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Lecturers : Th.S Pham Thi Phuong

Module : 2350ENPR0813
Subject : Expanding Ielts 1
Group :2
Members : Vu Gia Han
Dang Thi Thoa
Nguyen Quynh Hoa
Dang Thai Thuy Linh

Hanoi, Feb 2023

Hanoi, 22th February 2023

Lecturers : Th.S Pham Thi Phuong
Module : 2350ENPR0813
Group :2
Members : Vu Gia Han
Dang Thi Thoa
Nguyen Quynh Hoa
Dang Thai Thuy Linh


I. INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................ 2

II. METHODOLOGY..................................................................................................................... 3

1. DEFINITION............................................................................................................................ 3

1.1.What is the work environment? ....................................................................................... 3

1.2. What is the best working environment?.......................................................................... 4

2. WHERE IS THE BEST PLACE TO WORK IN? ............................................................... 5

III. AVANTAGES OF WORKING IN PRIVATE COMPANY.................................................. 7

IV. RECRUITMENT REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................... 8

V. CONCLUSION............................................................................................................................ 8

1. Introducing the group’s topic

We cannot deny that choosing a place to work after graduation is a very difficult and complicated
thing. With the development of technology and the 4.0 era, now, there are many recruitment places
with diverse industries with extremely attractive strategies. And we always aim for the best place to
work for ourselves.
With the topic “The best place to work in”, group two will bring a lot of information about the thing

named “best place” to help all of you know more about it.

2. Outlining of presentation

There are four main parts in our presentation:

 The first is the introduction.
 The second is the definition of “The best place to work in”.
 After the definition will be the benefit that the best place bring to us .
 The final part is the conclusion and some important information you should know.

1. Definition

1.1. What is the work environment?

Working environment is the conditions and factors surrounding the place where we work. Work
environment includes all physical conditions such as equipment, workspace, etc. and intangible factors
such as handling and communication among co-workers.

1.2. What is the best working environment?

An ideal working environment is one where you are respected, your comments are acknowledged and
considered. That is the motivation for them to strive and stick with the company for a long time. A
company that wants to develop strongly needs dedicated employees who put the company's common
interests first.

A great workplace includes these elements:

 A salary commensurate with the job.

Salary is also one of the main reasons why many people quit their jobs. An ideal working environment
for you must first of all pay well for what you spend. A professional working environment can not offer
a salary that is too low compared to the actual work to be done and the actual contribution of the
 Have a traning plan and development opportunities for employees.

Did you know that in the “Great Resignation” trend, which is expected to reach a historic high in 2021.
One of the main reasons is that workers want to find new opportunities. In fact, companies always want
to bring in talent and job seekers are no exception. They will choose an ideal working environment
based on many different criteria. In which learning anf development is always a top priorit. A company
with a well-organized training and development program will help employees be more motivated at
work.Training courses should include both soft skills and technical skills.
 Always equal and respectful.

Equality and mutual respect in a professional working environment is very important.This is reflected
in the fact that there is no discrimination between employees in the company and everyone has the right
to voice their opinion. It's understandable that companies have hierarchies. But if employees are treated
unfairly and don't have the right to reflect on the downsides of the company, it can be seen as a toxic
work environment.
 Place where employees can be open-handed and comfortable.

Keeping a good spirit when working will help us feel that what we do is valuable, become more
enthusiastic and work more effectively. where we are free to be creative and express our own opinion.
 Working environment ensures advancement opportunities.
A highly appreciated working environment where you have the opportunity to be trained and promoted.
Inspire yourself and develop yourself.
 Work environment where you can balance work and life.
An ideal working environment for you should meet the work-life balance factor. Many people quit their
jobs because they don't have a good work-life balance. There are people who sacrifice a lot for their
work and then do not have a leisurely day for themselves. They may work late into the night,
prioritizing work over personal needs.
2. The best place to work in

Meeting the above requirements, a private enterprise will be the right choice.

