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(Affiliated to Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore-3)

Kalam Kavi Gramam Visalayankottai

Karaikudi,Sivagangai-630 306

AEX102 Fundamentals of Agricultural Extension Education (2+1) - (2017 syllabus)

I-Year- B.Sc. (Agri.) II-Semester – Mid Semester Examinations – 2018

Year: I Time: 1hour

Semester : II Max. Marks: 20

I. Choose the best answer
1. Extension is derived from the latin roots
a. Ex and out b. Ex and tension c. Ex and tension d. out and stretching
Answers: c. Ex and tension
2. Principle of extension education is
a.Learning by doing b. Learning by seeing
c. Learning by reading d. Learning by hearing
Answers: a.Learning by doing
3. Formal education is
a. Hetrogenous learners b. Fixed curriculum c. More practical d. Diverse goals
Answers: b. Fixed curriculum
4. Which is an integral part of extension?
a. Education b. Evaluation c. Learning d. Teaching
Answers: a. Education
5. Indian village service held at
a. Msore b. Agasoli c. Nilokheri d. Sundarban
Answers: b. Agasoli
6. The first KVK was established in 1974
a. Nagpur b. Ludhiana c. Nilokheri d. Pondichery
Answers: d. Pondicherry
7. Purpose of extension evaluation
a. To identify the weak points b. To identify the strong points
c. To identify the gaps and errors d. To identify all the above
Answers: d. to identify all the above
8. Community development project was started in India in
a. 1947 b. 1952 c. 1949 d. 1953
Answers: b. 1952
9. The full form of A.T.M.A. is
a. Ageiculture Technology Management Association
b. Agriculture Technology Management Agency
c. Agriculture Technology Mission Agency
d. None of the above
Answers: b. Agriculture Technology Management Agency
10.Sevagarm attempt was started under the supervision of
a. F.L.Bryne b. R.N.Tagore c. J.L.Nehru d. M.K.Gandhi
Answers: d. M.K.Gandhi
11. The main objectives of the community development programme are
a. Area Development b. Self -help programme
c. Development of the whole community d. All of these
Answers: d. All of these
12. From among the following identify one which is three tier system of the local self-
a. Gram panchayat- khand Samiti-Zila parishead
b. Gram Panchayat-village school-village cooperative
c. IRD programme-TRYSEM-NREP
d. Gram panchayat-village school-khand samiti
Answers: a. Gram panchayat- khand Samiti-Zila parishead
13. The village panchayat Act came into existence in
a.1958 b. 1959 c. 1960 d. 1961
Answers: a.1958
14. Grow more food campaign was started in
a.1944 b.1947 c.1952 d.1953
Answers: b.1947
15. The full form of IADP is
a. Indian Agriculture Development Programme
b. Indian Area Development Programme
c. Intensive Agricultural Development Programme
d. Intensive Area Development Programme.
Answers: c. Intensive Agricultural Development Programme
16. First step for making a programme planning includes
a. Evaluation b. Analysis of the situation and determining problems
c. Deciding on objectives d. Teaching
Answers: b. Analysis of the situation and determining problems
17. IADP popularly also known as package programme started originally in 7 districts in
a. 1959 b. 1960-61 c. 1964 d. 1970
Answers: b. 1960-61
18. In India, the Training and Visit system of agricultural extension was first launched in
a. Thanjuvur district of Tamilnadu and West Godavari district of Andra Pradesh
b. Canal areas in Rajasthan and Chambal command areas in Madhya Pradesh
c.Command areas of Assam and West Bengal
d.Command areas of Rajasthan and West Bengal.
Answers: b. Canal areas in Rajasthan and Chambal command areas in MadhyaPradesh
19. ATIC expands to
a.Agriculture Technology Initiation Centre b.Agicuture Technology Information Commity.
c. Agriculture Technology Information Centre d.Agriculture Technology Invitation Centre.
Answers: c. Agriculture Technology Information Centre
20.These are expression of the behaviour towards which our efforts are directed
a.Aim b.Objectives
c.Goal d.Motivation
Answers: b.Objectives
II. Fill in the blanks
21. The basic philosophy of extension is to teach people
a. How to do b. What to do c. When to do d. Where to do.
Answers: a. How to do
22. KVK are formed to offer
a. In-service training b. On the job training c. Vocational training d. Induction
Answers: c. Vocational training
23. Farmers information and advisory centers under ATMA operates at
a.District level b.Block level c.State level d.Village level
Answers: b.Block level
24.The word “democracy” is derived from greek word roots ‘demos’ which meaning
and ‘kartos’ meaning rule/authority.
a.King b.People c.Leader d.Politician
Answers: b.People
25. B.RMehta team stimulated an active consideration of through democratic
bodies in india
a.Decentralization b.Stabilization c.Mobilization d.Centralization
Answers: a.Decentralization
26.IN 1851,after the visit of president of ford foundation in india,15 pilot projects on the lines
of were strated in india
a.Marthandam project b.Etawah pilot project
c.Firka development project d.Area development project
Answers: b.Etawah pilot project
27. The third tier of Panchayat raj is
a. Zilla Parished b. Gram Sabha c. Panchayat Samiti d. Block Panchayat
Answers: a. Zilla Parished
28. The gap between the situation and objective is the area of
a. Goal b. Needs c. Interest d. None
Answers: b. Needs
29. The fundamental objective of extension education is
a. Moderation b. Development of the people
c. Development of the pradhans d. Development of the youths
Answers: b. Development of the people
30. IAY was launched as a sub scheme of
Answers: a. RLEGP
31. Philosophy of Extension Education was ___________.
a. Pursuit of wisdom b. Persuit on wisdom c. Pursuit of wiscom d. Persuit on wiscom
Answers : a. Pursuit of wisdom
32. Participation is compulsory in ___________.
a. Formal education b. Informal education c. Extension education d. Education
Answers : a. Formal education
33. Firka development programme was supervised by ____________.
a. Dhashildhar b. Collector c. V.A.O officer d. Extension worker
Answers : b. Collector
34. Mr. Arthur T Mosher of New York & B.N. Gupta established ___________.
a. IVS b. Firka development project c. IVLP d. Etawah pilot project
Answers : a. IVS
35. Participation is voluntary in ___________.
a. Formal education b. Informal education c. Extension education d. Education
Answers : c. Extension education
36. _______ Objective of extension is to development the people (or) the “Destination man”.
a. Working b. Fundamental c. General d. Extension
Answers :b. Fundamental
37. National level Extension system introduced in ___________.
a. 1952 b. 1954 c. 1953 d. 1951
Answers : a. 1952
38. The election to panchayat is normally held after a period of
a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d.5
Answers : d.5
39. The process/idea of broadening scope of agricultural extension on bringing a number of
farm activities in addition to the crop production under the umbrella of agricultural extension
is known as ____________.
Answers: c. BBES
40. This Monthly Zonal Workshop is_______________ build up the technical skills of SMS
regularly in the field of their specialization.
a. held for three days b. held for four days c. held for two days d. held for one
Answers: c. held for two days

