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Crime and Passion: The Novak

Chronicles L. B. Knight
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Truly Madly Plaid Eliza Knight [Knight
L. B. Knight

Crime and Passion

Novak Chronicles: Book One
First published by Knight Publishing 2023

Copyright © 2023 by L. B. Knight

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any
form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise
without written permission from the publisher. It is illegal to copy this book, post it to a website,
or distribute it by any other means without permission.

This novel is entirely a work of fiction. The names, characters and incidents portrayed in it are the
work of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or
localities is entirely coincidental.

L. B. Knight asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.

L. B. Knight has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of URLs for external or third-
party Internet Websites referred to in this publication and does not guarantee that any content on
such Websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate.

Designations used by companies to distinguish their products are often claimed as trademarks. All
brand names and product names used in this book and on its cover are trade names, service marks,
trademarks and registered trademarks of their respective owners. The publishers and the book are
not associated with any product or vendor mentioned in this book. None of the companies
referenced within the book have endorsed the book.

First edition

This book was professionally typeset on Reedsy

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Mom: Please don’t read this one. And definitely don’t tell

This is still for everyone that has a story to tell- get out there
and tell it.

This is a story- I’m showing my age because I immediately wanted to start singing the opening song to
Fresh Prince of Bell-Air.
This story is not for the faint of heart. Finley may be a strong, independent, and somewhat
stubborn woman. But she is tested time and time again throughout this series. Crime and Passion is
filled with moments that you might question her choices. And that’s okay. It’s part of Finley’s
personality. You may be unable to piece it together until later in the series.
Please know the series will be filled with possible triggers. Crime and Passion will be the book
with the least amount of triggers. That being said, please be aware of possible triggers. I will include
a list below. If you have any questions, please contact me via social media or email.
Possible triggers:

Strong language
Strong (explicit) sexual content
General violence
Description of blood/gore
Drug use
Mention of underage drinking
Crime and Passion Playlist

1. I Almost Told You That I Loved You- Papa Roach

2. Dirty Little Thing- Adelitas Way
3. Forever- Papa Roach
4. The Sex Is Good- Saving Abel
5. Never Too Late- Three Days Grace
6. Not Meant To Be- Theory of a Deadman
7. Wait For Me- Theory of a Deadman
8. Get Out Alive- Three Days Grace
9. S & M- Rihanna
10. Don’t Cha- The Pussycat Dolls
11. Demons- Bryce Savage
12. MONSTER- Chandler Leighton
13. You should be sad- Halsey
14. I Miss the Misery- Halestorm
15. Love the Way You Hate Me- Like a Storm
Chapter 1

Walking to the high-end restaurant, my heels clicked against the hot sidewalk. The summer breeze was
enough to cut through the heat of August. Even with the wind, I was thankful that my copper hair was
pinned from my neck. The black pencil skirt hugged my figure, much to the dismay of Maddox, my
brother. My white blouse was flowy, tucked into the skirt. The neckline offered enough skin to draw
attention but remained professional. I was headed to my interview early, still trying to readjust to my
hometown. Dumont.
Town was putting it loosely. Dumont was a bustling hub of corporations. Skyscrapers lined the
streets with towering buildings full of penthouses and apartments. The suburbs sat on the city’s
outskirts, allowing those wanting away from the city a refuge. The cars that drove down these streets
cost more than some of the houses on the city’s edge. After moving back, a little over a month ago, I
was already tired of the arrogance surrounding most of the population. Money seemed to breed
assholes around this town.
As I approached my destination, my amber eyes caught sight of a handsome man. He was leaning
against the wall outside the restaurant. He casually shoved one hand in his pocket, the other clutching
his phone. He wore black slacks and a pale blue button-down, sleeves rolled up to his forearms. His
dark, black hair looked silky but messy. He took his hand from his pocket and plucked the cigarette
from his mouth. He then flicked it casually into the street.
I followed the cigarette through the air before another person caught my eye. One I didn’t expect
to see. The fucking odds were not in my favor, it seemed. My heart rattled in my chest, and I scanned
the street for options. The raven-haired man turned to go into the restaurant and spotted me. He eyed
me curiously as I began to fidget nervously. His dark eyes looked around. He noticed the man
approaching us quickly and looked back at me.
Walking up to me casually, he gently touched my elbow. “Hey baby, sorry I’m late for our lunch
date.” His tone was at ease, timber slightly more profound than I expected.
The air seemed to be knocked out of me before I registered what he was doing. Or at least I hoped
I figured out what he was doing. I smiled up at him, “It’s okay, sweetie. My interview took longer than
expected.” I was hoping he’d understand what I was saying now. I pushed my sunglasses up, letting
my almond-colored eyes lock onto his coffee-brown ones.
“Finley, what are you doing?” The brunette man stopped beside us, “And who is this?”
The raven-haired man sized up the brunette quickly. The man beside me was a few inches taller
and more muscular too. I’d pick him in a fight any day. He moved to wrap his arm around my waist,
holding me close. His cologne wafted into my nose, and it was amazing. It smelled of a crisp fall
morning deep within the forest. I wrapped my arm around his waist, touching his back. I melted at
feeling his muscles tense and relax.
“Her boyfriend,” my savior replied dryly.
The man sneered, “Been here a month and already fucking someone. I should’ve known.” I still
didn’t understand why he was here.
“You’re assuming quite a lot, asshole,” my knight in shining armor threw back. “We’ve been
dating two weeks.”
“Doesn’t mean anything. She’s loose.”
Rage and embarrassment covered my face red. I wanted to vanish into thin air.
Finally butting in, I said, “You’re the one that cheated on me, Ryker.” I was done letting him
intimidate me.
“Come on, babe. I said I’d share.” Ryker was a lowlife. Too bad for me, I found that out too late.
“You’re disgusting,” I looked away from him.
“You won’t know if you don’t try.”
I knew he was smirking without even looking at him.
“Are we done here?” The hand at my waist flexed, “I’d like to get to lunch with my girlfriend.”
The man was playing his role perfectly.
“I think you’re lying,” Ryker threw at him.
I looked back at my ex, “What?” I was confused why he would even doubt the man’s words.
Explaining himself, Ryker added, “I don’t think you’re together.”
Giving a skeptical look, I asked, “You think I hired someone to walk around posing as my
“Then kiss him,” Ryker taunted. It felt juvenile, but Ryker was nothing but juvenile.
Without questioning it, I turned to my would-be boyfriend, who followed my action. My heels
gave me some height, but I still pushed myself upwards. I placed my hand on the back of his neck and
pulled him downward. My lips brushed his slightly before I felt him press his lips to mine fully. It
was intended to be a light kiss. But instead, I felt his tongue slide across my lips, and I found myself
compiling with his silent request. Our tongues danced for only a moment before we were interrupted.
“Okay. Okay. I get it. Geeze.” We looked back to Ryker to see a look of embarrassment. “This
isn’t over, Finley,” Ryker stormed off in the direction he came. The embarrassment was quickly
covered by seething rage.
I stood there, unsure of what to do. I just kissed a total stranger on the street. Outside a restaurant
that I have an interview at. Shit. What in the hell was I thinking? What if the person I’m interviewing
saw the entire ordeal in front of the restaurant?
“You don’t want to be late for your interview.” The man caught my attention, breaking me from my
“Oh,” I collected my thoughts, “Yes. Thank you. So, you did understand what I meant.” I finally
faced him fully.
He gave a slight smirk, “Not exactly.” He extended his hand to me, “Nox Novak.” Oh god,
“Assistant Director to Drake Novak.” Fuck.
Crimson covered my face as I shook his hand, “I’m so sorry. Oh my god. Please, I- please-”
“It’s okay.” Nox let go of my hand, “I couldn’t just stand around and let you deal with that alone.
You looked terrified.”
I sighed and glanced away, “Well, things didn’t go well when I broke up with him. I’m not sure
why he’s here, though. He doesn’t live here.” Unless he was stalking me now.
“Didn’t go well?” Nox arched a brow.
“It’s nothing,” I waved him off. I looked back to see Nox frowning, “We were together for a
couple of years before I learned who he really was. I ended up in the hospital after I dumped him.”
The admission fell from my lips before I could stop myself.
“I should’ve kicked his ass.” I gave an airy laugh, trying to put him at ease. It worked. He smiled
brightly at me. “Welcome to the Novak Corporation.”
I stopped laughing, “What?” I gaped at him like a fish.
It was his turn to laugh, “You’ve got the job. We can drive to the office now and start the
paperwork.” His laugh was something I found welcoming somehow.
Still stunned, I stuttered out, “Uhh, um. Sure. That’d be lovely.” Very professional, Fin.
“Great,” His smile was contagious, “I’m parked around the corner.” Nox smiled lightly.
Nox walked past me like what had just transpired was an average interview. As though he asked
me questions, and I answered them. Not him pretending to be my boyfriend to save me from my ex.
Not us kissing in the middle of the sidewalk. I turned to follow Nox, still thinking this was all a
I applied at the parent company of the Novak Corporation. If he was serious, I was now the
Personal and Administrative Assistant to the man he mentioned. Drake Novak. It was to get my foot in
the door. So far, it has worked.
The Novak Corporation was an umbrella company. They had many divisions and companies
under them. Pharmaceutical. Military arms. A legal and media department. Public relations and so
much more. They also owned a few restaurants and bars—even a strip club. Rumor in town, and has
been for years, they also have some illegal dealings. I needed a job, and I needed a good one. I didn’t
care what they did as long as I was safe.
Opening the passenger door to his car, I smiled as I slid in. The car was black and sleek, much
like the owner. I settled in, placing my purse at my feet as he closed the door. I was feeling a little on
edge but excited at the same time. The ache from just kissing the man had me rubbing my thighs
As Nox climbed in, he spoke casually, “Drake is my uncle. He’s a man that knows what he wants.
I guess you would call him a particular man. He isn’t hard to work for once you know how to.”
“Thank you for the advice,” I tried to sound confident as he started the car.
His dark eyes focused on the road as he spoke, “Just come to me if you need anything.”
I was starting to wonder why he was being so friendly. First, he saves me from my ex, getting a
kiss out of it. Then he offers me the job without question. And now, he’s giving me advice and
offering help. Maybe I’m being too paranoid about this.
“I will. Thank you,” I couldn’t fight the slight smile on my lips.
Things were finally starting to look up for me.
Chapter 2

