NFPA - 72 - 2022 05 Escrito2025-8

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ANNEX A 72-339

are very likely to look for staff members to obtain information; manually transmit additional live evacuation or relocation
they are regarded as knowledgeable, they are expected to know messages
the situation, the best course of action and the closest exit.
A. Where a partial evacuation message is being provided,
A,'thether heard on a loudspeaker or seen in uniform or wearing
the three-pulse temporal signal specified in 18.4.2 should be
a name tag, staff are likely to be listened to."
provided unless otherwise dictated by the emergency response
The National Council on Disability publication, Effectwe plan or authority having jurisdiction. This is regardless whether
Emergency Management: Making ImProvements for the cause of the evacuation is fire, carbon monoxide, gas leak,
Communities and People with Disabilities, found "People with bomb threat, or any other emergency situation requiring partial
disabilities should not be viewed as one more special interest evacuation of a building.
group that drains resources from the common pool.
A. Along with the pathway survivability requirements,
Accommodating this large group often translates into being better
one or more of the followmg means could be considered
equipped to serve all people. Anyone, at any moment, can incur
acceptable to provide a level of survivability consistent with the
a disability, particularly during emergencies." (Kailes and Enders
intent of this requirement:
2006, p. 13).
(l ) Routing notification appliance circuits separately
Further, Shields, Boyce, and Silcock (1997) note that "staff (2) Using short-circuit, fault-tolerant signaling line circuits for
trained in emergency evacuation should provide guidance to controlling evacuation signals
people who are evacuating public facilities. Familiar and trusted
staff can alert a significant portion of the public in such instances The requirement for notification appliances to operate in those
and ensure an efficient evacuation," On the basis of census signaling zones that are not attacked by fire will also require that
results, Morrow (1999, p, 5) argues that a "sizable segment" of circuits and equipment that are common to more than one
any community's population will need additional assistance signaling zone be designed and installed such that the fire will not
during evacuation. disable them, For instance, a signaling line circuit used to control
notification appliances in multiple signaling zones should be
Fire-related emergency relocation instructions and properly designed and installed so that one fire would not impair
nonevacnation messages are repeated a minimum of three times. the signaling line circuit, rendering the notification appliances
For prerecorded messages, the actual number of times the serving more than one signaling zone inoperative.
message sequence plays is indeterminate, and the interval
between each sequence playing is not defined by code, but rather A. Circuits are required to be protected as they
intended to be defined in the emergency response plan. Paragraph through fire areas other than the one served. The purpose of this requires that the entire message sequence, including is to delay possible damage to the circuits from fires in areas other
the tone, is again repeated after a pause. So if the tone and partial than those served by the circuits and to increase the likelihood
evacuation message is repeated three times as required by that circuits serving areas remote from the original fire will have, then after pausing tor an interval of at least 180 the opportunity to be actuated and serve their purpose. Circuits
seconds (or alternative time periods that are established — see the are considered protected when the pathway directly enters the
following paragraph), the entire message sequence (including notification zone from the rated room required by and
tone) is repeated again three times, followed by another pause, are not required to comply with the pathway survivability
and so on. requirements in 24.3,14.4.
ResearCh shows (see Annex G: Guidelines for Emergency Communication A. Paragraph does not prohibit the provision of
Strategies Buildings and Campuses) that effective messages should be multiple notification appliance circuits within a notification zone.
repeated at intervals, not consecutively. In determining the alternative interval A.24.5 This section covers the application, installation, location,
times, consider the following: performance, and maintenance of mass notification systems used
(1) Too much time between message sequences could be for emergency purposes.
misunderstood by occupants that the emergency has been
resolved. in-building mass notification system is considered to be a
system used to provide information and instructions to people in
(2) Too much time between message sequences could a building(s) or other space using intelligible voice
communicate insufficiently the sense of urgency that is communications and including usual signals, text, graphics,
intended. tactile, or other communication methods.
(3) Too little time between message sequences could impair the
ability of occupants to comply with instructions, particularly Mass notification systems can consist of fully independent
for occupants that need assistance. systems with minimal or no interface With the building fire alarm
(4) Too little time between message sequences could make it system, systems that report trouble and supervisory signals
difficult for occupants to mark a change in the message through the fire alarm system, systems that share audible and
contents if partial evacuation or relocation instructions are visual notification circuits and appliances with the fire alarm
changed and re-issued. system, or combination mass notification and fire alarm systems.
(5) On the loss of primary power, secondary power is required
to support continuous notification for only 15 minutes. This A.24.5.l Although some minimum criteria are outlined for a
time could be extended based on the period of repetition of particular feature, the feature mtght not be applicable for every
automatic messages. Too little time between message project.
sequences could exhaust power reserves before emergency
The information and instructions delivered by a mass
first responders arrive, compromising their ability to
notification system could be initiated manually by an operator or
automatically by sensors or other systems and might be delivere-
2022 Edition
d to the target audience using prerecorded messages or live A. During emergencies, building occupants should
messages, or both, tailored to the situation and the audience. periodically receive an audible clue that the emergency
notification given by the mass notification system is still in effect.
Each mass notification system could be different, depending
Th1S also can help building occupants and emergency response
on the anticipated threat and the level of protection intended. As
personnel recognize that the mass notification system is
an example, a particular project might not require secure radio
overriding fire alarm notification appliances. The audible signal
transmissions. As such, criteria for such would not apply.
could consist of a simple signal such as a chirp of sufficient
However, if the authority having jurisdiction or design
duration to be recognized by the usual building occupants and,
professional has specified secure radio transmissions, the
typically, by occupants who are not hearing disabled.
minimum applicable criteria within this document would be
required. Deviation from these minimum criteria would require A. The mass notification system could permit activation
typproval of the stakeholders. of messages originated by mobile sentries and roving patrols
using wireless activation devices.
Mass notification systems can consist of fully independent
systems with minimal or no interface with the building fire alarm A. Generally, each separate building should be provided
system, systems that report trouble and supervisory signals with a separate in-building mass notification system; however,
through the fire alarm system, systems that share audible and some facilities (such as a campus-type high school with multiple
visual notification circuits and appliances With the fire alarm separate buildings) might be more effectively served by a single
system, or combination mass notification and fire alarm systems. in-building mass notification system. Alternately, a risk analysis
could determine that a Wide-area mass notification system
A. Other systems could include wide-area mass
provides the optimal capability for mass notification.
notification, distributed recipient mass notification, and regional
and national alerting. A. Alternate methods that achieve the desired statistical
availability could be deemed acceptable in lieu of monitoring the
A. Authorized personnel could include building
integrity of circuits, signaling channels, or communication
occupants who can readily access and originate messages in
pathways where consistent with the risk analysis and emergency
emergency situations. Depending on the individual facility; use
response plan.
of the mass notification system to originate non-emergency
messages could also be permitted. The selection of authorized An example of an alternate method could include an attendant
personnel should be based on a risk assessment and the building monitored system, which is a device or system intended to be
emergency response plan. constantly operated and maintained by competent and
experienced personnel either locally or from a remote station.
A. Authorized personnel could initiate message signaling
ANSI/NEMA Sl¥40, Communications systems for Life safety in
over the mass notification system from either an emergency
Schools, references "operational integrity?' in relation to systems
command center or a secondary (backup) control station(s). In
that are used regularly for routine purposes and suggests that such
cases where clusters of facilities within the same geographical
systems would be statistically more available due to a lower risk
region exist, one or more regional control stations could initiate
of falling into a state of disrepair, ANSI/ NEMA SB-40 also
message signaling. The mass notification system could permit
addresses system readiness in relation to constant use, and
activation of messages originated by mobile sentries and roving
recommends that, to the greatest extent possible, equipment used
patrols using wireless activation devices. Since it is common
in emergency communication should be used daily in routine
practice to allow mass notification systems to be utilized for
situations. Therefore, it is important to consider the level to which
"nonemergency" messages, the emergency command center
a system is constantly operated and the level of operator training
should incorporate a clearly marked and easy to operate means to
when preparing a risk analysis. Based on the occupancy of the
distinguish between emergency and nonemergency use.
premise, the risk analysis, and the emergency response plan, the
Comprehensive traming and a fail-safe default to the emergency
designer and authority having jurisdiction can more easily
mode of operation should be employed to ensure that no actual
determine whether it is appropriate for loudspeaker circuits to
emergency message gets tremsmitted as a nonemergency
utilize alternate methods for equivalency. Such •a constantly
operated system could be determined to achieve a statistically
Â. As a general practices the number of message significant availability to satisfÿ an authority having jurisdiction.
selection switches included as part of the operating controls
should be limited, so that authorized personnel can utilize the
A-24.5.7 The risk analysis should identify What emergency
system with only minimal familiarity. This, of course, could be a
situations will take priority over the fire alarm evacuation signal.
different matter on an industrial or college campus where trained
Should a tornado warning for the area take priority over an active
individuals are likely to be very familiar with the operation and
fire in the building? Should a breach of security at the campus
use of the system. In that ease, more selection switches could be
entry gate take priority over an active fire in the building? If a
manual fire alarm pull box has been actuated, it might be a
A. It is recognized that there can be benefit for users at terrorist action to have people leave the building and walk into an
the ACU to identify which specific location is currently in exterior threat. In such a case, mass notification input is intended
control. This can be indicated through visual means or through to override the fire alarm evacuation signals to redirect the
an audible location code. This can be especially useful for occupants based on the conditions.
emergency responders utilizing the ACU to know which remote
A. Devices such as gas or chemical sensors and detectors,
location is in control. If incorporated into a system, such features
weather alert signals, or other such signals can be desirable to
can be enabled or disabled by authorized personnel or as directed
connect to the mass notification system to provide a faster
through the risk analysis.
response to emergency conditions.

2022 Edition
ANNEX A 72-341
A.24.5.10 Refer to 24.52 for requirements related to operation of
the system by authorized personnel. It is recognized that, based
on the rrsk analysis, control equipment and circuits could need
different levels of protection for different facilities. Access to the
fire alarm/mass notification interface should be consistent with
the action outlined in the emergency response plan. It could have
been prior practice in some jurisdictions to locate the fire alarm
control unit in the main lobby of a facility: However, it might not
be appropriate to locate the mass notification system autonomous
control unit within the lobby if the general public would have
access to deactivate mass notification system components. Based
on the risk analysis, it could be appropriate to locate the
autonomous control unit within a secured room while providing
local operating consoles for use by other authorized personnel.
A. Mass notification systems can include a system local
operating console(s) for authorized occupants to readily access
and originate messages in emergency and nonemergency
situations. The quantity and location (s) of an LOC (s) should be
determined by the risk analysis and the facilities emergency
response plan.
A. The following is an example scheme for message
prioritization, from highest (1) to lowest (5), for consideration
during the risk analysis:
(1) Live voice messages from personnel in the building should
be the highest priority. If systems provide control locations
that are usable by nonauthorized personnel, these controls
should be disabled or overridden during emergency
(2) Automatic fire alarm messages/ other high priority
messages as determined by risk analysis criteria.
(3) External messages originated by a wide-area mass
notification system.
Message priority for emergency conditions such as severe
weather warnings, gas leaks, chemical spills, and other
FIGURE A.24.5.14(a) Horizontal Reach of Less Than 10 in. (254
hazardous conditions should be determined by risk analysis
criteria and defined in the emergency response plan,
(5) Non-emergency messages, such as general announcements
and time function signaling (work breaks, class change, A.24.5.18 Care in location and placement is critical to the
etc.), should have the lowest priority. survivability of the textual usual appliance and maximizing its
effectiveness. Locate the textual visual appliance away from
A. Unless the risk analysis determines otherwise, the direct sunlight or direct local area lighting. Avoid locating the
fire alarm system should always be automatically returned to textual visual appliance near heating and air-conditioning ducts.
normal functionality. If the fire alarm system is automatically
returned to normal fúnctionality, the building emergency A. The requirement of does not imply that
response plan should state that no user intervention is required. multiple primary methods of visual appliances cannot exist in a
When manual intervention is required to return the fire alarm common area. Both visual notification appliance and graphical or
system to normal, specific instructions should be in place in the textual appliances are designated as primary where the authority
emergency response plan explaining how the fire alarm system having jurisdiction declares both to be required. When textual
notification appliances should be reactivated, These instructions audible notification is required, consideration is warranted for
should be located at the fire alarm and mass notification control high-noise areas and for a person who is deaf or hard of hearing
units. Individuals responsible for manually returning the fire being capable of clearly receiving instructions.
alarm system to normal should be properly trained in the As mass notification systems are deployed, the more complex
procedure, emergency management communication requirements that go
A.24.5.14 Control functions need to be accessible for those beyond what can be indicated by a visual notification appliance
intended to use them. This requirement is not intended to require and a tone are being addressed. The intelligibility requirements
that the control enclosure be within the dimensions, but rather the of an MNS/ECS are a direct reflection of this reality, However,
respective buttons, latches, microphone, and other items the user for a person who is deaf or hard of hearing, no degree of
will need to have within reach and view. Figure A-24.5.14(a) intelligibility might be sufficient. Additionally, there are physical
applies when the horizontal reach is less than 10 in. (254 mm). spaces where intelligibility is impossible or imprac-
Figure A.24.5.14(b) applies when the horizontal reach is between
10 Lin. (254 mm) and 24 in. (610 mm).

2022 Edition
A. Where automatic transmission is required to a
supervising station, it should be performed in accordance with the
emergency response plan. The purpose for disabling or
overriding the fire alarm system notification appliances during
simultaneous fire and mass notification events is so that
occupants will not receive conflicting messages and fail to
respond correctly. Fire alarm notification that should be
overridden during a mass notification system activation could
include audible notification appliances, visual notification
appliances, textual notification appliances, and video notification
A- As part of the risk analysis and emergency
response plan, consideration should be given to future interfacing
in-building mass notification systems with a wide-area mass
notification system if it does not presently exist. Inbuilding mass
notification systems should be designed to allow future interface
with a wide-area mass notification system.
A. A combined system can include an autonomous
in. control unit and fire alarm control unit supplied from different
m) manufacturers or placed in separate equipment enclosures;
however, the autonomous control unit and fire alarm control unit
should be integrated in their controls and performance to meet the
requirements of this Code.
A. When a professional-grade public address svstem, an
engineered sound reinforcement system, or a pro-audio sound
system does not meet all the performance requirements of
Chapter 24, it can still be evaluated and documented with a risk
analysis and permitted for use ms an emergency communications
system with the approval of the authority having jurtsdiction. For
example, consider a professional-grade public address system
that includes outdoor-class loudspeakers not listed for fire. In the
risk analysis, an argument could be made that the system is
FIGURE A.24.5.14(b) Horizontal Reach of 10 in. (254 mm) to allowable for use during a non-fire-related evacuation of the
24 in. (610 mm). structure, a lock-down or lock-out condition, or a reverse
tical to provide. In designating a primary visual notification Another example could be an attendant monitored system,
appliance, it is easy to assume that a visual notification appliance which is a device or system intended to be constantly operated
is sufficient and all other visual notification is automatically and maintained by competent and experienced personnel either
supplemental. locally or from a remote station. Consider a professionalgrade
public address system, an engineered sound reinforcement
However, where the risk analysis and an emergency response system, or a pro-audio sound system that has a history of
plan require the communication of MNS textual audible reliability, is used regularly by trained personnel, but does not
instructions for occupants, a visual notification appliance should support the monitormg for integrity requirements of NIPPA 72.
not be considered a sufficient primary notification appliance When coupled with appropriate equivalency information
where intelligibility cannot be achieved or where consideration provided within the risk analysis, such a system could be deemed
for Ione individuals or groups of individuals who are deaf or hard acceptable to an authority having jurisdiction for specific
of hearing might prevent them from responding appropriately to occupancies and uses.
emergency instructions.
The risk analysis should also consider the need for seconClary
A.24.5.20 The video display can be a video appliance used to power. Typically, public address systems, engineered sound
facilitate mass notification. Information displayed could be reinforcement systems, and pro-audio sound systems do not
video, graphic, text, or audio. Information can be transmitted over include integrated secondary power, So, if the application
a video distribution network, MATV, or CATV system. These requires secondary power, it would usually need to be provided
messages can be standardized or customized for specific through an alternate means such as backup generator or an ESS.
applications or situations. Dynamic text elements can be derived For an ESS in particular, care should be taken to determine the
from secure data or updated in real time, either locally or required capacity to support •a minimally acceptable operational
remotely. Messages can be controlled by authorities to update period. See Section 10.6, Power Supplies, which highlights
and alter content with manual overrides from authorized security, concerns and issues such as continuity, capacity, and various
police, and so forth to ensure up-to-date and realtime information. options.
The same can be acccn»plished with remote control from an
emergency command center. Examples of interfaces used for A. 24.6 Wide-area mass notification systems are generally
real-time control include USB, Ethernet, RS232, and GPI. installed to provide real-time information to outdoor areas. These

2022 Edition
ANNEX A 72-343
systems are normally provided with, and operated from, two or Additionally, in some areas, it might be necessary to mount wide-
more emergency command centers. Communications between area mass notification loudspeakers on the side of a building
emergency command centers and in-building mass notification while simultaneously preventing an unacceptable increase in that
systems is provided. Communications between the emergency building's interior noise levels.
command centers and regional or national command systems
A. At a minimum, the high power loudspeaker array
could also be provided. Wide-area mass notification systems are
controller should be located above known high water level
often those such as campus giant voice systems, military base
during historic floods. In northern states, the high power
public address systems, civil defense warning systems, large
loudspeaker array should be located above known snow levels.
outdoor visual displays, and so forth.
When selecting high power loudspeaker arrays, care should be
A.24.6.2 A commonly used method of protecting against taken to ensure the equipment is rated to operate between the high
unauthorized changes using multiple levels of password and low temperature range and other anticipated environmental
protection can be described as follows (in ascending levels of conditions for the geographical location of' installation. The
access); system designer should inquire about this information as part of
the risk analysis.
(1) Access Level I. Access by persons who have a general
responsibility for safety supervision, and who might be A. High power loudspeaker arrays should be mounted
not to exceed the OSHA and FEMA Technical Bulletin, Outdoor
expected to investigate and initially respond to an alarm or Warning S»tems Version 2.0, for occupational noise exposure
trouble signal. limits or an absolute limit of 123 Gweighted decibels (CIBC) as
(2) Access Level 2, Access by persons who have a specific referenced in FEMA to anyone in the immediate vicinity Of the
responsibility for safety, and who are trained to operate the appliances.
control unit. A.24.6.9 High power loudspeaker arrays and their supporting
(3) Access Lewd 3. Access by persons who are trained and structures should have a minimum design wind speed of 100
authorized to take control over a given area of a site to allow miles/ hr 161 km/hr (86.8 kn) l. The supporting structure should
local paging, which might be different from that of another be sized to accommodate the static and dynamic loads produced
area. Note: This might require a higher form of access to the by the sound systems and all attachments. Seismic loads are
local control, generally site specific.
(4) Access Level 4. Access by persons that serve in a system A.24.7 Distributed recipient mass notification systems are
administrator capacity and are authorized to make changes enterprise-class systems for the management of, and mass
to the system and its associated software, distribution of, emergency notification messages within
buildings, throughout installations, across entire geographical
A.24.6.3 A wide-area mass notification system could have the regions, or throughout a worldwide military command. Using
capability to communicate with other notification systems on the distributed recipient mass notification systems, designated
site, such as the telephone alerting system, paging system, cell system operators would be able to rapidly and reliably inform
phone, pager, PDA activation, e-ßlast, message scrolling, reverse appropriate personnel of homeland security levels (including
911, fax transmission, and highway advisory radio and sign chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear threats; hazardous
control system (used for dynamic control of radio information weather conditions; and many other critical events), possibly with
and traffic signs for emergency information and traffic near real-time response capability.
A distributed recipient mass notification system is meant to
A.24.6.5 High power loudspeaker arrays should be designed with communicate to a wide range of targeted individuals and groups.
directional characteristics that will minimize the distortion of voice These systems might use mass dialing systems, including reverse
signals by interface from other zones and will minimize the 911, email, SMS, or other directed communications methods to
transmission of voice or tone signals into environmentally sensitive broadcast information. They might also use wired or wireless
areas or off the site. networks for one- or two-way communications and/or control
A. Refer to Annex D for more information on speech between a building or area and an emergency services
intelligibility and how it is predicted. organization (information, command, and control).

