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Container 1
Agriculture, Department of
Consumers= Guide, v. 1, nos. 1-13, Sept. 14, 1933 - Mar 12, 1934
Consumers= Guide, v. 1, nos. 14-26, Mar 26, 1934 - Sept 17, 1934
Consumers= Guide, v. 2, nos. 1-13, Oct 15, 1934 - Apr 22, 1935
Consumers= Guide, v. 2, nos. 14-26, May 6, 1935 - Oct 28, 1935
Consumers= Guide, v. 3, nos. 1-13, Dec 2, 1935 - July 13, 1936

Container 2
Agriculture, Department of
Consumers= Guide, v. 3, nos. 14-26, July 27, 1936 - Feb 22, 1937
Consumers= Guide, v. 4, nos. 1-26, Mar 8, 1937 - Mar 28, 1938, index
Consumers= Guide, v. 5, nos. 1-20, Apr 11, 1938 - Mar 27, 1939, index
Consumers= Guide, v. 6, nos. 1-20, Apr 15, 1939 - Sept 1940, index
Consumers= Guide, v. 7, nos. 1-20, Oct 1, 1940-Oct 15, 1941, index
Consumers= Guide, v. 8, nos. 1-20, Nov 1, 1941 - Nov 1942
Consumers= Guide, v. 9, nos. 1-12, Nov 1942 - Nov 1943

Container 3
Agriculture, Department of
Consumers= Guide, v. 10, nos. 1-13, Dec 1943 - Dec 1944
Consumers= Guide, v. 11, nos. 1-12, Jan 1945 - Dec 1945
Consumers= Guide, v. 12, nos. 1- 6, Jan 1946 - June 1946
Laws Applicable to the United States Department of Agriculture, 1935
Laws Relating to Agriculture, 1938
Letters from the Secretary of Agriculture, 1928, 1937
Miscellaneous Publications, 48-97

Container 4
Agriculture, Department of
Miscellaneous Publications, 155-182
Miscellaneous Publications, 202-298
Miscellaneous Publications, 301-343
Miscellaneous Publications, 345-370

Container 5
Agriculture, Department of
Miscellaneous Publications, 376-399
Miscellaneous Publications, 403-485
Miscellaneous Publications, 554-595
Miscellaneous Publications, 620-642
Monthly Lists of Publications
Press Releases, 1933-1934
Press Releases, 1935 (Jan-Oct)
Press Releases, 1935 (Nov-Dec)

Container 6
Agriculture, Department of
Press Releases, 1936-1939
Press Releases, 1940-1942
Technical Bulletins
Yearbook Separates, 1727-1783
Agricultural Adjustment Administration
Agricultural Adjustment Act
Commodity Information Series
Consumers= Counsel Division
General Information Series

Container 7
Agriculture, Department of
Agricultural Adjustment Administration
Marketing Agreement Series
Marketing Information Series
Publications - Miscellaneous
Agricultural Adjustment Agency
Agricultural Labor Committee
Agricultural Marketing Service
Bureau of Agricultural Chemistry and Engineering
Bureau of Agricultural Economics/Agricultural Adjustment Agency
Bureau of Agricultural Economics/Agricultural Marketing Administration
Bureau of Agricultural Economics/Farm Security Administration
Bureau of Agricultural Economics/Forest Service
Bureau of Agricultural Economics

Container 8
Agriculture, Department of
Bureau of Agricultural Economics
Agricultural Census Analyses, Alabama - Minnesota
Agricultural Census Anaylses, Missouri - South Dakota
Agricultural Economics Bibliography
Agricultural Extension Service
Agricultural Finance Review, 1943, 1945
Agricultural History Series

Container 9
Agriculture, Department of
Bureau of Agricultural Economics
Agricultural Loans, Alabama - Georgia
Agricultural Loans, Idaho - Maryland
Agricultural Loans, Massachusetts - Missouri
Agricultural Loans, Nebraska - North Dakota
Agricultural Loans, Ohio - South Dakota
Agricultural Loans, Tennessee - Wyoming

Container 10
Agriculture, Department of
Bureau of Agricultural Economics
Agricultural Outlook Charts, 1942-1945
Agricultural Outlook Charts, 1946-1949
Agricultural Outlook Conference
Agricultural Situation, January 1928 - December 1938

Container 11
Agriculture, Department of
Bureau of Agricultural Economics
Agricultural Situation, February 1939 - April 1945
Agricultural Situation in relation to Banking
Civil Liberties Committee, 1940
Committee to Investigate Interstate Migration of Destitute Citizens, 1940
Crop Reporting Board
Discussion Groups
Division of Farm Population and Rural Welfare

Container 12
Agriculture, Department of
Bureau of Agricultural Economics
Division of Land Economics/Resettlement Administration
Land Policy Circular, August 1935 - April 1938
Division of Marketing and Transportation Research
Division of State and Local Planning
Division of Statistical and Historical Research
Economic Library Lists
Employment and Wages

Container 13
Agriculture, Department of
Bureau of Agricultural Economics
Farm Organization and Management, FM 25-27
Farm Organization and Management, FM 35-48
Farm Organization and Management, FM 50-56
Farm Organization and Management, FM 58-71
Income Parity for Agriculture
Part I. Farm Income, Sections 1-8

Container 14
Agriculture, Department of
Bureau of Agricultural Economics
Income Parity for Agriculture
Part I Farm Income, Sections 9-18
Part II Expenses of Agricultural Production
Part III Prices Paid By Farmers for Commodities and Services
Part V Population, Farms, and Farmers
Part VI State Estimates of Income and Production Expenses
Interbureau Committee on Postwar Agricultural Programs

Container 15
Agriculture, Department of
Bureau of Agricultural Economics
Land Economics Bulletins, 1941-1946
Land Policy Review, Sept/Oct 1938 - May 1942
Price Data

Container 16
Agriculture, Department of
Bureau of Agricultural Economics
Publications, Lists
Report of the Chief
Reports and Publications, Lists
Reports/Papers, 1933-1939
Reports/Papers, 1940

Container 17
Agriculture, Department of
Bureau of Agricultural Economics
Reports/Papers, 1941 (Jan - Aug)
Reports/Papers, 1941 (Oct - Dec)
Reports/Papers, 1942 (Jan - June)
Reports/Papers, 1942 (June - Sept)
Reports/Papers, 1942 (Oct - Dec)

Container 18
Agriculture, Department of
Bureau of Agricultural Economics
Reports/Papers, 1943 (Jan - Apr)
Reports/Papers, 1943 (May - June)
Reports/Papers, 1943 (July - Dec)
Reports/Papers, 1944 (Jan - July)
Reports/Papers, 1944 (Sept - Nov)

Container 19
Agriculture, Department of
Bureau of Agricultural Economics
Reports/Papers, 1945
Reports/Papers, 1946-1948, undated
Rural Life Studies
Rural Rehabilitation in the U.S.

Container 20
Agriculture, Department of
Bureau of Agricultural Economics
Senate Committee on Education and Labor, 1940
The ... Situation, 1944-45
Statistical Tables, Preparation of
Subsistence Homesteads

Temporary National Economic Committee
War Records Monographs

Container 21
Agriculture, Department of
Bureau of Animal Industry
Directory, 1933-1940
Report of the Chief, 1928-1940
Bureau of Biological Survey
Report of the Chief, 1930-1940
Bureau of Chemistry and Soils
Report of the Chief, 1928-1938
Bureau of the Dairy Industry
Report of the Chief, 1929-1940
Bureau of Entymology and Plant Quarantine
Report of the Chief, 1928-1940
Bureau of Home Economics

Container 22
Agriculture, Department of
Bureau of Home Economics
Miscellaneous Publications
Bureau of Plant Industry
Report of the Chief, 1928-1940
Commodity Credit Corporation
Press Releases, 1934-1937
Press Releases, 1938
Press Releases, 1939
Report of the President, 1940-1941
Commodity Exchange Administration
Division of Agricultural and Industrial Economy
Division of Training

Container 23
Agriculture, Department of
Extension Service
Extension Service Review, May 1930-January 1941

Container 24
Agriculture, Department of
Farm Credit Administration
Administrative Regulations
Banks for Cooperatives
Federal Intermediate Credit Banks
Federal Land Banks, Farm Mortgage Corp., Joint Stock Land Banks
Production credit associations
Production credit corporations

Container 25
Agriculture, Department of
Farm Credit Administration
Production credit system
Regional agricultural credit
Farm Security Administration
Low cost houses
Progress reports, 1937-1940

Container 26
Agriculture, Department of
Farm Security Administration
Social Research Reports
Federal Crop Insurance Corporation
Federal Surplus Commodities Corporation
Food and Drug Administration

Container 27
Agriculture, Department of
Forest Service
Division of Information and Education
Division of State Cooperation
Emergency Conservation Work

Container 28
Agriculture, Department of
Grain Futures Administration
Office of Budget and Finance
Office of the Director of Personnel and Business Administration
Office of Experiment Stations
Office of Foreign Agricultural Relations
Agriculture in the Americas, 1941
Agriculture in the Americas, 1942
Agriculture in the Americas, 1943

Container 29
Agriculture, Department of
Office of Foreign Agricultural Relations
Agriculture in the Americas, 1944
Agriculture in the Americas, 1945
Agriculture in the Americas, 1946
Foreign Agriculture, 1937-1938
Container 30
Agriculture, Department of
Office of Foreign and Agricultural Relations
Foreign Agriculture, 1939-1940
Foreign Crops and Markets, 1939

Container 31
Agriculture, Department of
Office of Foreign and Agricultural Relations
Foreign Crops and Markets, January 6 - October 28, 1940

Container 32
Agriculture, Department of
Office of Foreign and Agricultural Relations
Foreign Crops and Markets, November 4, 1940 - February 17, 1941
Office of Information
Office of Plant and Operations
Report of the Chief, 1939-1940
Office of the Solicitor
Report of the Solicitor, 1930-1940
Rural Electrification Administration
Rural Electrification Administration (1)
Rural Electrification Administration (2)

Container 33
Agriculture, Department of
Rural Electrification Administration
Graphical Report of Progress, 1940
Report of Rural Electrification Administration, 1937-
Social Conservation Service
Sugar Division
Report of the Chief, 1939
Surplus Marketing Administration
Weather Bureau
Report of the Chief, 1928-1938
American Expeditionary Forces
Final Report
September 1919
Container 34
British Information Services
Press Releases, February - March 1942
Press Releases, April 1942
Press Releases, May 1942
Press Releases, June - July 1942
Press Releases, August - September 20, 1942
Container 35
British Information Service
Press Releases, September 21-30, 1942
Press Releases, October 1942
Press Releases, November 1-11, 1942
Press Releases, November 12-30, 1942
Press Releases, December 1942
Press Releases, January 1943
Press Releases, February 4-17, 1943

Container 36
British Information Service
Press Releases, February 19 - March 31, 1943
Press Releases, April 1943
Press Releases, May - June 1943
Press Releases, November 1943 - April 1945
Victory in Burma
July 1945
Bureau of Efficiency
Foreign Trade Promotion Work, February 1920

Container 37
Central Housing Committee
Housing Index Digest, 1937-1938
Housing Index Digest, 1939
Housing Legal Digest
Central Statistical Board
Civilian Conservation Corps
Aid to Wildlife
Establishment of the CCC
Flood Control and Damage

Container 38
Civilian Conservation Corps
Forest Protection and Conservation
Location of Camps
Newspaper Comments
Press Releases, July 3, 1933 - July 7, 1935
Press Releases, July 22, 1935 - April 6, 1936
Press Releases, April 20, 1936 - April 5, 1937

Container 39
Civilian Conservation Corps
Press Releases, July 7, 1937 - April 3, 1942
Project Training Manuals
Recreational Development

Container 40
Civilian Conservation Corps
Selection of Agents
Soil Conservation
Training and Safety Guards
Civil Service Commission
Act and Rules, Statutes, Executive Orders
Act and Rules, Statutes, Executive Orders
Civil Employment and Payrolls


Container 41
Civil Service Commission
Information Division for Employees
Interdepartmental Committee on Records Administration
Letter, November 1939 - December 1940
National Defense Notes, July - December 1940
News, December 1936 - December 1938
News, January 1939 - Autumn 1940
Organization Manual, v. 1,2
Organization Manual, v. 3

Container 42
Civil Service Commission
Personnel Classification Division
Political Activity
Press Releases, 1934
Press Releases, 1935
Press Releases, 1936-1937
Press Releases, 1938

Container 43
Civil Service Commission
Press Releases, 1939
Press Releases, 1940-1941
Roosevelt, Theodore

Container 44
Commerce, Department of
Commerce, Department - ΑHow It Serves You on Land and Sea≅
Press Release, December 27, 1937
Press Releases, October 29, 1940 - June 7, 1941
Press Releases, February 27, 1942 - April 30, 1942
Press Releases, May 2, 1942 - July 25, 1942
Press Releases, August 1, 1942 - November 30, 1942
Press Releases, December 1, 1942 - March 31, 1943

Press Releases, April 4, 1943 - May 27, 1943

Container 45
Commerce, Department of
Press Releases, June 1, 1943 - July 30, 1943
Press Releases, August 2, 1943 - January 31, 1944
Press Releases, February 1, 1944 - August 15, 1944
Press Releases, August 21, 1944 - October 28, 1944
Press Releases, November 13 - 30, 1944
Press Releases, December 1, 1944 - January 5, 1945

Container 46
Commerce, Department of
Aeronautics Branch
Regional Area Report
Bureau of the Census
Bureau of the Census/Bureau of Agricultural Economics
Agriculture Division
Basic Materials Division
Cotton/ Cotton and Oils Division
Foreign Trade Division
Monthly Summary of Foreign Commerce of the US, 1944
Monthly Summary of Foreign Commerce of the US, 1945

Container 47
Commerce, Department of
Bureau of the Census
Divisions (continued)
Foreign Trade Division
Monthly Summary of Foreign Commerce of the US, 1946
Monthly Summary of Foreign Commerce of the US, 1947
Foreign Commerce and Navigation of the US, 1943 (1)
Foreign Commerce and Navigation of the US, 1943 (2)
Foreign Trade Statistics Notes
Governments Division
Government Employment, 1946-1947

Container 48
Commerce, Department of

Bureau of the Census
Manufacturers Division
Population Division
Housing - Special Reports
Judicial Criminal Statistics, 1933-1937
Judicial Criminal Statistics, 1938-1945
Population - Special Reports
Vital Statistics

Container 49
Commerce, Department of
Bureau of the Census
Farm Mortgage Indebtedness in the U.S.
Financial Statistics - Cities - 1932-1940
Financial Statistics - Cities - 1941
Financial Statistics - Cities - 1942
Financial Statistics - Cities - 1942 (2)
Financial Statistics - Cities - 1943
Financial Statistics - Cities – 1944

Container 50
Commerce, Department of
Bureau of the Census
Financial Statistics - Cities - 1945
Financial Statistics - Counties - 1942
Financial Statistics - Counties - 1943-45
Financial Statistics - States - 1931
Financial Statistics - States - 1939-41
Financial Statistics - States - 1942-43
Financial Statistics - States - 1944-45

Container 51
Commerce, Department of
Bureau of the Census
Negro Population
Press Releases, 1930-1936
Press Releases, 1937-1938
Press Releases, 1939
Press Releases, January - March 1940

Press Releases, April - September 1940
Press Releases, October - December 1940
Press Releases, 1944
Publications. Catalog
Publications. Catalog and Subject Guide, 1946-1947

Container 52
Commerce, Department of
Bureau of the Census
Publications. Catalog and Subject Guide, 1948-1949
Publications. List
Publications. Subject Guide
State and Local Government, Special Studies
Statistical Abstracts Supplement

Container 53
Commerce, Department of
Bureau of the Census
Census of Agriculture
Census of Agriculture, 1935
Census of Agriculture, 1945
Farms and Farm Characteristics
Multiple- Unit Operations
Ranking Agricultural Counties
Sample Census
Census of Business, 1935

Container 54
Commerce, Department of
Bureau of the Census
Census of Business, 1937-1938
Census of Business and Manufacturers, 1939
Census of Business and Manufacturers, 1939 - Forms
Census of Electrical Industries, 1937
Census of Forest Products, 1943
Census of Manufacturers, 1931, 1937, 1939
Census of Motion Pictures, 1937
Census of National Unemployment, 1937
Census of Religious Bodies, 1936

Container 55
Commerce, Department of
Bureau of the Census

Fifteenth Census of the U.S., 1930
Census of Agriculture
Census of Distribution
Census of Population

Container 56
Commerce, Department of
Bureau of the Census
Sixteenth Census of the U.S., 1940
Areas of the United States
Census Forms and Schedules
Miscellaneous Articles and Brochures
Press Releases
Radio Scripts
Census of Agriculture
Agriculture Census Statistics
Crop- Sharing Contracts
Cross-line Acreage

Container 57
Commerce, Department of
Bureau of the Census
Sixteenth Census of the U.S., 1940
Census of Agriculture
Bulletins: First Series: Uses of Land, Principal Crops and
Classes of Livestock, Alabama - North Dakota

Container 58
Commerce, Department of
Bureau of the Census
Sixteenth Census of the U.S., 1940
Census of Agriculture
Bulletins: First Series: Uses of Land, Principal Crops and
Classes of Livestock, Ohio - Wyoming and U.S.
Bulletins: Second Series: Farm Mortgages, Taxes, Labor,
Facilities Expenditures, and Miscellaneous Farm
Information, Alabama - Massachusetts

Container 59
Commerce, Department of
Bureau of the Census

Sixteenth Census of the U.S., 1940
Census of Agriculture
Bulletins: Second Series: Farm Mortgages, Taxes, Labor,
Facilities Expenditures, and Miscellaneous Farm
Information, Michigan - Wyoming and U. S.
Bulletins: Third Series: Value of Farm Products, Farms
Classified by Major Source of Income and Total
Value of Products, Alabama - Indiana

Container 60
Commerce, Department of
Bureau of the Census
Sixteenth Census of the U.S., 1940
Census of Agriculture
Bulletins: Third Series: Value of Farm Products, Farms
Classified by Major Source of Income and Total
Value of Products, Iowa - Wyoming and U.S.
Cotton Report

Container 61
Commerce, Department of
Bureau of the Census
Sixteenth Census of the U.S., 1940
Census of Agriculture
Drainage of Agricultural Lands
Drainage of Agricultural Lands, by state
Drainage of Agricultural Lands, summary
Drainage of Alluvial Lands

Container 62
Commerce, Department of
Bureau of the Census
Sixteenth Census of the U.S., 1940
Census of Agriculture
Irrigation of Agricultural Lands
Irrigation of Agricultural Lands, by state
Irrigation of Agricultural Lands, summary


