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Contemporary Literature.

Elements. Thiller. Mistery. Suspense. Crimen

Psychologica The puzzle Heightened The crime
Focus. l states of or secret. emotions, itself, often
characters. typically fear including
or anxiety. detective
Complex, Solving a Often Centers
delves deep crime or revolves around
Plot. into the unveiling around a criminal acts
psyche. secrets. looming and their
threat or repercussions
danger . .
Can be slow Steady as Fast-paced, Varies, can be
to build clues are keeping the fast-paced
Pace. tension and discovered. reader on with action or
confusion. edge. slow with
Deep, with Driven by Often Focus on
insight into the involves criminals,
Character motives, detective’s ordinary detectives,
Development. fears, and methodology. characters in their motives
background. problematics and conflicts.
Often Resolution of Resolution of Resolution
ambiguous or the mystery, immediate with the crime
Typical complex revealing the danger, may solved, justice
Ending. resolutions. perpetrator. have served.
First person, Objective, Close third Varies but
unreliable detached, person to often includes
Narrativa narrators. often from a increase detailed
Style. detective’s tension. descriptions of
view. crime
- "Gone Girl" - "In the - "Before I - "The Girl
by Gillian Woods" by Go to Sleep" with the
Works Flynn . Tana French. by S.J. Dragon
and their - "The Da Tattoo" by
author. Vinci Code" Stieg Larsson.
by Dan

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