ASSIGNMENT 1 - GITBSB30516202401C12345678PBAA - Entry 005 APPROVED Reviewed 25.01.2024

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Gomex Institute of Technology


Project/Portfolio Assessment
Entry 005: Workplace Communication

This project/portfolio assessment is completed in partial fulfillment of the NVQ-J Level 3 in

Supervisory Management BSB30516. The score for each section of this booklet is added to the
performance-based section of the project to provide the cluster grade. Candidates are required
to get an average score of 50% per cluster to be deemed competent.

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Entry 005: Workplace Communication

1. BSBBAD0553C Plan and manage meetings
2. BSBCOR0063D Communicate effectively as a workplace leader
3. BSBBAD0773C Research, prepare, and present information
4. TLWREM1283B Conduct induction process

Scenario 001
The Nova Grace BPO Limited is located in Lime Bay, Jamaica. The company specializes in
outsourcing safety, security, and other services to international clients. The company
employs over FIVE THOUSAND (5,000) Jamaicans in various positions. You are part of the
training department as a supervisor. The General Manager is Mrs. Martha Bloggings, and she
is assisted by Regional Managers and Supervisors. Mrs. Bertha Gentles is the Administrative
Assistant to the training department of Nova Grace BPO Limited. The supervisor for training
programmes is Michelle Alexander.

On Monday, January 10, 2022, Lisa Myers, visited Michelle Alexanders’ office to report a
matter that has been affecting her concerning how supervisors treat employees. Upon
entering the office, it was discovered that many employees were engaging in bullying and
other boisterous behaviour in the office. Upon entering Michelle Alexanders’ office, Lisa
Myers was told that she needs to get a hold of herself and stop the constant complaining.
Then Mrs. Gentles further explained to Lisa that Michelle Alexander has more important
matters to attend to than dealing with a team member who constantly complains. Lisa Myers,
disappointed by the reply, went on to escalate the matter to the General Manager, reporting
Michelle Alexander as well. The General Manager Mrs. Bloggings, hearing the issue, stepped
in to intervene and prevented further escalation of the issue. The General Manager asked Lisa
Myers to provide a written explanation of what happened. See part of the letter to the General
Manger from Lisa Myers:

Dear Sirs:

The lack of professionalism in this officer is probably one of the main reasons we
are not profitable. I feel as an employee, I and my fellow employees had the right to
a quiet and peaceful environment. Yesterday afternoon, I was on a call with a
customer and Miguel from the sales team erupts with the loudest laugh among
many in the office disrupting the call, the customer even asked what emergency
was happening sounding very displeased. I further visited the training officer and
the level of madness that existed has caused me to be reconsidering my tenure at
this company.

Further, these supervisors are not pleasant people and their communication styles
and poor behaviour breeds unprofessionalism. I could write about more but I rest
my case.

Yours in service,
Lisa Myers (Mrs.)

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The General Manager has received at least FIVE (5) complaints about different supervisors
having unprofessional conduct in the organization. The General Manager is also aware of the
constant lack of communication that is affecting productivity at the company. You have been
asked to conduct a meeting to provide a solution to the issues raised in the letter as it relates
to communication.

You are required to:

A. Plan and conduct a meeting with the members at Nova Grace BPO Limited on <<
<<Select a date>>, at 2:00 PM. The meeting will be held at 44 Gross Street,
Kingston 10. The following meeting documents should be prepared:

I. An agenda
II. An attendance register.
III. A notice
IV. Conduct a one-hour meeting discussing the issues raised above. This
meeting should be recorded.
V. Write a memorandum to staff informing them of the strategies discussed at
the meeting to resolve the issue.

B. Conduct Induction Exercise.

Research and prepare a PowerPoint presentation to induct talents into the organization.
The induction presentation should introduce the newly promoted employees to the daily
routines of any positions you and your team choose, as well as any welfare, disciplinary,
or safety issues that should be observed. The necessary policies and procedures should
be referred to in the presentation. You must present an Induction Checklist.
Candidates can choose to complete an orientation or induction exercise for their
current company.

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Entry 005: Workplace Communication – Cluster 1


Cluster 1 - Workplace Communication 1 2 3 4 5 ND
1. Submitted agendum with the pertinent details based on the
facts given in the project
2. Presented an attendance register with the pertinent
information relating to the meeting
3. Presented an appropriate announcement with pertinent
information relating to the meeting.
4. Presented an appropriately formatted memorandum.
5. The memorandum adequately addressed the issue raised in
the case study of meeting items.
6. Presented documents that were free from grammatical
Subtotal Meeting Items /30
Assessor’s Comment on Cluster 1 – Workplace Communication:

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Prepare For and Conduct Meeting
1. The meeting is conducted following legal and ethical
requirements of conducting a meeting
2. The meeting is conducted following the prepared agenda
3. Meeting notes/minutes are recorded
4. All candidates played a role in the meeting
5. The meeting lasted for an hour and went according to the
agenda presented.
6. Candidates’ overall understanding of the meeting
planning process.
7. The candidates provided a Memorandum that was
correctly formatted.
8. The memorandum provided informed staff of the outcome
of the meeting clearly and comprehensively.
9. The memorandum provided clear strategies to resolve the
issues raised in the scenario.
10. The memorandum was done in a professional tone.
Total Marks for the Meeting Task 1 /50
Assessor Comments on Plan and Conduct Meetings:

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Conduct Induction Exercises
1. The induction presentation covered the safety issues for a
constable on the job.
2. Referred to specific organizational policies and procedures in
the presentation.
3. Presented an induction list with the induction presentation that
required the supervisor and the new staff to sign
acknowledging that the induction covered the areas in the
4. The new hire is properly introduced to relevant personnel
during the meeting
5. Workplace policies, objectives, and structure is appropriately
6. The link between the employee's position and the workplace
structure and objectives is appropriately explained
7. Job role, responsibilities, and reporting relationships of the new
hires explained
8. Initial training in relevant OH&S, equipment, and work
systems following workplace procedures is conducted
9. Employee rights and responsibilities in terms of equal
employment opportunity, sexual harassment, and anti-
discrimination are explained
10. The induction presentation was completed and presented the
daily routine for the job
11. The induction presentation covered welfare issues on the job.
12. The induction presentation covered the disciplinary issues on
the job.
13. The induction presentation covered the safety issues on the job.
14. The candidates provided a checklist that was professionally
Total Marks for the conduct induction /70
Assessor Comments on Conduct Induction Exercise:

Final Score for Cluster 1:


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