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Configuring the after-sales service supply chain: A multiple case study

Article in International Journal of Production Economics · October 2007

DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpe.2007.02.009 · Source: RePEc


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3 authors, including:

Nicola Saccani Marco Perona

Università degli Studi di Brescia Università degli Studi di Brescia


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Int. J. Production Economics 110 (2007) 52–69

Configuring the after-sales service supply chain:

A multiple case study$
N. Saccania,, P. Johanssonb, M. Peronaa
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Brescia, Via Branze 38, 25123 Brescia, Italy
Department of Production Economics, Linköping Institute of Technology, Sweden
Available online 25 February 2007


After-sales service in firms manufacturing and selling durable goods has a strategic relevance in its potential contribution
to company profitability, customer retention and product development. This paper addresses the configuration of the
after-sales supply chain. Three configuration choices are analysed: The degree of vertical integration, the degree of
centralisation, and the decoupling of activities (i.e. how activities are decomposed and separated organisationally).
Exploratory case study research was performed over seven companies belonging to durable consumer goods industries.
The empirical findings show that configuration choices vary, suggesting that no ‘‘one best way’’ exists. Moreover, many
firms develop multiple configurations. Choices are influenced by drivers, including the attractiveness of the after-sales
business, the strategic priorities, the characteristics of the physical product and the services offered, and the configuration
of the manufacturing and distribution supply chain. The paper discusses how these drivers may lead to consistent
configuration choices, and how choices are related.
r 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: After-sales service; Supply chain configuration; Durable consumer goods; Case study

1. Introduction turnover of the original purchase (Wise and

Baumgartner, 1999). Moreover, accepting the claim
After-sales activities are acknowledged as a that returning customers are the most profitable
relevant source of revenue, profit and competitive ones, as they require less marketing effort and
advantage in most manufacturing industries. The relationship building, after-sales service acquires a
after-sales service market has been found to be up to critical role as a mean to achieve customer satisfac-
four or five times larger than the market for new tion and retention (Alexander et al., 2002). Finally,
products (Bundschuh and Dezvane, 2003). During after-sales activities may act as a lever to increase
the product life-cycle, after-sales services and spare the success rate when introducing new products
parts may generate more than three times the (Goffin and New, 2001; Goffin, 1999).
These premises may explain the change in the role
This work is part of a 2-year Italian research project, named of the after-sales function, traditionally seen only as
After-Sales Advanced Planning (ASAP;, a cost generator and as a ‘‘necessary evil’’ (Lele,
undertaken by five Italian universities.
Corresponding author. Tel.: +39 030 3715 723; 1997). The change is in favour of a view that
fax: +39 030 3702 448. considers after-sales as a source of competitive
E-mail address: (N. Saccani). advantage and business opportunity (Armistead

0925-5273/$ - see front matter r 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
N. Saccani et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 110 (2007) 52–69 53

and Clark, 1992). As a consequence, the strategic (downstream), or the suppliers (upstream). A
management of the after-sales business and opera- common trend in manufacturing, however, is to
tions should acquire a major role in manufacturing decrease vertical integration, by outsourcing activ-
firms. ities in order to focus on core competencies
The objective of this paper is to study the (Prahalad and Hamel, 1990). Nonetheless, outsour-
configuration of the after-sales supply chain for cing, as well as insourcing, presents costs and risks
durable consumer goods, focusing on three config- that should be contained (Quinn and Hilmer, 1994).
uration choices: Vertical integration, centralisation,
and decoupling of activities (i.e. how activities are 2.2. Centralisation of activities
decomposed and separated organisationally).
The next section of the paper provides a As pointed out by Christopher (1998), one
conceptual background about the configuration common kind of centralisation is that of inventories
choices analysed, and reviews specific literature and warehousing. The main reason behind the
about after-sales service. Section 3 presents the choice of many companies that centralise and close
research design and sample. Section 4 provides the national warehouses in favour of ones covering a
empirical evidence from seven case studies. Finally, larger region lies in the cost savings achieved by
Section 5 summarizes the main findings of this reducing capital tied in inventory, and by reducing
paper and proposes directions for future research. the number of locations. Nonetheless, the operating
and inventory cost savings that are attained through
2. Background centralisation should be traded off service perfor-
mance (such as response time), in order to operate a
The configuration of a supply chain refers to how choice consistent with the company objectives
it is designed with respect to the activities carried (Cohen and Lee, 1990). Especially for services,
out within it. Manufacturing strategy literature proximity to customers is a critical aspect, as the
(Hayes and Wheelwrigh, 1984; Hill, 1995; Bozarth customer is often participating in service produc-
and McDermott, 1998) as well as service strategy tion. Cho and Park (2003) investigate how electro-
literature (Schmenner, 1986; Chase and Hayes, nic commerce and other new technologies change
1991, 1992; Fitzsimmons and Fitzsimmons, 1998; this need for geographical accessibility, and find
Silvestro et al., 1992; Johansson and Olhager, 2006) that it depends upon the characteristics of the
address the issue of supply chain configuration. services (and goods) provided. Specifically, off-line
However, not much attention has been devoted service activities are found as the main reason to
specifically to the configuration of the after-sales provide customers with geographic accessibility.
supply chain (see Section 2.5). However, and quite surprisingly, on-line activities
Three configuration choices are analysed in this are also found to drive a need for closeness,
paper: (i) The degree of vertical integration of after- indicating that there seems to be a general
sales activities by the finished goods manufacturer, advantage of being close to customers.
(ii) the degree of centralisation of the resources and
actors that carry out the activities, and (iii) the 2.3. Decoupling of activities
decoupling of activities between and within different
organisations. In the following, they are addressed Decoupling is described by Chase and Tansik
from a conceptual point of view, and then literature (1983) as an act to separate activities of an
about after-sales service is discussed. organisation, physically or organisationally, and
placing them under separate supervision. When
2.1. Vertical integration activities are decoupled from each other, they are
carried out by different persons, or even by different
A firm is commonly positioned within a supply organisations, so that a handover of work is
chain, or value network. The level of vertical required (Zomerdijk et al., 2006).
integration refers to those parts of the value This concept, although with different nuances,
network that belong to the company. Increasing holds for manufacturing as well as for service
the level of vertical integration means to increase the processes. The definition of a decoupling point in
number of value chain activities performed intern- manufacturing and logistics allows us to classify
ally, thus expanding either towards the customers value-adding activities in terms of customer demand
54 N. Saccani et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 110 (2007) 52–69

