AEX 102 - Q.P. 21 - Agri Junction

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AEX 102 Fundamentals of Agricultural Extension Education (2+1)

Mid Semester Question Paper

Choose the appropriate answers for the following questions.

1. Father of Extension
A. John Paul Leagans B. Seaman A Knapp C. James Stewatt D. K.N.Singh

2. Key person in Training and Visit System

A. Authur T Mosher B. Rabindranath Tagore C. Daniel Bernor D. S. K. Dey

3. In which project refugees from Pakisthan were rehabilitated in India?

A. Nilokheri Experiment B. Etawah Pilot Project
C. Marthandam Project D. Indian Village Service

4. The Gandhian approach of rural development have its basic emphasis on

A. Productivity improvement B. Village industries
C. Production improvement D. Local self government

5. Rural development programmes are related to

A. Self employment B. Employment generation
C. Poverty alleviation D. All the above

6. The term ‘Extension’ have originated in

A. Latin B. Greek C. Sanskrit D. Persian

7. The roots for the word extension

A. ex and luceo B. ex and tension C. ex and tensio D. ex and termo

8. Extension Education is a
A. Formal education B. Informal education C. Non-formal education D. None
9. ‘Mazdoor manzil’ is the another name of
A. Gurgoan Experiment B. Sriniketan Project
C. Firka Development Scheme D. Nilokheri Experiment

10. Training and visit system was implemented in India during the year
A. 1964 B. 1974 C. 1975 D. 1965

11. IAY was started in the year

A. 1995 B. 1993 C. 1996 D. 1999

12. Which is not a component of T & V system

A. State Extension Work Plan B. Monthly Zonal Workshops
C. Trainings D. Fortnightly Trainings

13. FIRKA development scheme started in the year

A.1947 B. 1948 C. 1946 D. 1944

14. ‘Gram Sevak’ concept was introduced in ______________

A. Economic conference of Mysore B. Etawah pilot project
C. Scheme for rural reconstruction D. Firka development scheme

15. ‘The individual is supreme in democracy’ is an extension principle given by

A. J. P. Leagans B. A. B. Graham C. Mildred Horton D. K. N. Singh

16. Community development programme was started in the year

A.1940 B.1942 C. 1950 D.1952

17. Which is not at all a First line extension system


18. Which is not an objective of Economic conference of Mysore?
A. Achieve all round progress B. Bringing related economic development
C. Giving first priority to agriculture D. Poverty alleviation

19. Concept of Extension education is to teach a person?

A. What to think, not how to think B. How to think, not what to think
C. Who to think, not how to think D. Where to think, not what to think

20. IVLP is an innovative program initiated by?

A. ICAR B. Ministry of Agriculture C. State Government D. Central Government

Fill in the blanks

21.ATMA stands for……………….

A. Assistant Technology Management Agency

B. Agricultural Technology Management Agency
C. Agricultural Technology Management Authority
D. Assistant Technology Management Authority

22. Which is not a pre-Independence extension programme?

A. Sriniketan project B. Economic conference of Mysore
C. Gurgoan project D. Etawah pilot project

23.Fortnightly trainings was conducted once in ……………… for the Agricultural Officers in
Training and visit system
A. 15 days
B. 21 days
C. 10 days
D. 30 days

24.……………… is father of demonstration

A. K.N.Singh
B. J.P.Leagans
C. Seaman A. Knapp
D. Adivi Reddy

25.The first KVK in Tamil Nadu was established in ………….

A. Chennai
B. Coimbatore
C. Pudhukottai
D. Pondicherry

26.……………… is an autonomous institution set up at district level to ensure delivery of

extension services to farmers.


27.Conductiong vocational trainings to the farmers, farm women and school droup-outs is one of
the major functions of ……………

A. Krishi Vigyan Kendra

B. State Department of Agriculture
C. State Agricultural Universities
D. Indian Council of Agricultural Research

28.Expand IVLP……………………

A. Institution Village Linkage Project

B. Indian Village Linkage Programme
C. Institution Village Linkage Programme
D. Integrated Village Linkage Programme

29.……………… is a single window approach.


30……………… is highly institutionalised, chronologically graded and hierarchically structured

education system.