III. Match the following

I Project / Scheme Founder / Initiator

41. Nilokheri experiment a. Albert mayer
42. Gurgoan project b. Mahatma Gandhi
43. Etawah pilot project c. S.K.Dey
44. Sarvodaya Movement d. F.L.Bryane
a. 41-d, 42-c.43-b,44-a. b. 41-c,42-d,43-a,44-b. c. 41-a, 42-c, 43-b,44-d. d. 41-d,42-
II Project / Scheme Principle / Important words
45. Sriniketan project a. Crop approach
46. 4-H b. Single Window System
47. BBES c. Create a real interest in people
for rural welfare work
48. ATIC d. To make the best better
a.54-c,46-d,47-a,48-b. b.54-d, 46-c,47-b, 48-a. c. 54-c,46-d,47-b,48-a. d.54-a, 46-d, 47-
a, 48-b
Answers: a. 45-c, 46-d, 47-a, 48-b.
III Project / Scheme Years
49. IVS a. 1974
50. T&V b. 1947
51. KVK c. 1945
52. Frika Development scheme d. 1978-79
a.49-c,50-d,51-b, 52-a. b. 49-c, 50-d, 51-a, 52-b. c. 49-d, 50-c, 51-a, 52-b. d. 49-a, 50-c, 51-
b, 52-a.
Answers: b.49-c, 50-d, 51-a, 52-b.
IV Project / Scheme Founder /Important words/
53. FSRE a. Dr.M. Visweswaraya
54. Economic conference of mysore b. Create a real interest in people
for rural welfare work
55. Sriniketan project c. 1995-96
56. IVLP d. System oriented
a. 53-a, 54-d, 55-b,56-c. b. 53-c, 54-a, 55-b,56-d. c. 53-d, 54-a, 55-b,56-c. d. 53-b, 54-a,
Answers: c.53-d, 54-a, 55-b,56-c.
V Education Principle / Important words
57 FLD a. Extension education
58 Extension education approach b. Adult
59 Farmer felid school c. Seeing is believing
60 Participation is voluntary d. Problem to Principle
a.57-a 58-d, 59-b, 60-c. b. 57-c, 58-b, 59-d, 60-a. c. 57-d, 58-c, 59-b, 60-a. d. 57-c, 58-d,
59-b, 60-a.
Answers: d.57-c, 58-d, 59-b, 60-a.

