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of the

SECTION I – Purpose, Origin, Mission

SECTION II -- Yankton County Republicans Central Committee (YCRCC)
and Yankton County Republicans Executive Committee (YCREC)
SECTION III – Membership
SECTION IV – Fiscal Policy
SECTION V -- Amendment of Bylaws


1. Purpose: Yankton County Republican members desire clarity in the Republican Party
Yankton County operations. While seeking to generally conform with South Dakota
Republican Party Bylaws, these bylaws govern Yankton County Republican operations and
responsibilities to its members first, and then to state and/or national organizations
subordinately. Should any challenge arise on any matter due to alleged and/or real
discrepancy/difference between the Yankton County Republicans Bylaws and the state and/or
national Republican Party bylaws, these county bylaws shall take precedence.
2. Origin: Yankton County Republican members voted at their regular meeting on February 5,
2023 to draw up its own organizational bylaws based upon the existing state bylaws. A
designated committee was selected to draft bylaws for consideration and approval.
3. Mission: Yankton County Republicans work to make the state motto “Under God the People
Rule” a concrete reality in how it conducts business and manages the resources entrusted to
it. Legal Yankton County residents require confidence in county party operations in order to
become more engaged in giving their time and money in service to our community, state and


a. To establish guidelines for the Republican Party in Yankton County.
b. To promote an informed citizenry through political education and activity.
c. To promote and support the Republican Platform and support Republican
candidates whose values and actions are consistent with the Republican Platform.
d. To represent the Republican Party at the county and state level.
e. To promote honest and fair elections at the local, state, and federal levels.
f. The YCRC is charged with the responsibility of observing all laws of the state of
South Dakota and the United States in fulfilling the above purposes.

2. YCRCC MEMBERSHIP: YCRCC consists of the precinct committeeman and

committeewoman of each precinct in Yankton County, the county chair, county vice-chair,
secretary, treasurer, state committeeman and state committeewoman, Republican state
legislators residing in Yankton County and Republican elected officials of Yankton County
limited to county auditor, county treasurer, register of deeds, sheriff, state’s attorney,
county coroner, and county commissioners. Those Republican legislators and Republican
elected county officials shall be those duly elected and certified in the most recent general
elections regardless of whether they have been sworn in or those persons filling vacancies
of these positions as prescribed by state law. Each member shall be entitled to vote in
person at any YCRCC meeting.

3. COUNTY GOP MEMBERSHIP- All DUES paying residents of Yankton County, who
are registered Republicans are county GOP members.


committeeman and one precinct committeewoman from each precinct in Yankton County
shall be elected at the primary election and shall hold his or her office until the next primary
election. If no person is elected at the primary election, the position shall be deemed vacant
and may be filled in the same manner as other vacancies (see section II 8 (c)).

5. YCREC: The elected officers of YCREC are the county chair and county vice chair, who
shall be of the opposite sex, a county secretary, a county treasurer, a state committeeman
and a state committeewoman, who shall hold their offices for a term of two years or until
their successors have been elected. This group of officers is referred to as the YCREC.

Each officer must be a registered Republican residing and voting in Yankton County and
an active member in good standing in the Yankton County Republican Party. No officer
may hold an elected public office at the county, state, or federal level.

6. BIENNIAL ELECTION OF OFFICERS: The YCRCC shall meet at the county seat in
the weeks following the election and at least one week prior to the state party winter
meeting to elect officers by paper ballot. A majority vote of the members present shall
constitute an election, which shall be certified to the county auditor, secretary of state, and
state secretary of the State Central Committee. In order to ensure a proper and smooth
transition, all outgoing officers must deliver all assets, records, meeting minutes for
YCRCC and YCREC, files, and properties of the party which include passwords to email
accounts, social media accounts, banking information, storage unit information and keys,
current membership rolls and information to the newly elected officers no later than
January 5th or on the day of election if elected after that date. Any member that does not
comply will face expulsion from active membership in the Yankton County Republicans
party and be reported to the state Republican party.

