causes be used to stop itchy ears, by
constipation, whereas magnesium-
drowsiness. Also used to prevent gently applying to the ear canal © psyllium: & [e.g.
containing antacids (e.g. Milk
jet lag and motion sickness, and using the little finger. Metamucil].- useful for constipation
of Magnesia] tend to cause
for hay fever. that does not respond to dietary
diarrhea. Some preparations
© ibuprofen: it? [e.g. Advil, change and exercise. Children may
contain both aluminum and
magnesium [e.g. Gaviscon,
Q CIMETIDINE: & [Tagamet] or Motrin], a painkiller that is prefer the taste of lactulose, which

RANITIDINE: & [Zantac].- may particularly helpful where there is softens the feces and takes a couple
Maalox). Other mixtures contain
be helpful in cases of indigestion inflammation—for example, of days to work.
dimethicone to relieve wind [e.g.
that do not respond to an antacid. sprains, backache, or swollen
Alka-Seltzer, Gas-X).
joints. Avoid ibuprofen if you
have asthma or stomach ulcers.
antihistamine: & © CHLORPHENIRAMINE
lotrimin-Mycelex): an antifungal
prescription tablets such as MALEATE LIQUID: & [e.g.
treatment available as a cream or
loratadine [Claritin] or citirizine Chlortrimetron]: treating itchy
suppositories,- provides relief for
[Zyrtec): help to relieve the skin, particularly at night.
yeast infections, although
symptoms of hay fever without ^ dimethicone: it? [e.g.
occasionally it can cause
causing drowsiness. Mylicon].- used for infantile colic.
stinging [if this occurs, seek
medical advice], MINERAL OIL: & softens
cradle cap.
DIPROPRIONATE: & [Beconase].- right Conventional medicines

a nasal spray that relieves a long¬ should not be rejected out of Also IBUPROFEN [e.g. Motrin]

standing problem with a blocked hand: sometimes they are the best and ACETAMINOPHEN [e.g.

or dripping nose, such as in hay solution to a problem. Panadol, Tylerol] as above.


Doses for adults, children,

and pregnant women

NOTE: check all doses with the information Children: not recommended for lOOmg ibuprofen in ltsp/5ml, three or over 6 years: 1tsp/5ml, four times
given on the package and by your children under 1. four times a day. Not recommended a day.
pharmacist or physician. If symptoms persist, 1— 2 years: 1 mg twice a day. for children under 1 year old or
seek medical advice. 2— 5 years: lmg every 4—6 hours. weighing less than 16lb/7kg.
Not known to be harmful in pregnancy.
Maximum: 6mg daily. 1- 2 years: Jftsp/2.5ml.
& ACETAMINOPHEN Adults: 1 sachet dissolved in water
6—12 years: 2mg every 4—6 hours. 3-7 years: ltsp/5ml.
Not known to be harmful in pregnancy. three times a day for 48 hours. If
Maximum 12mg daily. 8-12 years: 2tsp/l0ml.
Usually take four times a day, but not symptoms persist, seek medical
more frequently than every 4 hours. & CIMETIDINE & MICONAZOLE advice.
Not to be given to babies under 3 Avoid in pregnancy. Avoid oral treatment in pregnancy. For
months except under medical Adults/children over 16: for athlete's foot, apply a spray twice a
Avoid in pregnancy.
supervision. heartburn and indigestion take day for 10 days after the fungal
Adults/children over 1 6: take 75mg
Adults: formulations may come as 200mg when the symptoms appear, infection has cleared. For thrush
with water when the symptoms
tablets, capsules, or may be then repeat after 1 hour if symptoms infection in the mouth:
appear. If symptoms persist for more
dispersible. Liquid acetominophen is persist. Maximum daily dose: 800mg, Adults: 1—2tsp/5—10ml held in the
than 1 hour, or return, another tablet
also available. Take fg every 4-6 but not more than 400mg in any mouth after food four times a day.
can be taken. Maximum: 300mg in
hours. Maximum: 4g in 24 hours. period of 4 hours. If symptoms Children:
24 hours. If symptoms continue after
Children: available either as a liquid continue after 2 weeks, seek medical 0-2 years: lftsp/2.5ml twice daily.
2 weeks, seek medical advice.
containing lOOmg acetominophen in advice. To prevent nighttime 2- 6 years: ltsp/5ml twice daily.
lml, or a liquid containing 120nig heartburn take 200-400mg 1 hour
acetominophen in ltsp/5ml. Use a before bedtime. SYMPTOMS THAT REQUIRE URGENT MEDICAL ATTENTION

measuring pipette, four times a day,

& CLOTRIMAZOLE Temperature of more than 104°F/40'C
to provide the correct dosage, or
Not known to be harmful in pregnancy.
Vomiting for more than 24 hours
pharmacists can provide a syringe
Take as a vaginal tablet containing
(without the needle). Difficulty rousing someone/unconsciousness for more than 2 minutes
500mg inserted into the vagina at
Unexplained confused behavior
& BECLOMETHASONE DIPROPRIONATE night,- as vaginal cream containing 5g
Not known to be harmful in pregnancy. of 10% clotrimazole inserted using Not specifically unwell child, but possibly lethargic and floppy

Adults/children over 6 years: 2 an applicator at night,- or as a cream

Difficulty in breathing
doses per nostril twice a day. containing 1% clotrimazole applied
Vomiting with blood
two or three times a day.
Painful urination with back pain
Not known to be harmful in pregnancy. & FLUCONAZOLE
Severe headache, if associated with a fever and possibly with a rash
Apply as often as required. Avoid in pregnancy. Otherwise, take a

single dose of 150mg. Severe headache that develops very suddenly

Difficulty in swallowing saliva
Not known to be harmful in pregnancy. tk HYDROCORTISONE

To prevent itching at night and to Topical treatments not known to be harmful Central, crushing chest pain in an adult

avoid excessive drowsiness, restrict in pregnancy. Apply cream twice a day. Nosebleed for more than 30 minutes, despite first-aid measures
to one nighttime dose only. The
& IBUPROFEN An object, such as a bead, up the nose of a child (but not if in the ear)
following are the total daily doses
Most manufacturers recommend avoiding use Bee sting near or in the mouth
in pregnancy.
Adults: 4mg every 4—6 hours. Swallowed detergents or poisons
Adults: initially take 400mg,
Maximum: 24mg daily. Chemicals in the eye
repeated every 4 hours if necessary.
Maximum: 1.2g in 24 hours.
Children: give liquid containing
H omeopathy was established by a German physician,
Samuel Hahnemann, nearly 200 years acjo. He
found that a medicine that causes symptoms in a healthy
person could, in small doses, be used to cure those same
symptoms in a sick person (the principle of "like cures like”].

It is therefore important to match the symptoms of the

condition with those associated with the remedy. Whatever
WmXwM Ills
makes the pain better or worse, whether you feel weepy or
irritable, whether or not you are thirsty, etc., offers a useful
pointer to individualize the symptom picture and so select
the correct remedy.

There are too many symptoms taken if the improvement slows or

associated with each remedy to list stops. Once all the symptoms have
them in full throughout the book, gone, there is no need to take any
but a few important ones are given more of the remedy "just in case." If
under each ailment to act as guides. the symptoms change, consult the
It is always best to consult a remedy pictures again.
qualified homeopath, who will be Homeopathic remedies are
able to prescribe a remedy based prepared by serial dilutions of a
on you as an individual. Try the solution of the remedy in alcohol.
remedy that appears to match your Those remedies that are not
above The bark of the white ash, Froxinus americana, is used
symptoms. It is not necessary to soluble in alcohol are mixed with
to produce a remedy that is beneficial for painful
continue taking the remedy once lactose until they become soluble.
heavy periods.
improvement occurs, although Two scales are commonly used:
another one or two doses may be the decimal (x) scale and the centesimal (c) scale, used dissolved in water to give to babies,
throughout this book. In the or tablets crushed. A small amount
c-scale, one drop of the remedy of the liquid or crushed tablet
solution in alcohol is added to comprises one dose. Remedies can
99 drops of alcohol and shaken also be bought as creams or
vigorously to produce a 1c solutions to put on the skin.
potency,- one drop of the lc is then All remedies should be stored in
added to 99 drops of alcohol and a cool, dry place, well away from
shaken to make a 2c potency, etc. strong-smelling substances. Tablets
Remedies are usually sold over the should never be handled—instead,
counter in 6c or 30c potency. The tip one onto the lid of the bottle
higher the dilution, the greater its and then straight into your mouth.
strength. (The x-scale is serial Remedies are absorbed from the
dilution in the ratio 1:10.) mouth and should be sucked, not
When the required strength is swallowed.You should have
obtained, a few drops of the nothing strong-tasting in your
solution are placed on lactose mouth before taking the remedy,
above Cuttlefish produce ink, which is used to make the tablets, powders, granules, or nothing to eat or drink for 10
remedy Sepia. Sepia is often used for treating pillules. The choice of preparation minutes beforehand or immediately
women’s problems. is a personal one—powders can be after taking the remedy.

The 20 most useful homeopathic remedies

and the ailments they can help
& for anxiety, chronic fatigue earache, teething, colic, cough,
Belladonna comes
syndrome, depression, gastritis, painful periods, toothache.
from deadly
irritable bowel syndrome,
nightshade. It is
laryngitis. Q GELSEMIUM: & for fear of prescribed for
dentist or of driving test, anxiety sudden-onset
Q ARSENICUM ALBUM: & for symptoms generally, flu, diarrhea, complaints such
diarrhea and vomiting, food chronic fatigue syndrome. as fevers and
poisoning, gastritis, peptic ulcers, immobilizing
eczema, psoriasis, hay fever, Q HEPAR SULPHURIS: & for headaches.
asthma. abscesses, acne, sore throat,
coughs and bronchitis, earache.
Q belladonna: & for ^ LACHESIS: &/or asthma, © PULSATILLA: & for pregnancy
flushes and menopausal problems, sickness, breech presentations
earache, fever, tonsillitis, arthritis, IGNATIA: ^ for grief, cough,
heavy periods, sore throats. during pregnancy, cystitis,
German measles, scarlet fever. depression, headache.
postnatal depression, period

Q BRYONIA: & for gastritis, Q ipecacuanha: & for

O LYCOPODIUM: & for bowel problems, hay fever,

problems, bloating, irritable bowel conjunctivitis, recurrent ear

indigestion, chest infections, asthma, cough, nausea in
syndrome, heartburn, migraine, infections, irritable bowel
sciatica, headache. pregnancy.
urinary tract infection, premature syndrome, bedwetting.