information and clarify the need for different Earl and Khan (1994) classify after-sales as a
management approaches depending on whether business network process, since it has a direct impact
the activities are upstream or downstream of the on business performance and on the creation of
decoupling point (Wikner and Rudberg, 2005). In competitive advantage, and since it is carried out by
other words, activities downstream from the custo- different organisations. Activities may be carried
mer order decoupling point are executed after a out through alternative channels and actors or
customer order has been received, while activities through multiple channels and actors simulta-
upstream are executed before, and so with a certain neously. They might provide complementary ser-
degree of uncertainty with respect to the customer vices (e.g. field assistance and customer care) as well
action. Thus, the two sets of activities may be as competing ones (e.g. field assistance provided by
buffered, and goods stocked right before the sale points and repair centres, or by authorised and
decoupling point. unofficial assistance networks). Moreover, the
A similar view is adopted by service research. diffusion of Internet and other technologies ‘‘ex-
A common way to decouple in service organisations pands the number and variety of customer touch
is by separating the activities that require customer points and service delivery channels’’ (Hill et al.,
interaction (front office) from the ones that do not 2002), and, when looking at the supply chain
(back office), enhance specialisation in order to structure, makes the picture even more complex.
increase efficiency as well as to reduce delivery lead
time (Chase and Hayes, 1992). Metters and Vargas 2.5. Configuration of the after-sales supply chain
(2000) suggest that back-office activities are poten-
tial candidates for centralisation, since they are Hull and Cox (1994), and more recently Nordin
buffered from randomness. This view is paralleled (2005) state that there is little published academic
by the production-line approach to services (Levitt, research about after-sales services in manufacturing
1972; Bowen and Youngdahl, 1998). On the other contexts. Table 1 presents a list of papers dealing
hand, Hammer and Champy (1993) strongly criticise with the configuration of the after-sales service
a view of organisations structured around functions supply chain. They report results from empirical
with highly fragmented, task-oriented jobs in favour research and, in some cases, provide frameworks or
of one in which organisations are structured around guidelines for the supply chain configuration.
processes, with coupled activities and tasks. Papers dealing exclusively with the after-sales
strategy or the definition of the product-service
2.4. The after-sales services and supply chain offer, such as Levitt (1983), Lele (1986, 1997),
Frambach et al. (1997), Wise and Baumgartner
Levitt (1983) sees the initial sale of a product only (1999), Mathieu (2001), and Oliva and Kallenberg
as the start of a seller–buyer relationship, where a (2003), are not listed in Table 1, since they do not
relation or system contract lasting over long periods address the supply chain configuration. Moreover,
of time are the key to long-term profitability, and literature about optimisation policies for spare parts
thus making the after-sales function of a company inventory management has not been included in this
crucial. Various terms are used in literature for what review, since it deals with management techniques
here is named after-sales service. Goffin and New rather than with configuration of the after-sales
(2001) list, for example: Customer support, product supply chain.
support, technical support, and service. Several Three of the papers listed in Table 1 focus solely
definitions of after-sales service can be found in on the manufacturing organisation (Hull and Cox,
literature (Cohen and Lee, 1990; Ehinlanwo and 1994; Zackariasson and Wilson, 2004; Brax, 2005),
Zairi, 1996; Loomba, 1996; Asugman et al., 1997; without explicitly addressing the configuration
Boyt and Harvey, 1997; Urbaniak, 2001; Johansson choices described in the previous paragraphs.
and Olhager, 2004). Building on these definitions A first set of papers focuses on the level of vertical
and keeping a general and comprehensive perspec- integration in the provision of the field technical
tive, we say that the after-sales services for assistance (Armistead and Clark, 1991; Loomba,
manufactured goods encompass the set of activities 1996, 1998; Goffin, 1999; Nordin, 2005; Amini
taking place after the purchase of the product, et al., 2005). According to these authors, different
devoted to supporting customers in the usage and drivers influence the choice of the after-sales
disposal of goods. support channel and the level of vertical integration:
N. Saccani et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 110 (2007) 52–69 55

Table 1
A review of literature on after-sales service supply chain configuration

Author(s) Empirical research Main topics Main aspects/findings

Cohen and Lee Two case studies Spare parts distribution Policies for improving control are identified (stock
(1990) (automotive and network: Configuration and pooling, analysis of demand and lead time
mainframes) management uncertainty, grouping of parts, integrated
information systems)
Armistead and Five case studies Vertical integration of product Volumes and required in-house control influence
Clark (1991) (computer, consumer support activities (after-sales the choice of the structure and vertical integration
goods, capital goods, distribution channels) of the after-sales service delivery organisation. The
white goods) product life cycle also influences the after-sales
support activities configuration
Hull and Cox Six case studies After-sales organisational Emphasis on organisational issues, such as the
(1994) (consumer electronics) structure, management inter-functional relationships inside the
information systems, spare manufacturing organisation, or the centralisation
parts management in the of decision-making
manufacturing organisation
Loomba (1996, Case studies (computer Vertical integration of product (1) Relationship between sales and after-sales
1998) industry) (Loomba, support activities (after-sales distribution channels (indirect vs. direct).(2)
1996). Survey (393 distribution channels) Relationship between product substitutability
computer industry firms) (‘‘commodity’’ vs. ‘‘specialty’’) and after-sales
(Loomba, 1998) distribution channels (indirect vs. direct)
Cohen et al. (1997) Survey of 14 companies Benchmark analysis of spare (1) Distribution network structures are often a
in the computer, parts logistics operations and legacy of past decisions. Rationalisation process,
consumer electronics and performance through the reduction of the number of echelons
mechanical industries and stock locations.(2) Importance of defining
proper (internal and customer-oriented)
performance measures.(3) The adoption of
advanced inventory managements methodologies
leads to significant benefits in the cost-service
Goffin (1999) Five case studies Vertical integration of product Five types of distribution channels identified.
(telecommunications, support activities (after-sales Drivers are: (1) sales channel configuration, (2)
automotive, vending distribution channels) product characteristics, (3) desire to earn revenue
machines, aircraft, directly, (4) control over service quality, and (5)
household appliances) costs of creating direct distribution channels
Cohen et al. (2000) One case study Spare parts distribution Collaboration practice with retailers and supply
(automotive) network: Configuration and chain perspective are the main reasons for the high
management level of effectiveness reached by Saturn spare parts
distribution network. A framework is proposed
relating the degree of centralisation with the service
Zackariasson and One case study Role of information technology Impact on the quality of service provision and on
Wilson (2004) (industrial equipment) in after-sales services the after-sales organisation
Brax (2005) One case study Service infusion in the offer of a Analysis of the internal organisational challenges
(industrial equipment) manufacturer (service design,
product-service mix)
Nordin (2005) Five case studies Vertical integration of product Influence of product complexity, market (business
(mechanical, software, support activities (after-sales vs. consumer), profit contribution. ‘‘Maladjusted’’
hardware, consumer distribution channels). configuration of the after-sales support supply
goods) Contracting, ordering and chain are compensated through governance
expediting activities are mechanisms or increased internal expertise
Amini et al. (2005) One case study Design of reverse logistics and Mathematical modelling allows to suggest design
(diagnostic equipment) repair service operations: (a) options that minimise inventory costs or that
number, location of spare parts achieve cycle time objectives. These should be
warehouses and inventory levels traded off existing constraints and traditions.
and (b) number, location of
repair centres and allocation of
customers to repair centres
56 N. Saccani et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 110 (2007) 52–69