Container 63
Commerce, Department of
Bureau of the Census
Sixteenth Census of the U.S., 1940
Census of Agriculture
Poultry Report
Puerto Rico
Ranking Agricultural Counties
Census of Housing
Housing Forms
Index of Reports
Instructions to Enumerators
First Series: Data for Small Areas (Alabama - California)

Container 64
Commerce, Department of
Bureau of the Census
Sixteenth Census of the U.S., 1940
Census of Housing
First Series: Data for Small Areas (continued)
Supplement: Block Statistics (California - Illinois)

Container 65
Commerce, Department of
Bureau of the Census
Sixteenth Census of the U.S., 1940
Census of Housing
Supplement: Block Statistics (Indiana - New Jersey)

Container 66
Commerce, Department of
Bureau of the Census
Sixteenth Census of the U.S., 1940
Census of Housing
Supplement: Block Statistics (New York - Rhode Island)

Container 67

Commerce, Department of
Bureau of the Census
Sixteenth Census of the U.S., 1940
Census of Housing
Supplement: Block Statistics (South Carolina - Wisconsin)
Second Series: General Characteristics
Third Series: Characteristics by Monthly Rate or Value
Fourth Series: Mortgages on Nonfarm Homes
Census of Occupation and Industry

Container 68
Commerce, Department of
Bureau of the Census
Sixteenth Census of the U.S., 1940
Census of Population
Characteristics of the Nonwhite Population by Race
Differential Fertility, 1940 and 1910
First Series: Number of Inhabitants
Fourth Series: Characteristics by Age

Container 69
Commerce, Department of
Bureau of the Census
Sixteenth Census of the U.S., 1940
Census of Population
Internal Migration
Labor Force
Nativity and Parentage
Container 70 (oversize)
Civil Service Commission
Commerce, Department of
Bureau of the Census

Container 71
Commerce, Department of
Bureau of the Census
Sixteenth Census of the U.S., 1940
Census of Population
Persons not in the Labor Force
Puerto Rico

Second Series: Alaska, D.C., Montana, Hawaii
State of Birth of the Native Population
Third Series: The Labor Force
Topical Index of Population Census Reports
Unincorporated Communities
Census of Population and Agriculture
Census of Population and Housing
Institutional Population
Statistics for Census Tracts (Alabama - California)

Container 72
Commerce, Department of
Bureau of the Census
Sixteenth Census of the U.S., 1940
Census of Population and Housing
Statistics for Census Tracts (Colorado - Oregon)

Container 73
Commerce, Department of
Bureau of the Census
Sixteenth Census of the U.S., 1940
Census of Population and Housing
Statistics for Census Tracts (Pennsylvania - Washington)
Bureau of Fisheries
Administrative Reports, 2-34

Container 74
Commerce, Department of
Bureau of Fisheries
Administrative Reports, 35-37
Annual Report of the Commissioner, 1929-1931
Fishery Circular, nos. 27-28
Investigational Report, nos. 40-42
Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce
China Trade Act
Commerce Reports, January 1939 - March 1940
Commerce Reports, April - June 1940
Commerce Reports, July - September 1940
Foreign Commerce Weekly, October - December 1940
Industrial Reference Service

Container 75

Commerce, Department of
Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce
Statistical Classification
Trade Information Bulletin, nos. 818-842
U. S. Foreign Trade Statistics, August-September 1940, 2102-2910
U.S. Foreign Trade Statistics, September 1940, 3001-3151
U.S. Foreign Trade Statistics, September 1940, 3200-3453

Container 76
Commerce, Department of
Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce
U. S. Foreign Trade Statistics, September 1940, 3501-3952
U.S. Foreign Trade Statistics, September 1940, 4001-4700
U.S. Foreign Trade Statistics, October 1940, 2601-2606, 2651
Business Review
Survey of Current Business
Survey of Current Business Weekly Supplement
Plastics Progress

Container 77
Commerce, Department of
Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce
Divisions (continued)
Commercial Laws
Comparative Law Series, May 1938 - September 1940
Economic Series, nos. 1-6
Financial and Regional Information
Trade of U.S. with U.S.S.R., 1939
Foreign Trade Statistics
Monthly Summary of Foreign Commerce of US, 1940
Forest Products Division: Stockholm Housing
Merchandising Research
Domestic Commerce Series, nos. 80-110

Container 78
Commerce, Department of
Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce
Divisions (continued)
Motion Pictures

Regional Information
Trade of the U.S. with ... 1939
Trade Promotion Series, nos. 72-158

Container 79
Commerce, Department of
Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce
Divisions (continued)
Trade Promotion Series, nos. 160-204

Container 80
Commerce, Department of
Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce
Divisions (continued)
Trade Promotion Series, nos. 206-212
Traffic Items, 1939-1940
Bureau of Marine Inspection and Navigation
Bulletin, July 1936 - May 1942
Circular Letters, 1941, 1942
Report Series, nos. 2-9

Container 81 (oversized)
Commerce, Department of
Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce
Wholesale Price Indexes

Container 82 (oversized)
Commerce, Department of
Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce
Real Property Inventory (CWA Project), Nebraska - Wyoming
Trade of the US with the World
Container 83
Commerce, Department of
Bureau of Marine Inspection and Navigation
Rules and Regulation
Sea Observations
Seagoing Vessels

Container 84
Commerce, Department of
Bureau of Marine Inspection and Navigation
Bureau of Navigation and Steamboat Inspection
Business Advisory Council
Industrial Relations Committee Report
Civil Aeronautics Administration/Board
Addresses, Speeches
Aeronautics Branch
Bureau of Air Commerce
Civil Aeronautics Authority
Press Releases, December 1940 - April 1941
Press Releases, May 1941

Container 85
Commerce, Department of
Civil Aeronautics Administration/Board
Press Releases, June 1941
Press Releases, July - August 1941
Press Releases, September 1941
Press Releases, October 1941
Press Releases, November 1941 - March 1942
Press Releases, undated
Reports of the Civil Aeronautics Board
Safety Bulletins
Safety Bureau

Container 86 (oversized)
Commerce, Department of
Civil Aeronautics Authority
Airline Traffic Survey
Patent Office
Manual of Classification of Patents

Container 87
Commerce, Department of
Coast and Geodetic Survey
Catalog of Charts and Related Publications
Coast and Geodetic Survey Bulletin, January 1941 - April 1942
Progress Reports
Seismographic Reports

Foreign-Trade Zones Board
Inland Waterways Corporation
Maritime Administrator
National Bureau of Standards
Patent Office
United States Shipping Board Bureau
Weather Bureau

Container 88
Committee on Economic Security
Committee on Public Information
Official Bulletin
January - June 1918 Index
January 1918
February 1918
March 1918
April 1918
May 1918

Container 89
Committee on Public Information
Official Bulletin
June 1918
July 1918
August 1918
October 1918
January 1919
February 1919
March 1919
Container 90
Congressional Intelligence, Inc.
Daily Digest, January - August 1939
Congressional Daily, October 3,7,18, 1939
Congressional Daily, 1940
Congressional Daily, January - April 1941
Congressional Daily, May - August 1941
Congressional Daily, September - December 1941
Congressional Daily, January - May 1942
Congressional Daily, June - December 1942
Congressional Daily, January 1943

Container 91
Congressional Intelligence, Inc.
Weekly Reports, May 1935
Weekly Reports, June 1935
Weekly Reports, July 1935
Weekly Reports, August 1935
Weekly Reports, September 1935
Weekly Reports, October 1935
Weekly Reports, November 1935
Weekly Reports, December 1935

Container 92
Congressional Intelligence, Inc.
Weekly Reports, January 1936
Weekly Reports, February 1936
Weekly Reports, March - June 1936
Weekly Reports, July - December 1936
Weekly Reports, January - June 1937
Weekly Reports, July - December 1937
Pamphlet: 1937 Factual History of the Federal Government, 5th annual report

Container 93
Congressional Intelligence, Inc.
Weekly Reports, 1938
Weekly Reports, 1939
Weekly Reports, 1940

Container 94
Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs
Miscellaneous pamphlets on Latin America
Container 95
Democratic Party, National Committee
Bureau of Publicity
Editorial Digest, February 27, 28, March 1, August 5, 1933
Editorial Digest, June 1934
Editorial Digest, July 2-13, 1934
Editorial Digest, July 16-31, 1934
Editorial Digest, August 1-14, 1934
Editorial Digest, August 15-31, 1934

Container 96
Democratic Party, National Committee
Bureau of Publicity
Editorial Digest, September 4-6, 1934
Editorial Digest, January 4-17, 1935
Editorial Digest, January 18-31, 1935
Editorial Digest, February 1-15, 1935
Editorial Digest, February 16-28, 1935
Editorial Digest, March 1-16, 1935

Container 97
Democratic Party, National Committee
Bureau of Publicity
Editorial Digest, March 18 - April 1, 1935
Editorial Digest, April 2-16, 1935
Editorial Digest, April 17-30, 1935
Editorial Digest, May 1-15, 1935
Editorial Digest, May 16-31, 1935

Container 98
Democratic Party, National Committee
Bureau of Publicity
Editorial Digest, June 1-15, 1935
Editorial Digest, June 17-29, 1935
Editorial Digest, July 1-17, 1935
Editorial Digest, July 18-26, 1935
Editorial Digest, August 2, September 11-19, 1935
Editorial Digest, September 20 - October 1, 1935

Container 99
Democratic Party, National Committee
Bureau of Publicity
Editorial Digest, October 2 -18, 1935
Editorial Digest, October 19-31, 1935
Editorial Digest, November 1-15, 1935
Editorial Digest, November 16-30, 1935
Editorial Digest, December 2-14, 1935
Editorial Digest, December 16-31, 1935

Container 100
Democratic Party, National Committee
Bureau of Publicity
Editorial Digest, January 2-15, 1936
Editorial Digest, January 16-31, 1936
Editorial Digest, February 1-14, 1936
Editorial Digest, February 15-29, 1936
Editorial Digest, March 2-17, 1936
Editorial Digest, March 18-31, 1936

Container 101
Democratic Party, National Committee
Bureau of Publicity
Editorial Digest, April 1-15, 1936
Editorial Digest, April 16-30, 1936
Editorial Digest, May 1-15, 1936
Editorial Digest, May 16-29, 1936
Editorial Digest, June 1-16, 1936
Editorial Digest, June 17-30, 1936

Container 102
Democratic Party, National Committee
Bureau of Publicity
Editorial Digest, July 1936
Editorial Digest, August 3-18, 1936
Editorial Digest, August 19-31, 1936
Editorial Digest, September 1-15, 1936
Editorial Digest, September 16-30, 1936

Container 103
Democratic Party, National Committee
Bureau of Publicity
Editorial Digest, October 1-15, 1936
Editorial Digest, October 16-30, 1936
Editorial Digest, November 2 - December 1, 1936
Editorial Digest, December 2-15, 1936
Editorial Digest, December 16-31, 1936
Editorial Digest, January 4-15, 1937

Container 104
Democratic Party, National Committee
Bureau of Publicity
Editorial Digest, January 16-31, 1937
Editorial Digest, February 1937
Editorial Digest, March 1-16, 1937
Editorial Digest, March 17-31, 1937
Editorial Digest, April 1-13, 1937
Editorial Digest, April 14-30, 1937

Container 105
Democratic Party, National Committee
Bureau of Publicity
Editorial Digest, May 1-15, 1937
Editorial Digest, May 17-28, 1937
Editorial Digest, June 1-15, 1937
Editorial Digest, June 16-30, 1937
Editorial Digest, July 1-15, 1937
Editorial Digest, July 16-31, 1937

Container 106
Democratic Party, National Committee
Bureau of Publicity
Editorial Digest, August 2-14, 1937
Editorial Digest, August 16-31, 1937
Editorial Digest, September 1-16, 1937
Editorial Digest, September 17-30, 1937
Editorial Digest, October 1-15, 1937
Editorial Digest, October 16-30, 1937

Container 107
Democratic Party, National Committee
Bureau of Publicity
Editorial Digest, November 1-13, 1937
Editorial Digest, November 15-30, 1937
Editorial Digest, December 1-15, 1937
Editorial Digest, December 16-23, 1937
Editorial Digest, January 4-18, 1938
Editorial Digest, January 19-31, 1938

Container 108
Democratic Party, National Committee
Bureau of Publicity
Editorial Digest, February 1-15, 1938
Editorial Digest, February 16-28, 1938
Editorial Digest, March 1-16, 1938
Editorial Digest, March 17-31, 1938
Editorial Digest, April 1-15, 1938
Editorial Digest, April 16-30, 1938

Container 109
Democratic Party, National Committee
Bureau of Publicity
Editorial Digest, May 2-16, 1938
Editorial Digest, May 17-31, 1938
Editorial Digest, June 1-15, 1938
Editorial Digest, June 16-30, 1938
Editorial Digest, July 1-15, 1938
Editorial Digest, July 16-30, 1938

Container 110
Democratic Party, National Committee
Bureau of Publicity
Editorial Digest, August 1-16, 1938
Editorial Digest, August 17-31, 1938
Editorial Digest, September 1-15, 1938
Editorial Digest, September 16-30, 1938
Editorial Digest, October 4-15, 1938
Editorial Digest, October 19-28, 1938

Container 111
Democratic Party, National Committee
Bureau of Publicity
Editorial Digest, November 1-16, 1938
Editorial Digest, November 17-28, 1938
Editorial Digest, December 2-21, 1938
Editorial Digest, January 6-16, 1939
Editorial Digest, January 17-31, 1939
Editorial Digest, February 1-15, 1939
Editorial Digest, February 16-28, 1939

Container 112
Democratic Party, National Committee
Bureau of Publicity
Editorial Digest, March 1-16, 1939
Editorial Digest, March 17-31, 1939
Editorial Digest, April 3-28, 1939
Editorial Digest, May 1-16, 1939
Editorial Digest, May 17-31, 1939
Editorial Digest, June 1-15, 1939

Container 113
Democratic Party, National Committee
Bureau of Publicity
Editorial Digest, June 16-30, 1939
Editorial Digest, July 5-31, 1939
Editorial Digest, August 7-31, 1939
Editorial Digest, September 1-29, 1939
Editorial Digest, October 2-31, 1939
Editorial Digest, November 1-29, 1939
Editorial Digest, December 1-22, 1939

Container 114
Democratic Party, National Committee
Bureau of Publicity
Editorial Digest, January 3-30, 1940
Editorial Digest, February 1-29, 1940
Editorial Digest, March 1-29, 1940
Editorial Digest, April 1-30, 1940
Editorial Digest, May 1-31, 1940
Editorial Digest, June 2-28, 1940
Foreign Language Division

Container 115
Democratic Party, National Committee
Bureau of Publicity
News Digest, August 31 - September 30, 1940
News Digest, October 1 - November 5, 1940
Clip sheet weeklies
Export-Import Bank of Washington
Federal Civil Works Administration
Rules and Regulations

Container 116
Federal Communications Commission
Addresses and Statements
Broadcasting Industry
Broadcasting Industry Hearing, Volume 1
Broadcasting Industry Hearing, Volume 2
Broadcasting Industry Hearing, Volume 3

Container 117
Federal Communications Industry
Broadcasting Industry Hearing, Volume 4
Broadcasting Industry Hearing, Volume 5
Broadcasting Industry Investigation, 1940
Communications Act of 1934
Interstate Commerce
Practice and Procedures
Practice and Procedures

Container 118
Federal Communications Industry
Practice and Procedures
Radio Requirements for Ships
Telegraph Industry
Supplemental Report
Telephone Industry

Container 119
Federal Coordinator of Transportation
Application of National Industrial Recovery Act
Container Equipment
Cost Finding in Railway Freight Service
Cost of Railroad Employee Accidents
Emergency Railroad Transportation Act
Freight Car Pooling
Leasing of Railroad Owned Grain Elevator Properties
Maintenance of Equipment
Merchandize Traffic
Passenger Traffic

Railroad and Fiscal Related Work
Railway Labor Act
Short Haul Passenger Traffic
Transportation Legislation

Container 120
Federal Coordinator of Transportation
Section of Labor Relations
Comparative Labor Standards in Transportation
Employment Attrition in the Railroad Industry
Extent of Low Wages and Long Hours in the Railroad Industry
Hours, Wages and Working Conditions in the Intercity Motor Transport
Industries, 3 parts
Survey of Rules Governing Wage Payment in Railroad Train and Engine
Unemployment Compensation for Transportation Employees

Container 121
Federal Coordinator of Transportation
Section of Property and Equipment
Report on Handling Railway Stores Material
Section of Transportation Service
Passenger Traffic Report
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works (PWA)
Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works
Art Projects
Housing Division - Unit Plans
Non-Federal Projects (1)

Container 122
Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works (PWA)
Non-Federal Projects (2)
Press Releases, 1936-August 19, 1937
Press Releases, August 24, 1937
Press Releases, August 25-16, 1937
Public Works Administration
Report of the Mississippi Valley Committee of the PWA
Report of the National Planning Board

Container 123
Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works (PWA)
Report to the President on the Progress of Federal and Non-Federal Projects
Week ending November 18, 1933
Week ending November 25, 1933
Week ending December 2, 1933
Week ending December 16, 1933
Federal Emergency Relief Administration
District of Columbia - Activities in
Research, Statistics and Finance (1)

Container 124
Federal Emergency Relief Administration
Research, Statistics and Finance (2)
Press Releases, 1934
Press Releases, January-May 1935
Press Releases, June-December 1935
Report of the President to Congress on the Status of Funds and Operations, 1938

Container 125
Electric Home and Farm Authority
Press Releases
Federal Home Loan Bank Board
Division of Research and Statistics
Division of Research and Statistics - City Survey Summaries (1)

Container 126
Federal Home Loan Bank Board
Division of Research and Statistics - City Survey Summaries (2)
Fahey, John H., Chairman - Speeches, addresses, etc. - 1933-1934
Fahey, John H., Chairman - Speeches, addresses, etc. - 1935-1936
Fahey, John H., Chairman - Speeches, addresses, etc. - 1937-1938
Fahey, John H., Chairman - Speeches, addresses, etc. - 1939-1940 and index
Federal Home Loan Bank Review, 1934-1935

Container 127
Federal Home Loan Bank Board
Federal Home Loan Bank Review, 1936-1938

Container 128
Federal Home Loan Bank Board
Federal Home Loan Bank Review, 1939-1940
Husband, W.H. - Speeches, addresses, etc. - 1937-1940
Mortgage and Foreclosure
Summary of the operations of the agencies under the FHLBB, 1939-1940
Alabama - Maryland
Container 129
Federal Home Loan Bank Board
Summary of the operations of the agencies under the FHLBB, 1939-1940
Massachusetts - Wyoming

