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Essay and Objective
1hour 45mins

Name: _________________________________________________________________

Date: __________________________________________________________________


SCIENCE [100 marks]
Write your name and date in ink in the spaces provided above
 This booklet consists of two papers, Paper 2 and paper 1
 Answer paper 2 in your answer booklet and paper 1 in the objective test answer sheet
 Paper 2 will last 1hour 10mins.
 Paper 1 will last 35mins.
 Do not start paper 1 until you are told to do so


This paper is in two parts: I and II. Answer question 1 in part I and any other four questions in part
II. Answer all questions in your answer booklet. Credit will be given for clarity of expression and
orderly presentation of materials.
Answer all of Question 1
1. (a) The diagrams below show particles of the same substance in three phases of matter. Study it
carefully and answer the questions which follow.

i. Name the state of the substance represented in the diagrams labeled A, B and C
ii. Suggest the type of substance which can exist in all the states as illustrated in the diagrams.
iii. Give two properties of the substance named in (i) above.
iv. Describe the arrangement of particles in C
v. By what means can A changes to B. Explain briefly.
vi. State one difference between particles in B and that of A

(b) Figure 1 and 2 shows examples of materials or tools used in two different type of
production in agriculture. study them carefully and answer the questions which follow.

Figure 1
figure 2
i. Name the diagrams labeled I, II, III and IV
ii. Describe how IV is handled to avoid losses.
iii. State two ways of maintaining the tool labeled I
iv. Differentiate between the equipments in figure 1 and figure 2
v. State one similarity between tools labeled I and II.
vi. Give one uses of the tool labeled III
(c) Study the diagrams carefully and answer the questions that follow.

(i) Name each of the stages labeled I, II, III and IV

(ii) State how stage II obtains oxygen
(iii) State one method of controlling each of the stages labeled III and IV
(iv) Name the major infection transmitted by the stage labelled IV.
(v) Outline two personal protective measures to avoid the infection named in (iv) above.

(d) The diagram below is an illustration of the motion of a fish leaping out of water at three different points.
Use it to answer the questions which follow.


(i) Identify the type energy possessed by the fish at the points A, B and C.
(ii) Briefly explain your answer in (i) above.
(iii) Find the magnitude of the type of energy possessed by the fish at points B and C if the fish weighs 15kg
and leaped 6m high out of the water with a velocity of 5m/s. [Take g = 10m/s2]
PART II [60marks]
Answer four questions only in this section
a. Explain how the activities of the housefly affects humans in terms of:
i)Transfer of diseases
ii) Food poisoning
iii) Nuisance in the environment. [6marks]
b. i) List any four forms of energy used in everyday life. [2marks]
ii) Explain the term radiation [2marks]
c. i) Define simple machine [2marks]
ii) Give four examples of simple machines. [2marks]
d. Describe the following types of beds.
i) Flat bed
ii) Sunken bed
iii) Raised bed [6marks]
a. i) Explain the term “animal feed” [2marks]
ii) List four types of poultry feed. [2marks]
iii) Differentiate between a hay and silage. [2marks]
b. Explain each of the following processes involved in nitrogen cycle.
i) Nitrification
ii) Assimilation
iii) Ammonification [6marks]
c. i) State the function of a capacitor in an electrical circuit. [2marks]
ii) Explain how Electricity is transmitted to our homes. [2marks]
d. i) Give two main sources of food to all life forms. [2marks]
ii) Give two importance of feeding in humans. [2marks]
a. i) List four methods used in the separation of mixtures. [2marks]
ii) Name one field each where the methods named in (i) is applied. [2marks]
b. i) What is high blood pressure? [2marks]
ii) State three instances that can increase the risk of getting high blood pressure.
i) State one way of managing high blood pressure [1mark]
c. i) What are hydrocarbons? [2marks]
ii) Provide the chemical formulae of the following binary compounds.
α Calcium chloride
β Magnesium chloride [2marks]
d. i) Explain Newton’s second law of motion. [2marks]
ii) What is momentum? [1mark]
iii) What is the magnitude of a force which acts on a body of mass 8kg to produce and acceleration of 5m/s?