The service volumes and the required level of (in- consumer goods industries). Since the after-sales
house) control (Armistead and Clark, 1991); the service function, at least in multinational compa-
existing sales distribution channel(s) and the pro- nies, is often a strategic business unit dealing with
duct substitutability (Loomba, 1996, 1998); the the configuration and management of field service
desire to earn direct revenue through after-sales, provision, spare parts distribution, and customer
the cost of creating direct distribution channels, and care, there is a need to consider all of these activities
the required degree of control over customer simultaneously. In addition, the configuration of
support quality (Goffin, 1999). Nordin (2005) customer care in after-sales services seems to be
observes that the above factors may give ambiguous neglected in empirical research, although research
or contradictory suggestions, leading to choices that exists on the organisation of call centres (e.g. Zapf,
are ‘‘maladjusted’’ in some ways. Firms try to 2004), but with no specific reference to after-sales.
compensate for maladjustments by increasing inter- Thirdly, only a few frameworks (Armistead and
nal resources and competence, or by reinforcing Clark, 1991; Cohen et al., 2000) or conceptual
governance mechanisms. Amini et al. (2005), generalisations (Nordin, 2005) exist for the config-
instead, propose a model for defining the number, uration of after-sales services, but they are bounded
location and customer coverage of a network of to a specific decision and a specific activity.
field assistance units, in the case of a diagnostic Therefore, the need arises for research that adopts
equipment manufacturer. a systemic view of the after-sales activities and
The second group of papers (Cohen and Lee, which is oriented to building theories and frame-
1990; Cohen et al., 1997, 2000; Amini et al., 2005) works for the configuration of the after-sales service
deals with spare parts management and distribution and supply chain. We believe this kind of research
networks. Cohen et al. (2000) propose a framework about after-sales for manufactured goods to be still
in which a decentralised structure matches a high at a preliminary stage, although some valuable
service criticality (e.g. reducing response time), contribution can be found in the above quoted
while a centralised structure matches a situation works: Thus, an exploratory case study research is
with low service criticality. They describe the case of the empirical methodology adopted in this study.
Saturn, an automotive company that achieved the
highest spare parts availability and customer loyalty 3. Research design and sample
in the industry. Amini et al. (2005) develop a
decision support model, in order to identify the The research design is based on multiple case
number and location of spare parts warehouses, as studies. Due to the exploratory purpose of the
well as inventory levels, that minimise inventory research, case studies constitute an appropriate
costs in the analysed case. methodology (Yin, 1994). Moreover, case studies
From the picture drawn, it is possible to observe allow the study of phenomena in their context.
that the configuration of the supply chain specifically Therefore, a systemic perspective can be adopted
for the after-sales is treated sparsely in literature. over the different configuration decisions in the
Some considerations may be added. Firstly, most different areas addressed by this study. Case study
works focus on a single decision and on a single research, thus, allows for a richer knowledge of
after-sales activity (e.g. the level of vertical integra- issues associated with the configuration decisions
tion of the execution of field technical support or the than would have been possible through a quantita-
degree of centralisation of the spare parts distribu- tive approach (Nordin, 2005). A rather large
tion network), rarely addressing many decisions at number of cases are needed in order to observe
the same time (except Amini et al., 2005). Moreover, differences in the studied phenomena (Eisenhardt,
the choice of the decoupling of activities has not 1989), particularly for configuration decisions,
been addressed yet, or presented simply as a result of allowing for multiple options for each choice.
choices concerning the level of vertical integration The sample is composed of seven companies
more than a design decision in itself. operating in the consumer market, and belonging to
A second point is that the works analysed do not the household appliances, heating, power tools and
consider the after-sales as a business, consisting of consumer electronics industries. The sample com-
several activities, such as field assistance network, panies cover different degrees of product complex-
spare parts management, and customer care (typical ity, and vary in term of firm size and after-sales
and critical after-sales activities at least in durable strategy.
N. Saccani et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 110 (2007) 52–69 57

Consistently with the systemic perspective logical instrument used in the empirical research.
adopted in this paper, three main after-sales service For each company, nine choice–activity crossings
activities, critical in consumer industries, are ad- were analysed, with a total of 63 crossings over the
dressed in the case studies. First is field technical entire sample. Moreover, considering the seven
assistance (FTA), encompassing installation, repairs companies and the three after-sales activities, 21
(warranty work and out-of-warranty repairs), different supply chain configurations were analysed
check-up, and product disposal. More precisely, in this work.
the research focuses on the structure of the Data collection focused on research variables
authorised network (i.e. the service units authorised describing the company, its after-sales unit, and the
by the manufacturer to repair products under after-sales supply chain configuration: In particular,
warranty). The second activity is spare parts the issues of vertical integration, degree of centra-
distribution (SPD), responsible for inventory man- lisation and decoupling of tasks were explored for
agement, delivery of spare parts, direct and reverse each after-sales activity. Case studies were per-
flows, and customer order management. The third is formed through semi-structured interviews, a de-
customer care (CC), providing technical and com- tailed questionnaire (available from the authors
mercial information and services such as product upon request), direct observation (e.g. warehouse
registration, warranty extension and complaint tours), and the analysis of secondary sources (such
management to end users. as company documentation, corporate websites,
For each activity, the supply chain configuration specialised press). Informants included the after-
is analysed through the three configuration choices sales managing director, the manager(s) in charge
described in Section 2: Vertical integration, centra- for after-sales in Italy, the spare parts warehouse
lisation, and decoupling of activities. Table 2 and material planning managers, and the customer
couples the three after-sales activities with the three care manager. Using several informants and differ-
configuration choices, and represents the methodo- ent data sources allowed for triangulation to check

Table 2
After-sales activities and configuration choices analysed in the empirical research

Field technical assistance (FTA) Spare parts distribution (SPD) Customer care (CC)