Normal weather conditions should be specified as appropriate Although classified as one-way ECS, distributed recipient
for the geographic location. mass notification systems could be capable of centrally tracking,
in real time, all alerting activities for each individual recipient,
In outdoor areas, such as in industrial areas with many including sending, receiving, and responding to alerts, and be
multistory buildings, the maximum distance of personnel from an able to generate reports based on tracked information. Distributed
outdoor loudspeaker often has to be significantly reduced to recipient mass notification systems could be able to
retain acceptable intelligibility of the voice message. provide ability to collect and report user responses to alerts, such
Loudspeakers that provide directional capability should be used. as "I am safe, I need assistance," and "1 am not in affëcted area.
These can be mounted on building exteriors if the loudspeakers
do not radiate unacceptable levels of sound into the building on Distributed recipient mass notification systems could
which they are mounted. incorporate a predefined library of signals and messaging
appropriate for, but not limited to, the following:
At some sites, it could be necessary to control the amount of
sound that propagates in undesirable directions, such as into (1) Presidential alert message
civilian communities adjacent to the site boundaries or into (2) Homeland security levels
wildlife areas with protected or endangered animal species. (3) Terrorism threats, watches, or warnings
2022 Edition
(4) Evacuation routes trouble conditions of the different system components and
(5) Emergency directives integrated components.
(6) Personnel recall requirements The NCAS would incorporate a Web-based management and
(7) Federal, DOD, police, fire, local, or installation-specific alert activation application through which all operators and
warning and notification requirements administrators could gain access to the system's capabilities,
based on the users' permissions and the defined access policy.
(8) Amber alerts
Such a management application would incorporate management
The distributed recipient mass notification system could be of the alert activation flow through all delive1Y methods,
capable of monitoring emergency notifications from multiple •as well as end-user management, operators' permission and
data sources [such -as Wireless Emergency Alert (MEA) , access, tracking and reporting, and all administrative aspects of
National Weather Service, Emergency Managers Weather the system.
Infòrmation Network (EMWIN), Naval Meteorology and Distributed recipient mass notification systems could interface
Oceanography (METOC), and others as determined locally] and and interoperate with other types of mass notification capabilities,
automatically sending out notifications to designated facilities including wide-area and in-building mass notification systems.
and personnel based on predefined rules. During emergencies, systems operators should not need to send
A mass notification system could also be capable of reaching notifications using multiple alerting systems. The distributed
out to all online personnel by leveraging a highly secure, recipient mass notification system, particularly NCAS, might be
redundant, Webbased IP network architecture to manage the able to provide the capability to integrate user interfaces and
entire mass notification process. Agencies and organizations can consolidate access to multiple mass notification and alerting
create role-based uses such as operators, administrators, systems.
and recipients, based on their access rights across multiple A-24.7.1 Distributed recipient mass notification systems could
facilities, campuses, and installations. Svstem rules could be enable the management of the notification flow; including users'
established to determine operator permissions and actions such as management, groups targeting, operators' permissions, access
creating and activating scenarios, as well as the extent and policies, predefined emergency scenarios, and response tracking
geography of alerts and delivery systems and devices that should and reporting.
be used. Such a Web-based mass notification system would
employ an open, standards-based architecture. The system could A.24.7.2 Distributed recipient mass notification systems could be
be integrated with existing user directories to support capable of sending alert messages in a prioritized method to target
organizational hierarchy and emergency response groups. It recipients according to the following:
could be structured to allow emergency criteria— based targetmg (1) Hierarchical organizational structure (as would be imported
of emergency alerts. from an active directory)
Additionally, this annex material provides information on (2) Organizational roles
ongoing development of system requirements for net-centric (3) Specific distribution lists [e.g., hazardous materials
alerting systems (NCAS) that will be based on IP technologies, (HAZMAT) response teams]
This annex is not mandatory, but is provided to stimulate (4) Specific distribution (e.g., person who is deaf or hard of
development of suitable requirements and standards. hearing or others with disabilities that warrant prioritized
Consequently, user suggestions and feedback on this annex are notification)
highly encouraged and requested. Methods to ensure reliability
(5) Dynamic groups created through on-the-fly queries of the
and robustness in off-normal or emergency conditions are of
user directory
particular concern, The required amount of and method for
(6) Geographical locations (e.g., entire bases, zones within
isolating alerting functions from normal, non-alerting system
functions needs development.
(7) IP addresses (required for targeting devices in specific
INCAS leverage the IP network infrastructure to instantly physical locations)
reach those personnel who have access to nearly any IPconnected
devices [such pop-up alerts on personal computers (PC), text Distributed recipient mass notification svstems should provide
messages to cellular telephones, electronic mail messages, and mechanisms to update user and targeting data(e.g., user data
voice messages to voiceover-IP (VOIP) telephones and PCs]. import, integration with personnel directories, and self-user
Additionally, NCAS could be used to actuate, through a single registration ) ,
user interface, other (IP based and non-IP based) alerting systems, Distributed recipient mass notification systems could use a
such as wide-area alerting systems and traditional dial-up Web-based user interface, support locally designated standard
telephone alerting systems. network ports and protocols, and provide open interfaces to
support interoperability, such as extensible markup language
NCAS can be installed independently or at a central location. (XML) and common alerting protocol (CAP) based emergency
In a centrally managed NCAS configuration, personnel and messages. (See OASIS Standard CAP-VI .2, OASIS Common
facilities in the regional operations center'S particular area of Alerting Protocol, Vnsion 1.2,)
coverage could be alerted instantly by events, either from any
individual installation, or centrally from the regional operations A.24.7.5 Distributed recipient mass notification systems would
center. Using management tools, designated operators from each be capable of sending alert messages to end-users (recipients) via
installation in the region could log in via a web browser and have multiple delivery methods, including the following:
complete access to their own portion of the NCAS. The regional (1) Audio-visual network alerts to desktops and laptops via
operations center would retain the ability to centrally monitor and desktop pop-up
manage all portions of the system, including supervisory and (2) Text alerts to mobile phones and pagers
2022 Edition
ANNEX A 72-345
(3) Text alerts to electronic mail (e-mail) clients allowed in earlier years, the radio systems were not as reliable as
(4) Text alerts to social networks they are today. In addition, because the FFTS were generally
(5) Audio alerts to phones supplied by the manufacturers of the fire alarm systems,
designers, authorities having jurisdiction, and installers wrongly
(6) Audio alerts to existing wide-area or building voice and or assumed the FFTs were required as part of the life safety system.
mass notification systems [They were required if an emergency responder radio
(7) Network alerts to any other IP-connected devices via communications system (ERRCS) was not installed. I Today the
standard XML and CAP protocols opposite is true. Since 2009, the building and fire codes require
The system could be extendable to support additional delivery the ERRCS, allowing the FFT only by permission of the authority
methods in the future as this technology develops. havingjurisdiction.
A.24.7.6 A distributed recipient mass notification system could A.24.10 Generally, two-way emergency communications
support multiple server and multiple site configurations to systems for rescue assistance include area of refuge two-way
achieve a "hot standby?' failover configuration (i.e., no down time emergency communications systems, stairway communications
in case of failure in a single server), as well as to support higher systems, elevator landing communications systems, and occupant
load scenarios (e.g., more users). This could be accomplished evacuation elevator lobby communications systems. All are
with premises-based systems or hosted configurations. members of the same system type fulfilling the same functions in
different locations. These systems are required to be installed in
Backup configuration can either be a net-centric system
different buildings by applicable building codes, and they are
architecture located behind internet firewalls or hosted
considered as life-safety emergency communication systems to
offpremises, outside the owner's internet firewall utilizing a
be used by building occupants during fire and nonfire
hosted software and hardware configuration operated and
emergencies. Because they are similar and all are two-way
maintained by DRMNS provider(s), or incorporate features of
emergency communications systems, it is appropriate that they
both configurations.
are mandated by a common set of requirements. These systems
A.24.8 Two-way, in-building emergency services are different in nature from the two emergency communications
communications systems are used by fire fighters, police, and systems specified in and for fire fighter
other emergency services personnel. This does not preclude telephones and two-way radio communications enhancement
equipment outside of the protected premises. systems that are meant to be used by fire fighters or Other first
responders or emergency personnel.
A.24.8.6 Consideration should be given to the type of telephone
handset that fire fighters use in areas where high ambient noise "Areas of refuge" are typically areas that have direct access to
levels exist or areas where high noise levels could exist during a an exit, where people who are unable to use stairs can remain
fire condition, Push-to-talk handsets, handsets that contam temporarily in safety to await further instructions or assistance
directional microphones, or handsets that contain other suitable during emergency evacuation or other emergency situations. It is,
noise-canceling features, can be used, therefore, important that a method to communicate exists
between that remote location and a constantly attended location
A. 24.8.19 Two-way, in-building wired emergency services
either within the building or at an off-premises remote location
communications systems (i.e., fire fighters' telephone systems)
where appropriate action for assistance can be initiate d by trained
are intended to provide emergency service personnel and
designated building occupants with a supervised, reliable
communication system that is completely independent of other Stairway communications systems are typically provided in
in-building communication systems. The survivability of high-rise buildings between the fire command center and remote
twoway, in-building wired emergency services communications points located at not less than every fifth floor in stairways where
systems is paramount as they are intended for use during and the stairway doors are locked from the stair side to prevent
throughout the duration of a fire or other emergency event. This building re-entry. It is important that a method to communicate
kind of functionality requires that measures are taken to ensure exists between that remote location in the stairs and a constantly
that the system is designed, installed, and maintained in such a attended location either within the building or at an off-premises
manner that they can survive and function under extreme remote location so that appropriate action for assistance can be
conditions. initiated.
Pathway survivability of emergency communications systems is Elevator car communications systems should not be confused
dictated by through 24,3.14.16. with an elevator landing communications system, or an occupant
evacuation elevator lobby communications system, The elevator
A.24.9 The intent of these systems is to provide reliable radio car two-way communications system is installed in
communications for first responders within all buildings in their accordance with the requirements of ASME Al 7.1/CSA 1344,
jurisdiction. The building codes now require these systems in lieu Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators. Inspection and testing
Of fire fighter telephones.
of elevator car two-way communications systems is performed In
NFPA 1221 is followed by 911 centers, dispatchers, and accordance with ASME Al 72, Guide for Inspection of Elevators,
municipal radio operations centers. It is the best standard to Escalators, and Moving Walks.
follow for these systems.
Area of refuge is not defined in NIPA 72', rather, as stipulated
Dedicated fire fighter telephone (EFT) systems were required in, area of refuge is defined by the applicable building
in high-rise buildings to enable first responders to communicate code or fire code, For example, the IBC identifies area of refuge
within the building and to communicate primarily with the fire as a place where occupants can wait who are unable to use a
ground commander located at the fire command center. Although stairway. NFPA 101 provides a broader definition. Conversely,
two-way radio communications enhancement systems were
2022 Edition
the term area of pescue assistance is more generic but is not other requirements found in Section 24.10 should be coordinated
defined in 72, NFPA 101, or the IBC. with the requirements of the building code in force,
A.24.10.3 The remote call stations are also known as call boxes, A.24.10.14 Generally; area of refuge two-way emergency
The master control station is the main operator control device for communications systems, stairway communications systems,
the system, which includes a visual display Of the specific active elevator landing communications systems, and occupant
remote call station location(s). Large systems with numerous evacuation elevator lobby communications systems are members
remote call stations might also include additional (sub) control of the same type of system. Since it is common to install these
unit(s) and multiple master control stations that could expand the different systems in the same building, there is no prohibition
overall capacity of the system. The secondary power supply is against any combination of these systems being installed in a
required in case Of a loss of the primary power supply. common building as a single amalgamated system with a single
The central control point is typically the fire command master control station and remotely located call stations.
center in high-rise buildings or any other approved location in A.24.10.15 If the microphone is to be used by authorized
low-rise or other buildings not provided with a fire command personnel, backup personnel should be assigned and trained on
center. its proper usage.
Typically, the fire command center is not occupied A.24.11 An emergency communications system information,
during non-fire emergencies, and therefore the system should command, and control is intended to include wired or wireless
have dial-out capability to an off-premises constantly attended networks for one- or two-way communications and/or control
monitoring station. During fire emergencies, fire fighters will be between a building or area and an emergency command center
in the fire command center, and they will be able to provide and could include an emergency services organization or public
assistance and guidance to occupants in need. alarm reporting system. In a very basic configuration, a system
and the receiving facility could be a supervising station system.
To ensure a timely response to a call for assistance, the
However, there can be more complex systems that allow control
call is to be forwarded to an approved off-premises constantly
of building systems and communications to building occupants
attended location, such as a supervising station, 911
from a remote location, including a municipal or other public
communications center, or other monitoring location. Typically,
alarm reporting command center or possibly even from a mobile
when the person in need is able to communicate, it is expected
command vehicle using secure communications.
that the monitoring personnel can quickly establish the exact
location of the building and the location within the building the A.24.11.1 For the purposes of this chapter, an emergency
call was made from and communicate this information to the command center is considered to be a mass notification system
emergency responders. However, if the person initiating the call facility(s), with communications and control equipment serving
is unable to provide the specific location within the building (or more than one building, where responsible authorities receive
unable to communicate at all), the appropriate emergency information from premises sources or systems, or from (higher
responders will be dispatched to the specific building address. level) regional or national sources or systems, and then
They should be able to locate the master control station at the disseminate appropriate information to a building, multiple
building's central control point and establish the exact call buildings, outside campus areas, municipalities, or a combination
location within the building on the master control station of these in accordance with the emergency response plan
disp14Y. established for the premises. A mass notification system could
include at least one emergency command center with optional
All systems should have this capability, even if installed in a
secondary/alternate emergency command centers,
facility that currently has a constantly attended location, such that
if that location was defunded in the future, the installed system A. The location of the emergency command center
would already have the capability to automatically forward off- should be coordinated with the first responders. The primary
premises. emergency command center should be located at the command
post, emergency operations center, or some such similar location.
A.24.10.7 One method by which a signal is transmitted to the off-
A redundant emergency command center; if required, should be
premises monitoring station uses telephone connections in
located at a physically separate location, such as a police station,
conjunctionwith caller ID to identify the phone number and a
fire station, or similar Facility.
name associated with the building, The call is initially identified
at the off-premises monitoring location via caller ID infOrmation Generally, the primary emergency command center should be
(provided by the telephone service), a prerecorded message, or housed in a building or portion of a building separated from the
other approved means, prior to initiating the twoway rest of the facility and having a 2-hour fire-resistiverated
communications. Information provided can be used to access a separation.
database of building addresses and other related information to
The mass notification system might require activation of
aid emergency responders attending the location. The intention of
messages originated by mobile sentries and roving patrols using
this section is to ensure that off-premises monitoring personnel
wireless activation devices. In cases where clusters of facilities
have instant access to the building address so that emergency
within the same geographical region exist, one or more regional
responders can be immediately dispatched to the correct location.
control stations might also exercise control.
A.24.10.9 Generally, the building code, specification engineer, or
A. The emergency command center should be staffed
system designer will identify the proposed locations of the remote
by qualified personnel who would monitor the system and take
call stations, as well as the master control station. These locations
action appropriate to the emergency response plan established for
should be submitted for approval by the authority having
the specific premises,
jurisdiction based on Chapter 7 requirements. Installation and

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ANNEX A 72-347
A. It is imperative that individuals expected to initiate degree of damage that is possible. The mass notification system
or deliver emergency messages be properly trained in the must be designed to withstand various attack scenarios and
expected operations. Individuals must be familiar with the survive even if some damage has already occurred,
equipment, its location, and functions if they will be expected to
Each design of a mass notification system should be specific
react properly in an emergency: In an emergency situation.
to the nature and anticipated risks of each facility for which it is
people only react according to instinct or habit. If the individual
designed. Although this chapter outlines some specific criteria
has not had proper and repeated training over the emergency
and/or limitations, each design should be based on recognized
expectations, they could lack the proper instinct or habit.
performance-based design practices.
Reading an employee manual is generally not an effective
The mass notification system should take into account various
means of training for an emergency. To be effective, training
considerations, such as those indicated in this chapter. The
must be reinforced with multiple means such text, audio, visual,
particular design might or might not incorporate these provislons.
and, most importantly, hands-on experience. Regular drills
allowing for delivery of live messages indicating an emergency Considerations for developing a mass notification system are
condition is important. Many people have a very difficult time as follows:
communicating clearly and effectively in an emergency situation (1) Specific design for the facility
when they are excited or fearful. If live messages are to be
effective, they must be short, to the point, and in a calm tone (2) Account for anticipated risks
conveying exactly what is expected. Screaming into the (3) Use of live and/or prerecorded messaging
microphone, for instance, would not be appropriate. Actual (4) Interfacing with other building emergency Communica-
message content will depend on the emergency response plan in
place for the respective business and the response to an unfolding tions systems
event. Situations such as an intruder in a building have (5) Interfacing with wide-area notification systems
become more common today and, as such, should be considered (6) Ability to control the HVAC and access control systems
and planned for.
(7) Access to system components
A.24.11.3 Different messages or signals could be prerecorded or (8) Survivability of the system
live voice, tones, and so forth, (9) Communication link redundancy and security
A.24.11.6 Text notification wireless devices and desktop (10) Redundancy and security of the emergency command
computer notification could be an effective means for delivering center
mass notification messages to multiple recipient groups. (11) Ability to customize and add to prerecorded message
Supplementary wireless text messaging could be effective in library
reaching remote personnel. Desktop notification is particularly
(12) Messages should be tailored to the situation and audi-
effective when more complex information must be conveyed, and
it can be a cost-effective interim solution prior to, but not in lieu ence
of, installing an in-building mass notification system. (13) Scripted messages for live voice messages
Proper training of individuals that operate the system
A.24.12 The risk analysis forms the basis for the emergency
response plan, A.24.12.2 The design professional(s) as part of the design team
should be experienced in multiple areas considered essential for
Ensuring accurate information dissemination to the right conducting the risk analysis and performance design based on the
people, at the right place, and at the right time is essential to the scope and size of the project. Areas of experience can include,
mitigation of threat actions and consequences. Trained personnel but are not limited to, the following:
are charged with making such decisions in real time. Quite often,
(1) Applying recognized performance-based design concepts
the instructions provided to personnel in affected areas pertain to
acting in specific defensive ways so as not to expose them to (2) Conducting hazard and operability studies
danger. A typical example is the case of a chemical or biological (3) Technical aspects of fire alarm system design
agent attack wherein the right response is to relocate to secure (4) Technical aspects of emergency communication systems
areas within the building while sealing doors and windows and (5) Security risks and/or terrorist threats
shutting down air intakes, rather than to leave the building and be (6) Building code requirements and limitations with respect
exposed to the attacking agent. to egress
In cases of bomb threats, where specific information is (7) Human response to emergency conditions
available, directions for evacuation are to be given; these (8) Development of emergency response plans
directions require more specificity than simply the instruction (9) Other qualifications relative to the needs of the user/ risk
"Evacuate the building." In most cases, the evacuation route
might depend on threat intelligence and is likely to be different The design professional(s) will often be a part of the enginee-
from that specified in an emergency response plan. Most people ring design team preparing project documents and specifications.
can tell where the fire comes from but do not always know where However, the design professional can work for or be obtained by
the bomb is, Automatic evacuation of a building, a common a qualified installation company. The design professional should
procedure in cases of a fire, is to be avoided, since it might expose be bound by professional licensing guidelines to ensure that the
personnel to even greater danger. risk analysis is conducted in an objective manner based on user
needs and not based on product or employment.
One of the reasons for implementing a mass notification
system is the threat of terrorism. Terrorism attacks tend to be well
organized and are Often planned with details to inflict the widest
2022 Edition
A. Communication and coordination between and A. If a carbon monoxide detector cannot be reset in
among the various members of the design team is an important accordance with Chapter 14, it could indicate that carbon
element to achieving the goals for performance of the system. monoxide is still present in the premises. Until such time that
A. The SFPLEngineeringGuide toPerfmnance-BasedFire
carbon monoxide can be excluded as the source of the alarm, the
Protection provides guidance on the elements of a design brief.
assumption should be that carbon monoxide is present and
appropriate life safety precautions should be followed,
A.26.1 Table A. 26.1 provides a tool for users of the Code to
easily and systematically look up requirements for protected A. Scheduled impairments include interruptions caused
premises, central station service, remote supervising station, and by construction or building damage. In addition, natural disasters
proprietary supervising station alarm systems. can result in long-term system impairments that are not intended
to require 24-hour reminders.
A.26.1.1 Supervising station alarm systems include the
equipment at the protected premises as well as the equipment at A.26.2.7 Changing where signals go from an existing to a new or
the supervising station itself. While the operational requirements different supervising station facility is sometimes done simply by
relating to the signals sent off-premises fall under the scope of changing a call-forward phone number. Or, within a supervising
Chapter 26, the requirements of Chapter 23 also apply. For station, a new receiving computer and software can be
example, for protected premises fire alarm systems, refer to constructed and lines changed over. Often, the account data are
Figure A.26.1.1 manually entered into the new system. Sometimes the data are
transferred electronically. Errors can be made, causing the
A. The term immediatel) in this context is intended to supervising station to get undefined alarms or incorrect account
mean "without unreasonable delay." Routine handling should data, resulting in incorrect response by the supervising station.
take a maximum of 90 seconds from receipt of an alarm signal. When such changes are made, the only viable way to ensure
A. Events can be general alarm signals or other fire correct operation is to conduct an encl-tcpend test.
alarm signals not identified individually by point or zone, A- The phrase "notified in writing" can include any form
A-26.2.2 The term immediately in this context is intended to of correspondence that can be verified upon request, such as a
mean "without unreasonable delay." Routine handling should letter, fax, email or other means of documented transfer of
take a maximum of 90 seconds from receipt of an alarm signal or information from one entity to another.
at the encl of the verification time by the supervising station until A.26.3.2 There are related types of contract service that often are
the initiation of retransmission to the communications center, provided from, or controlled by; a central station but that are
A.26.2.2(1) It is recognized that individual fire departments will neither anticipated by, nor consistent with, the provisions of
have a preference on whether verification is used in certain 26.3.2. Although 26.32 does not preclude such arrangements, a
occupancies based on many variables such as departmentspecific central station company is expected to recognize, provide for, and
staffing or response protocols, occupancy staffing, and preserve the reliability, adequacy, and integrity of those
occupancy risk. This section allows the fire authority to supervisory and alarm services intended to be in accordance with
specifically select those occupancies where verification is the provisions of 26-3.2.
allowed. It should be understood that the use of the alarm
verification process could delay the response to the alarm by up
to an additional 90 seconds.
A.26.2.2(4) The 90-second allowance for a supervising station to
call the protected premises to verify the validity of the received
alarm signal is in addition to the time allowed for the supervising
station to initiate the retransmission to the communications
A.26.2.2(6) It is important to notify the communications center
that an alarm signal was verified and that fire conditions extst at
the protected premises or that some other type of an emergency
exists, Fire departments typically have a substantially larger
response for confirmed structure fires.
A-26.2.2(7) If an alarm signal cannot be reliably confirmed as a
nuisance alarm, then it should be immediately retransmitted. This
nught include situations where no contact is made within the
premises, or where the persons within the premises cannot verify
the source of the alarm within the allowable 90 seconds, or other
related scenarios.
A.26.2.2(8) When verification of a fire alarm signal results in a
signal not being reported to the communications center, it is
important that fire department personnel be made aware of the
alarm and the reason for nondispatch so that problematic systems
can be identified.