7. DUTIES OF OFFICERS: (County Chair and Vice Chair shall not be of the same sex.)
A) County Chair: The county chair, as head of the Republican Party in the county, has
the following duties:
(1) Preside over meetings of the YCRCC and Yankton County Executive Board.
(2) Attend and serve as a voting member at meetings of the State Central Committee.
(3) Direct county Republican Party affairs.
(4) Seek to obtain a full Republican slate for all county and legislative positions,
including precinct committeemen and precinct committeewomen, in the primary
(5) Serve on the YCREC.

B) County Vice Chair: The county vice chair has the following duties:
1) Discharge all duties of the county chair in his/her absence or disability.
2) Coordinate all Republican auxiliary activities in the county.
3) Other duties as the county chair may delegate.
4) Attend and serve as a voting member at meetings of the State Central
5) Assist the county chair to obtain a full Republican slate for all county and
legislative positions, including precinct committeemen and precinct
committeewomen, in the primary election.
6) Serve on the YCREC.

C) County Secretary: The county secretary has the following duties:
(1) Arrange meeting places.
(2) Send meeting notices stating agenda, time, and place for meetings of the YCRCC
and YCREC.
(3) Keep minutes of the YCRCC and County Executive Board.
(4) Maintain all records of the County Central Committee.
(5) Assist the county chair to obtain a full Republican slate for all county and legislative
positions, including precinct committeemen and precinct committeewomen, in the
primary election.
(6) Serve on the YCREC.

D) County Treasurer: The county treasurer has the following duties:

1) Pay all bills and serve as custodian of funds.
2) File financial reports as required by law.
3) Keep accurate records of all dues paying members of the Yankton County
Republican membership.
4) Perform other duties as the county chairman may delegate.
5) Certify the names of the county officers to the county auditor, secretary of state,
and state secretary of the State Central Committee following the county
organizational meeting and after a change in any of the county officers.
6) Assist the county chairman to obtain a full Republican slate for all county and
legislative positions, including precinct committeemen and precinct
committeewomen, in the primary election.
7) Serve on the YCREC.

E) State Central Committeeman and Committeewoman: The state central

committeeman and committeewoman have the following duties:
1. Attend and serve as voting members at meetings of the State Central Committee
or find a PROXY who is a registered Republican residing in Yankton County.
2. Carry into effect the policies of the State Central Committee in cooperation with
the county chairman.
3. Prior to the regular meetings of the State Central Committee, they shall cooperate
with the county chairman in arranging a county meeting to review the problems,
programs, and prospects of the county, or they shall take such other actions as
may be necessary to determine the situation so that they can report thereon at the
following meeting of the State Central Committee.
4. Assist the county chairman : (a) to obtain a full Republican slate for all county
and legislative positions, including precinct committeemen and precinct
committeewomen, (b) in the primary election, (c) in raising funds, (d) in
conducting county political campaigns, and (e ) in general party matters.
5. Serve on the YCREC.

F) Precinct Committeemen and Committeewomen: The precinct committeemen and
committeewomen have the following duties:
(1) Serve as voting members of the YCRCC.
(2) Serve as voting members at the state convention.
(3) Under the supervision of the county chairman, they have the duty to conduct the
political campaigns in their precinct, including, but not limited to, compiling and
updating voters lists; contacting voters; registering non-voters; and planning and
participating in general voter contact activities.

a) Events Causing Vacancy: The following events shall cause an officer of the
YCRCC or a precinct committeeman and committeewoman to forfeit his or her office
and the office declared open in occurrence of any of the following: death, resignation,
failure of an officer to reside in the county, failure of a precinct committeeman and
committeewoman to reside in the precinct, failure to be a registered Republican voter,
after taking office of an elected partisan position, or the conviction of a felony.

b) County Chair Vacancy: The county vice chair shall automatically become county
chair whenever a vacancy occurs in that office and shall serve the remainder of the

c) Other Vacancies: Any vacancy occurring in the offices of county vice chair, county
secretary, county treasurer, state committeeman, state committeewoman, precinct
committeeman or precinct committeewoman shall be filled by an election held at the
next regular or special meeting of the County Central Committee. A majority vote of
the YCRCC members present and voting by paper ballot shall constitute an election,
which shall be certified in the same manner as an election at the biennial
organizational meeting. If no person has filed to run for precinct committeeman or
precinct committeewoman in a precinct and the filing deadline has passed, the
YCRCC may, prior to the primary election, fill the vacancy for the term of office that
begins after the primary election. No elections may be held to fill a vacancy from the
day of the primary election through the closing of the state convention.