Vertical integration
Decoupling of activities

Table 3
Research sample

Company 1 Company 2 Company 3 Company 4 Company 5 Company 6 Company 7

Corporate revenue 2400 5900 168 956 262 68 36000

(h in million)
Analysed business(es) Power tools Small Wall hung White goods; White goods White goods Audio–video
(professional appliances; boilers floor care and
and DIY), white goods small
garden tools appliances
Revenue in Italy N.A. 1640 78 240 108 39 255
(analysed businesses;
h in million)
Role of Italian site Subsidiary Headquarters Headquarters Headquarters Headquarters Headquarters Subsidiary
After-sales employees 24 51 100 89 51 9 15
in Italy
After-sales turnover in 5 1.6 6.7 2.6 4.1 1.9 2
Italy (% of sales
turnover in Italy)
58 N. Saccani et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 110 (2007) 52–69

the internal consistency of data (Voss et al., 2002). Only Company 1 does not outsource FTA, and
The analysis consisted then of data reduction, data makes 60% of warranty work in-house (in its
display (Miles and Hubermann, 1994), and cross- centralised repair shop). The choice reveals a focus
case comparisons, to identify the main differences on service quality and is favoured by the product
and common behaviours among companies (Yin, characteristics (power tools can be repaired off-site
1994). Table 3 describes the sample companies: and are transportable at low cost, compared to their
They are identified by numbers from 1 to 7 to value). Nonetheless, Company 1 has a number of
preserve their anonymity. repair and collection points on the Italian soil.
The degree of control over the outsourced
4. Case findings network varies across the sample. Firms might
resort to franchising contracts (Company 3 with 138
A description of the studied companies and their repair centres), or exclusive, monobrand, agree-
configuration choices is provided in Appendix A. ments (Company 5 with 40% of its repair centres
Fig. 1 summarises the case findings, for the three and Company 3 with 41% of the 591 first-tier repair
activities and the configuration choices analysed, centres). Aiming at product and service differentia-
according to the methodological framework pro- tion, these companies craft tight relationships with
vided in Table 2. Fig. 1 positions each company the authorised repair centres. This choice might
(identified by a number) in a continuum between the increase the costs related to the training and control
two opposite options for each choice and for each of the network, but seems consistent with the after-
activity. In order to obtain a synthetic visualisation sales strategy of the two companies. In the case of
of the positioning of companies, a few main data Company 5, it allows to preserve the image related
have been retained. For the vertical integration with differentiated high-end, premium-price white
decision, Fig. 1 shows the degree of outsourcing of goods, and in the case of Company 3, to keep a
the execution of each activity, and the degree of higher share of a quite attractive after-sales business
control over the outsourced activities (only for through its authorised (and high quality) assistance
FTA). Moreover, the degree of centralisation of network. On the other hand, the desire to reduce
activities (at a European, national, or local level) is control cost, leads Company 7 (and, to a different
represented in Fig. 1. Finally, for the decoupling degree, Company 3) to de-verticalise FTA, organis-
decision, the number of decoupling points or ing the network in two-tiers, and transferring
handovers needed in order to execute the activity control activities to a group of first-tier repair
are given. In this way, a profiling of companies is centres.
obtained, hereafter discussed. Finally, more complex product or service activ-
ities, requiring specific training and/or equipment,
4.1. Cross-case analysis by after-sales activity determine the decoupling of repair activities (Com-
panies 1 and 7) in order to optimise resource
4.1.1. Field technical assistance utilisation. In particular, Company 7 relies on a
Although configuration choices vary in the two-tier network with diversified skills. In the case
sample, as shown in Fig. 1, it is possible to identify of Company 1, instead, the repair centres own only
a set of companies (i.e. company 2, 4, and 6) with a partially the skills to fix products, which in turn
similar profile. It is characterised by outsourcing might be sent to the central repair shop. In both
FTA to repair centres serving also competitors’ cases, the actual level of decoupling depends on the
brands, decentralisation and low decoupling. Com- kind of product and the point of contact between
mon features for these companies are a relatively the end customer and the after-sales supply chain.
standard and mature product, a relatively simple or
standard service activity, a medium to low substitu- 4.1.2. Spare parts distribution
tion-to-repair cost ratio, a generally low attractive- Spare parts inventories are kept both at a
ness of the after-sales business, and a strategy centralised level by the manufacturer, and by repair
oriented to reduce fixed costs of service execution, centres at a local level. While most companies rely
while keeping a proximity to customers. Moreover, on a two-level SPD network, the wish to reduce
all sample companies de-centralise FTA, although inventory costs led Company 7 to a one-level
to a different degree, to ensure proximity to distribution structure, resorting to fast deliveries to
customers through local contact points. achieve a 48 h delivery lead time. In the case of
N. Saccani et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 110 (2007) 52–69 59

Field technical assistance (FTA) Spare parts distribution (SPD) Customer care (CC)

Sourcing of service provision: Sourcing of shipments: Sourcing of call centre activities:

1 2,3,4,5,6,7 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 3, 4, 5, 6 1 2, 7
Vertical integration

Insourced Both Outsourced Insourced Both Outsourced Insourced Both Outsourced

Degree of control over outsourced
Sourcing of warehousing activities:
3, 5, 7 1 2, 4, 6 3, 7 2,6 4, 5 1, 3, 7
Tight Loose De-verticalised Insourced Both Outsourced
Ownership of inventories:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Manufacturer Both Cus tomers

Repair activities are centralised at a: Spare part inventories are centralised at a: Call centre activities are centralised at:
1 5,6,7 4,2 3 6, 7 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (all) 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 1
European Nation Local European National Local European National Local
level al level level level level level level level
of activities

N. of handovers in product collection / N. of decoupling points N. of decoupling points (handovers) in call

repair / delivery: in spare parts distribution: centre activities:
3, 4, 5, 6 2 1, 7 6, 7 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 7 2, 6 3, 4, 5
Zero One Two or more Zero One Two Zero One Two

Fig. 1. Summary of findings.

