3) Eng Y7t3

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Good Samaritan Catholic College

Year 7 English Task 3 2022

Poetry Out Loud

Unit Poetry Out Loud

Task Type Listening, Reading and Writing Task

25% Presentation (15%) Creating/Responding (10%)

Date Due Wednesday 10th August, 2022 Term 3 Week 4

Hand In Your English teacher will create an assignment on your Google Classroom so that
Instructions you can submit your work online. Please note it is your responsibility to make sure that
your video/presentation is accessible by your teacher.

Outcomes A student:
EN4-2A: effectively uses a widening range of processes, skills, strategies and knowledge for
responding to and composing texts in different media and technologies
EN4-5C: thinks imaginatively, creatively, interpretively and critically about information, ideas and
arguments to respond to and compose texts.
EN4-7D: demonstrates understanding of how texts can express aspects of their broadening world
and their relationships within it
EN4-8D: identifies, considers and appreciates cultural expression in texts

Context In class, you have been studying different forms of poetry and viewed a number of slam
poets expressing their views and passion about current global issues. You have also
explored how language and performance techniques can be used to convey a valuable
message to an audience.

Task This task requires you to compose a two to three (2 - 3) minute video presentation on
Description the value of poetry.

Your video/iMovie presentation will have two parts:

1. Recite a slam poem that you have written on a topic that you have a keen interest
in (1 minute).
2. Discuss the value of poetry in relation to the stimulus quote (1-2 minutes).
Stimulus quote:
The value in poetry is that it stirs the soul and speaks to the
mind so we can understand the beauty we call life.

Part One: Composing and reciting your slam poem

Provide a sixty second (one minute) recitation of a slam poem created by you.
You must also submit a written copy of the poem on Google Classroom.

Your poem should be on a subject or topic that you have a keen interest in, and you feel
expresses the value of poetry.

Examples of topics may include:

● The importance of or experience of strong emotions
● Global issues such as homelessness/poverty, war, racism, disease
● An important relationship you have with a family member
● Your upbringing and/or cultural background

In your poem, you are strongly advised to include:

● Lines and stanzas
● A variety of language and poetic techniques/devices
● A combination of literal (exact meaning) and figurative language
● A clear and insightful message (linked to the value of poetry)
● Creative and original topic/ideas.

You can show yourself on video reading the poem, or use voiceover (your voice only, with

Poetic device resources (click for links):

E1/EC: Table of Techniques
Core: Table of Techniques
Structured: Table of Techniques

Part Two: Discussion of the value of poetry

In the final one to two (1-2) minutes of your presentation, you need to discuss the
following statement about poetry:

The value in poetry is that it stirs the soul and speaks to the mind so we
can understand the beauty we call life.

In your video presentation you must:

- Discuss the value of poetry in relation to the statement above
- Use examples and analysis to support your ideas from:
- a poem studied in class
- the slam poem of your own creation (the poem you read in part one)
- Use a range of multimodal elements, including but not limited to visual, audio and
written elements (such as direct narration from yourself, voiceover, videos,
images, newspaper headlines and articles, reviews, and animations).

Your presentation must NOT include more than sixty seconds (one minute) of other
videos, such as YouTube videos.

Criteria for You will be assessed on your ability to:

Assessment ● Identify and demonstrate knowledge of poetry and poetic techniques including
spoken word poems and ‘slam’ poetry.
● Explain the effectiveness of the poem in conveying a message through form and
poetic techniques.
● Write your own slam poem on a specific issue of your choice using ideas and
language features appropriate to this form.

All My Own By submitting this task I acknowledge that it is all my own work.
Work Where I have used the work of others in my task I have acknowledged this by referencing
the work that I have borrowed.
Year 7 English Task 3 2022

EN4-2A: effectively uses a widening range of processes, skills, strategies and knowledge for responding to
and composing texts in different media and technologies
EN4-5C: thinks imaginatively, creatively, interpretively and critically about information, ideas and arguments
to respond to and compose texts.

A ● Composes a highly engaging and original slam poem that skillfully expresses valuable or important
● Composes a highly engaging multimodal presentation that skilfully uses multimodal forms and
features appropriate to purpose, audience and form.

B ● Composes an engaging slam poem that effectively expresses valuable or important ideas
● Composes an engaging multimodal presentation that effectively uses multimodal forms and features
appropriate to purpose, audience and form.

C ● Composes a slam poem that competently expresses important or valuable ideas

● Composes a multimodal presentation that competently uses multimodal forms and features
appropriate to purpose, audience and form.

D ● Compose a slam poem that attempts to express ideas

● Attempts to compose a multimodal presentation that uses multimodal forms and features with some
appropriateness to purpose, audience and form.

E ● Attempts to compose a poem

● Attempts to compose a multimodal presentation with no response to the quote or the value of poetry

EN4-7D: demonstrates understanding of how texts can express aspects of their broadening world and their
relationships within it
EN4-8D: identifies, considers and appreciates cultural expression in texts

A ● Composes a skillful argument in response to the stimulus quote that highly effectively communicates
the value of poetry
● Demonstrates extensive knowledge of how the forms and features of poetry highlight its value, with
detailed reference to a class poem and slam poem of student’s own construction

B ● Composes an effective argument in response to the stimulus quote that effectively communicates
the value of poetry
● Demonstrates effective knowledge of how the forms and features of poetry highlight its value, with
detailed reference to a class poem and slam poem of student’s own construction

C ● Composes a sound argument in response to the stimulus quote that communicates the value of
● Demonstrates sound knowledge of how the forms and features of poetry highlight its value, with
reference to a class poem and slam poem of student’s own construction

D ● Composes an argument that communicates the value of poetry with little response to the stimulus
● Demonstrates some knowledge of the value of poetry, with some reference to a class poem and/or
slam poem of student’s own construction

E ● Attempts to compose an argument with little response to the value of poetry and the stimulus quote
● Attempts to highlight the value of poetry with little to no reference to a class poem or slam poem of
student’s own construction
Possible Scaffold For Your Video Presentation

Part One

Recite your 60 second slam poetry

Part Two

Introduce your main point

Why is poetry valuable and how is this
reflected in the stimulus quote?

Evidence - From your slam poem

- Use some techniques and quotes from
the slam poem you wrote and
- Can you connect some ideas from the
poem to the stimulus?

Evidence - From a poem studied in

- Use some techniques and quotes from
a poem you studied in class
- Can you connect some ideas from the
poem to the stimulus?

Summarise why poetry is valuable

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