© MERCURIUS: & for mouth for chicken pox, shingles,

ulcers, colds, sore throat, colitis, arthritis, rheumatism, eczema,

ear infections, ulcerative colitis. sprains.

left Homeopathic

remedies are often

stored in dark glass © NATRUM MURIATICUM:

SEPIA: ^ for depression,
bottles. Your first & for mouth ulcers, cold sores, fatigue, cystitis, premenstrual
consultation with a asthma, eczema, psoriasis, syndrome, back pain, nausea in
homeopath is likely to irritable bowel syndrome, pregnancy, warts, ringworm.

last for an hour, while headaches, premenstrual

he or she builds up a syndrome. Q staphysagria: & for
detailed picture of you. depression, cystitis related to

^ NUX VOMICA: tk for stress, intercourse, premenstrual

overwork, fatigue, insomnia, hay syndrome, psoriasis (particularly

fever, asthma, colic, irritable after grief), warts, pain in

bowel syndrome, headaches, surgical wounds.

peptic ulcers.
SULFUR: for abscesses,

^ PHOSPHORUS: & for peptic acne, eczema, asthma, dandruff,

ulcers, gastritis, colitis, coughs menopausal flushes, migraine,

and bronchitis, nosebleeds. arthritis, tonsillitis.


Essential oils are extracted from To make a massage oil, add 2 There are many varieties of The size of the area to be treated

various parts of plants and trees— drops of essential oil to every essential-oil burners on the market, will determine the size of the

the leaves, fruit, flowers, bark, I tsp/5ml of carrier oil. and some are much better than compress you need to cover it: for

roots and wood—and are absorbed Alternatively, add 2 drops of oil to others: make sure that the water instance, a facecloth or cotton pad.

by the body in aromatherapy, ltsp/5ml of aqueous cream or container is not situated too close Add 4 to 6 drops of essential oil to
either through inhalation or lotion (available from pharmacies). to the candle and that the candle a bowl of warm water and mix
through the pores of the skin. For a child, add I drop of has a good supply of oxygen. well. Soak the compress, then
Numerous chemical components essential oil to 2tsp/10ml of Never let your burner run dry or squeeze out the excess water
in each essential oil react with the carrier oil or cream. leave it unattended, as some (but do not wring the compress).
mind and with the body's essential oils are highly flammable. Apply to the affected area. If
chemistry to help the healing There are also electric diffusers, possible, cover in plastic wrap
process. Each oil has both a vaporizers for the car that plug into followed by a warm towel. Keep
Add 4 to 6 drops of essential oil to
dominant characteristic and a the cigarette-lighter socket, and covered for a minimum of 2 hours,
a bowl of hot water. Bend over the
unique smell, and much of the light-bulb rings, which simply fit and preferably overnight.
bowl, cover your head and the
benefit of aromatherapy lies not on top of the light bulb before you
bowl with a towel, and inhale the
only in selecting an oil that will switch the lamp on. They all
steam. This treatment is not
treat your particular ailment, but in follow the same principle of
suitable for asthmatics or small Put 10-15 drops of essential oil
selecting one whose aroma appeals vaporizing the oil into the air, so
children. Alternatively, you can into 2pt/ll of water, then spray
to you personally. Essential oils releasing its aroma.
put 1 or 2 drops of essential oil on lightly over the affected part of
may be used in numerous ways, Whichever system you choose,
a handkerchief, coat or shirt collar, the body. This treatment is
including massage, steam put 1 or 2 drops of your selected
or on your pillow or the corner particularly useful if the area is
inhalations, baths, vaporizers, essential oil in the vaporizer and
of your sheet at night, and too painful to be touched.
compresses, and sprays. let it heat up for 15-20 minutes.
inhale its aroma.
Then turn the vaporizer off, or
CAUTION blow out the candle. The effects
Essential oils should never be will last for at least 4 to 6 hours,

ingested, or applied undiluted Fill the bath, then add your chosen depending on the flow of fresh air

to the skin (unless specifically essential oils: 4 to 6 drops for through the area, without the need

suggested in the text), as they adults and 1 or 2 drops for to repeat the process. If you do

children. Alternatively, mix the not have any special vaporizing

can cause irritation.
essential oils with a carrier oil or equipment, then a piece of

with milk before adding to the material prepared as for a

bath water. Then agitate the water compress (see right) and hung on a
to disperse the oils. Keep the warm radiator will be quite
For direct skin application, essential
bathroom door and windows shut effective, as will be a piece of
oils should always be mixed with a
to obtain maximum benefit from cotton soaked in 1 or 2 drops of
base, or carrier, oil. This enables
the vapors. Soak in the bath for at essential oil and then tucked down
them to penetrate the skin without
least 20 minutes. You can follow behind a warm radiator.
causing irritation or burning. Any
the same process, using a smaller
of the light vegetable-based oils—
receptacle, for foot and hand
grapeseed, soy, sunflower, safflower, above Orange-blossom essential oil
baths,- and if a bidet is not
or groundnut—can be used. is an antidepressant, helps the
available, a bowl of warm water
Whatever you put in your mouth circulation, and is reputed to
will do just as well for a sitz bath.
you can put on your skin. be an aphrodisiac!

The 20 most useful aromatherapeutic oils

and the ailments they can help
BASIL: mind-clearing LEMON GRASS: & builds the ROSE: & the ultimate feminine
and focusing—useful to help body's resistance to fatigue, good oil for menstrual disruption,
studying, or for switching off at in afoot bath for tired, aching, beneficial for emotional stress
the end of a busy day, clearing to restless legs, an effective insect- and grief.
the sinus. repellent.
above Jasmine (Jasminum officinale,)
^ sandalwood: & soothing
CLOVE: & good for toothache, GERANIUM: for all womens O MANDARIN: safe and to the skin and the emotions, sore
pleasing in a burner at problems, especially those gentle, relaxing and calming for throats respond well to being
Christmastime and on other concerned with hormonal everyone, from babies to the massaged with sandalwood
occasions, used with orange, pine, imbalance, including PMS and elderly, a valuable general oil. (mixed with a carrier oil or
and/or cinnamon. menopause. lotion) in the throat area.

NEROLI: & the best oil for

Q EUCALYPTUS: & beneficial for GINGER: warming to the stress-related problems. Q TEA TREE: & antiviral,
upper respiratory tract problems, muscles, beneficial for digestive antifungal, and antibacterial,
including cold and flu symptoms disorders, good for nausea (both good for warts, verrucae, athlete's
ORANGE: & a bright, sunny,
and sinus problems, good as a morning and motion sickness). foot and other conditions where
cheering oil—uplifting and
massage medium or in the bath joyful. the body's immune system needs
for muscular aches and pains. JASMINE: & eases labor pains, a boost.
useful for postnatal blues.
© PETITGRAIN: & the poor
Q FRANKINCENSE: & calming persons neroli—good for stress Q YLANG YLANG:

and soothing to the emotions, JUNIPER: tfe: detoxifying, both conditions, where neroli is antidepressant—a heady,
slows and deepens the breathing, mentally and physically. indicated but is unaffordable. perfumed oil whose name means
good for asthmatics in a vaporizer "flower of flowers." purportedly
or on a handkerchief. Q lavender: & calming, an aphrodisiac.
soothing, relaxing, de-stressing, children's oil—l drop in a bath
useful for burns and insomnia. will soothe a fractious child at
bedtime, soothing for skin
LEMON: & an alternative to irritations and inflammations,
tea tree, good for treating warts good in a tea for digestive
Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) and verrucae. disorders. Roman chamomile

(Chamaemelum nobilis)

Additional remedies

Put 2 drops of fennel and Juniper If you get eaten alive by To wake you up, or prior to an For those experiencing grief the

in a warm bath to detoxify the mosquitoes, try adding 3 drops of evening out, put 3 drops of lemon following combination acts like a

system. Caution: avoid fennel oil lemon grass, and 3 drops of basil grass and 3 drops of rosemary in a great hug: put 3 drops of rose

if you suffer from epilepsy or to 2tbsp/30ml of aqueous cream bath to give you a physical and and 3 drops of benzoin in the

kidney problems. and using it in the evenings and at mental boost. Caution: avoid bath, or in 2tbsp/30ml of
bedtime. Use in a burner during rosemaiy oil if you suffer from carrier oil or lotion to use as a
the summer to deter flies. epilepsy or high blood pressure massage treatment.
The 20 most useful healing foods
and the ailments they can help
APPLES: )§? if you only have BANANAS: are nature's GARLIC: the king of healing LEMONS, ORANGES,

room for one tree in your garden, magic fast food—full of potassium, plants—antibacterial, antifungal, AND grapefruit: & Citrus

plant an apple tree. Apples are good so excellent for the physically and good for everything fruit are extremely rich in vitamin

for the heart, protective against active and for anyone taking from bronchitis to C and the protective bioflavonoids

pollution, lower cholesterol; good diuretics, good for PMS because of athletes foot, valuable in the treatment of

for food poisoning and their vitamin B6 and protective coughs, colds, and
gastroenteritis, antibacterial zinc content, very against food Ml flu, and in the
and antiviral their healing for the whole poisoning, strengthening
fiber helps digestive tract, good lowers cholesterol and ,,T of natural
digestion. for both blood pressure, improves the immunity.
constipation circulation.
and f
diarrhea. *v, KIWI FRUIT. Kiwis are very

Q ARTICHOKES: & Globe rich in vitamin C, fiber, and vitamin

CABBAGE: 1% Cabbages are E, contain lots of potassium, so are
artichokes are good for all liver
the medicine of the poor—use good for blood pressure, digestive
complaints, biliousness, hepatitis
cabbage juice for peptic ulcers, problems, chronic
and gallstones, lower
cabbage leaves as compresses for fatigue, and
cholesterol, relieve
painful joints, cabbage soup for heart Xt
fluid retention,
are excellent for chest infections, the dark green
leaves for anemia. Cabbage and all o NUTS: these are the
healing plants and trees of
arthritis, its relatives Q LEEKS: &

have been tomorrow, and are densely full of

and gout. _ -t are powerful
protectors cultivated for at nutrients—minerals like selenium,

against a least 4,000 years and were highly zinc, iron, lots of protein, healthy
Q AVOCADOS: tk are ideal
whole range of prized by the ancient Egyptians, oils, and the B vitamins.
convalescing food, good for stress
cancers. Greeks, and Romans. They are Fresh, unsalted nuts
and sexual problems, excellent for
beneficial for all breathing should form a
skin conditions, powerfully
problems, are cleansing and daily part of
antioxidant and protective against CARROTS: are rich in beta-
diuretic, and excellent for gout, everyone's diet.
heart disease and cancers, contain a carotene, which the body converts
to vitamin A, good for the eyes, arthritis, and rheumatism.
valuable antibacterial and
useful pureed for the treatment of OATS: are rich
antifungal chemical.
infant diarrhea, in proteins, healthy fats,

excellent for liver vitamins E and B, and minerals,

problems, great for making the humble oat a

healthy skin, cornucopia of nutrients

another The best anticonstipation

antioxidant food, they also lower

vegetable that Jjlfe cholesterol, control

protects against blood pressure, have a

heart disease and calming effect on the

specifically lung cancer. mind, and a healing

effect on the stomach.

