HO Kuliah 03 Antena Dan Propagasi

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Lecture 03 Antena dan propagasi

Antenna and propagation

Fundamental Parameters of Antennas

(Part 1)

Dr. Eng. Teguh Firmansyah, IPM

By Prof. Constantine Balanis Enriched by Dr. Eng. Teguh Firmansyah

Fundamental Parameters of Antennas

1. Radiation Pattern 12. Input Impedance

2. Radiation Power Density 13. Antenna Radiation
3. Radiation Intensity Efficiency
4. Beam width 14. Antenna Vector Effective
5. Directivity Length and Equivalent
6. Numerical Techniques Areas
7. Antenna Efficiency 15. Maximum Directivity and
8. Gain, Realized Gain Maximum Effective Area
9. Beam Efficiency 16. Friis Transmission Equation
10. Bandwidth and Radar Range Equation
11. Polarization 17. Antenna Temperature

By Prof. Constantine Balanis Enriched by Dr. Eng. Teguh Firmansyah

Radiation Pattern
 An antenna radiation
pattern or antenna
pattern is defined as “a
mathematical function
or a graphical
representation of the
radiation properties of
the antenna as a
function of space

Coordinate system for

antenna analysis
By Prof. Constantine Balanis Enriched by Dr. Eng. Teguh Firmansyah

Radiation Pattern

Once the electromagnetic (EM) energy leaves the antenna,

the radiation pattern tells us how the energy propagates
away from the antenna.

 Radiation Pattern
By Prof. Constantine Balanis Enriched by Dr. Eng. Teguh Firmansyah

Radiation Pattern

 Two-dimensional normalized field pattern (linear scale),

power pattern (linear scale), and power pattern (in dB) of a
10-element linear array with a spacing of d = 0.25λ.

By Prof. Constantine Balanis Enriched by Dr. Eng. Teguh Firmansyah

Radiation Pattern
 (a) Radiation lobes and beamwidths of an antenna amplitude
pattern in polar form. (b) Linear plot of power pattern and its
associated lobes and beamwidths.

By Prof. Constantine Balanis Enriched by Dr. Eng. Teguh Firmansyah

Major and minor lobe

 A major lobe (also called main

beam) is defined as “the radiation
lobe containing the direction of
maximum radiation.” The major
lobe is pointing in the θ = 0

 A minor lobe is any lobe except a

major lobe and all the lobes with
the exception of the major can be
classified as minor lobes. Minor
lobes undesired directions, and
they should be minimized.

By Prof. Constantine Balanis Enriched by Dr. Eng. Teguh Firmansyah

A side lobe and back lobe

 A side lobe is “a radiation lobe in
any direction other than the intended
lobe. Usually a side lobe is adjacent
to the main lobe and occupies the
hemisphere in the direction of the
main beam. Side lobes are normally
the largest of the minor lobes.

 A back lobe is “a radiation lobe

whose axis makes an angle of
approximately 180◦ with respect to
the beam of an antenna.” Usually it
refers in a direction opposite to that
of the major (main) lobe
By Prof. Constantine Balanis Enriched by Dr. Eng. Teguh Firmansyah

Radiation Pattern
 Radiation lobes and beamwidths of an antenna amplitude
pattern in polar form.

By Prof. Constantine Balanis Enriched by Dr. Eng. Teguh Firmansyah

Normalized three-dimensional amplitude

 Normalized three-dimensional amplitude field pattern (in linear

scale) of a 10-element linear arrayantenna with a uniform
spacing of d = 0.25λ and progressive phase shift 𝛽 = -0.6𝜋
between the elements

By Prof. Constantine Balanis Enriched by Dr. Eng. Teguh Firmansyah

Radiation Pattern

 Can be classified as:

Isotropic, directional and omnidirectional
 Isotropic: Hypothetical antenna having equal radiation in
all directions
 Directional: having the property of transmitting or
receiving EM energy more effectively in some
directions than others
 Omnidirectional: having an essentially nondirectional
pattern in a given plane and a directional pattern in any
orthogonal plane

By Prof. Constantine Balanis Enriched by Dr. Eng. Teguh Firmansyah

Omnidirectional antenna pattern

Omnidirectional  Principal patterns (or planes):

antenna pattern

 E-plane : the plane

containing the electric field
vector and the direction of
maximum radiation

 H-plane : the plane

containing the magnetic
field vector and the
direction of maximum

By Prof. Constantine Balanis Enriched by Dr. Eng. Teguh Firmansyah

Amplitude pattern of an antenna
 The amplitude pattern of an antenna, as the observation
distance is varied from the reactive near field to the far field.

