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TAHUN PELAJARAN 2022/2023 No. Absen :
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas : III (Tiga) Nilai :
Waktu : 90 menit
Tanggal :

I. Soal dalam bentuk Based Project Learning, batas waktu kirim pada tanggal 1 Juni 2024, jika
pengiriman lewat tanggal tersebut akan mengurangi skor nilai !

1. Buatlah rekaman short story dibawah ini dan hasil rekaman bisa di kirim ke walikelas 3 !
2. Carilah 5 kosakata (vocabulary) sesuai dengan short story dibawah ini beserta artinya dan ditulis

KD : Reading
Once, a beautiful girl named Cinderella lived with her wicked stepmother and two stepsisters. The
stepmother made her do all the housework and was very cruel to her. One day, the stepmother and
stepsisters go to a ball in the King’s palace, leaving Cinderella behind. Cinderella wanted to attend the
ball and felt very sad that she had been left behind.

Suddenly, a fairy godmother appeared in a burst of light, and she used her magic to transform Cinderella
into a princess, wearing a lovely dress and glass slippers. She also turned a pumpkin and some mice into
a carriage and horses, respectively. Cinderella could now attend the ball.

The fairy godmother warned her that the magic would wear off at midnight and that Cinderella should
return home before that. When Cinderella arrived at the ball, the prince saw her, and they fell in love.
They danced together until midnight. When the clock struck twelve, Cinderella rushed to her carriage,
leaving behind one of her glass slippers.

The prince searched every house in town for the mysterious girl whose foot fit into the glass slipper. He
reached the wicked stepmother’s house and found the shoe belonged to Cinderella. Thus, the prince and
Cinderella got married and lived happily ever after.

-------------------------------------------------- Good Luck------------------------------------------------------------

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