OLIVE OIL: extra-virgin © LEGUMES: dried peas, beans, ^ watercress: & like its
olive oil is a remarkable and lentils are complex relatives—cabbage, broccoli,
food/medicine. It lowers cholesterol, carbohydrates with high amounts sprouts, turnips, and horseradish—
is rich in vitamin E, which protects of fiber, protein, watercress is a great protector
against cell damage, increases the vitamins, and against cancer, rich in potassium
level of the healthy blood fats that minerals. and a type of mustard oil, it is
scavenge bad fats from the arteries, They are powerfully antibiotic, without
is good for liver and gallbladder protective killing off the natural bacteria,
problems,- protectiveM against helps with urinary infections, is
against arthritisj heart also a good stimulant of the
senility, and disease thyroid gland.
some cancers. and cancers
[especially of the bowel),

o onions:

1% from the
excellent for constipation,
fatigue, chronic fatigue YOGURT live yogurt, which
same family as leeks and garlic, syndrome, and diabetes. is rich in natural bacteria, protects
onions are important in the against stomach infections, food
treatment of all chest infections, o RICE: is a perfect food for poisoning, and constipation. The
should be eaten by anyone with convalescents, those with digestive beneficial bacteria boost the immune
high blood pressure, raised problems, stress, and exhaustion. system and should be eaten by those
cholesterol, or heart disease, and are Brown rice is also important in the with viral or bacterial illnesses, as
an excellent food for anemia, treatment of all circulatory well as to protect against fungal
asthma, urinary disorders. Plain boiled rice lowers infections like thrush.
infections—and cholesterol and is ideal as a
even hangovers. treatment for diarrhea. © WHEAT: this amazing grain
is used in breadmaking, and a good
whole wheat loaf is not only
nourishing but highly protective
against bowel disease, high
blood pressure,
N ■ f
■ ? '
constipation and stress-
^ PINEAPPLES. & together
i t wi related illnesses. Sprouted
with the other tropical fruits, like
wheat seeds help in the
mangoes and papaws, the health
fight against cancer. Bread
benefits of pineapples are much
sgpWil can also be used as a hot
under-rated. Healing enzymes and
poultice for boils, abscesses,
valuable anti-inflammatory and
and splinters.
antibiotic chemicals make these
foods ideal for sore throats, joint
diseases, digestive
problems, and
all muscular
Food combining (the Hay diet)

T here are many misconceptions and much The only rule that matters is not combining starch foods and

protein foods in the same meal. For example: no fish [protein]

pseudoscientific nonsense surrounding the food

combining, or Hay, diet. It is not the panacea for and french fries (starchf no meat [protein] and potatoes

all ills, nor is it "the only way to eat to [starch],- no cheese [protein] and crackers

be healthy." It is, though, a way of [starch]. Allow 3 hours between each

eating that can be highly beneficial for meal and if you want to snack, choose

people suffering from digestive from the neutral list. All foods in the

complaints. Try it for a couple of neutral group can be eaten either with

weeks and see if it suits you—the starch or with protein.

left Protein and neutral foods:

added bonus is that anyone who is
there’s a wide choice to concoct

overweight will certainly lose a few pounds. interesting meals from.



(except those listed SUNFLOWER OILS
in the starch group)
(except peanuts)
CREAM (hut not soybeans)
(except those listed in the starch group) BARLEY
TOFU very low protein content, so RYE
MILK they can be used in tiny BUCKWHEAT
amounts with starchy foods
(except cream cheese and ricotta) SUCH AS RIPE PEARS


left Starchy and PAPAYA
neutral foods: some MANGOES
of the most filing SWEET GRAPES

meals can be made BEER

from these.

The exclusion diet

Y ou will certainly know if you have any real food Follow this exclusion diet for a couple of weeks and see if

it makes a difference. If it does not, then you need professional

allergies, but many people are unaware that they may

he suffering from “food intolerance"•—a very different kettle of help. If it does, start adding foods back one at a time to

fsh—to dairy products, coffee, strawberries, lettuce leaves, or see which, if any, causes your symptoms. Culprit foods

in fact any food imaginable. Irritable bowel syndrome, should then be excluded for a few months, then tried

bloating, flatulence, headaches, nausea, exhaustion, and skin again. Often you will be able to consume small amounts

problems are just some of the conditions that may be triggered of them with no problems, as long as you do not do

by intolerance to one or more foods. so every day.

AFTER TWO WEEKS introduce other

The following are foods you may NOT ALLOWED ALLOWED ^ ^
foods in this order: tap water,
and may not eat during the first
2 weeks of the exclusion diet: potatoes, cow's milk, yeast, tea, rye,
1 §||i
MEAT preserved meats, bacon, all other meats : butter, onions, eggs, porridge oats,
sausages, all processed coffee, chocolate, barley, citrus fruit,
& .
meat products
corn, cow's cheese, white wine,

FISH smoked fsh, shellfish white fish shellfish, natural cow's milk yogurt,

vinegar, wheat, and nuts.

VEGETABLES potatoes, onions, corn, all other vegetables, salads,
eggplants, bell peppers, legumes, rutabaga, parsnips Any diet that is very restricted puts

chilis, tomatoes your health at risk and, although it is

all right to experiment on your own for

FRUIT citrus fruit all other fruit
(e.g. oranges, grapefruit) [e.g. apples, bananas, pears) a few weeks, any long-term removal of

major food groups should only be done

CEREALS wheat, oats, barley, rye, corn rice, ground rice, rice flakes, rice
flour, sago, rice breakfast cereals, tapioca, under professional guidance.

millet, buckwheat, rice cakes

com oil, vegetable oil sunflower oil, soy oil, safflower oil, above and below Grapes and mangoes
olive oil are good sources of vitamin C.

DAIRY PRODUCTS cow's milk, butter, most goat, sheep, and soy milk and
margarines, cow's milk products made from them,
yogurt and cheese, eggs dairy and trans fat-free margarines

BEVERAGES tea, coffee [beans, instant, and herbal teas [e.g. chamomile),
decaffeinated), fruit squashes, fresh fruit juices [e.g. apple,
orange juice, grapefruit juice, pineapple), pure tomato juice
alcohol, and tap water [without additives), mineral, distilled,
or de-ionized water

MISCELLANEOUS chocolates, yeast, yeast carob, sea salt, herbs, spices, and
extracts, artificial preservatives, small amounts of sugar or honey
colorings, and flavorings,
monosodium glutamate, all
artificial sweeteners
Outside help

T his section gives brief descriptions of the

four therapies — acupressure, the Alexander

Technique, reflexology, and yoga—grouped under

the heading "Outside help," since you may already

he practicing them with a teacher. Charts depict

the relevant acupressure and reflexology points

mentioned throughout the text.


The acupressure described in this easiest—or with the end of a

book (which uses pressure points ballpoint-pen cap, which is more
rather than the needles used in precise. Apply the pressure firmly,

acupuncture) is a highly simplified but never severely, for anything up

treatment, designed to provide to 10 minutes, releasing and

effective first aid by the lay person reapplying the pressure every 15

in terms of pain relief and the seconds. The length and strength
resolution of symptoms. This is of the treatment should take into

not a substitute for acupuncture account the age and general health

treatment from a qualified of the patient. In pregnancy all

professional, but even qualified points on the abdomen should be
acupuncturists will sometimes use avoided during the first 3

acupressure rather than needles, months—and thereafter only light

and it can be of enormous help in pressure should be applied. Do not

all the situations described. treat anyone who has consumed

Ideally the treatment should be alcohol or drugs.

done with the patient lying or In China acupressure is widely

relaxing in a comfortable chair. used for relieving acute symptoms
Pressure should be applied to the in children, and you will find this

indicated points (see the charts an effective supplement to any

opposite), either with a finger—the other home remedies that you
little or fourth finger is usually the are using.


Acupressure points are positioned

along the meridians, or energy

pathways, of the body. These points

are found on the front (far left)

and back (left) of the body, as

well as the head (right). Applying

pressure to these specific points

will help relieve ailments relating

to those meridians. Throughout the

Outside Help sections of this book

specific acupressure points relating

to various conditions are listed by

number. Consult the charts opposite

and right to identify the numbered

point(s) that you need to massage.


The Alexander Technique is not a It takes an average of 20-30

therapy, but a method of mental lessons for pupils to begin on
and physical re-education, which their own to re-create reliably
helps reduce tension in all human experiences gained in lessons.
activities. Improving the way The Alexander Technique does
we use our body addresses an not treat any specific medical
underlying cause of many medical condition, but if you are already
conditions, where psychophysical practicing the Technique, it could
misuse and loss of poise are well be beneficial to certain
contributory factors. conditions mentioned throughout
Alexander lessons are taught this book.
individually and last for 30-40 In 1973, after undergoing a
minutes. The pupil learns to course of lessons in the Alexander
appreciate the practical Technique for himself and*his
implications of thought and its family, the winner of the Nobel
effect on muscular activity. The Prize for Medicine, Nicholas
teacher's hands help to release Tinbergen, observed the following
unnecessary tension and, through in Science magazine: "A very striking
manual guidance, the pupil is given improvement in such diverse
a new experience. Usually people things as high blood pressure,
discover, fairly early on in their breathing, depth of sleep, overall

course of lessons, a new-found cheerfulness, mental alertness,

sense of lightness and ease, as well resilience against outside pressure,
as relief from some of their and also in such a refined skill as

specific ailments. playing a stringed instrument."



