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Essay and Objective
1hour 45mins

Name: _________________________________________________________________

Date: __________________________________________________________________


COMPUTING [100 marks]
Write your name and date in ink in the spaces provided above
 This booklet consists of two papers, Paper 2 and paper 1
 Answer paper 2 in your answer booklet and paper 1 in the objective test answer sheet
 Paper 2 will last 1hour 10mins.
 Paper 1 will last 35mins.
 Do not start paper 1 until you are told to do so


This paper is in two sections A and B Answer Question 1 in Section A and any other three questions in Section B.
Answer all the questions in the spaces provided in this question paper. At the end of the examination, you should
submit the entire question paper to the invigilator.


Answer all questions in this section.

a. Study figure 1 carefully and use it to answer question 1 (a) i to vi.


Figure 1
i. What does figure 1 illustrate?
ii. Identify the parts labeled A, B, C, D, E, F
iii. Outline two features of the part labeled A
iv. Mention three advantages of the part labeled A.

v. State three disadvantages of the part labeled E

vi. Which of the parts can be used in Wide Area Networks (WANs)?

b. Study figure 2 carefully and use it to answer question 1 (b) i to v.


Figure 2
i. Figure 2 represents;
ii. Identify the parts labeled I, II and III
iii. How does the part labeled II differ from III?
iv. Provide the keyboard shortcut command for II and III
v. What is the function of the part labeled I?

Answer three questions only from this section.
3. (a) Explain the concept of copyright infringement. [2marks]
(b) Explain the following terms associated with intellectual property. [4marks]
i. Trademarks
ii. Patents
(c) list three examples of storage devices [3marks]
(d) State three features of the taskbar of a windows computer. [3marks]
4. (a) What is a word processor? [2marks]
(b) Outline the steps to change the font color in Microsoft Word. [5marks]
(c) Explain the concept of Artificial Intelligence (AI). [2marks]
(d) List the three basic component of a robot. [3marks]
5. (a) What is computer network? [2marks]
(b) List three hardware required to set up a computer network [3marks]