III. Identify the correct/ incorrect answer

61. T&V System was first introduced in Rajasthan and M.P is Correct/ incorrect
Answers: Correct
62. Krishi vigyan Kendras are sponsored by World Bank is Correct/ incorrect
Answers: Incorrect
63. The central idea behind IADP was that increased agricultural production should lead to
economic growth which shall bring welfare to the society is Correct/ incorrect.
Answers: Correct
64. Farm System Research is a key feature of T&V System is Correct/ incorrect
Answers: Incorrect
65. The word “Democracy” is derived from Greek roots ‘demos meaning is authority. This
statement is correct / incorrect.
Answers: Incorrect
66. SFDA is meant for the farmers having 1-2 hectare land holding is correct /incorrect
Answers: Correct
67. The Integrated Rural Development programme beneficiaries should include SC/ST at the
rate of 30% is correct /incorrect.
Answers: Correct
68. The SFDA agency constituted for implementing IRDP are correct /incorrect.
Answers: Incorrect
69. The meetings of District Development Committee are presided by District Collector.
Correct/ incorrect
Answers: Correct
70. The 75:25 shares of center and state in the funding of SGSY is correct / incorrect.
Answers: Correct
71. The programme of Swarna Jayannti Shahari Rozgar Yojana exclusively for urban poor is
correct / incorrect
Answers: Incorrect
72. The National Rural Employment Programme dependent on Self employment is
Answers: Incorrect
73. The National Rural Employment Programme dependent on wage employment is
Answers: Correct
74. JGSY and EAS were merged to form for Sampoorna Grameen Rozgar Yojana.
Answers: Correct
75. According to Balwant Rai Mehta Committee, Panchayat Raj should be a two tier structure
of local self government bodies from village to district. Correct / incorrect.
Answers: Incorrect
76. Panchayat Raj was first time introduced in Punjab state. Correct / incorrect
Answers: Incorrect
77. The intermediate level in PRI are Panchayat Samiti. Correct / incorrect
Answers: Correct
78. The primary unit of society is family. Correct / incorrect
Answers: Correct
79. T&V is not at all a First line extension system. Correct / incorrect
Answers: Incorrect
80. The VLW is base level extension functionary in T & V system. Correct / incorrect
Answers: Correct
Read the following passage & answer the questions i-iv.
1. On the recommendation of Education Commission in 1964-66, to establish
institutions for providing vocational education in agriculture at the pre and post
matriculation level, KVK was started. It is the light house of knowledge to the farming
community of the district.
i. First KVK was started at _______ on _________.
a. Pudhucherry, 1972 b. Coimbatore, 1972 c. Coimbatore, 1974 d. Pudhucherry, 1974
Answers : d. Pudhucherry, 1974
ii) At present, Number of KVK’s present in India
a. 640 b. 641 c. 642 d .643
Answers: d. 643
iii. Which is not a mandate of KVK?
a. On farm testing
b. Front line Demonstration
c. To identify extrapolation domains
d. Training of farmers and Extension professionals
Answers: c. To identify extrapolation domains
iv. Who has started a scheme of KVK’s to provide vocational education at Pre and Post
matriculate level.
a. ICAR b. Education Commission
c. National Commission on Agriculture d. The Planning Commission
Answers: a. ICAR
Read the following passage & answer the questions i-iv.
2. Extension education is a participatory process and involves teaching, learning and
other education methods. Try to answer the following question.
i. ____________is an organized, systematic educational activity carried on outside the frame
work of the formal system to provide selected types of learning to particular subgroups in the
population, including adults and children.
a. Informal education b. Non-formal education
c. Formal education d. Extension education
Answers: b. Non-formal education
ii. ____________is the production of desirable changes in the human behaviour
a. Extension b. Education c. Extension education d. Formal
Answeres: b. Education
iii. _____________ is the life long process by which every person acquires knowledge, skills
attitude and insight from daily experience.
a. Informal education b. Non-formal education
c. Formal education d. Extension education
