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Life Orientation


Allyssa Arenz
B. Lengeveldt


1.1) Title: CYBERBULLYING: The Dynamics and Impacts Among


1.2. Cyberbullying is the use of the internet and electronic

communication to bully, harass, ridicule, embarrass or try tp
intimidate someone. This can be done through instant messaging
or any other form of social media platform. Cyberbullying can be
done by sending hurtful messages, spreading rumours, or posting
embarrassing or personal messages with the intention of doing
harm to another person.

1.3) The use of online platforms has increased among adolescents

post-Covid-19; teenagers have become more comfortable
engaging with others on social platforms;

1.4) Forms of cyberbullying include: Catfishing, harassment,

exclusion, and cyberstalking

1.5.1) – Cyberbullying on the rise in South Africa – TechnoLife

Wise Foundation
“A survey of 200 South African parents done in February 2021, found that 51.5% of their children
had been cyberbullied 54% had accessed inappropriate content via digital platforms.”

The Reality of Cyberbullying in South Africa – Trends,

Warning Signs and Consequences - iTOO

“She notes that despite various pieces of legislation being in place, including the South African
Schools Act, the Cyber Crime Act 2020, the Protection of Harassment Act 2008 and the Child
Justice Act 2011, government continues to see a rise in cases of bullying.”

– Cyberbullying on the rise in South Africa - Smile 90.4FM

“A survey of 200 South African parents done in February 2021, found that 51.5% of their children
had been cyberbullied 54% had accessed inappropriate content via digital platforms”

1.5.2) – Survey Data

– Usage Increasing Social Media Usage
– Increased Internet Usage
– Negative Impact on Mental Health
– Awareness Campaigns


2.1) The video depicts a scene where a girl is about to post

personal and embarrassing pictures of another individual, Mary. A
boy intervenes, warning the girl about the potential repercussions
of her actions. He emphasises the fact that Mary’s family
members, including her parents, grandmother, and little sister,
would be affected by the spread of this content. The girl attempts
to downplay the severity of her actions by dismissing the pictures
as “not a big deal.”. However, the underlying message intended by
the video is that the impact of cyberbullying is more severe than
perpetrators think. The spread of incriminating images not only
affects the targeted individual but also their relationships. The

video highlights the importance of considering your actions and

online behaviour, especially when it comes to cyberbullying. By
sharing hurtful comments or personal images of an individual
without their knowledge and without their consent, perpetrators
risk damaging or ruining the social and emotional well-being of
that person, as well as their relationships with friends and family.

2.2) By sharing these personal images, it will affect more than just
the intended target. It will also affect that individual's family and
friends. Posting these compromising images will result in a lasting
negative digital footprint that will be very challenging to mend.
Such content will be almost impossible to completely erase, as
images can be saved and shared. The potential consequences of
being caught distributing these images can include legal action,
such as criminal charges for violating privacy laws. I encourage you
to think before you share anything about someone else and
consider how it would make you feel if someone did this to you.

2.3) Cyberbullying can have many severe and long-lasting effects

on its victims. This can affect them emotionally, psychologically,
and socially. Individuals experiencing cyberbullying may
experience depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, feelings of
worthlessness, and social withdrawal. . Victims can become very
reluctant to interact with new people. Physical effects can also
occur, such as headaches, stomachaches, and trouble sleeping.
The most severe consequence of cyberbullying on a victim is to
have suicidal thoughts and to develop suicidal tendencies as a
means of escaping the torment and persistent distress caused by
being cyberbullied.

2.4) Cyberbullying can have many severe and long-lasting effects

on its victims. This can affect them emotionally, psychologically,
and socially. Individuals experiencing cyberbullying may
experience depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, feelings of
worthlessness, and social withdrawal. . Victims can become very
reluctant to interact with new people. Physical effects can also
occur, such as headaches, stomachaches, and trouble sleeping.
The most severe consequence of cyberbullying on a victim is to
have suicidal thoughts and to develop suicidal tendencies as a
means of escaping the torment and persistent distress caused by
being cyberbullied.

➥𝕊𝔼ℂ𝕋𝕀𝕆ℕ 𝔻: ℂ𝕠𝕟𝕔𝕝𝕦𝕤𝕚𝕠𝕟 𝕒𝕟𝕕


4.1.) Victims of cyberbullying can feel severe emotions, such as

fear, anxiety, and depression. Having a good support system can
provide emotional comfort and reassurance. Support systems can
reassure victims and remind them that what they are experiencing
is not their fault. This validation can encourage victims to stand up
for themselves. Having a good support system helps the victims of
cyberbullying feel safe and protected. Having someone you can
turn to reminds victims that they are not alone.

4.2) Protection of Personal Information Act (POPI Act); Relevant

legislation/acts or policies that address cyberbullying in South
Africa; Children's Act (Act No. 38 of 2005)

➥ℝ𝕖𝕗𝕖𝕣𝕖𝕟𝕔𝕖 𝕃𝕚𝕤𝕥

- View. “10 Forms of Cyberbullying | Kids Safety.”, 2015,

- Cyberbullying on the Rise in South Africa – TechnoLife Wise Foundation.

- Admin, iTOO. “The Reality of Cyberbullying in South Africa – Trends, Warning

Signs and Consequences.” ITOO, 14 Mar. 2024,

- Mentoor, Danielle. “Cyberbullying on the Rise in South Africa.” Smile 90.4FM,

21 Apr. 2023,

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