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Chennai, December 16:: The laptop computer market in India grew by 84.

8 per cent in the third

quarter oI 2007 against the corresponding quarter last year, contributing signiIicantly to the
overall PC market growth oI 25.1 per cent.
More than Iive lakh notebook PCs were sold in the quarter, a study by market analyst IDC India
said today.
Hewlett Packard (HP) retained the top slot with a market share oI 37.8 per cent, while Lenova
occupied the second position and Acer third.
Notebook PC sale in home and `Small OIIice and Home OIIice' (SOHO) segments grew by 166
per cent and made up 43 per cent oI the total business. The next largest contributiors were
enterprise and education segments.
"Portability, rather than mobility has emerged as the `number one' driver Ior the sustained growth
in notebook PC shipments in India," Kapil Dev Singh, Country Manager, IDC India, said.
Given the choice oI portability, Ilexibility and ease oI use and narrowing oI price-perIormance
gap that once existed between portables and desktops, consumers are almost overwhelmingly
inclined to buy notebook PCs, he said.
Further, laptop sales recorded an year-on-year growth oI 104 per cent in the northern states oI the
country, Iollowed by southern states at 80 per cent.
Meanwhile, the desktop PC shipments showed a growth oI 10.9 per cent in the same quarter.

LapLop Cvervlew

Accordlng Lo luC lndla a premler global markeL lnLelllgence flrm Lhe lapLop markeL has reglsLered 79
?earon?ear (?o?) growLh durlng 2006 1he lapLop sales ls growlng aL much fasLer raLe Lhan pro[ecLed
lndlas personal compuLer markeL ls undergolng a ma[or LranslLlon Powever lapLop compuLers cannoL
compleLely wlpe ouL deskLop compuLers because boLh are deslgned Lo meeL dlfferenL needs or
dlfferenL consumer segmenLs Accordlng Lo a Lop offlclal of PCL lnfo SysLems markeL share of lapLops
would be 3340 ln Lhe nexL Lwo years

Growth Drivers
O Indian Laptop market in now in sync with global market. It was in 2005 that sales oI
laptops surpassed the sales oI desktop computers Ior the Iirst time in India.
O The Laptop market is growing at a Iast rate because oI change in work liIe oI consumers.
As the need Ior "anytime anywhere" access to inIormation is increasing, the sales oI
Laptops are also increasing.
O Other Iactors that are responsible Ior the hike in sales Iigure are reduction in prices and
aIIordability. Laptops are now sold at approximately halI the price at which they were
sold two years ago. Laptops prices are now almost at par with the desktop computer
O The third most important Iactor is duty Iree import oI Laptops as a personal baggage that
has helped a lot in increasing the penetration level oI the product among the consumer
population. Awareness about laptops has also increased over the years.

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