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Good Samaritan Catholic College

Technology and Applied Studies

Year 9 Graphics Task 2 2024
Unit: Orthographic and Pictorial Drawing
Task type: Drawing Assignment
Date due & Monday 27th May, 2024 (Week 5)
Hand in
Hand In
You must submit all drawings with the Marking Criteria attached to the front in M103 by
8:30am. The submission is to be stapled – no plastic sleeves or folders.
Total Marks: 15 (25% Weighting)

GT5.5 identifies, interprets, selects and applies graphics conventions,

standards and procedures in graphical communications

GT5.10 demonstrates responsible and safe work practices for self and others

Context: Students have been learning about orthographic and pictorial drawings and have been
engaged in presenting a variety of orthographic and pictorial drawings according to

Description of Use the drawing provided on Page 4 to complete the following:

Activity/ Task i) Produce an orthographic drawing in third-angle projection by hand, employing
Instructions aspects of AS1100. Ensure that your drawing includes the following:
- Present your orthographic drawing on A3 paper
- Scale 1:1
- Produce a fully dimensioned orthographic drawing
- Include a page border and title block
- Identify your drawing

ii) Reproduce the pictorial drawing in oblique projection by hand, employing

aspects of AS1100. Ensure that your drawing includes the following:
- Present your isometric drawing on A3 paper
- Scale 1:1
- Include a page border and title block
- Identify your drawing

Criteria for You will be assessed on how well you:

Learning ● Communicate ideas graphically

● Identify, interpret, select and apply AS1100 conventions

● Manage the development of your drawings

● Design and produce CAD drawings

All My Own By submitting this task I acknowledge that it is all my own work.
Work Where I have used the work of others in my task I have acknowledged this by
referencing the work that I have borrowed.
Year 9 Graphics Technology Assessment Task 2 Student Name: ________________________________________

Marking Criteria

Criteria for Assessing learning Levels of Achievement

Outcome A B C D E

GT5.5 10-9 8-7 6-5 4-3 2-1

identifies, interprets,
selects and applies Orthographic and Pictorial Orthographic and Sound use of AS1100 Limited evidence of Minimal use of AS1100
graphics conventions, drawing is highly detailed Pictorial drawing is aspects to produce clear AS1100 shown in conventions.
and accurate, employing detailed and accurate, Orthographic and Orthographic and Pictorial
standards and procedures
the necessary aspects of employing most aspects Pictorial drawings. drawings.
in graphical AS1100. of AS1100.

GT5.10 5 4 3 2 1
demonstrates responsible Excellent responsible and Good responsible and Sound responsible and Limited responsible and Minimal responsible and
and safe work practices safe work practices for safe work practices for safe work practices for safe work practices for safe work practices for
for self and others self and others self and others self and others self and others self and others

Year 9 Graphics Technology Assessment Task 2 Student Name: ________________________________________


GT5.5 5 4 3 2 1

GT5.10 10-9 8-7 6-5 4-3 2-1

TOTAL Marks 15 - 13 10 - 12 9-7 4-6 3-1


Signed: Date:


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