Questionaire RQ2

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What is your age?

What is your gender?

What is your highest level of education?

What is your occupation?

What is your religious affiliation?

What is your ethnic background?

How many children do you have?

What is the age range of your children?

Gender Biases and Education

In your opinion, are there any gender biases in the Davao Region that affect children's education?

If yes, please describe these biases and how they manifest in your community.

If no, please explain why you believe this.

Do you believe these biases contribute to different enrolment rates for boys and girls?

If yes, how do you think these biases impact enrolment rates for each gender?

If no, please explain your reasoning.

Have you witnessed or experienced any gender-biased practices within schools or families that affect
children's education?

If yes, please describe these experiences or observations.

If no, please explain why you think this is the case.

What are some cultural beliefs or traditional practices in the Davao Region that might contribute to
gender biases in education?

Please elaborate on how these beliefs or practices might impact boys' and girls' access to education.

Are there any specific areas of education where you see gender biases being more prevalent?

For example, math and science, vocational training, or leadership roles.

Addressing Gender Biases

In your opinion, what policies or interventions could be implemented to counter gender biases in

These could be policies at the school, community, or government level.

What role do you think families and communities can play in addressing gender biases in education?

Please share any specific ideas or examples.

Do you believe gender-responsive policies are important in promoting equal access to education for both
boys and girls?

Why or why not?

What challenges do you foresee in implementing gender-responsive policies in the Davao Region?

How can these challenges be overcome?

What are your hopes for the future of education in the Davao Region in terms of gender equality?

Additional Information

Is there anything else you would like to share about your experiences with gender biases and education
in the Davao Region?

Are there any additional questions you think should be included in this questionnaire?

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