Company 6, the choice is due to low volumes advice. Company 1, instead, separated an out-
outside Italy. Moreover, local stocks (only of high sourced call centre for basic information from an
rotation parts) are kept by repair centres in all cases, insourced one for technical support: Along with
but they are not visible or controlled by the efficiency, this solution is meant to reduce response
manufacturers, nor visible to other repair centres. time for professional users of Company 1’s pro-
Among execution activities, shipments are out- ducts, which may directly address the technical
sourced by all companies, warehousing (at least phone number (which also generates revenue for
partially) by five out of seven, showing an orienta- Company 1). No company adopted a more cen-
tion to cut fixed costs of non-core activities. tralised choice for call centre, for instance, of a
European-based one.
4.1.3. Customer care
Customer care activities are also executed at 4.2. Cross-case analysis by configuration choice
different levels: Through a national centralised call
centre, through the manufacturer’s website and 4.2.1. Vertical integration
through the local repair centres that provide Table 4 summarizes the decisions concerning
technical information to customers. All companies vertical integration across the different activities.
resort to all the three channels: Nonetheless, the We notice that companies tend to outsource the
variety and personalisation of the service offer, and execution of activities, except for the call centre
the wish to keep customer contact influence the way insourced in a number of cases (Companies 1, 3, 4, 5
they are organised. Companies 2 and 7 outsource and 6). Company 7 is the most prone to outsourcing,
call centre activities, which are oriented to provide in order to cut fixed and control costs, the latter
basic services. Companies 3, 4 and 5 provide also through the de-verticalisation of the field assistance
technical support through the central call centre, network. Company 1, on the other hand, adopts a
thus resorting to insourcing and decoupling activ- focused mix of insourcing/outsourcing option. Ser-
ities in order to maximise efficiency. In these cases, a vice quality is considered a strategic priority; there-
first automated level addresses the customer directly fore, repair volumes are largely insourced, as well as
to the closest repair centre, a second level of the provision of technical support and advice to
employees provides basic and commercial informa- customer through a specialised call centre, while less
tion, and acts as a filter towards the third level of value-added activities (e.g. warehousing, general call
specialists, who provide technical support and centre) are outsourced. The main difference amongst
60 N. Saccani et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 110 (2007) 52–69

the other companies seems related to the importance efficiency seemed to justify these choices. To reach
attributed to brand differentiation and customer effectiveness as well, fast deliveries are adopted in
contact. Company 3, for instance, keeps close order to shorten spare parts delivery times, and
control of a subset of centres through franchising advanced services are offered through the web
and exclusive agreements, to enhance service quality rather than through call centres.
and brand image. The importance of customer
contact is paralleled by the recent internalisation of 4.2.3. Decoupling of activities
the call centre. Similarities can be found in the Table 6 analyses the decoupling of activities,
configuration choices of Company 5. showing the number of stages of material flows,
involving different actors, and the number of hand-
4.2.2. Centralisation overs inside and between organisations that are
The execution of activities is, in all cases, pursued requested to perform activities. The choice, therefore,
at a local level. FTA is provided by a number of is strictly interrelated with the decisions regarding
repair centres in Italy going from tens to over 1000; vertical integration (and, to a lesser extent, centralisa-
spare part inventories are held (also) by local repair tion). However, other factors help in explaining the
centres and CC is provided (also) at a local level by differences found in case companies. First of all,
the repair centres. As shown by Table 5, at the same product characteristics influence material flows and
time, a more centralised structure exists, in parti- skills requested by the FTA units in order to support
cular for SPD and CC. In the case of FTA, this the product, thus the decoupling of field technical
happens only for Company 1, which centralises the assistance execution. In the case of SPD, the number
majority of field technical assistance volumes, spare of decoupling points depends directly on the structure
part inventories and call centre activities at a of the distribution network. Finally, for call centres,
national level. Company 7 is oriented to centralisa- the decoupling depends on the complexity and
tion, as shown by the one-level structure of the variability of services offered: Technical support
spare part distribution systems to reduce inventory provided by specialist may be decoupled from general
costs. Structuring the field technical assistance information, provided by generalists, who also filter
provision to two levels, on the other hand, allows requests to the next level (see Zapf, 2004). No
Company 7 to ensure customer proximity. At the handovers are found for Company 7, relying only
same time, some physical activities are ‘‘centralised’’ on a generalist level, and Company 1, that parallelises
at the first-tier repair centres in order to optimise resources, with one call centre focused on the
resource utilisation. The objective of increasing generalist and another on the specialist level.

Table 4
Cross-case analysis of vertical integration choices

Execution of activities is: Field technical assistance (FTA) Spare parts distribution (SPD) Customer care (CC)

Insourced 3, 4, 5, 6
Both 1 2, 4, 5, 6 1
Outsourced with enforced control 3, 5
outsourced 2, 4, 6 1, 3, 7 2, 7
de-verticalised 3, 7

Table 5
Cross-case analysis of centralisation choices

Execution of activities is centralised at a Field technical assistance Spare parts distribution (SPD) Customer care (CC)
geographical level: (FTA)

European (+ local) 6, 7
National (+ local) 1 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Local (decentralised) 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
N. Saccani et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 110 (2007) 52–69 61

Table 6
Cross-case analysis of decoupling choices

No. of decoupling points in the Field technical assistance Spare parts distribution (SPD) Customer care (CC)
execution of activities (FTA)

0 3, 4, 5, 6 6, 7 1, 7
0 to 1 2 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 2, 6
0 to 2 or more 1, 7 3, 4, 5

4.3. Discussion to warranty regulations. FTA under warranty by

definition creates losses for manufacturing compa-
The cross-case analysis suggests observations on a nies, while FTA after the warranty period does not
number of aspects, hereafter discussed. provide high margins for medium-to-low value
products as most of those analysed are, with a
4.3.1. Variation of configuration choices decreasing trend in the substitution-to-repair cost
No shared configuration choice among the whole ratio. That explains the common choice of out-
sample exists, except for two choice–activity cross- sourcing FTA, consistent with Nordin’s (2005)
ings, sourcing of shipments and centralisation of proposition. Company 1, instead, seeing business
call centre activities. Moreover, no company con- and strategic interest in the FTA, configures the
figuration profile completely overlaps with another, supply chain (through insourcing and centralisa-
meaning that no equal configurations exist. This tion) in order to make it profitable or at least self-
strongly suggests that no one best way in configuring sustaining.
an after-sales supply chain exists, but rather choices Finally the sale of spare parts provides higher
are influenced by drivers such as product, service margins for the manufacturers, that in all cases
and market characteristics, as well as strategic decide to act as intermediaries in the spare part
priorities. Nonetheless, in all activities, common business, producing and buying spares from suppli-
trends might be pointed out, which may help in ers and selling them to the authorised repair centres,
understanding in which way those drivers influence but also to wholesalers, shops and generic repair
choices. Finally, the fact that no company adopts centres.
the same configuration choices consistently across
activities suggests that the specificity of after-sales 4.3.3. Role of strategic drivers
activities prevails in determining choices over the Case findings suggest that the strategic orienta-
overall strategic orientation of the company. Partial tion of manufacturing companies acts as a major
exceptions are Company 7, which outsources the driver in determining their configuration choices.
execution of all the three activities, and Company 1, One quite popular strategic priority is to reduce
which is oriented to centralise all activities at a the costs connected with the execution of service
national level. Those companies are able to act activities. This leads to an outsourcing choice,
consistently at least in one configuration choice pursued consistently across activities by Company
across the three activities. 7. In addition, the desire to reduce control costs
over the outsourced execution led Companies 3 and
4.3.2. After-sales business attractiveness 7 to de-verticalise the network executing FTA in
As suggested by Wise and Baumgartner (1999) two tiers, delegating control activities to a subgroup
and Goffin (1999), the relevance of the after-sales of repair centres. Armistead and Clark (1991)
business as a revenue and profit generator might suggested that an outsourcing choice might be
influence configuration choices, in particular with favoured by high and geographically dispersed
respect to vertical integration. The figures presented service volumes, and that the outsourcing choice
in Table 3, shows a low relevance of the after-sales reaches higher cost reduction in the case of
business for most companies, with the exception of consumer products, with respect to capital goods.
Companies 1 and 3, for which after-sales overcomes A second strategic objective pursued by some
5% of the total turnover. On the other hand, for all companies (in particular 1, 3 and 5) concerns the
companies, the provision of FTA is mandatory due focus on service quality, or brand differentiation.
62 N. Saccani et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 110 (2007) 52–69

