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/** **Compiled Proxy Tutorial **Author: w w w.c i d 7.

n e t **Free to distriute (Leave this header in) // /** **Commands **/ //How to type commands Type commands in chat. Just like you talk to other people, you can put !c in there and send it (nobody else will see it), and cyclone will turn on. // //How to turn on Auto Casting superman or Cyclone Type "!auto superman" or "!auto cyclone" to turn it on. Type it without the " " ] // //How to record a path for autohunt Type "!record path" without the " " Make a trip along the way you want the proxy to hunt, when there is no monsters to be found. Make sure you go there and come back. // //How to use the aimbot. Type !ssbot (for Scent Sword) or !abot (For fast blade) Tornado should appear in your skills. Hit a person with tornado, and it will automatically aim them with SS or FB. If you want the proxy to try and hit while walking, type the command !awalk (No te: There is a very good chance proxy will miss the person while walking) To make aimbot onl hit when you target the person with tornado (1 shot FB/SS) ty pe !ashoot. // // //How to set timer Higher timer = less lag while doing spellbot,autohunt, etc. (But slower killing) timer1 is for Autohunt, autoloot, autofollow, and follow kill. (Example: !timer1 500 0 Will jump to a new monster/follow/etc.. every 0,5 seconds) timer2 is for Spell bot (Example: !timer2 500 - Will target person with spell e very 0.5 seconds) timer3 is for Meditation bot (Example: !timer3 3000 - Will meditate every 3 sec onds) // // //How to use the record: Type !rc to record an attack. Type !rp to repeat the attack. Set timer higher if you disconnect. // //How to use the name changer Type !name <original name> <new name> Example: !name TheBeast TheWhore Any person named "TheBeast" will have it's name changed to "TheWhore" Only you can see this. // //How to spam Type !spam <target> <text> Example !spam All Im bored, just testing -Will spam in talk "Im bored, just testing" However, if you want to spam a person individually, you can type !spam NameofPer son Text to spam them in whisper Example !spam SomeGayDude you suck

-Will Spam the person "SomaGayDude" with the text "you suck" Note: Target cannot have spaces. If you want to spam in talk, type All for targe t. Note2: You can start the spammer as many times as you want. Every time you start a new one, it will spam that message every second. If you do 3, it will spam 3 messages a second. (Too many WILL disconnect you) // //How to auto hunt or auto loot Type !ahunt or !aloot DO NOT DROP ITEMS while autohunting or looting. You can go under the Bot tab on the window, and set what options you want Do not autohunt in a place where someone is scattering and killing monsters fast (There is a chance the server will not send the death packet for a monster and get the proxy stuck) // //Cyclone and DHCyclone Type !c for Cyclone or !c2 for Dhcyclone. // //How to disconnect Type !dc // //How to turn refresh on or off for jumping,following,hunting,looting Type !refresh // //How to Follow or Follow Kill Type the person's name in the whisper box, and whisper or talk to them with the command !fk or !f You can also shift+click on a person, and then say the !f or !fk commands. // //How to open warehouse without password Click on the warehouse NPC. Type !wh // //How to quikcly withdraw money Type !money <amount> Example !money 100000 to withdraw 100k // //How to jump over GW gate If you are using CIDLoader, simply go and jump onto the wall, it won't take you back. If you are not using the loader, type !rg to jump right gate, or !lg to jump lef t (you must be near - will NOT disconnect you) // //How to Auto sit after jumps (Excellent for any purpose) Type !asit to turn it on or off. // /** **Window Functions **Before uing functions, select a character. **/ //Run a command: Use the refix ! and type a command. Example: !ahunt // //Autopickup Options (Under the BOT tab) All - Picks up everything listen in the items.ini Unique - Picks up only Unique Elite - Picks up only Elite Super - Picks up Only Super Specific - Picks up items specified in item_specific.ini //

//Monster Hunting (Under the BOT tab) You can make it hunt monsters between what levels you wish You can set so it hunts no bosses (listed in bosses.ini) Specific Monster Only - Hunt only for the specified monster Hunt All Monsters - As it says // //Disconnect on (Under the BOT tab) All - Disconnects on all Players Blue - Disconnect on Blue name players Red - Disconnect on red name players Gm/PM - Disconnect on GM/PMs Specific - Disconnect on items listed in the box (Items must be separated by a c omma // //Item Spoof (Gift Bags - in the General tab) Make items on ground look like giftbags. Has Refined,Unique,Elite,Super options. // //Log Deaths and Disconnect on low dura not yet implemented. // // /** **Misc **/ You can see ghost chat

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