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ANNEX A 72-349

Table A.26.1 Alarm System Performance Criteria

Protected Premises Central Station Service Remote Supervising Proprietary Supervising
Alarm System Alarm System Station Alarm Station Alarm System
Attribute System
Applica bility All fire alarm systems Supervising Station Where central station Supervising station
Service provided by service is neither monitoring contiguous or
a prime contractor.
required nor elected, noncontiguous properties
There is a
subscriber properties under under one ownership and
(26.32, 26.3.3, and various ownership responsible to the owner of
26.3.4) monitored by a the protected property
remote supervisin g ( and
station ( and
Listing Equipmeno listed for Equipment listed for the Equipment listed for use Equipmen t listed for use
the use intended use intended (10.3). intended (10.3) intended (10.3)
(10.3) Compliance
Design According to Code by According to Code by According to Code by According to Code by
experienced experienced experienced experienced persons (10.5. I)
persons (10.5.]) persons (10.5.1) persons (10.5.1)
Compatibility Detector devices Detector devices Detector devices Detector devices pulling
pulling power pulling power from pulling power from power from initiating or
from initiating or initiating or initiating or signaling circuits listed for
signaling circuits signaling circuits signaling circuits control unit (10.33)
listed for con trol listed for control unit listed for control unit
unit (10.3.3) (10.3.3) (10.3,3)
P nce an d 85% and 110% of the and 110% Of the 85% and 110% ofthe 85% and 110% of nameplate
limitations nameplate rated input nameplate rated input nameplate rated input rated input voltage, 320 F
voltage, 32 O F (OO voltage, 32 OF (0 0 C) voltage, 320 F (00 C) and (WC) and 1200 F (490C)
C) and 1200 F (490 C) 120 0 F (490 C) ambient ambient temperature, 85%
and 1206 17 (49 0 0
ambient temperature, temperature; 85% relative humidity at 86 0F
ambient temperature,
85% relative relative humidity at 860 F (300 C) (10.3.5)
humidity at 86 0 17 85% relative humidity (300 0 (10.3.5)
(300 C) (10.3.5) at 86 0 F (300 0)

2022 Edition

Documentation Authority having Authority having Authority having Auth ority having jurisdiction
jurisdiction notified jurisdiction notified jurisdiction notified notified of new or changed
of new or changed of new or changed of new or changed specifications, wiring
specifications, wiring specifications, wiring diagrams, battery
specifications, diagrams, battery diagrams, battery calculations, floor plans.
wiring diagrams, calculations, floor calculations, floor Statement from contractor
battery calculations, plans. Statement from plans. Statement from that system meets
floor plans. contractor that system contractor that system manufacturer's published
Statement from meets manufacturer's meets manufacturer's instructions and NFPA
published instructions published instructions requirements (7.5.2).
contractor that and NFPA and NEPA Record of completion
system meets requirements (7.52). requirements (7.5.2). (75.6). Results of evaluation
manufacturer's Record Of completion Record Of completion required in
published (75.6). Results of (75.6). Results of (
instructions and evaluation required in evaluation required in ( (,
NFPA requirements
(7.52). Record of
completion (7.5.6).
Results of
evaluation required
in (2343.3).
Supervising N one UL 827-cornpliant for the Communications Fire-resistive, detached building
Station supervising Station and or cut-off room not near or
any subsidiary station
centers or other
fac ilities location acceptable to exposed to hazarxls. Access
( and
restricted, NFPA 10, 26-hour
Che authority having
emergency lighting (26.4.3).
jurisdiction (265.3)
Table A.26.1 Continued
Protected Premises Fire Central Station Service Remote Supervising Proprietary Supervising
Attribute Alarm System Alarm System Station Alarm System Station Alarm System
Testing and Chapter 14 Chapter 14. Pass code Chapter 14 Chapter 14
maintenance must be provided LO
place system into test
mode (

Runner service No Yes Alarm — arrive at No Yes Alarm — arrive at the

the protected premises protected premises
within 2 hours where within 2 hours where
equipment needs to be equipment needs to be
reset. Guard's tour— reset. Guard's tour — 30
30 minutes. minutes. S
Supervisory Lipenrisory— 2 hotifS.
— 2 hours. Trouble— Trouble — 4 hours.
4 hours. (26.3.8) (26.4.6.L6)
Operations and None Prime contractor None Supervising stationis under
management provides all elements same ownership and
requirements of central station management
service under a variety responsibility as premises
of con u-actual being supervised
arrangements (26.3.3) (

2022 Edition
ANNEX A 72-351

Staff None Min imurn Of two persons Minimum Of two TWO operators ofwhich one
on duty at supervising persons on duty at is permitted to be the
station. Operation and supervising station at runner. When runner is not
supervision primary
all times. Other duties in attendance at station,
task (26,3.7).
permitted per the time between contact not to
authority havingjurisd exceed 15 minutes. Primary
iction (26.5.5), duties are monitoring
alarms and operations of
station (26.4,5).
Monitor Control unit and Control unit, command Control unit, Control unit, command
supervisory command center center, and central command center, center, and proprietary
signals (10.14.1 and station and and remote supervising station (10.14.1
10.14.2) 10.14.2) supervising station and 10.14.2)
(10.14.1 and 10.142)
Retransmission None Alarm to public service Alarm to public service Alarm to public service
Of Signals communications communications communications center and
center and subscriber. center when monitored plant brigade. Supervisory,
Supenisory, LITjubIe, privately. Supervisory trouble, and guard service
and guard service to and trouble signals to to designated personnel
designa ted personnel owner's designated (,
(263.8). representative
Retransmission None Alarm — immediate. Alarm — immediate. Alarm — immediate,
tim e Supervisory Supervisory StipeiÑisory —
immediate. Guard's immediate. immediate, Guard's tour
tour supervisory Trouble— supe1Vi.sory at once.
without immediate. (265.6) Trouble — immediate.
unreasonable delay. (26.4.6.j.6)
Trouble —
immediate. (26.3.8)
Records Current year and I Complete records of all At least 1 year ( Complete records of all
year after (7.7, 1) Signals received must signals received shall be
be retained for at least retained for at least 1 year.
Reports provided Of signals
I year. Reports received to authority having
provided of signals jurisdiction in a form it finds
received to authority acceptable (26.4.7).
having jurisdiction in
a form it finds
acceptable (263.9).

2022 Edition

FIGURE A.26.1.1 Supervising Station Alarm System.

A. 26.3.4 The terms certificated and Placarded, which appeared too specific to two listing organizations and were replaced with
in previous editions of NIPA 72, were considered by some to be more generic wording. The concept of providing documentation

2022 Edition
ANNEX A 72-353

to indicate ongoing compliance of an installed system continues changes in the authority having jurisdiction, such as where there
to be reflected by the current language. is a change in insurance companies. Although the responsibility
is primarily the subscriber's, the prime contractor should also take
There are two distinct services offered by organizations that list responsibility for seeking out these private authority(ies) having
fire alarm service provided by prime contractors and central jurisdiction through the subscriber. The prime contractor is
stations. The first is the listing of these alarm services, which responsible for maintaining current records on the authority (ies)
requires the companies to demonstrate they have the knowledge having jurisdiction for each protected premises.
and ability to install, test, service, and maintain central station The most prevalent public agency involved as an authority
alarm systems and/or monitor and appropriately retransmit on havingjurisdiction with regard to alarm systems is the local fire
receipt of various signals from protected premises alarm ystems. department or fire prevention bureau. These are normally city or
The second part of the service provided by listing county agencies with statutory authority, and their approval of
organizations is the certification of individual protected premises alarm system installations might be required. At the state level,
fire alarm systems to bring the alarm systems under their ongoing the fire marshal's office is most likely to serve as the public
audit inspection program or systematic follow-up program. regulatory agency,
Under this program, systems are certified by the listing The most prevalent private organizations involved as
organization, and documentation of this is to be provided, posted, authorities having jurisdiction are insurance companies. Others
and handled as described in 26.3.4 through The method include insurance rating bureaus, insurance brokers and agents,
used to document compliance with this portion of the program and private consultants. It is important to note that these
varies among listing organizations and includes the issuance of organizations have no statutory authority and become authorities
certificates, placards, or other documentation, having jurisdiction only when designated by the subscriber,
There is nothing in this Code that requires all protected With both public and private concerns to satisfy, it is not
premises alarm systems monitored by a listed central station to uncommon to find multiple authorities having jurisdiction
be tested, maintained, serviced, monitored, and responded to in involved with a particular protected premises. It is necessary to
accordance with Section 26.3. This is often misunderstood by identifÿ all authorities having jurisdiction in order to obtain all
code users, owners, and AHJs, who think that merely specifying the necessary approvals for a central station alarm system
that these systems be monitored by a central station with a fire installation.
alarm listing gets them frill central station service. Full
compliance with central station alarm system requirements The phrase "in writing" can include any form of
involves using alarm companies with fire alarm listings and correspondence that can be verified upon request, such as a letter,
having the listing organization certify the protected premises fax, email or other means of documented transfer of information
alarm system. from one entity to another.
A. The documentation in this section should not be A. Two telephone lines (numbers) at the central station
confused with the documentation required in Chapter 7, which is connected to the public switched telephone network or a
provided by the alarm company and covers the design, managed facilities-based voice network, each having its own
acceptance, and completion of new systems. Instead the telephone instrument connected, and two telephone lines
documentation in this section is provided by the listing (numbers) available at the communications center to which a
organization and could be in the form of a certificate, placard, or central station operator can retransmit an alarm meet the intent of
other document used by the listing organization. this requirement.
A. The record of completion (see Chapter 10) can be A. Nothing in this section is intended to prevent
used to fillfill this requirement. communication with the subscriber in less than 15 minutes from
the receipt of the signal.
A- It is the prime contractor's responsibility to remove all
compliance markings (certification markings or placards) when A. It is anticipated that the central station will first
a service contract goes into effect that conflicts in any way with attempt to notify designated personnel at the protected premises.
the requirements of 26.3.4. When such notification cannot be made, it might be appropriate
to notifÿ law enforcement or the fire department, or both, For
A. The prime contractor should be aware of statutes, example, if a valve supenisol)' signal is received where protected
public agency regulatioms, or certifications regarding alarm premises are not occupied, it is appropriate to notify the police.
systems that might be binding on the subscriber, The prime
contractor should identifÿ for the subscriber which agencies A- The term immediately in this context is intended
could be an authority having jurisdiction and, if possible, advise to mean "without unreasonable delay." Routine handling should
the subscriber of any requirements or approvals being mandated take a maximum of 4 minutes from receipt of a supervisory signal
by these agencies. by the central station until the initiation of communications with
a person(s) designated by the subscriber.
The subscriber has the responsibility for notifying the prime
contractor of those private organizations that are being A- The term immediately in this context is intended
designated as an authority having jurisdiction. The subscriber to mean "without unreasonable delay," Routine handling should
also hŽvs the responsibility to notifÿ the prime contractor of take a maximum of 4 minutes from receipt of a trouble signal by

2022 Edition

the central station until initiation of the investigation by A. Regardless of the type of retransmission facility
telephone, used, telephone communications between the proprietary
supervising station and the fire department should be available at
A. The term immediately in this context is intended
all times and should not depend on a switchboard operator.
to mean "without unreasonable delay." Routine handling should
take a maximum of 4 minutes from receipt of a trouble signal by The phrase "written notice" can include any
the central station until initiation of the investigation by form of correspondence that can be verified upon request, such
telephone. as a letter, fax, email or other means of documented transfer of
information from one entity to another.
A. Consideration should be given to providing the
following features for a proprietary supervising station location: A. Chapter 14 permits the building owner or his
(1) Fire resistive construction meeting the requirements of designated representative to perform these services if they are
adopted building codes qualified. In this situation, the documentation could be a
(2) Air handling systems isolated from common building declaration of qualification signed by the building owner,
systems Multiple service providers are permitted.
As a useful guide for determining the nature of the design and A.26.5.3 As a minimum. the room or rooms containing the
integrity necessary to achieve proper protection, the proprietary remote supervising station equipment should have a 1-hour fire
supervising station building or that portion of a building occupied rating, and the entire structure should be protected by an alarm
by a proprietary supervising station should compare the system complying with Chapter 23.
construction, fire protection, restricted access, emergency As a useful guide for determining the nature of' the design and
lighting, and power facilities to the requirements stated in the integrity necessary to achieve proper protection, the remote
latest edition of UL 827, Central-Slation Alarm Services. supervising station building or that portion of a building occupied
by a remote supervising station should compare the construction,
A, It is the intent of this Code that the operator within the
fire protection, restricted access, emergency lighting, and power
proprietary supervising station should have a secure means of
facilities to the requirements stated in the latest edition of UL
immediately retransmitting any signal indicative of a fire to the
827, Central-Station Alarm Servicex
public fire department communications center. Automatic
retransmission using an approved method installed in accordance If the remote supervising station is located within an
with Sections 26.3 through 26.5, and Chapter 27 is the best emergency response agency (ERA), the ERA should consider
method for proper retransmission. However, a manual means can meet-ing the requirements of Chapter 4 of NFPA 1221
be permitted to be used, consisting of either a manual connection A. A listed central station might be considered an
following the requirements of Section 26.3, Section 26.5, and acceptable alternate location for receipt of fire alarm,
Chapter 27, or, for proprietary supervising stations serving only supervisory, and trouble signals.
contiguous properties, a means in the form of a municipal fire
alarm box installed within 50 ft (15.2 m) of the proprietary A. A listed central station might be considered an
supervising station in accordance with Chapter 27 can be acceptable alternate location for receipt of trouble signals.
permitted. A.26.6.I Refer to Table A.26.G,I for communications methods.
A.26.4.4.I.3 Depending on a building's size and configuration, A. It is not the intent of Section 26.6 to limit the use of
specific location information received by the proprietary listed equipment using alternate communications methods,
supervising station could be warranted. This information could provided these methods demonstrate performance characteristics
assist responding individuals by allowing them to respond that are equal to or superior to those technologies described in
directly to areas of the building where signals have been initiated. Section 26.6. Such demonstration of equivalency is to be
An example of a building where this might be beneficial might evidenced by the equipment using the alternate communications
be a multi-floor building or one with a large building footprint. methods meeting all the requirements of Chapter 10, including
Signals from smaller buildings, such as a fast food restaurant or those that deal with such factors as reliability, monitoringfor
a gas station convenience store, would likely only need to be integrity, and listing. It is further expected that suitable proposals
general in nature. It should be noted that this section does not stating the requirements for such technology will be submitted
specifically call for point identification, but the specific device for inclusion in subsequent editions of this Code.
location information provided by such a system would meet the
requirements of the section.
A. The communications cloud is created by multiple
A. Proprietary station procedures should include telephone lines and multiple paths on the Internet. Under these
periodic review of nonrestored signals, One method for such a circumstances, the requirements of Chapters 10 and 14, as
review could be by the use of equipment that would required by 26.1.2, do not apply to devices comprising the
automatically redisplay the information. communications cloud.
Table A.26.6.1 Communications Methods for Supervising Stations

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ANNEX A 72-355

Two-Way Radio Frequency

Performance-Based Digital Alarm Communicator (RF) Multiplex -Systems One-Way Private Radio
Criteria Technologies 26.6.3 Systems 26.6.4 Alarm Systems

Federal Communications Yes Yes Yes

Commission (FCC)
approval when applicable

Conform to NFPA 70 Yes Yes Yes Yes

M omtOring for integrity of Monitor for integrity Both the premises unit and the Systems are periodically Test signal from every
the transmission and System unit monitor for polled for end-to-end transmitter once every
Communications channel integrity in a manner Comm unicanons in 24 hours
approved for the means Of tegli ty.
transmission employed. A
single signal received on
each incoming DACR line
once every 6 hours.
Annunciate, at the Within 60 minutes for a Within 4 minutes using Not exceed 90 seconds Only monitor the quality Of
supervising station, the single communication alternate phone line report from the time Of the signal received and
degradation and path -and within 6 hours trouble actual Failure indicate if the signal falls
restoration Of the for multiple below minimum signal
transmission or communication paths quality specified in Code
communications channel
Redundant communication Employ a combination Oftwo Redundant path not Mi nimum Of two
path where a portion Of separate transmission reqElired — Supervising independent RF paths
the transmission or channels alternately tested station always indicates a must be simultan eously
communications channel at intervals not exceeding 6 Commun ications fail re employed
Cannot be monitored for hours
in tegri!y
Interval testing of the backup When two phone lines are Backup path not required NO requirement, because
path (s) used, test alternately every the quality of the signal
6 hours. Testing for other is continuously
back-up technologies, see

Annunciation Of Systems where the Indication of failure at Not required — always Monitor the
communication failure or transmitter at the local premises due to line failure annunciated at the interconnection Of the
ability to communicate at premises unit detects •a Or failure to Communicate supervising station that premises unit elements
the protected premises communication failure, after from 5 to 10 dialing Of transmitting
initiates corrective
the premises unit will attempts equipment, and indicate a
annunciate the failure action failure at the premises Or
within 200 seconds of the transmit a trouble signal
failure to the supervising station.

Time to restore Where duplicate equipment Spare digital alarm Where duplicate Where duplicate
signalreceiving, not provided, Spare communlcator receivers equipment not equipment not
provided, spare
processing, display, hardware required so a required for switchover to provided, spare
hardware req uired so
and recording repair Can be effected backup receiver in 30 hardwaœ req uired so a repair can be effected
equipment within 30 minutes. seconds, One backup repair can be effected -within 30 minutes
System unit for every five within go minutes
system units.
Loading capaci ties for 512 independent alarm See Table 26€ for 512 buildings and premises 512 buildings and premises
system units and systems on a system unit the maximum n um ber Of on a system unit with no on a system unit with no
transmission and with no backup
transmitters on a hunt backup. Unlimited if you backup. Unlimited if you
Communications channels Unlimited if-you can
group in a system unit can switch to a backup in can switch to a backup in
switch to a backup in
30 seconds. 30 seconds.
30 seconds.

2022 Edition

End-to-encl communication 90 seconds from initiation of Oil:hook to on-hook not to 00 seconds from initiation probability to receive
time for an alarm alarm until displayed to the exceed 90 seconds per until it is recorded an alarm in 90 Seconds,
operator and recorded on a attempt. 10 attempts 99% probability in ISO
medium from which the maximum. 900 seconds seconds, 99.999%
infOvmation can be maximum all probability in 450
retrieved attempts. seconds
Table A.26.6.1 Continued
Two-Way Radio Frequency
Performance-Based Digital Alarm Communicator (RF) Multiplex Systems One-Way Private Radio
Criteria Technologies 26.6.3 Systems 26.6.4 Alarm Systems
Record and display rate Of Not slower than one every I O Not addressed When any number Of When any number Of
subsequent alarms at addi tional seconds subsequent alarms subsequent alarms
supervising station come in. record at a come in, record at a
rate not slower than rate not slower than
one every additional one every additional I
10 seconds O seconds
Signal error detection and Signal repetition, parity Signal IXxpetition, digital Not addressed NO addressed
correction check, or Some equivalent parity check. or some
means of error detection equivalent means of signal
and Correction must be verification must be used.
Path sequence priority NO need for prioritization of The first transmission attempt Not addressed NO t addressed
paths. The requi rement is uses the primary channel.
that both paths are equi enc

Carrier diversi ty Where long distance service Not addressed N0t addressed
(including WATS) is used,
the second telephone number
must be provided by •a
different long distance
service provider where there
are multiple providers:

Th roughput probability Demonstrate 90% probability Not addressed 90% probability to receive
Of a system unit immediately an alarm in 90 seconds,
-answering a call of follow 99% probability in 180
the loading ill Table seconds, 99.999% in One-way probability 450 seconds
radio backup demonstrates
90% probability of
Unique premises identifier Ifa transmitter shares a yes Ves Yes
-transmission or
communication Channel
with other transmitters, It
must have a unique
transmitter identifier.

Unique flaws From time to time, unique If call forwarding is used to None addressed None addressed
flaws might be present in communicate to the
a communication system. supervising station. verify
Req ts must be written for the integrity Of this feature
unique flaws. every 4 hours.

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ANNEX A 72-357

Signal priority If the communication method Chapter I C) on fundamentals Chapter 10 On Chapter 10 on

is shared with any other requires that alarm signals fundamentals requires fundamentals requires
communicanon method, take priority over that alarm signals take that alarm signals take
prioritizing alarm signals supervisory signals unless priority Over priority over supervisory
should be considered- there is sufficient repetition supervisory Signals Sugnals unless there is
of the alarm signal to unless there is sufficient sufficient repetition Of
prevent the loss of an alarm repetition Of ihe alarm the alarm signal to
signal. signal to prevent the loss prevent the IOS¥ of
ofan alarm signal. alarm si gn alw
Sharing communications If' the transmitter is sharing Disconnect outgoing ov No t addressed Not addressed
equipment premises on-premises incoming telephone call and
communications prevent its use for outgoing
equipment, the shared
telephone calls until signal
equipment must be listed
for the purpose transmission has been
(otherwise the transmitter completed.
must be installed ahead of
the unlisted equipment).

A.26.6.3 Certain legacy technologies (active multiplex, performancebased technologies, and not under the
McCulloh, directly connected non-coded and private requirements of 26.6.4, digital alarm communicator systems,
microwave) have been removed from the text of the document.
Digital Cellular. To accommodate an increase in the demand
for mobile wireless communications as well as introducing new
systems utilizing these technologies are acceptable, because all
services over that same network, wireless voice
these technologies also comply with the general provisions of
communications no longer utilizes dedicated connections to
pass voice band frequencies. In place of the voice band, the
The object of 26.6.3 is not to give details of specific voice conversation is converted into a stream of bits and
technologies but rather give basic operating parameters of the packaged within data packets that conform to messaging
transmission supervision rates of technologies. The following protocols. The packets are addressed to a destination point,
list represents examples of current technologies that can be delivered into the network, received by the destination point,
configured to meet the requirements and the intent of 26.6.3: and converted back into intelligible voice-grade messages. The
( I ) Transmitters using IP (Internet Protocol) message exchange through this wireless data network is done
(2) IP transmission over the public open Internet or over through well-known defined protocols such as "Global System
private IP facilities maintained by an organization for its for Mobile" communications (GSM) for voice communications
own use as well as Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) for both
(3) Transmitters using various (non-dialup) digital cellular voice and data and General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) for
technology mobile data services. These protocols have been developed to
operate in an optimal way for the intended application. For
Wired IP Transmission. There are two types of wired IP example, GSM is used to efficiently establish voice-grade
transmission devices. One type connects the IP network connections that deliver an appropriate level of intelligible
directly to the fire alarm control unit (integrated IP or native voice quality, but might not be good enough to pass tones that
IP). The second uses an intermediary module that can include represent data. Data transmission is better served by GPRS and
the following: CDMA where a connection into the wireless network is always
(l ) IP dialer capture module available without having to "dial," and large amounts of data
(2) IP data capture module (such as RS232, keypad bus can be efficiently transmitted. However, the data passed using
GPRS or CDMA are not that of coded tones such as DTMF
(Contact ID), but are computertype messages similar to IP.
(3) Relay contact monitoring module
When using digital cellular, a DACT might or might not be
Devices referred to as "IP dialer capture modules" (an IP used,
communicator used with a DACT) are transmission that
connect to the DACT output of the fire alarm control unit and For example, the digital cellular device might be used to
convert the output data stream to IP (Internet protocol). As back up the DACT or, if properly supervised, be used a stand-
such, they are considered to use IP technology in their alone device. If used, the DACT is connected to a digital
connection to the IP network. Therefore, they should be treated cellular radio device that connects to the cellular network by
in this Code under the requirements of 26.6.3, means of an antenna, The digital cellular radio device is
constantly connecting to the wireless network and is always

2022 Edition
ready to attempt to transmit to a destination address without disconnect. In some telephone systems (step-by-step offices),
having to "dial" a number. The radio device recognizes that the timedrelease disconnect not provided.
alarm panel is attempting to place a call by the DACT's
A. A DACT can be programmed to originate calls
"offhook" signaling. The radio device accepts the DACT tone
to the DACR telephone lines (numbers) in any alternating
signaling, converts it into a packeted data stream, and sends the
sequence. The sequence can consist of single or multiple calls
packets into the wireless network for delivery to a preassigned
to one DACR telephone line (number), followed by
destination address.
transmissions on the alternate path or any combination thereof
A. When considering a fire alarm system utilizing a that is consistent with the minimum/maximum attempt
single communication path to the supervising station, requirements in
consideration should be given to the risk exposure that results
A. two telephone lines (numbers) are used, care
from the loss of that path for any period of time and for any
should be taken to assign the primary DACT telephone line
reason. Some of these outages can be regular and predicable
(number) to a nonessential telephone line (number) at the
and others transitory.
protected premises so that the primary line used in the premises
One example of a single technology used to produce two is not unnecessarily interrupted.
paths is the use of a digital cellular premises unit
A. Where two telephone lines (numbers) are used,
communicating with two or more cell towers. In this case, the
care should be taken to assign the primary DACT telephone
supervising station and the protected premises must be made
line (number) to a nonessential telephone line (number) at the
aware if communications degrades to below two towers.
protected premises so that the primary line used in the premises
Another example is the use of two different cellular carriers to
is not unnecessarily interrupted.
produce the two paths. Similarly, in this case the supervising
station and the protected must be made aware if A. Because call forwarding requires equipment at
communications degrades to one carrier. a telephone company central office that could interrupt
the call forwarding feature, a signal should be initiated whereby
A.26.6.3,12 Most communications equipment is not
the integrity of the forwarded telephone line (number) that is
specifically listed for fire alarm applications, but is listed in
being called by DAC.Ts is verified every 4 hours. This can be
accordance with applicable product standard for general
accomplished by a single DACT, either in service Of used
communications equipment and is acceptable.
solely for verification, that automatically initiates and
A. Shared equipment owned by Or under the completes a transmission sequence to its associated DACR
control of the subscriber should provide 24 hours of secondary every 4 hours. A successful signal transmission sequence of
standby power. any other tvpe within the same 4-hour period should be
1\. Shared equipment owned by or under the considered sufficient to fulfill this requirement.
control of an approved managed facilities-based voice network Call forwarding should not be confused with WATS or 800
provider should supply 8 hours of secondary power. service, The latter, differentiated from the former by dialing the
800 prefix, is a dedicated service used mainly for its toll-free
feature; all calls are preprogrammed to terminate at a fixed
A. The requirement in does not telephone line (number) or to a dedicated line.
exempt first communications path transmitters and first
communications path shared equipment necessary for the A, 26.6.4.g.2.1 The timed-release disconnect considerations as
transmission of alarm, supervisory, trouble, and other signals outlined in A. apply to the telephone lines (numbers)
located at the protected premises from the secondary power connected to a DACR at the supervising station.
capacity requirements of This section does not It might be necessary to consult with appropriate telephone
permit the communications paths to be considered multiple service personnel to ensure that numbers assigned to the DACR
communication paths under 26.6-3.4. can be individually accessed even where they are connected in
A. A DACT can be used as a signaling interface from rotary (a hunt group).
a fire alarm control unit to another means of signal A. In determining system loading, Table
transmission. Typically this is in either Ademco Contact ID or can be used, or it should be demonstrated that there
SIA format. In this case, the use of a DACT is not for the direct is a 90 percent probability of incoming line availability. Table
transmission of signals via a connection through a telephone 26,6.4..3.2.4 is based on an average distribution of calls and an
line, but rather to another means of signal transport, because average connected time of 30 seconds per message. Therefore,
there are no phone lines utilized in the communication path. where it is proposed to use Table 26.6, to determine
The other transmission means will then transmit the signal data system loading, if any factors are disclosed that could extend
vva another listed means, which is found in 26.6.3 or 26.6.5. DACR connect time so as to increase the average connect time,
A. Special care should be used when connecting a the alternate method of determining system loading should be
DACT to a digital service such as DSL or ADSL. Filters or used. Higher (or possibly lower) loadings might be appropriate
other special equipment might be needed to communicate in some applications.
reliably. (1) Some factors that could increase (or decrease) the
A, To give the DACT the ability to disconnect an capacity of a hunt group are as follows:
incoming call to the protected premises, telephone service (a) Shorter (or longer) average message transmission
should be of the type that provides for timed-release time can influence hunt group capacity.