(c) In your own words, explain how each of the following technologies assist people with special needs.
i. Screen enlarger software
ii. Screen readers
iii. Voice recognition software
(d) What is the keyboard combination to paste a copied text? [1mark]
6. (a) In what three ways can one reduce the risk of eye problems associated with the use of computer? [3marks]
(b) Differentiate between Strong AI and Week AI. [3marks]
(c) Explain the term algorithm. [2marks]
(d) Suggest four advantages of using robots in manufacturing establishments over human beings [4marks]
Each question is followed by four options lettered A to D. Find out the correct option for each question and shade
in pencil on your answer sheet the answer space which bears the same letter as the option you have chosen. Give
only one answer to each question
1. Which of the following is the most important component in the computer system?
A. Optical drives
B. Hard disk drive
C. Motherboard
D. Power supply
2. The full meaning of BIOS is
A. Basic Interface Output System
B. Base Input Output System
C. Basic Input Output System
D. Base Interface Output System
3. Which of the following is specially used for checking the answer sheets of examinations having multiple choice
4. To undo the previous action in a document, press………
A. Ctrl + Z
B. Ctrl + A
C. Ctrl + C
D. Ctrl + Y
5. The following are views of presentation except……
A. Normal view
B. Slide sorter view
C. Slideshow
D. Round view
6. All the following are the functions of a typical spreadsheet program except….
A. Data sorting and analysis
B. Multiple worksheets and their interlinking
C. Single rows and columns for data and values storage
D. Support for mathematical formulas and calculations
7. Which of the following data types is used to contain alphabets and alphanumeric characters?
A. Integer
B. String
C. Double
D. Boolean
8. The aspect of Artificial Intelligence programing which focuses on acquiring data and creating rules for how to
turn the data into actionable information is known as …….
A. Learning processes
B. Reasoning processes
C. Self-correction processes
D. Task processes
9. Which of the following is a terminology used in developing programs?
A. Architecture
B. Algorithm
C. Schemes
D. Facilitator
10. The piece of information that appears at the bottom of each printed page is known as ……
A. Header
B. Running head
C. Footer
D. Running footer
11. Which bar is usually located below the title bar that provides categorized options?
A. Scroll bar
B. Menu bar
C. Status bar
D. Tools bar
12. Which of the following capitalizes the first letter of each sentence?
A. Lowercase
B. Capitalization
C. Uppercase
D. Sentence case
13. The links connecting devices in a network are called …
A. Communication channels
B. Network access channels
C. Network channel access
D. Network access point
14. Which of the following is the most common video-sharing media platform?
A. Snapchat
B. Pinterest
C. YouTube
D. Instagram
15. The first search engine ever developed is known as ………
A. Archie
B. AltaVista
C. DuckDuckGo
D. Google
16. Which of the following uses mnemonic code in computer programming?
A. Machine language
B. Assembly language
C. System language
D. Basic language
17. The set of instructions for the computer that tells it what to do is known as
A. Program
B. Code
C. Algorithm
D. Pneumonic
18. The following are examples of computer programing language except…..
A. Java
B. Python
C. Scrape
D. Pascal
19. The practice of environmentally responsible and efficient use of computing resources while maintaining
economic viability and improving its performance in an ecofriendly way is known as ..
A. Information communication technology
B. Green information technology
C. Information technology
D. Communication technology
20. Which of the following has the highest storage capacity?
A. Blue-ray Disc
B. Compact Disc
21. The reprocessing and reuse of desktop computers and laptops that have been discarded or considered to be
obsolete is known as
A. Computer assembly
B. Computer aggregation
C. Computer recycling
D. Computer sectioning
22. The red wavy line under a text indicates ……..
A. spelling error
B. grammar error
C. misused text
D. frequently used text
23. To select an entire document using the keyboard, press……….
A. Shift + A keys
B. Ctrl + A keys
C. Ctrl + Shift + F8 keys
D. Ctrl + F8 Keys
24. The act of producing the softcopy of a document in a paper or film is known as
A. Scanning
B. Printing
C. Saving
D. Editing
25. Documents saved in Excel 2010 are saved with …………. extension
A. .xlsx
B. .xls
C. .xxls
D. .xlls
26. Which command enables you to locate specific text in your documents?
A. Select
B. Find
C. Replace
D. Ctrl
27. The most common method of selecting a text is to ............the mouse over the text you want to select.
A. click and drag
B. drag and point
C. drag and drop
D. click and drop
28. A cell on row 7 and column F in a spreadsheet application is identified as……
A. 7F
B. F7
C. 7
D. F
29. By default, numbers entered into a cell are aligned
A. right.
B. left.
C. center.
D. middle.
30. The default mode for typing in MS Word is …
1. overtype
2. delete
3. insert option
4. entering
31. Social media sites include all the following except……
1. Google +
2. Facebook
3. Tumblr
4. Microsoft
32. Which network topology requires a central controller or hub?
A. Star
B. Mesh
C. Ring
D. Bus
33. The logical arrangement of network is termed as……
A. topology.
B. routing.
C. networking.
D. control.
34. Who is the principal architect in the development of Facebook?
A. Ellon Musk
B. Mark Zuckerberg
C. Bill Gates
D. Reid Hoffman
35. An online community that facilitates the sharing of ideas, thoughts and information is referred to as………

A. online media.
B. social media.
C. social network.
D. multimedia.
36. One negative effect of laptop is that; it is …………
A. expensive.
B. portable.
C. compact.
D. personal computer.
37. A popular discipline of computer science that examines the meaning and methods for programming computers
to behave like humans is known as………
A. artificial product.
B. natural intelligence.
C. artificial intelligence.
D. man’s creation.
38. Which country invented the fifth-generation computer system?
B. Germany
C. South Africa
D. Japan
39. The short form of weblogs is…………….
A. blogs.
B. webpages.
C. website.
40. A collaborative website whose contents can be edited by anyone who has access to it is………..
A. blogs.
B. wikis.
C. podcasts.
D. vodcasts.



1. C 6. C 11. D 16. B 21. C 26. B 31. D 36. A

2. C 7. B 12. D 17. A 22. A 27. A 32. A 37. C
3. A 8. A 13. A 18. C 23. B 28. B 33. A 38. D
4. A 9. B 14. C 19. B 24. B 29. B 34. B 39. A
5. D 10. C 15. A 20. A 25. B 30. C 35. B 40. B
[1mark each – 1 x 40 = 40marks]

PAPER 2 [60 Marks]

Section a (compulsory) [24marks]

a. Study figure 1 carefully and use it to answer question 1 (a) i to vi.