By Prof. Constantine Balanis Enriched by Dr. Eng. Teguh Firmansyah

Reactive region (near-field region)

 Region surrounding the  Field regions of an antenna

antenna, wherein the reactive
field predominates
For D   :R  0.62

For D  (small antenna) : R 
R  max[  ,0.62 ]
2 

 Angular field distribution

depends on distance from antenna
By Prof. Constantine Balanis Enriched by Dr. Eng. Teguh Firmansyah

Radiating Near Field Region

 Region between reactive near-field and far- field regions

(Fresnel zone)

2D 2 D3
For D   :  R  0.62
 

For D   (small antenna): 3  R 
2D 2 ]  R  max[  ,0.62 D3 ]
 max[3 ,
 2 

 Radiation fields predominate but angular field

distribution still depends on distance from antenna

By Prof. Constantine Balanis Enriched by Dr. Eng. Teguh Firmansyah

Far Field Region

 Region where angular field distribution is essentially

independent of the distance from antenna (Fraunhofer zone)

2D 2
For D   :R  

For D  (small antenna) : R  3

2D 2
R  max[3, ]

By Prof. Constantine Balanis Enriched by Dr. Eng. Teguh Firmansyah

Next parameters

1. Radiation Pattern
2. Radiation Power Density
3. Radiation Intensity
4. Beam width
5. Directivity
6. Numerical Techniques
7. Antenna Efficiency
8. Gain, Realized Gain
9. Beam Efficiency
10. Bandwidth
11. Polarization

By Prof. Constantine Balanis Enriched by Dr. Eng. Teguh Firmansyah

Radiation Power Density

Electromagnetic waves are used to transport information

through a wireless medium or a guiding structure, from one
point to the other.

 Poynting vector = Power density

W  E H

W : instantaneous Poynting vector [W/m 2 ]

E : instantaneous electric field Intensity [V/m]
H :instantaneous magnetic field Intensity [A/m]

By Prof. Constantine Balanis Enriched by Dr. Eng. Teguh Firmansyah

Average Poynting vector

 The time average Poynting vector (average power density)

can be written as.

The average power radiated by an antenna (radiated power)

can be written as.

By Prof. Constantine Balanis Enriched by Dr. Eng. Teguh Firmansyah

Example : Find the total radiated power

By Prof. Constantine Balanis Enriched by Dr. Eng. Teguh Firmansyah

Next parameters

1. Radiation Pattern
2. Radiation Power Density
3. Radiation Intensity
4. Beam width
5. Directivity
6. Numerical Techniques
7. Antenna Efficiency
8. Gain, Realized Gain
9. Beam Efficiency
10. Bandwidth
11. Polarization

By Prof. Constantine Balanis Enriched by Dr. Eng. Teguh Firmansyah

Radiation intensity

 Radiation intensity in a given direction is defined as “the

power radiated from an antenna per unit solid angle.”

 The radiation intensity is a far-field parameter, and it can be

obtained by simply multiplying the radiation density by the
square of the distance. Definition:

U  r 2Wrad
U : radiation intensity [W/unit solid angle]
Wrad : radiation density [W/m 2 ]

By Prof. Constantine Balanis Enriched by Dr. Eng. Teguh Firmansyah

Radiation intensity

 Total power can be given by

2 
Prad  Ud  0 
U sin dd

 For an isotropic antenna

Prad  U 0 d  U 0  d  4U 0

 
 U0 

By Prof. Constantine Balanis Enriched by Dr. Eng. Teguh Firmansyah

Radiation intensity

 Radiation intensity is related to the far-zone electric field of


r2 → r2
U ( ,  )  | E(r,  ,  ) |2  [| E (r,  ,  ) |2  | E (r,  ,  ) |2 ]
2 2
 [| Eo ( ,  ) |2  | Eo ( , ) |2 ]
→ → e jkr
E(r, , ) : far - zone electric- field intensity of the antenna  Eo ( , )
E , E : far - zone electric- field components of the antenna
η : intrinsic impedance of the medium ( 377  in free space)

By Prof. Constantine Balanis Enriched by Dr. Eng. Teguh Firmansyah

Next parameters

1. Radiation Pattern
2. Radiation Power Density
3. Radiation Intensity
4. Beam width
5. Directivity
6. Numerical Techniques
7. Antenna Efficiency
8. Gain, Realized Gain
9. Beam Efficiency
10. Bandwidth
11. Polarization