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ANNEX A 72-359
(b) The use of audio monitoring (listen-in) slow-scan channel loading parameters specified, and should further
video or other similar equipment can significantly assume that 25 RATs are actively in alarm and are being
increase the connected time for a signal and reduce received by each RARSR.
effective hunt group capacity,
A.26.6.6.I The signal information can be permitted to be
(c) The clustering of active burglar alarm signals can
provided in coded form. Records can be permitted to be used
generate high peak loads at certain hours.
to interpret these codes.
(d) Inappropriate scheduling of fÞhour test signals can
generate excessive peak loads. A. Any signal that would dictate a different
(2) Demonstration of a 90 percent probability of incoming response, such as carbon monoxide alarms or mass notification
line availability can be accomplished by the following alarms, should be individually identifiable so the appropriate
inservice monitoring of line activity: response to the event can be initiated. There are more types of
alarms and other signals that are being received at supervising
(a) Incoming lines are assigned to telephone hunt stations and that require different responses by supervising
groups. When a DACT calls the main number of a station operators. These signals could be other than fire, but
hunt group, it can connect to any currently available still life safety in nature, and must be uniquely identified
line in that hunt group. because their signal is indicative of a different response.
(b) The receiver continuously monitors the "available'
status of each line. A line is available when it is A. An example of a critical assembly is an assembly in
waiting for an incoming call. A line is unavailable which a malfunction prevents the receipt and interpretation of
for any of the following reasons: signals by the supervising station operator.
i. Currently processing a call ii. Line in trouble iii. A. In order to expedite repairs, it is recommended that
Audio monitoring (listen-in) in progress iv- Any spare modules, such as printed ctrcuit boards, displays, or
other condition that makes the line input unable to printers, be stocked at the supervising station.
accept calls A. For all forms of transmission, the maximum time to
(c) The receiver monitors the "available" status of the process an alarm signal should be 90 seconds. The maximum
hunt group. A hunt group is available when any line time to process a supervisory signal should be 4 minutes, The
in it is available. time to process an alarm or supervisory signal is defined as that
(d) A message is emitted by the receiver when a hunt time measured from receipt of a signal until retransmission
group is unavailable for more than I mmute out of or subscriber contact is initiated.
10 minutes, This message references the hunt group
When the level of traffic in a supervising station system
and the degree of overload.
reaches a magnitude such that delayed response is possible,
A. The intent Of the plurality of control sites is to even if the loading tables or loading formulms of this Code are
safeguard against damage caused by lightning and to minimize not exceeded, it is envisioned that it will be necessary to
the effect of interference on the receipt of signals. The control employ an enhanced method of' processing.
sites can be ccAocatecI. For example, in a system where a single DACR instrument
A. Originally the concept of one-way private radio was provided with fire and burglar alarm service is connected to
codified for a one-way system requiring at least two receiving multiple telephone lines, it is conceivable that, during certain
towers or repeaters. Other similar systems have been developed periods of the day, fire alarm signals could be delayed by the
that use this basic principle. Among them is the concept of the security signaling traffic, such as opening and closmg signals.
mesh network" where a premises transmitter can access Such an enhanced system would perform as follows, upon
multiple nearby transmitters. receipt of a signal:
It is difficult to reliably test redundant paths on a mesh radio (I ) Automatically process the signals, differentiating between
network without significant impact on the system and those that require immediate response by supervising
considerable efforts of time and personnelv station personnel and those that need only be logged
(2) Automatically provide relevant subscriber information to
A remedy is to have the mesh network system equipment assist supervising station personnel in their response
generate a report at the protected premises or supervising (3) Maintain a timed, unalterable log of the signals received
station showing redundant pathways. Additionally, the mesh and the response of supervising station personnel to such
system equipment at the protected premises and at the signals
supervising station periodically determine the number Of
viable redundant paths and generate a trouble signal whenever A.27.1.7 Auxiliary alarm systems include the equipment at the
the number falls below two paths, as is required by protected premises as well as the equipment connecting it to the
public emergency alarm reporting system. While the
A. It is intended that each RAT communicate With operational requirements relating to the signals sent
two or more independently located RARSRs. The location of offipremises fall under the scope of Chapter 27, the
such RARSRs should be such that they do not share common requirements of Chapter 23 also apply,
A.27.2.I When choosing from available options to implement
NOTE: All probability calculations required for the purposes a public emergency alarm reporting system, the operating
of Chapter 17 should be made in accordance with established agency should consider which of the choices would facilitate
communications procedures, should assume the maximum

2022 Edition
the maximum reliability of the system, where such a choice is A. Figure illustrates a Type A receiving
not cost prohibitive. network.
A.27.2.3 Consideration should be given to the fact that devices A. Figure A.27.5.5.l.4 illustrates the separate
could be installed in areas that are exposed to higher or lower functional requirements and power source requirements for
temperatures, moisture, or other environmental conditions that systems that function with wireless network repeater systems
could be more severe than ambient conditions found in a in accordance with
typical building. As an example, equipment could be installed
inside a building in a boiler room, basement, attic, and so forth, A. see A.,
where temperatures actually exceed ambient conditions outside A.27.6.1 There are three types of alarm boxes covered under
the building. It is recommended that the authority having Chapter 27. They are the publicly accessible box, auxiliary box,
jurisdiction consider all possible installation locations and and master box.
environmental conditions and that the equipment selected be
designed to operate within the most extreme conditions to
which it could be exposed,
A. Nonfederal radio frequencies are licensed by the
Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Federal radio
frequencies are assigned by the NTIA. Most frequencies
available for FCC licensing require frequency coordination in
order to limit interference from other users. Authorities having
jurisdiction should use licensed, coordinated radio frequencies
for wireless networks in order to minimize interference,
Outside of' the United States similar regulatory bodies
provide coordination and licensing such as Industry Canada.
A- Figure A27. (1) illustrates a Form 4A
A- Figure A27. (2) illustrates a Form 4B
A.27.5.3 Subsection 27.5.3 provides requirements for
circumstances in which a municipality or government agency
has situated a communications center at a location remote from
the alarm processing equipment for the public emergency
alarm reporting system. This might occur when the Manual or
municipality or government agency has moved the automatic
communications center to combine services with other transfer
emergency dispatching, such as police emergency and medical
services, or to combine with neighboring towns or cities
(regionalization). In such cases, it might be impractical to
relocate the alarm processing equipment.

FIGURE A- Form 4B.

Poling required for transpondence-type (two-way) systems only

FIGURE A. Form 4A.

2022 Edition
ANNEX A 72-361

Receiver Receiver

Transmitter Transmitter

Processor Processor

Power supply

To power source
Power Power Power Power source source source source
FIGURE A. Type A System Receiving Networks. (primary) (secondary) (primary) (secondary)
(1) The publicly accessible box has a manual control that can FIGURE A. Repeater Wireless Network/System.
be operated by the public. This type of alarm box is
typically located outside on a pole or building and was Alternating-current power can be permitted to be
previou.sly called a street box. The box type was renamed superimposed on metallic fire alarm circuits for supplying
because it is not necessarily located on or near a street. designating lamps or for control or activation of equipment
(2) An auxiliary box is part of an auxiliary alarm system and devices for fire alarm or other emergency signals, provided that
can be automatically activated either by initiating devices the following conditions exist:
in limited applications or by a protected premises alarm (1) Voltage between any wire and ground or between one
system (Chapter 23). An auxiliary box can be located wire and any other wire of the system does not exceed 150
inside or outside a building. volts, and the total resultant current in any line circuit
(3) The master box is a combination box that can be manually does not exceed ¼ ampere.
operated (publicly accessible) and automatically activated (2) Components such as coupling capacitors, transformers,
by the auxiliary alarm system (auxiliary box), The master chokes, or coils are rated for 600-volt working voltage and
box is typically located outside on a pole or building, have a breakdown voltage of at least tNNice the working
A. If the operating mechanism of a box creates voltage plus 1000 volts.
sufficient sound to be heard by the user, the requirements are (3) There is no interference with fire alarm service under any
satisfied. condi tions.

A.27.6.2 Publicly accessible alarm boxes were commonly A. Environmental and ambient conditions should
referred to as "street boxes" in previous editions of the Code. be considered in the selection of the wiring method to be
Application.s of these boxes are no longer limited to street employed.
locations. A. Environmental and ambient conditions should be
considered in the selection of the Wiring method to be
A. Nthere the intent is for complete coverage, it
should not be necessary to travel in excess of one block or 500
(150 m) to reach a box. In residential areas, it should not be A.27.6.3.l.3 Figure A.27.6.3.l.3 shows the interconnecting
necessary to travel in excess of two blocks or 800 ft (240 m) to wiring that is intended to meet Level 2 survivability.
reach a box. A. The local energy-type system [see Figure -
A. The current supply for designating lights at A. and FigumA.] is electrically
boxes should be secured at lamp locations from the local isolated from the public emergency alarm reporting system and
electric utility company. has its own power supply. The tripping of the transmitting
device does not depend on the current in the system. In a wired
circuit, receipt of the alarm by the communications center
when the circuit is accidentally opened depends on the design
Antenna Antenna of the transmitting device and the associated communications
center equipment (i.e., whether or not the system is designed to
receive alarms through manual or automatic ground
operational facilities). In a radio box=type system, receipt of

2022 Edition
the alarm by the communications center depends on the proper FIGURE A. Local Energy-Type Auxiliary
operation of the radio transmitting and receiving equipment. Alarm System with Supply and Alarm Relay — Radio or
A. The transmission of an actual emergency-related Wired.
messages initiated at the same time it is preselected for a test
message, and, in turn, preempts said test message, must satisfÿ (6) Priority 6 — tamper
the intent of (7) Priority 7 — test
A. Examples of priority levels as follows: Additionally, within each signal category, additional
(1) Priority I — fire priorities can be required such as Fire l, Fire 2, Fire g, and so
(2) Priority 2— ECS
(3) Priority 3 — medical A. There could be environmental conditions that
necessitate the use of rigid nonmetallic conduit.
Priority 4 — supervl.sory
(5) Priority 5 — monitored for integrity signals A.27.7.3 All requirements for circuit protection do not apply to
Interconnecting witing coded radio reporting systems, These systems do not use
metallic circuits.
A-27.8.1 The public emergency alarm reporting system
infrastructure can be used to facilitate the operation of wide-
area signaling, might include voice, and which some
communities now use for emergency notifications to the
A.29.1.1 This Chapter provides a number of requirements
FIGURE A. Interconnecting Wiring from Auxiliary related to fire warning equipment and carbon monoxide
Alarm System to Auxiliary Box or Master Box Installed in warning equipment that are deemed to be the practical and
Radio or wired alarmcircuit Rigid Metal necessary minimum for average conditions at the present. state
Conduit, of the
Metal Conduit, Chapter 29 does not attempt to cover all equipment,
or Electrical methods, and requirements that might be necessary or
Metallic Tubing. advantageous for the protection of lives and propergy from fire.
Smoke alarms in compliance with the 8th edition of UI. 217,
Smoke Alarms, and the 7th edition of UL 268, Smoke
Detectors for lire Alarm S»stems, have passed a new
contacts Trouble perfOrmance test to help reduce nuisance alarms from normal
relay cooking, This endproduct performance and listing requirement
Trouble circuit aligns with of this Code. Smoke alarms complying
with these UL standards will be listed "for resistance to
common nuisance sources from cooking" and are suitable for
energy installation at distances from cooking appliances outlined in
FIGURE A. Local Energy-Type Auxiliary this Code.
Alarm System — Radio or Wired. The technologies used in smoke alarms and detectors
manufactured prior to the effective date of the new standards
Radio or wired alarm circuit include ionization smoke detection and photoelectric smoke
Alarm signal detection. These detection types are defined in 3.3.2852 and and are further explained in A. and A. Ionization smoke detection is more responsive to
invisible particles produced by most flaming fires.
Photoelectric smoke detection is more responsive to the visible
particles produced by most smoldering fire.
A.29.1.2 An example of the applicable code within the NFPA
set of codes and standards is NFPA 101. Other codes such as
local building codes are other examples to be considered.
contacts The requirements of Chapter 29 are intended to apply to
circuit installations in the following new and existing locations:
Local (1) One- and two-family dwelling units
energy (2) Sleeping rooms of lodging and rooming houses
(3) Individual dwelling units of apartment buildings

2022 Edition
ANNEX A 72-363
(4) Guest rooms, sleeping rooms, and living areas within FireVVarniñg Equipment. There are two types of fire to
guest suites of hotels and dormitories which household fire-warning equipment needs to respond.
(5) Day-care homes One is a rapidly developing, high-heat fire. The other is a slow,
(6) Residential board and care facilities smoldering fire. Either can produce smoke and toxic gases.
(7) Other locations where applicable laws, codes, or Family Escape Plan. There is often very little time between
standards specify a requirement for the installation of the detection of a fire and the time it becomes deadly. This
smoke alarms intetval can be as little as I or 2 minutes. Thus, this Code
A. 29.1.4 Installations in manufactured homes are under the requires detection means to give a family some advance
jurisdiction of the Department of Housing and Urban warning of the development of conditions that become
Development (HUD). The rules for installation are addressed dangerous to life within a short period of time. Such warning,
in the Federal Manufactured Housing Construction Safety however, could be wasted unless the family has planned in
Standards (available at , advance for rapid exit from their residence. Therefore, in
addition to the fire-warning equipment, this Code assumes that
A.29.2 Fire Danger in the Home. In 2009, fire was the third the residents have developed and practiced an exit plan.
leading cause of unintentional injury deaths in the home and
the sixth leading cause of unintentional injury deaths overall Planning and practicing for fire conditions with a focus on
(Injury' Facts, 2011, National Safety Council). rapid exit from the residence are important. Drills should be
held so that all family members know the action to be taken.
Seventy-nine percent of the fire fatalities in 2015 resulted Each person should plan for the possibili!y that exit out of a
from residential fires — 82.7 percent resulted from fires in bedroom window could be necessary An exit out of the
oneand two-family dwellings, including manufactured homes; resiclence without the need to open a bedroom door is essential,
15.5 percent were caused by apartment fires; and 1.7 percent
resulted from fires in other residential occupancies ("Fire Loss Household fires are especially dangerous at night when the
in the United States during 2015," Hylton J.C.. Haynes, NFPA occupants are asleep. Fires produce smoke and deadly gases
Fire Analysis and Research Division). that can overcome occupants while they are asleep.
Furthermore, dense smoke reduces visibility. Most fire
Approximately half (52 percent) of the home (dwellings and casualties are victims of smoke and gas inhalation rather than
apartments) fire fatalities resulted from fires reported between burns. To warn against a fire, Chapter 29 provides smoke
11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., the common sleeping hours ("Home detector (alarm) requirements in accordance with 29.8. l, and
Structure Fires," Marty Ahrens, NFPA Fire Analysis and Research the associated annex recommends heat or smoke detectors
Division, September 2016) (alarms) in all other major areas.
Almost three-quarters (71 percent) of all reported fire A.29.3.1 Terms used by testing laboratories for equipment that
iujuries occurred in the home, with more than one-half (73 is listed or labeled under the definitions of this Code could
percent) in one- and two-family dwelling units (including include certified, approved, listed, recognized, and so forth.
manufactured housing), and more than one-fifth (27 percent)
apartments ("Fire Loss in the United States During 2015 " A.29.3.3 This Code establishes minimum standards for the use
HyltonJ.G. Haynes, NFPA Fire Analysis and Research of fire-warning equipment. The use of additional alarms or
Division) detectors over and above the minimum standard is encouraged.
The use of additional devices can result in a combination of'
It is estimated that each household will experience five equipment (e.g., a combination of single- and multiplestation
(usually unreported) fires per lifetime and one in four fires alarms or a combination of smoke alarms or smoke detectors
serious enough to report to a fire department per lifetime ("A that are part of a security/fire system and existing multiple-
Few Facts at the Household Level," NFPA Fire Analysis station alarms). Though a combination is
Division, July 2009). allowed, one type of equipment must
Fire Safen in the Home. NFPA 72 is intended to provide independently meet the requirements of the
reasonable safety for persons in family living units. Reasonable Code. Compliance with the requirements of
fire safety can be produced through the following three-point the Code cannot rely on the combination of
program: the following fire-warning equipment:
( ) Minimizing fire hazards ( ) Single-station alarms
(2) Providing fire-warning equipment (2) Multiple-station alarms
(3) Having and practicing an escape plan (3) Household fire alarm system (includes a
security/ fire system with smoke alarms
MinimizingFire Hazards. This Code cannot protect all or smoke detectors)
persons at all times. For instance, the application of this Code
might not provide protection agamst the following three It is encouraged that the highest level
traditional fatal fire scenarios: of protection be used where possible, For
example, if multiple-station alarms are
(1 ) Smoking in bed added to an occupancy with compliant
(2) Leaving children home alone single-station alarms, the multiple-
(3) Cleaning with flammable liq uids such as gasoline station alarms should be installed to
replace all of the single-station alarms.
However, Chapter 29 can lead to reasonable safety from fire Similarly, if a monitored household fire
when the three-point program is observed.

2022 Edition
alarm system is added to a house that has Phase (c) signal is off for 1.5
compliant multiple-station alarms, sec+10% = (a) + 2(b)] Total cycle
monitored smoke alarms or smoke detectors lasts for 4 sec +10%
should be installed to replace the
multiple-station alarms or be installed to FIGURE A.29.5.1 (a) Temporal Pattern
provide the same required coverage. Parameters.
A.29.5.1 The use of the distinctive three-
pulse temporal pattern fire alarm
evacuation signal has been recommended by
this Code since 1979. It has since been
adopted as both an American National
Standard [ANSI/ASA S3.41, Audible On
Emergency Ewacuation (£2) and Eoacuation
Signals with Relocation Instructions
(ESRI)] and an International Standard (ISO Off
8201 Alarm systems — Audible emergency
eoacuation signal). 10 Time
These standards are
FIGURE A.29.5.1(b) Temporal Pattern
available at h Imposed on Signaling Appliances That Emit
ttps:// Continuous While Energized.

The standard fire alarm evacuation signal

is a three-pulse temporal pattern using any
appropriate sound. The pattern consists of on
the following in this order.'
(l ) An "on" phase lasting 0.5 second ± 10
(2) An •off' phase lasting 0.5 second +10
percent for three successive "on" o 2 4 6 8 10 Time (sec)
periods, FIGURE A. 29.5.1 (c) Temporal Pattern
(3) An "off' phase lasting I .5 seconds +10 Imposed on SingleStroke Bell or Chime.
percent [spe Figure A.29.5.1(a) and
Figure A.29.5.1(b)]. The signal should
be repeated for a period appropriate A-29.5.5 It is recommended that the voice
for the purposes of evacuation of the notification message be intelligible,
building, but for not less than 180 audible, and appropriate for the hazard.
seconds. A single-stroke bell or chime Care should be taken to avoid excessive
sounded at "on" intervals lasting I silence during the message. Figure
second percent, with a 2second +10 A.29.5.5(a) through Figure A.29.5.5(c)
percent "off' interval after each third provide examples of acceptable
"on" stroke, is permitted [see Figure combinations of the emergency evacuation
A. signal and voice messages.
A.29.5.6 Temporal pattern parameters with
The minimum repetition time is permitted voice allowance are shown in Figure
to be manually interrupted. Figure A.29.5.6 and Figure
A.29.5.4 The four-pulse temporal (T4) A29.5.6(c).
pattern is illustrated in Figure A.29.5.4. A.29.5.8 Low frequency or tactile
notification appliances such bed shakers
have been shown to be effective in waking
those with normal hearing to profound
hearing loss [CSE NIH report, 2005; Bruck
/ and Thomas, 2009; Bruck, Thomas, and Ball,
(se NEPA RF report, 20071,
c) A. As an example, governing laws,
codes, or standarc-Is might require a
Phase (a) signal is on for 0.5 sec +10% certain number of accommodations be
Phase (b) signal is off for 0.5 sec +10%

2022 Edition
ANNEX A 72-365
equipped for those with hearing loss or
Other disability.
A. It is not the intent of this
section to preclude devices that have been
demonstrated through peer-reviewed
research to awaken occupants with hearing
loss as effectively as those using the
frequency and amplitude specified in this
Tactile notification appliances
such as bed shakers have been shown to be
effective in waking those with normal
hearing to profound hearing loss [Ashley
et al., 2005, UL 1971 20181. Tactile
signaling has been studied and found to be
an effective way to alert and notify
sleeping persons. However, there are many
variables that have not been tested that
might affect the reliability of their
performance. Some of the appliance
variables include the mass of the
appliance, frequency of vibration, and the
throw or displacement of the vibrating
mass. Occupant variables that might affect
the reporting of test results and the
effectiveness of the appliance include the
person's age, how long a person has lived
with their hearing loss, and what sleep
stage the person is experiencing when the
appliance operates. The type of mattress
might also have an effect of the
perfOrmance of certain tactile appliances.
Mattress variables can include thickness,
firmness, memory foam, pillow tops, water
beds, air beds, and motion isolation

2022 Edition

(a) (b) (a) (b) (a)

4 pulse (T4) CO alarm sound pattern cycle

Time (sec)

Phase (a) 100 milliseconds (+10%).
Phase b) = 100 milliseconds (+10%).
Phase c) = 5 seconds (+10%), may increase to 60seconds after 4 minutes.
FIGURE A.29.5.4 Four-Pulse Temporal Pattern.

