TransEd MRC Outline

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New Syllabus/Guide for the Subject Transformative Education

Session 1: Introduction to Transformative Education

 Define Transformative Education: Emphasize its role in personal and societal change through
critical reflection.

 Discuss the historical context and key influencers shaping the concept.

 Explore the difference between traditional and transformative education approaches.

Session 2: Theoretical Foundations of Transformative Education

 Introduce transformative learning theory and other relevant frameworks.

 Discuss how these theories guide the design and implementation of transformative education.

 Encourage reflection on how educators can integrate theoretical concepts into their teaching

Session 3: Understanding Learners in Transformative Education

 Explore the principles of learner-centered education within the transformative context.

 Discuss the importance of recognizing and catering to diverse learning styles.

 Share strategies for fostering transformative experiences tailored to individual student needs.

Session 4: Pedagogical Approaches in Transformative Education

 Define and explore pedagogical approaches such as experiential learning and project-based
learning in the context of transformative education.

 Discuss how hands-on experiences and projects contribute to transformative learning.

 Share examples of successful implementation in various educational settings.

Session 5: Technology in Transformative Education

 Examine the role of technology in enhancing transformative education.

 Discuss digital tools and platforms that support transformative learning experiences.

 Provide examples of successful technology integration in transformative teaching.

Midterm Session: Inclusive Practices in Transformative Education

 Define inclusive education within the context of transformative education.

 Discuss strategies for creating an inclusive and equitable transformative learning environment.

 Share examples of inclusive practices that align with transformative principles.

Session 7: Emotional Intelligence in Transformative Education

 Explore the significance of emotional intelligence in the transformative learning process.

 Discuss strategies for cultivating emotional intelligence in both students and educators.

 Examine how emotional intelligence contributes to creating a positive and transformative

classroom culture.

Session 8: Collaborative Learning in Transformative Education

 Discuss the benefits of collaborative learning within the transformative education framework.

 Explore group activities and cooperative learning strategies that promote transformative

 Share examples of successful collaborative learning initiatives in transformative education.

Session 9: Assessment for Transformative Learning

 Define formative assessment within the context of transformative education.

 Discuss various formative assessment techniques that support the transformative learning

 Explore how assessment can be a tool for student growth and reflection in transformative

Session 10: Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving in Transformative Education

 Define critical thinking and its central role in transformative education.

 Discuss strategies for developing critical thinking skills within the transformative learning

 Explore problem-solving approaches that contribute to transformative learning experiences.

Session 11: Global Perspectives in Transformative Education

 Explore the importance of cultivating global perspectives within the transformative education

 Discuss strategies for integrating global issues into the transformative education curriculum.

 Share examples of successful projects or programs that connect students to global themes
within a transformative context.

Session 12: Reflection and Self-Evaluation in Transformative Education

 Discuss the significance of reflection in the transformative teaching profession.

 Explore different methods of reflection and self-evaluation tailored to transformative education.

 Share strategies for fostering continuous professional development within the transformative
education framework.

Session 13: Review and Exam Preparation for Transformative Education

 Review key concepts covered in the course within the transformative education framework.

 Provide practice exercises that reinforce transformative principles.

 Discuss the exam format and expectations, emphasizing the application of transformative

Session 14: Student Presentations and Reflections in Transformative Education

 Allow students to present transformative learning experiences.

 Facilitate a group discussion on common transformative themes and challenges.

 Encourage students to reflect on how the transformative education course has influenced their
perspectives on education and personal growth.

Session 15: Course Wrap-Up and Future Directions in Transformative Education

 Summarize key transformative education concepts learned throughout the course.

 Discuss future trends in transformative education and their alignment with ongoing personal
and societal transformations.

 Provide resources for further exploration and professional development within the
transformative education context.

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