Figure 1
i. What does figure 1 illustrate?
Network topology
ii. Identify the parts labeled A, B, C, D, E, F
A – Star topology
B – Mesh topology
C – Bus topology
D – Hybrid topology
E – Tree topology
F – Ring topology
[1/2mark each = 3marks]
iii. Outline two features of the part labeled A
 Every node has its own dedicated connection
 Hub acts as a repeater for data flow
 The topology can be used with twisted pair, optical fibre or coaxial cable
[1mark each = 2marks]
iv. Mention three advantages of the part labeled A.
 It is fast in performance with few nodes and low network traffic
 The hub can be upgraded easily
 It easy to look for errors in this topology
 It is easy to set up and modify this topology
[1mark each = 3marks]
v. State three disadvantages of the part labeled E
 It is heavily cabled
 It is too costly to build
 If more nodes are added to the topology maintenance becomes difficult
 When the central hub fails, the whole network fails
[1mark each = 3marks]
vi. Which of the parts can be used in Wide Area Networks (WANs)?
E / Tree topology
b. Study figure 2 carefully and use it to answer question 1 (b) i to v.


Figure 2
vi. Figure 2 represents;
Font group
vii. Identify the parts labeled I, II and III
I- Strikethrough
II – Grow font
III – Shrink font
How does the part labeled II differ from III?
II / Grow font increases the font size of the current selection to the next larger size in the Font Size box while
III /Shrink font decreases the font size of the current selection to the next larger size in the Font Size box.
viii. Provide the keyboard shortcut command for II and III
II – Ctrl + >
III – Ctrl + <
ix. What is the function of the part labeled I?
It draws a line through the middle of the selected text

Answer three questions only from this section.
2. (a) Explain the concept of copyright infringement.
Copyright infringement is the use or production of copyrighted material without the permission of the
copyright holder.
(b) Explain the following terms associated with intellectual property.
iii. Trademarks
A trademark is a sign capable of distinguishing the goods or services of one enterprise from those of other
iv. Patents
Patents are a legal rights granted to an inventor which allow them to exclude all others from making, using
or selling their inventions for 20 years.
[2marks each = 4marks]
(c) list three examples of storage devices
 Floppy disk
 Hard disk
 Magnetic disk
 Pen drive
 Sd Card etc.
[1mark each = 3marks]
(d) State three features of the taskbar of a windows computer.
 Start button
 Search bar
 Task view button
 Quick launch
 Network and connectivity
 Sound and speaker
[1mark each = 3marks]

3. (a) What is a word processor? [2marks]

Word processing refers to the process of creating or editing a document using a word processor.
(b) Outline the steps to change the font colour in Microsoft Word. [5marks]
 Select the text you want to modify
 In the home tab, locate the group
 Click the dropdown arrow next to the font colour button. Font colour menu appears.
 Select the desired font colour with a left click.
 Word will change the font colour of the selected text

(c) Explain the concept of Artificial Intelligence (AI). [2marks]

Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to
think like human and copy their actions.
(e) List the three basic component of a robot. [3marks]
 Sensors
 Microprocessor
 Actuators
4. (a) What is computer network? [2marks]
Computer network is a system in which multiple computers are connected to share information and resources.
(b) List three hardware required to set up a computer network [3marks]
 Network cable
 Distributors
 Routers
 Internal network cards
 External network cards
(c) In your own words, explain how each of the following technologies assist people with special needs.
iv. Screen enlarger software
Screen enlarger software makes text bigger on a computer screen and allows vision impaired persons
zoom into specific part of the screen.
v. Screen readers
Screen readers turns the text on the computer screen into synthetized speech.

vi. Voice recognition software Voice responds to voice commands to create documents, browse online or
open and navigate computer applications
(e) What is the keyboard combination to paste a copied text? [1mark]
Ctrl + V keys

5. (a) In what three ways can one reduce the risk of eye problems associated with the use of computer?
 Contact lens users should blink frequently and use eye moisturizing drops to avoid dry eye syndrome
 Increase the font size of texts
 Reduce glare by using glare reduction filters and hoods
 Position the monitor at eye level
 Dark letters on a light backgrounds should be used to reduce eye strain
 Choose a monitor with good resolution for clarity of characters on the screen
(b) Differentiate between Strong AI and Week AI. [3marks]
Strong AI is a technology that has developed the mental capabilities and functions that mimic the human brain
while Week AI refers to the use of advanced algorithm to accomplish specific problem – solving reasoning task
that do not encompass the full range of human cognitive abilities.
(c) Explain the term algorithm. [2marks]
Algorithm is a step – by – step procedure which defines a set of instructions to be excluded in a certain order to
get the desired output.
(d) Suggest four advantages of using robots in manufacturing establishments over human beings
 Robots can tirelessly perform repetitive and monotonous tasks
 The use of robots substantially reduces the labour cost
 A robot never gets tired or bored and does not go on strike, therefore, quality of work is consistent
 They can be used in conditions that are hazardous to human beings

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