Reflexology is the application of LARYNX, THROAT

finger or thumb pressure to the
hands and feet. Reflexologists
believe that specific points and

areas in the hand and feet (see the

charts opposite) relate to specific SHOULDER
organs, systems, and functions, and
that palpation can detect and

locate imbalances. Various 1CERVICAL arm/leg

corrective techniques are applied
to reduce symptoms and stimulate _SPINE.—
the healing processes. OVARY/TESTES,

The most popular method of ovary/testes

pressure application is alternating
pressure, or the "thumb walk." The
tip and edge of a flexed thumb (or _PAS DEFERENS_

finger) are used to apply "on/off"

pressure, while at the same time REFLEXOLOGY POINTS FOR BACKS OF HANDS
traveling forward in tiny steps and
with a rhythmical movement,
maintaining contact with the skin. SINUSES

For pain relief, 10—15 seconds EYES


(10 for children and the elderly)
of continued pressure is applied to DIAPHRAGM
the reflex of the affected part, and PANCREAS
repeated three times. Reflex points PITUITARY
are often tender, one of the EARS STOMACH
indicators of imbalance, and
tolerance levels should be noted NECK
and respected. LIVER
It is not unusual to show some SMALL DRENAL
reaction to the treatment—perhaps BLADDER
a headache, ainny nose, frequent
urination, tiredness, or, on the
positive side, more energy. These
reactions should not last more than
24 hours and indicate self¬ ILEO-CAECAL VALVE

cleansing by the body.


LUNG AREA (if chronic)
(if chronic) JOINT
UTERUS (both feet)
(both feet) HIP AREA




above and below Reflexology areas on

the feet, and their related areas

of the body.

GLAND Yoga has a vast range of techniques
to help its practitioners in their
quest for health, healing, and
ESOPHAGUS/ the meaning of existence. The
TRACHEA suggestions in this book give a
SOLAR PLEXUS mere hint of its possibilities, but it
DIAPHRAGM STOMACH SPLEEN is hoped that they may help you if
PANCREAS you already have some experience,
or may perhaps inspire you to find
a teacher.



Home medicine chest
E very medicine chest needs the normal range of bandages, plasters, dressings, safety
pins, antiseptics, tweezers, and scissors, together with a supply of proprietary pain-

relievers, antidiarrheals, and whatever is "Mom's magic ointment." But the home medicine I. Cider vinegar

2. Cinnamon
chest recommended here also includes many other natural ingredients that will benefit you
3. Cloves

and your family-, essential oils such as lavender and tea tree, herbs such as chamomile and 4. Epsom salt

5. Garlic (fresh)
slippery elm, a range of homeopathic medicines such as arnica, belladonna, and urtica, 6. Ginger root

7. Horseradish
kitchen remedies such as garlic, ginger, and mustard. Throughout the book you will find
8. Mustard powder

ways to use these gifts from nature, as powerful aids to safe and effective treatment of most 9. Organic honey

10. Sage (either a plant or dried)

minor ailments. 11. Sodium bicarbonate

12. Wheat germ

Wheat germ




1. Acetaminophen 1. A potted Aloe vera plant to grow All at 6c potency and 30c potency. It is not worth storing large Quantities of

2. Bacitracin ointment on a sunny windowsill 1. Aconite essential oils, as they have a shelf-life of

3. Calamine lotion only l to 2 years, so unless you are going

2. Arnica cream 2. Arnica
to use them regularly, do not keep a large
4. Chlorpheniramine maleate 3. Chamomile flowers—loose or in 3. Apis
stock of them in your medicine chest. Buy
5. Clotrimazole cream teabags 4. Belladonna
oils that have a multitude of uses for you
6. Dextramethorpan cough syrup 4. Chickweed cream 5. Beilis perennis
and your family, such as the ones listed
7. Hydrocortisone 1% cream 5. Echinacea tablets 6. Cantharis
below, or oils to help specific ailments, as
8. Ibuprofen 6. Lavender oil 7. Hypercal ointment
suggested throughout the book.
9. Oral rehydration powder 7. Marigold cream 8. Hypericum

sachets (for reconstitution in 8. Meadowsweet tincture 9. Ledum

1. Eucalyptus
case of diarrhea) 9. Myrrh tincture 10. Rhus toxicodendrum
2. Lavender
10. Slippery-elm tablets 1 1. Silica
3. Tea tree
1 I. Tea-tree oil 12. Symphytum

12. Distilled witch hazel (or witch- 1 3. Urtica urens

hazel tincture)

Chamomile teabags
Useful Addresses
Acupressure Europe National Association of Holistic Aromatherapy National Eczema Society

PO Box 17622 4 Tavistock Place

Australasia Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique (STAT)
Boulder London WClH 9RA
20 London House
Australian Traditional Medicine Society Limited Colorado 80308-0622 Great Britain
266 Fulham Road
ATMS USA Tel: 44 171 388 4097
London SW10 9EL
PO Box 1027 (mailing)/!2/27 Bank Street (office) Tel: I 303 258 3791
Great Britain National Osteoporosis Society
Tel: 44 171 351 0828 Conventional Medicine PO Box 10
New South Wales 2114
Fax: 44 171 352 1556 Radstock
Australia Australasia
STAT can provide information about affiliated societies Bath BA3 3YB
Tel: 61 2 809 6800
elsewhere in Europe, Skin and Psoriasis Foundation of Victoria Great Britain

New Zealand Register of Acupuncturists Inc. PO Box 228 Tel: 44 1761 432472
North America
PO Box 9950 Collins Street
Patients' Association
Wellington 1 Canadian Society of Teachers of the Alexander PO 3000
PO Box 935
New Zealand Technique Melbourne 671962
Tel/Fax: 64 4 476 8578 PO Box 47025 Victoria
Middlesex HAI 3YJ
No. 19-555 West 12th Avenue Australia
Europe Great Britain
Europe Helpline: 44 181 423 8999
British Acupuncture Council British Columbia V5Z 3XO

Park House Canada Arthritis and Rheumatism Council for Research Psoriasis Association

206-8 Latimer Road Copeman House 7 Milton Street

North American Society of Teachers of the Alexander
London WlO 6RE St Marys Court Northampton NN2 7|G
Technique (NASTAT)
Great Britain St Mary's Cate Great Britain
PO Box 517
Tel: 44 181 964 0222 Chesterfield S4I 7TD Tel: 44 1604 711129
Fax: 44 181 964 0333 Great Britain
Illinois 61801-0517 Seasonal Affective Disorder Association
Tel: 44 1246 558033
College of Integrated Chinese Medicine USA PO Box 989

19 Castle Street Tel: I 217 367 6956 British Association of Counselling (BACS) London SW7 2PZ
Reading I Regent Place Great Britain
Berks RCl 7SB Rugby Tel: 44 181 969 7028
Great Britain Europe Warwickshire CV21 2PL
Sense National Deafblind and Rubella Association
Tel: 44 1734 508880 Great Britain
Academy of Aromatherapy and Massage 11-13 Clifton Terrace
Fax: 44 1734 508890 Tel: 44 1788 578328
50 Cow Wynd Finsbury Park
North America Falkirk British Migraine Association London N4 3SRI
Stirlingshire FKl iPU 178a High Road Great Britain
American Association for Acupuncture and Oriental
Great Britain Byfleet Tel: 44 171 272 7774
Tel: 44 1324 612658 West Byfleet
410! Lake Boone Trail Society of Chiropodists
Surrey KT14 7ED
Suite 201 International Federation of Aromatherapists 53 Welbeck Street
Great Britain
Raleigh Stamford House London WlM 7HE
Tel: 44 1932 352468
North Carolina 27607 2-4 Chiswick High Road Great Britain
USA London W4 iTH Enuresis Resource and Information Centre Tel: 44 171 486 3381
Tel: I 919 7875181 Great Britain 65 St Michael's Hill
Women's Health Concern
Tel: 44 181 742 2605 Bristol BS2 8DZ
American Association of Oriental Medicine (AAOM) 83 Earls Court Road
Fax: 44 181 742 2606 Great Britain
433 Front Street London W8 6EF
Tel: 44 117 9264920
Catasauqua International Society of Professional Aromatherapists Great Britain
Pennsylvania 18032 I SPA House Hairline International: The Alopecia Patients' Society Tel: 44 171 938 3932
USA’ 82 Ashby Road Lyon's Court
North America
Tel: 1 610 266 1433 Hinckley 1668 High Street
Fax: 1 610 264 2768 Leics OElO iSN Knowle American Counseling Association
Great Britain West Midlands B93 0LY 5999 Stevenson Avenue
National Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Alliance
Tel: 44 1455 637987 Great Britain Alexandria
PO Box 77511
Fax: 44 1455 890956 Tel: 44 1564 775281 Virginia 22304-9800
Washington 98177-0531 International Therapy Examination Council (ITEC) Herpes Association
Tel: 1 703 823 0988
USA James House 41 North Road
Tel: 1 206 524 3511 Oakelbrook Mill London N7 9DP National Psoriasis Foundation
Newent Great Britain Suite 200
National Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Alliance
Glos Tel: 44 171 607 9661 6415 South West Canyon Court
(National Alliance)
Great Britain (Helpline: 44 171 609 9061) Portland
14637 Starr Road, SE
Tel: 44 1531 822425 Oregon 97221
Olalla Medic Alert Foundation
Washington 98359 Tisserand Institute 12 Bridge Wharf
Tel: I 503 297 1545
USA 65 Church Road 156 Caldeonian Road
Tel: 1 206 851 6896 Hove London Nl 9UU Herbalism
Fax: 1 206 851 6883 East Sussex BN3 2BD Great Britain
Great Britain Tel: 44 171 833 3034
Alexander Technique
Tel: 44 1273 206640 National Herbalists Association of Australia
National Asthma Campaign
Australasia Fax: 44 1273 329811 Suite 305
Providence House
BST House
Australian Society of Teachers of the Alexander North America Providence Place
3 Smail Street
Technique (AUSTAT) London Nl 0NT
American Alliance of Aroma Therapy Broadway
PO Box 716 Great Britain
PO Box 750428 New South Wales 2007
Darlinghurst Tel. 44 17! 226 2260
Petaluma Australia
New South Wales 2010
California 94975-0428 National Back Pain Association Tel: 61 2 211 6437
USA 16 Elmtree Road Fax: 61 2 211 6452
Tel: 61 8 339 571
Tel: 1 707 778 6762 Teddington
Fax: I 707 769 0868 Middlesex TW11 8ST
Great Britain British Herbal Medicine Association
American Aromatherapy Association
Tel: 44 181 977 5474 I Wickham Road
PO Box 3679
South Pasadena
California 91031
Dorset BH7 6JX
Great Britain
Tel: 1 818 457 1742
Tel: 44 1202 433691