Container 130
Federal Home Loan Bank Board
Federal Home Building Service
Federal Home Building Service - Architectural Service
Federal Home Building Service - Architectural Service - Small Home Design
Federal Home Loan Bank System
Federal Home Loan Bank System - Registered Home Service
Federal Home Loan Banks
Federal Home Loan Banks - Rules and Regulations

Container 131
Federal Home Loan Bank Board
Federal Savings and Loan Association
Home Owners Loan Corp.
Conservation Service
Division of Appraisal and Reconditioning
Division of Reconditioning
Insurance problems
Manual of Rules and Regulations, October 10, 1934

Container 132
Federal Home Loan Bank Board
Home Owners Loan Corp.
Manual of Rules and Regulations, December 1, 1934
Manual of Rules and regulations, December 1, 1936 (2 copies)

Container 133
Federal Home Loan Bank Board
Home Owners Loan Corp.
Manual of Approved Forms (1)
Manual of Approved Forms (2)
Manual of Approved Forms (3)
Federal Home Loan Bank of Cincinnati
Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago
Federal Home Loan Bank of Indianapolis
Federal Home Loan Bank of Little Rock

Container 134
Federal Home Loan Bank of Los Angeles
Federal Home Loan Bank of Pittsburgh
Federal Home Loan Bank of Winston-Salem
Federal Loan Agency
Federal Loan Agency - Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corp.
Federal National Mortgage Association

Container 135 (oversize)

Federal Home Loan Bank Board
Federal Home Building Service Plan - Reports on Operations, 1940

Federal Home Loan Bank System - Registered Home Service

Federal Home Loan Banks
Division of Research and Statistics - Charts and Data, 1933-1940
Federal Home Building Service Plan
Home Owners Loan Corp., 1933-1940
Chart Book, 1933-1940
Division of Research and Statistics
Organizational Charts

Container 136
Federal Housing Administration
Better Housing Program (1)
Better Housing Program (2)
European Housing
Handbook on Urban Redevelopment
Illustrative Cases
Insured Mortgage Portfolio, v. 1, 1936-1937

Insured Mortgage Portfolio, v. 2, 1937-1938

Container 137
Federal Housing Administration
Insured Mortgage Portfolio, v. 3, 1938-1939
Insured Mortgage Portfolio, v. 4, 1939-1940
Insured Mortgage Portfolio, v. 5, 1940-1941
Insured Mortgage Portfolio, v. 6, 1941-1942
Insured Mortgage Portfolio, v. 7, 1942-1943
Insured Mortgage Portfolio, v. 8, 1943-1944
Insured Mortgage Portfolio, v. 9, 1944-1945
Land Planning Bulletin
Legal Research Document
Low Cost Housing
Modernization Credit Plan
National Defense
Press Digest

Container 138
Federal Housing Administration
Press Releases, August - October 1934
Press Releases, November 1934 - 1935
Press Releases, 1936-1942
Realtors= Housing Conference
Rental Housing
Technical Bulletin
Technical Report
Underwriting Manual
Uniform System of Accounts

Container 139
Federal Power Commission
Applications for Approval, 18B-41
Applications for Approval, 42-49
Applications for Approval, 50-57
Court Cases: FPC vs. Appalachian Electric Power Company
Court Cases: FPC vs. Associated Gas and Electric Company System
Court Cases: Restraining Orders and Injunctions Instituted against Public Electric

Container 140
Federal Power Commission
Daily News Digest, v. 3, 1936
Daily News Digest, v. 4, 1936
Daily News Digest, v. 5, 1937
Daily News Digest, v. 6, 1938
Daily News Digest, v. 9, 1941
Daily News Digest, v. 10, nos. 18-81, 1941
Daily News Digest, v. 10, nos. 82-153, 1941
Daily News Digest, v. 11, nos. 1-59, 1942
Daily News Digest, v. 11, nos. 60-112, 1942

Container 141
Federal Power Commission
Electric Generating Plants
Electric Power Requirements and Supply, 1940
Electric Power Requirements and Supply, March 1941
Electric Power Requirements and Supply, June 1941
Electric Power Requirements and Supply, 1940-1945
Electric Power Statistics

Container 142
Federal Power Commission
Electrical Distribution Systems, Part I
Electrical Distribution Systems, Part II
Finances, Revenues
National Electric Rate Book, 1945
National Power Survey
Natural Gas
Power, Industrial
Power Requirements in Electrochemical ... Industries

Container 143
Federal Power Commission
Press Releases, 1934
Press Releases, 1935
Press Releases, 1937
Press Releases, 1938
Press Releases, 1940
Press Releases, 1941
Press Releases, 1942
Rate Series (1)

Rate Series (2)
Rates, Reports

Container 144
Federal Power Commission
Rules and Regulations (1)
Rules and Regulations (2)
Six-Year Plan
Federal Public Housing Authority
Federal Real Estate Board
Federal Reserve System
Bank Credit, Money Rates, and Business
Federal Reserve Bulletin, October 1940-March 1942
Container 145
Federal Reserve System
Federal Reserve Bulletin, January 1943 - December 1944

Container 146
Federal Reserve System
Federal Reserve Bulletin, January, March 1945
National and State Bank Members
Regulations of Board of Governors
Federal Security Agency
Office of Education
Biennial Survey of Education (1)
Biennial Survey of Education (2)
Container 147
Federal Security Agency
Office of Education
Bulletins (2)
Education and National Defense Series (1)
Education and National Defense Series (2)
Higher Education
Miscellaneous Series

Container 148
Federal Security Agency
Office of Education
Publications Lists
Radio for National Defense
School Children and the War Series
School Life
Victory Corps Series
Vocational Division - Bulletins (1)
Vocational Division - Bulletins (2)
Vocational Division - Leaflets
Social Security Board - See Social Security Board

Container 149 (oversized)

Federal Security Agency
Office of Education
Progress Report

Container 150
Federal Trade Commission
Agricultural Income Inquiry, 1937
Part I – Principal Farm Products
Part II – Fruits, Vegetables, and Grapes
Part III – Supplementary Report
Interim Report of the Federal Trade Commission on the
Agricultural Income Inquiry, 1935
Principal Farm Products, Agricultural Income Inquiry Summary, 1937
Annual Reports, for the fiscal years ended June 30, 1928 to June 30, 1940

Container 151
Federal Trade Commission
Chain Store Investigation Reports, 1932-1935
Digest of Decisions from 1915 to June 1, 1938
Federal Trade Commission Decisions, v. XI, November 5, 1926-January 29, 1928
Federal Trade Commission Decisions, v. 12, January 30, 1928-June 11, 1929

Container 152
Federal Trade Commission
Federal Trade Commission Decisions, v. 13, June 12, 1929-May 4, 1930
Federal Trade Commission Decisions, v. 14, May 5, 1930-March 23, 1931
Federal Trade Commission Decisions, v. 15, March 24, 1931-December 23, 1931

Federal Trade Commission Decisions, v. 16, December 24, 1931-July 17, 1932
Federal Trade Commission Decisions, v. 17, July 18, 1932-June 18, 1933
Federal Trade Commission Decisions, v. 18, June 19, 1933-April 23, 1934

Container 153
Federal Trade Commission
Federal Trade Commission Decisions, v. 19, April 24, 1934-December 2, 1934
Federal Trade Commission Decisions, v. 20, December 3, 1934-June 24, 1935
Federal Trade Commission Decisions, v. 21, June 25, 1935-January 13, 1936
Federal Trade Commission Decisions, v. 22, January 14, 1936-July 9, 1936
Federal Trade Commission Decisions, v. 23, July 10, 1936-November 30, 1936

Container 154
Federal Trade Commission
Federal Trade Commission Decisions, v. 24, December 1, 1936-May 31, 1937
Federal Trade Commission Decisions, v. 25, June 1, 1937-November 30, 1937
Federal Trade Commission Decisions, v. 26, December 1, 1937-May 31, 1938
Federal Trade Commission Decisions, v. 27, June 1, 1938-December 31, 1938
Container 155
Federal Trade Commission
Federal Trade Commission Decisions, v. 28, January 1, 1939-May 31, 1939
Federal Trade Commission Decisions, v. 29, June 1, 1939-November 30, 1939
Industrial Corporation Reports, October 15, 1940-January 21, 1941

Container 156
Federal Trade Commission
Monthly Summary of Work, July 1935, January 1936-June 1936, August 1936-
September 1936, November 1936, January 1937-November 1940
News Releases, February 1933-June 1937

Container 157
Federal Trade Commission
Reports, to Congress
Agricultural Implement and Machinery Industry, 1938
Antidumping Legislation, 1934, 1938
Bread-Baking Industry, 1928, 1932
Cement Industry, 1932, 1933
Cooperative Marketing in Farm Products, 1928
Cottonseed Industry, 1928, 1930, 1933
Electric Energy, 1931
Electrical Equipment, 1928
Function of the FTC, 1933
Gasoline Prices, 1934

Milk and Milk Products, 1935

Container 158
Federal Trade Commission
Reports, to Congress
Milk and Milk Products, 1936-1937
Motor Vehicle Industry, 1939
Newsprint Paper Industry, 1930
Packer Consent Degree, 1925
Panhandle Crude Petroleum, 1928
Peanut Mills, 1932
Resale Maintenance, 1929, 1931
Steel Industry, 1934
Utility Corporations, 1934-1936
Reports, Miscellaneous
Textile Industries, 1935

Container 159
Federal Trade Commission
Reports, Miscellaneous
DuPont Investments, 1929
Leaf Tobacco, 1931
Public Utility Holding and Operating Companies, 1934
Textile Industries, 1935-1936

Container 160
Federal Trade Commission
Reports, Miscellaneous
Antitrust Laws
Court Proceedings, Procedures, and Practices
FTC Overviews
Robinson-Patman Antidiscrimination Act data, 1938

Container 161
Federal Trade Commission
Reports, to the President
Iron and Steel Industry, 1934
Millinery Industry, 1939
Steel Sheet Pilings, 1936
Rules, Policy, and Acts, 1936, 1940
Trade Practice Conferences, 1933
Trade Practice Conference Procedures, 1938
Trade Practice Rules, 1935-1940

Federal Works Agency
Annual Report, 1948
Emergency Defense Expenditures, 1933-1940
Federal Fire Council, 1940-1941
Federal Work, Security, and Relief Programs
Press Releases
April 1940-August 1942
Public Buildings Administration
Air Raid Protection Code
Public Roads Administration
Reports of the Chief of the Bureau, 1928-1939
Public Works Administration
Press Releases, nos. 1-49, July 1939-September 1940

Container 162
Federal Works Agency
Public Works Administration
Status of Funds – 1939
Status of Funds – 1940
Status of Funds – 1941
Status of Funds – December 1942, November 1943
Geographic Board, United States
Fourth Report (1890-1916)
Health Education and Welfare, Department of
Miscellaneous Publications, 1962
Home Construction Bureau of Wisconsin
Five Point National Recovery Program
December 1933
Housing Authority, United States
Miscellaneous Publications
June 1938-July 1941
Press Releases
February 1938-August 1938

Container 163
Housing Authority, United States
Press Releases
September 7, 1938-November 4, 1938
April 5, 1939-May 17, 1939
May 26, 1939-June 26, 1939
August 31, 1939-September 30, 1939
October 24, 1939-December 4, 1939

December 11, 1939-January 30, 1940

Container 164
Housing Authority, United States
Press Releases
CC-1 to CC-52
N-1 to N-8
Publications List
July 1, 1939
Information Service, United States
Maine Defense Supplement
April 1, 1942
Interagency Records Administration Conference
Annual Reports
Reports of Meetings
1946/47-1951/52 Season
1952/53-1953/54 Season
1954/55-1956/57 Season
1957/58-1958/59 Season
1959/60-1961/62 Season

Container 165
Interagency Records Administration Conference
Forms Management Council
Annual Meeting, 1965
New York Interagency Records Administration Conference
Reports of Meetings – 1954/55 Season to 1959/60 Season
Interior, Department of
Alaska Road Commission, 1937
American Samoa
General Information, Secretary Speeches, and History, 1930-1940
Miscellaneous Publications, 1922-1934

Container 166
Interior, Department of
Philippine Islands (2)
Puerto Rico
Annual Report of the Governor, 1928, 1931-1932, 1934-1940
Miscellaneous (2)

Container 167
Interior, Department of
Puerto Rico
Bituminous Coal Division
Bituminous Coal Tables, 1938-1940
Enacting Legislation and Annual Reports, 1937-1941
Orders, June and September 1940
National Bituminous Coal Commission
Consumers’ Counsel - Miscellaneous (2)
Marketing Rules and Regulations
Orders, Nos. 1-70, 1937

Container 168
Interior, Department of
Bituminous Coal Division
National Bituminous Coal Commission
Orders, Nos. 71-150, 1937
Orders, Nos. 151-201, 1937-1938
Rules of Practice and Procedures, 1937
Bonneville Power Administration
Addresses, September 1939, May 1940-December 1940
Bonneville Power News, January 1939-July 1940
Bonneville Project
Bureau of Fisheries
History and Development of Fisheries on the Columbia River, 1940
Bureau of Mines
“Bituminous Coal”, chapters from Minerals Yearbook, 1938-1940
Publications Lists, 1910-1940
Report to Governor of Alaska, 1936

Container 169
Interior, Department of
Bureau of Reclamation
Federal Irrigation Project maps
Project reports/information
Division of Information

Current Conservation, April 1938-July 1941
Division of Subsistence Homesteads
Bulletin No. 1, Homesteads and Hope, 1935
Press Releases, September 1933-July 1934

Container 170
Interior, Department of
Division of Territories and Island Possessions
United States Antarctic Service
Federal Public Works Administration
Endorsements submitted to the Secretary of the Interior, 1935
Fish and Wildlife Service
Miscellaneous circulars and publication lists
General Land Office
Information Bulletins, nos. 1-5, 1939 series
Land of the Free, 1940
Geological Survey
Publications list
Roseau River, Minnesota
Yosemite Valley
Grazing Service
Fire Fighting Bulletins, nos. 1-6, 1939
The Grazing Bulletin, vol 1, no 1 (March 1936) – vol 4, no. 1 (Jan. 1941)
Miscellaneous publications and remarks

Container 171
Interior, Department of
National Park Service
Civilian Conservation Corps
Emergency Conservation Work
Field Division of Education
Forestry Branch
Miscellaneous publications – general
Miscellaneous publications – park-specific (2)

Container 172
Interior, Department of
National Park Service
National Parks Portfolio
Organized Camps
Park brochures
Park information sheets
Parks and Recreation Structures

Press Releases, 1933, 1936-1940
United States Travel Bureau
National Resources Committee
Regional Planning – Pacific Northwest, May 1936

Container 173
Interior, Department of
Office of Education
Bulletins, 1932-1937
Bulletins, 1938-1939
Bulletins, 1939
Leaflets and miscellaneous publications, 1937, 1939
Press releases and addresses, 1936-1939
School Life, 1934, 1938

Container 174
Interior, Department of
Office of Indian Affairs
Addresses, articles, and editorials by the Commissioner
Indian Education, Nos. 1-32, 35-51, 1936-1941
Indians at Work, August 15, 1933-October 15, 1934

Container 175
Interior, Department of
Office of Indian Affairs
Indians at Work, November 1, 1934-March 15, 1936

Container 176
Interior, Department of
Office of Indian Affairs
Indians at Work, April 1, 1936-April 1, 1938

Container 177
Interior, Department of
Office of Indian Affairs
Indians at Work, May 1, 1938-February 1941
Indians at Work, Special Issues

Container 178
Interior, Department of
Office of Indian Affairs
Inter-American Conference on Indian Life

Navajo Service
Press Releases, 1937-1939
Press Releases, 1940-1941

Container 179
Interior, Department of
Office of Indian Affairs
International Fisheries Commission
Halibut Commission and Pacific Halibut Fishery
International Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission – Annual Reports
International Joint Commission
Air Pollution
Boundary Waters – Miscellaneous (2)
Boundary Waters – Pollution of

Container 180 (oversize)

International Joint Commission
Boundary Waters – Pollution of
Interior, Department of
Bituminous Coal Division
National Bituminous Coal Commission
Consumers’ Counsel – Miscellaneous
Bonneville Power Administration
Market Development Section
National Park Service
Emergency Relief Projects Program
Office of Education
Report of the Educational Radio Project, Dec. 1935-May 1937

Container 181
International Joint Commission
Kootenay River
Rainy Lake – Hearings
Rainy Lake – Reports

Container 182
International Joint Commission
Richelieu River Remedial Works
Roseau River
Trail Smelter Reference – Briefs (1 of 2)

Container 183
International Joint Commission
Trail Smelter Reference – Briefs (2 of 2)
Trail Smelter Reference – Report
Interstate Commerce Commission
Decisions, 1933
Decisions, 1934, 1936, 1937
Finance Docket Briefings – Miscellaneous Railroad Company Reorganizations
Interstate Commerce Act

Container 184
Interstate Commerce Commission
Omnibus Transportation Legislation
Orders, Regulations, Forms, Reports, Accounting Clarifications, etc.
Air Mail
Annual and Other Periodic Reports – Railroad and Express Companies
Bankruptcy, Uniform System for
Carriers by Water
Explosives and Other Dangerous Materials, Transportation of
Express Companies

Container 185
Interstate Commerce Commission
Orders, Regulations, Forms, Reports, Accounting Clarifications, etc.
Motor Carriers (2)
Motor Vehicles (1 of 2)

Container 186
Interstate Commerce Commission
Orders, Regulations, Forms, Reports, Accounting Clarifications, etc.
Motor Vehicles (2 of 2)
Pipe Lines
Electric Railway Companies

Container 187
Interstate Commerce Commission
Orders, Regulations, Forms, Reports, Accounting Clarifications, etc.