Alarm initiation — eight T3 cycles minimum. Two T3 cycles minimum — repeat as desired.
T3 cycle T3 cycle T3 cycle T3cycle T3 cycle T3 cycle T3 cycle T3 cycle Voice — iO-sec maximum T3 cycle T3 cycle

(1) (2) (5) (7)

FIGURE A.29.5.5(a) Temporal Pattern Parameters with Eight T3 Cycles Minimum with 10-Second VoiceAllowance.
Users of tactile appliances should be cautioned to test how A.29.5.lO.2(1) As an example, governing laws, codes, or
well they might sense the effect of the appliance. standards might require a certain number of accommodations
The Code requires both visual notification appliances and be equipped for those with hearing loss or other disability,
tactile appliances. Visual notification appliances can awaken A.29.6.1 Working smoke alarms cut the risk of dying in
sleeping persons, provide verification that there is a fire alarm reported home structure fires in half. Victims who are
condition, and serve to alert persons when they are not in intimate with the fire or are incapable of taking action to
contact with a tactile appliance. escape might not benefit from the early warning. For these

2022 Edition
(a) b (a) c) (a)
ANNEX A 72-367
people, other strategies such as protection in-place or assisted Time
T3 cycle
escape or rescue would be necessary. (sec)
A.29.6.2 Family Escape Plan. There often is very little time Key:
between the detection of a fire and the time it becomes Phase (a) signal is on for 0.5 sec ± 10%
deadly. This interval can be as little as I or 2 minutes. Thus, this Phase (b) signal is off for 0.5 sec +10%
Code requires detection means to give a family some advance Phase (c) signal is off for 1.5 sec +100/0 [(c) — (a) +
warning of the development of conditions that become Phase (c) signal can incorporate voice
dangerous to life within a short period of time. Such warning,
notification. Total cycle lasts for 4 sec +10%
however, could be wasted unless the family has planned in
advance for rapid exit from their residence. Therefore, in FIGURE A.29.5.5(b) T3 Temporal Pattern Parameters with
addition to the fire-warning equipment, this Code requires 1.5*econd Voice Allowance.
exit plan information to be furnished.
Planning and practicing for fire conditions with a focus on held so that all family members know the action to be taken.
rapid exit from the residence are important. Drills should be Each person should plan for the possibility that exit out of a
bedroom window could be necessary. An exit out of the
residence without the need to open a bedroom door is
special Prooisions for the Disabled. For special
circumstances where the life safety of an occupant(s) depends
On on prompt rescue by others, the fire-warning equipment
should include means of prompt automatic notification to
Off / those who are to be depended on for rescue.

Alarm initiation—eight T3 cycles minimum. Optional voice allowed in any T3 cycle. Two T3 cycles minimum —repeat as desired.
T3 cycle T3 cycle T3 cycle T3 cycle T3 cycle T3 cycle T3 cycle T3 cycle T3 cycle T3 cycle
with voice with voice with voice with voice with voice with voice with voice Voice — 10-sec makimum with voice with voice
(2) (5) (6) (7) (8) (2)

FIGURE A.29.5.5(c) Temporal Pattern Parameters with 10-Second Voice Allowance in Any T3 Cycle.

Alarm initiation — SixT4 cycles (30 seconds minimum) Two T4 cycles minimum — repeat as desired

T4 cycle T4 cycle T4 cycle T4cycle T4cycle T4 cycle Voice —10-seconds maximum T4 cycle T4 Cycle

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (2)

FIGURE A.29.5.6(a) Temporal Pattern Parameters with Six T4 Cycles with 10-second Voice Allowance.

2022 Edition



Time (sec)
Phase (a) 100 milliseconds
Phase (b) 100 milliseconds (+10%
Phase (c) 5 seconds (+10%)
Phase (c) cycle can incorporate voice notification
Total cycle lasts 5.8 seconds +10%

FIGURE A.29.5.6(b) T4 Temporal Pattern Parameters with 1.5-second Voice Allowance.

FIGURE A.29.5.6(c) Temporal Pattern Parameters with 10-second Voice Allowance in Any T4 Cycle.
A. The normal path of egress does not include (e) Is tested regularly by the homeowner and at least
windows or other means of escape. every 3 years by a qualified service technician
A.29.6.3 Assumptions — equipment is as follows: (3) Reliability Of fire alarm systems without remote
monitoring or With wireless transmission. Fire alarm
(1) Maintenance. Good fire protection requires that the systems for dwelling units with all of the preceding
equipment be maintained periodically. If the system features except (d) or systems that use low-power
owner or responsible party is unable to perform the wireless transmission from initiating devices within the
required maintenance, a maintenance agreement should dwelling units are considered to have a functional
be considered. reliability of 90 percent.
(2) Reliability of fire alarm systems. Fire alarm systems Reliability of other systems, Fire alarm systems for dwelling
located in dwelling units and having all of the following units comprised of interconnected smoke alarms where
features are considered to have a functional reliability of the interconnecting means is monitored for integrity are
95 percent: considered to have a functional reliability of 88 percent.
(a) Utilizes a control unit If the interconnecting means is not supervised or the
(b) Has at least two independent sources of operating alarms are not interconnected, such systems are
power considered to have a functional reliability of 85 percent,
(c) Monitors all initiating and notification circuits for A. 29.7 Hazardous concentrations of carbon monoxide can
in tegrity accumulate in a residence, generally from improperly
(d) Transmits alarm signals to a constantly attended, operating heating appliances, insufficient make-up air into the
remote monitoring location resiclence or space, or blocked chimneys or vents. However,

2022 Edition
ANNEX A 72-369
there are many other potential sources of carbon monoxide such cases, it is recommended that units be interconnected in
within •a home, including, but not limited to, the following: such a way that the operation of the remotely located detector
(1 ) Malfunctioning fossil fuel—burning appliances or alarm causes an alarm of sufficient intensity to penetrate the
(2) Wood stoves bedrooms. The interconnection can be accomplished by the
(3) Fireplaces
(4) Idling automobiles in attached garages ( I ) Installation of a system
(5) Portable equipment such as gasoline-powered lawn and (2) Wiring together of multiple-station alarms
garden equipment and electric power generators (3) Use of line carrier or radio frequency transmitters/
(6) Barbecues receivers
(4) Adding supplemental notification appliances
Carbon monoxide is odorless, tasteless, and colorless;
therefore, its presence is undetectable by smell, taste, or sight. A. The location for effective performance is not
Carbon monoxide can be mixed and migrate throughout a generally dependent on mounting height. The density of carbon
residence through the HVAC system. Carbon monoxide alarms monoxide is similar to that of air at room temperature, and
meeting the requirements of UL 2034, Single and MultiPIe carbon monoxide generally mixes readily with air.
Station Carbon Monoxide Alarms, carbon monoxide detectors A.29.8.1 All hostile fires in dwelling units generate smoke and
meeting the requirements of UL 2075, Safety GILS and Vapor
Detectors and Sensojs, and installed in accordance with this heat. However, the results of full-scale experiments conducted
standard should provide a significant level of protection against over the last several decades in the United States, using typical
fires in dwelling units, indicate that detectable quantities of smoke
fatal carbon monoxide exposure.
precede detectable levels of heat in nearly all cases (NBS GCR 75-51,
The installation of additional carbon monoxide alarms could Detector Sensitivity and Siting Requirements far Dwellings, 1975;
result in a higher degree of protection. Adding alarms to rooms NBS GCR 77-82, Detector Sensitivity and Siting ments for
where fuel-burning appliances are located could provide earlier Dwellings 2, 1977; and NIST Technical Note 1455-1 Performance of
warning of carbon monoxide hazards caused by those sources. Home Smoke Alarms, Analysis of the Response of Several Available
Additional alarms located in rooms normally closed off from Technologies in Residential Fire Settings, 2008). In addition, slowly
the required alarms could increase the escape time, since developing, smoldering fires can produce
the carbon monoxide concentration needed to force the carbon smoke and toxic gases without a significant increase in the
monoxide out of the closed rooms to the alarms would not be room 's temperature. Again, the results of experiments indicate
necessary. As a consequence, the installation of additional that detectable quantities of smoke precede the development of
carbon monoxide alarms should be considered. hazardous thermal atmospheres in nearly all cases.
Carbon monoxide alarms or detectors are not substitutes for For the preceding reasons, the required protection in this
proper maintenance, inspection, and testing of fuel-burning Code utilizes smoke alarms as the primary life safety
equipment. Fuel-burning equipment and appliances should be equipment for providing a reasonable level of protection
used, maintained, tested, and inspected according to the against fire.
manufacturers' instructions.
The installation of additional alarms of either the smoke or
Carbon monoxide detectors/alarms are cross sensitive to heat type should result in a higher degree of protection. Adding
hydrogen, an explosive gas that can be given off by recharging alarms to rooms that are normally closed off from the required
lead acid batteries. Where households include rechargmg alarms increases the escape time because the fire does not need
stations (e.g., for golf carts), the alarm should be located away to build to the higher level necessary to force smoke out of the
from the recharging location. closed room to the required alarms. As a consequence, it is
A. Where sleeping areas are separated and the recommended that the householder consider the installation of
audibility of the alarm or detector to occupants within each additional fire protection devices. However; it should be
sleeping area could be seriously impaired, more than one unit understood that Chapter 29 does not require additional smoke
could be needed, alarms over and above those called for in 29.8.1. Refer to
Figure A.29.8.1(a) through Figure A.29.8.I (d) where required
At times, depending on conditions, the audibility of smoke alarms are shown.
notification appliances could be seriously impaired when
occupants are in the bedroom area. For instance, there might be When to Locate the Required Smoke Alarms. Fifty-three
a noisy window air conditioner or room humidifier generating percent of home fire deaths were reported between 11:00 p.m.
an ambient noise level of 55 CIBA or higher. The detection and 7:00 a.m. Persons in sleeping areas can be threatened by
device alarms need to penetrate through the closed doors and fires in the remainder of the unit; therefore, smoke alarms are
be heard over the bedroom's noise levels with sufficient best located in each bedroom and between the bedroom areas
intensity to awaken sleeping occupants. Test data indicate that and the rest of the unit as shown in Figure A. 29.8.1 (b). In
alarms with ratings of 85 CIBA at 3 m (10 ft) that are installed dwelling units with more than one bedroom area or with
outside the bedrooms can produce about 15 CIBA over ambient bedrooms on more than one floor, more than one smoke alarm
noise levels of 55 CIBA in the bedrooms. This sound pressure is required, as shown in Figure A.29.8. I (c).
is likely to be sufficient to awaken the average sleeping person. In addition to smoke alarms outside of the sleeping areas and
Alarms or detectors located remote from the bedroom area in each bedroom, Chapter 29 requires the installation of a
might not be loud enough to awaken the average person. In smoke alarm on each additional level of the dwelling unit,

2022 Edition
including the basement. These installations are shown in Figure
A.29,8.l The living area smoke alarm should be installed in the
living room or near the stairway to the upper level, or in both
locations. The basement smoke alarm should be installed in
close proximity to the stairway leading to the floor above.
8there installed on an open-joisted ceiling, the smoke alarm
should be placed on the bottom of the joists. The smoke alarm
should be positioned relative to the stairway so as to intercept
smoke coming from a fire in the basement before the smoke FIGURE
enters the stairway, A.29.8.1(c) In Dwelling Than one
Are More Smoke Alarms Desimble? The required number Sleeping Area, Smoke Alarm Should Be Provided to Protect
of smoke alarms might not provide reliable early warning Each Sleeping Area in Addition to Smoke Alarms Required in
protection for those areas separated by a door from the areas
protected by the required smoke alarms. For this reason, the use
of additional smoke alarms for those areas for increased care home, defined in 3.3.71, is a specific category of day-care
protection is recommended. The addi tional areas include occupancy: It should be noted that applicable laws, codes, or
dining room, furnace room, utility room, and hallways not standards might include conditions that could impact the
protected by the required smoke alarms. The installation of applicability of these requirements. The local authority should
smoke alarms in kitchens, attics (finished or unfinished), or be consulted for specific details.
garages is not normally recommended, because these locations A. (1) The term sleePing room applies to several
occasionally experience conditions that can result in improper occupancies including: one- and two-family dwellings; lodging
operation. or rooming houses; hotels, motels, and dormitories; apartment
A. Occupancies where smoke alarms are typically buildings; residential board and care facilities; and day-care
required include residential, residential board and care, or homes. The term guest room, defined in 3.3.133, is an
daycare home. The term jesidential occupano is defined in accommodation that includes sleeping facilities. It applies in
3.3260 and includes one- and two-family dwellings; lodging or the context of hotel and dormitory occupancies.
rooming houses; hotels, motels, and dormitories; and A. The term dwelling unit is defined in 3.3.90 and
apartment buildings. The term residential board and care applies to one- and two-family dwellings and dwelling units of
occuPancy is defined in 3.3259 and includes both small and apartment buildings (including condominiums). The distance
large facilities, NFPA 101 specifies a small facility to be one referenced for the location of the required smoke alarm should
with sleepmg accommodations for not more than 16 residents. be measured on a horizontal projection of the ceiling and along
The term day- the path of egress travel by an occupant.

O Indicates required smoke alarm

FIGURE A.29.8.1(a) split Level Arrangement.

o o
Kitchen Bedroom Bedroom
Dining FIGURE A.29.8.1(d) Smoke Alarm Should Be Located on
room Each level in Addition to Each Bedroom.

Bedroom A. The term guest suite is defined in 3.3.134, and

Living the term living area is defined in 3.3.159,
room A. The distance referenced for the spacing of smoke
FIGURE A.29.8.1(b) Smoke Alarm Should Be Located alarms should be measured on a horizontal projection of the
Between Sleeping Area and Rest of Dwelling Unit, as Well as ceiling. One smoke alarm per 500 ft2 (46 m2) is evaluated bv
in Each Bedroom. dividing the total interior square footage of floor area per level

2022 Edition
ANNEX A 72-371
by 500 ft2 (46 m 2 ). The requirements do not preclude the A. A heat detector with a temperature rating
installation of smoke alarms on walls in accordance with somewhat in excess of the highest normally expected ambient Some building configurations, such as dN'1sion of temperature is specified in order to avoid the possibility of
rooms and open foyers or great rooms, dictate that alarms be premature response of the heat detector to non-fire conditions.
located so that they do not cover distinctly separate 500 ft2
Some areas or rooms of the dwelling unit can experience
(46 m2 ) areas but rather provide overlapping coverage relative
ambient temperatures considerably higher than those in the
to this spacing requirement.
normally occupied living spaces. Examples are unfinished
A- As of the 2007 edition of NIPA 72, the code attics, the space near hot air registers, and some furnace rooms.
required the interconnection of alarms for both new and This fact should be considered in the selection of the
existing construction. The introduction of wireless interconnect appropriate temperature rating for fixed-temperature heat
smoke alarms allows installation of interconnect devices in detectors to be installed in these areas or rooms.
existing construction without the need for ac wiring
Listed household fire alarm systems have a means
modifications that once were required to retrofit interconnected
to allow users to cancel or abort an actuate fire alarm signal
alarms. Work by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety
when they know it is an unwanted alarm.
Commission (CPSC) has concluded that interconnection of
alarms is an important factor that can affect proper notification A. Such input and output devices include, but are not
and life safety [l, 2]. The CPSC study shows that limited to, relay modules, notification appliances, phone
interconnected smoke alarms alerted residents to the fire more dialers, system control units, heat detectors. and manual fire
than twice as often as noninterconnected alarms. A Victoria alarm boxes,
University study 131 also emphasizes the need for A.29.lO.8.2.4 Receiving units that stay in alarm for 30 seconds
interconnected alarms. The study indicates that interconnected or I minute longer than the transmitting alarm would provide
smoke alarms in every room in every dwelling would lead to additional protection if the first alarm is damaged due to a very
about 50 percent fewer fatalities. fast growing fire. The persisting alarm signal would provide
(1) Green, M. A., and Andres, C. "2004-2005 National additional notification to occupants. This option needs to be
Sample Survey of Unreported Residential Fires." CPSC, considered in light of the potential for the longer alarm signals
2009. on receiving smoke alarms being a potential nuisance to
(2) Ahrens, M. "Factors in Smoke Alarm Performance." occupants during test and other nuisance alarm events.
National Fire Protection Association. December 2009.
(3) Thomas, I. , and Bruck, D. "Smoke Alarms in Dwellings: ATFPA 72 does not require single- and
Timely Activation and Effective Notification." Victoria multiplestation alarms and household alarm systems to send
University.June 2010. signals offpremises. However, if such supervision is elected by
the owner or required by some other governing laws, codes, or
A. One of the common problems associated with standards, this section requires that it be done in accordance
smoke alarms and detectors is the nuisance alarms that are With other parts of this Code, except noted,
usually triggered by products of combustion from cooking,
smoking, or other household particulates. While an alarm for Upon receipt of a carbon monoxide alarm signal
such a condition is anticipated and tolerated by the occupant of supervising station personnel should perform the following
a dwelling unit through routine living experience, the alarm is actions in the order listed:
not permitted where it also sounds alarms in other dwelling (1) Where required by the emergency response agency;
units or in common use spaces, Nuisance alarms caused by immediately retransmit indication of the carbon
cooking are a very common occurrence, and inspection monoxide alarm signal to the communications center.
authorities should be aware of the possible ramifications where (2) The immediate retransmission should be permitted to be
the coverage is extended beyond the limits of the dwelling unit. delayed by not more than 90 seconds where the
A.29.9.4(3) Restraining means are not intended to be used jurisdicLion permits the supervising station to first
where the detector or alarm is designed to be plugged directly contact the protected premises to determine if the alarm
into a receptacle without a cord. was initiated by the activation of a test.
(3) Contact the responsible party(s) in accordance With the
The UL listing for smoke alarms addresses two
notification plan.
categories of these devices: one for applications where
sensitivity testing is not required (UTGT), and one for (4) Once contacted, the subscriber should be informed to take
applications where sensitivity testing is required (UTHA). action in accordance with the manufacturer's published
Refer to the testing requirements for these devices in Chapter instructions, or where the manufacturer's published
14, instructions are not available, the subscriber should be
advised to take the following actions:
A. UL 2034, Single Multiple Station Carbon Monoxide
Alarms, includes a level below which the alarm should not respond. (a) Immediately move to fresh air, either outdoors or by
an open door or window.
The linear space rating is the maximum allowable (b) Verify that all occupants are accounted for.
distance between heat detectors. The linear space rating is also (c) Do not reenter the premises or move away from an
a measure Of detector response time to a standard test fire when open door or window until the emergency service
tested at the same distance. A higher rating corresponds to a responders have arrived, the premises have been
faster response time. This Code recognizes only those heat
detectors with ratings of 50 ft (15.2 m) or more,

2022 Edition
aired out, and the alarm remains in its normal warning equipment in unoccupied or architecturally unique
condition. areas (e.g., as in attics or in rooms with high ceilings) should
be evaluated by a qualified professional.
A.29.1 ().9.7 Where, which provides for screening
alarm signals to minimize response to false alarms, is to be The conclusions of the Kemano Fire Studies (2003) and
implemented, the following should be considered: FPRF' Smoke Detector Spacmg Requirements Report (2008)
have determined revisions to smoke alarm and smoke detector
(1) Was the verification call answered at the protected
mounting within 4 in. (100 mm) of a flat ceiling/wall corner are
now acceptable. The studies have shown that acceptable
(2) Did the respondent provide proper identification? detection performance does not depend on the 4 in. (100 mm)
(3) Is it necessary for the respondent to identify the cause of separation. Figure A.29,ll.3 illustrates acceptable smoke alarm
the alarm signal? and smoke detector mounting locations.
(4) Should the public service fire communications center be A- Figure A. illustrates acceptable smoke
notified and advised that an alarm signal was received, alarm or smoke detector mounting locations for a peaked
including the response to the verification call, when an ceiling.
authorized respondent states that fire service response is
not desired? A. Figure A.29.ll .3.2 illustrates acceptable smoke
(5) Should the public service fire communications center be alarm or smoke detector mounting locations for a sloped
notified and advised that an alarm signal was received, ceiling.
including the response to the verification call, for all other
situations, including both a hostile fire and no answer to Ceiling
the verification call?
(6) What other actions should be required by a standard
operating procedure?
A. All control units that use IP or cellular
communication to transmit off-site or have devices that are
connected wirelessly have an increased risk and should be
designed for cybersecurity determined by the manufacturer,
The cybersecurity should comply with, but not be limited to,
one of the following:
(1) ANSI/1SA-62443, security for Industñal Automation and
Control Systems Señes
(2) NIST Framewcnk for Improving Critical Tnfrastructure
(3) UL 2900-1, Software Cybersecurity for Network-Connectable
Products, Part l: General Requirements
(4) UL 2900-2-3, Software for
FIGURE A.29.11.3 Example ofProperMounting for Smoke
Products, Part 2-3: Particular Requirementy for Security and
Alarms and Smoke Detectors.
Life Safen Signaling Systems
(5) Other published cybersecurity standards A- Figure A.29.ll.3 illustrates acceptable smoke
alarm or smoke detector mounting locations.
IP or cellular communication increases the risk of
attack, damage, or unauthorized access to the alarm or In those dwelling units employing radiant heating in the
connected network. Any alarm that uses this type of ceiling, the wall location is the recommended location. Radiant
communication should be designed for cybersecurity as heating in the ceiling can create a hot air boundary layer along
determined by the manufacturer. While no alarm that uses these the ceiling surface, which can seriously restrict the movement
communications can be impervious to attacks, the of smoke and heat to a ceiling-mounted detector.
manufacturer should consider cybersecurity during the design A. Smoke detectors and smoke alarms should be
process. installed in those locations recommended by the manufacturer's
A. Once these limits have been exceeded, a published instructions, except in those cases where the space
household fire alarm and/or carbon monoxide detection system above the ceiling is open to the outside and little or no
should be installed. insulation is present over the ceiling. Such cases result in the
ceiling being excessively cold in the winter or excessively hot
A.29.11.3 One of the most critical factors of any fire alarm in the summer. Where the ceiling is significantly different in
system is the location of the fire detecting devices. This annex temperature from the air space below, smoke and heat have
is not a technical study. It is an attempt to provide some difficulty reaching the ceiling and a detector that is located on
fundamentals on fire-warning equipment location. For that ceiling.
simplicity, only those types of alarms or detectors recognized
by Chapter 29 (e.g., smoke and heat alarms or smoke and heat A. As per annex material located in A.29.8.l, it is
detectors) are discussed. Specific mounting locatioms of fire- not normally recommended that smoke alarms or smoke
detectors be placed in kitchen spaces. This section of the code