A. Formal education
B. Non-formal education
C. Informal education
D. Distance education

31.Land Grant Colleges came into existence by passage of ………………..

A. Morril Act
B. Smith-Lever Act
C. Royal Commission
D. Famine Commission

32.Sir Daniel Hamilton is the individual responsible for …………….

A. Gurgaon Project
B. Marthandam Project
C. Scheme of rural reconstruction
D. Firka development programme

33.Farmer friend concept was introduced in …………..

A. Sriniketan project
B. Community Development Programme
C. National Extension Service
D. Training and visit system
34.Brati balika was a component of ………….

A. Gurgaon Project
B. Sriniketan project
C. Scheme of rural reconstruction
D. Marthandam Project
35.The T & V system originated in?
A. India B. Bangladesh C. Turkey D. Israel

36. Who is associated with Gurgoan experiment?

A. Albert Mayer B. F.L.Brayne ` C. S.K.Dey D. M.K.Gandhi

37. Which is not an example for non-formal education

A. Adult education B. Vocational Education C. Extension education D. School education

38. __________ is to demonstrate newly released crop production & protection technology and its
management practices in farmer’s field under different agro-climatic regions.
a. FLD b. IVLP c. FD d. ATIC
39. The process/idea of broadening scope of agricultural extension on bringing a number of farm
activities in addition to the crop production under the umbrella of agricultural extension is known as
a. ATMA b. ATIC c. BBE’s d. FSRE
40. Evaluation is a word derived from ____________.
A. Latin B. Greek C.Spanish D.None

Match the following:

41.Year of initiation of CDP

A. 1952 B. 1953 C.1954 D. 1959

42. Year of initiation of NES

A. 1952 B. 1953 C.1954 D. 1959

43. Year of initiation of CDB

A. 1952 B.1953 C.1954 D.1959
44.Panchayat Raj was first emerged in which state?
A. Tamil Nadu B. Rajasthan
C. Bihar D.Gujarat

45.Which programme is called as package programme?


46.Which of the following programme leads to ‘Green Revolution’


47.Farmers having less than 2 hectares are called

A. Small farmers B. Marginal farmers C. Small and Marginal D. None

48.Demonstration conducted under the close supervision of scientist are called

A. On-farm testing B.Lab-land programme C.Frontline demonstration D. ORP

49.Year of initiation of EAS

A. 1990 B. 1992
C. 1994 D. 1993

50.Training and visit system was implemented in India during the year
A. 1964 B. 1974 C. 1975 D. 1965

51.NATP was implemented in the year

A. 1998 B. 1997 C. 1999 D. 1996
52.Firka development scheme was started by
A. T.Prakasam B. Mahatma Gandhi
C. Rabindranath Tagore D. Brayne

53.Sriniketan project was started in the year

A.1927 B. 1921 C. 1928 D. 1933

54.IRDP was started in the year

A. 1978-1980 B. 1977-1988
C. 1978-1981 D. 1978-1979

55.SGSY was started in the year

A. 1977 B. 1988 C. 1999 D. 1966

56.The year of initiation of MGNREGA

A. 2009 B.2006 C.2005 D.2007

57.Monitor is a word derived from

A. Latin B. Greek C.Spanish D.None

58. ______________ has been spontaneously considered, or chosen, as being influential in a specific

A. Leader B. Leadership C.Traditional leader D.None

59. ______________ is the activity of influencing people to strive willingly for mutual ogjectives.

A. Leader B. Leadership C.Traditional leader D.Opinion leader

60.PURA was started in the year

A. 1950 B. 2004 C.2001 D.2008

State correct/ incorrect statement

61. Identify the correct statement: Democratic style

a) Leader have full power or authority to take a decision

b) Leaders leaves decision making to the subordinates

c) Leaders takes decision in consultation with the subordinates

d) Leaders who believe in tradition

62. Identify the correct statement: Objectives

a) Generalized and broad statement of directions with respect to given activites.

b) Expression of ends towards which our efforts are directed.

c) Distance in any given direction one expects to go.

d) Predetermined course of action

63. Identify the incorrect statement in relation to programme planning

a) Project is a specification of work to be done.

b) Plan is a predetermined course of action

c) Plan of work is an outline of activities.

d) Leaders play an important role in decision making.

