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Copyright © 2024 Sophos Ltd

Troubleshooting Web
Categorization on
Sophos Firewall

Sophos Firewall
Version: 20.0v2

[Additional Information]

Sophos Firewall
FW4025: Troubleshooting Web Categorization on Sophos Firewall

May 2024
Version: 20.0v2

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Troubleshooting Web Categorization on Sophos Firewall

In this chapter you will learn how RECOMMENDED KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE
to investigate and resolve when ✓ How to configure web protection on Sophos
URLs are being miscategorized. Firewall

DURATION 5 minutes

In this chapter you will learn how to investigate and resolve when URLs are being miscategorized.

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Categorization Process

No No
Does it match a local
nSXLd receives request Is it in local cache? Cloud lookup
custom category?

Yes Yes

Category Information


Sophos Firewall uses the Sophos eXtensible Lookup service to categorize URLs for both DPI scanning
and the web proxy. Sophos Firewall also uses this service for IP reputation in email protection and web
server protection.

To use SXL, Sophos Firewall needs to be able to access on port 443.

When Sophos Firewall uses SXL for a lookup, the SXL service (nSXLd) first checks the local cache. If
there is no answer in the local cache or it has expired, it will check against local custom categories. If
there is no match, it performs a cloud lookup and caches the response.

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Categorization Logging

You can find the category for each web request in the web filter log in the log viewer.

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Categorization Logging
SFVUNL_HV01_SFOS 18.0.1 MR-1-Build396# service nSXLd:debug -ds nosync

SFVUNL_HV01_SFOS 18.0.1 MR-1-Build396# tail –f /log/nSXLd.log

[2020-09-23 09:10:20] <140287661696320> [debug] nSXLd: [0x2685120/922] Categorization request, url:
[2020-09-23 09:10:20] <140287661696320> [debug] nSXLd: Cache::lookup NOT_FOUND
[2020-09-23 09:10:20] <140287661696320> [debug] nSXLd: CategoryDB::lookup NOT_FOUND
[2020-09-23 09:10:20] <140287661696320> [debug] nSXLd: Not found in cache. SXL query:
[2020-09-23 09:10:20] <140287661696320> [debug] nSXLd: CREATED 41975616, fd: 16
[2020-09-23 09:10:20] <140287661696320> [debug] nSXLd: DNS query was sent, host:,
index: 65
[2020-09-23 09:10:20] <140287661696320> [debug] nSXLd: Read data count: -1 on descriptor 12
[2020-09-23 09:10:20] <140287661696320> [debug] nSXLd: DNS query result: 0, index: 65
[2020-09-23 09:10:20] <140287661696320> [debug] nSXLd: DNS query result: 1, index: 65
[2020-09-23 09:10:20] <140287661696320> [debug] nSXLd: Status code: 1
[2020-09-23 09:10:20] <140287661696320> [debug] nSXLd: Url Size: 1
[2020-09-23 09:10:20] <140287661696320> [debug] nSXLd: [0x2685120/922] SXL Response:
AppCategories[] WebCategories[Educational Institutions]
[2020-09-23 09:10:20] <140287661696320> [debug] nSXLd: SimpleConnection::out response length: 10
[2020-09-23 09:10:20] <140287661696320> [debug] nSXLd: Read data count: 40 on descriptor 11

If you are seeing an issue with categorization you may need to enable debug logging for the nSXLd
service to see what is happening.

In this example log you can see SXL check the local cache, and then the category database, before
sending the cloud query.

SXL responds with the category information that will be used to allow or deny the traffic based on the

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Testing Categorization

When investigating categorization, another useful tool is the Policy Test. This is available in a separate
tab in the log viewer.

The Policy Test allows you to quickly and easily test URLs to show how they are classified. It will also
indicate whether the DPI engine or web proxy is being used for the matching firewall rule.

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Category Reassessment
Submit the URL:

▪ The URL being accessed

▪ The category reported on

Sophos Firewall

▪ The expected category for the


If you encounter a URL that you think is being miscategorized, you can submit it for reassessment from
the Sophos website.

When doing this, include the URL being accessed, the category being reported on the Sophos Firewall
and the expected category for the URL.

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Incorrect Action for Website 1

Let’s look at an example where you see an incorrect action being applied to a website.

Here you can see a blog page that can be accessed, even though you are blocking blogs in your web

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Incorrect Action for Website 2

Checking the log viewer, you can see that the category ‘None’ has been applied to this URL.

Some URLs may be categorized as either ‘None’ or ‘Uncategorized’ by Sophos.

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Incorrect Action for Website 2

To manage these instances, you can use URL groups to assign actions for the specific domains or URLs.
In the example, the URL of the blog site has been added to ‘Blocked URLs for Default Policy’.

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Incorrect Action for Website 2

Alternatively, you can set an action for the ‘None’ and ‘Uncategorized’ categories in your policy.

You might also choose to submit the URL for reassessment.

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Incorrect Action for Website 3

Once the changes have been applied to the web policy, this blog site is no longer accessible.

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Chapter Review

When performing a URL category lookup, the SXL service (nSXLd) first checks the local cache. If there is no
answer in the local cached or is has expired, it will check against local custom categories. If there is no
match, it performs a cloud lookup and caches the response.

Policy Test allows testing or URLs to show how they are classified. Enabling debug logging for the nSXLd
service shows the process by which the category is determined.

Specific domains can be added to URL groups such as ‘Blocked URLs for Default Policy’, or an action for
the ‘None’ and ‘Uncategorized’ categories can be configured in the policy. You can also submit the URL for

Here are the main things you learned in this chapter.

When performing a URL category lookup, the SXL service (nSXLd) first checks the local cache. If there is
no answer in the local cache or it has expired, it will check against local custom categories. If there is
no match, it performs a cloud lookup and caches the response.

Policy Test allows testing of URLs to show how they are classified. Enabling debug logging for the
nSXLd service shows the process by which the category is determined.

Specific domains can be added to URL groups such as ‘Blocked URLs for Default Policy’, or an action for
the ‘None’ and ‘Uncategorized’ categories can be configured in the policy. You can also submit the URL
for reassessment.

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