The Herb Society Societe Medical de Biotherapie American Dietetics Association Scottish Institute of Reflexology
Deddington Hill Farm 62 rue Beaubourg 216 West Jackson Boulevard Secretary: Mrs Ann McCaig
Warmington 75003 Paris Apt 800 15 Hazel Park
Banbury France Chicago Hamilton
Oxon OX171XB Tel: 33 143 346000 Illinois 60606-6995 Lanarkshire ML3 7HH
Great Britain LISA Great Britain
Society of Homoeopaths
Tel: 44 1295 692900 Tel: 1 800 877 1600 Tel: 44 1698 427962
2 Artisan Road
Fax. 44 1698 427962
National Institute of Medical Herbalists Northampton NNl 4HU Eating Disorders Awareness and Prevention
56 Longbrook Street Great Britain 603 Steward Street North America
Exeter Tel: 44 1604 21400 Suite 8013
International Council of Reflexologists
Devon EX4 6AH Fax 44 1604 22622 Seattle
PO Box 621963
Great Britain Washington 98101
Weleda Homeopathic Pharmacy Littleton
Tel: 44 1392 426022 USA
Heanor Road Colorado
Tel: 1 206 382 3587
School of Herbal Medicine/Phytotherapy Ilkeston USA
Bucksteep Manor Derbyshire DE7 8DR International Association of Professional Natural
International Institute of Reflexology
Bodle Street Green Great Britain Hygienists (fasting)
PO Box 12642
Near Hailsham Tel: 44 115 944 8200 104 Stambaugh Building
Saint Petersburg
Sussex BN27 4RJ Youngstown
North America Florida 33733
Great Britain Ohio 44503
Tel: 44 1323 833 812/4 Council for Homeopathic Certification USA
Tel: I 813 343 4811
Fax. 44 1323 833 869 1709 Seabright Avenue Tel: 1 216 746 5000

Santa Cruz Fax: 1216 746 1836 Reflexology Association of America

North America
California 95062 4012 S. Rainbow Boulevard
National Nutritional Foods Association
American Botanical Council USA Box K585
150 East Paularino Avenue
PO Box 201660 Tel: 1 408 421 0565 Las Vegas
Apt 285
Austin Website: Nevada 89103-2509
Costa Mesa
Texas 78720-1660 USA
Homeopathic Association of Naturopathic Physicians California 92626
(HANP) USA Reflexology Association of Canada (RAC)
Tel: I 512 331 1924
PO Box 69565 Tel: 1 714 966 6632 11 Glen Cameron Road
American Herbalists Guild Portland Fax: 1 714 641 7005 Unit 4
PO Box 1683 Oregon 97201 Thornhill
North American Vegetarian Society
Soquel USA Ontario L8T 4NB
PO Box 72
California 95073 Tel: 1 503 795 0579 Canada
USA Tel: I 905 889 5900
National Center for Homeopathy New York

Homeopathy 801 North Fairfax Street NY 13329 Yoga

Suite 306 USA

Australasia Australasia
Alexandria Tel: 1 518 568 7970

Australian Homeopathic Association Virginia 22314 BKS Iyengar Association of Australia

11 Landsborough Terrace USA 1 Rickman Avenue
Toowong 4006 Tel: 1 703 548 7790 Australasia Mosman
Australia Fax: 1 703 548 7792 New South Wales 2088
Australian School of Reflexology
Tel/Fax-. 61 7 3371 7245 e-mail: Australia
15 Kedumba Crescent
North American Society of Homeopaths (NASH) Turramurra 2074 International Yoga Teachers' Association

Australian Institute of Homeopathy 2024 S. Dearborn Street New South Wales do 14/15 Huddart Avenue

21 Bulah Heights Seattle Australia Normanhurst

Berdwra Heights Washington 98144-2912 Tel: 61 299 883881 New South Wales 2076
New South Wales 2082 USA Australia
New Zealand Institute of Reflexologists Inc.
Australia Tel: 1 206 720 7000 Tel: 61 2 9484 9848
253 Mt Albert Road
Fax: 1 206 329 5684
New Zealand Institute of Classical Homeopathy Mt Roskill Europe
PO Box 7232 Auckland
Website: British Wheel of Yoga
Wellesley Street New Zealand
1 Hamilton Place
Auckland Nutrition
New Zealand Reflexology Association Boston Road
New Zealand
Europe PO Box 31 084 Sleaford
Auckland 4 Lines NG34 7ES
The British Naturopathic Association
Europe New Zealand Great Britain
Frazer House
Tel: 64 9486 3447 Tel: 44 1529 306851
British Homoeopathic Association 6 Netherhall Gardens

27A Devonshire Street London NW3 5RR Europe Viniyoga Britain

London WlN iRJ Great Britain 105 Gales Drive

Association of Reflexologists
Great Britain Tel. 44 171 435 7830 Three Bridges
27 Old Gloucester Street
Tel: 44 171 935 2163 Crawley
Eating Disorders Association London WClN 3XX
West Sussex RH10 iQD
Centre d'Etudes Homeopathiques de France Sackville Place Great Britain
Great Britain
228 Boulevard Raspail 44 Magdalen Street Tel: 44 990 673320

75014 Paris Norwich NR3 1JU North America

British School of Reflexology and Holistic Association
France Great Britain
of Reflexologists BKS Iyengar Yoga National Association of the US
Tel: 33 143 20 7896 Helpline: 44 1603 621414
92 Sheering Road 8223 West Third Street
Fax: 44 1603 664915
Faculty of Homeopathy Old Harlow Los Angeles
Hahnemann House Essex CM 17 Oj W California 90088

2 Powis Place Vegetarian Society Great Britain USA

London WC1N3HT Parkdale Tel: 44 1279 429060 Tel: I 213 653 0357

Great Britain Dunham Road Fax: 44 1279 445234

International Association of Yoga Therapists
Tel: 44 171 837 9469 Altrincham
International Institute of Reflexology 109 Hillside Avenue
Cheshire WA14 4QG
Helios Homeopathic Pharmacy 15 Hartfield Close Mill Valley
Great Britain
97 Camden Road Tonbridge California 94941
Tel: 44 161 928 4QG
Tunbridge Wells Kent USA
Fax: 44 161 926 9182
Kent TNl 2QR Great Britain Tel: 1 415 383 4587

