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CST 462 | Early Start Service Learning Project Plan

Speak with your site supervisor to create a mutual plan for your project this term. This Plan will
serve as the foundation for your formal online registration next.

1. I have confirmed that I will be working with:

Organization name: Massachusetts Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired
Supervisor name: Shawn Welker
Supervisor email: 617-992-1233

2. Describe the project you will complete this term. What will your final deliverables be?
Consider also including supporting documentation so someone at the site or a future
service learner can maintain your work after you go. If your project is service only (i.e.
tutoring, live assistance, etc.), what will your duties be?

My duties will be:

● Provide Remote Sighted Assistance for the Blind and Low Vision (Be My Eyes).
This is accomplished by receiving a live video feed, to my computer, of whatever the
user points their phone camera at, and I will help identify or describe whatever the
client needs assistance with.
● I will also assist Blind and Low Vision users who need assistance with using various
computer applications and/or computer issues, by remoting into the user's computer
and troubleshooting.
● Assist with cataloging call logs.

3. How many hours per week will you complete? Our recommended pace is 5hrs per week
during Weeks 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6, but you and your site supervisor are free to arrange an
alternate schedule, as long as all 25 hours are completed by the end of class).

I will complete 3 - 4 hours per week; however I will start as early as possible before the
beginning of class on Oct 21st. I will hopefully start the week of 10/8 after a 2 hour
training/orientation session.

When and where will these hours be performed?

Weekly on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday (12 pm - 1 pm PT / 3 pm - 4 pm ET). Duties are

performed remotely.

What are the expectations of communication? At the very least, you should update your
online Time Log once a week to include the hours you've served and what you did (this
form is available after you complete your registration and allows you to send email
requests to your site supervisor for hours approval).
I will send my time log to my site supervisor weekly to validate I completed my hours for the

4. How does your service learning project align with our Upper Division Service
Learning Outcomes, your career, and your personal interests, values, etc? Review
outcomes in the syllabus (on Canvas) if you need to.

My service learning project increases my experience and awareness of the accessibility

needs for the blind and low vision community in relation to technology. When
developing computer applications and programs in the future, this experience will keep
me mindful of certain ways I implement features and making sure that they are user
friendly to multiple different types of users.

How can this project impact your site?

By volunteering at my site, I add to the number of members who are available to take
shifts. This reduces the number of calls dropped for those who need this service because
of limited availability.

How can this project impact the community you/your site serve?

It can be frustrating for a user who needs this service to not have their call answered. By
becoming a volunteer at MABVI, hopefully I can make someone’s day a little easier by
“being their eyes” and helping them navigate a task.

How can this project impact you/your career as a CS professional?

I think it is important to have experience with all different types of audiences who may
use your applications/programs. Without being exposed to different types of audiences,
you may not consider or be aware of their needs when developing your program. By
gaining this experience by assisting the blind and low vision community, I can better
develop applications/programs in the future that are more user friendly to a wider

How do you connect to this project personally?

I think that MABVI’s mission is amazing and the service they provide to assist blind and
low vision users is incredible. I am so happy to volunteer with them because I would love
to help someone by making even a small task easier for them to brighten their day.

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