Answers: a. Informal education
iv. Learning is an internal process mainly controlled by
a. Communication b. Teaching c. Learner d. Teaching aids
Answers: c. Learner
Read the following passage & answer the questions i-iv.
3. The philosophy of extension work is based on the importance of an individual in the
promotion of progress for rural people and for the nation. Extension educators should
work with the people to help them, develop themselves and achieve superior well-being.
i. Which country does the first extension activity?
a. India b. Russia c. England d. USA
Answers: d. USA
ii. Who has described 4 main principles underlying the philosophy of Extension Education?
a. Milarded Horton b. William Gadd c. Daniel Benar d. Normman E
Answers: a. Milarded Horton
iii. Principles of _________ involves use of maximum number of sense, hence it is very
effective n changing behaviour.
a. Doing by Learning b. Learning by doing c. Seeing by doing d. Learning by beliving
Answers: b. Learning by doing
iv. __________ is the one which focuses on specific activity of a specific group in a selected
geographic area.
a. Fundamental objectives b. Function objectives c. Working objectives d. General
Answers: c. Working objectives
Read the following passage & answer the questions i-iv.
4. In pre independence era, many social workers and prominent personalities came out
with their own rural development programmes. Each and everyone was based on some
prominent local issues and focus of development
i. The concept of multipurpose level workers was evolved from __________
a. Etawah pilot project b. CDP c. NES d. Gurgoan
Answers: a. Etawah pilot project
ii. The Famine Commission of 1880 strongly recommended the revival of the department of
a. Horticulture b. Agriculture c. Forestry d. Rural
Answers: b. Agriculture
iii.The project started to rehabiliate refugees from Pakistan ________
a. Gurgoan experiment b. Nilokheri experiment c. Sevagram d. Sriniketan
Answers: b. Nilokheri experiment
iv. Firka development scheme was initially started in ___________.
a. 34 firkas b. 36 firkas c. 38 firkas d.
40 firkas
Answers: a. 34 firkas
Read the following passage & answer the questions i-iv.
5.Programme planning – define, process, principles and steps in programme planning.
i. A____________ of work is a plan of activities to be undertaken in a particular time
a. Calendar b. plan c. Project . d. Plan
Answers: a. Calender
ii. ____________is a condition that the people after study, with or without outside help, have
decided needs changing.
a. Goal b. Plan of work c. Problem d. calendar
of work
Answers: c. Problem
iii. There are Extension programme planning presented in ______________steps
a. 5 b.6 c.4 d. 8
Answers: d.8
iv. The data and information collected are then analyzed with the local people.
a. Identification of problems b. Programme determination
c. Collection of facts d. Analysis of situation
Answers: d. Analysis of situation
Read the following passage & answer the questions i-iv.
6. A Farmer from a rural village wants to know about First line extension system and
their activities help the farmer with following questions
i. KVK is the ____________ of knowledge to the farming community of the district
a. Light house b. Torch light c. Centre d. Eye opener
Answers : a. Light house
ii. Who established/ initiated the first line extension system’s including KVK, IVLP & ATIC.
a. Education commission b. ICAR
c. Planning commission d. Ministry of Agriculture
Answers : b. ICAR
iii. ATIC located in ICAR institutes & SAU’s for serving the farming community on a
a. Dual window system b. Thrice window system
c. Single window system d. Multi window system
Answers: c. Single window system
iv. FLD are conducted in a block of ___________ land in order to have better impact of the
demonstrated technologies on the farmers and field level extension functionaries.
a. Three to five hectares b. one to Three hectares
c. Two to Three hectares d.Three to Six hectares
Answers: c. Two to Three hectares
Read the following passage & answer the questions i-iv.
7. A Farmer from a rural village wants to know about ATMA project and their
activities, so help the farmer with following questions