When the main mission of after-sales business is to power tools, and consumer electronics products),
sustain brand image, customer satisfaction and thus allowing for decoupling and centralisation of
customer loyalty in the long term, in-house control activities. In the sample companies, this actually
of the execution of activities may be suitable happens for complex products and/or products that
(Armistead and Clark, 1991). This is shown in may require particular skills or equipment for the
particular by Company 1, insourcing 60% of FTA diagnostic activity, as for Companies 1 and 7.
volumes, and by Companies 3 and 5, which adopt
enforced control mechanisms (such as franchising 4.3.5. Role of service-related drivers
and exclusive agreements) with the third party Besides the role of potential profitability of after-
providers of FTA. These companies also propose sales services, discussed above, intrinsic character-
technical support and advice through call centres, istics of the services influence configuration choices.
which are insourced at least at the specialist level. The service volumes or intensity over time
These choices may trade-off the increasing operat- impacts on configuration choices. Mature products
ing costs suffered by the after-sales business unit in tend to have higher reliability, and therefore FTA
the short term with increased market share on new requirements would be low. Contrary to what is
products (and consequently, revenue from after- stated by Nordin (2005), this factor seems to lead
sales) in the long term. sample companies to outsource FTA, as suggested
Finally, the desire to ensure customer proximity by Armistead and Clark (1991). Moreover, low
for products that need on-site service, leads service volumes per product are coupled with
companies to decentralise the execution of activities: product with high substitutability and high diffu-
As pointed out earlier, all activities and services, in sion among end customers (in particular white
fact, are provided (also) at a local level by goods and audio/video products). These factors also
outsourced resources. Quite surprisingly, though, influence the degree of decentralisation of FTA, and
no cost-service optimisation model (such as the one the opportunity to resort to non-exclusive (multi-
proposed by Amini et al., 2005) or policy was brand) repair centres.
developed by the sample companies in order to The degree of customisation as well as the degree
design or assess the network facilities for FTA and of variation in the execution of services (Schmenner,
CC (number and localisation of resources), rather 1986 and 2004) is another aspect that needs
based on tradition and on an evaluation of consideration. The more standardised a service is,
economic sustainability for the service provider. the less the need for interaction and for especially
For the SPD network design, manufacturers tend to skilled service employees. This may explain the
evaluate their inventory costs (Cohen et al., 1997), (relative) centralisation of SPD and the outsourcing
but an overall evaluation of the supply chain of its execution activities, as well as the orientation
inventory costs is not undertaken. to insource call centre activities when specialised
technical advice is provided. On the other hand,
4.3.4. Role of product-related drivers FTA although with a high degree of variation, is in
Product characteristics may provide support to most cases a labour-intensive activity. This also
the configuration choices adopted by the sample justifies decentralisation. In CC, the level of auto-
companies. First of all, product substitutability is mation and interaction changes according to the
high across the sample, and most products are kind of service (contact with the closest repair
relatively simple or at least standardised. Thus, the centre, general information, technical information),
choice of outsourcing FTA respects previous find- and the configuration choices regarding vertical
ings in literature (see Nordin, 2005). Moreover, integration and decoupling vary accordingly. The
white goods such as washing machines or refrig- higher the customisation, the higher the option of
erators, as well as wall hung boilers, need on-site insourcing, while outsourced, automated or alter-
intervention (because of their size and weight) and native channels (e.g. the Internet) are adopted for
have relatively simple and standardised technologies. standard services in order to reduce operating costs.
Therefore, simple but bulky products support low-
decoupling FTA. The collection activity may be 4.3.6. Relation with distribution and sales supply
separated (e.g. sales points act as collection points) chain
for products that are easily transportable and do not For all case companies, products are sold to the
require on-site intervention (e.g. small appliances, end customer through intermediaries, mainly retail
N. Saccani et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 110 (2007) 52–69 63

chains. SPD is managed similarly to product creased internal resources and competencies or
distribution, although often not jointly (different reinforced governance mechanisms. The crafting of
locations, different customers). As posited by multiple configurations, indeed, emerges as another
Loomba (1998) and Nordin (2005) to an indirect way firms ‘‘adjust’’ their after-sales supply chain.
sales distribution channel, may correspond an
indirect after-sales distribution channel. As a matter 4.3.8. Relation among configuration choices
of fact, our sample companies have outsourced and A variety of configuration choices has been
decentralised sales activities (to the end customer) as observed across the sample, and an analysis of
well as outsourced and decentralised FTA, with the factors influencing those choices was proposed.
exception of Company 1. Nonetheless, for CC and Nonetheless, interrelations among choices seem to
SPD direct (insourced) and centralised channels are be suggested by the empirical evidence collected.
adopted at least partially in the sample. First of all, it is possible to notice that when the
execution of activities is insourced by firms, it is
4.3.7. Just one configuration or many? centralised at least at a national level (Company 1
As illustrated in the cross-case analysis, multiple for FTA, several companies for CC and SPD). On
options for each configuration choice exist, with the other hand, decentralised activities are always
different intermediate levels (or ‘‘shades of grey’’) outsourced in the case studies. This relation might
between the two extremes. Moreover, firms tend to be explained with the need by manufacturing firms
adopt different options at the same time, building to reach economies of scale in order to accept to
‘‘multiple’’ configurations. Examples are the co- incur in the fixed costs required by insourcing. So it
existence of insourced and outsourced FTA (Com- may be suggested that activities are insourced when
pany 1), the coupling of de-verticalisation and they at the same time: (i) require specific skills (e.g.
enforced control towards different groups of repair they are subject to variation and/or customisation),
centres (Company 3), the coupling of centralisation (ii) are considered of strategic importance (e.g. for
and decentralisation concerning SPD (spare parts customer satisfaction or for keeping the relation
inventories at a local and a central level, in all cases) with the customer), and (iii) allow for centralisation.
and CC (customer care provided by the national call In other cases, efficiency objectives prevail, leading
centre and by the local repair centres), the to outsourcing (and decentralisation) choices. Fi-
contemporary presence of low and high decoupling nally, decoupling of activities is used as a way to
in FTA (Companies 1 and 7) and CC (Companies 3, optimise resource utilisation in complex services
4, and 5). These dual choices can be interpreted as a (e.g. specialised CC), or as a way to reduce response
way adopted by companies to respond to conflicting time (for SPD).
product, service, market or strategic drivers, which
suggest opposite solutions for configuring the 5. Conclusions
supply chain. In addition, multiple configurations
could respond to the need to serve different Practitioners and researchers agree that after-
customer segments, with different priorities and sales services should cover a major role in manu-
behaviours. Therefore, while product factors and facturing firms, for profitability and customer
strategic priorities enable, for instance, Company 1 retention potential. Therefore, the design of the
to adopt an insourced and centralised FTA, the after-sales supply chain is of strategic value.
need for customer proximity is satisfied by a The empirical evidence presented in this paper
(relatively small) outsourced and decentralised net- suggests that no one best way exists in configuring
work. The same company insources the call centre the after-sales supply chain. A contingency ap-
activity for the provision of a highly specialised proach is adopted by companies, based on multiple
service, while outsourcing it for the provision of an factors, such as the product characteristics (sub-
unspecialised one. Similar explanation may be stitutability, complexity, life-cycle), the company
found for other companies’ choices. after-sales strategy (e.g. focus on differentiation,
The presence of ambiguous or contradictory service quality or cost), the service characteristics
internal and external factors influencing the supply (intensity and customisation) and the product
chain configuration has been observed by Nordin distribution supply chain. All the factors listed
(2005), who proposed that firms tend to adjust above determine the choice that would optimise a
‘‘maladjusted’’ channel structure either with in- trade-off between cost and service performance.
64 N. Saccani et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 110 (2007) 52–69