64. Identify the correct expansion:

a) IADP – Intensive agricultural development programme

b) IIAP – Intensive irrigation programme

c) HADP – Hill area development programme

d) NATP – National agricultural technology project

65. Identify the incorrect programme which does not come under post independence period

a) Nilokheri experiment

b) Grow more food campaign

c) Fiscal commision

d) .Etawah pilot project

66.Identify the In correct statement: Salient features of Training and Visit system

a) Professionalism
b) Single line of command
c) Concentration of effort
d) Not a Time bound work

67.Identify theIncorrect statement: Non Formal Education

a) Teacher teaches and also learns from the farmers

b) Farmers study problems
c) Homogeneous audience
d) It has no fixed curriculum

68.Identify the Incorrect statement: Agricultural Technology Management Agency (ATMA)

a) A Centrally sponsored scheme

b) Functioning under ‘Support to State Extension Programmes for Extension Reforms’
c) It was launched by the ICAR
d) A state sponsored scheme

69.Identify the Incorrect statement: The rationale for establishment of ATIC are

a) To provide diagnostic services for soil and water testing, plant and livestock health
b) To supply research products such as seeds and other planting materials, poultry strains,
livestock breeds, fish seed, processed products,
c) Providing an opportunity to the institutes/SAU’s to generate some resource through
the sale of their technologies.
d) To ensure that the farmers secure loans from cooperative banks

70.Identify the Incorrect statement: Formal Education

a) The teacher starts with theory and works up to practical

b) Students study subjects
c) The curriculum is fixed
d) Heterogeneous audience
e) It has all pre-planned and pre-decided programmes

71.Identify the Incorrect statement: TNADP better than (Training and Visit) T& V

a) The role of subject matter specialists is amplified and they are invited to formulate
messages suitable to their land based activities
b) The village extension workers have full time job, by offering messages even during
the lean sessions
c) Supply based services
d) Encouraging allied activities

72.Identify the Incorrect statement:Recommendations of Royal Commission

a) It trained the research workers, impart information on agricultural and veterinary

matters and arranged for publication of scientific papers
b) Director of Agrl. Should have administrative capacity and high scientific qualification
c) The field recruitment to the superior provincial agrl. Services in any province should
not be restricted to the particular province itself.
d) Establishment of SAMETI

73.Identify the Incorrect statement: Institutional innovations of NATP

a) Establishment of decentralized district level autonomous institution named ATMA

( Agricultural technology management agency)
b) Establishing Kisan Call Center (KCC).
c) Establishment of State Agricultural Management and Extension Training Institutions
named SAMETI.
d) Evolutions of state levels coordination and policy making body named IDWG ( Inter
Department Working Group).

74.Identify the Incorrect statement: Philosophy of the Small Farmers Development Agency (SFDA)

a) To investigate and identify the problems of small farmers and ensure that various
services reach to them.
b) To ensure that the farmers secure loans from cooperative banks.
c) To ensure that the farmers have access to other assistances such as cooperative banks,
improved seeds, fertilizers and other inputs.
d) To investigate and identify the problems of marginal farmers and ensure that
various services reach to them.

75.Identify the Incorrect statement: Characteristics of Autocratic Leaders is/are

a) determines all policies, activities and goals of the organization

b) Takes no part in work except when conducting meeting, telling others what to do or
c) Members are uncertain about what to do and usually take actions they are told to take.
d) Produces a shared leadership that permits a feeling of satisfaction and

76.Identify the correct statement: Democratic leadership

a) Gives minimum guidance

b) Remains in the background and seldom express an opinion or works with a minimum
of rules
c) Members often act as leaders in making decisions that guide the organization.
d) Produces a shared leadership that permits a feeling of satisfaction and

77.Identify the Incorrect statement: Community Development means

a) Direct government approach to help people

b) Decision are taken by group or representatives
c) Multipurpose approach
d) More indirect approach to help people to help themselves

78.Identify the Incorrect statement: ‘Democratic Decentralization’ ensures

a) Panchayat Raj is a system of governance in which gram (village) panchayats are the
basic units of administration.
b) The direct participation of people at the grass root level.
c) Through the 73rd Amendment in 1992 on April 23, 1993 the Institution of Panchayat
Raj was accorded the Constitutional status.
d) democracy at the top and dictatorship at the bottom