The drive was quiet as I watched the buildings pass us as Nox drove. The main building for the
corporation wasn’t far from the restaurant we were scheduled to meet at. I was somewhat nervous as
this stranger drove us to the office.
Nox pulled into a parking garage and a reserved space near an elevator. I moved to open my door
but noticed he was rushing to my side of the car. I smiled at the gesture. I wasn’t used to being treated
this way. Offering a shy smile as I stepped from the car, I followed him silently to the elevator. We
went to a sky bridge and walked into the Nox Corporate building.
Leading me to another set of elevators, Nox pressed the button for the top floor. The 30th floor. It
wasn’t a large building, but it was exquisite. Decorated and designed in a modern fashion. Black,
white, and brushed nickel. Marble, granite, and wood.
When the doors opened, I was greeted with the same modern decor. A small waiting area was
immediately to the right. Turning left, you were met with doors opened and closed on either side of
the hallway. Rolling after Nox, I took in my surroundings.
Approaching a corner, we both suddenly heard, “Fuck you!”
“Shit,” Nox mumbled as he hurried his steps.
The sound of a punch landing was heard before I saw a man storm passed me. He seemed younger
than Nox but had the same dark hair and eyes. However, his hair was longer, and he was dressed
more casually. I was guessing mid-twenties. I’d put Nox in his late twenties or early thirties. Stepping
into what must’ve been the break room, a man was holding a bleeding nose as his head was tilted
“Here, let me take a look,” I offered as I walked into the room. I dropped my purse and
approached the man.
“What the hell was his problem?” Nox asked as he moved beside me.
Standing before the injured man, I took in his appearance. He had long black hair that was pulled
into a low ponytail. His eyes were the same mahogany brown as Nox and the man that stormed off.
His face held stress lines, though I still guessed he was in his mid-twenties.
“It’s Axle,” he still held his nose, muffling his voice. I assumed Axle was the man who left.
“Take a seat,” I gestured to the chair beside me with a smile
I could feel Nox’s eyes on me, “You know how to see if it’s broken?”
I grabbed a few tissues before standing in front of the bleeding man.
I went to answer but found a stern, deep voice speaking before I could. “If you would’ve read her
resume instead of stalking her on social media, you would’ve seen she’s an RN.”
“Drake,” Nox stated. His tone was heavier than before but still submissive.
I heard a throaty noise before my new boss said, “I’ll be in my office.” His steps were steady and
composed as he walked away.
“Go ahead and move your hand,” I instructed the man before me.
I placed my thumbs on either side of his nose and pushed gently. He hissed in pain, still tilting his
head back, “I can set this, but it’s going to hurt.”
“Just do it,” the unknown, obviously a Novak, answered.
“One, two-”
“Ah!” He yelped, “You didn’t say three.” He pouted as he stood.
“I know,” I grinned, “It was just a distraction.” I shrugged, “Here.” I handed him the tissues, “I’d
ice it as soon as possible.”
“Thank you,” he smiled lightly, “Asher Novak.”
Based on how everyone looks, they must be related. Axle, the one who stormed off, had longer
hair than Nox. Asher’s hair was the longest by far. I didn’t see Drake before he left the room.
“Finley Morrison.” We were both covered in his blood, so we skipped the handshake. I turned to
face Nox and waved my hands slightly.
“Oh, yes. I’ll show you to the bathroom,” Nox turned to leave the room.
We passed a pink-haired woman with soft green eyes. Delicate in color, not in looks. I was given
a scowl as we walked by her. Turning my head away, I wondered why she was so angry.
“Ignore her,” Nox caught my attention again, “she’s worried you’ll steal her, man,” he whispered
as we turned a corner.
“Oh?” I arched a single brow as I cut my gaze over.
“The one that punched Asher,” he shook his head, “was his brother, Axle,” he explained further.
“She has nothing to worry about,” I assured Nox.
Stopping in front of the bathroom, I turned to Nox as he asked, “And why is that?”
Shrugging, I chirped, “He’s not my type.” I smiled as I entered the bathroom. I left a stunned Nox
behind as the door closed.
I spotted a few drops of blood on my blouse as I washed my hands. Ignoring it, I finished cleaning
my hands. It was only a blouse. I can dry clean it. Worst case, toss it in the trash. When I stepped from
the bathroom, I found Nox and Asher talking in the hallway.
“Thank you for setting my nose,” Asher gave me a weak smile. He seemed like a pretty boy, “I’ll
pay to have your blouse cleaned. Or replaced if needed.”
“It’s alright,” I said, “It’s just a shirt. No need for all of that.” I tried to brush him off.
“Just let him pay for it. I’ll never hear the end of it,” Nox scoffed at what I assumed was his
cousin’s behavior.
“If you both insist,” sensing the men weren’t going to cave, I relented.
“Good. Just let me know the cost,” Asher replied.
I’d try to avoid the subject of the blouse moving forward. “I have some medicine in my purse if
you’d like. It should take make the swelling go down. Maybe ease the pain as well.”
“It’s not that bad. Thank you, though,” Asher smiled at me. “I’m going back to work now that
that’s over. Welcome to the team.”
I returned the smile, “Thank you.”
“Let’s grab your bag and head to my office,” Nox mentioned as he began to walk away.
I followed behind Nox, taking in my surroundings. There were ten doors. If my guess was correct,
seven doors would lead to offices. It was apparent which one belonged to Drake. The double doors
were looming as we passed them. Solid black wood, polished with a sheen.
There was the bathroom I had used near the waiting area when we first entered. They seemed to
carry the color scheme through the entire building. Black, white, and nickel. There were red accents
throughout the hallways, on the carpet, and on the walls. This building screamed: money, respect, and
I picked up my purse and turned to face Nox. He was looking at me curiously. “Is something
wrong?” I blinked.
“Nothing,” there was a flirtatious smirk on his lips as he added, “Just thinking about lunch.”
Resisting the urge to smirk in reply, I told him, “It was a surprise, to say the least.”
“You’re not mad?” He asked as he stepped closer, leaving less than a foot between us.
I had a feeling that being surrounded by this man was going to be the death of me. Maybe all of
these men. I met three of them; from what my brother told me, there were six men. He went to school
with the younger two of the family. I should remember some of them, but I was isolated growing up.
“I kissed you,” I pointed out, “If anything, you should be mad at me.”
Those lips still held that damned smirk, “How could I be mad? A beautiful woman kissed me. I
should be thanking you.” I may have swooned as my knees seemed to grow weak.
“I think giving me the job is good enough.” I tried to ignore the feeling of a blush dusting my
“Well, Drake has the final say. But I’ll put in a good word,” he teased.
“Oh?” It was my turn to taunt him, “How would you do that? According to Drake, you only know
my birthday and status updates.”
His smirk was still plastered on his face, “An attitude to go with that body. Damn.”
I rolled my eye, “I feel like I’m going to need the attitude here.” I laughed lightly.
“You’ve got that right. And you haven’t even met the troublemaker,” he replied.
“Troublemaker?” I arched a brow.
Nox nodded, “Declan. He should be back soon. He had a lunch date.” He looked away
momentarily, “Don’t know why he bothered. She’s in love with Asher.” He mumbled.
Interesting family drama. Wonder what the backstory is there.
“Are all you Novak’s attractive?” He looked back at me, “And troublesome?” I finished. As he
pouted, I grinned happily. This was going to be fun.
“I’m afraid the latter only applies to my nephews.” Again, that same stern voice from before
struck my ears.
“Drake, Sir,” I turned quickly, “I apologize. My comment was out of line.” I nearly squeaked out
my apology.
I almost stepped back as I saw the broad-chested man standing before me. While Nox stood a
good head taller than me, Drake was well over six feet. His black suit with a red and white pinstriped
suit was taut across his body. His hair was long. While it was long, it somehow added to his
elegance. His eyes were so dark I thought they were black. His jaw was chiseled and smoothly
shaven. This family seemed to care about their appearance.
His chest rumbled in laughter, “Not at all. I need someone around that can put these idiots in their
place.” I blinked in surprise, “When can you start?”
“Monday?” Today was Thursday, so I figured he’d be okay with it.
“That’s perfect.” The corner of his lips turned upward. “If I remember correctly, your information
said something about weekends being an issue.”
I felt small suddenly, “Not an issue, really.” I shifted on my feet. He was intimidating. “I have a
second job and must be off by six. If I know at least a week in advance, I can take off from the other
job. This job is my priority. I want to save enough money to move out of my brother’s place.”
“Well, we can offer you a penthouse close by.” I likely looked like a deer now as I stared at him
incredulously. “The same building as me. It would make sense in the end for you to live there.” What?
What on earth is happening?
“I couldn’t possibly accept something like that.” That was utterly insane.
“Consider it part of your compensation package,” Drake countered as he placed his hands into the
pockets of his slacks.
“I’m not going to win this, am I?” It was a rhetorical question.
“Not likely,” Nox commented from behind me.
Something darkened in Drake’s gaze, “Not if you want the job.”
I held my hand out to the man before me, “I’d love the job.”
His grip was firm and assertive. Intimidating. “Great,” he retrieved his hand. “Nox will finish
everything up. He can manage to get you moved in too. Take Declan with you if you need help.”
“Thank you, Sir,” he gave me a smirk and left as if nothing strange had occurred.
I eyed the older man as he walked away. His early to mid-forties? Maybe older? I wasn’t sure.
This entire family oozed sexiness. Nox caught my attention by walking out of the room. I followed
him, silently thinking about the day’s events so far. My brother was going to flip. Everything was
happening so fast. It was almost too good to be true. Was it? Everything comes with a price, doesn’t
it? What would the price be?
“Valerie,” Nox asked as he entered a small office between two larger offices. “Do you have the
paperwork for Finley?”
As Nox spoke to Valerie, I spotted the name on the doors outside: Asher Novak. Axle Novak.
“Yes,” Her voice was soft. “Here it is,” she handed a folder to Nox without even looking at him.
“Thanks, Valerie,” she still didn’t look at him. “Where did Ax storm off to?” Nox asked the
“He said he had lunch with Maddox this afternoon,” she shrugged, “Something about planning a
party.” She sounded as if our presence was nothing but a nuisance.
“Finley Morrison,” I stepped closer to her desk beside Nox, “It’s nice to meet you.” I offered my
She finally looked up at me, and I could see her silently judging me. Then, finally, she stood and
took my hand, “Valerie Bardlowe. Assistant to Axle and Asher.” Then she sat down as if I didn’t even
I fought the urge to roll my eyes as I turned to follow Nox. She seemed nice. All because she was
intimidated by me. She doesn’t even know me. So, she can have her temperamental man. I’m swearing
off men for a while. Maybe. I glanced at the man in front of me. Maybe…
“She’ll warm up to you after she knows Axle is safe,” Nox joked as we entered his office, closing
the door behind us.
“I don’t have a lot of girlfriends. Well, I don’t really have any friends,” but then, I laughed, “I just
moved back a month ago.”
Nox walked by and gestured to the small table, “I’m sure that’ll change soon. Take a seat. You can
review this and fill out what’s needed. If you have any questions, just ask. I’m going to make some
calls and answer emails.”
I sat at the small table in his office and opened the folder. I pulled out my phone and a pen. Nox
settled behind his desk, turning on his computer and pulling out his phone. I heard him sigh as he
began reading something on his phone. The windows behind him cast a sharp shadow over his face as
the sunlight streamed in. He looked tired as his eyes scanned his phone.
The paperwork was mainly filled out with my information. My name, current address, phone
number, and such. I added the more sensitive information and began reading the contract before
signing it. Non-disclosure. Non-compete. All were legally covering their asses.
“Declan,” I heard Nox say. I glanced to see he was on the phone. “Where are you?”
I continued reading as I listened to him speak to the apparent troublemaker of the family.
“I told you it was a waste of time.” A pause. “Just hurry up. Drake is going to be pissed if you’re
late. Plus, we have something to do,” he listened to his relative. “Yes. She’s here now. That’s actually
what we have to do. Drake is putting her in a penthouse. I’m going to see when she wants to move her
stuff.” His face showed annoyance as he listened this time. “What? No. God, you’re an idiot. Drake
said you had to help.”
The door opened suddenly, “He said I had to help?” Declan, I’m assuming, looked at Nox in
Nox dropped his phone and sighed, “Yes. Want to ask him yourself?”
“Fine,” Declan grumbled and closed the door. He plopped down on the couch across from the
table I was at. “Oh,” he sat up, “I’m Declan.” He smiled.
His smile was brilliant. So, it’s all Novaks. Great. He was wearing gray slacks and a white
button-down. It was untucked, and a few buttons undone showed his white undershirt. His hair
appeared thicker than Nox’s but still short. Declan’s eyes were lighter, softer even.
“Finley,” I smiled back.
“You were right,” Declan cut his eyes back to Nox.
Grumbling, Nox told him, “Get to work.”
Cheekily, Declan said, “She’s hot.” He shrugged as he stood, stretching. I was gifted with a
magnificent view of his lower stomach and found my eyes glued to him.
“You were right,” It was my turn to say to Nox as I glanced back at him.
Nox laughed as Declan asked, “What?” He stood upright.
“You’re the troublemaker,” I answered.
“Ass,” Declan blushed slightly, and I couldn’t help but giggle, deepening his blush. Declan left the
office without another word.
“He’s an easy tease for someone so forward,” Nox commented.
“Seems like it,” I mumbled, trying to fight the amused smile off my face.
We both continued working in silence for a few more minutes. I didn’t see an issue with the
contract. Of course, a strict gag order was in place for any company information. I’d receive a
company phone and have a car service if needed. The salary was a pretty penny, plus I was getting the
Lifting my gaze, I caught Nox’s attention, “Should you add the penthouse information to the
“Hm?” Nox looked at me, “Oh, yes. One second.”
Nox stood and walked to the table. He leaned over me, boxing me in. The heat from his body
seemed to spread across me, settling between my legs. Dammit. He took my pen from me, and his
fingers brushed against mine. He made an addendum to the contract and signed it.
“That should work,” His voice was low, and his breath tickled my neck.
The death of me.
“Thank you,” I managed to keep my voice even as I spoke.
I heard him inhale slowly as he stood, placing the pen down, “Nice perfume.” He walked back to
his desk as if nothing had happened.
“Thanks,” I shifted slightly before picking up the pen again. My phone vibrated, and I noticed it
was a message from my brother. I ignored it.
“You can answer it if you need to,” Nox’s voice was light and soothing almost.
“It’s just my brother. I’m sure he’s curious about my interview,” I signed a couple of places as I
“What are you going to tell him?” He was still focused on the computer screen.
“I got the job,” I shrugged.
“Not about the kiss,” He arched a brow, focusing on me.
“My brother is a little overprotective. I don’t think that’s a promising idea,” I laughed, placing the
finished paperwork in the folder.
I stood up and approached Nox’s desk, “Older brother?”
I stopped before his dark mahogany desk, “Younger, actually. He’s my cousin. We were raised
together, though.”
Nox gave a knowing smile, “Ah. I know what that’s like.” He laughed as he took my folder, “Let
me answer this email, and we can head out.”
I was confused by his words, “What do you mean?”
“I’ll take you to the penthouse and get you your key. Then we can get Dec and his truck to get your
stuff,” He typed away on the keyboard.
I shook my head slightly, “I only have clothes. All the furniture is my brothers.”
“Ah, well, that’ll be easy. The penthouse is fully furnished. We can wait until this weekend. After
that, you’ll just need to buy food.” As on cue, my stomach growled. My face flushed. “I guess I didn’t
treat you to lunch,” he chuckled, “I’ll even feed you.”
“I’ll just go to the restroom.” Again, I found myself smiling.
“I’ll meet you at the elevator,” Nox replied as he finished his task.
I grabbed my bag and headed out of his office. After I finished in the bathroom, I headed for the
elevators. I found Declan standing in the doorway of the break room. Leaning against the door jam, he
crossed his arms as his eyes caught mine.
“So, you’re working for Drake now? Guess I’ll be seeing a lot of you.” I found the same smirk on
his face as Nox’s from earlier.
“I guess so,” I replied with a smile.
“Want to go to dinner?” Declan was definitely the troublemaker.
I giggled lightly, “Don’t waste time, huh?”
“Nah,” he shrugged as he smiled wide.
“Declan quit harassing her. She might turn down the job,” I glanced behind me to see Asher.
“Fuck, Ash. What happened to you?” Declan stood straight now.
“Axle,” Asher answered. “Finley here set my nose.”
“He broke your nose?” Asher nodded in response. “Damn. What did you do this time?” Declan
“He didn’t appreciate my comment about Brooke,” Asher explained. Brooke was a name I knew.
She was friends with my brother.
Declan continued asking questions, “Brooke? I thought he and Valerie we-”
“Enough gossip, you two,” Nox interrupted. “You ready?” He looked at me as he walked by.
“Yes,” I moved to follow him. “See you two Monday,” I smiled and waved to the younger man.
“Sorry about them,” Nox offered as I reached him.
“No big deal,” we walked side by side, “I’m kind of used to drama. And being hit on.”
We stepped onto the elevator. “Who- Declan.”
“Yep,” I replied casually. I could get used to this environment. But I imagined that when it came to
working, especially Drake, things were serious.
“And?” We walked across the sky bridge and onto the next elevator.
“And? Asher interrupted us,” I shrugged as I explained.
“What did Declan say?” Nox opened my door again.
“Asked me on a date.”
He halted in his movement to close the door as I settled in. With one hand on the door and the
other on the roof, he bent over to look at me carefully, “What did you say?”
“Like I said, Asher interrupted us.” Maybe the boldness was from being around all this
testosterone, I wasn’t sure, but I enjoyed myself.
“You would’ve said yes?” He seemed offended almost.
A flirtatious laugh echoed in the parking garage, “No. I won’t date someone I work with.”
“Is that so?” I nodded as I held his gaze. “I’ll have to persuade you then.” With that, he closed the
Chapter 3