i. ATMA is the registered body responsible for technology dissemination at the _______
a. Zone b. District c. State d. National
Answers: b. District
ii. Objective off ATMA is to strengthen __________..
a. Research – Farmer linkage b. Research – Extension -Farmer linkage
c. Extension – Farmer linkage d. Research – SAU - Farmer linkage
Answers: b. Research – Extension -Farmer linkage
iii. A policy making body which provide guidance as well as review the progress and
functioning of the ATMA.
a. Governing body b. Management body
c. Management committee d. Governing committee
Answers: a. Governing body
iv. Management committee of ATMA was headed by
a. District collector b. Dhashildar c. Project director d. Block manager
Answers: c. Project director
Read the following passage & answer the questions i-iv.
8. Extension system in India – IVLP, ATIC and Front line demonstration. Give answer
for the following question.
i. IVLP uses the concept of
a. Eco-system analysis b. Agro-ecosystem analysis
c. Socio-ecosystem analysis d. socioeconomic analysis
Answers: b. Agro-ecosystem analysis
ii. ATIC and NATP functions under
a. State department of Agriculture b. MoA, GOI c. Ministry of RD, GOI d. ICAR
Answers: d. ICAR
iii. IVLP expands as
a. International Village Link Programme
b. Institution Village Linkage Programme
c. Institute Village Link Project
d. Indian Village Linkage Programme
Answers: b. Institution Village Linkage Programme
iv. The main principle behind the Demonstration is
a. Learning by doing b. Seeing is believing c. Participatory d. Teaching
Answers: b. Seeing is believing
Read the following passage & answer the questions i-iv.
9. A Farmer from a rural village wants to know about History of extension education
programme in India, so help the farmer with following questions
i. Royal Commission is a type of ___________.
a. Special agency b. Interview with farmer’s c. Public inquiry d. Co-operative
Answers: c. Public inquiry
ii. Sir. Daniel Hamilton framed ______________.
a. Scheme of Rural Reconstruction b. Economic conference of Mysore
c. Sewagram attempt d. Marthandam project
Answers: a. Scheme of Rural Reconstruction
iii. Etawah- pilot project was initially started in __________ villages.
a. 64 b. 63 c. 96 d. 97
Answers: a. 64
iv. “MazdoorManzil” is the other name of ___________ project.
a. Etawah pilot b. Nilokheri c. Sriniketan d. Marthandam
Answers: b. Nilokheri
Read the following passage & answer the questions i-iv.
10. The purpose of T&V system of agricultural extension is to build a professional
extension service that will be capable of assisting farmers to raise production and
increase their incomes and of providing appropriate support support for agricultural
i. The T & V system in:
a. 1972 b. 1979 c. 1964 d. 1967
Answers: b.1979
ii. The T & V system was sponsored by:
a. WHO b. USAID c. World bank d. IMF
Answers: c. World bank
iii. The T & V system of extension was introduced in India by:
a. Daniel Benor b. Van Den Ban c. M S Swaminathan d.
C. Subramanian
Answers : a. Daniel Benor
iv. Which of the following is not a key feature of T & V system:
a. Professionalism b. Time bound work c. Single line command d. Farming System
Answers : d. Farming System Research
Read the following passage & answer the questions i-iv.
11. Historical development of extension in India includes Gurgoan experiment,
Sriniketan project, Sevagram attempt and Marthandam project. Give answer for the
following question.
i. The concept of village guide was introduced by
a. M K Gandhi b. F L Brayne c. Albert Mayor d. Spencer
Answers : b. FL Brayne
ii. Brathi Balika was a component of
a. Gurgoan b. Sevagram c. Sriniketan d. Marthandam
Answers :c.Sriniketan
iii. Marthandam at present is situated in the state of
a. Kerala b. Tamil Nadu c. Andhra Pradesh d. Karnataka
Answers :b.Tamil Nadu
iv. Who among the following is associated with YMCA
a. Spencer Hatch b. Daniel Hamiltion c. Albert Mayor d. M K Gandhi
Answers : a. Spencer Hatch
Read the following passage & answer the questions i-iv.
12. Community development – Meaning, principles, philosophy of community
development. . Give answer for the following question.
i. The needs can be identified by involving basic ___________ level of community
a. Village b. Family c. Income d.

