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Nathair Sgiathach

Trickster Dragon God of the Fey

Introduction​: A large, toothy smile appears in the underbrush. Unlike the Cheshire Cat, the
creature attached to it was not invisible, and he steps out of the leaves to greet you. He is a
tiny dragon with shimmering butterfly wings. He bows and announces himself, “Nathair
Sgiathach, at your service. What brings you to my woods today?”

A Fey patron for Warlock Characters

by Grahame S. Turner

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, ​Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide,​ D&D Adventurers
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Nathair Sgiathach
The Fey Dragon of Mischief
What? You’ve never heard of the great Nathair This is central to his character: he is a
Sgiathach, Winged Serpent of the Fey before? good-natured, fun-loving creature. When he needs
… Can’t say I’m surprised. It’s hard enough to to be serious, he will revert to humor as quickly as
spell my name, let alone remember it. possible. Because of this, He comes across as a
—Nathair Sgiathach little childish.
Author’s Note.​ These are notes about creating a When assigning missions to a player, for example,
Warlock Pact with Nathair Sgiathach, or he is likely to announce it seriously, but provide
roleplaying him in the Feywild. This is all of the only enough information to give his agent the
information I could gather about him from the wrong impression of his motives. For example, he
internet (sources included), with a few ideas of my might ask his warlock to seek “revenge,”
own. Enjoy! anticipating they would think they must kill the
person” But what he wants to do instead is
humiliate his foe.
Personality & Appearance He especially enjoys a good illusion spell, and is a
Nathair is a shapeshifter, so people very rarely see
firm believer in apple pie.
him in the same form twice. It is even possible that
his traditional representation, a two-and-a-half foot Alignment
dragon with butterfly wings. However, he could
appear as anything, but will likely bear his symbol: Nathair Sgiathach is Chaotic Good.
a wide smile. Trickster God
His Name Nathair is a god of mischief. When in doubt about
His full name and title is Nathair Sgiathach, the what he would do in a situation, He will likely
Winged Serpent. He will say his name with great choose whatever is funniest--although, as is
solemnity, although his name means only “winged common with trickster gods, it may not be the
serpent”. wisest prank to play.

The correct pronunciation of his name is “Nay-er If confronted by someone in a fight, he might
Skay-ach.” The final syllable comes from the back defuse the situation by magically inflating their butt
of the throat, as in stereotypical Scottish dialects. to comic proportions, and causing it to glow red
and play folk music. The spell may even lift the
His Symbol person in the air, rear-end first.
The symbol for Nathair Sgiathach is a wide smile.
Trickster gods often have the ability to change
people’s perception of reality. Nathair is no
different, he is a shapeshifter with a penchant for
A player who wishes to summon him could do so illusion spells.
by drawing his symbol on a sheet of paper or in He is strong enough that Titania and other Sylvan
the dirt, or carving one into a tree. deities see him as a resource. Unless he is angry,
his attacks are unlikely to have lasting effects. He
Personality is more likely to ​Polymorph ​a foe into another
For all of his grandstanding, especially about his creature than kill it.
name, Nathair is actually self-effacing. While he
will say his name as though it holds great
meaning, he is likely to then play that off as a joke.

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Nathair Sgiathach
Suggested Player Spells Nathair, he would likely feel affronted. It would be
as though his gift were being rejected. He may
If a player is unsure what kinds of spells to select, leave that Warlock with their powers (saying that
Nathair is likely to provide these types of spells: they “earned them”), but would not provide any
● Charm Person more assistance or support.
● Conjure Fey However, Nathair is still a trickster god. So if a
● Crown of Madness Player begins to rely on his aid too much, he is
● Dimension Door likely to withhold it. He may even temporarily
● Dispel Magic retract his powers, so that the player “learns a
● Eyebite lesson.” Although he would probably appear
● Glibness immediately afterward, laughing about the look on
● Hallucinatory Terrain their face.
● Illusory Script
● Magic Mouth Pacts
● Major Illusion He is likely to grant any of the main pacts that a
● Mass Suggestion Warlock can select, although he is less likely to
● Minor Illusion favor the Pact of the Blade (he sees less comic
● Otto’s Irresistable Dance value in it).
● Polymorph
● Suggestion If the player selects the Pact of the Tome and
● Tasha’s Hideous Laughter loses their book, Nathair will demand something in
● Vicious Mockery exchange for the replacement book, and an apple
pie for his time.
Any of the more comical-sounding Bard Spells
would also be good candidates. Nathair loves a Demands
good bard. Nathair’s powers will come at a price. He does
reserve the right to ask for the PC’s aid at a