I smiled as he got in the car and started it. The building that housed the penthouses, you guessed it,
was owned by the men that occupied it. It was a reasonable running distance, only a few blocks from
the office. A nice run was always a good distraction for me.
“There’s a gym at the office?” I asked as I looked out the window.
“Yes,” Nox replied with a hint of question.
“So, there are showers?” I continued to ask.
“Yes,” he continued to sound intrigued.
“I was thinking about running to work occasionally,” I explained.
“Maybe I’ll join you some time,” he smiled at me.
He pulled into another garage and parked in a reserved space again. This was a taller building
than their offices. It had 60 floors. We entered the lobby, and Nox headed to the front desk. He spoke
to the man a moment and was handed a key. The man behind the desk looked at me curiously. He was
pale-skinned, almost too pale. His hair was a deep brown, and his eyes were almost beady. I fought a
shiver away.
I followed Nox to the elevators. To access the top three floors, you had to have a key. Nox
inserted my keycard and selected the 58th floor. I eyed him curiously, and he smirked at me. As we
neared the top, he finally spoke.
“The 60th floor is all Drake’s.” The entire floor? “The 59th is the pool, gym, and communal area.
There’s a pool table, a full bar, darts, and the works. 58th. That’s us.” He smirked again, “Declan,
me, and now you.” Fantastic.
“Lucky me,” I chimed.
The doors opened, and I was greeted with a long hallway. There were four doors, meaning an
empty penthouse. Or so I assumed. It all had a modern feel as well.
“The first door on your left is a spare. Asher or Axle uses it from time to time. This one, on the
right, is you. Declan is on the left at the end. The one on the right is me. So, we’re next door to each
We walked to the door he indicated was mine, and he opened it for me. He handed me the key as
he spoke, “I’m going to change, and I’ll be back.” I nodded as I took the key.
I entered the penthouse and was in awe. There was no way there wasn’t a catch to me living here.
The floor-to-ceiling windows gave me an impressive view of downtown. I could barely see the river
in the distance.
It was an open floor plan—a small entryway, where I sat my bag and kicked my heels off. The
cold marble floor, gray and white mixed, was cooling my aching feet. The living room had a matching
black couch, a loveseat, and a chair. The large TV was mounted above the fireplace.
The kitchen was separated from the living room by an island. The island had four bar stools,
metal and leather. The countertops were slate gray. Cabinets were stark white—top-of-the-line
stainless steel appliances. A wet bar, stocked. I’d need groceries, but they provided alcohol. The
Novaks were a fascinating family, it appeared.
There was a hall at the end of the kitchen. A spare bathroom was there just as you turned. The
master suite was a sight to see. A black platform, a king-size bed with a red, plush comforter, lay
against a windowed wall. Dresser and mirror, and two nightstands. Even a desk. A fireplace.
The bathroom was huge. A shower was behind the Jacuzzi tub, meaning you could see whoever
was showering or bathing. My mind ran rampant with fantasies. I shook my head of my lewd thoughts.
His and hers sinks, and towels hanging nearby finished it off. The bathroom itself was nestled in its
little room, adding privacy.
The closet. I’ve never seen anything like it. I’d have to buy clothes even to fill half of it. It was
white. It had a chair and a small table in the middle—shoe shelf after shoe shelf. I was spoiled now,
and I didn’t want it to stop. I squealed on the inside.
I headed back out and decided to walk out onto the balcony. I slid the door open, and the summer
breeze brushed my skin. I took a deep breath, relishing the moment. I sighed as I opened my eyes,
taking in the setting sun. I leaned on the railing and let myself get lost in the surreal moment.
“Breath-taking, isn’t it?” Nox’s voice startled me slightly, so I jumped. He laughed lightly, “Sorry,
I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“It’s okay,” I returned his smile.
He leaned against the railing next to me. I cut my eyes over, seeing his new attire. He was in a
pair of dark wash jeans and a gray button-down with a black undershirt. He had his sleeves rolled up
again, making his arms all the more tempting to touch.
“Want to grab a bite to eat?” He offered, still gazing at the sunset.
“I’d like to,” He cut his eyes over but didn’t turn his head, “But, honestly, my brother is probably
worried about me. I haven’t answered him. So, I think I’ll head home.”
“I’ll drive you.” I couldn’t believe his words.
The man was a gentleman to the core, “You don’t have to do that.”
Nox pushed off the railing, “I’m meeting Declan later anyway. So, it’s no problem at all.”
“Thank you,” I could already tell that none of the Novak men would take no for an answer.
We made our way out and got into the car. Again, he held the door open for me. I gave him the
address, and we drove in comfortable silence. One thing I enjoyed about Dumont was that even the
outskirts of town were mostly well-kept. Of course, there was a bad part of town, but my brother’s
house was in the suburbs.
Nox pulled up to the tiny house just outside of the city. He parked on the sidewalk and turned to
face me, placing an arm on my seat. He smiled as he glanced at the house behind me.
“I have your number from your resume. I’ll text you so you can save my number. Do you want to
move this weekend?” Slick move.
“That should be fine. I can pack up tomorrow. I still have a lot packed away, actually.” I didn’t
bother unpacking since I didn’t plan on living there long.
“Saturday morning?” he asked.
I nodded as I answered, “Sure. I’ll make breakfast for you and Declan. As a thank you.”
Damn his smile, “Is nine okay?”
“That’s perfect,” I beamed.
“I’ll text you,” Nox replied.
I couldn’t stop smiling, “Thanks again, Nox.”
I turned my body away from him, reaching for the door. Nox’s hand on my knee stopped me. I
turned my head and looked at him. “I’ll get the door.” Before I could answer, he was out of the car.
He opened the door and held it. I placed a hand on top of his. He glanced down at the gesture and
then back at me. “You’re too much,” I smirked this time. I closed the small distance between us and
kissed his cheek. “Thank you. Again.”
“Get used to it, Baby,” he winked.
I gave his chest a gentle backhand and walked around him. “Good night!” I waved over my head
as I walked up to my door.
“Night!” He called back to me.
He waited for me to enter the house before he drove off. I dropped my things at the door and
headed for the kitchen. The smell of something cooking made my mouth water. I hadn’t realized how
hungry I truly was.
“There you are!” My brother yelled as he spotted me in the kitchen doorway, “How’d the
interview go?”
I smiled as I answered, “It went great, Maddox. It went great.”
Maddox made us dinner. Okay, that’s a lie. Maddox reheated dinner from the night before that I
had made. The poor man could only make instant meals or frozen dishes. It was the thought that
counts, right?
“So that means you got the job?” he asked as we sat at the table.
I nodded with a smile on my face, “Yep. And a place to stay.”
He stopped mid-bite to ask, “You’re moving?”
“Don’t sound so upset. I’ve been in your hair for over a month now. Kyra will appreciate the
alone time again.” He blushed at my comment.
“She’ll be sad you won’t be here to talk to,” Maddox admitted.
I sighed. I knew Maddox and I were trying to repair our relationship, but I also wanted
independence. “I’m not far,” I shrugged without looking up at him, “The penthouse is downtown.
About six blocks from my office.”
“I guess that’s okay,” he puffed his cheeks and looked away. Maddox was always pouting when he
didn’t get his way. Being the youngest, he was always catered to.
“It’s okay to say you’ll miss me,” I teased as I picked up my fork.
Maddox scoffed, “Pfft. Whatever.”
I rolled my eyes at his still childish ways, “I’ll be packing tomorrow.” He frowned as I chewed
my bite, “Then, Saturday morning, two of my coworkers are coming to help me move.”
“So, you’re free tomorrow night?” his tone was hopeful.
“Yes?” I formed it as a question.
“We’re going out,” the grin on his face made it difficult to say no.
“I’m not getting out of it. Am I?” I knew what he was planning. That didn’t mean that I wanted to
“Nope.” He quickly changed the subject, “Jett and Xander are coming over in a bit.”
“Oh?” I perked up at hearing a certain shaggy-haired man was coming over.
While I may have sworn off men, sex wasn’t out of the question. Today’s flirtatious Novak family
had my core aching. I hate to admit it, but I am a woman that enjoys sex more than I should.
“Yea,” he filled his fork with chicken, “We’re planning a camping trip.” He said before shoving a
bite into his mouth.
“You hate camping,” I arched a brow as I pointed out the obvious.
Maddox groaned, “The girls convinced Kyra to go.”
“Ah. Say no more, little bro,” I ruffled his hair as I went to wash the dishes. He swatted my hands
away, and I laughed at his antics.
In truth, I’m twenty-eight. Maddox, who is really my cousin, is twenty-six. His friends range from
twenty-three to twenty-eight. They were becoming my friends too. I’ve only met a handful of them,
though. Kyra is his longtime girlfriend. Her younger sister, Kylee, is only eighteen; she’s so sweet and
innocent. Jett and Xander are over all the time, it feels like.
It’s strange to think that I’ve never met all of these people before. The way Maddox and I were
raised was different. I was sheltered and home-schooled until I was shipped off to boarding school.
Maddox was allowed to socialize and had freedom. Neither of us was allowed to mingle during
parties at the family home.
“I’m going to change,” I yelled from the kitchen.
Maddox shouted back, “Kay!” He’s so loud.
I stripped from my constricting clothes and opted for some comfy clothes. Shorts and a shirt that
was a little too short and off the shoulder. I tossed my hair in a messy bun and padded into the living
room. Two brunettes in the living room greeted me, having arrived while I was changing.
“Hey, guys,” I said as I sat in the oversized chair, sitting on my feet.
Jett’s eyes lit up, “Hey, Fin.”
Xander gave me a hum. The man was delicious looking but sadly taken. He was also a lazy ass. I
wanted to see how he worked in the bedroom even more. He was frustratingly sexy due to his aloof
attitude. Xander’s hair was the color of lightly brewed coffee. It was long and consistently in a short
ponytail. His eyes were a touch darker. The studs in either ear always had me wondering about him.
And Jett… Well, he was rough in bed. And I liked it that way. Hair pulling. Biting. Positions
galore. Even better, he loved dominating me, so he did most of the work. I bit my lip slightly, hiding
my mouth behind the blanket I grabbed. Dammit. I was going to try and be a good girl tonight, but it
didn’t seem to be the case. He was easy on the eyes too. He had stubble along his jaw most days. His
brunette hair was sun-kissed and short. Eyes a pale brown.
The TV was on whatever sport Maddox had run across for the evening. I wasn’t sure what it was
as I skimmed through the notifications on my phone. While checking my email, an unknown number
popped up with a text.
Nox. My heart shuddered for a moment.
8:32 pm: From Unknown:
Hey gorgeous, it’s Nox. See you Saturday. Have a good night.
I snorted at the text. Gorgeous? I saved his number and then decided to text back. A little fun never
hurt. Right? He was a coworker, though. He did start it. Throwing caution into the wind, I replied.
8:38 pm: To Nox:
Gorgeous? You must be drunk. Be safe.
8:39 pm: From Nox:
I’m enjoying myself. ;) Thank you. Asher is driving tonight. Do you like beautiful better?
At least he was being safe and had a designated driver.
8:40 pm: To Nox:
Is this Declan? Otherwise, you’re awfully flirty when you’re drinking. Or is it the fact you’re
8:45 pm: From Nox:
I’m hurt.
Took him five minutes to type that? Sigh. He’s drunk.
8:47 pm: To Nox:
You’re definitely drunk. I’ll see you Saturday. I’m going to shower and go to bed.
8:49 pm: From Nox:
Don’t think about time too much. ;)
8:50 pm: To Nox:
I told you I don’t date coworkers.
8:50 pm: From Nox:
And I told you I’ll have to change your mind.
8:51 pm: To Nox:
*Eye roll* good night, Noxy
8:52 pm: From Nox:
Noxy? I like it. Good night beautiful.
This time I did roll my eyes. It was a typo. It was cute, though. I sat my phone down and noticed
the guys were watching a movie now. I wasn’t paying attention to it at all. I snuggled under the blanket
and laid my head on the arm of the chair. My eyes were getting heavier and heavier. I was exhausted.
Soon enough, I fell asleep.
Chapter 4