a. i) What is an ion? [2marks]
ii) State two methods of softening hard water. [2marks]
iii) Give two importance of water to the human body. [2marks]
b. i) Differentiate between pests and parasites as used in agriculture.[2marks]
ii) Give two examples each of a:
(α) pest;
(β) parasite [2marks]
c. i) What is work? [2marks]
ii) A force of 10 N causes a body to move a distance of 5.2 m in the direction of the force. Calculate the work
done. [3marks]
d. i) What is circulatory system? [2marks]
ii) Name two organs of the human circulatory system. [1mark]
iii) Name two diseases associated with the circulatory system of humans.
(a) Explain how
(i) lithium atom becomes positively charged. [2marks]
(ii) oxygen atom becomes negatively charged [2marks]
(b) (i) What is potential energy? [2marks]
(ii) A coconut of mass 2 kg is on a tree 5 m tall. Determine the potential energy of the coconut at this height
[Take g = 10 ms–2] [3marks]
c. What are
i) renewable energy source
ii) non-renewable energy source [4marks] iii) List
two examples each of renewable energy source and non-renewable energy source
d. i. Define soil nutrients [2marks]
ii. List six examples of soil nutrients [3marks]
Each question is followed by four options lettered A to D. Find out the correct option for each question and shade
in pencil on your answer sheet the answer space which bears the same letter as the option you have chosen. Give
only one answer to each question

1. Which of these food nutrients repairs worn – out tissues in the body?
A. Minerals
B. Lipids
C. Carbohydrates
D. Proteins
2. The eclipse formed when the moon comes between the sun and the earth is known as
A. annular eclipse
B. lunar eclipse
C. solar eclipse
D. total eclipse
3. The element with the chemical symbol S is
A. silicon
B. silver
C. sodium
D. sulphur
4. The term leaching in soils refers to
A. accumulation of organic matter
B. decomposition of plant material.
C. fixation of nitrogen
D. removal of soil nutrients by water.
5. Which of the following statements about a plant cell is correct? It
A. does not have a nucleus
B. contains large vacuoles
C. is surrounded by the cell membrane only
D. does not have a definite shape
6. The phenomenon in which high level of carbon dioxide cause global warming is known as
A. the Gaia hypothesis
B. acid deposition
C. the greenhouse effect
D. global distillation

7. Solid non-metals normally break into pieces when hammered because they are
A. brittle
B. ductile
C. lustrous
D. malleable

8. Young rabbits are called

A. bunnies
B. cubs
C. fingerlings
D. kids

9. Producers in an ecosystem are plants that

A. attract insects
B. feed on other plants
C. feed on dead materials
D. manufacture their own food.

10. The form of energy produced from the nucleus of an atom is termed
A. chemical energy
B. mechanical energy
C. nuclear energy
D. thermal energy
11. Which of the following elements is a semi-metal?
A. Carbon
B. Nitrogen
C. Silicon
D. Sodium

12. A system of farming that leads to continuous destruction of virgin forest is

A. mixed farming
B. mixed cropping
C. pastoral farming
D. shifting farming

13. The by-products of respiration are

A. carbon dioxide and heat
B. carbon dioxide and water
C. oxygen and heat
D. oxygen and water.

14. Which of the following statements about a force are correct? It

I is measured in newtons
II is measured in newton-metre
III can start a motion
IV can change the direction of a moving body.