2022 Edition
ANNEX A 72-373
provides guidelines for safe installation if a need exists to The occurrence of the higher frequency of nuisance alarms
install a smoke alarm or smoke detector in a residential kitchen observed in smoke alarms or smoke detectors that use
space or cooking area. ionizalion detection have been documented in the fire research
data. Due to the differences in technology between ionization
Within this Code section, a fixed cooking appliance is any
detection and photoelectric detection, the sensitivity typically
appliance that is intended to be permanently connected
used for ionization detection is much higher than that used for
electrically to the wiring system or the fuel source. A stationary
photoelectric detection. This sensitivity difference is a result of
cooking appliance is any appliance that is intended to be
each type of the detection being required to satisfy LJL 217
fastened in place or located in a dedicated space, and is
performance tests. Removing detection technology from
connected to the supply circuit or fuel source,
consideration, the frequency of nuisance alarms is solely clue
to the sensitivity of the detection method used. Thus, both
ionization and photoelectric detector technologies will produce
nuisance alarms due to cooking, but currently available smoke
alarms and smoke detectors that use ionization detection
typically produce more cooking-related nuisance alarms,
The higher sensitivities of currently available smoke alarms
and smoke detectors that use ionization detection do provide a
benefit at the expense of a potentially higher rate of
cookingrelated nuisance alarms. Research has demonstrated
that ioniration detection will typically respond faster than
photoelectric detection to flaming fires, providing earlier
warning to occupants that might allow for quicker intervention
or faster egress. In general, the installation of smoke alarms or
smoke detectors that use ionization detection will result in
FIGURE A- Example of Proper Mounting for Alarms
increased fire safety at the risk of a higher frequency of
and Detectors with Peaked Ceilings.
nuisance alarms. The installation of smoke alarms or smoke
Not inthis area detectors that use photoelectric detection will result in reduced
fire safety for flaming fires and a reduced risk of nuisance
4 in. (100 mm)
alarms. Based on the trade-off between faster response to fires
Anywhere in
this area and the frequency of nuisance alarms, detectors that utilize both
technologies (i.e., ionization, photoelectric, and a combination)
are allowed to be installed between 10 ft (3.0 m) and 20 ft (6.1
m) along a horizontal flow path from a standard or fixed
cooking appliance if the specific detector is equipped with an
alarm silencing means or is of the photoelectric-type.
Nuisance alarm studies provide data on cooking nuisances
FIGURE A. Example of Proper Mounting for Alarms that emanate from both fixed cooking appliances and stationary
and Detectors with Sloped Ceilings. cooking appliances (e.g., stove, oven) as well as portable
cooking appliances (e.g., toaster). Based on these studies,
Smoke alarms and smoke detectors that are currently which demonstrate the potential of all cooking appliances to
available to consumers are susceptible to particles released into generate nuisance sources, a zone of exclusion has been
the air during normal cooking procedures. If smoke alarms and specified surrounding each stationary or fixed cooking
smoke detectors are placed too close to the area where the appliance. The purpose of this zone is to limit the installation
cooking source originates, a high level of nuisance alarms can of smoke alarms and detectors in areas where stationary, fixed,
occur. Frequent nuisance alarms can result in an occupant or portable cooking appliances will be located within the
disabling the smoke alarm -or smoke detector. residential kitchen space such that potential nuisance alarms
Nuisance alarm studies show that commercially available are minimized. The size of the zone of exclusion is specified to
residential smoke alarms and smoke detectors are susceptible attempt to take into account the unknown and transitory
to nuisance alarms when installed too close to cooking locations of portable cooking appliances. This zone of
appliances. As the horizontal distance between the smoke exclusion is determined by measuring a 10 ft (3.0 m) radial
alarm or smoke detectors and the cooking appliance increases, distance from the closest edge of a stationary or fixed cooking
the frequency of nuisance alarms decreases, Smoke alarms or appliance. The zone Of exclusion is not intended to pass
smoke detectors that use ionization smoke detection have been through walls or doorways. Figure A. (a) provides
shown to be more susceptible to cooking nuisance alarms than an example of the zone of exclusion in a generalized residential
Chose that use photoelectric smoke detection when the alarms kitchen.
or detectors are installed within 10 ft (3.0 m) along a horizontal If other areas of this code require that a smoke alarm or
smoke travel path from a cooking appliance. Smoke alarms or smoke detector be placed within a horizontal flow path distance
smoke detectors that use photoelectric smoke detection between 10 ft (3.0 m) and 20 ft (6.1 m) from a stationary or
produce nuisance alarms when installed less than 10 ft (3.0 m) fixed cooking appliance, the following method should be used
from a cooking appliance, though to a lesser degree, to determine the distance, and only photoelectric detection or

2022 Edition
smoke alarms/ detectors with alarm silencing means can be
installed in this area.
To install a smoke alarm or detector between 10 ft (3.0 m)
and 20 ft (6.1 m) from the cooking appliance, an installer must
first determine the 10 ft (3,0 m) area of exclusion. Once the
area of exclusion is determined, an installer must then
determine the horizontal flow distance. This is the horizontal
distance along the ceiling from the closest edge of the cooking
appliance to the smoke alarm or detector. The horizontal
distance can consist of line segments due to impediments, such
as interior partitions. Once an impediment is met, the
measurement of the distance will then continue along the new
horizontal path segment until the distance requirement is met
or another impediment is encountered. Figure (b)
provides an example for placement outside a kitchen in a
nearby hallway. Figure A. (c) provides another
example of appropriate placement outside of a kitchen in an
adjacent room.
At a horizontal flow path distance of greater than 20 ft (6.1
(gray Within Typical Residential Kitchen.
m), any type Of smoke alarm or smoke detector can be
Â. Studies indicate that smoke alarms and smoke
In rare cases, a residential dwelling can be of such size and detectors that use ionization detection, photoelectric detection,
configuration that an area of exclusion of 10 ft (3.0 m) from a or a com bination of ionization and photoelectric detection, are
stationary or fixed cooking appliance excludes the placement susceptible to nuisance alarms caused by steam. Some research
of a smoke alarm or smoke detector required by other areas of has been done on the comparative response of these types of
this Code. In these a smoke alarm or smoke detector using detection to steam. Steam particles, in general, are visible,
photoelectric detection can be installed at least 72 in. (1.83 m) reflect light easily, and are typically produced in a size range
from the fixed or stationary cooking appliance. Figure that has been shown to be more likely to actuate a photoelectric
A. (d) proudes an example of this situation in sensor (Dinaburg and Gottuk, 2015). Thus, it is required that
practice where a smoke alarm or smoke detector is required smoke alarms and smoke detectors be installed greater than 36
outside of the sleeping area, but the space is in close proximity in, (910 mm) from the bathroom door where possible,
to the kitchen space. Increasing the distance between the smoke alarm or smoke
In response to the above noted nuisance alarm studies, the detector and the bathroom door can reduce the frequency of
8th edition of UL 217, Smoke Alarms, and the 7th edition of nuisance alarms from bathroom steam. Frequent nuisance
UL 268, Smoke Detectors for Fire Alarm Systems, have added alarms can result in the occupant disabling the smoke alarm.
a new perfOrmance test to help reduce nuisance alarms from Each incremental increase in separation, up to 10 ft (3.0 m),
normal cooking. This end-product performance and listing between the bathroom door and the smoke alarm or smoke
requirement aligns With of this Code. Smoke detector is expected to reduce the frequency Of nuisance
alarms complying with these UL standards will be listed 'Tor alarms.
resistance to common nuisance sources from cooking" and are A. There are circumstances in which the placement
suitable for installation at distances from cooking appliances of smoke alarms and detectors cannot physically meet the
outlined in this Code, requirement to be 36 in. (910 mm) or further away from the tip
of the fan blade. Consequently, there is an irreconcilable
conflict in enforcing all siting requirements of this standard, so
the requirement of' only applies where possible to
allow compliance with this standard. A limited study (Gottuk
and Gottuk 2015) has indicated that placing alarms closer than
36 in. (910 mm) is not expected to produce an unacceptable
risk-and in some cases, could improve perfOrmance.
A. Figure A29.11.3.4(11) illustrates acceptable
smoke alarm or smoke detector mounting locations for tray
shaped ceilings.

2022 Edition
ANNEX A 72-375
A.29.11.4 NThile Chapter 29 does not require heat alarms or A. Heat Alarm or Heat Detector Mounting — Dead
heat detectors as part of the basic protection scheme, it is Air space. Heat from a fire rises to the ceiling, spreads out
recommended that the householder consider the use and across the ceiling surface, and begins to bank down from the
placement of additional heat detectors for the same reasons ceiling. The corner where the ceiling and the wall meet is an
presented under A.29.11.3. For example, additional heat air space into which heat has difficulty penetrating. In most
alarms or heat detectors could be considered, but not limited fires, this dead air space measures about 4 in. (100 mm) along

Example of Smoke Alarm or Smoke Detector Placement Between

10 ft (3.0 m) and 20 ft (6.1 m) Away in Hallway from Center of Stationary or fixed Cooking

FIGURE A. (c) Example of Smoke Alarm or Smoke Detector Placement Between
10 ft (3.0 m) and 20 ft (6.1 m) Away in Hallway from Center of Stationary or fixed Cooking
to, the following areas: kitchen, dining room, attic (finished or the ceiling from the corner and about 4 in. (100 mm) clown the
unfinished), furnace room, utility room, basement, and integral wall as shown in Figure A.,1, Heat alarm or heat
or attached garage. detectors should not be placed in this dead air space.
The placement of the heat alarm or heat detector is critical A. Figure illustrates acceptable heat
where maximum speed of fire detection is desired. Thus, a alarm or heat detector mounting locations for sloped ceilings.
logical location for a heat alarm or heat detector is the center A. SPacing ofDetectors. Where a room is too large for
of the ceiling. At this location, the heat alarm or heat detector protection by a single heat alarm or heat detector, multiple
is closest to all areas of the room. alarms or detectors should be used. IL is important that they be
properly located so all parts of the room are covered. (Far

2022 Edition
further information on the .sParing of detectors, see Chaper might be required due to other structural characteristics of
17.) the protected area, possible drafts, or other conditions that
Vthere the Distance Between Detectors Should Be Further could affect heat alarm or detector operation,
Reduced. The distance between detectors is based on data A. Actions that should be considered include
obtained from the spread of heat across a smooth ceiling. opening windows and doors and evacuation. Also, the
Where the ceiling is not smooth, the placement of the heat information should provide examples of organizations to be
alarm or heat detector should be tailored to the situation. contacted for assistance.
Figure A. 17.6.3.I.g,l illustrates acceptable heat alarms or
heat detector mounting locations for smooth ceilings and side

FIGURE A. (d) Example of Exception Placement of Photoelectric Smoke Alarm or Smoke
Detector at 72 in. (1.83 m) from Stationary or Fixed Cooking Appliance.
A. Refer to Figure A-, where the distance Anywhere along this bold surface
between heat alarms or heat detectors should be further
reduced. mm)
For instance, with open wood joists, heat travels freely
down the joist channels so that the maximum distance
between the heat alarm or heat detectors | (50 ft) 15.2 ml can
be used. However, heat has trouble spreading across the
joists, so the distance in this direction should be one-half the
distance allowed between detectors, as shown in Figure
A., and the distance to the wall is reduced to 12.5 ft
(3.8 m) . Since onehalf of 50 ft (15.2 m) is 25 ft (7.6 m), the
distance between heat alarms or detectors across open wood
joists should not exceed 25 ft (7.6 m), as shown in Figure
+\., and the distance to the wall is reduced lone-half FIGURE A. Locations Permitted for Smoke
of 25 ft (7.6 m)] to 12.5 ft (3.8 m). Paragraph Alarms and Smoke Detectors on Tray-Shaped Ceilings.
requires that a heat alarm or heat
detectors be mounted on the bottom of the joists and not up
in joist channels.
Walls, partitions, doorways, ceiling beams, and open joists
interrupt the normal flow of heat, thus creating new areas to
be protected.
In addition to the special requirements for heat detectors
installed on ceilings with exposed joists, reduced spacing also

2022 Edition
ANNEX A 72-377
for cellulosic (wood) fuels that have a total heat of combustion
12 of about 12,500 1sJ/kg (5374 Btu/lb).
(3.8 B.1.2.2 In addition to the revisions undertaken in 1999, the
concept of performance-based design was further expanded on.
m) This included, to a large extent, additional material taken from
the work of Custer and Meacham [251. Since this time, the
industry continues to develop additional codes, standards, and
guides to further assist in undertaking a performancebased
assessment. This includes the work of SFPE [40, 491, NFPA
150, 51, 52], and ICC [531.
B.1.2.3 For the purposes of this annex, the heat produced by a
fire is manifested either as convective heat or radiant heat. It is
assumed that conductive heat transfer is of little consequence
during the early stages of the development of a fires where this
HGURE A. OpenJoists, Attics, and Extra-High annex is relevant. A convective heat release rate fraction equal
Ceilings are Some Areas that Require Special Knowledge for to 75 percent of the total heat release rate has been used in this
Installati on, annex. Users should refer to references 12 and 13 in K. 1.2.19
Annex B Engineering Guide for Automatic Fire Detector for fuels or burning conditions that are substantially different
Spacing from these conditions.
This annex is not a part of the requirements of this NFPA document B.1.2.4 The design methods for plume-dependent fire detectors
but is includedfor informational purposes only. provided in this annex are based on full-scale fire tests funded
by the Fire Detection Institute in which all fires were
t-[sns o/ Annex B should refer back 10 the text of NIPA 72 to
geometrically growing flaming fires. (See Environments of
familiurize themselves with the limitations of the design methods
Fire Detectors — Phase l: Effect ofFire Size, Oiling Height and
summarized herein. Material; Memsuremenls Vol. I and Analysis Vol. 11[10]. )
Section B. 2, and particularly B. 2.2 and 13.23, are largelj based on B.1.2.5 The guidance applicable to smoke detectors is limited
the of Custer and Meacham as found in "Performance-Based Fire to a theoretical analysis based on the flaming fire test data and
Safety Engineering: An Introduction of Basic ConcrPts" (Meacham is not intended to address the detection of smoldering fires.
and Cuvter 1995) and Introduction to Performance-Based Fin Safen
B. 1.2.6 The design methods for plume-dependent fire
(Custer and Meacham 1997). [25]
detectors do not address the detection of steady-state fires.
The National Tire Protection Association and the 'lþchnical
Committee on Initiating I)mices for Fire Alarm S)stenv gratefully B. 1.2.7 The design methods for plume-dependent fire
acknowledge the technical contributions of the Society of Fire
detectors used in this annex are only applicable when employed
Prolection Lngineos, Richard Custer, and Brian Meacham to
in the context Of applications where the ceiling is smooth and
level. They cannot be used for ceilings where there are beams,
Performancebased design and this annex,
joists, or bays formed by beams and purlins. The research upon
B.I Introduction. which the following methods have been based did not consider
the effect of beams, joists, and bays in sufficient detail to
B.l.l Scope. Annex B provides information intended to
justify the use of this annex to those applications.
supplement Chapter 17. It includes a procedure for determining
detector spacing based on the objectives set for the system, the B.l.3 Purpose.
size and growth rate of the design fire, the ceiling height, B. 1.3.1 The purpose of Annex B is to provide a performance
ambient temperature, and the response characteristics of the basis for the location and spacing of fire detection—initiating
detectors. In addition to providing an engineering method for devices. The sections for heat and smoke detectors provide an
the design of detection systems using plume-dependent alternative design method to the prescriptive approach
detectors, heat detectors, and smoke detectors, this annex also presented in Chapter 17 (i.e., based on their listed spacings).
provides guidance on the use of radiant energy—sensing The section on radiant energy—sensing detectors elaborates on
detecto rss the performance-based criteria already existing in Chapter 17.
B.1.2 General. A performance-based approach allows one to consider
potential fire growth rates and fire signatures, the individual
B. 1.2.1 In the 1999 edition Annex B was revised in its entirety compartment characteristics, and damageability characteristics
from prevrous editions. The correlations originally used to of the targets (e.g., occupants, equipments contents, structures,
develop the tables and graphs for heat and smoke detector and so on) in order to determine the location Of a specific type
spacings in the earlier editions have been updated to be of detector to meet the objectives established for the system.
consistent with current research. These revisions correct the
errors in the original correlations. In earlier editions, the tables B.1.3.2 Under the prescriptive approach, heat detectors are
and graphs were based on an assumed heat of combustion of installed according to their listed spacing. The listed spacing is
20,900 kJ/kg (8986 Btu/ 1b). The effective heat of combustion determined in a full-scale fire test room. The fire test room used
for common cellulosic materials is usually taken to be for the determination of listed spacing for heat detectors has a
approximately 12,500 k]/ kg (5374 Btu/1b). The equations in ceiling height of 4.8 m (15 ft 9 in.). A steady-state, flammable
this annex were produced using test data and data correlations liquid fire With a heat release rate of approximately 1137 kW

2022 Edition
(1200 Btu/sec), located 0.9 m (3 ft) above the floor, is used as
the test fire. Special 7 I O C (1600F) test sprinklers are installed
on a 3 m x 3 m (10 ft x 10 ft) spacing array such that the fire is
in the center of the sprinkler array: The heat detectors being
tested are installed in a square array with increasing spacing
centered about the fire location. The elevation of the test fire is
adjusted during the test to produce the temperature versus time
curve at the test sprinkler heads to yield actuation of the heads
in 2.0 minutes +10 seconds. The largest heat detector spacing
that achieves alarm before the actuation of the sprinkler heads
in the test becomes the listed spacing for the heat detector. See
Figure A. (c). If the room dimensions, ambient
conditions, and fire and response characteristics of the detector
are different from above, the response of the heat detector must
be expected to be different as well. Therefore, the use of an
installed detector spacing that is different from the listed
spacing might be warranted through the use of a performance-
based approach if the conditions are as follows:
(1) The design objectives are different from designing a
system that operates at the same time as a sprinkler in the
approval test.

2022 Edition
ANNEX B 72-379
(2) Faster response of the device is desired. B. While defining the project's scope, the designer will
(3) A response of the device to a smaller fire than used in the identifÿ which of the three situations in Table B- best
approved test IS required. describes the project at hand (i.e., a performance-based analySIS
(4) Accommodation to room geometry that is different from of an existing detection system in an existing building).
that used in the listing process. B.2.2.2 Identify Goals.
(5) Other special considerations, such as ambient temperaCure,
B. Fire protection assets are acquired in order to attain one
air movement, ceiling height, or other obstruction, are
or more of the following four goals:
different from or are not considered in the approval tests.
(G) A fire other than a steady state 1137 kW (1200 Btu/sec) fire (1) To provide life safety (occupants, employees, fire fighters,
is contemplated. and so forth)
B.1.3.g The designer of fire alarm systems needs to be (2) To protect property and heritage (structure, contents, and so
knowledgeable in the applicable areas associated with forth)
undertaking a performance-based design, including fire (3) To provide for continuity of operations (protect
dynamics, performance-based design, detector response, and so stakeholder's mission, operating capability, and so forth)
forth, and apply these principles judiciously. In addition, the (4) To limit the environmental impact of fire (toxic products,
nvajority of jurisdictions consider the design of fire alarm fire-fighting water run-off, and so forth)
systems as engineering work. '9 They therefore require licensed B. Fire protection goals are like other goalsin that they are
engineers to perform such work. Other jurisdictions allow generally easy to agree on, are qualitative, and are
technologists to lay out fire alarm systems as long as they follow noncontroversial in nature. They express the desired overall
the appropriate prescriptive requirements. Designers who are outcome to be achieved, that is, to provide life safety to the
using a performance-based design approach need to review the building occupants.
relevant engineering licensure laws in the jurisdictions in which
they are practicing, as performance-based designs might very B. SThen starting the performance-based process, the
likely be deemed engineering and of the type that requires various parties — including the stakeholders (i.e., the architect,
licensure of a professional engineer: The SFPE's Guidelines for building owner, insurance carrier, building or fire officials, and
Peer Review in the Fire Protection Design Process | 59] proudes so forth), the authority having jurisdiction, and the design
guidance to engineers who are asked to peer review this type of engineer — work together to prioritize the basic fire protection
engineering design. goals. Prioritizing is based on the stakeholder's objective and the
building and occupancy involved. For example, life safety is a
B.2 Performance-Based Approach to Designing and Analyzing high priority in a hospital or stadium, while property protecLion
Fire Detection Systems. might have an equally high priority in a large warehouse or
B.2.1 Overview. Subsection B .2.1 provides an overview of a historic building.
systematic approach to conducting a performance-based design B.2.2.3 Identify Stakeholder's Objectives.
or analysis of a fire detection system. The approach has been
outlined by Custer and Meacham and the SFPE Lngineenng B. Each stakeholder must explicitly state her or his
Guide to Performance Based Fire Pmtection [401 and is objectives in terms of acceptable loss for the various goals
summarized below in the context of design and analysis of fire previously stated.
detection systems. (Refer 10 Figure B. 2.1.) This approach has B. Stakeholder objectives specify how much safety the
been divided into two phases: defining goals and objectives and stakeholder wants, needs, or can afford. "No loss of lifë within
system design and evaluation. the room of origin" is a sample stakeholder objective or statement
B.2.2 Phase 1 —Defining Goals and Objectives. of the stakeholder's maximum acceptable loss.
B.2.2.1 Define Scope of Project. B. The stakeholder's objectives are generally not stated in
fire protection engineering terms The initial step of this approach is to identify
information relative to the overall scope of work on the project, B. Note that in a performance-based code environment,
including characteristics of the building, design intent, design and the Code will most likely define a performance objective or
construction team organization, constraints on design and project stakeholder objective,
schedule, proposed building construction and features, relevant
B.2.2.4 Define Design Objectives.
hazards, how the buildmg functions, occupant characteristics, and
so forth. Additional information that one might want to consider B. The stakeholder's objective must then be explicitly
could also include characteristics of the fire departments, historic stated and quantified in fire protection engineering terms that
preservation, building management, and describe how the objective will be achieved. This demands that
the design objectives be expressed quantitatively. See Table
applicable regulations. B. (a) through Table
B. The design objective provides a description of how