Safety-Appliance Standards
Sleeping Car Companies
Steam Railroad Companies
Standard Time Zone Investigation
Rules of Practice
Tariff Circulars
Transportation of Explosives and Other Dangerous Articles by Freight & Express
Valuation Orders

Container 188
Interstate Commerce Commission
Bureau of Locomotive Inspection
Annual Reports, 1928-1940
Laws, Rules, and Instructions
Bureau of Safety
Reports of Director, 1928-1940
Signal Failure Report Forms
National Bituminous Coal Commission Consumers’ Counsel
Briefs and Other Pleadings before the Interstate Commerce Commission

Container 189
Justice, Department of
Anti-Semitic Newsletter Clippings
Brief Account of Its Organization and Activities, 1941
Circulars and Orders, Index, 1940
The Federal Antitrust Laws, with Summary, January 1938, Supplement, 1940
Library Review, May, July, September, 1941 v. 2, nos. 3-5
Listing of Publications of the Department of Justice, 1928 to 1941
Proceedings at the Ceremonies in Commemoration of the One Hundred and
Fiftieth Anniversary of First Meeting of Supreme Court of the
United States, February 1, 1940
Registers, Department of Justice and Courts of the United States,
33rd edition, 1928; 34th edition, 1929; 37th edition, 1934; 38th
edition, 1936

Container 190
Justice, Department of
Alien Registration Division
Interim Report, 1941
Attorney General’s Office
Addresses, Bibliography of, 1933-1939
Addresses by Homer S. Cummings, Press Releases, 1933

Addresses by Homer S. Cummings, Press Releases, 1934
Addresses by Homer S. Cummings, Press Releases, 1935
Addresses by Homer S. Cummings and John Dickinson, Press
Releases, 1936
Addresses by Homer S. Cummings and Robert H. Jackson, Press Releases,

Container 191
Justice, Department of
Attorney General’s Office
Addresses by Homer S. Cummings, Joseph P. Keenan and Robert H.
Jackson, Press Releases, 1938
Addresses by Frank Murphy, Press Releases, 1939
Addresses by Frank Murphy and Robert H. Jackson, Press Releases, 1940
Addresses by Robert H. Jackson, Press Releases, 1941
Addresses of Officials, 1936-1939
Addresses on Antitrust Laws by Thurman W. Arnold, October 24, 1940 to
January 23, 1941

Container 192
Justice, Department of
Attorney General’s Office
Circulars, No. 3301, October 26, 1939; No. 3356, May 21, 1940
Committee on Administrative Procedure, Final Report, 1941, v. 1

Container 193
Justice, Department of
Attorney General’s Office
Committee on Administrative Procedure, Final Report, 1941, v. 2
Conference on Crime, Proceedings of, December 10-13, 1934

Container 194
Justice, Department of
Attorney General’s Office
Letters and Opinions, 1916, 1917, 1932, 1935
Memorandums and Oral Arguments, 1917, 1935, 1938
Origin and Development of the Office of the Attorney General,
Press Releases on Antitrust Law, 1938-1941
Programs, Conference on Crime, Dedication of Justice Building,

Container 195
Justice, Department of
Attorney General’s Office
Release Procedures, Survey of, 1939, v. I-V
Board of Parole
National Parole Conference, Proceedings of, 1939, Rules and
Regulations, 1936

Container 196
Justice, Department of
Bureau of Prisons
Federal Offenders, Reviews of the Bureau’s Work, 1930-1939
Federal Prisons, Annual Reports, 1930, 1937-1940
Federal Probation Act, Decisions Interpreting the, 1937
Prison Service Study Course, 1932

Container 197
Justice, Department of
Claims Division
Organization and Activities Chart, 1938
Criminal Division
Crime Laws of the 73rd Congress, 1934
Division for Enforcement of Antitrust Laws
Public Statements, May 1938 - January 1941
Container 198
Justice, Department of
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Communist Party, German American Bund, Various Charts
Crime Statistics, Various Charts
National Defense Investigations, 1941
Civilian Defense Corps, Proposed Plan for, with Charts

Container 199
Justice, Department of
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Conducting Research in FBI Records, 1990
Introduction to the FBI, a Booklet, 1940
National Defense Investigations, Quarterly Summary, November 15, 1940

Uniform Crime Reports, 1936-1938, 1940

Container 200 (oversized)

Justice, Department of
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Axis Activities in Central and South America, December 5, 1941
Axis Activities in Columbia, March 15, 1942
Axis Vessels Interned, March 15, 1942
Espionage Activities
Field Office Organizational Charts for Alaska, Hawaii and
Puerto Rico
Financial Transactions of Germany, Italy, Japan and Russia,
March 7, 1941
Industrial Plants with FBI Informants, February 28, 1942

Container 201 (oversized)

Justice, Department of
Federal Bureau of Investigation
National Movements within the Chicago Area, 1944
Oil Production, Western Venezuela, 1942
Population Statistics for Latin America, May 1942
Population Statistics for United States, 1940
Alaska - Geographical Locations of Sources of Information
Alaska - Geographical Location of Special Employees
Mexico - Airline Routes and Telephone Lines
Survey Exhibits
Protective Facilities of Oil Producing and Refining Installations in
Western Venezuela and Aruba, N.W.I.

Container 202
Justice, Department of
Public Lands Division
Expropriations of Property for National Defense, 1939
Federal Law, Research Outline on
Law, Digest of Memoranda on, January 1 to December 31, 1939
Memorandum, Necessity for Statute and Uniform Rule of Court
Regulating Federal Condemnation Cases, 1940

Container 203
Labor, Department of

Bureau of Immigration
Deportation, February 9, 1926
Information on Immigration, excerpts from annual report, June 30, 1930
Bureau of Labor Statistics
Bulletins, nos. 456-549, September 1927 – October 1931

Container 204
Labor, Department of
Bureau of Labor Statistics
Bulletins, nos. 552-629, October 1931 – September 1936

Container 205
Labor, Department of
Bureau of Labor Statistics
Bulletins, nos. 630-770, September 1937 - May 1943
Cost of Living Index, February 25, 1944 (2)
Four Years of the Public Contract Act, serial no. R.1192, 1941
Guaranteed Employment and Annual Wage Provisions in Union
Agreements, March 1945
Strikes in 1939, serial no. R.1114
Strikes in 1940, serial no. R.1282

Container 206
Labor, Department of
Children’s Bureau
The Child, v. 1, no. 1 – v. 5, no. 7

Container 207
Labor, Department of
Children’s Bureau
Community Welfare Picture, 1938
Industrial Division
The Hazardous Nature of the Occupations of Driving Motor
Vehicles…, October 6, 1939
The Hazards of Coal-Mine Employment for Young Workers, June
7, 1940
Publications, nos. 217, 224-298, 1933 – 1943
Selected List of Publications, October 1, 1940
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, 1937
Consumer’s Project
Chart – Comparison of Provisions in State Consumers’ Cooperative
Statutes, January 1, 1937
Consumers’ Cooperative Statutes and Decisions, January 1, 1937

Division of Labor Standards
Bulletins, nos. 1-19, 1934-1938

Container 208
Labor, Department of
Division of Labor Standards
Bulletins, nos. 20-45, 66, 1938-1944
Digest of Principal State Labor Legislation, 1935
Labor Standards, April 1938 – February 1941

Container 209
Labor, Department of
Division of Public Contracts
Addresses by Metcalfe Walling, Administrator, January 14, 1938 –
March 18, 1941
Four Years of the Division of Public Contracts, October 1, 1940
Minimum Wage Determinations under the Walsh-Healy Public Contracts
Reference Sheet for National War Labor Board Non-Compliance Cases
Referred to the President and OES, July 21, 1945
Walsh-Healy Public Contracts Act, Rulings and Interpretation, no. 2, 1937
Division of Publications and Supplies
Publications of the Department of Labor, July 1, 1940 (2)
List of American Trade Union Journals and Labor Papers…, January 15,
The National Health Program and Medical Care in the United States:
Selected Recent References, June 1940
The Public Contracts (Walsh-Healy) Act: Selected References,
October 1940

Container 210
Labor, Department of
Office of the Secretary
Deportation Court Case, 1939
Handbook for Agencies Selecting Men for the Civilian Conservation
Corps, 1936
Letters of Instruction for Selection of Men for the Civilian Conservation
Corps, 1937
Migration of Workers, Preliminary Report, v. 1-2, 1938
Prison Service Study Course, 1934
Report of the Commission for Industrial Relations in Great Britain, 1938
Report of the Commission for Industrial Relations in Sweden, 1938

Twenty-five Years of Service – 1913-1938 (2)
Office of the Solicitor
Legal Field Letters, nos. 34, 35, 39, 40, 42, 44, 45, October 1940 –
February 1941
U. S. Employment Service
National Reemployment Service
Conference Proceedings, July 1933
Organization and Functions

Container 211
Labor, Department of
Wage and Hour Division
Annual Reports, 1939, 1940
Interpretive Bulletins, nos. 1-14, 1938-1940
Legal Field Letters, nos. 22, 23, 26, 27, July-August, 1940
Opinion Manual of the General Counsel, v. 1, 1940
Research and Statistics Branch
Maximum Hour Legislation in France, 1936-1940
Minimum Wages in the Seamless Hosiery Industry, 1941
Regulating Hours of Labor in Great Britain, 1941
Title 29, Chapter V, Code of Federal Regulations
Regulations, Parts 511-541, 1940-1941
Wage Orders, Parts 551-593, 1939-1941
Wage and Hour Division and Children’s Bureau
Explanation of the Fair labor Standards Act of 1938

Container 212
Labor, Department of
Women’s Bureau
Bulletins, nos. 61-183, 1928-1941
List of Publications (Bulletins) of the Women’s Bureau, 1941
Effects of Dismissing Married Persons from the Civil service, 1936
Gainful Employment of Married Women, 1936
Women’s Hours and Wages in the District of Columbia, 1937
Container 213
Labor, Department of
Women’s Bureau
Press Release, Today Many Homemakers Must Be Wage Earners,
January 24, 1937
The Woman Worker, 1938-1941
Women at Work, 1933, 1939

Container 214
Library of Congress
Annual Reports (reprints) of the Librarian of Congress, Fiscal Year Ending June
30, 1940
Antitrust Legislation, September 1961
Blind Adults, Books for, 1937-1939
Business Problems, 1942
Communism, 1946
Legislative Reference Service
National Defense Bulletins, series F: Guide to Current Materials, nos. 1-
28, April-August 1941
National Defense Bulletins, series F: Guide to Current Materials, nos. 29-
38, August-September 1941
Public Affairs Bulletin, no. 10, 1942
Maps, 1936
Postage stamps, 1940

Container 215
Library of Congress
Reference Lists
State Law Index, 1927, 1938
State Publications, 1940

Container 216
Maritime Commission
Flag Service
General Orders, 1-20, 1936-1937
Merchant Marine
Economic Surveys
Labor and Shipping Reports
Public Information
Ships and Shipping

Container 217
Guide to German Records Microfilmed at Alexandria, VA, no. 1-16

Container 218
Guide to German Records Microfilmed at Alexandria, VA, no. 17-31

Container 219
Guide to German Records Microfilmed at Alexandria, VA, no. 32-43

Container 220
Guide to German Records Microfilmed at Alexandria, VA, no. 44-55

Container 221
Guide to German Records Microfilmed at Alexandria, VA, no. 56-67

Container 222
Guide to German Records Microfilmed at Alexandria, VA, no. 68-74
Guide to the Collection of Hungarian Political and Military Records, 1909-1945
Guide to Records of the Italian Armed Forces, Part 1 and 2
Guide to Records of the Italian Armed Forces, Part 3

Container 223
Inventory of Record Groups: 37, 107, 108, 127, 211, 229, 243, 256, 272, 350,
405, 409

Container 224
Microfilm Publications
Pamphlets Describing M1024-M2079 (some missing)

Container 225
Microfilm Publications
Pamphlets (continued)

Container 226
Miscellaneous Finding Aids (arranged by record group) RG 10, 21, 24, 26, 32, 49,
63, 77, 92, 110, 111, 120

Container 227
Miscellaneous Finding Aids (arranged by record group) RG 171, 178, 179, 187,
203, 212, 220, 248, 255, 392, 394
Container 228
Minutes of Conference of State Officers
Miscellaneous Publications
Newsletters 1973-1977
Container 229
Press Releases 1942-1953
Records Administration Circulars
Staff Information Circulars/Papers
Container 230
Pamphlet Accompanying Microcopies M 1-599

Container 231
Pamphlet Accompanying Microcopies M 600-929

Container 232
Preliminary Checklist (arranged by record group) RG 1-149

Container 233
Preliminary Checklist (arranged by record group) RG 150-194

Container 234
Preliminary Inventories, no. 1-22

Container 235
Preliminary Inventories, no. 23-41

Container 236
Preliminary Inventories, no. 42-64

Container 237
Preliminary Inventories, no. 65-91, (missing no. 90)

Container 238
Preliminary Inventories, no. 92-105

Container 239
Preliminary Inventories, no. 106-123

Container 240
Preliminary Inventories, no. 124-160, (missing no. 134-138, 140-143, 145-146,
149-153, 155, 158-159)
Container 241
Preliminary Inventories, no. 163-171, (missing no. 161-162, 164, 169)

Container 242
Preliminary Inventories, no. 172 vol. 1-5

Container 243
Preliminary Inventories, no. 173-191

Container 244
Reference Information Circulars/Papers, no. 1-75, 108, 110, 112 (missing 48-64)

Container 245
Regional Guides to Archives

Container 246

Registration of Record Groups Finding Aids, RG 1-410

Container 247
Special List, no. 1-12

Container 248
Special List, no. 13-22, (missing no. 17, 18, 20)

Container 249
Special List, no. 23-39, 61
National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics
Annual Reports, 1941, 1942
Bulletin no. 2, December 1941
National Commission of Fine Arts
National Defense Commission
Defense Contracts
Press Releases
September 1940
National Education Association
Research Division
November 1941

Container 250
National Emergency Council
Miscellaneous Reports
November 1934-October 1942

Container 251
National Emergency Council
Press Releases
March-June 1933
July-December 1933
January-March 1934
April 1934-April 1935
May-June 1935
Container 252
National Emergency Council
Press Releases

June-July 1935
August-September 1935
August 1936-February 1939

Container 253
National Emergency Council
Replacement Updates for U.S. Government Manual
March 10-November 15, 1937
February 4-July 2, 1938

Container 254
National Emergency Council
July-December 1933

Container 255
National Emergency Council
January-August 1934
October-November 1934

Container 256
National Emergency Council
January 1935
October 1935-January 1936
National Forest Reservation Commission
Letter from the Secretary of War
Report of the NFRC for the Year of June 1932
National Housing Agency
Miscellaneous Publications
April 1937-December 1945
Blueprints for the Ellen Wilson Dwellings

Container 257
National Labor Relations Board
Fahy, Charles
Madden, J. Warren
Millis, H.A.
Leiserson, William M.

Smith, Edwin S.

Container 258
National Labor Relations Board
Court Cases (Supreme Court, Circuit Courts, District Courts)
J 97-129a (missing J: 99, 109, 125) [February 6, 1928-April 12, 1937]
J 130-163 (missing J: 138, 139, 155, 159, 162-164, 166, 170-196) [June
17, 1936-April 18, 1938]
J 170-209 (missing J: 181, 191) [June 14, 1937-June 14, 1938]
J 210-259 (missing J: 225, 234, 238, 256) [June 10, 1938-April 28, 1939]

Container 259
National Labor Relations Board
Court Cases (Supreme Court, Circuit Courts, District Courts)
J 260-299 (missing J: 264, 274) [May 12, 1939-December 15, 1939]
J 300-339 (missing J: 305) [December 28, 1939-April 29, 1940]
J 340-379 (missing J: 344, 344a, 357, 363, 377) [May 2, 1940-August 20,
Container 260
National Labor Relations Board
Court Cases (Supreme Court, Circuit Courts, District Courts)
J380-419 [July 29, 1940-May 22, 1941]
J420-459 (missing J: 432-437) [December 27, 1940-March 28, 1941]
J460-479 [April 2, 1941-May 6, 1941]
J480-521 (missing J: 494-500) [May 8, 1941-July 17, 1941]
Container 261
National Labor Relations Board
Press Releases
January 1941-June 1942 (R4002-5369) [Incomplete]
June 1942-March 1943 (R5370-5499) [Incomplete]
March 1943-November 1943 (R5500-5561) [Incomplete]
Decisions of the NLRB
August 1933-March 1934
April 1934-July 1934
July 1934-December 1934
December 1934-June 1935
Division of Economic Research
Bulletin 1: August 1936
Bulletin 2: June 1938
Bulletin 3: October 1938
Bulletin 4: November 1939
Rules and Regulations

Series 1: April 1936
Series 2: March 1940
Container 262
National Recovery Administration
Chapters I-IV
Blue Eagle Letters
September 1933-December 1934
January 1935-February 1935

Container 263 (Oversized)

National Recovery Administration
Blue Eagle Weekly
June 1934-May 1935

Container 264
National Recovery Administration
February 1935-June 1938
June 1934-January 1935

Container 265
National Recovery Administration
Evidence Study
No. 1-20

Container 266
National Recovery Administration
Evidence Study
No. 21-43

Container 267
National Recovery Administration
Evidence Study
No. 44-52

Container 268
National Recovery Administration
Hearings Scheduled
June 1934-May 1935

Container 269
National Recovery Administration
Labor Program
Part I-XXI
Container 270
National Recovery Administration
Legal Studies
Part I-III
Minutes of the Industrial Board Meetings
1933 (No. 1-10)

Container 271
National Recovery Administration
Minutes of the Industrial Board Meetings
1933 (No. 11-26)

Container 272
National Recovery Administration
Miscellaneous Publications
June 1933-February 1937
Policy Hearings
December 1934-March 1935
Preliminary Reports
Automobile Industry
January 1935
Iron and Steel Industry
November 1934

Container 273 (oversized)

National Recovery Administration
Preliminary Reports
Automobile Industry
January 1935

Container 274
National Recovery Administration
Preliminary Reports
Iron and Steel Industry
November 1934

Container 275
National Recovery Administration

Preliminary Reports
Iron and Steel Industry
November 1934
Memorandum for Future of National Industry
November 1934
Press Digest
June 1934-March 1935

Container 276
National Recovery Administration
Press Digest
March 1935-June 1935

Container 277
National Recovery Administration
Press Releases
May 1934-July 1934

Container 278
National Recovery Administration
Press Releases
July 1934-August 1934

Container 279
National Recovery Administration
Press Releases
August 1934-September 1934

Container 280
National Recovery Administration
Press Releases
September 1934-October 1934

Container 281
National Recovery Administration
Press Releases
October 1934-November 1934

Container 282
National Recovery Administration
Press Releases
November 1934-December 1934

Container 283
National Recovery Administration
Press Releases
December 1934-January 1935

Container 284
National Recovery Administration
Press Releases
January 1935

Container 285
National Recovery Administration
Press Releases
February 1935-March 1935

Container 286
National Recovery Administration
Press Releases
March 1935-April 1935

Container 287
National Recovery Administration
Press Releases
April 1935-May 1935