1. Advantages of working in a private company.

If you are young and like to explore, be active, and develop yourself, then a private company is a much

more perfect working environment than the state. If you want to start a business, a private company is

very suitable for you to accumulate management experience for later. Therefore, working in such a

company has many advantages:

 The salary when working at a private company is mostly quite high and is based on

ability. Degrees are not set too high because they need to do a good job.

It can seen that if you work hard and efficiently enough, your salary in a private company will be quite

high and gradually increase depending on your ability and experience. The degree is only one of the

necessary factors, in addition, employers will look at your work efforts to assess whether you are good

enough or qualified to work at that company or not. Because it is a private company, it requires high

capacity as well as great work pressure that forces you to try and work hard every day. Learn and look

for opportunities if you don't want to lose your contract.

 You can learn a lot of work experience, improve your personal skills and also look for

more business opportunities and extra income for yourself.

In addition to professional work, you can also learn experiences in other fields from colleagues in the

company that greatly help your work skills. For example, as an office worker, you need to have

computer skills or teamwork skills, but you may not be proficient, so through exchange and practice,

you will improve a lot. Moreover, you also have the opportunity to approach the business more easily

and can do some other jobs to earn extra income.

 A dynamic and comfortable working environment where you can show your best and

completely ask for a salary increase or promotion at any time.

Instead of working in a fixed position in a state-owned enterprise, people today tend to like being

promoted in work and constantly changing to avoid boredom and affirm their own efforts. Such a
working environment is suitable for people who like challenges, like to learn, create and renew

themselves. Always need to strive and strive to move to a higher position. Similar to Google, Facebook

is one of the growing businesses with a unique culture. At the same time, the company also provides

food, open workspace, live discussion, laundry at the office, etc to help employees learn and develop.

 Relationships are also highly valued and a top priority because the more relationships you

have, the more opportunities you have to increase your income as well as get better jobs.

Building relationships among colleagues in the company and freely helping each other in all tasks will

be an advantage to getting the dream job. If you can do that, you will be one step closer to the good job

you want. No matter what you do or at any company, it is necessary to have a good relationship

between co-workers or employees and the boss for good work results, so being open and comfortable

are important.

 Being a private company has clear relationships, not depending on or forcing anyone to

promote. You will feel free and more comfortable, without any reservations or fear of being

noticed by others.

Whether you succeed or not depends entirely on your ability and efforts without anyone’s support. It is

clear that private companies have clear and comfortable relationships. As a result, employees also feel

freer and don’t have to worry about other people’s opinions or judgments.

 Diplomas in languages commonly used around the world.

 Certificates of the skills needed to be suitable for the job.

 Physical requirements, work spirit.

 Select the eligible candidates as per their skills, qualifications, knowledge and abilities.

 Competency relevant to the position to be recruited.

 Impressive Curriculum Vitae.

 You should be graduate or post graduate as per the company requirement.

 Also some companies hire the under graduate for less skill work.

 You should have completed your age of 21 years.

 Good communication skills.

 Able to work with team.


To build a good working environment, each company always has its own recruitment requirements and

it is in line with the development orientation of this company.


Time : From 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Place : Google meet

Date : 18/2/2023

Member : Vu Gia Han,

Dang Thi Thoa,

Nguyen Quynh Hoa,

Dang Thai Thuy Linh.

Contents for discussing:

 Contributing ideas related to “The best place to work in”

 Assigning tasks to each member


- Vu Gia Han (leader): Do the introduction, introduce the members of the group and the topic.

- Dang Thi Thoa: Definition of the best place to work + word.

- Nguyen Quynh Hoa (secretary): Advantages of working in private company.

- Dang Thai Thuy Linh: The recruitment requirements of the best companies + conclusion +


Duties for members: Each individual searches for the content as assigned and writes about it.

Head of the team Secretary

Vu Gia Han Nguyen Quynh Hoa


Time : From ... pm to... pm

Place : Google meet

Date : .../.../2023

Member : Vu Gia Han,

Dang Thi Thoa,

Nguyen Quynh Hoa,

Dang Thai Thuy Linh.

Contents for discussing:


Duties for members: Each individual searches for the content as assigned and writes about it.

Head of the team Secretary

Vu Gia Han Nguyen Quynh Hoa

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