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DAILY Southern Luzon State 3rd Year College

School University Lucena Campus Grade Level

LESSO Teacher Laica Gail U. Apa Learning Area Ped14
N Teaching Dates May 13, 2024 2nd Semester
PLAN and Time Quarter

I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
A. Cognitive Understand the basic construct of Warnier/Orr Diagram
B. Psychomotor Create a Warnier/Orr Diagram
C. Affective Underscore the importance of Warnier/Orr Diagram
II. CONTENT Warnier Orr Diagram
A. References Warnier/Orr diagram - Wikipedia

1. Textbook pages
2. Additional Materials
from Learning (opening prayer)
Resource (LR) portal
 Laptop
B. Other Learning Resources  Computer System
 PowerPoint Presentation

(Teacher will invite my class to stand up for the opening prayer)

For the attendance, instead of saying present, sing the song “queen of the night”
A. Prayer and Motivation (teacher will flash the sample video of the song)

DIRECTION: Arrange the jumbled letter



After the motivation, I will flash my classroom rules.
(Teacher will flash the slide for the motivation)

 Be respectful to others.
 Raise your hand to speak or ask a question.
 Listen when others are speaking.
 Follow directions from the teacher.

For the review of the previous lessons. I will call students to share what they have
B. Review of Previous learned from the previous lesson .
After the previous lesson.
Can any of you provide an idea about Warnier Orr Diagram?
C. Presenting examples/ After the students have responded, a slide presenting the learning outcomes will be
instances of the new displayed.
lesson  Understand the basic construct of Warnier/Orr Diagram
 Create a Warnier/Orr Diagram
 Underscore the importance of Warnier/Orr Diagram

This is a group Activity, the class will divided into two groups. Each group will
create a Warnier/Orr Diagram. You need to choose two from the four basic
D. Activities constructs (hierarchy, sequence, repetition, and alternation)
Warnier/Orr diagrams
E. Developing mastery
(Processing) What is warnier/orr diagram?

Warnier/Orr diagrams are a kind of hierarchical flowchart that allows us to describe

the organization of data and procedures There are four basic constructs used on
Warnier/Orr diagrams: hierarchy, sequence, repetition, and alternation. There are
also two slightly more advanced concepts that are occasionally needed: concurrency
and recursion. Each of these six diagramming constructs are illustrated in the
sections that follow.

Constructs in Warnier/Orr diagrams

Hierarchy is the most fundamental of all of the Warnier/Orr constructs. It is simply a

nested group of sets and subsets shown as a set of nested brackets: big topics break
down into smaller topics which break down into smaller topics, and so on ad
infinitum. The following is an example of a simple hierarchy.

Hierarchy is the most fundamental of all of the Warnier/Orr constructs. It is simply

a nested group of sets and subsets shown as a set of nested brackets: big topics break
down into smaller topics which break down into smaller topics, and so on ad
infinitum. The following is an example of a simple hierarchy.

Sequence is the simplest structure to show on a Warnier/Orr diagram. Within one
level of hierarchy, the features listed are shown in the order in which they occur. In
other words, on the diagram.

Repetition is the representation of a classic "loop" in programming terms. It occurs

whenever the same set of data occurs over and over again (for a data structure) or
whenever the same group of actions is to occur over and over again (for a processing
structure). Repetition is indicated by placing a set of numbers inside parentheses
beneath the repeating set, like so:

Alternation, or selection, is the traditional "decision" process whereby a

determination is made to execute one process or another. It is indicated as a
relationship between two subsets of a set.

F. Making generalizations and F. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson
abstractions about the lesson (Teacher will ask the students)

“What have you learn?”

Write a reflective essay about your experience with the Warnier-Orr diagram in
software engineering. Describe how you've used it, what you found helpful or
challenging, and any insights you've gained. Keep it simple and focus on your
personal experiences and observations.

G. Finding practical
applications of concepts
and skills in daily living

H. Evaluating learning Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer.
1. What is the primary purpose of Warnier/Orr diagrams?
A) To represent complex mathematical equations
B) To describe the organization of data and procedures
C) To illustrate geographical maps
D) To analyze chemical reactions
2. Which of the following is NOT one of the basic constructs used
in Warnier/Orr diagrams?
A) Hierarchy
B) Sequence
C) Recursion
D) Parallelism
3. How is hierarchy represented in a Warnier/Orr diagram?
A) Using arrows between elements
B) Through the use of nested brackets
C) With dashed lines connecting elements
D) Using different colors for each level
4. What does repetition represent in a Warnier/Orr diagram?
A) A decision-making process
B) A loop in programming terms
C) Parallel execution of tasks
D) An exclusive selection between options
5. Which symbol is used to indicate exclusive selection or alternation in
a Warnier/Orr diagram?
A) "+"
B) ">"
C) "~"
D) "Å"

1. b
2. d
3. b
4. c
5. a

I. Additional activities for Write a reflection paper on how this topic can help you in the future.
application of remediation Minimum of 5 sentences, on 1/2 sheet of paper.


Prepared by:

Laica Gail Apa

Pre-service Teacher

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