Great Britain North America Tel/Fax: 44 1732 350629 Fax. 1 415 381 0876

Tel: 44 1892 537254

American Association of Nutrition Consultants Irish Reflexologists Institute

Nelsons Homeopathic Pharmacy 1641 East Sunset Road, Apt B-117 3 Blackglen Court

73 Duke Street Las Vegas Lambs Cross

Grosvenor Square Nevada 89119 Sandyford

London WlM 6BY USA Dublin

Great Britain Tel: 1 709 361 1132 Republic of Ireland

Tel: 44 171 495 2404

Further Reading
(All books on this list have been published in the Encyclopaedia of Natural Medicine, by Brian Herbal Medicine, by R.F. Weiss (Beaconsfield The Healing Foods Cookbook, by Jane Sen
LIK, unless otherwise noted) Inglis and Ruth West (Michael Joseph, Publishers, 1988) (Thorsons, 1996)
Acupressure Herbal Medicines, by C.A. Newell, L.A. Healing Nutrients, by Patrick Quillen
Encyclopaedia of Natural Medicine, by Michael Anderson and J.D. Phi 11 i pson (Contemporary Books, USA/Beaverbooks,
Acupressure for Common Ailments, by Chris
Murray and Joseph Pizzorno (Macdonald (Pharmaceutical Press, 1996) Can, 1987, Penguin, 1989)
Jarmey & John Tindall (Gaia Books, 1991)
Optima, 1990)
The Herbal for Mother and Child, by Anne Jekka's Complete Herb Book, by Jekka McVicar
Acupressure Techniques, by Julian Kenyon
The Fountain of Health: An A-Z of Traditional McIntyre (Element Books, 1992) (Kyle Cathie, 1994)
(Thorsons, 1987)
Chinese Medicine, by Dr Charles Windrige/Dr
Herbs for Common Ailments, by Anne McIntyre Minerals. What They Are and Why We Need
Alexander Technique Wu Xiaochun (Mainstream Publishing,
(Gaia, 1992) Them, by Miriam Polunin (Thorsons, 1979)
The Alexander Principle, by Wilfred Barlow
The Herb Society's Complete Medicinal Herbal, by Nutritional Medicine, by Stephen Davies and
(Arrow, 1983) Gentle Medicine, by Angela Smyth (Thorsons,
Penelope Ody (Dorling Kindersley, 1993) Alan Stewart (Pan Books, 1987)
The Alexander Technique, by Chris Stevens
The Herb Society's Home Herbal, by Penelope Prescription for Nutritional Healing, by James &
(Vermilion, 1992) Guide to Complementary Medicine and Therapies,
Ody (Dorling Kindersley, 1995) Phyllis Balch (Avery Press, USA, 1990)
by Anne Woodham (Health Education
The Alexander Technique: The Essential Writings of
Authority, 1994) The Home Herbal, by Barbara Griggs (Pan Raw Energy, by Leslie & Susannah Kenton
F Matthias Alexander, ed. by Edward Maisel
Books, 1995) (Arrow Books, 1985)
(Thames & Hudson, 1974) The Handbook of Complementary Medicine, by
Stephen Fulder (Oxford Medical The Illustrated Herbal Handbook for Everyone, by Superfoods: Superfoods Diet Book and Superfast
The Alexander Technique• Natural Poise for Health,
Publications, 1988) Juliette de Bairacli Levy (Faber & Faber, Foods, by Michael van Straten and Barbara
by Richard Brennan (Element Books, 1991)
1991) Griggs (Dorling Kindersley, 1994)
Headaches, by Dr John Lockie with Karen
The Alexander Technique Workbook: Your Personal
Sullivan (Bloomsbury, 1992) 100 Great Natural Remedies, by Penelope Ody The Vitamin Bible, by Earl Mindell (Arrow,
Programme for Health, Poise and Fitness, by
(Kyle Cathie, 1997) 1993)
Richard Brennan (Element Books, 1992) How to Live Longer and Feel Better, by Linus
Pauling (W. H. Freeman, USA, 1986) Out of the Earth, by S.Y. Mills (Viking, 1991) Vitamin C, The Common Cold and Flu, by Linus
Body Learning, by Michael Gelb (Aurum
Pauling (Berkeley, USA, 1970)
Press, 1987) The Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Essential Oils, by Potter's New Cyclopaedia of Botanical Drugs and
Julia Lawless (Element Books, 1995) Preparations, by R.C. Wren (C.W. Vitamin G The Master Nutrient, by Sandra
The Complete Illustrated Guide to the Alexander
Daniels, 1988) Goodman (Keats, USA, 1991)
Technique, by Glynn Macdonald (Element Life, Health and Longevity, by Kenneth Seaton
Books, 1998) (Scientific Hygiene, USA, 1994) Homeopathy What the Label Doesn't Tell You, by Sue Dibb
(Thorsons, 1998)
Freedom to Change: The Development and Science of Massage: A Practical Introduction, by Stewart The Complete Family Guide to Homeopathy, by Dr
the Alexander Technique, by Frank Pierce-Jones Mitchell (Element Books, 1992) Christopher Hammond (Element Books, Reflexology
(Mouritz, 1997) 1996)
Maximum Immunity, by Michael Wiener The Complete Illustrated Guide to Reflexology, by
Aromatherapy (Gateway Books, 1986) Emotional Healing with Homoeopathy. A Self-Help Inge Dougans (Element Books, 1996)
Manual, by Peter Chappell (Element Books,
Aromatherapy.- An A—Z, by Patricia David Medicine and Culture, by Lynn Payer Hand Reflexology: a textbook for students, by
(C.W. Daniel, 1988) (Gollancz, 1990) Kristine Walker (Quay Books, 1996)
The Family Guide to Homoeopathy, by Andrew
Aromatherapy for Common Ailments, by Shirley Migraine: A Comprehensive Guide to Effective In a Nutshell: Reflexology: A Step-by-Step Guide,
Lockie (Hamish Hamilton, 1990)
Price (Gaia, 1991) Treatment, by Eileen Herzberg (Element by Nicola Hall (Element, 1997)
Books, 1994) The Family Health Guide to Homoeopathy, by Dr
Aromatherapy for Home Use, by Christine Reflexology, by Chris Stormer
Barry Rose (Dragon's World, 1992)
Westwood (Amberwood, 1991) Reader's Digest Family Guide to Alternative (Headway/Hodder & Stoughton, 1992)
Medicine, by ed. Dr Patrick Pietroni (The Homoeopathy: The Family Handbook, British
Aromatherapy for Pregnancy and Childbirth, by Reflexology: A Practical Approach, by Vicki
Reader's Digest Association, 1991) Homoeopathic Association (Thorsons,
Margaret Fawcett (Element Books, 1993) Pitman with Kay Mackenzie (Stanley
Teach Yourself Meditation, by James Hewitt Thornes, 1997)
The Complete Illustrated Guide to Aromatherapy, by
(Hodder and Stoughton, 1978) Homeopathy.- The Principles & Practice of Treatment,
Julia Lawless (Element Books, 1997) Reflexology: A Step-by-Step Guide, by Ann
by Dr Andrew Lockie & Dr Nicola Geddes
The Which Guide to Women's Health, by Dr Gillanders (Gaia, 1995)
General (Dorling Kindersley, 1995)
Anne Robinson (Which Consumer Guides,
A-Z of Natural Healthcare, by Belinda Grant The New Concise Guide to Homeopathy, by Nigel
(Optima, 1993) and Susan Garion-Hutchings (Element The Heart of Yoga, by T.K.V. Desckachar
You Can Heal Your Life, by Louise Hay (Eden
Books, 1993) (Inner Traditions International, 1995)
All Day Energy, by Kathryn Marsden Grove, USA, 1988)
(Bantam Books, 1995) The Women's Guide to Homoeopathy, by Andrew Yoga for Common Ailments, by R. Nagarathna,
You Don't Have To Die, by Leon Chaitow
Lockie and Nicola Geddes (Hamish H. R. Nagendram and Robin Monro (Gaia
The Alternative Dictionary of Symptoms and Cures, (Future Medicine Publishing, USA, 1994)
Hamilton, 1992) Books, 1990)
by Dr Caroline Shreeve (Century, 1987)
You Don't Have to Feel Unwell, by Robin
Nutrition Yoga for the Disabled, by Howard Kent
The Alternative Health Guide, by Brian Inglis Needes (Gateway Books, 1994)
(Thorsons, 1985)
and Ruth West (Michael Joseph, 1983) The Amino Revolution, by Robert Erdmann &
Meirion Jones (Century, 1987) Yoga for Your Life, by Pierce and Pierce
Arthritis & Rheumatism: A Comprehensive Guide to
The Complete Floral Healer, by Anne Mclntrye (Rudra Press, 1996)
Effective Treatment, by Pat Young (Element Anorexia and Bulimia, by Julia Buckroyd
(Gaia, 1996)
Books, 1995) (Element Books, 1996)
The Complete Herb Book, by Jekka McVicar
Better Health through Natural Healing, by Ross The Complete Guide to Vitamins and Minerals,
(Kyle Cathie, 1994)
Trader ( McGraw-Hill, USA, 1987) by Leonard Mervyn (Thorsons, 1986)
The Complete Illustrated Holistic Herbal, by David
Choices in Healing, by Michael Lerner (MIT The Complete Illustrated Guide to Nutritional
Hoffman (Element Books, 1996)
Press, USA/UK, 1994) Healing, by Denise Mortimore (Element
The Complete New Herbal, ed. Richard Mabey Books, 1998)
The Complete Guide to Food Allergy and
(Penguin Books, 1991)
Environmental Illnesses, by Dr Keith Mumby Food: Your Miracle Medicine, by Jean Carper
(Thorsons, 1993) Encyclopaedia of Herbal Medicine, by T. Bartram (Simon & Schuster, 1993)
(Grace Publishers, 1995)
The Complete Natural Health Consultant, by Foods for Mind and Body, by Michael van
Michael van Straten (Ebury, 1987) Encyclopaedia of Herbs and Their Uses, by D. Straten (HarperCollins, 1997)
Brown (Dorling Kindersley, 1995)
The Complete Relaxation Book by James Hewitt Foods that Harm, Foods that Heal, (The Reader's
(Rider, 1987) Evening Primrose, by Kathryn Marsden Digest Association, 1996)
(Vermilion, 1993)
The Encyclopaedia of Alternative Health Care, by The Healing Foods, by Patricia Hausmann &
Kristen Olsen (Piatkus, 1989) Herbal First Aid, by A. Chevallier Judith Benn Hurley (MJF Books, USA,
(Amberwood Publishing, 1993) 1989)