Relationships moment’s notice. However, his demands will

always seem opaque and unusual.
Nathair is not a loner: who would laugh at his
He may ask his Warlock agent to destroy a tree,
jokes? As an Archfey patron, a member of the
which turns out to be sacred to another Sylvan
Seelie court, and a dragon, those are the three
deity he’s currently playing a trick on. Or he may
groups he is most likely to interact with.
demand a particular person in a village be
Warlocks abducted and brought to the fey for his
amusement. He could bring the player, or the
When he makes a pact with a Warlock, such as a entire party, before the Seelie court and demand
Player Character, it is usually as an experimental that they perform and entertain them. Alternately,
joke. He will see himself as a friend and mentor to he may leave a fey friend or distant relative in the
this PC, feeling as though he is doing them a favor Player’s care for an extended period. He may
by granting them powers in return for the demand revenge on someone who harmed a
occasional favor. friend, although this revenge is more likely to
He is likely to be fairly involved in the lives of his embarrass and strip that enemy of power, rather
Warlocks, appearing when that Warlock needed than kill.
his help, although usually asking for more favors in
Random Demands
return. That said, he is also not likely to be a ​Deus
Ex Machina​, as any help he provides is probably If all else fails, and you are not sure what Nathair would
going to cause about as much harm as it does demand at a given time, use a d10 and d% to generate
a random request using a table, such as the Trinket
good. Calling on Nathair may get someone out of a table in the Player’s Handbook, or this Warlock Demand
present scrape, but will likely backfire at some table on ​Ant-Lerr’s blog​.
point in the future. Naturally, if the item you roll one that seems out of
If a Player tried to get out of his contract with character, too challenging, or too obtuse, re-roll and try

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Nathair Sgiathach
again. Because of the similarity in their appearance, it is
possible that Hlal and Nathair are the same being. Given
Mortals that both are tricksters, pretending to be two different
Beyond than his Warlock Agents and anyone they people for two different pantheons is the kind of prank
may travel with, Nathair does not pay much heed that they would find hilarious.
to the dealings on the mortal plane. Although there
are a couple of exceptions: they have harmed one
of his friends, or he thinks he will get a laugh out of
interfering. Additional Resources:
● ‘Fey Deities’, Wikipedia:
Other Fey
If Fey folk are threatened or wounded, Nathair athair_Sgiathach
would be the first to come to their aid. He is a ● ‘Dragon Deities, Wikipedia:
friend to, and beloved by, other fey dragon
creatures, including pseudodragons, faerie s#Hlal
dragons, and dragonets, as well as sprites, pixies, ● ‘Nathair Sgiathach’, DnD Wikia:
and grigs. He is likely to take attacks against those
creatures personally. athair_Sgiathach
● ‘Warlock’, DnD Wikia:
The Seelie Court
Nathair is a member of the Seelie Court. Other Fey ck
find his pranks tiresome, which is likely the reason ● ‘Feytouched’, DnD Wikia:
he is part of the court’s outer circle. Titania sees
him as a valued ally, because of his strong magical uched
abilities and fierce love of the Fey. However, he is ● Canon: The Seelie Court,
also regarded as a poor advisor because of the
constant trickery. urt
He is generally uninterested in the courtly intrigues ● ‘Nathair Sgiathach’, Tales of Tolgard:
that occupy many of his colleagues’ minds. But he
will aid them, if he thinks it will entertain him. hair-sgiathach
● ‘Hlal’, Tales of Tolgard:
Despite being a dragon, Nathair has no love for ● ‘Io’, Tales of Tolgard:
the dragons. However, he doesn’t hate them
either. He simply does not really care about their ● ‘But at What Cost?’, Ant-Lerr:
His father is the Draconic god Io, and his mother is t-what-cost.html
a member of the Seelie Court. Despite his
parentage, he has nothing to do with the Dragon
pantheon, nor dragons in the Material Plane.

Hlal​. While Nathair does not have any love for dragons,
his appearance is very similar to the dragon god of
storytelling and humor, Hlal. She is the Draconic
Pantheon’s Jester and Keeper of Tales.

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Nathair Sgiathach
Author’s Note.​ Thanks for checking out my notes
on Nathair Sgiathach. These are the notes I wish
existed when I started working on my campaign. If
you found the information useful, please leave a
review. If you felt like something is missing, let me
know in the comments.

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Nathair Sgiathach

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