A. I and II only
B. I and III only
C. I, III and IV only
D. I, II, III and IV

15. Which of the following substances is a solid-gas mixture?

A. Lather
B. Bronze
C. Steel
D. Smoke

16. Weeds on a school farm could be controlled by

A. handpicking
B. mowing
C. ploughing
D. tilling

17. Which of the following organisms eat organic matter and return the nutrients to the soil?
A. Producer
B. Decomposer
C. Secondary consumer
D. Primary consumer

18. How are prokaryotes and eukaryotes similar?

A. Both have nuclei
B. Both have chloroplast
C. Both have cell membrane
D. Both contain membrane – bound organelles

19. Which of the following do plants use as a source for carbon dioxide?
A. Carbonate rocks
B. Calcium rocks
C. Fossils
D. Atmospheric CO2

20. In an n-p-n transistor, the n-type collector is connected to the positive terminal of the battery thus making the
A. base-collector junction reverse biased
B. base-collector junction forward biased
C. base-emitter junction reverse biased
D. base-emitter junction forward biased
21. In an electrical method of magnetization, the polarity of the magnet depends on the
A. amount of current passed
B. direction of the current
C. magnetic material used
D. size of the magnetic layer
22. During drought, some plants dry out because of high
I. atmospheric temperature
II. humidity
III. rate of evaporation
23. Soil erosion on sloppy farmlands is best controlled by
A. cover cropping
B. mulching
C. strip cropping
D. terracing
24. A viable seed is one that
A. germinates under suitable conditions
B. contains oil
C. develops from fertilized ovary
D. has a pericarp
25. Which of the following is the fourth largest planet in the solar system by diameter?
A. Jupiter
B. Neptune
C. Uranus
D. Saturn
26. Which of the following chemical symbols is that of a metal?
A.Ca B.Ne C.P D. S
27. All the living and non-living things that surround an organism constitute its
A. community
B. ecosystem
C. environment
D. habitat
28. Which of the following crops should be planted after cassava in crop rotation?
A. Cocoyam
B. Cowpea
C. Onion
D. Yam
29. Endoparasites in farm animals can be controlled by
A. drenching
B. dipping
C. dusting
D. spraying
30. Which of the following devices requires the use of transistors in its operation?
A. Computer
B. Electric heater
C. Microphone
D. Wall clock
31. Feel Method is used to determine soil
A. air
B colour
C. structure
D. texture
32. Which of the following modes of heat transfer is the thermos flask designed to minimize? I. Conduction
II. Convection
III. Radiation
A. I and II only
B. I and III only
C. II and III only
D. I, II and III
33. An atom of an element is represented as 2512𝑋 . What is the respective number of neutrons and protons in the
A. 12 and 13
B. 12 and 25
C. 13 and 12
D. 25 and 12
34. The anemometer is an instrument used in determining
A. amount of rainfall
B. speed of wind
C. relative humidity
D. intensity of light
35. During seed germination, which part of the seed germinates first?
A. Root
B. Leaves
C. Shoot
D. stem
36. Sand and water forms a heterogeneous mixture. This mixture can be separated by
A. filtration
B. magnetic sorting
C. screening
D. hand – sorting
37. Which of the following characters is not acquired through heredity?
A. Language spoken
B. Shape of nose
C. Colour of eyes
D. Temperament
38. The food nutrient which ensures good health in farm animals is
A. carbohydrates
B. minerals
C. proteins
D. vitamins
39. The use of resistant breeds of farm animals to control pests is a
A. biological method
B. chemical method
C. cultural method
D. physical method
40. Which of the following arrangements show the correct order of increasing complexity of structures in living
A. cells → organs → tissues → systems
B. cells → tissues → organs → systems
C. cells → systems → tissues → organs
D. cells → tissues → systems → organs




1. D 6. C 11. C 16. A 21. A 26. A 31. D 36. A
2. B 7. A 12. D 17. B 22. C 27. B 32. A 37. A
3. D 8. A 13. D 18. C 23. D 28. B 33. C 38. B
4. D 9. D 14. C 19. D 24. A 29. C 34. B 39. C
5. B 10. C 15. D 20. C 25. B 30. D 35. A 40. B


Answer all of Question 1
1. (a) The diagrams below show particles of the same substance in three phases of matter. Study it carefully
and answer the questions which follow.