Third POV:
“Shit. She’s going to kick my ass,” Xander mumbled as he grabbed his keys and heading to the
door. “You staying here?” he looked to Jett.
“Yea,” Jett answered from the couch.
“Later,” Xander answered as he hurried out the door to appease his girlfriend.
“Later!” Maddox yelled.
“Shhh. She’s asleep,” Jett hiked his thumb in the sleeping woman’s direction.
Maddox grinned childishly. “Oh. Oops. Will you carry her to bed? She’s heavy,” he asked.
“What are you talking about? She’s tiny,” Maybe it’s because the man has held her in ways that
Maddox would likely kill him for.
Maddox grumbled as he stood, “Just take her. I’m going to bed. I’ll see you in the morning.”
“Fine,” Jett grumbled, even though he hoped to crawl into bed with the woman.
Jett stood from his spot and walked to the reddish-blonde beauty. He really did find her attractive.
Her body was perfect. She was flirty and shy at the same time. She wasn’t afraid to admit what she
wanted, either. He was sad to hear she was moving out; he’d likely see less of her.
Putting her phone in his pocket, Jett picked her up carefully. He walked down the hall and pushed
her door open with his foot. He laid her down and pulled the blanket over her. She had a few stray
hairs on her face, and he brushed them from her forehead.
“Jett,” She mumbled sleepily.
The man smiled softly. “Hey,” he whispered.
“Close the door and sleep in here,” she offered.
“Are you sure?” He was hesitant because of his friendship with Maddox.
Finley laughed lightly, “He’ll get over it.”
Jett closed the door and stripped to just his boxers. He crawled into bed next to her and pulled her
to him, her back to his chest. She was still half asleep, but Jett hoped to wake her. Jett slipped his
hand under her shirt and started rubbing her side. His hand slid down her stomach firmly, making her
stir. Jett’s lips brushed her shoulder before pressing kisses to her exposed skin.
“Jett,” She mumbled again. This time it was breathy.
“Hm?” The hum vibrated against her flesh.
She arched her back, causing her perfect ass to push against his growing need. His hum was
replaced with a throaty growl. Jett’s hand moved further up her shirt. He shifted slightly so he was
able to unclasp her bra. With her breasts not as confined, he moved to grip them, tightly squeezing. He
was rewarded with another push of her ass and a soft, sleepy moan.
Slipping his arm under her head, he wrapped it around her. He gripped her shoulder hard. His left
hand pushed into her shorts and panties, finding she was already wet as he traced her lower lips. She
moved her legs, throwing one over Jett. Jett’s fingers rubbed fast circles on her clit while rocking her
hips. The motion gave her more pleasure and gave Jett some friction.
Finley threw her arm behind her, holding onto Jett’s neck. Jett used this to his advantage and bit
down on the exposed skin of her shoulder. As her nails dug into his neck, he knew she was getting
close. Jett’s free hand gripped her breast, pinching at her stiff nipples. The soft whimper that left
Finley made Jett stroke her even faster.
“God, Jett,” she murmured softly.
“That’s it, baby,” he coaxed in her ear.
Jett felt her body shake as her juices seeped out of her. Then, coating her panties and his fingers
that he thrust into her, adding to her high. She moaned his name as her body calmed down. Pulling his
fingers from her slit, Jett licked his fingers clean, savoring her slightly sweet flavor.
Jett slipped his boxers off as Finley pushed her shorts and panties off. She went to roll over, but
Jett’s firm grip stopped her. “Stay like this,” his voice was deeper, rougher, just like he was in bed.
Her shirt and bra were still loosely on her; Jett pressed the head of his cock to her slit. He pushed
in slowly, enjoying the feel of her clenching around him. He couldn’t help the groan that came from
him when he was fully seated in her.
Jett pushed Finley gently, making her bend forward. One of his hands held a fistful of hair. The
other held tightly to her hip. She gripped the edge of the bed firmly to fight off the urge to moan
loudly. His thrusts were rough and rugged. She tried to remain quiet; Maddox’s room was just on the
other side of the wall her bed was against.
“You always feel so good, baby.” Jett’s words were uttered through clenched teeth.
While Jett was rough and tended to move quickly in bed, he always ensured Finley met her needs
before he finished. A true gentleman in bed.
She was definitely awake now, “Yes, Jett. Don’t stop.”
At Finley’s words, Jett pulled her to him. Both arms wrapped around her in a firm hold. He found
her breasts and held them as he fucked her relentlessly. Finally, he felt his end coming and kissed her
neck in apology.
“Fuck,” he mumbled into the crook of her neck.
She felt him twitch and his seed coating her hot pussy. He continued to hold her close, giving a
few more small thrusts. Holding her against his body, he pressed soft kisses to her neck and shoulder.
“Sorry I woke you,” he joked as he pulled away from her.
“You can wake me up like that anytime,” she smiled at him over her shoulder. “I am going to
shower, though. I meant to before I fell asleep.”
The awkward shuffle as Finley pulled her panties back on made Jett grin.
Jett moved to get up, “Okay. I’ll be on the couch.”
“Just stay in bed, Jett. Really, it’s fine,” she offered.
“You sure?” Jett didn’t want to piss off Maddox or upset Finley.
“Yes. I won’t belong.” He nodded as he pulled his boxers on and laid down.
Finley POV:
I grabbed Jett’s shirt and spare panties and went to the bathroom. Maddox has his own, so I took
over the spare. I turned on the shower and brushed my now tangled hair. A smile danced across my
lips as I thought about my friendly wake-up call from Jett. I tossed my hair back up since I didn’t want
to deal with washing it tonight.
I jumped in the shower, deciding to make it quick. I had shaved the night before and just wanted to
rinse off. I stepped out and dried off. I put on Jett’s shirt and panties before returning to my room.
Finding Jett was still awake, I smiled as I closed the door. He was looking at his phone before he
spotted me. The man was built and slightly tan. The way he was lying made it difficult not to stare.
“Wanting round two?” He noticed me staring.
“Maybe morning sex,” I joked as I crawled beside him.
Jett pointed to my side of the bed, “I put your phone on your nightstand.”
“Thank you.” He was a sweet guy.
I picked it up and made sure I didn’t miss anything important. The only important thing was a
confirmation from Drake that he received my paperwork and would see me Monday morning at eight.
I was slightly anxious about the upcoming endeavor.
“Maddox said you’re moving this weekend,” Jett mentioned as I sat my phone back down.
“Yea,” I rolled over to face him, “Start my new job Monday.”
He lifted his arm as he shifted to lie down entirely. I nestled myself against him as he spoke. “Can
I come over sometime?”
“Of course,” I grinned as he smiled down at me.
Jett frowned lightly before he admitted, “I’m afraid you’ll forget about me.”
“How could I forget about you?” I scoffed.
He shrugged, “I won’t see you as much.”
“You have my number, Jett. As long as I’m not busy, you’re welcome over any time.” I was
starting to feel as though Jett wanted more than just sex.
“Really?” his eyes lit brightly.
“Yea. I enjoy your company. And the sex,” I squeezed him as I finished the comment. I settled
against his toned chest.
“Nice shirt, by the way,” he chuckled as he caressed my arm idly.
“Thanks. It fits perfectly.” I felt him shake his head slightly, “You coming tomorrow?”
“Where?” He didn’t miss a beat.
“I know about the party,” I deadpanned as I glanced back up.
Jett hesitated to ask, “Does Maddox know that you know?”
“No,” I laughed as I relaxed against him.
“Keep it that way. He’s so excited. But yes, I’ll be there.” I could hear the sleep creeping up on
“Night, Jett,” I whispered.
Jett gave me a gentle squeeze, “Night.”
When I stirred awake, I found myself tangled with Jett. He was off on Fridays, so neither of us
had an alarm set. I was facing away from him, but our legs were intertwined. Shifting slowly, I turned
over to find him sleeping peacefully. I reached forward, pushing his bangs aside.
“Morning,” he said sleepily.
I smiled softly. “Morning,” I whispered.
“Hey, Sis, have you seen- Shit!” Maddox opened the door without thinking and then slammed it
closed. I cringed, and Jett winced. “What in the hell are you two doing?!” Maddox shouted from the
other side of the door.
I sighed and stood up. I took off Jett’s shirt and pulled on my own from last night and my shorts. I
opened the door to find a scowl on Maddox’s face. He looked past me, just making sure he didn’t see
things. Falling to his normal height, he crossed his arms and glared at me. He was a few inches taller,
so he narrowed his eyes as he looked down at me.
“What is he doing in your bed?” Maddox wasn’t an idiot; he was just in denial.
“He was sleeping,” I crossed my arms.
Maddox’s brows furrowed, “Why?”
“Your couch is lumpy,” I offered as an explanation.
“Bullshit,” Maddox barked.
“You’re right, Maddy. We’ve had sex about five times over the last month. So there, is that
better?” I snapped at him.
His face fell slightly before he asked, “Are you two dating?”
“No.” Jett and I both answered.
Maddox thought for a moment before moving to stand beside me. He looked straight at Jett before
saying, “You hurt her, and I’m kicking your ass.” After that, he turned around and left.
“Come on, Jett. I’ll make breakfast.” As I walked back to the bed, I said, “Then you get to help me
“I knew there was a catch.” We both laughed.
After breakfast, the three of us got to work. I made sure the boxes in my room were packed while
Maddox and Jett ensured the bigger boxes were stacked near the front door. Since I didn’t own much,
it only took us about an hour to get it all ready for the move.
“Is that everything?” Jett asked as he stacked the last box up near the front door.
“I think so,” I walked to the door where Jett stood. “Thanks for helping. Do you want me to drive
you home?”
“Maddox is taking me. He has an errand to run,” Jett explained.
“Okay,” I gave Jett a quick kiss. “See you tonight,” I whispered.
“See you then,” he gave me a toothy grin. “You ready, Maddox?”
“Yea! I’m coming,” Maddox came from the living room, keys in hand. “Bye, Sis.”
“Bye,” I called as I walked into my room.
It was almost five, and Maddox said we were leaving at six thirty. I decided to shower and
change while he was gone. I turned on the shower and hopped in. I was trying to decide what to do
with my hair as I washed it. I opted for down, keeping it simple. I’d do light makeup since I’m not
supposed to know about the party.
After I dried myself off, I wrapped the towel around me and walked to my room. I stopped dead
in my tracks when a familiar but not well-known man stood in my hallway.
“Axle?” I hesitated as I asked.
“And you are?” The man was such an asshole, and I haven’t even officially met him.
“Maddox’s sister,” he stared at me, “Finley. I also sat your brother’s nose yesterday after you
broke it.”
“Hn,” he cut his eyes away. The fuck is his problem.
“Nice to meet you too,” I held the towel close but cocked a hip and put a hand on it. “Can I help
His eyes followed the water droplets down my cleavage before he met my eyes again. He was
greeted with an annoyed face and an arched brow.
“I’m driving you and Maddox tonight,” he said dryly.
“Don’t sound so happy about it,” I scoffed, “Geeze.”
The man looked at me like I was an idiot, “I’m not. I wanted to drink.”
“I can DD if you want me to.” It was a genuine offer.
“Maddox won’t let you.” Did the man only have one mood: DICK?
“What about your brother?” I asked curiously.
“What?” He looked so confused that I laughed. His cheeks were tinted pink.
I tilted my head as I said, “He was DD for Nox and Declan last night. Why can’t he DD tonight?”
Narrowing his eyes, he asked, “How would you know?” He was starting to get on my nerves.
“Good god, I was trying to find a solution for your grumpy ass. Never mind,” I headed to my
“Why do you care?” he asked grumpily.
I stopped in my doorway and glanced back, “I don’t.” I let the towel fall from my body, giving
him a glimpse of my backside. I slammed the door. “Idiot,” I mumbled.
I towel-dried my hair for now and started getting dressed. I put on my bra and panties before
standing at one of my boxes. I left it open just for tonight and tomorrow morning. I decided on some
light-wash denim shorts and a T-shirt. The T-shirt was blueberry and stopped just below my belly
button. The back had slits from top to bottom, showing quite a bit of skin. It was summer, though, and
we’d likely go back and forth from inside and outside.
I returned to the bathroom to dry my hair and do my makeup. I heard Maddox and Axle in the
living room. “I’m almost ready!” I listened to an ‘okay’ and continued with my business. About fifteen
minutes later, I was ready to go. I slipped my shoes on and grabbed my wristlet.
“Ready when you are.” I stood behind the couch.
Both men turned to look at me before standing. Maddox moved without question. Axle let his eyes
travel up and down my body before moving on his way. I smirked and followed after them. Be an
asshole, and I’ll be a damned tease.
Chapter 5