79.Identify the Incorrect statement: Agricultural technology Information Centre

a) (ATIC) has been conceived and put into practice since 1998-99 under National
Agricultural Technology Project (NATP)
b) It is sponsored by World bank and implemented through 40 ICAR institutes and State
Agricultural Universities (SAUs)
c) To provide a single window delivery system for the products and species available
from an institution
d) to demonstrate newly released crop production and protection technologies

80.Identify the correct statement:Broad based Extension System (BBES)

a) It has been introduced in our country in 1974

b) to perform a wholistic role of integrating agriculture and allied enterprises
c) To provide mechanism for feedback from the users to the institute
d) Providing an opportunity to the institutes/SAU’s to generate some resource through
the sale of their technologies

Answer the following

81. Consider the types of education and answer the following questions

A) In which education people learn by experience?

a. Formal Education b. Informal Education
c. Non Formal Education d. Adult Education

B) Learners are heterogenous and have diverse goals

a. Formal Education b. Informal Education

c. Non Formal Education d. Adult Education

C) Lifelong learning and incidental activity

a. Formal Education b. Informal Education

c. Non Formal Education d. Adult Education

D) Knowledge flows from the teacher to the learners

a. Formal Education b. Informal Education

c. Non Formal Education d. Adult Education

82. Give the year of initiation for the following programmes

A) Community Development Programme

a. 1951 b. 1952 c. 1953 d. 1955

B) National Extension Service

a. 1951 b. 1952 c. 1953 d. 1955

C) Firka Development Programme

a. 1942 b. 1945 c. 1947 d. 1948

D) Nilokheri Experiment

a. 1947 b. 1948 c. 1952 d. 1957

83. Select the key person responsible for the following programmes
A) Sriniketan Programme
a. Arthur T. Mosher b. Mr. F.L. Brayne
c. Mahatma Gandhi d. Shri. Rabindranath Tagore

B) Gurgoan Experiment

a. Mr. Albert Mayor b. Mr. F.L. Brayne

c. Spencer Hatch d. Dr. Visweswaraya

C) Firka Development scheme

a. Mr. Albert Mayor b. Mr. F.L. Brayne

c. Shri Prakasam d. Spencer HAtch

D) Indian Village Service

a. Arthur T. Mosher b. Mr. F.L. Brayne

c. Shri Prakasam d. SirDaniel Hamilton

84. Identify the appropriate programe which has the following objectives

A) Spiritual development
a. Indian Village Service b. Economic Conference of Mysore
c. Marthandam Project d. Sevagram Project

B) Providing residence for immigrants from pakistan

a. Sriniketan b. Etawah Pilot Project

c. Marthandam Project d. Nilokheri Experiment

C) Rural reconstruction institute

a. Etawah Pilot Project b. Sriniketan

c. Firka Development Scheme d. Marthandam Project

D) Achieving overall development by creating model villages

a. Scheme of Rural Reconstruction b. Sriniketan

c. Economic Conference of Mysore d.Indian Village Service

85. Where is the following institutes located?

a. Hyderabad b. Pune
c. Banglore d. New Delhi

a. Coimbatore b. Madurai
c. Chennai d. Pudhukottai
C) First KVK

a. Pondicherry b. Coimbatore
c. Chennai d. Salem

a. Punjab b. Mumbai

c. New Delhi d.Karnal

86. Training and Visit system

A) The Project is funded by

a. NABARD b. World Bank
c. Nationalised Bank d. ICAR
B) Not a salient feature of T & V system

a. Time Bound Work b. Professoinalism

c. Concentration of efforts d. Dual line of command
C) Find the odd man out

a. Monthly Zonal Workshop b. Village Extension Workers

c. Strategic Research and extension Plan d. Fortnight trainings
D) Which is not a demerit of T & V system
a. No concentration in agriculture b. Negleting youth and farm women

c. Labourious d.Inadequate linkage with ICAR frontline


87. Consider Krishi Vigyan Kendra and answer the following questions

A) The KVKs are funded by

a. NABARD b. World Bank
c. SAUs d. ICAR
B) Zonal Project Directorate is renamed as