Container 288
National Recovery Administration
Reports and Amendments to Codes (alphabetically by Industry)

Container 289
National Recovery Administration
Reports and Amendments to Codes

Container 290
National Recovery Administration
Reports and Amendments to Codes

Container 291
National Recovery Administration
Reports and Amendments to Codes


Container 292
National Recovery Administration
Reports and Amendments to Codes

Container 293
National Recovery Administration
Reports and Amendments to Codes

Container 294
National Recovery Administration
Reports and Amendments to Codes

Container 295
National Recovery Administration
Reports and Amendments to Codes

Container 296
National Recovery Administration
Reports and Amendments to Codes

Container 297
National Recovery Administration
Reports and Amendments to Codes

Container 298
National Recovery Administration
Reports and Amendments to Codes

Container 299
National Recovery Administration
Reports and Amendments to Codes

Container 300
National Recovery Administration
Reports and Amendments to Codes

Container 301
National Recovery Administration
Reports and Amendments to Codes

Container 302
National Recovery Administration
Reports and Amendments to Codes

Container 303
National Recovery Administration
Statistical Materials
November 1935-March 1936

Container 304
National Recovery Administration
Trade Practices
Parts I-VII

Container 305
National Recovery Administration
Work Materials
No.1-8, No.9 (Vol.1&2)

Container 306
National Recovery Administration
Work Materials
No.9 (Vol.3), No.10-16

Container 307
National Recovery Administration
Work Materials

Container 308
National Recovery Administration
Work Materials
No.29-34, No.35 (Parts A-C)

Container 309
National Recovery Administration
Work Materials
No.35 (Part D), No.36-40

Container 310
National Recovery Administration
Work Materials
No.41-44, No.45 (Parts A-C)

Container 311
National Recovery Administration
Work Materials
No.45 (Part D), No.46-50

Container 312
National Recovery Administration
Work Materials

Container 313
National Recovery Administration
Work Materials

Container 314
National Recovery Administration
Work Materials
No.63-68, No.69 (V.1)

Container 315
National Recovery Administration
Work Materials

No.69 (V.2), No.70-72

Container 316
National Recovery Administration
Work Materials

Container 317
National Recovery Administration
Work Materials

Container 318
National Recovery Administration
Work Materials
National Resources Committee
Press Releases
January 1936-February 1939

Container 319
National Resources Planning Board
September 1939-June 1942
Miscellaneous Publications
June 1937-October 1940

Container 320
National Resources Planning Board
Miscellaneous Publications
November 1940-May 1941
Patterns of Resource Use
June 1938 (Part I&II)

Container 321 (oversized)

National Resources Planning Board
Projects Scheduled for Six-Year Public Work Program
Fiscal Years, 1941-1946

Container 322
National Youth Administration

October 1935-September 1936 (No.1-10)
September 1936-September 1940
Division of Information
August 1939-August 1940

General Information Bulletins

June 1935-September 1939
September 1938-October 1940
Information Exchange
November 1939-February 1941(Bulletin 1-10)
Letters to State Youth Directors
October 1935-April 1936
Miscellaneous Publications
November 1935-November 1942

Container 323
National Youth Administration
Miscellaneous Publications (by state)
Illinois (January 1937-June 1937)
New York City (July 1937-July 1943)
New York State (April 1936-June 1937)
Ohio (March 1937)
Pennsylvania (July 1937)

Container 324
National Youth Administration
Press Releases
June-December, 1935
January-December, 1936
January-December, 1937
January-December, 1938
January-December, 1939
January-December, 1940
January-February, 1941

Container 325
National Youth Administration
May 1939-March 1942
Student Work Program

June 1940
Technical Information Circular
April 1939
Container 326
Office of Censorship
Miscellaneous Publications
June 1942
Office of Civil Archives
Finding Aids and Inventories of Record Groups
NC 3-69

Container 327
Office of Civil Archives
Finding Aids and Inventories of Record Groups
NC 70-115

Container 328
Office of Civil Archives
Finding Aids and Inventories of Record Groups
NC 116-154
List of Finding Aids

Container 329
Office of Civilian Defense
Miscellaneous Publications
July-August, 1941
Office of Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs
Press Division
December 1942-January 1943
September 1941-July 1942
Office of Dependency Benefits
Christmas Slip
October 1944
Office of Emergency Management
Press Releases
June 1941-October 1942
Miscellaneous Publications
October 1941-June 1946
Office of Facts and Figures
Memoranda, 1943

Container 330
Office of Facts and Figures
Reports to the Nation
December 1941
Office of Military Government for Germany
General Provisions
Military Government Regulation
April 1947
Manpower Division
Reports & Statistics Branch
Land Labor Ministries in the U.S. Zone
January 1947
Statistical Reports
July 1946
October 1946
Monthly Report of Military Governor
February 1946
Office of the President
Bills Signed
August 1939
Bureau of Budget
Hours of Duty of Civilian Nursing, Ward Attendants and Dietic Personnel
December 1939
Communication from the President of the United States
February 1922
Editorial Comments
January 1942

Container 331
Office of the President
Editorial Comments
January 1943
Government Reports
First Scripts from Agencies
October 1938

Container 332
Office of the President
Government Reports
First Scripts from Agencies

November 1938
December 1938-September 1939
October 1939-December 1939
January 1940-December 1940

Container 333
Office of the President
Government Reports
Second Scripts from Agencies
November 1938-March 1939
April1939-November 1940
Third Scripts from Agencies
December 1938-December 1940
Fourth Scripts from Agencies
January 1939-October 1940
Fifth Scripts from Agencies
May 1939-December 1940
Sixth Scripts from Agencies
August 1939
Container 334
Office of the President
Government Reports
Agency Series
July 1929-December 1939 (No.1-21)
Cabinet Series
May 1939-July 1939 (No. 1-11)
National Defense Series
August 1940-December 1940 (No. 1-15)
Messages from the President
February 1916-August 1939
Nominations Sent to the Senate
January 1939-August 1939
Press Releases
December 1942-May 1943
Office of Price Administration
Miscellaneous Publications
May 1942
Office of Production Management
Division of Contract Distribution
O.P.M. Contract News
Vol.1 No.3
January 1942

Office of Recorder of Deeds
Semi-Annual Report, 1933-1934

Container 335
Office of Secretary of War
Functions of the Civilian Medical Division
January 1944
Letter from the Acting Secretary of War
February 1916
Letter from the Secretary of War
August 1916-August 1935
Office of the Special Advisor on Foreign Trade
Press Releases
October 1943-April 1944
Division of Press Intelligence
Abstracts to the Utterances of FDR, 1932-1933
Index to the Utterances of FDR, 1932

Container 336
Office of War Information
Division of Press Intelligence
Index to the Utterances of FDR, 1933
Index to the Papers of FDR, 1935
Index to the Papers of FDR, 1936

Container 337
Office of War Information
Division of Press Intelligence
Memorandum of Editorial Reaction
April 1935-December 1935
January 1936-December 1936
January 1937-December 1937

Container 338
Office of War Information
Division of Press Intelligence
Press Digest
August 1933-September 1933
October 1933-November 1933

Container 339
Office of War Information
Division of Press Intelligence
Press Digest
April 1934-September 1934
October 1934-November 1934

Container 340
Office of War Information
Division of Press Intelligence
Press Digest
March 1944-March 1945

Container 341
Office of War Information
Foreign News Bureau
Items from Wire File
March 1944
April 1944
May 1944
June 1944
July 1944
August 1944

Container 342
Office of War Information
Foreign News Bureau
Items from Wire File
August 1944
September 1944
October 1944
November 1944
December 1944
January 1945

Container 343
Office of War Information
Foreign News Bureau
Items from Wire File
February 1945
March 1945
April 1945
May 1945

June 1945
July 1945

Container 344
Office of War Information
Government Reports
July-August, 1940
September-October, 1940
November-December, 1940
January-February, 1941
March-April, 1941
May-June, 1941
July-August, 1941
September-October, 1941
November-December, 1941

Container 345
Office of War Information
Government Reports
January-February, 1942
March-April, 1942
May-June, 1942
July-August, 1942
September-October, 1942
November-December, 1942
January-February, 1943
March-April, 1943
May-June, 1943

Container 346
Office of War Information
Index to Government Reports
August-September, 1941
September-December, 1941
December 1941-December 1942
January-March, 1942
April-June, 1942
July-September, 1942
October-December, 1942
January-February, 1943

Container 347
Office of War Information
Information Digest
June 1940
July 1940
August 1940
September 1940
October 1940
November 1940
December 1940
January 1941
February 1941
March 1941

Container 348
Office of War Information
Information Digest
April 1941
May 1941
June 1941
July 1941
August 1941
September 1941
Container 349
Office of War Information
Information Digest
October 1941
November 1941
December 1941
January 1942
February 1942
March 1942
April 1942
May 1942

Container 350
Office of War Information
Information Digest
June 1942
July 1942
August 1942

September 1942
October 1942
November 1942
December 1942

Container 351
Office of War Information
Information Digest
January 1943
February 1943
March 1943

Container 352
Office of War Information
Miscellaneous Publications
July 1942-March 1945
Press Releases
July 1943-December 1943
March 1944
May 1944

Container 353
Office of War Information
Press Releases
June 1944
August 1944
September 1944
October 1944
November 1944
December 1944-January 1945
February 1945
March 1945

Container 354
Office of War Information
Victory Bulletins
October 1942-April 1944

Container 355
Office of War Information
Victory Bulletins
April 1944-December 1945

Container 356
Pan American Union
January 1933-December 1934

Container 357
Pan American Union
January 1935-December 1936

Container 358
Pan American Union
January 1937-December 1938

Container 359
Pan American Union
June 1939-December 1940

Container 360
Pan American Union
January 1941-December 1942

Container 361
Pan American Union
January 1943-August 1944
September 1944-December 1945

Container 362
Pan American Union
January 1946-June 1946

Container 363
Pan American Union
July 1946-October 1948

Container 364
Pan American Union
Codification of International Law
November 1938-November 1939
Commercial Pan America
Volume IX (No.4-10)[April-December, 1940]
Volume X (No.1-10)[January-December, 1941]

Container 365
Pan American Union
Commercial Pan America
Volume XI (No.1-12)[January-December, 1942]
Volume XII (No.1-12)[January-December, 1943]
Volume XIII (No.1-12)[January-December, 1944]

Container 366
Pan American Union
Commercial Pan America
Volume XIV (No.1-12)[January-December, 1945]
Volume XV (No.1-4)[January-April, 1946]
Congress and Conference Series
December 1933-July 1940
Conventions for Maintenance of Peace

Container 367
Pan American Union
Decrees and Regulations on Neutrality
December 1939
1933 (No.1)
1938 (No.1-10)
Container 368
Pan American Union
1938 (No.11-18)
1939 (No.1)
1940 (No.1)
Documents Relating to Pan American Affairs

Container 369 (Oversized)
Pan American Union
1945 (No.1)

Container 370
Pan American Union
Em Guardia
Year One (No.3-12)
Year Two (No.1-9,12)

Container 371
Pan American Union
Em Guardia
Year Three (No.1-4,10-12)
Year Four (No.2,3,5,6)
En Marcha
Vol.1 No.1

Container 372
Pan American Union
Final Acts
December 1933-July 1940

Container 373
Pan American Union
International Conference of American States
December 1933-April 1948
December 1938
Minutes and Antecedents, 1933
December1933-December 1938

Container 374
Pan American Union
Industrial Conference of American States
February 1934-December 1938

Container 375
Pan American Union
Miscellaneous Publications
March 1917-April 1951

Container 376
Pan American Union
Pan American Book Shelf
1940: Vol.3 (No.8-12)
1941: Vol.4 (No.1-12)

Container 377
Pan American Union
Pan American Book Shelf
1942: Vol.5 (No.1-12)

Container 378
Pan American Union
Pan American Book Shelf
1943: Vol.6 (No.1-12)
1944: Vol.7 (No.1-12)
1945: Vol.8 (No.1-12)
1946: Vol.9 (No.1-12)

Container 379
Pan American Union
Pan American Day
April 14, 1941
April 1936-April 1946

Container 380
Post Office
Letters from the Post Master General, 1937
Miscellaneous Publications
Press Releases
January-December, 1927
January-December, 1928
January-December, 1929

Container 381
Post Office
Press Releases
January-December, 1930
January-December, 1931
January-December, 1932
January-December, 1933
January-May, 1934
May-December, 1934

Container 382
Post Office
Press Releases
January-December, 1935
January-December, 1936
January-December, 1937
January-December, 1938
January-December, 1939
January-December, 1940

Container 383
Post Office
Press Releases
January-December, 1941
January-July, 1942
July-December, 1942
January-December, 1943
January-December, 1944
January-December, 1945
January-December, 1946

Container 384
Prison Industries Reorganization Administration
Progress Reports, 1937
Surveys by U.S. States
California, 1937
Colorado, 1940
Delaware, 1937
Florida, 1940
Georgia, 1937
Idaho, 1939

Indiana, 1938
Kansas, 1938

Container 385
Prison Industries Reorganization Administration
Surveys by U.S. States
Kentucky, 1936
Missouri, 1938
New Mexico, 1938
Oregon, 1938
Tennessee, 1938
Texas, 1936
Utah, 1937
Vermont, 1936
Virginia, 1939

Container 386
Public Works Administration
Housing Digest
November 1935-April 1936
Miscellaneous Publications
January-December, 1933
Press Releases
May 1935-July 1935

Container 387 (Oversize)

Public Works Administration
Reports of the Mississippi Valley Committee
October 1, 1934 (2 Sets)

Container 388
Reconstruction Finance Corporation
Annual Reports
December 1935
December 1937
December 1938
February 1932-March 1933 (No.1-5)
September 1933-June 1934 (No.6-13)
September 1940-July 1940 (No.14-23)
General Material
January 1937

Container 389
Reconstruction Finance Corporation
Miscellaneous Reports
January 1933-February 1939
September 1937-October 1944
December 1934-February 1941

Container 390
Reconstruction Finance Corporation
Monthly Reports
July-October, 1932
November 1932-February 1933
March-May, 1933
June-August, 1933
September-October, 1933
November-December, 1933

Container 391 (Oversize)

Reconstruction Finance Corporation
Monthly Reports
January 1933

Container 392
Reconstruction Finance Corporation
Monthly Reports
January 1934
February-March, 1934
April-May, 1934
June-July, 1934
August-September, 1934

Container 393
Reconstruction Finance Corporation
Monthly Reports
October-November, 1934
December 1934
January-February, 1935
March-May, 1935
June-July, 1935
August-October, 1935

Container 394
Reconstruction Finance Corporation
Monthly Reports
November-December, 1935
January-February, 1936
March-April, 1936
May-June, 1936
July-August, 1936
September-October, 1936

Container 395
Reconstruction Finance Corporation
Monthly Reports
November-December, 1936
January-March, 1937
April-June, 1937
July-September, 1937
October-December, 1937
January-March, 1938

Container 396
Reconstruction Finance Corporation
Monthly Reports
April-June, 1938
July-August, 1938
September-October, 1938
November-December, 1938
January-February, 1939

Container 397
Reconstruction Finance Corporation
Monthly Reports
March-April, 1939
May-June, 1939
July-August, 1939
September-October, 1939

Container 398
Reconstruction Finance Corporation
Press Releases
January-December, 1933
January-December, 1934
January 1935

February 1935
March 1935
April 1935
May 1935
June 1935
July 1935
August 1935
September 1935
October 1935
November 1935
December 1935

Container 399
Reconstruction Finance Corporation
Press Releases
January 1936
February 1936
March 1936
April 1936
May-June, 1936
July-August, 1936
September-October, 1936
November-December, 1936

Container 400
Reconstruction Finance Corporation
Press Releases
January-March, 1937
April-June, 1937
July-September, 1937
October-December, 1937
January-March, 1938
April-June, 1938
July, 1938
August 1938
September-December, 1938

Container 401
Reconstruction Finance Corporation
Press Releases
January-March, 1939
April-June, 1939
July-December, 1939

January-February, 1940
March-April, 1940
May-June, 1940
July-August, 1940
September-October, 1940
November-December, 1940
January-June, 1941
July-December, 1941
March-November, 1942
December 1943

Container 402
Reconstruction Finance Corporation
Press Releases
August-October, 1944
January 1945
February-April, 1945

Container 403
Reconstruction Finance Corporation
Quarterly Reports
July 1932-September 1940
Reconstruction Finance Corporation Acts
July 1932-September 1943
Reports to the Senate
April 1933-August 1940

Container 404 (Oversized)

Resettlement Administration
Division of Works Progress and Reports
Reports Section
September 1935-August 1937
Finance and Control Division
Special Reports Section
February-March, 1936

Container 405
Resettlement Administration
First Annual Report
November 1936
Greenbelt Communities
January 1940

Greenbelt Planning
August 1936
Greenbelt Towns
September 1936
How Resettlement Communities are Turned Over to Local Ownership, 1936
Information of Interest to Writers, 1936
Interim Report
April 1936
Miscellaneous Publications, 1935-1936
Press Releases
September 1935-February 1937
Program of the Resettlement Administration
May 1936
Resettlement Information Service
Bulletin No.1
Transfer of the Functions, Funds, Property, Etc.
December 1936
Verbatim Copy of Executive Order No. 7027 (Ex-RA2)
April 1935

Container 406
Securities and Exchange Commission
Addresses (Alphabetical order by first name)

Container 407
Securities and Exchange Commission
General Rules and Regulations
Official Summaries
December 1935

Container 408
Securities and Exchange Commission

Official Summaries
May-August, 1941
September-December, 1941
January-February, 1942
March-June, 1942

Container 409
Securities and Exchange Commission
Operating Results and Investments
Press Releases
February 1941-May 1942
June 1936

Container 410
Securities and Exchange Commission
June 1936-August 1939

Container 411
Securities and Exchange Commission
August 1939
Securities Traded on Exchanges
February-April, 1942
Statistical Surveys
June-August, 1936
September-December, 1936
Table of Decisions and Reports
September 1940-October 1941
Selective Service System
Special Groups
1953 (Vol.1&2)

Container 412
Social Security Board
Business Press Digest
April 1936-December 1936

Container 413
Social Security Board
Daily Press Digest
May 1936
June 1936
September 1936

Container 414
Social Security Board
Daily Press Digest
October 1936
November 1936
January 1937

Container 415
Social Security Board
Daily Press Digest
February 1937
April 1937
May 1937

Container 416
Social Security Board
Daily Press Digest
August 1937
September 1937

Container 417
Social Security Board
Daily Press Digest
October 1937
December 1937
February 1938