i. Name the state of the substance represented in the diagrams labeled A, B and C
A – solid
B – liquid
C – gas
[1mark each = 2marks]
ii. Suggest the type of substance illustrated in the diagrams.
Water [1mark]
iii. Give two properties of the substance named in (i) above.
 it is colourless, tasteless and odourless
 it dissolves most substance
[1mark each = 2marks]
iv. Describe the arrangement of particles in C
Its particles are loosely packed such that they can move freely. [1mark]
v. By what means can A changes to B. Explain briefly.
By the application of heat on A. [1mark]
vi. State one difference between particles in B and that of A
The particles in B are close but can move a little bit whiles the particles in A closely packed and cannot
move. [1mark]

(e) Figure 1 and 2 shows examples of materials or tools used in two different type of production in
agriculture. study them carefully and answer the questions which follow.
Figure 1 figure 2
i. Name the diagrams labeled I, II, III and IV
I - hoe
II – knapsack sprayer
III – feeding trough
IV – eggs crate
[1mark each = 4marks]
ii. Describe how IV is handled to avoid losses.
Use both hand to hold it. Place one egg in each holding hole. Always handle with care.
iii. State two ways of maintaining I
 Clean the metal part with water and dry after use
 Keep in safe and dry place
 Ensure the wooden handle is always smooth
[1mark each = 2marks]
iv. Differentiate between the equipment in figure 1 and figure 2
 Tools in figure 1 is used in crop production whiles that of figure 2 is used in animal production. [1mark]

v. State one similarity between I and II.

Both are used in controlling weeds
vi. Give one uses of III
It is used for feeding farm animals.
(f) Study the diagrams carefully and answer the questions that follow.

(vi) Name each of the stages labeled I, II, III and IV

I – egg stage
II – larva stage
III – pupa stage
IV – Adult stage
[1mark each = 4marks]
(vii) State how stage II obtains oxygen
The larva comes to the surface of the water body to obtain oxygen from the air through a structure called the
(viii) State one method of controlling each of the stages labeled III and IV
Controlling stage III
• Adding oil to cover the water surface
• Introduction of fish into the water body
• Spraying the water body with pesticides
• Adding kerosene to cover the water surface
Controlling stage IV
• The use of lethal ovitraps
• The use of mosquito spray / insecticide
• The use of mosquito coil
• Clearing mosquito breeding grounds such as choked gutters, stagnant pools of water, etc
(ix) Name the major infection transmitted by the stage labelled IV.
(x) Outline two personal protective measures to avoid the infection named in (iv) above.
 Sleeping under medicated mosquito nets
 Using mosquito screens in buildings
 Using mosquito repellent creams and lotions
[1mark each = 2marks]

(g) The diagram below is an illustration of the motion of a fish leaping out of water at three different
points. Use it to answer the questions which follow.


(iv) Identify the type energy possessed by the fish at the points A, B and C.
A – kinetic energy
B – Potential energy
C – Kinetic energy
[1mark each = 3marks]
(v) Briefly explain your answer in (i) above.
At point A the fish was in upward motion
At point B the fish reached its highest height of motion.
At. Point C the fish was in downward motion.
[1mark each = 3marks]
(vi) Find the magnitude of the type of energy possessed by the fish at points B and C if the fish
weighs 15kg and leaped 6m high out of the water with a velocity of 5m/s. [Take g = 10m/s2]
Mass of the fish, m = 15kg
Velocity, v = 5m/s
Height h=6m
Acceleration due to gravity, g= 10m/s2
At point B the fish possessed Potential energy (P.E)
P.E = mgh = 15 × 10 × 6 = 900J
At Point C the fish possessed kinetic energy (K.E)
1 1
K.E = mv2 = × 15 × 52 = 187.5J
2 2