Page numbers in italics indicate the sinusitis 1 3 1 Californian poppy 63 common cold 11,124—5
main entry on a subject. baths 201,206 calluses 1 2, 68—9 compresses 195, 206
beclomethasone diproprionate camphor 191 conjunctivitis 11,86
A 202, 203 Candida 1 7, 166—7 constipation I 1, 89, 143, 156—7,
abdominal pain 10, 140— 1 bedwetting 10, 174—5 Candida albicans 167 169
acetaminophen 202, 203 beet juice 1 22 cantharis 1 79, 1 84 corns 1 2, 68—9
acid indigestion 134—5 belladonna 25, 36, 45, 66, 85, capsicum 135, 147 coughs 12,126—7
acne 1 0, 64—5 1 85, 205 caraway seeds 88, 140, 142 cowslip 63
aconite 25, 49, 85, 125, 181 bellis perennis 1 8 1 carbo vegetabilis 13 7, 143 191 cradle cap 8 3
aesculus 1 77 benzocaine 202 carbolic acid 57 cramp 1 2, 96—7
agaricus I 1 3 benzoin 109, 111, 123, 127 carrier oils 206 cramp-bark 97, 117, 155, 165
agnus-castus 169, 171 berberis 145 carrots 151, 208 cranberry juice 179
agrimony 23, 198 bergamot 2 1 catarrh 11,122—3 cucumber 86
alfalfa 1 87 acne 65 causticum 45, 49, 67, 99, 1 16, cuprum metallicum 39, 97
allergies 10, 22—3 boils 66 1 75 cuts 12, 180
allium cepa 125, 129 chicken pox 4 1 cayenne 49, 20 1 cyclamen 1 21
aloe 1 77 PMS 1 71 cedarwood 75, 83 cypress 97, 115, 177
Aloevera 45, 149, 181, 182, 185, psoriasis 79 celery 1 1 0, 1 69, I 78 cystitis 1 2, 1 78—9
198 shingles 43 cellulite 1 1, 70—1
alumina 1 57 betony 5 3 191, 198 chamomile 123, 198 D
anemia 10,118—19 birch sap 1 05 asthma 1 32, 1 33 dandelion 67, 118, 119, 157,
anise 1 57 bismuth 1 47 baths 201 169, 170, 178
antacids 202 bites II, 182 bruises 1 8 1 dandruff 82, 8 3
antihistamines 22, 76, 128, 183, black eyes 11, 181 earache 85 decoctions 195
202 black haw 97, 165, 169 fainting 1 9 1 dehydration 1 39, 1 84
antimonium crudum 41,68 black horehound 1 39 rheumatism 1 I 1 dermatitis 1 2, 72—3
antimonium tartaricum 39, 41 black pepper 201 rubella 32 devil's claw 101 105, 107
apis 22, 77, 86, 1 82, 183 chilblains 1 1 3 sprains 1 86 diarrhea 1 2, 158—9
apples 208 constipation 1 57 sunburn 1 84 dill 120, 140, 142, 147
argentum nitricum 86, 205 heartburn 135 tea 32, 62 dimethicone 202
arnica 99, 181, 184, 186, 187, indigestion I 37 chamomilla 85, 95, 14 1, 205 dioscorea 1 41
188 osteoarthritis 107 chelidonium 145 dosage 203
arsenicum album 63, 74, 1 33, osteoporosis 1 09 chicken pox 1 1, 40—1, 42 drosera 39
149, 153, 205 boils 11,66 chickweed 66, 181, 189 dulcamara 67, 111, 125
arsenicum iodatum 79 borage 73, 1 69, 1 85 chilblains 11, 112—13 dys. co.(Bach) 6 1
arthritis 10, 104—5 borax 91, 167 children 202, 203
artichokes 208 bran 84, 101 chili 117 E
aspirin 77, 1 36 brazil nuts 20 china 119, 159 earache 1 2, 84—5
asthma 10, 132—3, 167 bread 62, 66, 1 89, 200 Chinese angelica 109, 119 echinacea 2 1 , 29, 66, 119,1 25,
astragalus 56 bronchitis 1 2, 126—7 chlorpheniramine maleate 202, 198
aurum 59 bruises 1 1 , 4 8 4 203 bites 1 82
avocados 172, 208 bryonia 26, 31, 51, 205 chronic fatigue syndrome 1 1, 54, gastroenteritis 1 49
arthritis 105 56-7 ME 56
B back pain 102 cider vinegar 8 1, 180, 185, 188 mumps 3 5
back pain 10, 100—3 constipation 1 57 cimetidine 136, 202, 203 scarlet fever 37
bacteria see infections coughs 127 cimicifuga racemosa 168 shingles 43
bad breath 10, 88—9 buckwheat 1 1 5 cina 1 5 1 sore throats 45
bicarbonate of soda 13 7, 147 burns 11, 184 clary sage 57, 63, 1 69, 1 71 whooping cough 39
baldness 82 cleavers 79 eczema 12, 74—5, 83
bananas 208 c clematis 74 elder 198
base oils 206 cabbage 101, 104, 107, 151, clotrimazole 202, 203 elecampane 1 32
basil 123, 207 1 53, 1 86, 208 clove 94, 95, 207 emollients 202
fainting 1 9 1 caffeine 63 cocculus 1 90 enuresis 10, 174—5
fatigue 55 cajup 1 2 1 coffea 63,95 ephedra 23
hay fever 1 29 calamine 183,1 85, 202, 203 coffee beans 88 Epsom salts 107, 1 86, 201
headaches 5 1 calcarea carbonica 57, 107, 161, colchicum 1 1 1 equisetum 175
insomnia 63 1 65 cold sores 1 4, 28—9 eucalyptus 29, 3 1, 207
PMS 1 70 calcarea phosphorica 119, 187 colds 1 1, 124-5 arthritis 105
psoriasis 79 calcarea sulphuricum 65 colocynthis 141, 159 bites 1 82
SAD 58 calendula 69 comfrey 107, 181, 187 catarrh 123
eucalyptus (cont.) corns 69 hay fever 1 3, i 28—9
chicken pox 4 1 coughs 1 27 He Shou Wu 1 73 I
colds 1 25 cuts 1 80 headaches 1 3, 50—1, 52-3 jasmine 161, 171, 207
coughs 127 dermatitis 73 head lice 1 50, I 5 1 jellyfish stings 1 83
German measles 3 3 diarrhea 1 58 heartburn 14, 134—5 juniper 25, 71, 207
headaches 5 I mouth ulcers 90, 9 1 helleborus 59 arthritis 105
infections 21 ringworm 8 I helonias 167, 171 boils 66
infestations I 5 1 sinusitis 1 30 hemorrhoids 13, 176—7 eczema 75
shingles 43 stings 1 8 3 hepar sulphuris 205 hemorrhoids 1 77
sinusitis 1 3 1 thrush 1 67 hepar sulphuris calcareum 66, osteoarthritis 107
eupatorium perfoliatum 26 tonsillitis 47 131 rheumatism 1 1 1
euphrasia 3 1, 86, 1 29 warts 67 herpes simplex 1 4, 28—9 RSI 99
evening primrose 56, 75, I 70, whooping cough 3 8 hiatus hernia 1 34
1 85 gastritis 13,1 46—7 hiccups 14, 1 20—1 1C
exclusion diet 76,211 gastroenteritis 13, 148—9 hives 1 4, 76—7 kali arsenicosum 73
eyebright 87 gelsemium 25, 26, 5 1 , 205 honey 114,191 201 kali bichromicum 89, 123, 1 31
gentian 1 1 9 colds and flu 27, 1 24 kali bromatum 65
F geranium 113,1 69, 207 cuts 1 80 kali phosphoricum 55
fainting 12, 191 cramp 97 gastritis 147 kali sulphuricum 8 3
fatigue 1 2, 54—5 eczema 75 hay fever 1 28 kelp 1 6 1
fennel 71, 147 hemorrhoids 1 77 indigestion 1 3 7 kiwi fruit 208
constipation 1 57 menopause 173 insomnia 62 Korean ginseng 55
flatulence 1 42, 1 43 PMS 171 peptic ulcers I 53 kreosotum 73, 93, 175
gingivitis 93 varicose veins 1 1 5 sore throats 45
heartburn 135 German measles 13, 32—3 stings 1 83 L
indigestion 137 ginger 117, 198, 201,207 tonsillitis 47 lachesis 35, 45, 47, 171, 1 73,
menopause I 73 arthritis 104, 105 whooping cough 38 205
osteoporosis 1 09 back pain 102 hops 201 laryngitis see sore throat
RMS 171 constipation 157 hormone replacement therapy lavender 39, 198,207
fenugreek tea 1 55 cramp 97 (HRT) 172, 173 abdominal pain I 4 1
ferrum metallicum 114, 119 flatulence 143 horseradish 117, 130, 191 acne 65
ferrum phosphoricum 25 heartburn 135 horsetail 187 allergies 23
fer rum picricum 68 indigestion 1 37 HRT see hormone replacement arthritis 105
fever 1 2, 24—5 migraine 52 therapy back pain 102
feverfew 52, 5 3 motion sickness 190 hydrastis 13 1, 145 bites 1 82
fibroids 1 3, 1 (54—5 nausea 1 39 hydrocortisone 203 boils 66
fish oils 1 05, 1 06 osteoarthritis 107 hydrocortisone acetate 202 bruises 1 8 1
flatulence 13,142—3 rheumatism 1 1 1 hyoscyamus 1 2 1 burns 1 84
flea bites 1 82 RSI 99 hypericum I 80 chicken pox 4 1
flu see influenza sprains 1 86 chilblains I 1 3
fluconazole 202, 203 gingivitis 1 3, 92—3 I corns/calluses 69
fluoricum acidum 1 1 4 ginseng 55, 58, 61 IBS see irritable bowel syndrome cuts 1 80
food combining 2 10 globe artichokes 144 ibuprofen 202, 203 cystitis 1 79
food poisoning 14 8—9 glonoine 53, 185 ice packages 98, 110, 176, 181, dermatitis 73
fractures 13, 187 glossypium 139 I 86, I 88, 200 diarrhea 1 59
frankincense 39, 121, 127, 13 3, gnaphalium 102 ignatia 121, 191,205 earache 8 5
161,207 goldenseal 29 Indian tonic water 96 eczema 75
fraxinus americana 1 65 gout 105 indigestion 14, 126—7 fever 25
frostbite see chilblains grapefruit 8 3, 208 infections 1 4, 20—1 fibroids 1 64
frozen shoulder 110, 111 graphites 68, 74, 8 3, 153 infestation 14, 150—1 gallbladder 1 45
grief 207 influenza 1 4, 26—7 gastritis 1 46
G gruel 54, 154 infusions 1 94 gastroenteritis 1 49
gallbladder problems 13, guaiacum 105 insect bites 1 82 German measles 33
14 4-5 insomnia 14, 57, 62—3 headaches 5 1
gallstones 1 39, 1 44-5 H ipecacuanha 39, 133, 139, hiccups 1 21
gargles 200 hair problems 1 3, 82—3 205 hives 77
garlic 21, 31, 66, 125, 151, 198, halitosis 1 0, 88—9 iris 53 infections 2 1
208 hamamelis 114, 177 irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) infestations 1 5 1
allergies 23 hangovers 207 14,154—5 insomnia 63
bites 1 82 Hay diet 2 10 ispaghula 1 57 ME 57