Container 418
Social Security Board
Daily Press Digest
February 1938
May 1938

Container 419
Social Security Board
Daily Press Digest
May 1938
July 1938
August 1938

Container 420
Social Security Board
Daily Press Digest
October 1938
November 1938

Container 421
Social Security Board
Daily Press Digest
February 1939
March 1939
Container 422
Social Security Board
Daily Press Digest
May 1939
June 1939
August 1939

Container 423
Social Security Board
Daily Press Digest
September 1939
November 1939
December 1939

Container 424
Social Security Board
Daily Press Digest
February 1940
May 1940
July 1940

Container 425
Social Security Board
Daily Press Digest
August 1940

December 1940
January 1941
February 194

Container 426
Social Security Board
Daily Press Digest
June 1941
August 1941

Container 427
Social Security Board
Daily Press Digest
November 1941
January 1942
February 1942

Container 428
Social Security Board
Daily Press Digest
September 1942
November 1942
January 1943
February 1943
Container 429
Social Security Board
Laws and Regulations
June 1937-March 1951
June 1934-December 1940
Press Releases
April 1936
May 1936

Container 430
Social Security Board
Press Releases
July 1936
January 1938
April 1936-March 1940
Technical Publications Digest
July 1940

Yearbook, 1939

Container 431
State, Department of
American Foreign Service
September 1931-March 1939
Constitution of the United States
Executive Agreement Series
October 1929-September 1942 (No.300-506)

Container 432
State, Department of
Executive Agreement Series
September 1942-November 1945 (No.300-506)
Foreign Affairs
April 1930-January 1941

Container 433
State, Department of
Foreign Consular Offices in the United States
January 1932-July 1936
January 1937-April 1947
International Traffic in Arms
October 1935-October 1940
League of Nations
February 1933-May 1945
Letters from the Secretary of State
June 1916-June 1921
List of Treaties Submitted to Senate
Messages from the President
August 1913-January 1932

Container 434
State, Department of
Miscellaneous Publications
May 1915-March 1937

Container 435
State, Department of
Miscellaneous Publications
October 1937-April 1945

Container 436
State, Department of
Department of State Series
October 1929-September 1936 (No.1-925)
March 1937-December 1940 (No.999-1572)
Passport Series
March 1930-February 1941
Press Releases
December 1929-July 1932
Container 437
State, Department of
Press Releases
January 1933-January 1938

Container 438
State, Department of
Report of the American Delegation
February 1928-October 1939

Container 439
State, Department of
Treaty Information Series
October 1929-June 1939 (No.1-117)

Container 440
State, Department of
Treaty Series
June 1900-November 1915 (No.6-602a)

Container 441
State, Department of
Treaty Series
November 1915-September 1936 (No.603-909)

Container 442
State, Department of
Treaty Series
September 1936-November 1945 (No.910-994)

Container 443
State, Department of
Treaties and International Acts Series
December 1945-December 1947 (No. 1501-1686)

Container 444
State, Department of
Treaties and International Acts Series
November 1947-August 1948 (No.1687-1799)

Container 445
State, Department of
Treaties and International Acts Series
June 1948-May 1949 (No.1800-2000)

Container 446
State, Department of
Treaties and International Acts Series
May 1949-March 1951 (No.2001-2244)

Container 447
State, Department of
Treaties and International Acts Series
April 1951-June 1952 (No.2245-2550)

Container 448
State, Department of
Division of Current Information
Duplicate Press Releases
January-February, 1944
March-April, 1944

Container 449
State, Department of
Division of Current Information
Duplicate Press Releases
May 1944
June 1944
July 1944

Container 450
State, Department of
Division of Current Information
Duplicate Press Releases
August 1944
June 1944
July 1944

Container 451
State, Department of
Division of Current Information
Duplicate Press Releases
November 1944
December 1944
January 1945
February 1945

Container 452
State, Department of
Division of Current Information
Foreign Press Summary
January-February, 1944
March-April, 1944
May-June, 1944
July-August, 1944
September-October, 1944
November-December, 1944

Container 453
State, Department of
Division of Current Information
Foreign Press Summary
January-April, 1945
News Digest
February-March, 1944
April-May, 1944
June-July, 1944
August-September, 1944

Container 454
State, Department of
Division of Current Information
News Digest

October-December, 1944
January-February, 1945
March-April, 1945
Radio Bulletins
November-December, 1937
January-February, 1938

Container 455
State, Department of
Division of Current Information
Radio Bulletins
March-April, 1938
May-June, 1938
July-August, 1938
September-October, 1938
November-December, 1938

Container 456
State, Department of
Division of Current Information
Radio Bulletins
January-February, 1939
March-April, 1939
May-June, 1939
July-August, 1939
September-October, 1939

Container 457
State, Department of
Division of Current Information
Radio Bulletins
November-December, 1939
January-February, 1940
March-April, 1940
May-June, 1940
July-August, 1940
September-October, 1940

Container 458
State, Department of
Division of Current Information
Radio Bulletins
November-December, 1940

January-February, 1941
March-April, 1941
June-July, 1941
August-September, 1941
October-November, 1941
Container 459
State, Department of
Division of Current Information
Radio Bulletins
December 1941-January 1942
February-March, 1942
April-May, 1942

Container 460
State, Department of
Division of Current Information
Radio Bulletins
June-July, 1942
August-September, 1942
October-November, 1942
December 1942-January 1943
August-September, 1943
October-November, 1943

Container 461
State, Department of
Division of Current Information
Radio Bulletins
December 1943-January 1944
February-March, 1944
April-May, 1944
June-July, 1944

Container 462
State, Department of
Division of Current Information
Radio Bulletins
August-September, 1944
October-November, 1944
December 1944- January 1945

Container 463
State, Department of
Division of Current Information
Radio Bulletins
February-April, 1945

Container 464
Tariff Commission
Cumulative Supplements
June 1938-November 1944
Miscellaneous Publications
February 1922-January 1943

Container 465
Tariff Commission
Reciprocal Trade
January 1937-January 1940
Reports, 1936-1945
Statistical Analysis
August 1933-September 1940

Container 466 (oversized)

Tariff Commission
Statistical Analysis
June 1934

Container 467
Tariff Commission
Trade Agreements
Canada (Vol.1-4)

Container 468
Tariff Commission
Trade Agreements
Czech Republic
Kingdom of Netherlands
Republic of Turkey


Container 469
Tariff Commission
Trade Agreements
United Kingdom (Vol.1-8)
War’s Effects on U.S. Imports
1939 (Vol.1)
1940 (Vol.1&2)

Container 470
Tennessee Valley Authority
Annual Reports
June 1935
May 1939

Container 471
Tennessee Valley Authority
Financial Statements
June 1938-June 1940
Miscellaneous Publications
April 1918-June 1942
Press Releases
January 1941

Container 472
Tennessee Valley Authority
Reports of Audit
July 1934-June 1935 (Vol.I&II)
July 1935-June 1936
July 1936-June 1937
July 1937-June 1938

Container 473
Tennessee Valley Authority
Reports of Audit, 1939
Reply to Audit
Statistical Bulletin
October 1934-May 1936 (No.1-2, 4-8)

Container 474
Treasury, Department of
Emergency Banking
Press Releases

Container 475
Treasury, Department of
Emergency Banking
House & Senate Letters
January 1918-June 1920
Minute Man
July 1942-April 1945
Press Releases
May 1934-December 1935
June 1937-November 1941
Procurement Division
October 1935-February 1944

Container 476 (oversized)

Treasury, Department of
Headquarters Blueprints
May-June, 1933

Container 477
Treasury, Department of
August 1933-July 1940
Reports on Status of Funds
July 1940-May 1941

Container 478
United Nations
Conference on International Organization
Comments & Proposed Amendments (English)
May 1945

Container 479
United Nations
Conference on International Organization
Commentaires des Propositions (French)
May 1945

Container 480
United Nations
Conference of International Organization
Commission I/Committee I
May-June, 1945
Commission I/Committee II
May-June, 1945
Commission II/Committee I
May-June, 1945

Container 481
United Nations
Conference on International Organization (French)
Commission I/Committee I
May-June, 1945
Commission I/Committee II
May-June, 1945
Commission II/Committee I
May-June, 1945

Container 482
United Nations
Conference on International Organization
Commission II/Committee II
May-June, 1945
Commission II/Committee III
May-June, 1945
Commission II/Committee IV
May-June, 1945
Commission III/Committee I
May-June, 1945

Container 483
United Nations
Conference on International Organization (French)
Commission II/Committee II
May-June, 1945
Commission II/Committee III
May-June, 1945
Commission II/Committee IV
May-June, 1945
Commission III/Committee I
May-June, 1945

Container 484
United Nations
Conference on International Organization
Commission III/Committee II
May-June, 1945
Commission III/Committee III
May-June, 1945
Commission III/Committee IV
May-June, 1945
Commission IV/Committee I
May-June, 1945
Commission IV/Committee II
May-June, 1945

Container 485
United Nations
Conference on International Organization (French)
Commission III/Committee II
May-June, 1945
Commission III/Committee III
May-June, 1945
Commission III/Committee IV
May-June, 1945
Commission IV/Committee I
May-June, 1945
Commission IV/Committee II
May-June, 1945

Container 486
United Nations
Conference on International Organization
Coordination Committee
Container 487
United Nations
Conference on International Organization
Coordination Committee (French)
Container 488
United Nations
Conference on International Organization
Daily Secret Summary
March-November, 1945
Delegates & Officials
April-May, 1945
Delegation Chairman
DC/1-11 (English)
DC/4-11 (French)
Economic & Social Council
February-March, 1947
Official Records
January-May, 1946

Container 489
United Nations
Conference on International Organization
Economic & Social Council
Official Records

June 1946-December 1947
March 1947-January 1948
February-August, 1947
Executive Committee
EX/1-29 (English)
EX/1-29 (French)
EX-SEC/1-17 (English)
EX-SEC/1-17 (French)

Container 490
United Nations
Conference on International Organization
General Assembly
Committee Documents
Committee 1 Sub. 1
Committee 1 Sub. 2
Committee 1 Sub. 3
Committee 1 Sub. 4
Committees 1&6
Committee 2 Sub. 1
Committees 2&3
Committee 3 Sub. 0
Committee 3 Sub. 1
Committee 4 Sub. 0
Container 491
United Nations
Conference on International Organization
General Assembly
Committee Documents
Committee 4 Sub. 1

Committee 4 Sub. 2
Committee 5 Sub. 0
Committee 5 Sub. 2
No. 1
Committees 5&6
Committee 6 Sub. 0
Container 492
United Nations
Conference on International Organization
General Assembly
Secretariat Documents
Container 493
United Nations
Conference on International Organization
Secretariat Documents

Container 494
United Nations
Conference on International Organization
April-June, 1945 (English)
April-June, 1945 (French)
January-July, 1946 (English and French)
Miscellaneous Publications, 1945-1946

Container 495
United Nations
Conference on International Organization
Miscellaneous Publications, 1945-1946

Order of the Day (English)
April-May, 1945 (G/1-G/45)
May-June, 1945 (G/48-G/131)

Container 496
United Nations
Conference on International Organization
Order of the Day (French)
April-May, 1945 (G/1-G/57)
May-June, 1945 (G/58-G/131)
Photo Review
Vol.1 (No.1-25)
Vol.2 (No.1-7)

Container 497
United Nations
Conference on International Organization
Plenary Sessions
P/1-P/18 (English)
P/2-P/18 (French)
Precis of Proceedings
May-June, 1945 (English)
May-June, 1945 (French)
Press Releases
October-December, 1946

Container 498
United Nations
Conference on International Organization
Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee
Background Book
Steering Committee
May-June, 1945 (ST/1-ST/18)[English]
May-June, 1945 (ST/1-ST/18)[French]

Container 499
U.S. Army
Army Air Force
Final Reports
August 1932-July 1934
Miscellaneous Publications, 1943

April 1940-July 1944
Posters (Recruiting)
August 1942-August 1943
Report of the Commanding General to the Secretary of War
January 1944-February 1945
Army Extension Courses
April 1933-July 1939
Army Regulations
February 1936-January 1944
Army Signal Corps
Posters (Recruiting)
August 1942
Army Songbooks, 1941
Articles of War
Appedix 1
A Manual for Courts Martial, 1942
Band Arrangements of Army Chapel Hymns
March 1944
Miscellaneous Pamphlets
August 1941-June 1944

Container 500
U.S. Army
Army Special Forces
Army Exchange Service
Merchandising for Morale, 1944
Chaplain Activities
The Chaplain Serves, 1943
Hymns from Home
No.1, 1943
Army Service Forces Organization
January 1944
Special Services Division
Hit Kit
May-October, 1944
Music Section
V-Disc (K-O)
Pocket Guide
U.S. Army Song Leader, 1943
Publications (Overseas Editions)
Comics, 1946

September-November, 1945
Foreign Magazines, 1939-1945
November 1945-December 1946
G.I. Galley
April 1944-April 1945
G.I. Newsweek
April 1945
Infantry Journal
March 1944-February 1945
April-July, 1945

Container 501
U.S. Army
Army Service Forces
Special Services Division
Publications (Overseas Edition)
Inside Detective
March-November, 1945
Letter to,
Major Paul E. Postell
September 1945
Fred Shipman
September 1945
April 1944-December 1945
Modern Screen
August 1943-May 1945
May 1943-June 1945
June 1943-August 1945
Outdoor Life
May 1945-January 1946
Popular Mechanics
March 1944-December 1945
Container 502
U.S. Army
Army Service Forces
Special Services Division
Publications (Overseas Edition)
Popular Science

November 1945
Street & Smith’s
Detective Story Magazine
December 1945
Western Story Magazine
June 1945
The American Reader’s Library, 1944
July 1943-April 1945
Vol.1 No.1-11
Vol.2 No.1-10
Special Services for Fighting Yanks
February 1944

Container 503
U.S. Army
Ordnance Department
Course of Instruction Prescribed for Student Officers
July-August, 1907
Azimuth Instrument
March 1912
Seacoast Guns
July 1912
Distinctive Colors for Projectiles
November 1904
Forms, 1902-1908
General Study of the Force of Explosives, 1908
Instructions to Bidders
September 1904-April 1914
Instructions for Mounting, Using and Caring
4.72 Inch Gun, Armstrong
January 1911
Instructions for Preparation and Use
Blank Ammunition
March 1914
Seacoast Artillery Ammunition
May 1912
List of Blanks, Pamphlets, Etc.
January 1911
Method of Investigation and Test

Smokeless Powder
July 1913
Oils, Paints and Materials
March 1909
Paints for Projectiles
March 1914
Pressure Gauge Outfits for Determining Pressures in Cannon
April 1912
Table of U.S. Army Cannon and Projectiles
March 1913

Container 504
U.S. Army
Women’s Army Auxillary Corps
A Plan for Increasing the Rate of Enrollment
November 1942
Back to the Fighting Front
March 1943
General Plan for Enrollment
September 1942
March 1942-January 1943
Posters (Recruitment)
January-April, 1943
Women’s Army Corps
73 Questions & Answers About the WAC
August 1944
A Directory of Clubs and Organizations
September 1943
All-States Plan
October 1943
College Women in the WAC
May 1944
Mental Alertness Test
September 1943
September 1943-November 1944
The WAC with the Army Ground Forces
April 1944

Container 505
U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals

First Circuit
October 1934
Second Circuit
October 1935
Fourth Circuit
March 1928
Fifth Circuit
August 1934

Container 506
U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals
Fifth Circuit
November 1934
Sixth Circuit
May 1934-January 1937

Container 507
U.S. Congress
13th Congress
House of Representatives
12th Congress
55th Congress
57th Congress
51st Congress
49th Congress
House of Representatives
5th Congress
43rd Congress
55th Congress
57th Congress
Concurrent Resolution
55th Congress
Joint Resolution
55th Congress
57th Congress

9th Congress
13th Congress
14th Congress
14th Congress
16th Congress
17th Congress
House of Representatives
10th Congress
14th Congress
7th Congress
55th Congress
57th Congress

Container 508
U.S. Congress
House of Representatives
72nd Congress
74th Congress
75th Congress
76th Congress
77th Congress
66th Congress
74th Congress
75th Congress
76th Congress
House of Representatives
70th Congress
71st Congress
72nd Congress
74th Congress
75th Congress
76th Congress
77th Congress
71st Congress

73rd Congress
74th Congress
75th Congress
76th Congress
78th Congress
House of Representatives
73rd Congress-1933
79th Congress
Joint Resolution
House of Representatives
75th Congress
77th Congress
71st Congress
House of Representatives
75th Congress
76th Congress
79th Congress

Container 509
U.S. Congress
Committee of Conference
Conference Report
June 1914-June 1932
July 1932-July 1935
August 1935-August 1939
April 1940-June 1942
Joint Commission
Agricultural Inquiry Reports Parts I-III
Joint Committee
Atomic Energy
Minority Views
Investigation into the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission
(October 1949)
October 13, 1949
Parts 1-7

Container 510
U.S. Congress
Joint Committee
Parts 8-9
Statehood for Hawaii (October 6-22, 1937)
Internal Revenue Taxation
Vol. I-III (1927)
Investigation of the Tennessee Valley Authority
Parts 1-8

Container 511
U.S. Congress
Joint Committee
Investigation of the Tennessee Valley Authority
Parts 9-14
Parts 1 & 2
Muscle Shoals
Leasing of Muscle Shoals-March 1926

Container 512
U.S. Congress
Joint Committee
Printing of Patent Office Specifications by the Offset
Method-April 18 & 20, 1938
Multigraphs, Mimeographs, Multiliths and other Methods
of Reproduction
Tax Evasion and Avoidance
Parts 1-4

Letter from the Chairman-August 1937
Economic Report
June 16, 1950
Joint Economic Committee
Annual Report
March 1962
Comparisons of the United States and Soviet Economies
Part III, 1960
Select Joint Committee
Harriman Geographic Code System
April 13-May 4, 1928
Special Joint Committee
Committees on Claims
December 4-17, 1940

Container 513
U.S. Congress
House of Representatives
Committee on Agriculture
Hearings (by Serial Letter)
Serial A-E (part 10), 70th Congress
Serial F-O, 70th Congress
Serial P-W, 70th Congress
Serial A-Y, 71st Congress

Container 514
U.S. Congress
House of Representatives
Committee on Agriculture
Hearings (by Serial Letter)
Serial A-O, 72nd Congress
Serial B-O, 73rd Congress
Serial A-N, 74th Congress
Serial A-H, 75th Congress

Container 515
U.S. Congress
House of Representatives
Committee on Agriculture
Hearings (by Serial Letter)

