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Registration No :- NWP2961072235

Recruitment of Graduates on Provincial Basis for the Class 3 Grade I (A) of Sri Lanka
Teachers’ Service for the Existing Vacancies in the Provincial Council Schools of the
North Western Province

01.District :- Kurunegala 02.Exam Mediam :- Tamil 03.Exam center:- 1-Kurunegala

04.Subject Selection:-

Selection Subject Subject No.

1st Selection: Geography 08

2nd Selection: Mathematics 03

3rd Selection: Tamil language and literacy 05

5.1 Name with Initials(S/T) :-எம்.ஏ.எஸ்.பஸீனா

5.2 Name with Initials(E) :-M.A.S.FAZEENA

5.3 Name in Full(S/T) :-முஹம்மது அப்பாஸ் சித்தி பஸீனா


5.5 Permenent Address(S/T) :-போகஹபிடிய. பாணகமுவ. குருநாகல்.


5.7.1 Admission Address (S/T) :-போகஹபிடிய. பாணகமுவ. குருநாகல்.


5.8 Contact Number :-..

5.9 WhatssApp Number :-0702001295

5.10 Email Address

5.12 National ID Number :-877250318v

5.13 Date of Birth :-1987-08-12 Age-->:-36 Years , 3 Months , 3 Days

5.14 Gender :-Female

5.15 Civil Status :-Married


5.17 University :-University of colombo

06. Details on Payment of Examination Fees :-

6.1 Payment DS Division :-Rideegama

6.2 Payment Recipt Number :-913975

6.3 Date of Payment :-2023-11-14

Paste the Receipt here firmly.(Please keep a copy of the Receipt)

07. Declaration of the Applicant :-

A ) I certify that I have paid the examination fees to the relevant Divisional Secretariat and pasted the receipt in this
application. Also, I will abide by the rules imposed by Commissioner General of Examinations / North Western Provincial
Council Public Service Commission with regard to this examination.

(B) I do hereby declare that the particulars furnished by me in this application are true and accurate to the best of my
knowledge and belief and I have completed all parts of this application accurately and no information mentioned here
will be changed later. I agree to bear the consequences of not filling this application accurately or filling this application

( B) I know that if this statement made by me is found to be false, I will be disqualified before being appointed. I also
understand that if I am found ineligible for this post after being selected, I will be subject to dismissal.


Signature of the Applicant

08. Attestation of the Signature of the Applicant :-

I do hereby certify that the applicant

Mr./Mrs./Miss………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………is known to me personally;
and he / she placed his / her signature before me on …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… and
he / she has paid the examination fees and pasted the receipt in this application

Signature and Official Seal of the Attester (Pl. confirm with clear the official seal)

09. Certification of the Head of Department, if the applicant is a public servant :-

I do hereby submit the application form of

Mr./Mrs./Miss……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… I certify that he/she is
employed as a permanent/temporary/casual employee in this Ministry/ Department and if he/she is selected for this
post he/she may/may not be released from service

Signature and Official Seal of the Attester (Pl. confirm with clear the official seal)

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