I sat in the back seat for the twenty-minute drive. Maddox and Axle were talking, but I tuned them out.
Instead, I decided to check in on a certain Novak. I wasn’t sure where the urge came from, but he had
been on my mind for most of the day.
6:38 pm: To Nox:
Is tomorrow at 9 still good?
6:42 pm: From Nox:
Didn’t think I’d hear from you today. :) 9 is good. Dec and I will be there.
6:44 pm: To Nox:
I’ll have breakfast cooking, so just come on in. We should be able to get everything in one trip.
6:47 pm: From Nox:
Sounds good beautiful.
6:48 pm: To Nox:
So, you do remember.
6:50 pm: From Nox:
How could I forget?
6:51 pm: To Nox:
You’re an idiot. I have to go though, my brother is taking me out. I’ll see you in the morning.
Axle parked, and both men exited the car. I stepped out of the car and followed after the men.
Maddox was taking me to a bar that served food too. I was starving. I’d have to eat before I started
drinking, that’s for sure. My phone vibrated, and I glanced down at it.
6:54 pm: From Nox:
Have fun! Be safe. ;)
I smiled and slid my phone into my pocket.
“Surprise!” We were greeted with a boisterous shout.
I gave an embarrassed smile, which was genuine. I hated being the center of attention. Maddox
immediately started dragging me around. The first stop was a familiar pink-haired female. I was kind
of surprised to see her at the party.
“Finley, this is Valerie, Axle’s girlfriend. Valerie, this is Finley,” Maddox gestured between us
“Nice to see you again, Valerie.” Both Maddox and Valerie looked at me curiously and then at
Valerie. “We were introduced yesterday. By Nox.”
“Oh, yea. Nice to see you,” she gave me a fake smile that apparently only I could see through.
As Maddox pulled me away, Valerie pulled Axle into a sloppy, open-mouthed kiss. We stopped in
front of Xander and a blonde woman. She was beautiful. Her eyes were a bright blue as she looked at
“Brittney, this is Finley, my sister. Finley, this is Brittney. She’s Xander’s girlfriend,” Maddox
loved every second of this.
I held out my hand, “Nice to meet you finally. Maddox has talked about you a lot.”
The blonde pulled me into a hug after moving my hand away. “Xander has said so much about
you.” Then, she chimed, “Jett too. I’m glad I finally met to me you.” Her smile seemed genuine, and I
hoped I might get a friend out of the night.
Moving on, Jett was next to Kyra and two men. Kyra was stunning to me. Her hair was a dark
shade of purple, starkly contrasting her lightly colored eyes. The men were quiet as we approached.
One with black hair and sunglasses on. The other was taller, with extremely long brown hair that
seemed softer than any woman I’d ever seen. It had a tie at the base, was simple, and was kept tidy.
“Sam, Zane, this is my sister Finley. Zane is Kyra’s cousin,” Maddox added as I shook both mans’
I could already tell that Sam was the quiet type. Zane, the one with longer hair, seemed to be on
the quiet side but silently judging everyone simultaneously. Opinionated even. But damn, he was sexy.
Next was a woman who was standing with Cara. I met Cara a few times when I saw Maddox at
work. Her hair was bleach blonde, and her eyes were as dark as night. The blonde stood next to a
brunette with her hair in twin buns. She was just as beautiful as the rest of the women here. Beautiful
women and hot men surrounded Maddox.
“Tori, this is Finley,” I guess he got tired of complete introductions.
Tori was another hugger I learned quickly. Cara also hugged me, saying she missed hanging out
last night. Cara and Jett were in an on-again, off-again kind of relationship.
“Sai!” Cara suddenly yelled. A pale man with dark locks approached us.
“Hey, sweetie,” Cara greeted the man. “Sai, this is Finley, Maddox’s sister.”
“Nice to meet you. Cara’s talked about you a lot,” the pale man seemed relatively reserved.
“Bushy brow!” Maddox suddenly shouted.
“Maddox! Don’t be so loud,” I scolded.
“Lee, this is my sister, Finley.” Maddox completely ignored me as his final friend reached us.
Then, I saw why he called him bushy brow. He had shiny black hair and eyebrows that I wanted to
Finally, introductions were over, and I managed to sneak to the bar. I relaxed as I ordered a
whiskey and coke. Maddox had opened a tab for the night, but I didn’t want to run up the bill.
“Whew,” I stood at the bar, waiting for my drink.
“How’d you know Asher was out last night?” Axle slid in next to me.
“Does it matter?” I didn’t look at him, but I could feel his glare.
Is he just the bitchy one? Troublemaker: Declan. Flirt: Nox. Bitchy: Axle. Intelligent: Asher.
Drake…. control freak? I wasn’t sure yet. The family was nothing but bothersome already. And sexy.
“Yes. I didn’t know he went out.” I wasn’t sure if he was offended or pissed; he was left behind,
“And we live together.”
I wasn’t sure why I was bothering to explain myself, “Nox said Asher was driving him and
Declan last night. So, I just assumed – thank you – that he went out.” I picked up my drink and savored
the flavor.
Maddox had ordered food to be delivered to our four tables already occupied. I went to walk
away without waiting for Axle to respond but found my wrist was held onto. I looked at where his
hand held my wrist before lifting my head to narrow my eyes.
“You talked to Nox?” Axle rushed the words out.
“What on earth is your problem?” He held my wrist still. “I doubt your girlfriend would
appreciate you touching me.” He let go quickly. “He texted me. He and Declan are helping me move
tomorrow. Before you ask, Drake offered me a penthouse at the building they all live in. I’ll be next
door to Nox. Any other questions?”
“You’re working at the office?” The man seemed oblivious to everything unless it pertained to
I deadpanned, “Yes. I’m Drake’s new personal and administrative assistant.”
“Oh. Alright,” it was almost as if he was apologizing.
“Can I go now?” I snapped.
“Yea.” That was it. He was gone.
That was one Novak I didn’t want to be around. He made my blood boil. At least I wouldn’t have
to deal with him that much. It seemed as though Valerie would be taking care of him. Thank goodness.
Walking to the tables Maddox had reserved for us, I saddled up next to Jett and hip-checked him.
He glanced at me and smiled, wrapping an arm around me. The feeling of being wanted, not just my
body, was lovely. But I also didn’t want to give him the wrong idea.
“Thought you might’ve run away,” Jett joked.
“Nah. Axle got his panties in a wad,” I rolled my eyes as I sat my drink down.
“Everything okay?” he asked.
“Yea, he’s just an idiot. Valerie can keep his annoying ass,” I snorted.
Jett laughed, and I followed suit. After that, we all started eating and drinking. I kept pretty close
to Jett and Maddox for the night. I broke off with Cara and Tori for a bit, though. I didn’t have many
friends back in Benton Harbor. Hell, I only talk to one person that lives there now that I’ve moved.
I needed a break from the growing crowd, so I snuck outside for a cigarette. Maddox didn’t know,
and I tried to keep it that way. He wasn’t a prude or anything; he didn’t like that I smoked.
“He’ll kill you if he finds out,” a gruff voice sounded beside me.
“Jesus, Xander,” I jumped a little when I heard his voice.
He gave a lazy chuckle and stood next to me. He propped one foot against the wall. He lit his
cigarette and shoved his hands in his pocket with his lighter. Damn, I wish I was that cigarette. I
averted my eyes before he caught me looking at him. He tilted his head back and looked at the night
“Were you hiding?” Xander asked.
I hummed, “Just wanted a break. I don’t really like being the center of attention.”
“Unlike Maddox,” he chuckled.
I laughed lightly, “Exactly.”
After a few more moments of silence, I flicked my cigarette down and stepped on it. I faced
Xander and decided I might as well say it. Plus, the buzz I felt gave me the extra push of courage.
“If things don’t work out with Brittney, let me know,” I smirked.
He had his eyes closed. His left one cracked open barely. I could see the question stirring in his
single eye.
“Troublesome woman,” he mumbled.
“You have no idea,” I didn’t miss the blush on his cheeks as I walked away.
After I was inside, I picked up my wristlet and grabbed my phone. 11:28 pm. We should get going.
I didn’t want to be a buzz kill, but my bed sounded much better than this growing crowd. But who in
the hell was driving? I noticed Axle was drinking. I looked back at my phone and saw a text from
11:13 pm: From Nox:
Where are you, beautiful?
What? I shrugged it off and slid it into my pocket if we needed to call a cab or something. I
steadied my drinking since I was making breakfast tomorrow. I could function off little sleep, but I
preferred getting six hours or more. At this rate, I’d get about seven hours of sleep.
I started walking towards Maddox when my phone vibrated. I stepped up to the bar so I was out
of the way and pulled it out.
11:36 pm: From Nox:
Turn around.
Confused, I turned around to see Nox, Declan, and Asher talking to Axle and Valerie. Nox
smirked and put his phone in his pocket. He was wearing jeans and a shirt tonight. The shirt was tight
across his broad back. Since he was wearing short sleeves, I could see the dark ink of a tattoo on his
bicep. I sighed, thinking of what he looked like under those clothes. Dammit.
As I approached them, I realized there was a woman with them. She had chestnut brown hair and
deep onyx eyes. Another beauty. She was between Asher and Declan. I stopped to stand closer to
Nox, but Axle was to my right.
“Hey,” I smiled at the circle of friends.
“There you are,” Nox greeted.
“Thank god. We can go now,” Axle chirped.
“You could’ve left anytime,” I snapped. Earning a scowl from the pinkette.
Axle rolled his eyes, “Maddox didn’t want to leave yet. Plus, I’m not driving. And he definitely
wasn’t going to leave you here alone.”
“I’m a big girl,” I nearly growled.
“Okay, kids. That’s enough.” My head snapped to Nox as he spoke.
“Would you like to say that again?” He held his hands up in mock surrender. “That’s what I
thought,” I mumbled.
“Asher is taking Axle and Valerie home. Declan is driving you and Maddox home. I’m riding with
him, obviously.” Nox explained the new arrangements.
“I can call a cab. It’s no big deal,” I offered.
“It’s no trouble at all,” Declan assured me.
A family feud apparently happening, I moved on. “I’m Finley, by the way.” I extended my hand
across the circle and held it to the only person I didn’t know.
She held it delicately, “Claire.” She smiled shyly. I returned her smile, and we separated.
“I’ll try to find Maddox,” I said as I stepped away.
“Listen for the yelling,” Asher joked as I turned around.
I left the group laughing and searched for Maddox. He was with Kyra, Zane, Tori, Jett, and Cara.
Now that I think about it, that would be the group camping. I’d have to lay off Jett for a while. I had
watched how Zane and Tori interacted; they were a couple. Jett and Cara are on and off, and I think
they just switched back on. But where was the man she called Sai?
“The Novak brigade is here,” I said as I reached them.
Maddox blinked at me, “What?” He’s drunk.
“Declan and Nox are here to take us home.” Of course, it was pointless to explain it, but I still
“Oh. I, well, I-”
“He can ride home with Kyra and me,” Zane offered softly.
“I’d hate to leave him with you like this,” I cut my eyes over to Maddox as he swayed.
“He’ll fall asleep on the way home,” Kyra answered shyly.
I eyed Maddox curiously, then Kyra. “If you’re sure, then okay.”
“Yes,” Zane smiled, “I’m sure. I’ll bring him home tomorrow afternoon. He can have brunch with
the family.”
The Ashford family was loaded. The family loved Maddox, from what I understood. The entire
family had brunch on Saturday mornings. I’ve been invited, but I always politely declined. I’d have to
take them up on their offer one of these days. Kyra and Maddox, we’re discussing marriage. It all
made sense now.
“Okay,” I concluded, “Thank you. Have a good night.”
Everyone bid their farewells, and I made my way to pay my tab. I was waiting for my total when I
felt an arm around my shoulder.
“Where’s your brother? I thought this was his treat,” Nox asked. He was close enough that his
heavy scent wafted into my nostrils. I fought the urge to inhale deeply.
“He’s drunk,” I chuckled, “Also, it’s just me you’re taking home. He’s going home with his
“Oh?” Nox perked up at my explanation.
“Is that okay? I hate that the four of you drove over here. I wasn’t serious when I told Axle to get
Asher to bring us home.” I felt terrible that the family came all this way because of me.
“Huh?” Nox arched a brow.
“He was an ass earlier. He didn’t want to be DD, so I said to ask Asher. He wanted to know what
I meant, and I told him about you saying Asher was your DD last night. Then he was an even bigger
ass. But I got him back,” I smirked.
The bartender handed me the receipt. I started pulling out cash, but a debit card was placed on the
table. “I got it,” Nox said as he moved his arm from around me. The loss of heat was strange.
“What? No,” I reached for the card, but the Nox held it out to the bartender. “Dammit, Nox.”
“I think it goes, ‘Thank you, Nox.’” He gave that devilish smirk.
“Whatever,” I pouted as I cut my eyes away.
Nox looked at me in question, “What did you mean when you said you got him back?” They are a
curious little family.
“I’ll tell you in the car,” then, it was my turn to smirk.
He arched a brow, even more curious now. Then, finally, the bartender returned with his card. He
signed the receipt after leaving a generous tip. When we reached Declan, he was alone; the rest of the
group had left.
“We get this beauty all to ourselves,” Nox told his cousin.
“Lucky us,” Declan chimed.
My mind lingered on what their words could mean. There were multiple meanings in my dirty
mind. I mentally slapped my inner whore as we headed to the doors. As we walked outside, I felt
Nox’s hand brush the exposed skin on my back. I shivered under his ghostly touch.
“I can’t decide which clothes I like you in better,” Nox whispered into my ear as he leaned close.
We were behind Declan but only a few feet. “Is that so?”
He hummed, “These are nice, don’t get me wrong. But that skirt yesterday. All I could think about
“Quit flirting!” Declan’s voice captured our attention.
Declan held open the back door of his truck cab for me to climb in. His truck was nice, to say the
least. There was a substantial lift kit, making it larger than your standard truck. I found myself wanting
to drive it. Nox walked around the bed of the truck to the passenger side.
I placed my hand on Declan’s as I went to climb in. “Nice truck.”
“Thanks,” he blushed.
He closed the door and climbed into the driver’s seat. Once we were all buckled, Nox gave him
directions to the house. Nox turned to face me in his seat.
“So, what did you do to Axle?” Nox finally asked.
“Do to Axle?” Declan repeated, flicking his eyes to the rearview for a split second.
“He was ass earlier. So, I showed him mine.” The truck swerved slightly at my simple answer.
“You what?” Nox seemed dumbfounded.
I gave a flirtatious laugh before answering, “You should see your face.” Nox gave me a look and
stopped laughing. “I was wrapped in a towel, walking from the bathroom to my room, and noticed
Axle at the door. He was an ass to me. So, when I walked into my room, I let my towel fall.” I
smirked, “You should’ve seen the look on his face.”
“Lucky,” Declan grumbled.
“Not fair,” Nox complained.
“Maybe one day, boys,” I smiled. “Hey, since you’re dropping me off, and it’s so late, why don’t
you stay at the house?”
The cousins exchanged a look before Nox answered, “Is there room?”
“Well, there’s Maddox’s bed and a fold-out couch. So, I can sleep in Maddox’s bed if one of you
wants my bed? If that’s less weird,” I laughed.
“It makes more sense,” Declan agreed.
“Great.” A few minutes later, the house was in sight. “Just pull in the drive. We’ll leave before
Maddox gets home.”
Declan complied and got out. He held my door open for me, and the three of us headed inside. I
kicked my shoes off at the door and tossed my wristlet on the small table. The men did the same with
their shoes.
“This is it?” Declan asked.
“Yea. I have two boxes in my room, but they’re smaller.” I walked into the living room and pulled
the cushions off the couch.
“Here, let me help,” Nox offered.
The bed was made, so I only had to get the blanket and pillows. “I’ll be right back.” I returned
with two pillows and a blanket, “Here ya go.” I made the bed quickly. “Are you guys hungry or
I headed for the kitchen, and they followed. I opened the fridge and looked at the two men. Declan
was a bit shorter than Nox. His hair was also on the shaggy side, messy and unkempt. Sexy. His eyes
were a lighter shade of brown but still a mahogany brown like no other shade I’d seen.
“Just some water,” Declan answered.
I glanced at Nox; he was staring at my ass. I wiggled my hips, catching his attention. “Oh. Sorry.
Um, waters fine.”
I laughed and pulled three bottles of water out. I handed them theirs and opened mine. After a sip,
I looked at the men again. “Do you want the TV on?”
“Nah. I’m good,” Declan answered. Ah, that answered who was sleeping where.
“Night, Declan. Thank you for the ride home,” I offered as I walked into the living room.
Declan began moving pillows, “Night, Finley.”
“Nox, just let me grab some clothes, and I’ll be out of your hair.”
Once we entered my room, he said, “Or your hands could be in my hair.” Smooth.
“Nice try,” I bent over into a box to pull out clothes for tomorrow. “Quit looking at my ass.”
Nox had no shame as he said, “I can’t help it. But at least I’m not touching it.”
I rolled my eyes and stood up, “Do you want to?”
“Really?” A devious and delighted sparkle hit his eyes.
I shrugged, “Sure. A thank you.” This was dangerous territory, but I could flirt and keep it
professional at work. Right? Right.
He stepped closer, and I was reminded of the kiss we had shared just yesterday. He sat his hands
on my hips first, making sure I was serious. He slid them down slowly, giving me every chance to
pull away. He cupped my ass, one cheek in each hand. I arched my back slightly, showing him to
continue. He gave me a firm squeeze, and I couldn’t help but moan softly.
“You should probably get some sleep,” his voice was husky, and his eyes half-lidded. His hands
were still on my ass, though.
“If you insist.” Abort, you idiot!
“You may not be drunk, but you still drank tonight. I’m completely sober. I won’t take advantage
of you. No matter how hard it is.” To emphasize his point, he pulled me closer. He was hard… oh
fuck. “Good night, beautiful,” he smirked as he stepped away.
Walking for the door, I answered, “Night, Nox,” as I closed the door.
Chapter 6