Serial A-K, 76th Congress
Serial A-I, 77th Congress
Oleomargarine (October 26-November 3, 1943), 78th
Minority Views
Agricultural Surplus Control Bill-April 6-14, 1928
January 1928-January 1931
70th Congress, 1st Session, Reports 134-1816
70th Congress, 2nd Session, Reports 2265-2314
71st Congress, 1st Session, Reports 1-6
71st Congress, 2nd Session, Reports 3-1879
71st Congress, 3rd Session, Reports 2082-2428
February 1931-February 1935
71st Congress, 3rd Session, Reports 2483-2841
72nd Congress, 1st Session, Reports 344-1465
72nd Congress, 2nd Session, Reports 1795-2094
73rd Congress, 1st Session, Reports 6-171
73rd Congress, 2nd Session, Reports 279-2001
74th Congress, 1st Session, Reports 8-154

Container 516
U.S. Congress
House of Representatives
Committee on Agriculture
March 1935-December 1942
74th Congress, 1st Session, Reports 335-1611
74th Congress, 2nd Session, Reports 1915-2968
75th Congress, 1st Session, Reports 14-1572
75th Congress, 3rd Session, Reports 1963-2655
76th Congress, 1st Session, Reports 30-1381
76th Congress, 3rd Session, Reports 1676-3035
77th Congress, 1st Session, Reports 145-1477
77th Congress, 2nd Session, Reports 1683-2689
Committee on Appropriations
Acts Passed
H.R. 7041, May 6, 1942
Committee on Banking and Currency
March-May 1928, 70th Congress
May 1930-February 1931, 71st Congress

December 1931-February 1933, 72nd Congress
April 1934-April 1935, 73rd Congress
January 1935-January 1937, 74th Congress

Container 517
U.S. Congress
House of Representatives
Committee on Banking and Currency
January 1937-May 1938, 75th Congress
February 1939-May 1940, 76th Congress
Committee on Claims
January 1938, 75th Congress
History of Legislation
January 1935-June 1936, 74th Congress
July 25, 1939
Committee on Education
An Analysis of the Federal Aid to Education Bill, January 31, 1939
January 1926, 69th Congress
February-May 1928, 70th Congress
January-May 1930, 71st Congress
February-May 1934, 73rd Congress

Container 518
U.S. Congress
House of Representatives
Committee on Education
February-March 1936, 74th Congress
March-April 1937, 75th Congress
July 1940, 76th Congress
Committee on Education and Labor
Activities and Accomplishments, December 1961
Labor Laws, November 1961
July 1955-January 1956, 84th Congress
Minimum Wage-Hour Legislation
Parts 1-3, 86th Congress
February-March 1961, 87th Congress

Container 519
U.S. Congress
House of Representatives
Committee on Education and Labor
March 1961-August 1962, 87th Congress
March-July 1964, 88th Congress
Pioneer Ideas in Education, December 1962
July 1959-January 1962
Committee on Expenditures in the Executive Departments
May 1926-March 1941

Container 520
U.S. Congress
House of Representatives
Committee on Flood Control
May 1936, 74th Congress
June 1937-April 1938, 75th Congress
May 1939-April 1940, 76th Congress
Supplemental Report, 1936
Committee on Foreign Affairs
Additional Data, June 1920
The Strategy and Tactics of World Communism
December 1913-December 1922, 63rd Congress
January 1916-July 1935, 64th Congress

Container 521
U.S. Congress
House of Representatives
Committee on Foreign Affairs
January 1912-May 1914, 63rd Congress
April 1914-February 1917, 64th Congress
December 1917-June 1918, 65th Congress

January 1913-January 1921, 66th Congress
January-February 1923, 67th Congress
April 1924-January 1925, 68th Congress
January 1928-February 1929, 70th Congress
July 1935, 74th Congress
February-March 1950, 81st Congress
Minority Views
February 1915-October 1919
August 1912-January 1929

Container 522
U.S. Congress
House of Representatives
Committee on Foreign Affairs
Lend-Lease Bill

Container 523
U.S. Congress
House of Representatives
Committee on Government Operations
July 20, 1957, 85th Congress
Committee on Immigration and Naturalization
Excerpts from Hearing
January 1930, 71st Congress
March 1927-April 1936
June 1935
October 1919-January 1923, 66th and 67th Congress’
January 1926-February 1931, 69th-71st Congress’
January 1931-March 1932, 72nd Congress
March 1933-May 1936, 73rd and 74th Congress’

Container 524
U.S. Congress
House of Representatives
Committee on Immigration and Naturalization
February 1924-July 1932, 68th, 69th, and 72nd Congress’
Committee on Indian Affairs

April 1935-June 1940, 74th-76th Congress’
Proposed Exploration of Dam Sites on Indian Lands, May
25-26, 1943
Committee on Insular Affairs
February 1928-December 1943

Container 525
U.S. Congress
House of Representatives
Committee on Interstate and Foreign Affairs
March 1934-June 1938, 73rd & 75th Congress’
April 1939-Mary 1947, 76th & 80th Congress’
List of Nominees for Public Laws
July 1932-November 1938
June 1896, 54th Congress
March 1897, 55th Congress
March 1902, 56th Congress
March 1915, 63rd Congress
April 1917, 65th Congress
July 1919, 67th Congress
April 1928-January 1929, 70th Congress
June 1929-March 1931, 71st Congress
June-July 1932, 72nd Congress
June 1934, 73rd Congress
April 1935-June 1936, 74th Congress
Container 526
U.S. Congress
House of Representatives
List of Nominees for Public Laws
May 1937-June 1938, 75th Congress
February 1939-December 1940, 76th Congress
March 1941-December 1942, 77th Congress
July 1943, 78th Congress
Public Laws by Subject
Liquor Laws, April 1933
Pension Laws, August 1939
Seamen’s Act, June 1936
Temporary National Economic Committee
Final Report of the Executive Secretary, 1941

Container 527
U.S. Congress
House of Representatives
Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce
March 1930-January 1939, 71st, 75th, & 76th Congress’

Container 528
U.S. Congress
House of Representatives
Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce
March 1939-April 1949, 76th & 81st Congress’

Container 529
U.S. Congress
House of Representatives
Committee on Irrigation and Reclamation
May 1932-September 1943
Committee on Labor
February 1928-May 1932, 70th-72nd Congress’
March 1933-May 1934, 73rd Congress
February 1935-August 1935, 74th Congress, 1st Session

Container 530
U.S. Congress
House of Representatives
Committee on Labor
January 1936-May 1936, 74th Congress, 2nd Session
March 1937-June 1938, 75th Congress
April 1939-November 1941, 76th & 77th Congress’

Container 531
U.S. Congress

House of Representatives
Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries
February 1929-January 1931, 70th & 71st Congress’
February 1935-June 1936, 74th Congress

Container 532
U.S. Congress
House of Representatives
Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries
February 1937-October 1938, 75th Congress
February 1939-March 1939, 76th Congress, 1st Session

Container 533
U.S. Congress
House of Representatives
Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries
April 1939-September 1940, 76th Congress, 1st, 2nd, & 3rd
February 1941-November 1941, 77th Congress, 1st Session

Container 534
U.S. Congress
House of Representatives
Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries
November 1941-December 1942, 77th Congress, 2nd
March 1943-January 1944, 78th Congress, 1st Session

Container 535
U.S. Congress
House of Representatives
Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries
December 1943-November 1944, 78th Congress, 2nd

Container 536
U.S. Congress
House of Representatives
Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries
February 1945-September 1946, 79th Congress

Container 537
U.S. Congress
House of Representatives
Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries
February 1947-June 1948, 80th Congress

Container 538
U.S. Congress
House of Representatives
Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries
January 1949-May 1952, 81st & 82nd Congress’
Committee on Merchant Marine, Radio and Fisheries
Hearings January 1932-January 1935

Container 539
U.S. Congress
House of Representatives
Committee on Military Affairs
Statement of Brig. Gen. James B. Aleshire; Appropriations
Bill 1916
64th & 65th Congress’

Container 540
U.S. Congress
House of Representatives
Committee on Military Affairs
66th, 69th & 73rd Congress’
December 1935-June 1939, 74th & 76th Congress’

February-April 1941, 77th Congress
Committee on Mines & Mining
March 1928-February 1941

Container 541
U.S. Congress
House of Representatives
Committee on Naval Affairs
72nd Congress
73rd Congress
74th Congress, 1st Session

Container 542
U.S. Congress
House of Representatives
Committee on Naval Affairs
74th Congress, 2nd Session
75th Congress
76th Congress
77th Congress

Container 543
U.S. Congress
House of Representatives
Committee on Patents
January 1930-March 1935
Committee on Pensions
January 1926-January 1941
Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads
December 1916-May 1941

Container 544
U.S. Congress
House of Representatives
Committee on Printing
70th-75th Congress’
Committee on Public Buildings & Grounds
February 1936-July 1947

Container 545
U.S. Congress
House of Representatives
Committee on Rules
January 1929-March 1940
Committee on Civil Service
February 1924-December 1941
Committee on the District of Columbia
April 1924-January 1948
Committee on the Judiciary
February 1935-June 1940
January 1927-November 1928, 69th & 70th (1st Session)

Container 546
U.S. Congress
House of Representatives
Committee on the Judiciary
February 1929-December 1929, 70th Congress (2nd Session)
December 1929-January 1931, 71st Congress
February 1932-January 1933, 72nd Congress
March 1933-March 1934, 73rd Congress

Container 547
U.S. Congress
House of Representatives
Committee on the Judiciary
March 1935-May 1936, 74th Congress
January 1937-May 1938, 75th Congress

Container 548
U.S. Congress
House of Representatives
Committee on the Judiciary
March 1939-November 1949, 76th & 81st Congress’

Container 549
U.S. Congress
House of Representatives
Committee on the Library
February 1912-May 1936
Committee on the Territories
January 1928-February 1931, 70th & 71st Congress’
January 1932-May 1934, 72nd & 73rd Congress
February 1935-April 1938, 74th & 75th Congress’
April 19399-June 1941, 76th & 77th Congress
Committee on Un-American Activities
September 1954-October 1962
Committee on War Claims
February 8, 1932

Container 550
U.S. Congress
House of Representatives
Committee on Ways & Means
Abolish—Excess Profits Taxation, 1940

Container 551
U.S. Congress
House of Representatives
Committee on Ways & Means
Excess Profits Taxation 1940—Extension of National
Industrial Recovery Act

Container 552
U.S. Congress
House of Representatives
Committee on Ways & Means
Extension of Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act—Pacific
Southwest Exposition

Container 553
U.S. Congress
House of Representatives
Committee on Ways & Means
Payment of Adjusted Compensation Certificates—The
Revenue Bill of 1940

Container 554
U.S. Congress
House of Representatives
Committee on Ways & Means
Revenue Revision 1927-28—Silver Purchase Act of 1934

Container 555
U.S. Congress
House of Representatives
Committee on Ways & Means
Social Security—Tariff Readjustment-1929 v. 3
Container 556
U.S. Congress
House of Representatives
Committee on Ways & Means
Tariff Readjustment-1929 v. 4-14

Container 557
U.S. Congress
House of Representatives
Committee on Ways & Means
Tariff Readjustment-1929 v. 15—Treasury Agency
Organization Act

Container 558
U.S. Congress
House of Representatives
Committee on Ways & Means
Unemployment Compensation—The Watch-Smuggling
Committee on World War Veterans’ Legislation
January 1927-January 1940
Select Committee
Investigation National Defense Migration—Interstate Migration of
Destitute Citizens (part 2)

Container 559
U.S. Congress
House of Representatives
Select Committee
Interstate Migration of Destitute Citizens (part 3)—Conservation
of Wildlife Resources
Special Committee
Investigation American Retail Federation—Conservation of

Container 560
U.S. Congress
Committee on Agriculture and Forestry
Activities of the American Cotton Cooperative
Association—Bear Rover Migratory Bird Refuge

Container 561
U.S. Congress
Committee on Agriculture and Forestry
Cancellation of Notes Acquired by the Farm Credit
Administration—Establishment of a Forest Experiment
Station in Pennsylvania

Container 562
U.S. Congress
Committee on Agriculture and Forestry
European Corn Borer—General Farm Legislation

Container 563
U.S. Congress
Committee on Agriculture and Forestry
Grain Futures—Packers’ Consent Decree

Container 564
U.S. Congress
Committee on Agriculture and Forestry
Prices of Food Products—To Amend Grain Standards Act

Container 565
U.S. Congress
Committee on Agriculture and Forestry
To Amend Section 5 of the Cotton Futures Act & To
Prevent the Sale of Cotton and Grain in Future Markets—
To Regulate Interstate and Foreign Commerce in Wheat

Container 566
U.S. Congress
Committee on Agriculture and Forestry
To Regulate the Importation of Milk and Cream—Yoakum
Plan for Agricultural Relief
Committee on Armed Forces
Committee on Banking and Currency
Amending National Housing Act—Farm Credit Act of

Container 567
U.S. Congress
Committee on Banking and Currency
Federal Employees’ Credit Union—Rent Control

Container 568
U.S. Congress
Committee on Banking and Currency
Reorganization of Farm Credit Administration—Works
Financing Act of 1939

Container 569
U.S. Congress
Committee on Civil Service
Committee on Claims

Container 570
U.S. Congress
Committee on Commerce
Committee on Education and Labor
Amending Act Establishing a Civilian Conservation
Corps—Defense Housing & Community Facilities for the
District of Columbia

Container 571
U.S. Congress
Committee on Education and Labor
Division of Aviation Education—Study of Prison-Made

Container 572
U.S. Congress
Committee on Education and Labor
Termination of Civilian Conservation Corps and National
Youth Administration—Vocational Rehabilitation of
War-Disabled Individuals
Committee on Expenditures in the Executive Departments
Activities of the Mississippi Democratic Committee—The
5-Percenter Investigation

Container 573
U.S. Congress
Committee on Expenditures in the Executive Departments
Influence in Government Procurement—Operations of the
U.S. Office of Education
Committee on Finance
Abolition of Oath of Customs and Internal Revenue

Employees Prior to Compensation—Providing that
Horses and Mules Belonging to the United States which
Have Become Unfit for Service be Destroyed or Put to

Container 574
U.S. Congress
Committee on Finance
Public Debt Act of 1941-Revenue Act of 1940

Container 575
U.S. Congress
Committee on Finance
Revenue Act of 1941-Survey of Expenditures in Profit
Sharing and Possibilities of Incentive Taxation

Container 576
U.S. Congress
Committee on Finance
Survey of Expenditures in Profit Sharing and Possibilities
of Incentive Taxation—World War Veterans Legislation
Committee on Foreign Relations
Additional Diversion of the Water of the Niagara River—
St. Lawrence Waterway

Container 577
U.S. Congress
Committee on Foreign Relations
St. Lawrence Waterway—Taxation Convention with

Container 578
U.S. Congress
Committee on Foreign Relations
Technical Assistance—The World Court
Committee on Government Operations
Parts 1-71
Committee on Indian Affairs
Amending California Indians Jurisdictional Act—Ute
Indians, Amending Jurisdictional Act

Container 579
U.S. Congress
Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce
Committee on Interstate Commerce
Consolidation and Mergers of Telegraph Operations—
Investigation of Railroads, Holding Companies and
Affiliated Companies

Container 580
U.S. Congress
Committee on Interstate Commerce
Investigation of Railroads, Holding Companies and
Affiliated Companies (74th Congress parts 8-18, 76th

Container 581
U.S. Congress
Committee on Interstate Commerce
Investigation of Railroads, Holding Companies and
Affiliated Companies—Voluntary Adjustment of
Railroad Obligations

Committee on Irrigation and Reclamation
Committee on Manufactures
Bill, S. 325
Conditions in Coal Fields in Harlan and Bell Counties,
Kentucky—Federal Aid for Unemployment Relief

Container 582
U.S. Congress
Committee on Manufactures
Federal Cooperation in Unemployment Relief—Working
Conditions of the Textile Industry in North Carolina,
South Carolina and Tennessee
Committee on Military Affairs
Administration of the National Guard—Manpower
(National War Service Bill) part 10

Container 583
U.S. Congress
Committee on Military Affairs
Manpower (National War Service Bill) part 11—The Social
Impact of Science: A Select Bibliography

Container 584
U.S. Congress
Committee on Military Affairs
Strategic and Critical Materials—World War Provisional
Committee on Mines and Mining
Committee on Naval Affairs
Acceptance of Land in Seattle, Wash.—Awarding of
Medals in the Naval Service

Container 585
U.S. Congress
Committee on Naval Affairs
Commissioning of Aviation Cadets in the Naval & Marine
Corp. Reserves—Women’s Auxiliary Naval Reserve
Committee on Patents
Amending Section 4886, 4887, 4920 & 4929 of the Revised
Statutes—Patents (part 5)

Container 586
U.S. Congress
Committee on Patents
Patents (part 6)—Suits for Infringement of Patents Where
the Patentee is Violating the Antitrust Laws
Committee on Pensions
Committee on Post Office and Civil Service
Committee on Post Office and Post Roads
Adjustment of Rural Letter Carrier Salaries—Revision of
Air-Mail Laws

Container 587
U.S. Congress
Committee on Post Office and Post Roads
Salaries of Postal Employees—Transmission of Samples of
Intoxicating Liquor by Mail
Committee on Printing
Committee on Privileges and Elections
Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds

Committee on Public Lands
Committee on Public Lands and Surveys
Boulder Canyon National Reservation—Granting
Remaining Unreserved Public Lands to States

Container 588
U.S. Congress
Committee on Public Lands and Surveys
Granting San Diego, California, Certain Lands—Mexican
Land Grants in California

Container 589
U.S. Congress
Committee on Public Lands and Surveys
Mexican Land Grants in California—Title to Submerged

Container 590
U.S. Congress
Committee on Public Lands and Surveys
To Amend the Taylor Grazing Act—Tropical Everglades
National Park
Committee on Territories and Insular Affairs
Committee on the Judiciary
Additional Judges for Federal Courts—The Anti-Vietnam
Agitation and the Teach-in Movement

Container 591
U.S. Congress
Committee on the Judiciary
Appeals from Federal Courts—Gaps in Internal Security

Container 592
U.S. Congress
Committee on the Judiciary
The Immigration and Naturalization Systems of the United
States—Prices of Hearing Aids

Container 593
U.S. Congress
Committee on the Judiciary
Prison-Made Goods—Thirty-Hour Work Week

Container 594
U.S. Congress
Committee on the Judiciary
To Amend Antitrust Laws—Worker’s Right to Work
Select Committee
Haiti and Santo Domingo—Reforestation