a) Regular and Special Meetings: The YCRCC shall meet at least twice each year on
call of the county chairman. The county chairman may call a special meeting at any
time. One-fifth of the members of the YCRCC, including two officers, may call a
meeting in writing.
b) Notice: Five days (excluding weekends and holidays) notice must be given for any
meeting. Notices may be sent by mail or email to all members and posted on
c) Quorum: A quorum shall consist of one-fifth of the members of the YCRCC (not
including vacancies), including at least two officers. For the purposes of determining
the number of members needed to have a quorum, Republican state legislators and
county elected officials shall not be considered as members of the County Central
Committee; however, if present, they shall be counted when determining whether a
quorum is present. This provision shall not affect the rights of said members to
participate and vote at meetings.
d) Rules of Order: The rules contained in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order
Newly Revised shall govern the YCRCC in all cases to which they are applicable and
not inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rules of order the YCRCC may
adopt; however, the committee may act informally at the discretion of the county
chairman unless any member objects.
e) Electronic Meetings: A meeting of the YCRCC may be held electronically.
f) Yankton County Executive Committee consists of the county chair, county vice
chair, county secretary, county treasurer, state central committeeman, and state
central committeewoman. Up to three ad hoc members may be appointed by the
county chair at his/her discretion from the registered Republicans in the county who
are members. The County Executive Committee conducts party business between
regular meetings of the County Central Committee. The county chair calls the
meetings of the County Executive Committee and presides over such meetings. The
county secretary keeps the minutes. Three members of the County Executive
Committee may call a meeting in writing, by email, or a text message. A meeting of
the County Executive Committee may be held electronically.
g) Replacement of Officers – An officer who is not fulling the duties of his office as
defined by these bylaws may be replaced by the County Executive Committee by a
majority vote of the remaining members.


1. Eligibility: Membership in the Yankton County Republicans organization is open to all

Republican men and women who support the Constitution of the United States, the South
Dakota State Constitution, and the Republican party platform. Members must comply
with the bylaws of the Yankton County Republicans.

2. Types of membership:
a) ACTIVE membership: Persons who wish to actively participate in the Yankton
County Republicans must be in good standing and their dues current. He or she can
provide input on regular business items and serve on committees. Active members will be
notified of meetings and events.
b) INACTIVE membership: Members are assigned INACTIVE status if dues are not
received by January 31st. Inactive members may not hold office, be on a committee,
make motions, or vote on any items until dues are paid.


1) Check policy: All checks written over $500 must be cosigned by two members of the
YCREC. All expenditures over $2,500.00 must be approved by vote of the YCREC or be
in an approved budget.
2) Candidate funding: Care will be taken in the distribution of money to candidates to
ensure that each recipient is fully supportive of the Republican Party Platform. The
YCREC will look at objective measures to distribute funds to candidates.
3) Dues: Preliminary active membership dues may be paid anytime from January 1 – Dec
31st. Renewal membership dues will be given a grace period to be paid by January 31st
after which they are considered to be non-renewed. The amount of dues will be set forth
annually in a fall meeting as recommended by the YCREC. Any change in dues must be
approved by a majority vote of the active members present at the same fall meeting. The
dues shall remain at the same rate as the previous year if no new rate is approved.
4) Failure to Abide: Members failure to follow the bylaws forfeits their voting privileges
for 2 years. In order to be reinstated, the individual needs to correct the violation


AMENDMENT OF BYLAWS: All proposed amendments shall be presented to the Yankton

County Republican Executive Committee for consideration prior to presentation at a meeting.
The amendments must be presented in writing or via email to the central committee members at
least 14 days before a vote can be taken. The proposed amendments shall be adopted with a two
thirds vote of the active central committee members present at the meeting.

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