I rolled over and looked at the ceiling. I was tangled in the sheets since Maddox didn’t know how to
make his bed. I kicked my legs until I was free from the confines of his sheets. I grabbed my phone
and noticed it was 8:42 am. By the time I made it to bed, it was a little after one the morning. Enough
sleep to function decently.
I stood up and stretched, letting my muscles relax. I quickly changed into skimpy black shorts and
a grey tank top. I made my way to my bathroom. I brushed my teeth and hair and put on deodorant. I
stepped out of the bathroom and noticed my door ajar. I peeked in and spotted Nox was still asleep.
My eyes traced his back muscles and lingered at a tattoo on one of his biceps. His back was to
me, and the sheet was at his waist. My mind drifted to last night and his courteous demeanor. Even
sexier. If he had made any move to have sex, I would’ve caved easily. I shook my head and headed to
the living room.
I was greeted with another glorious sight. This Novak was lying face up. One arm over his head
and the other on his exposed stomach. His sheet was also down to his waist, and I could see the blue
boxer briefs if the sheet moved just a little more… bad, Finley! His chest and abs were toned, and I
bit my lip.
“Now I’m jealous,” I suppressed the squeak as I turned in surprise to face Nox. He was still
shirtless but had pulled his jeans back on.
“Shhhh. If you would’ve been facing me, you would’ve gotten the same look,” I whisper yelled,
and then headed to the kitchen.
Nox followed me and continued talking in a hushed voice, “So, you were spying on me?”
“I was enjoying the view,” I shrugged as I pulled out pots and pans.
I walked to the pantry and opened it. It was big enough for four or five people to walk into if
needed. It was our emergency fallout for severe weather. I was looking for the pancake batter, which
was on the top shelf, of course. Maddox was only a few inches taller but still used it against me. I
stretched on my tippy toes and almost had it.
“Here.” I felt a chest pressed to my back and shivered in delight.
Nox took it down and placed it beside us. I was stuck at the moment, shelves in front of me and
Nox behind me. All of a sudden, it was pitch black. Nox has flicked the light off.
“No-” I stopped when I felt his hands on my hips.
His breath was hot on my neck when he brushed his lips against my flesh. “Remember what I said
last night?” Gods, his voice was sexy.
“You were a gentleman. Didn’t want to take advantage of me,” my voice was hushed in the
“Advantage of the situation,” another feathery pass of his lips, “I want to take advantage of you.”
My knees became weak.
“Is that so?” I wasn’t sure what he was thinking, but I was definitely willing, even if it was a bad
He kissed my shoulder, then my neck, humming a yes along the way.
“I don’t date coworkers,” my own voice was becoming laced with desire. Fuck my rules.
“This isn’t a date,” he assured, and I had no doubt his lips were twisted into a pleased smirk.
His right hand slipped into my shorts. Fingers teased my flesh for a moment before he found my
clit. We both were bored of the constricting clothes because he pulled his hand free after only a few
strokes. Nox helped me out of my shorts and panties. He turned me around and flicked the light on.
“I want to see your face when you cum all over me.” Oh my god. If I wasn’t wet before, I was a
dripping mess now.
All I could do in response was bite my lip and nod. I seem to bite my lip a lot around these men.
The Novak family would be the death of me. I just knew it. He knelt and guided one of my legs to sit
on a shelf. I’ve known this man for three days, and he’s already seen me like this. Mom would be
proud. Ha.
“I see someone marked their territory,” he cast his eyes up at me, and I could see the desire and
anger flare in his eyes. “Guess I’ll have to do the same.”
He held my thigh and kissed it before biting and sucking hard. I gripped his hair roughly, pulling
him closer to my core. He growled, refusing to submit. Instead, he bit down again, sucking harder.
“N-Noxy,” I mumbled lazily. I wasn’t sure why the pet name fell from my lips like honey.
Once satisfied with his multiple bite marks, he finally placed his mouth where I wanted it for a
second. He licked upward once before pulling back to look at me. My eyes were half-lidded and
stormed with desire. He raised his hands and traced my slit with his finger, never looking away from
my amber eyes.
“Ah,” I gasped quietly as he pushed one finger in.
“So wet,” He murmured.
He pushed two fingers in next in and out at a painfully slow pace. Nox still held my gaze. I
couldn’t hold it anymore. My eyes fluttered close, and my head tilted backward. He curled his
fingers, and my hips rocked on their own.
I bucked when I felt his hot tongue on my clit. I was on cloud nine. I was in my brother’s pantry
getting finger fucked and eaten out; who wouldn’t be. The man that was between legs was. Okay, his
cousin may not be happy in the next room. But we were.
My grip in his hair grew tighter as I felt my release approaching fast. His fingers became rougher
as he plunged them into me quickly. I bit my lip again, hard enough to draw blood to suppress the
scream of euphoria from escaping.
Nox gently removed his fingers, allowing his tongue to lap at my essence. I moved my head to
look at him as he did. I got caught, or did he get caught? His eyes were intently focused on my face.
Watching every expression he elicited from me.
He stood while licking his fingers clean. He moved before me, grabbing the nape of my neck in
dominance. He pulled me into an earth-shattering kiss. The faint taste of my cum on his tongue had me
begging for more. His tongue won the fight, though. I moaned into the kiss when I felt him press his
impressive cock against my already wet again mound.
I moved my leg off the shelf and pushed Nox back gently, not breaking the kiss. I kissed his neck
and chest, leaving a few marks of my own along the way. His abs were delectable, and I licked the
small patch of hair to the waistline of his boxer briefs. I unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them down. I
moved to my knees and looked up at him.
His eyes had me so weak. I would do his bidding. Anything he asked. There was just something
about him. His eyes danced with a blazing fire I’d never seen before. I could feel myself dripping
onto my thighs. I kissed his waist again, slowly rolling his underwear down. The tip of his cock
peeked out, and I licked it, giving him the same lazy pace he did me.
I pulled them down all the way and tried not to gasp. I wanted it inside me right now. Instead, I
licked the length slowly. He wasn’t happy with that, so he grabbed a fist full of hair with one hand
while the other grabbed his throbbing erection. I glanced up to find his eyes yelling at what he wanted
me to do. He may be in control, but I had what he wanted.
In the end, I complied without a fight. My mouth took in as much as I could. My right hand gripped
his shaft as my left braced me against his amazing thigh. He immediately set the tempo and had me
Another random document with
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f the gnostic so much has been cursorily, as it were,

written. We proceed now to the sequel, and must again
contemplate faith; for there are some that draw the
distinction, that faith has reference to the Son, and
knowledge to the Spirit. But it has escaped their notice
that, in order to believe truly in the Son, we must believe that He is
the Son, and that He came, and how, and for what, and respecting
His passion; and we must know who is the Son of God. Now neither
is knowledge without faith, nor faith without knowledge. Nor is the
Father without the Son; for the Son is with the Father. And the Son is
the true teacher respecting the Father; and that we may believe in
the Son, we must know the Father, with whom also is the Son.
Again, in order that we may know the Father, we must believe in the
Son, that it is the Son of God who teaches; for from faith to
knowledge by the Son is the Father. And the knowledge of the Son
and Father, which is according to the gnostic rule—that which in
reality is gnostic—is the attainment and comprehension of the truth
by the truth.
We, then, are those who are believers in what is not believed, and
who are gnostics as to what is unknown; that is, gnostics as to what
is unknown and disbelieved by all, but believed and known by a few;
and gnostics, not describing actions by speech, but gnostics in the
exercise of contemplation. Happy is he who speaks in the ears of the
hearing. Now Faith is the ear of the soul. And such the Lord
intimates faith to be, when He says, “He that hath ears to hear, let
him hear;”[697] so that by believing he may comprehend what He
says, as He says it. Homer, too, the oldest of the poets, using the
word “hear” instead of “perceive”—the specific for the generic term—

“Him most they heard.”[698]

For, in fine, the agreement and harmony of the faith of both[699]

contribute to one end—salvation. We have in the apostle an unerring
witness: “For I desire to see you, that I may impart unto you some
spiritual gift, in order that ye may be strengthened; that is, that I may
be comforted in you, by the mutual faith of you and me.”[700] And
further on again he adds, “The righteousness of God is revealed
from faith to faith.”[701] The apostle, then, manifestly announces a
double faith, or rather one which admits of growth and perfection; for
the common faith lies beneath as a foundation. To those, therefore,
who desire to be healed, and are moved by faith, He added, “Thy
faith hath saved thee.”[702] But that which is excellently built upon is
consummated in the believer, and is again perfected by the faith
which results from instruction and the word, in order to the
performance of the commandments. Such were the apostles, in
whose case it is said that “faith removed mountains and transplanted
trees.”[703] Whence, perceiving the greatness of its power, they
asked “that faith might be added to them;”[704] a faith which salutarily
bites the soil “like a grain of mustard,” and grows magnificently in it,
to such a degree that the reasons of things sublime rest on it. For if
one by nature knows God, as Basilides thinks, who calls intelligence
of a superior order at once faith and kingship, and a creation worthy
of the essence of the Creator; and explains that near Him exists not
power, but essence and nature and substance; and says that faith is
not the rational assent of the soul exercising free-will, but an
undefined beauty, belonging immediately to the creature;—the
precepts both of the Old and of the New Testament are, then,
superfluous, if one is saved by nature, as Valentinus would have it,
and is a believer and an elect man by nature, as Basilides thinks;
and nature would have been able, one time or other, to have shone
forth, apart from the Saviour’s appearance. But were they to say that
the visit of the Saviour was necessary, then the properties of nature
are gone from them, the elect being saved by instruction, and
purification, and the doing of good works. Abraham, accordingly, who
through hearing believed the voice, which promised under the oak in
Mamre, “I will give this land to thee, and to thy seed,” was either
elect or not. But if he was not, how did he straightway believe, as it
were naturally? And if he was elect, their hypothesis is done away
with, inasmuch as even previous to the coming of the Lord an
election was found, and that saved: “For it was reckoned to him for
righteousness.”[705] For if any one, following Marcion, should dare to
say that the Creator (Δημιουργόν) saved the man that believed on
him, even before the advent of the Lord, (the election being saved
with their own proper salvation); the power of the good Being will be
eclipsed; inasmuch as late only, and subsequent to the Creator
spoken of by them in words of good omen, it made the attempt to
save, and by his instruction, and in imitation of him. But if, being
such, the good Being save, according to them; neither is it his own
that he saves, nor is it with the consent of him who formed the
creation that he essays salvation, but by force or fraud. And how can
he any more be good, acting thus, and being posterior? But if the
locality is different, and the dwelling-place of the Omnipotent is
remote from the dwelling-place of the good God; yet the will of him
who saves, having been the first to begin, is not inferior to that of the
good God. From what has been previously proved, those who
believe not are proved senseless: “For their paths are perverted, and
they know not peace,” saith the prophet.[706] “But foolish and
unlearned questions” the divine Paul exhorted to “avoid, because
they gender strifes.”[707] And Æschylus exclaims:
“In what profits not, labour not in vain.”

