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27 June 2023

Software & Services

Microsoft United States

Microsoft v FTC - Day 2 - Return of the Console

Wars Sarah Frederick
Hindlian-Bowler Havemeyer

What's new
• Phil Spencer, CEO of Microsoft Gaming, was the key witness who took the
stand on Friday. Additionally, Jamie Lawver, Sr. Finance Director at Xbox,
testified, but the courtroom was sealed as confidential financial information MSFT US Outperform
was discussed. Testimony was rounded out by Dov Zimring, former Google Price (at 26 Jun 2023) USD328.60
12-month target USD325.00
Stadia product lead. 12 month TSR (%) (0.2)
• The FTC spent most of the day trying to establish two things: (1) that MSFT Market Cap (USD) (m) 2,443,301
views Sony as its main competitor and not Nintendo (e.g., Switch); and (2) 30-day avg turnover (USD)(m) 8,336.4

that MSFT will engage in anti-competitive behavior by moving ATVI games

exclusive, if the merger is finalized. Investment Fundamentals
Year end 30 Jun 2022A 2023E 2024E 2025E
• Under oath, Mr. Spencer pledged that he “won't pull Call of Duty from the Revenue (bn) 198.3 211.1 239.2 274.1
PS5" platform. Additionally, Judge Corley sustained MSFT's objection to the EBITDA (bn) 97.8 100.9 126.0 146.7
EBITDA growth (%) 19.9 3.1 24.9 16.4
FTC's pressing of Mr. Spencer to commit to keeping Diablo on PlayStation,
EBIT (bn) 83.4 87.2 109.7 128.0
stating to prosecutors, “your point has been made, move along." EBIT growth (%) 19.3 4.6 25.9 16.6
• In regard to the "console wars", Mr. Spencer stated, “If you look at our Reported profit (bn) 72.7 71.0 88.9 103.7
Adjusted profit (bn) 72.7 71.0 88.9 103.7
market share in the console space over the last 20+ years, we're in third
EPS adj [$] 9.6 9.5 12.0 14.1
place (behind Sony and Nintendo). We have tried to compete...over the last EPS adj growth (%) 19.7 (1.4) 26.2 17.7
20 years we've failed to do that effectively”. PER adj (x) 34.1 34.6 27.4 23.3
Total DPS [$] 2.5 2.7 3.0 3.3
• Mr. Spencer also stated that "We don't pay for exclusivity on our own Total div yield (%) 0.8 0.8 0.9 1.0
platform”, implying that their competitors house more exclusive games. ROA (%) 24.0 22.5 25.1 25.7
ROE (%) 47.2 38.2 38.9 36.8
EV/EBITDA (x) 24.4 23.5 18.6 15.8
Why it matters Net debt/equity (x) (33.0) (34.5) (41.4) (47.7)
P/BV (x) 14.8 11.9 9.6 7.7

• Day 2 seemed positive for MSFT's case in defense of the ATVI merger,
as Mr. Spencer and the MSFT's attorneys provided sworn testimony and
evidence that refuted the FTC's concerns.
• We believe investors want MSFT to be part of the high value components
such as software or video games, but not exclusively consoles. MSFT is
medium-agnostic as to users' playing on an alternative console or "delivery
device". The Company's main goal is to maximize usage of high margin
content from MSFT, where one can socialize and purchase advanced
features. While owning components can be valuable, it is a lubricant for
adoption of the core product, and typically at a lower margin. In summary, MSFT US rel S&P 500 performance,
a combined MSFT-ATVI has a long-term interest in PS remaining viable and & rec history
highly functioning. The same applies to smartphones and PCs, where MSFT
has a history and its own OS - the market leading Windows, all of which give
the company a keen understanding of the need for both widely available
software and diverse hardware providers (e.g., Apple utilizing Office 365).

What now

• The hearing will resume for Day 3 on Tuesday, 6/27/23 at 8:30AM

(PT)/11:30AM (ET), and is scheduled to run through Thursday, 6/29/23. For Source: FactSet, Macquarie Research, Jun 2023 (all figures in
a detailed summary of risks to our view relating to MSFT, please go to our USD unless noted, TP in USD)

Latest Report.
For important disclosures and analyst certification, refer to page 2 or go to 1
Flashnote Microsoft


Sarah Hindlian-Bowler Frederick Havemeyer

+1 212 231 1371 +1 212 231 0554
Macquarie Capital (USA) Inc. Macquarie Capital (USA) Inc.

Erwin Wei
+1 212 231 2577
Macquarie Capital (USA) Inc.

Important Disclosures
Recommendation definitions Volatility index definition Financial definitions
Macquarie – Asia and USA This is calculated from the volatility of historical price All "Adjusted" data items have had the following
Outperform – expected return >10% movements. adjustments made:
Neutral – expected return from -10% to +10% Added back: goodwill amortisation, provision for
Very high – highest risk – Stock should be expected to
Underperform – expected return <-10% catastrophe reserves, IFRS derivatives & hedging, IFRS
move up or down 60–100% in a year – investors should be
impairments & IFRS interest expense
Macquarie – Australia/New Zealand aware this stock is highly speculative.
Excluded: non recurring items, asset revals, property revals,
Outperform – expected return >10%
High – stock should be expected to move up or down at appraisal value uplift, preference dividends & minority
Neutral – expected return from 0% to 10%
least 40–60% in a year – investors should be aware this interests
Underperform – expected return <0%
stock could be speculative.
EPS = adjusted net profit / efpowa*
During periods of share price volatility,
Medium – stock should be expected to move up or down ROA = adjusted ebit / average total assets
recommendations and target prices may
at least 25–40% in a year. ROA Banks/Insurance = adjusted net profit /average
occasionally and temporarily be inconsistent
Low – stock should be expected to move up or down at total assets
with the above definitions.
least 15–25% in a year. ROE = adjusted net profit / average shareholders funds
Recommendations – 12 months Gross cashflow = adjusted net profit + depreciation
* Applicable to select stocks in Asia/Australia/NZ
Note: Quant recommendations may differ *equivalent fully paid ordinary weighted average number of
from Fundamental Analyst recommendations Note: expected return is reflective of a Medium Volatility shares
stock and should be assumed to adjust proportionately
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Recommendation proportions for quarter ending 31 March 2023

Outperform 56.13% 64.77% 64.49% (for global coverage by Macquarie, 2.51% of stocks followed are investment banking clients)

Neutral 37.74% 23.98% 32.71% (for global coverage by Macquarie, 1.83% of stocks followed are investment banking clients)

Underperform 6.13% 11.26% 2.80% (for global coverage by Macquarie, 0.00% of stocks followed are investment banking clients)

Company-Specific Disclosures

Company Name Disclosure

Microsoft (MSFT US) None
12-month target: USD325.00 - DCF
Valuation: USD 325.02 - DCF (WACC
10.5%, beta 1.1, ERP 5.5%, RFR 4.5%,
TGR 5.4%)
Price: USD328.60
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issued by this report’s author at

Recommendation history
Company name Date Recommendation Target price

26-Apr-2023 Outperform USD 325.00

Microsoft (MSFT US)
18-Apr-2023 Neutral USD 260.00
26-Jan-2023 Neutral USD 241.00
24-Jan-2023 Neutral USD 232.00
2-Nov-2022 Neutral USD 234.00
23-Jul-2020 Outperform USD 225.00
29-Jun-2020 Outperform USD 215.00

27 June 2023 2
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27 June 2023 4

This publication was disseminated on 27 June 2023 at 10:00 UTC

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