PART II [60marks]
Answer four questions only in this section
a. Explain how the activities of the housefly affects humans in terms of:
i)Transfer of diseases
Housefly picks up disease – causing organisms while crawling and feeding. Transmission takes place when the
housefly makes contact with humans or their food.
ii) Food poisoning
Housefly feeds on garbage, excreta, dead animals and at the same time feed on all kinds of human food. By these
activities, the housefly contaminates food by spreading pathogens that are responsible for food poisoning.
iii) Nuisance in the environment.
In large quantities, housefly can be an important nuisance by disturbing humans during work and leisure. They also
soil the inside and outside of houses and cloths with their faeces.
b. i) List any four forms of energy used in everyday life.
 Kinetic energy
 Potential energy
 Nuclear energy
 Thermal energy
 Sound energy
 Solar energy
 Electrical energy
 Light energy
 Chemical energy
[0.5 marks each = 2marks]
ii) Explain the term radiation
Radiation is the transfer of heat from one place to another without the intervening medium being heated.
c. i) Define simple machine
A simple machine is a device which is capable of transmitting a force applied at one point to another point with a
convenient change of magnitude and direction.
ii) Give four examples of simple machines.
 Levers
 Inclined plane
 Pulley
 Wheel and axle
 Wedge
 Screw
[0.5marks each = 2marks]
d. Describe the following types of beds.
i) Flat bed
This is a deep pocket of improved soil, few centimetres below the earth surface in drylands or drought areas.
ii) Sunken bed
This is a seedbed below the ground level where it is cooler and wetter.
iii) Raised bed
Raised beds are freestanding beds constructed above the ground level in rainy season or wet areas.
a. i) Explain the term “animal feed”
Animal feed is food grown or developed for livestock and poultry.
ii) List four types of poultry feed.
 Chick starter
 Grower feed
 Layer feed
 Flock raiser
 Broiler feed
 Game bird feed
 Fermented feed
 Cracked corn
[0.5 marks each = 2marks]
iii) Differentiate between a hay and silage.
A hay is dried grasses and other foliage used as animal feed while A silage is made of forages, crop residues, or
agricultural or industrial by – products that have been preserved by natural of artificial acidification for use as
animal feed.
b. Explain each of the following processes involved in nitrogen cycle.
i) Nitrification
Nitrification is the process that converts ammonia into nitrite and then to nitrite.
ii) Assimilation
Assimilation is the process by which plants and animals incorporate nitrogen compounds formed through nitrogen
iii) Ammonification
Ammonification is the conversion dead organic matter into ammonia.
c. i) State the function of a capacitor in an electrical circuit.
It is used for storing electrical charges.
ii) Explain how Electricity is transmitted to our homes.
Cables are connected from the thermal power stations and hydropower stations to our homes.
d. i) Give two main sources of food to all life forms.
 Food from plant source
 Food from animal source
[1mark each = 2marks]
ii) Give two importance of feeding in humans.
 It promotes healthy growth and development
 It provides the energy needed by the body
[1mark each = 2narks]
a. i) List four methods used in the separation of mixtures.
ii) Name one field each where the methods named in (i) is applied.
i) and ii)
Separation Methods Field
Sieving Archaeology / Geology
Decantation / winnowing Farming
Distillation / Chromatography Chemistry / Medicine
Filtering ( Safe disposal of mercury fillings) Medicine
b. i) What is high blood pressure?
High blood pressure occurs when the pressure in the arteries is persistently elevated.
ii) State three instances that can increase the risk of getting high blood pressure.
 Being overweight or obese
 Not eating enough vegetables
 Drinking too much alcohol or coffee
 Smoking
 Lack of physical activities
 Too much salt in diet
[1mark each = 3marks]
i) State one way of managing high blood pressure
 Avoid smoking
 Reach and maintain a healthy body weight
 Eat a healthy diet that is low in saturated and trans fats and rich in fruits and vegetables.
 Limit the intake of alcohol
 Be more physically active
c. i) What are hydrocarbons?
Hydrocarbons are compounds which contain only carbon and hydrogen atoms.
ii) Provide the chemical formulae of the following binary compounds.
α Calcium chloride – CaCl2
β Magnesium chloride – MgCl2
[1mark each = 2marks]
d. i) Explain Newton’s second law of motion.
Newton’s second law of motion states that the rate of change of momentum of a body is directly proportional to
the product of its mass and acceleration.
i.e. Force = mass × acceleration
ii) What is momentum?
Momentum is the product of mass and velocity.
iii) What is the magnitude of a force which acts on a body of mass 8kg to produce and acceleration of 5m/s?
Mass of the body = 8kg
Acceleration = 5m/s2
Force = mass × acceleration = 8 × 5 = 40N
a. i) What is an ion?
An ion is an electrically charged particle formed when an atom gains or loses an electron or electrons.
ii) State two methods of softening hard water.
 Distillation
 Boiling
 Adding washing soda / sodium carbonate (Na2CO3)
 Deionization
[1mark each = 2marks]
iii) Give two importance of water to the human body. [2marks]
 Its keeps a normal body temperature
 It lubricates and cushion joints
 It protects the spinal cord and other sensitive tissues
 It helps in excretion
[1mark each = 2marks]
b. i) Differentiate between pests and parasites as used in agriculture
Pest Parasite
A living organism that lives on
Any organism that the surface or inside the body
causes damage to of another living organism/host
crops or animals and gets its food from it and
thereby causes harm to the host
ii) Give two examples each of a:
(α) pest;
(β) parasite