Differently from previous research works, this configuration. In particular, Section 4.3 provides
paper analyses jointly field technical assistance suggestions to managers in order to understand if
provision and spare parts distribution, as well as the configuration choices are consistent with inter-
the configuration of customer care activities. We nal and external contextual factors.
believe this comprehensive perspective is required to The findings of this paper, however, are derived
truly understand the after-sales supply chain con- from a limited number of cases, and relations among
figuration, both empirically and conceptually. different factors and configuration choices are
A set of drivers influencing configuration choices provided on a qualitative basis: A broader empirical
and their relation have been analysed: Among the research will help in transforming those suggestions
results, it is suggested that insourcing is adopted by into a normative model. Finally, future research
sample companies only for complex and/or custo- should address the issue raised by this paper on the
mised services which are considered to be of costs and benefits related to the management of
strategic importance and which are possible to multiple supply chain configurations.
centralise. Finally, the case analysis shows the
presence of multiple supply chain configuration Acknowledgements
choices (and thus multiple supply chains) adopted
by each company in order to respond to conflicting The authors acknowledge the financial support
requests related to different contextual factors. received from the Italian Ministry of the University,
The quite varied sample suggests a possible Scientific Research and Technology (MIUR). The
generalisation of our findings to all the durable authors also wish to thank the anonymous referees
consumer goods industries. The systemic view of the for their valuable suggestions.
after-sales business for durable consumer goods,
including the configuration choices, the relation Appendix A
between activities, and the influence of a set of
drivers, can be of help to managers in charge of In the following, the case companies and their
after-sales operations in order to configure a supply configuration choices are described, also with the
chain from scratch or in order to assess its present help of Tables A1–A3.

Table A1
Field technical assistance (in Italy) in the case companies

Company 1 Company 2 Company 3 Company 4 Company 5 Company 6 Company 7

Vertical integration Sourcing of Outosurced Outsourced Outsourced Outsourced Outsourced Outsourced Outsourced
technical assistance except one
owned repair
Number of 3 0 240 72 72 0 20
repair centres
Control activities Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer (for Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer
(e.g. performance 1st tier) and (for 1st tier) and
measurement) franchising centres 1st tier centres
(for 2nd tier) (for 2nd tier)

Centralisation Number of repair 37 439 Around 1600 344 180 148 Around 160
Additional points Sales points In some cases No other points Rarely sales Rarely sales Rarely sales Rarely
(or actors) of sales points points points points salespoints
product collection

Decoupling Number of stages 1–2 1 1 1 1 1 1–2

in product flows
Decoupling of Depending on No decoupling No decoupling of No decoupling No decoupling No decoupling Physical
collection-repair- the collection of execution execution of execution of execution of execution activities may be
delivery activities point of the activities activities activities activities activities decoupled
product among the two
tiers depending
on the product
N. Saccani et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 110 (2007) 52–69 65

Table A2
Spare parts distribution network in the case companies

Company 1 Company 2 Company 3 Company 4 Company 5 Company 6 Company 7

Vertical Ownership of Company 1 Company 2 Company 3 Company 4 Company 5 Company 6 Company 7

integration inventories (at the
central warehouse)
Sourcing of Outsourced Outsourced Outsourced Outsourced Outsourced Outsourced Outsourced
Sourcing of Outsourced Insourced Outsourced Partially Partially Insourced Outsourced
warehousing outsourced outsourced
activities (Italian

Centralisation Central warehouse Germany Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy UK

Regional Italy and UK, UK and UK, Belgium No No
warehouses other France and others France and and others
(Europe) countries others others
Are assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
centres stocking

Table A3
Customer care in the case companies

Company 1 Company 2 Company 3 Company 4 Company 5 Company 6 Company 7

Vertical integration Sourcing of call An outsourced and Outsourced Insourced Insourced Insourced Insourced Outsourced with
centre an insourced one with internal
co-exist internal supervision (one
supervision person)
Centralisation Level of Two call centres On call On call On call On call On call On call centre
centralisation located (and centre centre centre centre centre located (and
serving) in Italy located located located located located serving) in Italy
(and (and (and (and (and
serving) in serving) in serving) in serving) in serving) in
Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy
Decoupling Decoupling of call One call centre Two levels Three levels Three levels Three levels Two levels One level
centre activities provides general (automated, (automated, (automated, (automated, (automated, (general
(no. of levels) information, the general) general, general, general, general) information)
other specialised specialised) specialised) specialised)
(technical) ones