Container 595
U.S. Congress
Select Committee
Unemployment Insurance—Investigate the Executive
Agencies of the Government

Special Committee
Senatorial Campaign Expenditures—Investigation of
Senatorial Campaign Expenditures and Use of
Governmental Funds

Container 596
U.S. Congress
Special Committee
Senatorial Campaign Expenditures and Use of
Governmental Funds—Investigating the Munitions
Container 597
U.S. Congress
Special Committee
Investigating the Munitions Industry (parts 18-30)
Container 598
U.S. Congress
Special Committee
Investigating the Munitions Industry (parts 31-40)

Container 599
U.S. Congress
Special Committee
Investigation of the Production, Transportation and
Marketing of Wool—Problems of American Small

Container 600
U.S. Congress
Special Committee
Problems of American Small Business—Additional Federal

Container 601
U.S. District Courts
District of Columbia
October 1936-January 1945
December 1923
April 1935
January 1934

Container 602
U.S. District Courts
New York
May 1929-August 1932

Container 603
U.S. District Courts
New York
August 1932-March 1936
North Carolina
January 1936-September 1939
Rules of Civil Procedure
June 1934

Container 604
U.S. Navy
Frank Knox
May 1941
Lewis Compton
September-October, 1940
Annual Report
Governor of Guam, 1918-1919

Hospital Corpsman
December 1943
Bureau of Naval Personnel
Phonograph Records
V-Disc (B)
Commander-in-Chief of the Pacific
Guide to the Western Pacific
August 1944
Ship Document, 1943-1945
Contracts Awarded by Navy Department
April-June, 1942
Hydrographic Office
Outline Chart of the World
October 1927
Naval Policy with Present Requirements
July 1915
Radio Address
Lewis Compton
October 1940
Container 605
U.S. Supreme Court
Court Cases
February 1920-October 1927
November 1930-March 1933
October 1934-January 1935
September 1935

Container 606
U.S. Supreme Court
Court Cases
September 1935-January 1937

Container 607
U.S. Supreme Court
Court Cases
October 1937-October 1953

Container 608
U.S. Supreme Court
Miscellaneous Publications
March 1929-March 1948

Transcript of Record
July 1935

Container 609
U.S. Supreme Court
Transcript of Record
July 1935-April 1938

Container 610
U.S. Supreme Court
Transcript of Record
April 1938

Container 611
U.S. Supreme Court
Transcript of Record
April 1939

Container 612
U.S. Supreme Court
Transcript of Record
April 1938

Container 613
Veterans Administration
Brigadier General Frank T. Hines
September 1936-February 1944
April-December, 1944
Bureau of Pensions
Laws of the U.S. Governing the Granting of Army & Navy Pensions
June 1931
Civilian Conservation Corps
Veterans Contingent of the Civilian Conservation Corps
September 1937-December 1937
July 1932-July 1940
Medical Bulletin of the Veterans Administration
January-October, 1940
Organization of the Veteran’s Administration, 1940

Container 614
Veterans Administration
Press Relations
Special News and Editorial Digest
January-December, 1935
January 1936-December 1940
June 1941-December 1942

Container 615
Veterans Administration
Press Relations
January 1943-November 1944
Press Releases
February-March, 1939
Regulations & Procedure, 1937 (Vol.I)

Container 616
Veterans Administration
Regulations & Procedure, 1937 (Vol.II)
Special Order No.5-A
January 1939
Veterans Bureau
The War Risk Insurance Act
April 1923

Container 617
War, Department of
Bureau of Public Relations
Intelligence & Analysis Branch
Compilation of War Department General Orders, Bulletins, Etc.
September 1940-October 1941
June 1942-January 1943
Health Precautions for Central/South Africa & West Coast of Africa
No. (8-1)-(8-4)
Basic Field Manuals
September 1936-May 1944
Pre-Induction Vocational Training
1943 (PIT 330-334)

Technical Manuals
April 1940-May 1943
Military Intelligence Division
Intelligence Summary
February 1932-March 1932
Miscellaneous Pamphlets
October 1943-June 1944

Container 618
War, Department of
Pocket Guides
Alaska, Australia, China, Egypt, France, Germany, Great Britain,
India, Iran, Iraq, New Caledonia, New Guinea & The Solomons
New Zealand, Northern Ireland, North Africa, Syria, West Africa
Albanian, Cantonese, French, Danish, Dutch, German, Greek,
Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Malay, North African, Portuguese
Rumanian, Russian, Serbo Crotian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish
Memorandum for General Watson
February 1943
Press Releases
September 1937-July 1938

Container 619
War, Department of
Press Releases
August-December, 1938
January-October, 1939
February-October, 1940
June 1941-November 1942
March 1943-November 1944
Telephone Directories
August 1942-November 1945

Container 620 (Oversized)
War Manpower Commission
Approved Attack Transport Manpower Program
October 1944

Container 621
War Production Board
Civilian Production Administration
Bureau of Demobilization
Special Study
No.4-6, 9-19

Container 622
War Production Board
Civilian Production Administration
Bureau of Demobilization
Special Study
Controller Division
Controlled Materials Plan
November 1942-December 1943
Division of Industry Operations
Limitation Order L-56
March 1942
Press Releases
April 1942
Labor Division
Press Releases
March 1942

Container 623 (Oversized)

War Production Board
Conservation Division
Salvage Committee Promotion
December 1942

Container 624
War Production Board
Automotive Council for War Production
Automotive War Production
April 1942-April 1943

W.P.B. Contract News
January-March, 1942
War Production News
April 1942-June 1943
Smaller War Plants Corporation
Program & Progress Report
May 1944
Statistics Division
State Distribution of War Supplies
February 1942-January 1943
Supply Priorities & Allocations Board
Press Releases
September-December, 1941

Container 625
Works Progress Administration
Advisory Committee on Allotments
May-July, 1935
Brochures (Assorted), 1936-1937
Department of Instruction
Freshman Pen
March-April, 1937
Division of Community Service Programs
Status and Plans for Completion of the Inventories of the Historical
Records Survey, 1941
Division of Information and Publications
Digest of Policies, Reports, & Other Publications
No.5-9, 11-18
Guide to Eligibility of WPA Projects
No.2 & 8
Division of Press Information
Press Digest
December 1936-May 1937
Division of Professional and Service Projects
Catalogs and Finding Lists of Louisiana Source Materials
April 1940
Letters to,
Franklin D. Roosevelt
October 1937
Harry Hopkins
July-October, 1937
Mr. Evans

November 1937
Walter Hoefelman
October-November, 1937
Walter Meyer
November 1937
Preservation of the Nation’s Records
April 1939
The Historical Records Survey: An Outside View
October 1939
WPA Technical Series
Art Circulars

Container 626
Works Progress Administration
Division of Research
Michigan Migrants
March 1939
Research Monographs
Special Reports
Changing Aspects of Urban Relief, 1939
Migratory Cotton Pickers in Arizona, 1939
Division of Research and Statistics
Average General Relief Benefits, 1933-1938
Division of Research, Statistics, and Records
Analysis of Employment on WPA Projects
December 1935
Average Monthly Wage Rates and Actual Earnings
March 1936

Container 627
Works Progress Administration
Division of Social Research
Real Estate Activity Surveys
September 1938
Research Bulletins
January 1936-January 1937
Research Monographs

Container 628
Works Progress Administration
Division of Social Research
Research Monographs
Special Reports
Age of WPA Workers
November 1937
Urban Housing
August 1938
Division of Statistics & Economic Research
Summary Charts & Statistics
September 1938
Division of Women’s & Professional Projects
An Exhibition of Selected Skills of the Unemployed
January 10-31, 1938
Checklist of Newspapers & Magazines Published in Ogden Utah
May 1938
Church Charts and Figures
August 1937
Descriptions of County Offices in Oregon and Checklist of their Records
July 1937
District of Columbia WPA
Church Records Survey
Project No. 219-1
February 1938
Letter to Emma Ward from James Robertson
October 28, 1937
State Legislation Pertaining to Archives & Public Records
April 1938

Container 629
Works Progress Administration
Division of Women’s & Professional Projects
Technical Series
Art Circulars
The Augean Stables of the Law, 1938
WPA Fashions New Tools for Research

April 1938
Federal Art Projects
October 1935
Federal Sponsored Community Art Center, 1935
Technical Problems of the Artist
April 1938
Your America, 1939

Container 630 (Oversized)

Works Progress Administration
Federal Art Project
National Report
December 1940

Container 631
Works Progress Administration
Historical Records Survey
Church Archives in the U.S.
Vol.VIII No.1
March 1939
Government and Local History
Vol.VIII No.1
March 1939
Notes and Documents
Survey of Everett, Yakima, & Wenatchee Church Archives
May 1940
Research Code
Iowa Writers Project
March 1940
Report on the Accomplishments & Activities of the Oklahoma Historical
Records Survey
March 1940
Report of the Commission to Make a Survey of Early Records of Counties,
Towns and Villages of the State
September 1936
Report on the Status of the Statewide Records Project
December 1941

Survey of Spokane Church Archives
Vol.XVIII No.4
October 1937
The Historical Records Survey
Its Progress in New England
September 1939
Statement on its Program and Accomplishments
March 1938
The National Survey of County Archives
October 1938
The Record of American Imprints
December 1937
The Why of the White Collar Program
December 1938
Working Procedure
Geodetic Local Control Surveys
Code No.1865
November 1935

Container 632
Works Progress Administration
Index to Bulletins & Other Publications
January 1936
Index of Research Projects
Volume I & III
Institute of the Aeronautical Sciences
Aeronautical Index
Alphabetical Bibliography of Aeronautical Books, Pamphlets, Etc.
1937 (Part 2, 17, 21-22)

Container 633
Works Progress Administration
Institute of the Aeronautical Sciences
Aeronautical Index
Alphabetical Bibliography of Aeronautical Books, Pamphlets, Etc.
1937 (Part 31, 37, 40, 46, 50)

Container 634
Works Progress Administration
Institute of the Aeronautical Sciences
Aeronautical Index
Alphabetical Bibliography of Aeronautical Books, Pamphlets, Etc.

1937 (Part 50)
1938 (Part 12-16, 18-19, 23-24, 28)

Container 635
Works Progress Administration
Institute of the Aeronautical Sciences
Aeronautical Index
Alphabetical Bibliography of Aeronautical Books, Pamphlets, Etc.
1939 (Part 30, 38-41, 45)
1940 (Part 2, 11-17, 24)
Container 636
Works Progress Administration
Institute of the Aeronautical Sciences
Aeronautical Index
Alphabetical Bibliography of Aeronautical Books, Pamphlets, Etc.
1940 (Part 42-43)
1941 (Part 21, 29, 37, 48-50)
List of References
Aeronautics in Alaska
October 1945
Subject Headings for the Aeronautical Index
September 1940
No.I (Ab-Ch)

Container 637
Works Progress Administration
Institute of the Aeronautical Sciences
No.III (Gr-Mo)
No.V (St-Zw)
No.VI (Sc-Zw)
Letter to the Honorable Edward T. Taylor from F.C. Harrington
April 1939
Work Distict
May 1935
National Appraisal Committee
U.S. Community Improvement Appraisal
Report on the Work Program of the WPA
April 1939
National Research Project
Progress Report

December 1936
Effects of Industrial Change on Labor Markets
L-2, L-8, P-4, P-5
Container 638
Works Progress Administration
National Research Project
Production, Productivity & Employment
A-4, A-5, A-7, A-10
B-3, B-5, B-6
E-5, E-6
Types & Rates of Technological Change
Official Project 465-3-3-60
A Story of School Health Service
November 1938

Container 639
Works Progress Administration
Press Releases
May 25-July 27, 1935
August 1-12, 1935
August 13-22, 1935
August 23-29, 1935
August 29-September 6, 1935
September 6-13, 1935

Container 640
Works Progress Administration
Press Releases
September 14-19, 1935
September 19-21, 1935
September 24-25, 1935
September 25-27, 1935
September 27-30, 1935
September 30, 1935
September 30, 1935

Container 641
Works Progress Administration

Press Releases
October 2-5, 1935
October 7-10, 1935
October 10-19, 1935
October 19-23, 1935
October 23-25, 1935
October 30-31, 1935

Container 642
Works Progress Administration
Press Releases
October 30-31, 1935
November 1-5, 1935
November 6-7, 1935
November 8, 1935
November 9-14, 1935
November 14-18, 1935

Container 643
Works Progress Administration
Press Releases
November 18-22, 1935
November 23-25, 1935
November 26-29, 1935
November 29-30, 1935
November 30-December 6, 1935
December 7-9, 1935
December 10-31, 1935
January 1-31, 1936
February 1-29, 1936

Container 644
Works Progress Administration
Press Releases
March 2-31, 1936
April 2-June 23, 1936
July 22-August 30, 1936
September 26-October 28, 1936
February 1-June 20, 1937
July 3-October 21, 1937
December 2 1937-August 13, 1942

Container 645
Works Progress Administration
Report of Progress of the Works Program
July 15-22, 1935
July 22-September 7, 1935
Statement of Allocations Made by State Administrators on Projects
January 1936
Statement Presented to the Committee of the House of Representatives
June 1939
State Works Progress Administration
Adjustment Orders
No.1-6, 8, 11-16
Administrative Orders
No.13-15, 22, 26, 28, 34, 36-38, 40
No.4, 8-10, 25-27
No.29, 30-31, 33-34, 36-37

Container 646 (Oversized)

Works Progress Administration
Report of Progress of the Works Program
July 15, 1935
Container 647
Works Progress Administration
State Works Progress Administration
August-November, 1935
General Letter No.20
April 1936
Handbook of Procedures
December 1937
Workers Handbooks
March 1936
Letters from Harry Hopkins
August-November, 1935
November 1935-March 1936
Safety Bulletins
No.1-6, 8-12, 14
Transient Division
Migrant Minnesota
February 1937


Container 648
State, Department of
Press Releases, v. 19, no. 457, July 2, 1938 – v. 20, no. 508, June 24, 1939

Container 649
State, Department of
Department of State Bulletin, v. 1, no. 1, July 1, 1939 – v. 2, no. 58, August 3,

Container 650
State, Department of
Department of State Bulletin, v. 3, no. 59, August 10, 1940 – v. 5, no. 118,
September 27, 1941 [v. 4, no. 91 missing]

Container 651
State, Department of
Department of State Bulletin, v. 6, no. 119, October 4, 1941 – v. 7, no. 183A,
December 26, 1942

Container 652
State Department of
Department of State Bulletin, v. 8, no. 184, January 2, 1943 – v. 10, no. 261, June
24, 1944

Container 653
State, Department of
Department of State Bulletin, v. 11, no. 262, July 2, 1944 – v. 12, no. 303, April
15, 1945

Container 654
State, Department of
Department of State Bulletin, v. 12, no. 304, April 22, 1945 – v. 14, no. 353, April
7, 1946

Container 655
State, Department of
Department of State Bulletin, v. 14, no. 354, April 14, 1946 – v. 16, no. 395,
January 26, 1947 [v. 15, no. 372 missing]

Container 656
State, Department of
Department of State Bulletin, v. 16, no. 396, February 2, 1947 – v. 17, no. 426,
August 31, 1947 [v. 17, no. 418 missing]

Container 657
State, Department of
Department of State Bulletin, v. 17, no. 427, September 7, 1947 – v. 18, no. 464,
May 23, 1948

Container 658
State, Department of
Department of State Bulletin, v. 18, no. 465, May 30, 1948 – v. 20, no. 510, April
10, 1949

Container 659
State, Department of
Department of State Bulletin, v. 20, no. 511, April 17, 1949 – index, v. 21, nos.
522-547, July 4 – December 26, 1949

Container 660
State, Department of
Department of State Bulletin, v. 22, no. 548, January 2, 1950 – v. 23, no. 585,
September 18, 1950

Container 661
State, Department of
Department of State Bulletin, v. 23, no. 586, September 2, 1950 – v. 24, no. 622,
June 4, 1951

Container 662
State, Department of
Department of State Bulletin, v. 24, no. 623, June 11, 1951 – v. 26, no. 659,
February 11, 1952

Container 663
State, Department of
Department of State Bulletin, v. 26, no. 660, February 18,1952 – v. 27, no.695,
October 20, 1952

Container 664
State, Department of
Department of State Bulletin, v. 27, no. 696, October 27, 1952 – v. 29, no. 738,

August 17, 1953

Container 665
State, Department of
Department of State Bulletin, v. 29, no. 739, August 24, 1953 – v. 31, no. 786,
July 19, 1954

Container 666
State, Department of
Department of State Bulletin, v. 31, no. 787, July 26, 1954 – v. 32, no. 826, April
25, 1955

Container 667
State, Department of
Department of State Bulletin, v. 32, no. 827, May 2, 1955 – v. 33, no. 861,
December 26, 1955

Container 668
State, Department of
Department of State Bulletin, index, v. 34, nos. 862-887, January 2-June 24, 1956
– index, v. 35, nos. 888-914, July 2 – December 31, 1956

Container 669
State, Department of
Department of State Bulletin, v. 35, no. 897, September 3, 1956 – v. 36, index,
nos. 915-939, January 7-June 24, 1957
[No. 932, May 6, 1957 and no. 936, June 3, 1957, missing]

Container 670
State, Department of
Department of State Bulletin, v. 37, no. 940, July 1, 1957 – v. 38, no. 979, March
31, 1958
[No. 957, October 28, 1957 missing]

Container 671
State, Department of
Department of State Bulletin, v. 38, no. 980, April 7, 1958 - v. 39, index, nos.
993-1018, July 7 – December 29, 1958

Container 672
State, Department of
Department of State Bulletin, v. 40, no. 1019, January 5, 1959 – v. 41, no. 1060,
October 19, 1959

Container 673
State, Department of
Department of State Bulletin, v. 41, no. 1061, October 26, 1939 – v. 42, index,
nos. 1071-1096, January 4 – June 27, 1960

Container 674
State, Department of
Department of State Bulletin, v. 43, no. 1097, July 4, 1960 – v. 44, no. 1139,
April 24, 1961
[No. 1136, April 3, 1961 missing]

Container 675
State, Department of
Department of State Bulletin, v. 44, no. 1140, May 1, 1961 – v. 45, index, nos.
1149-1174, July 3 – December 25, 1961

Container 676
State, Department of
Department of State Bulletin, v. 46, no. 1175, January 1, 1962 – v. 46, index, nos.
1175-1200, January 1 – June 25, 1962

Container 677
State, Department of
Department of State Bulletin, v. 47, no. 1201, July 2, 1962 – v. 47, index, nos.
1202-1227, July 2 – December 31, 1962


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