By Prof. Constantine Balanis Enriched by Dr. Eng. Teguh Firmansyah


 Beamwidth is the angular separation between two

identical points on opposite site of the pattern maximum
 Half-power beamwidth (HPBW): in a plane
containing the direction of the maximum of a
beam, the angle between the two directions in
which the radiation intensity is one-half value of the
 First-Null beamwidth (FNBW): angular separation
between the first nulls of the pattern

By Prof. Constantine Balanis Enriched by Dr. Eng. Teguh Firmansyah

Half-power beamwidth

 Half-power beamwidth (HPBW) and First-Null beamwidth


By Prof. Constantine Balanis Enriched by Dr. Eng. Teguh Firmansyah

Example :

The normalized radiation intensity of an antenna is

represented by
U ()  cos 2  (0    ,0    2)
The angle h at which the function equal to half of its
maximum can be found by
U () |   cos2   0.5  cos  0.707
h h

  cos 1 (0.707) 
h 4
Since the pattern is symmetric with respect to the
maximum, HPBW = 2 h = /2

Likewise, FNBW = 2 n =  since U ( ) |   0   n  cos 1 (0) 

By Prof. Constantine Balanis Enriched by Dr. Eng. Teguh Firmansyah

Next parameters

1. Radiation Pattern
2. Radiation Power Density
3. Radiation Intensity
4. Beam width
5. Directivity
6. Numerical Techniques
7. Antenna Efficiency
8. Gain, Realized Gain
9. Beam Efficiency
10. Bandwidth
11. Polarization

By Prof. Constantine Balanis Enriched by Dr. Eng. Teguh Firmansyah


 Ratio of radiation intensity in a given direction from the

antenna to the average radiation intensity
U ( , ) 4U
D( , )   (dimension - less)
U0 Prad
 Note that the average radiation intensity equals to the radiation
intensity of an isotropic source.
Since Prad   U ( ',  ')d'
U ( , )
D( , )  4
U ( ', ')d'

By Prof. Constantine Balanis Enriched by Dr. Eng. Teguh Firmansyah


U ( , )
D( , )  4
U ( ', ')d'

U max 4
Dmax  4  Dmax: maximum directivity
U ( ', ')d' A
 '
  A is called beam solid angle, and is defined as “solid angle
through which all the power of the antenna would flow if its
radiation intensity were constant and equal to Umax for all
angles within  A
U ( ',  ')
 A   d' Prad  AU max
U max

By Prof. Constantine Balanis Enriched by Dr. Eng. Teguh Firmansyah


 Three-dimensional
radiation intensity

By Prof. Constantine Balanis Enriched by Dr. Eng. Teguh Firmansyah

General expression for the directivity

 We now write the general expression for the directivity and

maximum directivity using (2-16) and (2-16a), respectively, as

 Equation (2-22) can also be written as

By Prof. Constantine Balanis Enriched by Dr. Eng. Teguh Firmansyah

Directional Patterns
 Instead of using the exact expression of (2-23) to compute the
directivity, it is often convenient to derive simpler expressions,
even if they are approximate, to compute the directivity.

By Prof. Constantine Balanis Enriched by Dr. Eng. Teguh Firmansyah


 Some antennas (such

as dipoles, loops,
broadside arrays)
exhibit omni-
directional patterns,
as illustrated by the

By Prof. Constantine Balanis Enriched by Dr. Eng. Teguh Firmansyah

Example : Directivity

 The radial component of the radiated power density of an

infinitesimal linear dipole is given by
sin 2 
Wav  rˆWr  rˆA0 [W/m 2 ]
where A0 is the peak value of the power density. The radiation
intensity is given by
U  r 2Wr  A0 sin 2 
The maximum radiation is directed along  = /2 and Umax = A0.
The total radiated power is given by
2  8
Prad   Ud A0 0  sin 2  sin dd  A0

0 3
Thus, 4U max 3
D0   and D  D0 sin 2   1.5sin 2 
P 2
By Prof. Constantine Balanis Enriched by Dr. Eng. Teguh Firmansyah

Next parameters

1. Radiation Pattern
2. Radiation Power Density
3. Radiation Intensity
4. Beam width
5. Directivity
6. Numerical Techniques
7. Antenna Efficiency
8. Gain, Realized Gain
9. Beam Efficiency
10. Bandwidth
11. Polarization

Next week
By Prof. Constantine Balanis Enriched by Dr. Eng. Teguh Firmansyah

Antenna and propagation

By Prof. Constantine Balanis Enriched by Dr. Eng. Teguh Firmansyah


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