A.1. Company 1 levels of specialisation: 20 centres perform repair

activities for all Company 1 products, while 4 are
Company 1 manufactures power and garden not qualified to repair all products, and send the
tools, and is based in a European country, with an others to the central repair shop. Finally, 12 centres
important subsidiary in Italy. are actually ‘‘intelligent’’ collection points, and send
the products either to the central repair shop or to
A.1.1. Field technical assistance the closer local centre. Moreover, the final customer
Company 1 owns a repair shop, which is co- may send (or take) the product directly to the
located with the subsidiary in northern Italy, and central repair shop. As a result, the central repair
holds agreements with 36 independent service shop makes more than 60% of warranty work, and
providers in Italy, with different competence and product flows are either one- or two-stage flows.
66 N. Saccani et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 110 (2007) 52–69

A.1.2. Spare parts distribution centre service on a national basis. It is outsourced to

Company 1 has a central European spare parts a local company, but supervised by two internal
warehouse in Germany, and some regional ware- employees, who coordinate the activities of the
houses in different countries, including Italy. All service provider and monitor its performance and
repair centres manage an inventory of high rotation the data collection in the recently established CRM
parts, except the main one (company-owned), which system.
provides benefits of daily shipments of spare parts
from the Italian warehouse, located less than 50 km A.3. Company 3
far. Shipments and warehousing are outsourced to
two service providers. Company 3 is an Italian manufacturer of wall
hung boilers and burners, managing two main
A.1.3. Customer care brands with separate (sales and) support networks.
Some after-sales services are provided through Only one of them was analysed.
the Internet, such as the identification of repair
centres, the access to technical drawings, and advice A.3.1. Field technical assistance
for product usage. Moreover, the customer may call Field support execution is completely outsourced
two different numbers for after-sales information. by Company 3, to around 1600 installers and repair
One, toll-free, number is outsourced to an external centres. Nonetheless, Company 3 directly manages
company, that provides the customer with basic agreements only with 591 of them, 240 with
information such as the data of the closest repair exclusive (monobrand) agreements. In particular,
centre and enable the warranty extension; the 138 repair centres in franchising serve only the
second one (a paying number) deals with complaint brand object of this study. Moreover, they manage
management and provides information for the relationships with the more than 1000 authorised
usage of products. centres with no direct contacts with Company 3.
A.2. Company 2
A.3.2. Spare parts distribution
Company 2 is an Italian-based multinational Company 3 central spare parts warehouse is
company, which recently delocalised part of its located in Italy, and serves other regional ware-
production to China. Small appliances account for houses in Europe, companies distributing its pro-
slightly more than two-thirds of its sales. Other ducts and parts in other countries and the Italian
businesses are white goods and air conditioning. customers (repair centres and installers).

A.2.1. Field technical assistance A.3.3. Customer care

Field support execution is completely outsourced The Internet is not used as a main customer care
by Company 2, to 439 independent repair centres channel by Company 3, which through its website
spread all over Italy, usually small family busi- only allows to identify repair centres. Despite that,
nesses, servicing multiple brands. Most of them also customer care is considered very relevant, and for
run a shop selling small appliances, accessories, and this reason, Company 3 recently restructured and
spare parts. internalised its previously outsourced call centre for
the Italian market. The call centre is organised on
A.2.2. Spare parts distribution three levels: An automated level, redirecting custo-
The central warehouse (located in Italy) serves the mers to the closest repair centre, a generic informa-
regional warehouses located in Europe and USA, tion level that filters all calls, and a specialised level
some companies distributing Company 2’s products for technical support and advice.
and parts in other countries, and the Italian
customers (spare parts resellers and repair centres). A.4. Company 4

A.2.3. Customer care Company 4 is a multinational, Italian-headquar-

Besides offering some basic services through its tered manufacturer of white goods (the analysed
website (identification of repair centres, download business), floor care and small appliances, among
of instruction leaflets), Company 2 offers a call the main European players in the industry.
N. Saccani et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 110 (2007) 52–69 67

A.4.1. Field technical assistance A.6. Company 6

Company 4 outsources field support activities to
344 independent repair centres. Company 6 (the smallest in the sample), based in
Italy and operating in the white goods business,
A.4.2. Spare parts distribution operates production sites also outside Italy (in
Company 4 has a central European spare parts Portugal and through a joint venture in India).
warehouse located at its main production site in
Italy, which serves other regional warehouses in A.6.1. Field technical assistance
Europe, and direct customers in Italy (repair centres Field support execution is completely outsourced
and part resellers). Shipments activities are out- to 148 independent, small repair centres in Italy,
sourced, as well as the packaging (with a company- servicing multiple brands.
branded package) of original parts purchased from
suppliers. A.6.2. Spare parts distribution
Company 6 central spare parts warehouse is
A.4.3. Customer care located in Italy and serves the Italian customers
Company 4 provides some services through its (spare parts resellers and repair centres), and
website (identification of repair centres, warranty companies distributing its products and parts
extension, and instruction leaflets). The call centre is abroad.
insourced and it is organised on three levels
(automatic, general, specialist), as for Company 3. A.6.3. Customer care
Company 6 through its website allows customers
to identify the closest repair centre, but no other
A.5. Company 5
service is offered. Moreover, a call centre service is
run internally with only two levels (automatic and
Company 5 is based in Italy and operates in the
general). For technical advice, customers are direc-
white goods business, and it is renowned for the
ted to the repair centres.
particular old-style design and the wide range of
colours offered to its customers.
A.7. Company 7

A.5.1. Field technical assistance Company 7 is a very large Asian multinational

Field support execution is completely outsourced operating in different businesses such as consumer
by Company 5, to 180 independent repair centres electronics, telecommunications, and white goods.
spread all over Italy. A significant percentage of In particular, the audio/video business was ad-
them (40%) have exclusive agreements, i.e. services dressed in this case study.
only Company 5 products.
A.7.1. Field technical assistance
A.5.2. Spare parts distribution Company 7 outsources field support activities to
Company 5 central spare parts warehouse is around 160 independent repair centres, structured
located at its main site in Italy. The central in 2 levels. Local centres perform the entire
warehouse serves: The regional warehouses located collection–repair–delivery–feedback cycle only for
in Europe, companies distributing its products and less complex products. More complex products
parts in other countries and the Italian customers which may require expensive equipment for diag-
(spare parts resellers and repair centres). nostics, instead, are sent to the closest regional
centre (there are 20 of them in Italy). The regional
A.5.3. Customer care centres own the skills and equipment to perform all
Company 5 website offers some after-sales repair activities. Moreover, they are responsible for
services, such as the identification of repair centres, the selection, training and control of second-tier
the purchase of warranty extension, instruction centres.
leaflets, technical and cooking advices. A toll-free
number is also available to customers. The provi- A.7.2. Spare parts distribution
sion of this service is insourced, and organised in Company 7 operates a European central ware-
three levels (automatic, general, specialist). house in the UK, which serves directly all the
68 N. Saccani et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 110 (2007) 52–69

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