measles 3 1 osteoarthritis I 07 IBS 1 55 phosphorus 45, 93, 153,1 88,
migraine 53 osteoporosis 1 09 ME 57 191, 205
mumps 3 5 rheumatism 1 1 1 PMS171 phytolacca 45, 47
nausea 1 39 RSI 99 nettle soup 1 1 8 picric acid 57
neuralgia 49 marshmallow 135, 147, 189, 199 neuralgia 1 5, 48—9 piles see hemorrhoids
osteoarthritis 107 massage oils 206 niaouli 35 pilewort 1 77
osteoporosis 109 ME see myalgic encephalomyelitis bad breath 89 pine 125
PMS 171 meadowsweet 1 99 infections 2 I pineapple juice 27, 3 1, 35, 37,
psoriasis 79 measles 1 4, 30—1 infestations 1 5 1 I 69
rheumatism 1 1 1 medicine chest 216-17 nitric acid 67, 91, 93 black eyes 1 8 I
ringworm 8 1 melissa nosebleeds 15, 188 bruises 1 8 1
RSI 99 allergies 23 nutmeg 201 chicken pox 4 1
shingles 4 3 gastritis 1 46 nuts 208 sinusitis 1 30
splinters 1 89 gastroenteritis 1 49 nux vomica 5 1, 55, 205 tonsillitis 47
sprains 1 86 hay fever 1 29 cramp 97 pineapples 209
stings I 8 3 hives 77 gastritis 1 47 pinworms 1 50, 1 5 1
sunburn 1 8 5 migraine 53 hiccups 1 2 1 plantago 95, 113, 175
thrush 1 67 Meniere's disease 139 IBS 1 55 plantain 181, 182, 183, 199
tonsillitis 47 menopause 15, 172—3 indigestion 1 37 PMS see premenstrual syndrome
ledum 181, 182, 1 83, 186 menstrual problems 15, 168—9 insomnia 63 podophyllum 1 59
leeks 31, 42, 1 30, 208 mercurius 35, 47, 89, 91, 205 stress 61 post-herpetic neuralgia 42-3, 48
lemon 207, 208 mercurius solubilis 93 potassium citrate 202, 203
bad breath 89 methol salicylate 202 o potato juice 1 53
chilblains 1 1 2 mezereum 4 3 oats 72, 74, 154, 208 poultices 1 94, 200
cold sores 28 miconazole 202, 203 oleander 8 3 pregnancy I 77
colds and flu 27, 1 24 migraine 1 5, 52—3 olive oil 82, 145, 181, I 85, pregnant women 203
gallbladder I 45 milk 62, 75, 131 209 premenstrual syndrome (PMS) I 6,
hair problems 82, 83 mineral oil 202 onions 31, 125, 130, 182, 170-1
mumps 35 mint 88, 137, 1 40, I 42 I 83, 209 prunes 1 56
neuralgia 49 morbillinum 3 1 opium 1 57 psoriasis 1 6, 78—9, 83
skin nourishment I 72 morning sickness 1 39 orange essential oil 63, 207 pulsatilla 31, 35, 205
sore throats 45 mosquito bites 1 82 oranges 208 bad breath 89
warts 67 motherwort 165 orchitis 34 catarrh 123
lemon balm 29, 3 1, 35, 58, 198 motion sickness 15, 190 osteoarthritis 15, 104, 106—7 chilblains 1 1 3
lemon barley water 1 79 mouth ulcers 1 5, 90—1 osteoporosis 15, 108—9 conjunctivitis 86
lemon grass 55, 57, 1 I 7, 207 mouthwashes 200 earache 85
lettuce, insomnia 62 mullein 85 P IBS 1 55
licorice 142, 147, 153, 156, 157 mumps 1 5, 34—5 palmarosa 167 menopause 1 73
lilium tigrinum 1 7 1 mustard 101, 186, 201 papaw juice 3 7 osteoarthritis 107
lime-blossom tea 27, 62, 201 myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) parasites 14, 150—1 PMS 171
lycopodium 137, 143, 155,205 I 1, 54, 56-7 parsley 1 19, 142, 169, 178 styes 87
myrrh passiflora 6 3 varicose veins 1 1 4
M cystitis 1 79 peppermint 147 pulses 209
magnesium carbonicum 95 gingivitis 93 bad breath 89 pumpkin seeds 20, 1 5 1
magnesium phosphate 168 hemorrhoids 1 77 diarrhea 1 59
magnesium phosphoricum 97, mouth ulcers 9 1 fainting 1 9 1 R
141 ringworm 8 I fatigue 55 ranitidine I 36, 202
Malabar tamarind 1 6 I sore throats 45 fever 25 ranunculus bulbosus 43, 111, 121
male-pattern baldness 82, 83 thrush I 67 flatulence 143 raphanus 1 43
mandarin 207 headaches 5 1 repetitive strain injury (RSI) 1 6,
manuka honey 147, 153 N heartburn 135 98-9
marigold 66, 81, 87, 182, 183, nappy rash 1 67 indigestion 1 37 restless legs 16, 116—17
198 nasal congestion see catarrh migraine 53 rheumatism 16, 110—11
marjoram natrum muriaticum 29, 91,1 25, motion sickness 190 rheumatoid arthritis 104
back pain 1 02 205 nausea 1 39 rhinitis 45
constipation 1 57 natrum phosphoricum 1 5 1 sunburn 1 85 rhododendron 105
flatulence 1 43 natrum sulphuricum 1 3 3 peptic ulcers 15, 152—3 rhus toxicodendron 29, 41,43,
insomnia 63 nausea 1 5, 13 8—9 petitgrain 207 205
ME 57 neroli 207 petroleum 73, 79, 113, 190 dermatitis 73
neuralgia 49 diarrhea 1 59 pharyngitis 44 osteoarthritis 1 07

rhus toxicodendron (cont.) osteoporosis 109 stannum 1 27 tinea 80—1

restless legs 1 1 6 PMS 1 70 staphysagria 87, 99, 15 1,1 79, tired all the time syndrome (TAT)
sprains 1 86 rheumatism 1 1 1 205 54
rice 209 RSI 99 stinging nettles 119, 183 tonsillitis 1 7, 46—7
ringworm 16, 80— 1 rosewater 1 72 stings 17, 183 tooth care 89, 93
robina 1 35 RSI see repetitive strain injury stomach ache 10, 140—1 toothache 1 7, 94—5
Roman chamomile 3 3, 207 rubella 1 3, 32—3 stress 1 7, 60—1 travel sickness 138, 190
abdominal pain 1 4 1 rubella 30C 3 3 styes 1 7, 87 trigeminal neuralgia 48
allergies 2 3 rue 1 8 1 sugar syrup 1 97 tryptophan 6 1
arthritis 1 05 rumex 1 27 sulphur 65, 66, 74, 135, 161, turmeric 201
back pain 102 205 tymol 92
chicken pox 4 1 s sunburn 1 7, 1 84, 185
corns/calluses 69 sabadilla 1 29, 1 5 1 Symphytum 187 u
cystitis 1 79 SAD see seasonal affective ulcers, mouth 90—1
dermatitis 73 disorder T urtica urens 77, 1 84
diarrhea 1 59 saffron 201 tabacum 1 90 urticaria 1 4, 76—7
earache 85 sage 37, 91, 125, 173, 183, 200 tarantula 1 1 6 ustilago 1 65
eczema 75 salt 92, 172, 183, 201 TAT see tired all the time
fever 25 sambucus nigra 1 2 3 syndrome V
fibroids 1 64 sandalwood 39, 207 tea tree 27, 29, 199, 207 vaginal yeast infection see thrush
flatulence 143 coughs 127 acne 65 valerian 53, 57, 61
gallbladder 1 45 PMS 171 bad breath 89 vaporizers 206
gastritis 146 sore throats 45 bites 1 82 varicose veins 1 7,11 4—15
gastroenteritis 149 weight problems 161 boils 66 vegetable oil 69
hair problems 8 3 sanguinaria 5 3 colds 1 25 veratrum album 149
hay fever 1 29 sarsaparilla 179 coughs 1 27 vervain 1 99
heartburn 135 scabies 1 50 cuts 1 80 vetivert 79, 171
hives 77 scarlet fever 1 6, 36—7 cystitis 1 79 viburnum 168
IBS 155 seasonal affective disorder (SAD) dermatitis 73 vinegar 82, 1 83
indigestion 1 37 16, 58-9 fainting 1 9 1 violet 1 65
infestations 1 5 1 seaweed 201 fever 25 vipera 1 14
ME 57 selenium 20 gastroenteritis 149 viruses see infections
measles 3 1 sepia 55, 59, 1 39, 1 67, 205 gingivitis 9 3
mumps 3 5 menopause 1 73 infections 2 1 w
nausea 1 39 menstrual problems 168 infestations 1 51 wake-up remedy 207
neuralgia 49 psoriasis 79 measles 3 I warts 1 7, 67
osteoarthritis 107 ringworm 80 mumps 3 5 water treatments 201
osteoporosis 109 serotonin 6 1 ringworm 8 1 watercress 209
PMS 171 shepherd's purse 165 rubella 3 3 weight loss 71
rheumatism 1 1 1 shingles 1 6, 42—3, 49 shingles 43 weight problems 17, 160—1
RSI 99 shiitake mushrooms 56 sinusitis 1 3 1 wheat 209
shingles 43 Siberian ginseng 55, 58, 61, 87 sore throats 45 wheatgerm 74, 78
toothache 95 silicea 1 89 thrush 167 whooping cough 17, 3 8—9
rose 207 sinusitis 1 6, 1 30—1 tonsillitis 47 worms 1 4, 1 50—1
eczema 75 skin nourishment 1 72 warts 67 wormwood 1 5 1
fibroids 1 64 slippery elm 66, 135, 147, 153,189 teabags 86, 87
IBS 155 sodium bicarbonate 87, 183 tellurium 80, 102 ¥
ME 57 sore throat 16, 3 7, 4 4—5, 1 25 temperature 24—5 yarrow 188, 199
menopause 173 spices 200-1 tendonitis 1 10 yellow dock 1 57
menstrual problems 1 69 spigelia 49 tennis elbow 110, 111 ylang ylang 171,207
PMS 171 splinters 16, 189 thrush 1 7, 1 66—7 yogurt 21, 37, 43, 149, 166,
rosemary 1 99 sprains 16, 186 thuja 67 1 67, 1 72, 209
baths 201 sprays 206 thyme 47, 123, 199
cellulite 71 St. John's wort 1 99 bad breath 88, 89 Z
fainting 1 9 1 earache 8 5 gingivitis 92, 93 zinc 20, 1 67
fatigue 55 mumps 3 5 infections 21 zincum 1 1 6
hair problems 8 3 rheumatism 1 1 1 infestations 1 5 1
infestations 1 5 1 SAD 58 ME 57
neuralgia 49 shingles 43 ringworm 8 1
osteoarthritis 1 07 sunburn 1 85 tinctures 196-7
M ICHAEL VAN STRATEN is a registered naturopath, osteopath,
and acupuncturist and a former governor of the British
College of Naturopathy and Osteopathy. The author of many books
on the subject of nutrition and natural health, he is also a health
journalist writing for newspapers and magazines and a prolific radio
and TV broadcaster. He also finds time to run his own naturopathy
practices in London and Buckinghamshire, England.

Naomi Craft, BSc, MBBS, MRCGP, qualified as a doctor in 1988

and is now in general practice in London. She has written for
magazines and newspapers, including the British Medical Journal and
The Lancet, appeared on television and radio, and in 1996 received
an award for excellence from the Medical Journalists' Association.

KATARINA DlSS trained and worked as a physiotherapist in

Germany before moving to London to work with children with
cerebral palsy. She then trained as an Alexander Technique
teacher, qualifying in 1992, and has since worked from her home
in Bedfordshire, England.

JOSIE Drake, ITEC, PhysETh, AIPTI, LTPhys, is a highly qualified

therapist with her own treatment salon. She teaches massage,
aromatherapy, diet nutrition, and stress management. She also
works at Stoke Mandeville Hospital and was acclaimed the 1997
National Health and Beauty's Community Therapist of the Year.

Dr FIONA Dry, MBBS, MRCGP, DSMSA, is a general practitioner

in Bedfordshire, England, and is currently doctor to England's
Elite Badminton players. She studied homeopathy with the
Homeopathic Physicians' Teaching Group in Oxford.

PENELOPE Ody is a member of the National Institute of Medical

Herbalists and a Fellow of the Herb Society, and ran her own herbal
practice for 12 years. She has written several books on herbal
medicine and home remedies, and lectures widely on these themes.

SARAH Ryan is a student of Paul Harvey and a senior teacher for

Viniyoga Britain. She has trained teachers for the British Wheel
of Yoga for many years.

Kristine Walker, BA, PGCE, MAR, qualified as a reflexologist in 1989

and set up a School of Reflexology in Sussex England, in 1996. She
has co-ordinated research information for reflexology associations
and written a book about hand reflexology. She writes for national
magazines and practices Light Touch and Rwo Shr reflexology.

55 4903


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