2022 Edition
the stakeholder's objective will be achieved in general fire B. Performance criteria provide a yardstick or threshold
protection engineering terms prior to this description being values that can measure a potential design's success in meeting
quantified. The general oþjective is then reduced to explicit and stakeholder objectives and their associated design objectives,
quantitative fire protection engineering terms. The explicit fire [25]
protection engineering objectives provide a performance
B. Quantification of the design objectives into performance
benchmark against which the predicted performance ofa
criteria involves determination of the various fire-induced stresses that
candidate design is evaluated.
are a reflection of the stated loss objectives. Performance criteria can

FIGURE B.2.1 Overview of the Performance-Based Design Process. [251

B.2.2.5 Define Performance Criteria. be expressed in various terms, including temperature, radiant flux, a
rate of heat release, or concentration of a toxic or corrosive species that
B. Once the design objective has been established,
must not be exceeded.
specific, quantitatively expressed criteria that indicate attainment
of the performance objective are developed, B. Once the design performance criteria are established,
appropriate safety factors are applied to obtain the Table
B. Design/Analysis Situation

2022 Edition
ANNEX B 72-381
Fire protection goal Provide continuity of operations (6) Potential ignition sources CF)
(7) Aesthetic or historic presetNation
Stakeholder's obj ective Prevent any interruption to business
operations in excess of 2 hours
Design objective Limit the temperature and the
concentration of I-ICI to
within acceptable levels for
continued operation of the
Performance criteria Provide detection such that
operation of a gaseous
suppression system will maintain
temperatures below xx9 C ( OF)
and I-ICI levels below _y_y ppm
Fire protection goal Provide protection of property Visibility above m (ft) CO
Stakeholder's objective No fire damage outside concentration below zz ppm for It
compartment of origin minutes
Design objective Limit the spread of flame to the
compartment of origin
Performance criteria Maintain upper layer temperature Table B. (b) Defining Goals and Objectives —Property
below xx C ( F) and radiation Protection

Building Type System Type Design/Analysis level to the floor below kW/m2
(Btu/sec•ft 2 ) to prevent flashover
New New Design
Existing New Design B.2.3 Phase 11 —System Design and Evaluation.
Existing Existing Analysis B.2.3.1 Develop fire Scenarios.
working design criteria. The working design criteria reflect the B. General.
performance that must be achieved by the detection system. This B. A fire scenario defines the development of a fire and
performance level must allow appropriate actions to be the spread of combustion products throughout a compartment or
undertaken (e.g., actuate suppression systems, occupants' egress, building. A fire scenario represents a set of fire conditions that
notify fire department, and so forth) to meet the objectives. An are deemed a threat to a building and its occupants and/or
acceptable fire detection system design provides the detection of contents, and, therefore, should be addressed in the design of the
the fire sufficiently early in its development to permit the other fire protection features of the structure. [251
fire protection systems to meet or exceed the relevant B. The process of developing a fire scenario is a
performance criteria established for those systems. combination of hazard analysis and risk analysis. The hazard
Table B. Defining Goals and Objectives—Life analysis identifies potential ignition sources, fuels, and fire
Safety development. Risk is the probability of occurrence multiplied by
the consequences of that occurrence. The risk analysis looks at
Fire protection goal Provide life safety the impact of the fire to the surroundings or target items.
Stakeholder's objective No loss of life within compartment B. The fire scenario should include a description of
of origin various conditions, including building characteristics, occupant
Design objective Maintain tenable conditions within characteristics, and fire characteristics. [25, 40]
the compartment of origin B. Building Characteristics. Building characteristics
Performance criteria Main tam: Temperatures below xx0 include the following:

2022 Edition

(I) Configuration (area; ceiling height; ceiling configuration,

such as flat, sloped beams; windows and doors, and ther-
(Note target items — that is, areas associated with
stakeholder objectives — along the expected route of spread
for flame, heat, or other combustion products.) Table B. Defining Goals and Objectives— Continuity
B. Occupant Characteristics. Occupant characteristics
include the following: of Operations
(1) Alertness (sleeping, awake, and
so forth)
(2) Age
(3) Mobility

(6) Responsiveness
(7) Familiarity with the building
B. Throughout the process identified as Phase I and I], (8) Mental challenges
communication should be maintained with the authorities
Human behavior plays a key role in life safety, as well as
havingjurisdiction (AHJs) to review and develop consensus on
with the other fire safety goals. (See SI'PE Engineering Guide
the approach being taken, It is recommended that this to Human Behaoior in Fire,) The possible actions that could be
communication commence as early in the design process as taken upon detecting a fire as well as how one reacts once they
possible. The AHJ should also be involved in the development hear an alarm need to be considered. These actions can include
of perfOrmance criteria. Often the acceptance of a alerting and rescuing other family mem bers, gathering
belongings, interpreting or verifying the message, shutting
performancebased design in lieu of a design based on a
down processes. They should also include a look at how
prescriptive approach relies on demonstrating equivalence. individuals respond on their own as well as in group situations.
This is called the comparative method, where the designer
Once these occupant characteristics and their beha\ior have
demonstrates that the performance-based design responds at
least as well as, if not better than, a system designed using a
prescriptive approach.
(4) Quantity and location within the

been analyzed, one might also want to determine evacuation

times. Numerous factors again need to be considered, including
number of occupants, distribution throughout the build-
ing, pre-movement times, motivation, state of wakefulness, B. Fire Characteristics.
familiarity, capacity, and layout of the means of egress.
B. Fire characteristics include the following;
Due to the nature of human behavior, it is difficult to
(1) Ignition sources — temperature, energy, time, and area of
accurately quantify the movements and evacuation times of
contact with potential fuels
occupants from a building. Thus, particular attention should be
given to assumptions and uncertainties assigned to these (2) Initial fuels
occupant characteristics. (a) State. Fuels can come in various states (i.e., solid,
liquid, or gas). Each state can have very different

2022 Edition
ANNEX B 72-383

combustion characteristics (i.e., a solid block of Overheating of a resistor leads to the ignition of a printed
wood versus wood shavings versus wood dust) circuit board and interconnecting cabling. This leads to a fire
(b) Ijpe and quantity of fuel. A fire's development and that quickly extends up into the above-ceiling space containing
duration depends also on what is burning. power and communications cabling. The burning of this
Cellulosic-based materials burn quite differently cabling produces large quantities of dense, acrid smoke and
compared to plastics, or flammable liquids, in terms corrosive products of combustion that spread throughout the
of producing different fire growth rates, heat release computer suite. This causes the loss of essential computer and
rates, and products of combustion. telecommunications services for 2 months.
(c) Fuel configuration. The geometrical arrangement of B. 2.3.2 Develop DesigT1 Fires.
the fuel can also influence the fire growth rate and
heat release rate. A wood block will burn very B- General.
differently from a wood crib, as there is more B. The design fire is the fire the system is intended to
surface area and ventilation, and radiation feedback detect. When specifying a design fire, the specifics regarding
between the combustible materials is increased. the ignition, growth, steady-state output (if appropriate), and
(d) Fuel location. The location of the fuel (i,e., against decay of the fire are expressed quantitatively.
wall, in corner, in open, against the ceiling) will
influence the development of the fire. Fires in the There are numerous analysis techniques available to identify
corner of a room or against a wall will typically fire scenarios. These can typically fall into one of two
grow faster than a fire located in the center of a categories: probabilistic or deterministic.
room. Probabilistic approaches typically relate to the statistical
Heal release rate. The rate at which heat is released likelihood that ignition will occur, and the resultant outcome if
depends on the fuel's heat of combustion, the mass a fire does occur. Probabilistic approaches could use the
loss rate, the combustion efficiency, and the amount following as sources of data:
of incident heat flux. The mass loss rate also directly
relates to the production rate of smoke, toxic gases, (1) Fire statistics (ignition, first items ignited, and so on)
and other products of combustion. (2) Past history
(f) Fire growth rata Fires grow at various rates that are (3) Hazmxl/failure analysis
dependent on type of fuel, configuration, and amount (4) Failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA)
of ventilation. Some fires such as confined flammable (5) Event trees
liquid fires might not be growing fires as then burning (G) Fault trees
area is fixed, These are referred to as steady state fires. (7) HAZOP studies
The faster a fire develops, the faster the temperature (8) Cause-consequence analysis
rises, and the faster the products of combustion are
produced. Deterministic approaches use analysis or engineering
(g) Production rate of combustion products (smoke, CO, judgment that is based on chemistry, physics, or correlations
C02, etc.). As the characteristics of various fuels vary; based on experimental data.
so will the type of quantity of materials generated The selection of the design fire scenario and the supporting
during combustion, Species production rates can be analysis techniques should be appropriate to the premise or
estimated with species yields, which are representa- processes. Inappropriate scenario selection or analysis can
tive of the mass of species produced per mass of fuel result in conservative designs that are not economical or
loss. designs with unacceptably high risks.
(3) Secondary fuels proximity to initial fuels; amount; B. Fire development varies depending on the
distribution, ease of ignitibility (see initialfuels); and combustion characteristics of the fuel or fuels involved, the
extension potential (beyond compartment, structure, area, physical configuration of the fuels, the availability of
if outside) combustion air, and the influences due to the compartment,
B. An example of a fire scenario in a computer room Once a stable flame is attained, most fires grow in an
might be follows. accelerating pattern (see Figure, reach a steady
state characterized by a maximum heat release rate, and then
The computer room is 9.1 m x 6 m (30 ft x 20 ft) and 2.8 m enter into a decay period as the availability of either fuel or
(8 ft) high. It is occupied 12 hours a day, 5 days a week. The combustion air becomes limited. Fire growth and development
occupants are mobile and familiar with the building. There are are limited by factors such as quantity of fuel, arrangement of
no fixed fire suppression systems protecting this location. The fuel, quantity of oxygen, and the effect of manual and
fire department is capable of responding to the scene in G automatic suppression systems.
minutes, and an additional 15 minutes for fire ground evolution
is needed. For design fires with a smoldering period, very little data are
available. The design engineer should, therefore, be carefill in

2022 Edition

specifying the duration of this period. The fire growth rate of The area is 3.05 m x 3.05 m (10 ft x 10 ft), or 9.29 m2 (100 ft2
flaming fires is determined by a variety of factors, including the ). Using equation B. I to determine the heat release rate yields the
following: fOllowing:
( I ) Type of fuel and ease of ignition 3745 x 9.29 = 34,791 kW (330 x 100 = 33,000 Btu/sec)
(2) Fuel configuration and orientation As indicated in the Table B.2.3.2.G.2(a), this fire generally
(3) Location of secondary fuel packages produces a medium to fast fire growth rate, reaching 1055 kW
(4) Proximity of fire to walls and corners (1000 Btu/sec) in approximately 90 to 190 seconds,
(5) Ceiling height B. fire Growth Rate.
(6) Ventilation
B.2.g.2.3.1 Fires can also be defined by their growth rate or the
It is important to note when using heat release data that the time (IQ) it takes for the fire to reach a given heat release rate.
fuel burning as well as the compartment in which it is burning Previous research [16] has shown that most fires grow
need to be considered together. A couch can produce sufficient exponentially and can be expressed by what is termed the •power
heat to cause flashover in a small compartment, whereas this law fire growth model"•
same couch placed in a large compartment with high ceilings can
cause a limited fire and never reach flashover.
Several sources for developing design fires should be reviewed,
including SIPE Handbook of Fire Pmtection Engineering [411; NFPA
101; NIPA 5006', and Enginee,ing Guide to Performance Based Fire where:
Protection 401. Q = heat release rate (kW or Btu/sec)
B. Designers might also need to consider fires that might t — time (seconds)
be related to extreme events, These can either be fires used to
trigger extreme events, or post-extreme-event-induced fires. If B. In fire protection, fuel packages are often described
these are deemed credible, then designers should take these into as having a growth time This is the time necessary after the
consideration as design fires and also with respect to the overall ignition with -a stable flame for the fuel package to attain a heat
reliability, redundancy, and robustness of the detection system to release rate of 1055 kW (1000 Btu/sec), The following equations
function during these types of events. 1541 describe the growth Of design fires:
B. Heat Release Rates.
B. Fires can be characterized by their rate of heat [
release, measured in terms of the number of kW (Btu/sec) of heat 1055
liberated. Typical maximum heat release rates (Q) for a number — F (for SI units)
of different fuels and fuel configurations are provided in Table
B. and Table B. The heat release rate of or
a fire can be described as a product of a heat release density and
fire area using the following equation: [B.]
[B.] (for inch-pound units)
where: and thus
Qw = maximum or peak heat release rate [kW (Btu/sec) q
= heat release rate density per unit floor area 1B.]
Q— ate
(Btu/ sec 'ft2 )] floor area of'
the fuel (ft2 ) I whe re:
B. The following example is provided: A particular Q = heat release rate I kW or (Btu/sec)] a = fire growth rate
hazard analysis is to be based on a fire scenario involving a 3.05 [1055/ t: (kW/sec2 ) or 1000/1 2 (Btu/sec
m x 3.05 m (10 ft x 10 ft) stack of wood pallets stored 1.5 m (5
fire growth time to reach 1055 kW (1000 Btu/sec) after
ft) high. Approximately what peak heat release rate can be
established burning t = time after established burning occurs
From Table B., the heat release rate density (q) for
B. Table B.å) and Table B. provide
1.5 m (5 ft) high wood pallets is approximately 3745 kW/m2 (330
values for t the time necessary to reach a heat release rate of 1055
(1000 Btu/sec), {Or a variety of materials in various


B. Test data from 40 furniture calorimeter tests, as

Fire Growth
Rate Growth Time (ig) cy (kW/sec2) ct (Btu/sec3)
Slow 400 sec 0.0066 0,0063
Medium 150 < 400 sec 0.0469 0.0063 < 0.0445
Fast 1.50 sec 0.0469 > 0.0445
indicated in Table B., have been used to
independently verify the power law fire growth model, Q = at 2,
1141 For reference, the table contains the test numbers used in
the originai MST reports.
The virtual time of origin (It,) is the time at which a stable
flame had appeared and the fires began to obey the power law
fire growth model. Prior to to, the fuels might have smoldered
but did not burn vigorously with an open flame, The model
curves are then predicted by the following equations:

o 100 200 300 400 500

tv-50 Time (sec)

FIGURE B. Test 38, Foam Sofa. (Courtesy ofR. P.

Schiflliti Associates, Inc. )
Table B. Power LawHeat Release Rates
that established burning occurs until the fire reaches a heat
(for SI units) release rate of 1055 kW (1000 Btu/sec). Table B. results
or from using,3.2. [See Table
B. name Height.
[B.2.g.2.3.4c1 B. There are a number of flame height to heat release
rate correlations available that can be used to determine an
appropriate design fire. The differences in the various
(for inch-pound units) correlations arise from the different data sets and curve-fitting
methods used by the researchers. One such correlation is shown
in Figure It indicates that flame height and fire heat
Q = heat release rate [kW or (Btu/sec) release rate are directly related. [21 The lines in Figure
— fire growth rate [1055/ t; (kW/sec2) or 1000/1 2 B. were derived from the following equation:
(Btu/ sec* ) I
— fire growth time to reach 1055 kW (1000 Btu/sec)
t time after established burning occurs (seconds) tv = [B.
virtual time of origin (seconds)
B. Figure is an example of actual test data (for SI units)
with a power law curve superimposed.
B. For purposes Of this annex, fires are classified as
being either slow-, medium-, or fast-developing from the time

(for inch-pound units)

where h/ = flame height (m

or ft)
= wall effect factor
Q = heat release rate (kW or Btu/ sec)
Where there are no nearby walls, use k = 1.

2022 Edition
Where the fuel package is near a wall, use 2, Another correlation has been derived by Drysdale [421:
Where the fuel package is in a corner, use 4.
B. The following example is provided: What is the
average flame height of a fire with a heat release rate of 1055 kW 1 0.235Q -1.021)
(1000 Btu/sec) located in the middle of a compartment?
From Figure, find the heat release rate on the I = the flame height (m)
abscissa and read estimated flame height from the ordinate, or
use equation or Q = the convective heat release rate (kW)
D the diameter of the fuel bed
[B. h/ These correlations will not produce the same prediction when
= (for SI units) or used for exactly the same input data. There is inherent
uncertainty in the calculated flame height due to the fact that
the flaming combustion in the diffusion regime is a dynamic
[B. phenomenon. The designer should run multiple predictions with
bounding values to address the inherent uncertainty of the
h= (for inch-pound units)
B. Selection of Critical Fire Size. Because all fire control
means require a finite operation time, there is a critical
difference between the time at which the fire must be detected
and the time at which it achieves the magnitude of the design
fire. Even though a fire has been detected, this does not mean
that it stops growing. Fires typically grow exponentially until
they become ventilation controlled, and limited by the
availability of fuel, or until some type of fire suppression or
extinguishment is commenced. Figure B. shows that
there can be a significant increase in the heat release rate with
only a small change in time due to the exponential growth rate
of fire.
B. Once the design objectives and the design fire have
been established, the designer will need to establish two points
on the design fire curve: QUO and QR.
B. represents the heat release rate, or product release
rate, which produces conditions representative of the design
objective. This is the "design fire." However, does not represent
the point in time at which detection is needed, Detection must
occur sufficiently early in the development of the fire to allow
for any intrinsic reaction time of the detection as well as the
operation time for fire suppression or extinguishing systems.
There will be delays in both detection of the fire as well as the
response of equipment, or persons, to the alarm.
B. A critical fire size ( QR) is identified on the curve that
FIGURE Heat Release Rate vs. name Height. accounts for the delays in detection and response, This point
represents the maximum permissible fire size at which
detection must occur that allows appropriate actions to be
taken to keep the fire from exceeding the design objective
h = 0.182(1x1.055 or
B. Delays are inherent in both the detection system as
[B. well as in the response of the equipment or people that need to
h = 0.5840 Btu/secr or react once a fire is detected. Delays associated with the
detection system include a lag in the transport. of combustion
products from the fire to the detector and response time lag of
the detector, alarm verification time, processing time of the
h -2.8 m (9.25ft)
detector, and processing time of the control unit. Delays are also

possible With an automatic fire extinguishing system(s) or B. Unless conditions that limit the availability of
suppression system (s). Delay can be introduced by alarm combustion air or fuel exist, neither the growth of the fire nor the
verification or crossed zone detection systems, filling and resultant damage stop until fire suppression begins, The
discharge times of preaction systems, delays in agent release time needed to execute each step of the fire response sequence of
required for occupant evacuation (e.g., C02 systems) , and the actions must be quantified and documented. When designing a
time required to achieve extinguishment. detection system, the sum of the time needed for each step in the
response sequence (laday) must be subtracted from the time at
which the fire attains the design objective (too) in order to
determine the latest time and fire size (QUR) in the fire
Without development at which detection can occur and still achieve the
Qoo system design objective.
B. The fire scenarios and design fires selected should
include analysis of best and worst-case conditions and their
likelihood of occurring. It is important to look at different
condiLions and situations and their effects on response.
B. Data Sources. To produce a design fire curve, information is
needed regarding the burning characteristics of the object(s)
involved. Data can be obtained from either technical literature or
suppression suppression by conducting small or large scale calorimeter tests.
Time B. Some information is contained in Figure
and Table B. through Table B. 2.326.2(e).
FIGURE B. Critical and Design Objective Heat Release B. Graphs of heat release data from the 40 furniture
Rates vs. Time. calorimeter tests can be found in Investigation of a New Sprinkler
B. Occupants do not always respond immediately to a Sensitivity Approt'al Test: The Plunge Test [81. Best fit power
fire alarm. The following must be accounted for when evaluating law fire growth curves have been superimposed on the graphs.
occupant safety issues: Data from these curves can be used with this guide to design or
analyze fire detection systems that are intended to respond to
(1) Time expected for occupants to hear the alarm (due to
similar items burning under a flat ceiling. Table is a
sleeping or manufacturing equipment
summary of the data.
(2) Time to decipher the message (e.g., voice alarm system)
(3) Time to decide whether to leave (get dressed, gather B. In addition to heat release rate data, the original NIST
belongings, call security) reports [31 contain data on particulate conversion and radiation
(4) Time to travel to an exit from the test specimens. These data can be used to determine the
threshold fire size (heat release rate) at which tenability becomes
B. Response of the fire department or fire brigade to a endangered or the point at which additional fuel packages might
fire incident involves several different actions that need to occur become involved in the fire.
sequentially before containment and extinguishment efforts of
the fire can even begin. These actions should also be taken into B. The Handbook [221, SFPE
account to properly design detection systems that meet the design Handbook o/ Fire Protection Engineering, and Upholstered
objectives. These actions typically include the following: Furniture Heat Release Rates Measured with a Furniture
Calorimeter [31 contain fiurther information on heat release rates
(1) Detection (detector delays, control unit delays, and so and fire growth rates.
(2) Notification to the monitoring station (remote, central B. Technical literature searches can be performed using
station, proprietary, and so forth) a number of resources including FIREDOG, a document base of
(3) Notification of the fire department fire literature that is maintained by NIST,
(4) Alarm handling time at the fire department A series of design fire curves are included as part of
(5) Turnout time at the station the "FASTLite" computer program available from MST.
(G) Travel time to the incident B. In addition, there are various organizations
(7) Access to the site conducting tests and posting results of various test data on their
(8) Set-up time on site websites, including the UK's British Research Establishment
(9) Access to building (BRE) , Worcester Polytechnic Institute, and MST's FASTData
(10) Access to fire floor Fire Test Database.
(11) Access to area of involvement B. 2.3.3 Develop and Evaluate Candidate Fire Detection
(12) Application of extinguishant on the fire Systems.