C) Not a mandate of KVK

a.Vocational Trainings b. On-farm testing

c. Method Demonstration d. Resource and Knowledge centers
D) Total number of KVKs in India

a. 630 b. 364

c. 634 d. 680
88. Give the year of initiation for the following programmes

a. 1942 b. 1945 c. 1980 d. 1948

a. 1983 b. 1945 c. 1947 d. 1948

a. 1942 b. 1999 c. 1947 d. 1948

a.2000 b. 2006 c.2003 d.2004
89. Answer the following questiond regarding ATIC
A) ATIC is under which project?
a. NAIP b. KVK
B) ATIC is

a. Double window approach b. Single window approach

c. Triple window approach d.Multiple window approach
C) ATIC is funded by

a. SAU b. IARI
c. ICAR d. KVK
D) Which is not a rationalae for establishing ATIC

a. To offer trainings on latest b. to provide diagnostic services

c. to generate resourses through sales of d. to provide information through
technologies publications

90. Expand the following

a. Institution Village Linkage Project b. Institution Village Linkage Programme
c. Indian Village Linkage Programme d. Integrated Village Linkage Programme


a. Agricultural Technology Information b. Agricultural Technology Information

Centre Cell
c. Agricultural Technology Innovation Centre d. Agricultural Technology Innovation

a.State Agricultural Marketing b. State Management Extension and

Entreprenurship and Training Institute Training Institute
c. State Agricultural Management d. State Agricultural Marketing
Extension and Training Institute Extension and Training Institute

a. Assistant Technology Management b. Assistant Technology Management

Agency Authority
c. Agricultural Technology Management d. Agricultural Technology Management
Agency Authority

91. Give the year of initiation for the following programmes

a. 1960 b. 1953 c. 1966 d. 1945

a. 1960 b. 1953 c. 1947 d. 1945

a. 1942 b. 1953 c. 1947 d. 1960

a. 1960 b. 1945 c. 1947 d. 1948

92. Answer the following questions related to ATMA

A) ATMA is a
a. Satuatory body b. Unregistered boby
c. Autonomous boby d. None of the Above
B) ATMA is responsible for technology dissemination at

a. Block level b. District level

c. Village level d. State level
C) Annual training calender will be prepared by

a. SAMETI b. Krishi Vigyan Kendras

c. Block Technology Team d. Zonal Research Stations
D) Which is the highest form of Authority in ATMA
a. Block Technology team b. Block ATMA cell

c. Inter Departmental Working Group d. State Level Sanctioning Committee

93.Answer the following questions related to Monitoring and Evaluation

A) Monitor is a word derived from

a. Latin b. Greek c.Spanish d. French

B) Evaluation is derived from Latin word Valere meaning

a. Strong or b. Warm c. Assessing d. None
C) ______________means to keep a watch on what is happening at operational level of any
a. Evaluation b. Monitoring c. Implementation d. Analysing

D) ______________ means assessing the worth of certain things.

a. Evaluation b. Monitoring c. Implementation d. Analysing

94.Answer the following questions based on leadership

A) Leaders who have full power or authority to take decision is called

a. Democratic b. Autocratic c. Laissez Faire d. Traditional

B)Leaders leaves decision making to the subordinates is called

a. Democratic b. Autocratic c. Laissez Faire d. Traditional

C)Leaders who give importance to old values, tradition and donot accept change is called
a. Opinion b. Autocratic c. Laissez Faire d. Traditional

D)Leaders who give advice and opinion to their followers is called

a. Opinion b. Autocratic c. Laissez Faire d. Traditional

95.Expand the following

a. India Awas b. Indira Awas c. Indira d. None
Yojana Yojana Agriculture Yojana
a. Prime Minister b. Pradhan Mantri c. Pradhan Mantri d. Pradhan Mantri
Gram Sadak Gram Sarva Yojana Gram Sadak Gram Sampoorna
Yojana Yojana Yojana
a. Providing Ultra b. Providing Urban c. None d. Providing
Amenities in Roads in Rural Urban Amenities
Rural Areas Areas in Rural Areas
a. Swarnajayanti b. Samridhi Gram c. Sampoorna d. None
Gram Swarozgar yojana Gramin Swarozgar
Swarozgar yojana

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