(ii)Examples of pest.
• bats
• houseflies,
• cockroaches,
• mice,
• fleas,  etc
(β) Examples of parasite.
• worms (tapeworm, hookworm, fluke, roundworm etc),
• arthropods /insects (tick, louse, flea, etc),
protozoa (e.g. plasmodium
[0.5 marks each = 2marks]
c. i) What is work?
Work is done when a force moves a body through a given distance in the direction of the force.
Work is the product of force and the distance moved in the direction of the force.
Work = f × d, where f = force; and d = distance moved in the direction of the force.
ii) A force of 10 N causes a body to move a distance of 5.2 m in the direction of the force. Calculate the work
The force = 10N
Distance = 5.2m
Work done = force × distance
= 10 × 5.2
= 52 joules or 52 J
d. i) What is circulatory system?
Circulatory system consist of organs that circulate blood and lymph through the body.
ii) Name two organs of the human circulatory system.
 heart
 blood
 blood vessels
[1mark each = 2marks]
iii) Name two diseases associated with the circulatory system of humans.
 hypertension
 hypotension
 haemorrhoids (piles)
 arteriosclerosis
[1mark each = 2marks]]
(a) Explain how
(i) lithium atom becomes positively charged.
Lithium has 1 electron in its outermost shell, making it unstable. In order to become stable, it loses the electron on
its outermost shell. As a result, the atom becomes positively charged, since there is now 1 more positive charge
(proton) than negative charge (electron)

(ii) oxygen atom becomes negatively charged

Oxygen has 6 electrons in its outermost shell, making it unstable. In order to become stable, it gains 2 more
electrons on its outermost shell to make it completely filled. As a result, the negative charges (electrons) become 2
more than the positive charges (protons), making the atom negatively charged.
(b) (i) What is potential energy?
Potential energy is the energy possessed by a body as a result of its position or state.

(ii) A coconut of mass 2 kg is on a tree 5 m tall. Determine the potential energy of the coconut at this height
[Take g = 10 ms–2]
Mass, m = 2kg
Height, h = 5m
Acceleration due to gravity, g = 10ms-2
Potential energy =m×g×h
= 2 kg × 5 m × 10ms-2
= 100 J
c. What are
i) renewable energy sources
Renewable energy sources are sources of energy that cannot be exhausted and can be replaced by natural means
after they have been used up.
ii) non-renewable energy sources
Non-renewable energy sources are energy sources that cannot be replaced after they have been used up.
iii) List two examples each of renewable energy source and non-renewable energy source
Renewables energy sources Non-renewable energy sources
Solar energy, wind, falling water, geothermal, biomass, Fossil fuels, nuclear energy
waves, ocean current etc.

d. i. Define soil nutrients
Soil nutrients are organic and inorganic minerals in found in the soil for plants growth and development.
ii. list six examples of soil nutrients
 nitrogen
 phosphorus
 potassium
 carbon
 hydrogen
 magnesium
 boron
 chlorine
 compost
 green manure
[0.5 marks each = 3marks]

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