2022 Edition
B. Once the design objectives, the potential fire scenarios,
and the room characteristics are well understood, the designer
can select an appropriate detection strategy to detect the fire
before its critical fire size (Qt.,) is reached. Important factors to
consider include the type of detector, its sensitivity to expected
fire signatures, its alarm threshold level and required duration at
that threshold, expected installed location (e.g., distance from
fire, or below ceiling), and freedom from nuisance response to
expected ambient conditions. (See Chapter 17 and Annex A.)
B. The concept of wavelength is extremely important in
selecting the proper detector for a particular application. There
isa precise interrelation between the wavelength of light being
emitted from a flame and the combustion chemistry producing
the flame. Specific subatomic, atomic, and molecular events
yield radiant energy of specific wavelengths. For example,
ultraviolet photons are emitted the result of the complete loss of
electrons or very large changes in electron energy levels. During
combustion, molecules are violently torn apart by the chemical
reactivity of oxygen, and electrons are released in the process,
recombining at drastically lower energy levels, thus giving rise
to ultraviolet radiation. Visible radiation is generally the result of
smaller changes in electron energy levels within the molecules of
fuel, flame intermediates, and products of combustion. Infrared
radiation comes from the vibration of molecules or parts of
molecules when they are in the superheated state associated with
combustion. Each chemical compound exhibits a group of
wavelengths at which it is resonant. These wavelengths
constitute the chemical's infrared spectrum, which is usually
unique to that chemical.
This interrelationship between wavelength and combustion
chemistry affects the relative perfOrmance of various types of
detectors with respect to various fires.
ANNEX B 72-389

Table B.
Maximum Heat Release Rates — Warehouse Materials

Growth Time Heat Release Density (q)

Warehouse Materials (tg) (sec) kW/m2 Btu/sec•ft2 Classification

I Wood pallets, stack, 0.46 m ft) high moisture) 150-310 1,248 110 fast—medium
2. Wood pallets, stack, 1.52 m (5 ft) high -moisture) 90-190 3,745 330 fast
3. Wood pallets, stack, 3.05 m (10 ft) high (6%—12% moisture) 80-110 6,810 600 fast
stack, 4.88 75-105 10,214 900 fast
4. Wood pallets, m (16 ft) high moisture)
5. Mail bags, filled, stored 1.52 m (5 ft) high 190 397 35 medium
6. Cartons, compartmented, stacked 4.57 m (15 ft) high 60 2,270 200 fast
7. Paper, vertical rolls, stacked 6.10 m (20 ft) high 15-28
acrylic/nyIon/PE), garments
3.66 m (12 ft) high racks
9. Cartons on pallets, rack storage, 4.57 m—9.14 m (15 ft-—30 40-280 fast—medium
ft) high
10. Paper products, densely packed in cartons, rack storage, 470 slow
6.10 m (20 ft) high
I l. PE letter trays, filled, stacked 1.52 m (5 ft) high on cart 190 8,512 750 medium
12. PE trash barrels in cartons, stacked 4.57 m (15 ft) high 55 2,837 250 fast
13. FRP shower stalls in cartons, stacked 4.57 m (15 ft) high 85 1,248 110 fast
14. PE bottles, packed in item 6 85 6,242 550 fast
15. PE bottles in cartons, stacked 4.57 m (15 ft) high 75 1,929 170 fast
16. PE pallets, stacked 0.91 m (3 ft) high 130 fast

17. PE pallets, stacked 1.83 m—2.44 m (6 ft—8 ft) high 30-55 fast

18. PLI mattress, single, horizontal 110 fast

19. PE insulation board, rigid foam, stacked 4.57 m (15 ft) high 8 1,929 170

20. PSjars, packed in item 6 55 13,619 1 ,200 fast

21. PS tubs nested in cartons, stacked 4.27 m (14 ft) high 105 5,107 450 fast
22. PS toy parts in cartons, stacked 4.57 m (15 fì) high 110 2,042 180 fast
8. Cotton (also PE, PE/ cot, in

2022 Edition

23. PS insulation board, rigid, stacked 4,27 m (14 ft) high 7 3,291 290
24. PVC bottles, packed in item 6 9 3,405 300
25. PP tubs, packed in item 6 10 390 26. PP and PE film in rolls, stacked 4.27 m (14 ft) high
40 3,972 350
27. Distilled spirits in barrels, stacked 6,10 m (20 ft) high
28. Methyl alcohol 738 65
29. Gasoline2,270 200
30. Kerosene2,270 200
31. Diesel oil2,043 180
PE: Polyethylene. PS: Polystyrene. PVC: Polyvinyl chloride. PP: Polvpropylene. PU: Polyurethane. FRP: Fiberglass-reinfòrced polyester.
Note: The heat release rates per unit floor area are for fully involved combustibles, assuming 100 percent combustion efficiency. The growth
times shown are those required 10 exceed 1000 Btu/ sec heat release rate fordeveloping fires, assuming 100 percent combustion efficiencv.
*Fire growth rate exceeds design data.

Table B. Maximum Heat Release Rates from Fire Detection Institute Analysis

Approximate Values
Materials kW Btu/ sec
Medium wastebasket with milk cartons 105 100
Large barrel with milk cartons 148
Upholstered chair with polyurethane foam 369 350
Latex foam mattress (heat at room door) 1265 1200
Furnished living room (heat at open door) 4217-8435 4000-8000

Table B. Unit Heat Release Rates for Fuels Solid polystyrene (horizontal) 1362/m2 Of surface
in the Open Solid polypropylene (vertical)
0.6m (2 ft) height 218/111 63/fC of width
Heat Release Rate 1.8m (6fi) height 346/m 100 /fi Of
Commodity Btu/sec
2.4m (S ft) height 969/ m 280/ft of-width
Flammable liquid pool 3291 290/ti2 Of 3.7m (12 ft) height 1626/111 470/ft or-width
surface Solid polypropylene 795/1112 70/ftù of surface
Flammable liquid spray 557/Lprn 2000/ gpm Of flow (horizon Cal)
Pallet stack 34591m 1000/ft of The technical concepts of availability and reliability are
Wood or PMMA* (vertical) height based on a knowledge of and means to assess the following:
0.6m (2 ft) height 104/m go/ft of width (1) All posible system failure modes in the specified
1.8m (6 ft) height 242/m Of width application environment
2.4 (8 ft) height 623/m 180 /ft Of (2) The probability (or rate) of occurrence of a system failure
width mode
3.7m (12 fit) height 1038/rn 300/ft of width (3) The cause and effect of each failure mode on the
Wood or PMMA* functionality oft-he system
Top of horizontal surface 715/m 63/ft2 of surface (4) Efficient failure detection and location
Solid polystyrene (vertical) (5) The efficient restorability of the failed system
0.6m (2 ft) height 218/m 63/ft of width (6) Economic maintenance over the required life cycle of the
1.8m (6 ft) height 450/ m 130 /ft of width system
2.4m (8 ft) height 1384/m 400 ,/ft of width (7) Human factors issues regarding safety during inspection,
3.7m (12 ft) height 2352/111 680/ft of width testing, and main tenance
B. Reliability of the detection system and individual
*Polymethyl methacrylate. components should be computed and included in the selection
[92B: Table El, 1995.] and evaluation of the candidate fire detection system. A
performance-based alternative design cannot be deemed

2022 Edition
ANNEX B 72-391

Table B.
performance-equivalent unless the alternative design provides In addition to the preceding operational and response
comparable reliability to the prescriptive design it is intended characteristiœs that need to be considered, there might be
to replace. limitations set on the amount of disruption, visibility, or the
impact the system will have on the space in which it is to be
Reliability studies can be part of RAMS studies (i.e.,
installed. This is particularly important in heritage-type
reliability; availability, maintainability, and safety). RANIS is
buildings where one would want these to be as unobtrusive as
a tool that is used to manage dependability in "mission critical"
possible, yet not require ripping down ornate ceilings to install.
systems. These are all factors that should be considered to
ensure the system will continue to operate as designed, as well B. 2.3.4 Select and Document Final Design.
as provide ease of recommended maintenance and technician
B. The last step in the process is the preparation of
safety during maintenance.
design documentation and equipment and installation
The basis of RAMS is a systematic process, based on the system specifications.
life cycle and tasks within it, that does the following:
B. These documents should encompass the following
(1) Assists the client to specify system requirements, in terms information [25]:
of dependability, from a general mission statement to
(1) Participants in the process — persons involved, their
availability targets for systems, subsystems, and
qualifications, function, responsibility, interest, and
components (including software)
(2) Assesses proposed designs, using formal RAMS techni-
(2) Scope Of work — purpose of conducting the analysis or
ques, to see how targets are met and where objectives are design, part of the building evaluated, assumptions, and
not achieved so forth.
(3) Provides a means to make recommendations to designers (3) Design approach — approach taken, where and why
and a system Of hazard logging, to record and eventually assumptions were made, and engineering tools and
B. Various methods are available to evaluate whether a methodologies applied.
candidate design will achieve the previously established (4) Project information — hazards, risks, construction type;
performance criteria. Some methods are presented in Sections materials, building use, layout, existing systems,
13.3, B.4, and 13.5. occupant characteristics, and so forth.
B. Candidate designs developed in the context of (5) Goals and objectives — agreed upon goals and
comparison evaluation might require comparing the response objectives, how they were developed, who agreed
of' the detection system designed using a performance-based to them and when.
approach to that of a prescriptive-based design. It could also be (6) Performance criteria — clearly identify performance
evaluated against acceptance criteria previously established criteria and related objective(s), including any safety,
with applicable stakeholders, reliability, or uncertainty factors applied, and support for
"check off' identified necessary actions Fire scenarios and design fires — description of fire
(7) scenarios used, bases for selecting and rejecting fire
these factors where necessary. scenarios, assumptions, and restrictions.
Characteristics of Ignition Sources

Typical Heat Output name Height Flame Width Maximum Heat Flux
w Btu/sec (sec) mm in. mm in. kW/m2 Btu/sec • ft2

2022 Edition
Cigarette 1.1 g (not puffCd, laid on solid surface)

Bone dry 5 0.0047 1200 42 3.7

Conditioned to 50% relative humidity 5 0.0047 1200 35 3.1

Methenarnine pill, 0.15 g (0.0053 oz) 45 0.043 90 4 0.35

Match, wooden, laid on solid surtace Wood 80 0.076 20-30 30 1.1S 14 0.092 18-20 1.59-
cribs, BS 5852 Pan 2 1.76
NO. 4 crib, 1,000 0.95 190 1.32

8.5 g (0.3 oz)

No. 5 crib, 17 g (0.6 oz) 1,900 1.80 20017d 1.50 No. 6 crib, 60 g (2.1 02) 2,600 2.46 19020d 1.76 No. 7 crib,
126 g (4.4 oz) 6,400 6.07 3502 fid 2.20
Crumpled brown lunch bag, 6 g (0.21 oz) 1,200 1.14 80 Crumpled wax paper, 4.5 g (0.16
oz) (tight) 1,800 1.71 25
Crumpled wax paper, 4.5 g (0.16 oz) (loose) 5,300 5.03 20
Folded double-sheet newspaper, 22 g (0.78 02) 4,000 3.79 100
(bottom ignition)
Crumpled double-sheet newspaper, 22 g (0.78 7,400 7.02
on) (top ignition)
Crumpled double-sheet newspaper, 22 g (O. 17,000 16.12
78 02) (bottom ignition) 20
Polyethylene wastebasket, 285 g (10.0 oz) , filled 50,000 47.42 200b 550 21.7 200 7.9 350 3.08
with 12 milk cartons 1390 g (13.8 oz.))
Plastic trash bags, filled with cellulosic trash 113,81- 200b
11.2-14 kg (42.3—493 oz)j e 350,000 331.96

Note: Based on Table B53(b) ofNFPA 92, 2012 edition.

aTime duration of significant flaming.

bTotal burn time in excess of 1800 seconds.

CAS measured on sunulauon burner.

Measured from 25 mm away.

(8) Design alternative(s) — describe design alternative (s) Critical design assumptions should include all
chosen, basis for selecting and rejecting design alterna- assumptions that -need to be maintained throughout the

five(s), heat release rate, assumptions, and limitations. life cycle of the building so that the design functions as
comparison of results
[This step should withthe
include thespecific
designcriteria and
objective features
intended.and parameters that need to be maintained
design objectives,
(Q,o) and and a heat
the critical discussion of rate
release the sensitivity
(QCR) used,of (15) throughout the life
Critical design of the—building
features so that the
should include the design
the selected design alternative to changes in the build- functions as intended.

ing use, contents, fire characteristics, occupants, and so (16) Operations and maintenance manual — an operation

forth,] and maintenance manual should be developed that

(9) Engineering tools and methods used — description of clearly states the requirements for ensuring that the

engineering tools and methods used in the analysis or components of the performance-based design are

design, including appropriate references (literature, correctly in place and functioning as designed. All

date, software version, and so forth), assumptions, limita- subsystems should be identified, as well as their opera-

tions, engineeringjudgments, input data, validation data tion and interaction with the fire detection system, It
or procedures, and sensitivity analyses. should also include maintenance and testing frequen-

(10) Drawings and specifications detailed design and cies, methods, and forms. The importance of testing

2022 Edition
ANNEX B 72-393

Table B.
installation drawings and specification. interconnected systems should be detailed (i.e., elevator
(11) Test, inspection, and maintenance requirements (see recall, suppression systems, HVAC shutdown, and so
Chapter 14), (17) Inspection, testing, maintenance, and commissioning
(12) Fire safety management concerns — allowed contents requirements for commissioning of systems and any

and materials in the space in order for the design to special procedures or test methods — should be docu-

function properly, training, education, and so forth. mented as well as testing, and maintenance
(13) References — software documentation, technical litera- procedures to address the design as well as any pertinent

ture, reports, technical data sheets, fire test results, and features or systems that need to be assessed.
•Results vary greatly with packing density.

so fOrth.
Table B. Furniture HeatRe1ease Rates [3, 14, 16]

Maximum Heat
Fire Growth Rate (ex) Virtual Time Release Rates

15 Metal wardrobe, 41.4 kg (91.3 1b) 50 lhs t 0.4220 0.4002 10 750 711
( total)
18 Chair 1733 (trial love seat), 29.2 kg 400 Slow 0.0066 0.0063 140 950 901
(64.4 1b)
19 Chair 1721, 28.15 kg (62.01 1b) 175 medium 0.0344 0.0326 110 350 332
19 ChairF21, 28.15 kg (62.01 1b) 50 fast 0.4220 0.4002 190 2000 1897

22 Chair F24, 28.3 kg (62.4 1b) 350 edinm 0.0086 0.0082 400 700 664
23 Chair F23, 31.2 kg (68.8 1b) 400 slow 0.0066 0.0063 100 700 664
24 Chair F22, 31.2 kg (68.8 1b) 2000 slow 0.0003 0.0003 150 285

25 ChairF2G, 19.2 kg (42.3 1b) 200 medium 0.0264 0.0250 800 759

26 Chair F27, 29.0 kg (63.9 1b) 200 medi um 0.0264 0.0250 360 900 854
27 Chair F29, 14.0 kg (30.9 1b) 100 fast o. 1055 0.1001 70 1850 1755
28 Chair F28, 29.2 kg (64.4 1b) 425 slow 0.0058 0.0055 90 700 664
29 Chair F25, 27.8 kg (61.3 1b) (later) 60 fast 0.2931 0.2780 175 700 664
29 Chair F25, 27.8 kg (61.3 1b) 100 fast 0.1055 0.1001 100 2000 1897
30 Chair F30, 25.2 kg (55.6 1b) 60 fast 0.2931 0.2780 70 950 901
31 Chair F31 (love seat) , 39.6 kg 60 fast 0.2931 0.2780 145 2600 2466
(87.3 1b)
37 Chair FBI (love seat), 40.4 kg 80 fast 0.1648 0.1563 100 2750 2608
(89.1 1b)

2022 Edition

38 Chair F32 (sofa), 51.5 kg (113.5 1b) 100 fast 0.1055 0.1001 50 3000 2845
1/2 in. plywood wardrobe with
39 35 0.8612 0.8168 20 3250 3083

Test Time (to

fabrics, 68.5 kg (151.0 1b)

40 in. plywood wardrobe with 35 0.8612 0.8168 40 3500 3320
Fabrics, 68.32 kg (150.6 1b)
41 in. plywood wardrobe with 0.6594 0.6254 40 6000 5691
fablåcs, 36.0 kg (79.4 1b)
42 in. plywood wardrobe with 70 fast 0.2153 0.2042 50 2000 1897
fireretardant interior finish
(initial growth )
1/8 in. plywood wardrobe with fire
42 1.1722 1.1118 100 5000 4742
interior finish (later growth )

43 Repeat Of 1/2 in. plywood wardrobe, 30 1.1722 1.1118 50 3000 2845

67.62 kg (149.08 1b)
44 in. plywood wardrobe With 90 fast o. 1302 0.1235 30 2900 2751
fireretardant latex paint, 37.26 kg
45 Chair F21 , 28.34 kg (62.48 1b) 100 0.1055 0.1001 120 2100 1992
46 Chair F21, 28.34 kg (62.48 1b) 45 0.5210 0.4941 130 2600 2466

47 Orair, adj. back metal [Fame, foam 170 medium 0.0365 0.0346 30 250 237
No. Item/Description/Mass (sec) Classification kW/sec2 Btu/sec3 (tv) (sec) kW Btu/sec

21 Metal wardrobe, 40.8 kg (90.0 1b) 250 medium 0.0169 0.0160 10 250 237
(total) (initial)

2022 Edition
ANNEX B 72-395

Table B.
21 Metal wardrobe, 40.8 kg (90.0 1b) 120 Fast 0.0738 0.0695 60 250 2M
(total) (average)
21 Metal wardrobe, 40.8 kg (90.01b) 100 fast 0.1055 0.1001 30 140 133
(total) (later)
cushions, 20.82 kg (45.90 1b)

48 Easy chair C07, 11.52 kg (25.40 1b) 175 medium 0.0344 0.0326 90 950 901
49 Easy chair F34, 15.68 kg (34.57 1b) 200 medium 0.0264 0.0250 50 200 190

50 Chair, metal frame, minimum cushion, 200 medium 0.0264 0.0250 120 gooo 2845
16.52 kg (36.42 1b)
Chair, molded fiberglass, no 120 0.0733 0.0695 20 35 33
cushion, 5.28 kg (11.64 1b)


Maximum Heat
Test Time (tg) Fire Growth Rate (a) Virtual Time Release Rates
No. Item/Descñption /Mass (sec) Classification kW/ see Btu/seë (tv) (sec) Btu/sec
52 Molded plastic patient chair, 275 medium 0.0140 0.0133 2090 700 664
11.26 kg (24.82 1b)
53 Chair, metal frame, padded scat and 350 medi um 0.0086 0.0082 50 280 266
back, 15.54 kg (34.26 1b)
54 Love seat, metal frame, fOarn 500 slow 0.0042 0.0040 210 285
cushions, 27.26 kg (60.10 1b)
56 Chair, wood frame, latex foam 500 slow 0.0042 0.0040 50 85 81

cushions, 11.2 kg (24.69 1b)

57 Love seat, wood frame, foam 350 medium O. 0086 0.0082 500 1000 949
cushions, 54.6 kg (120.37 1b)
61 Wardrobe, 3/1 in. particleboard, 150 medium 0.0469 1200 1138
120.33 kg (265.28 1b)
62 Bookcase, plywood with aluminum 65 fast 0.2497 0.2368 40 25 24
frame, 30.39 kg (67.00 1b)
64 Easy chair, molded flexible urethane 1000 Slow 0.0011 0.0010 750 450 427
frame, 15.98 kg
66 Easy chair, 23.02 kg (50.75 1b) fitst 0.1827 0.1733 3700 569

67 Mattress and box spring, 62.36 kg 350 medium 0.0086 0.0082 400 500 474
(137.481b) (later)
67 Mattress and box spring, 62.36 kg 1100 slow 0.0009 0.0009 90 400 379
(137.481b) (initial)

Note: For tests 19, 21, 29, 42, and 67, different power law curves were used to model the initial and the latter realms of burning. In examples such as
these, engineers should choose the fire growth parameter that best describes the realm of burning to which the detection system is bemg designed to
respond. B.2.3.5 Management. It is important to ensure that the systems
o *Fire growth exceeds design data.
are designed, installed, commissioned, maintained, and tested on
regular intervals as indicated in Chapter 14. In addition, the

2022 Edition

person conducting the testing and inspections should be aware of phenomena that, in general, are considered unlikely to have a
the background of the design and the need to evaluate not only significant influence. A discussion of ceiling drag, heat loss to
the detector and whether it operates but also be aware of changing the ceiling, radiation to the detector from a fire, reradiation of
conditions including the following; (l) Changes in hazard being heat from a detector to its surroundings, and the heat of fusion of
protected eutectic materials in fusible elements of heat detectors and their
(2) Location of the hazard changes possible limitations on the design method are provided in
(3) Other hazards introduced into the area References 4, 11 16, and 18 in K 1.2.19.
(4) Ambient environment B.3.1.4 The methodology in Section B.3 does not address the
(5) Invalidity of any of the design assumptions effects of ceiling projections, such as beams and joists, on
B.3 Evaluation of Heat Detection System Performance. detector response. MAÄile it has been shown that these
components of a ceiling have a significant effect on the response
B.3.1 General. Section 13.3 provides a method for determining of heat detectors, research has not yet resulted in a simplified
the application spacing for both fixed-temperature heat detectors method for quantifying this effect. The prescriptive adjustments
(including sprinklers) and rate-oprise heat detectors. This method to detector spacing in Chapter 17 should be applied to application
is valid only for use when detectors are to be placed on a large, spacings derived from this methodology. Computational fluid
flat ceiling. It predicLs detector response to a geometrically dynamics (CFI)) programs are axailable and can assist in
growing flaming fire at a specific fire size, This method takes analyzing the fire and development and spread of heat and
into account the effects of ceiling height, radial distance between smoke, as well as the potential effects of varying ceiling
the detector and the fire, threshold fire size [critical heat release configurations and characteristics including sloped and beamed
rate (L) l, rate of fire development, and detector response time ceilings.
index. For fixed-temperature detectors, the ambient temperature
and the temperature rating of the detector are also considered. B.3.2 Considerations Regarding Input Data.
This method also allows for the adjustment of the application B.3.2.1 Required Data. The data listed in and
spacing for fixed-temperature heat detectors to account for are necessary in order to use the methods in this annex
variations in ambient temperature (To) from standard test for either design or analysis.
Fire growth rate [kW/sec2 (Btu/sec3)l B.g.2.1.1 Design. Data required to determine design include the
0.0468 0.0065 following:
(0.0444) (0.0062) (0.0027)
(1) Ceiling height or clearance above filel (H)
(2) Threshold fire size at which response must occur (Q) or the
time to detector response (Il)
(3) Response time index (RTI) for the detector (heat detectors
only) or its listed spacing
(4) Ambient temperature ( TO)
(5) Detector operating temperature (heat detectors
(6) Rate of' temperature change set point for rate-of-rise heat
detectors ( T/min)
(7) Fire growth rate (a) or the fire growth time (tg)
Time (sec) B. Analysis. Data required to determine analysis include
the following:
FIGURE B. Power Law Heat Rates. (1) Ceiling height or clearance above fuel (H)
(2) Response time index (RTI) for the detector (heat detectors
B.3.1.1 This method can also be used to estimate the fire size at only) or its listed spacing
which detection will occur, given an existing array of listed heat (3) Actual installed spacing (S) of the existing detectors
detectors installed at a known spacing, ceiling height, and (4) Ambient temperature ( Ta)
ambient conditions. (5) Detector operating temperature (heat detectors
B.3.1.2 The effect of rate offire growth and fire size of a flaming
fire, as well the effect of ceiling height on the spacing and (6) Rate of temperature change set point for rate-of-rise heat
response of smoke detectors, can also be determined using this detectors (C/ min)
method. (7) Fire growth rate (o) or the fire growth time (Q)
B.3.2.2 Ambient Temperature Considerations.
B.3.1.3 The methodology contained herein uses theories of fire
development, fire plume dynamics, and detector performance. The maximum ambient temperature expected to occur
These are considered the major factors influencing detector at the ceiling will directly affect the choice of' temperature rating
response. This methodology does not address several lesser for a fixed-temperature heat detector application. However; the

2022 Edition

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