For that investigation, which accords with faith, which builds, on the
foundation of faith, the august knowledge of the truth, we know to be
the best. Now we know that neither things which are clear are made
subjects of investigation, such as if it is day, while it is day; nor things
unknown, and never destined to become clear, as whether the stars
are even or odd in number; nor things convertible; and those are so
which can be said equally by those who take the opposite side, as if
what is in the womb is a living creature or not. A fourth mode is,
when, from either side of those, there is advanced an unanswerable
and irrefragable argument. If, then, the ground of inquiry, according
to all of these modes, is removed, faith is established. For we
advance to them the unanswerable consideration, that it is God who
speaks and comes to our help in writing, respecting each one of the
points regarding which I investigate. Who, then, is so impious as to
disbelieve God, and to demand proofs from God as from men?
Again, some questions demand the evidence of the senses, as if one
were to ask whether the fire be warm, or the snow white; and some
admonition and rebuke, as the question if you ought to honour your
parents. And there are those that deserve punishment, as to ask
proofs of the existence of Providence. There being then a
Providence, it were impious to think that the whole of prophecy and
the economy in reference to a Saviour did not take place in
accordance with Providence. And perchance one should not even
attempt to demonstrate such points, the divine Providence being
evident from the sight of all its skilful and wise works which are seen,
some of which take place in order, and some appear in order. And
He who communicated to us being and life, has communicated to us
also reason, wishing us to live rationally and rightly. For the Word of
the Father of the universe is not the uttered word (λόγος
προφορικός), but the wisdom and most manifest kindness of God,
and His power too, which is almighty and truly divine, and not
incapable of being conceived by those who do not confess—the all-
potent will. But since some are unbelieving, and some are
disputatious, all do not attain to the perfection of the good. For
neither is it possible to attain it without the exercise of free choice;
nor does the whole depend on our own purpose; as, for example,
what is destined to happen. “For by grace we are saved:” not,
indeed, without good works; but we must, by being formed for what
is good, acquire an inclination for it. And we must possess the
healthy mind which is fixed on the pursuit of the good; in order to
which we have the greatest need of divine grace, and of right
teaching, and of holy susceptibility, and of the drawing of the Father
to Him. For, bound in this earthly body, we apprehend the objects of
sense by means of the body; but we grasp intellectual objects by
means of the logical faculty itself. But if one expect to apprehend all
things by the senses, he has fallen far from the truth. Spiritually,
therefore, the apostle writes respecting the knowledge of God, “For
now we see as through a glass, but then face to face.”[708] For the
vision of the truth is given but to few. Accordingly, Plato says in the
Epinomis, “I do not say that it is possible for all to be blessed and
happy; only a few. Whilst we live, I pronounce this to be the case.
But there is a good hope that after death I shall attain all.” To the
same effect is what we find in Moses: “No man shall see my face,
and live.”[709] For it is evident that no one during the period of life
has been able to apprehend God clearly. But “the pure in heart shall
see God,”[710] when they arrive at the final perfection. For since the
soul became too enfeebled for the apprehension of realities, we
needed a divine teacher. The Saviour is sent down—a teacher and
leader in the acquisition of the good—the secret and sacred token of
the great Providence. “Where, then, is the scribe? where is the
searcher of this world? Hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this
world?”[711] it is said. And again, “I will destroy the wisdom of the
wise, and bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent,”[712]
plainly of those wise in their own eyes, and disputatious. Excellently
therefore Jeremiah says, “Thus saith the Lord, Stand in the ways,
and ask for the eternal paths, what is the good way, and walk in it,
and ye shall find expiation for your souls.”[713] Ask, he says, and
inquire of those who know, without contention and dispute. And on
learning the way of truth, let us walk on the right way, without turning
till we attain to what we desire. It was therefore with reason that the
king of the Romans (his name was Numa), being a Pythagorean,
first of all men, erected a temple to Faith and Peace. “And to
Abraham, on believing, righteousness was reckoned.”[714] He,
prosecuting the lofty philosophy of aerial phenomena, and the
sublime philosophy of the movements in the heavens, was called
Abram, which is interpreted “sublime father.”[715] But afterwards, on
looking up to heaven, whether it was that he saw the Son in the
spirit, as some explain, or a glorious angel, or in any other way
recognised God to be superior to the creation, and all the order in it,
he receives in addition the Alpha, the knowledge of the one and only
God, and is called Abraam, having, instead of a natural philosopher,
become wise, and a lover of God. For it is interpreted, “elect father of
sound.” For by sound is the uttered word: the mind is its father; and
the mind of the good man is elect. I cannot forbear praising
exceedingly the poet of Agrigentum, who celebrates faith as follows:
“Friends, I know, then, that there is truth in the myths
Which I will relate. But very difficult to men,
And irksome to the mind, is the attempt of faith.”[716]

Wherefore also the apostle exhorts, “that your faith should not be in
the wisdom of men,” who profess to persuade, “but in the power of
God,”[717] which alone without proofs, by mere faith, is able to save.
“For the most approved of those that are reputable knows how to
keep watch. And justice will apprehend the forgers and witnesses of
lies,” says the Ephesian.[718] For he, having derived his knowledge
from the barbarian philosophy, is acquainted with the purification by
fire of those who have led bad lives, which the Stoics afterwards
called the Conflagration (ἐκπύρωσις), in which also they teach that
each will arise exactly as he was, so treating of the resurrection;
while Plato says as follows, that the earth at certain periods is
purified by fire and water: “There have been many destructions of
men in many ways; and there shall be very great ones by fire and
water; and others briefer by innumerable causes.” And after a little
he adds: “And, in truth, there is a change of the objects which
revolve about earth and heaven; and in the course of long periods
there is the destruction of the objects on earth by a great
conflagration.” Then he subjoins respecting the deluge: “But when,
again, the gods deluge the earth to purify it with water, those on the
mountains, herdsmen and shepherds, are saved; those in your cities
are carried down by the rivers into the sea.” And we showed in the
first Miscellany that the philosophers of the Greeks are called
thieves, inasmuch as they have taken without acknowledgment their
principal dogmas from Moses and the prophets. To which also we
shall add, that the angels who had obtained the superior rank,
having sunk into pleasures, told to the women the secrets which had
come to their knowledge; while the rest of the angels concealed
them, or rather, kept them against the coming of the Lord. Thence
emanated the doctrine of providence, and the revelation of high
things; and prophecy having already been imparted to the
philosophers of the Greeks, the treatment of dogma arose among
the philosophers, sometimes true when they hit the mark, and
sometimes erroneous, when they comprehended not the secret of
the prophetic allegory. And this it is proposed briefly to indicate in
running over the points requiring mention. Faith, then, we say, we
are to show must not be inert and alone, but accompanied with
investigation. For I do not say that we are not to inquire at all. For
“Search, and thou shalt find,”[719] it is said.
“What is sought may be captured,
But what is neglected escapes,”

according to Sophocles.
The like also says Menander the comic poet:
“All things sought,
The wisest say, need anxious thought.”

But we ought to direct the visual faculty of the soul aright to

discovery, and to clear away obstacles; and to cast clean away
contention, and envy, and strife, destined to perish miserably from
among men.
For very beautifully does Timon of Phlius write:
“And Strife, the Plague of Mortals, stalks vainly shrieking,
The sister of Murderous Quarrel and Discord,
Which rolls blindly over all things. But then
It sets its head towards men, and casts them on hope.”

Then a little below he adds:

“For who hath set these to fight in deadly strife?
A rabble keeping pace with Echo; for, enraged at those silent,
It raised an evil disease against men, and many perished;”
of the speech which denies what is false, and of the dilemma, of that
which is concealed, of the Sorites, and of the Crocodilean, of that
which is open, and of ambiguities and sophisms. To inquire, then,
respecting God, if it tend not to strife, but to discovery, is salutary.
For it is written in David, “The poor eat, and shall be filled; and they
shall praise the Lord that seek Him. Your heart shall live for
ever.”[720] For they who seek Him after the true search, praising the
Lord, shall be filled with the gift that comes from God, that is,
knowledge. And their soul shall live; for the soul is figuratively termed
the heart, which ministers life: for by the Son is the Father known.
We ought not to surrender our ears to all who speak and write
rashly. For cups also, which are taken hold of by many by the ears,
are dirtied, and lose the ears; and besides, when they fall they are
broken. In the same way also, those, who have polluted the pure
hearing of faith by many trifles, at last becoming deaf to the truth,
become useless and fall to the earth. It is not, then, without reason
that we commanded boys to kiss their relations, holding them by the
ears; indicating this, that the feeling of love is engendered by
hearing. And “God,” who is known to those who love, “is love,”[721]
as “God,” who by instruction is communicated to the faithful, “is
faithful;”[722] and we must be allied to Him by divine love: so that by
like we may see like, hearing the word of truth guilelessly and purely,
as children who obey us. And this was what he, whoever he was,
indicated who wrote on the entrance to the temple at Epidaurus the
“Pure he must be who goes within
The incense-perfumed fane.”

And purity is “to think holy thoughts.” “Except ye become as these

little children, ye shall not enter,” it is said, “into the kingdom of
heaven.”[723] For there the temple of God is seen established on
three foundations—faith, hope, and love.

Respecting faith we have adduced sufficient testimonies of

writings among the Greeks. But in order not to exceed bounds,
through eagerness to collect a very great many also respecting hope
and love, suffice it merely to say that in the Crito Socrates, who
prefers a good life and death to life itself, thinks that we have hope of
another life after death.
Also in the Phædrus he says, “That only when in a separate state
can the soul become partaker of the wisdom which is true, and
surpasses human power; and when, having reached the end of hope
by philosophic love, desire shall waft it to heaven, then,” says he,
“does it receive the commencement of another, an immortal life.”
And in the Symposium he says, “That there is instilled into all the
natural love of generating what is like, and in men of generating men
alone, and in the good man of the generation of the counterpart of
himself. But it is impossible for the good man to do this without
possessing the perfect virtues, in which he will train the youth who
have recourse to him.” And as he says in the Theætetus, “He will
beget and finish men. For some procreate by the body, others by the
soul;” since also with the barbarian philosophers to teach and
enlighten is called to regenerate; and “I have begotten you in Jesus
Christ,”[724] says the good apostle somewhere.
Empedocles, too, enumerates friendship among the elements,
conceiving it as a combining love:
“Which do you look at with your mind; and don’t sit gaping with your eyes.”

Parmenides, too, in his poem, alluding to hope, speaks thus:

“Yet look with the mind certainly on what is absent as present,
For it will not sever that which is from the grasp it has of that which is
Not, even if scattered in every direction over the world or combined.”

For he who hopes, as he who believes, sees intellectual objects

and future things with the mind. If, then, we affirm that aught is just,
and affirm it to be good, and we also say that truth is something, yet
we have never seen any of such objects with our eyes, but with our
mind alone. Now the Word of God says, “I am the truth.”[725] The
Word is then to be contemplated by the mind. “Do you aver,” it was
said,[726] “that there are any true philosophers?” “Yes,” said I, “those
who love to contemplate the truth.” In the Phædrus also, Plato,
speaking of the truth, shows it as an idea. Now an idea is a
conception of God; and this the barbarians have termed the Word of
God. The words are as follow: “For one must then dare to speak the
truth, especially in speaking of the truth. For the essence of the soul,
being colourless, formless, and intangible, is visible only to God,[727]
its guide.” Now the Word issuing forth was the cause of creation;
then also he generated himself, “when the Word had become
flesh,”[728] that He might be seen. The righteous man will seek the
discovery that flows from love, to which if he hastes he prospers. For
it is said, “To him that knocketh, it shall be opened: ask, and it shall
be given to you.”[729] “For the violent that storm the kingdom”[730]
are not so in disputatious speeches; but by continuance in a right life
and unceasing prayers, are said “to take it by force,” wiping away the
blots left by their previous sins.
“You may obtain wickedness, even in great abundance.[731] And
him who toils God helps; For the gifts of the Muses, hard to win, Lie
not before you, for any one to bear away.”
The knowledge of ignorance is, then, the first lesson in walking
according to the Word. An ignorant man has sought, and having
sought, he finds the teacher; and finding has believed, and believing
has hoped; and henceforward having loved, is assimilated to what
was loved—endeavouring to be what he first loved. Such is the
method Socrates shows Alcibiades, who thus questions: “Do you not
think that I shall know about what is right otherwise?” “Yes, if you
have found out.” “But you don’t think I have found out?” “Certainly, if
you have sought.” “Then you don’t think that I have sought?” “Yes, if
you think you do not know.”[732] So with the lamps of the wise
virgins, lighted at night in the great darkness of ignorance, which the
Scripture signified by “night.” Wise souls, pure as virgins,
understanding themselves to be situated amidst the ignorance of the
world, kindle the light, and rouse the mind, and illumine the
darkness, and dispel ignorance, and seek truth, and await the
appearance of the Teacher.

“The mob, then,” said I, “cannot become a philosopher.”[733]

“Many rod-bearers there are, but few Bacchi,” according to Plato.