Answers: a. Village
ii. Emphasizes decision –making by ___________ community development.
a. Individual b. Leader c. Group d. Educated people
Answers: c. group
iii. Community development programme introduced in India
a. 1948 b. 1951 c. 1953 d.1952
Answers: d. 1952
iv. The community development project had an operational area of about ___________
square miles.
a. 350-400 b. 400-500 c. 450-550 d.400-600
Answers: b. 400-500
Read the following passage & answer the questions i-iv.
13.PRI are the local self-governing bodies, consisting of elected representatives from
rural areas. Try to answer the following question.
i. The Democratic decentralization was recommended by the team on community
development programmes headed by
a. Mohan Sinha Mehta b. Balwant Rai Mehta c. G.R. Mehta d. Khuswant Singh Mehta
Answers: b. Balwant Rai Mehta
ii. which state was first to introduce the PRI programme in the entire State?
a. Maharastra b. Gujrat c. Rajasthan d. Andra Pradesh
Answers: c. Rajasthan
iii. Whole Rajasthan was brought under the Democratic decentralization on
a. 2nd October,1958 b. 2nd October,1959 c. 2nd October, 1960 d. 2nd
Answers: b. 2nd October, 1959
iv. The Panchayat Raj Institutions in India is generally a ___________ arrangement.
a. Two tier b. Four tier c. Five tier d. Three tier
Answers: d. Three tier
Read the following passage & answer the questions i-iv.
14. IADP to providing appropriate support for the agricultural development.
i. The programme started based on the report of frod foundation.
a. CDP b. IAAP c. IADP d. IRDP
Answers: c. IADP
ii. Intensive Agricultural District Programme was launched in the country from
a. Rabi 1960 b. Kharif 1960 c. Zaid 1960 d. Rabi 1961
Answers: b. Kharif 1960
iii. “Betting on the strong horse” is a slogan associated with
Answers: d. IADP
iv. The number of districts in which Intensive Agricultural District Programme was initially
started was.
a.5 b.6 c. 9 d. 7
Answers: d. 7
Read the following passage & answer the questions i-iv.
15. Agricultural Developments programme in IAAP and HYVP . Give answer for the
following question.
i. The Intensive Agricultural Area Programme (IAAP) was
a. Less intensive extension programme than IADP
b. More intensive extension programme than IADP
c. Equal intensive extension programme than IADP
d. None is true
Answers: a. Less intensive extension programme than IADP
ii. The Intensive Agricultural Area Programme was started during midterm appraisal of
a. Second Five-Year Plan b. Third Five-year plan
c. Fourth Five-Year Plan d. Fifth Five-Year Plan
Answers: b. Third Five-year plan
iii. High Yield varieties Programme was launched in
a. 1962 b. 1964 c.1966 d. 1968
Answers: c.1966
iv. Which of the following programmes helped the country to attain self-sufficiency in the
food grains production?
a. IAAP b. HYVP c. T&V d.ORP
Answers: b. HYVP

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