“For many are called, but few chosen.”[734] “Knowledge is not in
all,”[735] says the apostle. “And pray that we may be delivered from
unreasonable and wicked men: for all men have not faith.”[736] And
the Poetics of Cleanthes, the Stoic, writes to the following effect:
“Look not to glory, wishing to be suddenly wise,
And fear not the undiscerning and rash opinion of the many;
For the multitude has not an intelligent, or wise, or right judgment,
And it is in few men that you will find this.”[737]

And more sententiously the comic poet briefly says:

“It is a shame to judge of what is right by much noise.”

For they heard, I think, that excellent wisdom, which says to us,
“Watch your opportunity in the midst of the foolish, and in the midst
of the intelligent continue.”[738] And again, “The wise will conceal
sense.”[739] For the many demand demonstration as a pledge of
truth, not satisfied with the bare salvation by faith.
“But it is strongly incumbent to disbelieve the dominant wicked,
And as is enjoined by the assurance of our muse,
Know by dissecting the utterance within your breast.”
“For this is habitual to the wicked,” says Empedocles, “to wish to
overbear what is true by disbelieving it.” And that our tenets are
probable and worthy of belief, the Greeks shall know, the point being
more thoroughly investigated in what follows. For we are taught what
is like by what is like. For says Solomon, “Answer a fool according to
his folly.”[740] Wherefore also, to those that ask the wisdom that is
with us, we are to hold out things suitable, that with the greatest
possible ease they may, through their own ideas, be likely to arrive at
faith in the truth. For “I became all things to all men, that I might gain
all men.”[741] Since also “the rain” of the divine grace is sent down
“on the just and the unjust.”[742] “Is He the God of the Jews only, and
not also of the Gentiles? Yes, also of the Gentiles: if indeed He is
one God,”[743] exclaims the noble apostle.

But since they will believe neither in what is good justly nor in
knowledge unto salvation, we ourselves reckoning what they claim
as belonging to us, because all things are God’s; and especially
since what is good proceeded from us to the Greeks, let us handle
those things as they are capable of hearing. For intelligence or
rectitude this great crowd estimates not by truth, but by what they
are delighted with. And they will be pleased not more with other
things than with what is like themselves. For he who is still blind and
dumb, not having understanding, or the undazzled and keen vision
of the contemplative soul, which the Saviour confers, like the
uninitiated at the mysteries, or the unmusical at dances, not being
yet pure and worthy of the pure truth, but still discordant and
disordered and material, must stand outside of the divine choir. “For
we compare spiritual things with spiritual.”[744] Wherefore, in
accordance with the method of concealment, the truly sacred Word,
truly divine and most necessary for us, deposited in the shrine of
truth, was by the Egyptians indicated by what were called among
them adyta, and by the Hebrews by the veil. Only the consecrated—
that is, those devoted to God, circumcised in the desires of the
passions for the sake of love to that which is alone divine—were
allowed access to them. For Plato also thought it not lawful for “the
impure to touch the pure.”
Thence the prophecies and oracles are spoken in enigmas, and
the mysteries are not exhibited incontinently to all and sundry, but
only after certain purifications and previous instructions.
“For the Muse was not then
Greedy of gain or mercenary;
Nor were Terpsichore’s sweet,
Honey-toned, silvery soft-voiced
Strains made merchandise of.”
Now those instructed among the Egyptians learned first of all that
style of the Egyptian letters which is called Epistolographic; and
second, the Hieratic, which the sacred scribes practise; and finally,
and last of all, the Hieroglyphic, of which one kind which is by the
first elements is literal (Kyriologic), and the other Symbolic. Of the
Symbolic, one kind speaks literally by imitation, and another writes
as it were figuratively; and another is quite allegorical, using certain
Wishing to express Sun in writing, they make a circle; and Moon,
a figure like the Moon, like its proper shape. But in using the
figurative style, by transposing and transferring, by changing and by
transforming in many ways as suits them, they draw characters. In
relating the praises of the kings in theological myths, they write in
anaglyphs.[745] Let the following stand as a specimen of the third
species—the Enigmatic. For the rest of the stars, on account of their
oblique course, they have figured like the bodies of serpents; but the
sun like that of a beetle, because it makes a round figure of ox-dung,
and rolls it before its face. And they say that this creature lives six
months under ground, and the other division of the year above
ground, and emits its seed into the ball, and brings forth; and that
there is not a female beetle. All then, in a word, who have spoken of
divine things, both Barbarians and Greeks, have veiled the first
principles of things, and delivered the truth in enigmas, and symbols,
and allegories, and metaphors, and such like tropes. Such also are
the oracles among the Greeks. And the Pythian Apollo is called
Loxias. Also the maxims of those among the Greeks called wise
men, in a few sayings indicate the unfolding of matter of
considerable importance. Such certainly is that maxim, “Spare Time:”
either because life is short, and we ought not to expend this time in
vain; or, on the other hand, it bids you spare your personal
expenses; so that, though you live many years, necessaries may not
fail you. Similarly also the maxim “Know thyself” shows many things;
both that thou art mortal, and that thou wast born a human being;
and also that, in comparison with the other excellences of life, thou
art of no account, because thou sayest that thou art rich or
renowned; or, on the other hand, that, being rich or renowned, you
are not honoured on account of your advantages alone. And it says,
Know for what thou wert born, and whose image thou art; and what
is thy essence, and what thy creation, and what thy relation to God,
and the like. And the Spirit says by Isaiah the prophet, “I will give
thee treasures, hidden, dark.”[746] Now wisdom, hard to hunt, is the
treasures of God and unfailing riches. But those, taught in theology
by those prophets, the poets, philosophize much by way of a hidden
sense. I mean Orpheus, Linus, Musæus, Homer, and Hesiod, and
those in this fashion wise. The persuasive style of poetry is for them
a veil for the many. Dreams and signs are all more or less obscure to
men, not from jealousy (for it were wrong to conceive of God as
subject to passions), but in order that research, introducing to the
understanding of enigmas, may haste to the discovery of truth. Thus
Sophocles the tragic poet somewhere says:
“And God I know to be such an one,
Ever the revealer of enigmas to the wise,
But to the perverse bad, although a teacher in few words,”—

putting bad instead of simple. Expressly then respecting all our

Scripture, as if spoken in a parable, it is written in the Psalms, “Hear,
O my people, my law: incline your ear to the words of my mouth. I
will open my mouth in parables, I will utter my problems from the
beginning.”[747] Similarly speaks the noble apostle to the following
effect: “Howbeit we speak wisdom among those that are perfect; yet
not the wisdom of this world, nor of the princes of this world, that
come to nought. But we speak the wisdom of God hidden in a
mystery; which none of the princes of this world knew. For had they
known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.”[748]
The philosophers did not exert themselves in contemning the
appearance of the Lord. It therefore follows that it is the opinion of
the wise among the Jews which the apostle inveighs against it.
Wherefore he adds, “But we preach, as it is written, what eye hath
not seen, and ear hath not heard, and hath not entered into the heart
of man, what God hath prepared for them that love Him. For God
hath revealed it to us by the Spirit. For the Spirit searcheth all things,
even the deep things of God.”[749] For he recognises the spiritual
man and the gnostic as the disciple of the Holy Spirit dispensed by
God, which is the mind of Christ. “But the natural man receiveth not
the things of the Spirit, for they are foolishness to him.”[750] Now the
apostle, in contradistinction to gnostic perfection, calls the common
faith the foundation, and sometimes milk, writing on this wise:
“Brethren, I could not speak to you as to spiritual, but as to carnal, to
babes in Christ. I have fed you with milk, not with meat: for ye were
not able. Neither yet are ye now able. For ye are yet carnal: for
whereas there is among you envy and strife, are ye not carnal, and
walk as men?”[751] Which things are the choice of those men who
are sinners. But those who abstain from these things give their
thoughts to divine things, and partake of gnostic food. “According to
the grace,” it is said, “given to me as a wise master builder, I have
laid the foundation. And another buildeth on it gold and silver,
precious stones.”[752] Such is the gnostic superstructure on the
foundation of faith in Christ Jesus. But “the stubble, and the wood,
and the hay,” are the additions of heresies. “But the fire shall try
every man’s work, of what sort it is.” In allusion to the gnostic edifice
also in the Epistle to the Romans, he says, “For I desire to see you,
that I may impart unto you a spiritual gift, that ye may be
established.”[753] It was impossible that gifts of this sort could be
written without disguise.

Now the Pythagorean symbols were connected with the Barbarian

philosophy in the most recondite way. For instance, the Samian
counsels “not to have a swallow in the house;” that is, not to receive
a loquacious, whispering, garrulous man, who cannot contain what
has been communicated to him. “For the swallow, and the turtle, and
the sparrows of the field, know the times of their entrance,”[754] says
the Scripture; and one ought never to dwell with trifles. And the
turtle-dove murmuring shows the thankless slander of fault-finding,
and is rightly expelled the house.
“Don’t mutter against me, sitting by one in one place, another in

The swallow too, which suggests the fable of Pandion, seeing it is

right to detest the incidents reported of it, some of which we hear
Tereus suffered, and some of which he inflicted. It pursues also the
musical grasshoppers, whence he who is a persecutor of the word
ought to be driven away.
“By sceptre-bearing Here, whose eye surveys Olympus,
I have a trusty closet for tongues,”

says Poetry. Æschylus also says:

“But I, too, have a key as a guard on my tongue.”

Again Pythagoras commanded, “When the pot is lifted off the fire,
not to leave its mark in the ashes, but to scatter them;” and “people
on getting up from bed, to shake the bed-clothes.” For he intimated
that it was necessary not only to efface the mark, but not to leave
even a trace of anger; and that on its ceasing to boil, it was to be
composed, and all memory of injury to be wiped out. “And let not the
sun,” says the Scripture, “go down upon your wrath.”[756] And he that
said, “Thou shalt not desire,”[757] took away all memory of wrong; for
wrath is found to be the impulse of concupiscence in a mild soul,
especially seeking irrational revenge. In the same way “the bed is
ordered to be shaken up,” so that there may be no recollection of
effusion in sleep, or sleep in the day-time; nor, besides, of pleasure
during the night. And he intimated that the vision of the dark ought to
be dissipated speedily by the light of truth. “Be angry, and sin not,”
says David, teaching us that we ought not to assent to the
impression, and not to follow it up by action, and so confirm wrath.
Again, “Don’t sail on land” is a Pythagorean saying, and shows
that taxes and similar contracts, being troublesome and fluctuating,
ought to be declined. Wherefore also the Word says that the tax-
gatherers shall be saved with difficulty.[758]
And again, “Don’t wear a ring, nor engrave on it the images of the
gods,” enjoins Pythagoras; as Moses ages before enacted expressly,
that neither a graven, nor molten, nor moulded, nor painted likeness
should be made; so that we may not cleave to things of sense, but
pass to intellectual objects: for familiarity with the sight disparages
the reverence of what is divine; and to worship that which is
immaterial by matter, is to dishonour it by sense. Wherefore the
wisest of the Egyptian priests decided that the temple of Athene
should be hypæthral, just as the Hebrews constructed the temple
without an image. And some, in worshipping God, make a
representation of heaven containing the stars; and so worship,
although Scripture says, “Let us make man in our image and
likeness.”[759] I think it worth while also to adduce the utterance of
Eurysus the Pythagorean, which is as follows, who in his book On
Fortune, having said that the “Creator, on making man, took Himself
as an exemplar,” added, “And the body is like the other things, as
being made of the same material, and fashioned by the best
workman, who wrought it, taking Himself as the archetype.” And, in
fine, Pythagoras and his followers, with Plato also, and most of the
other philosophers, were best acquainted with the Lawgiver, as may
be concluded from their doctrine. And by a happy utterance of
divination, not without divine help, concurring in certain prophetic
declarations, and seizing the truth in portions and aspects, in terms
not obscure, and not going beyond the explanation of the things,
they honoured it on ascertaining the appearance of relation with the
truth. Whence the Hellenic philosophy is like the torch of wick which
men kindle, artificially stealing the light from the sun. But on the
proclamation of the Word all that holy light shone forth. Then in
houses by night the stolen light is useful; but by day the fire blazes,
and all the night is illuminated by such a sun of intellectual light.
Now Pythagoras made an epitome of the statements on
righteousness in Moses, when he said, “Do not step over the
balance;” that is, do not transgress equality in distribution, honouring
justice so.
“Which friends to friends for ever,
To cities, cities—to allies, allies binds,
For equality is what is right for men;
But less to greater ever hostile grows,
And days of hate begin,”

as is said with poetic grace.

Wherefore the Lord says, “Take my yoke, for it is gentle and
light.”[760] And on the disciples, striving for the pre-eminence, He
enjoins equality with simplicity, saying “that they must become as
little children.”[761] Likewise also the apostle writes, that “no one in
Christ is bond or free, or Greek or Jew. For the creation in Christ
Jesus is new, is equality, free of strife—not grasping—just.” For envy,
and jealousy, and bitterness, stand without the divine choir.
Thus also those skilled in the mysteries forbid “to eat the heart;”
teaching that we ought not to gnaw and consume the soul by
idleness and by vexation, on account of things which happen against
one’s wishes. Wretched, accordingly, was the man whom Homer
also says, wandering alone, “ate his own heart.” But again, seeing
the Gospel supposes two ways—the apostles, too, similarly with all
the prophets—and seeing they call that one “narrow and confined”
which is circumscribed according to the commandments and
prohibitions, and the opposite one, which leads to perdition, “broad
and roomy,” open to pleasures and wrath, and say, “Blessed is the
man who walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, and standeth not

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