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Leading at a Higher Level Blanchard on

Leadership and Creating High

Performing Organizations Kenneth H.
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Praise for Leading at a Higher Level

“At Southwest Airlines, we have always strived to lead at a higher

level. We truly believe that profit is the applause you get for taking
care of your internal and external customers. We have always
insisted upon a happy, carefree, team-spirited—yes, even fun—
working environment, which we think results in motivated employees
who will do the right thing for their internal and external customers.
Reading this book will make a positive difference in your
Colleen C. Barrett, President Emeritus, Southwest Airlines

“This is not just theory. It is the real stuff, tried in dozens of

companies big and small. It represents the most concise, practical,
and effective thinking on leadership around. Plainly said, this works.”
Gary Crittenden, Managing Director, Huntsman Gay Global Capital,
former CFO of Citigroup and American Express

“Leading at a higher level is a must today if leaders are to rebuild

trust and credibility, as we are doing at Tyco. This book will teach
you how.”
Eric Pillmore, Senior Vice President of Corporate Governance, Tyco

“Leading at a Higher Level translates decades of research and 40

years of global experience into simple, practical, and powerful
strategies to equip leaders at every level to build organizations that
produce bottom-line results. At Nissan, we have made these
principles a core part of our leadership philosophy, better equipping
our managers to bring out the great energies and talents of our
Jim Irvine, Vice President of Human Resources, Nissan North

The concepts in Leading at a Higher Level have been used by high

performing organizations around the world, including:

Abbott Laboratories
AMF Bowling Worldwide, Inc.
Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield
Applebee’s International, Inc.
Bayer AG
Big Lots Stores, Inc.
Biogen Idec Inc.
Bose® Corporation
Bowater® Incorporated
Burger King®
Callaway Golf Company
Caterpillar Inc.
Cellular One
Chick-fil-A®, Inc.
Children’s Hospital
The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf®
Comerica Incorporated
Domino’s Pizza
Dow Corning Corporation
Energy Northwest
Exxon Mobil Corporation
Fairmont Hotels & Resorts
FedEx Kinko’s Office and Print Services
Fireman’s Fund Insurance Company®
Foster Farms
Genentech, Inc.
Georgetown University
Hilton Hotels Corporation
Home Depot
Host Hotels & Resorts (formerly known as Host Marriott)
Hyatt Corporation
Jack in the Box Inc.
Kennedy Space Center
Krispy Kreme Doughnut Corporation
Marriott International
Mattel, Inc.
MCI, Inc.
Merck & Co., Inc.
The Michelin Group
Microsoft Corporation
Nissan Motor Co.
Northrop Grumman Corporation
Novartis AG
Pepperdine University
Polaris Industries
The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company
Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd.®
Safeco Corporation
San Diego Padres
S.C. Johnson & Son, Inc.
Six Continents Retail
Sony Corporation of America
Staples, Inc.
Toshiba Corporation
Toyota Motor Corporation
TRW Automotive Inc.
Tyson Foods, Inc.
Victoria’s Secret
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission
WD-40 Company
Wells Fargo & Company
Wendy’s International, Inc.
Yellow Pages (GTE)
Contributing Authors

Ken Blanchard
Marjorie Blanchard
Scott Blanchard
Madeleine Blanchard
Don Carew
Eunice Parisi-Carew
Randy Conley
Kathy Cuff
Garry Demarest
Claire Díaz-Ortiz
Chris Edmonds
Fred Finch
Susan Fowler
Bob Glaser
Lael Good
Vicki Halsey
Laurence Hawkins
Judd Hoekstra
Fay Kandarian
Linda Miller
Alan Randolph
Jane Ripley
Jesse Stoner
Drea Zigarmi
Pat Zigarmi
Leading at a Higher Level
Blanchard on Leadership and Creating
High Performing Organizations

Third Edition

The Founding Associates

and Consulting Partners of
The Ken Blanchard Companies®
© 2019 by BMC, Blanchard Management Corporation
Published by Pearson Education, Inc.
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ISBN-10: 0-13-485753-4
ISBN-13: 978-0-13-485753-4
Library of Congress Control Number: 2018947162
1 18
Executive Editor: Laura Norman
Senior Marketing Manager: Stephane Nakib
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Managing Editor: Sandra Schroder
Senior Project Editor: Lori Lyons
Cover Designer: Chuti Prasertsith
Project Manager: Suganya Karuppasamy
Copy Editor: Gill Editorial Services
Proofreader: Christopher Morris
Indexer: Ken Johnson
Compositor: codemantra
Dedicated to all leaders in the world who are trying every
day to lead at a higher level. May you keep your energy
high and know that what you are doing makes a
Contents at a Glance


SECTION I Set Your Sights on the Right Target

and Vision

Chapter 1 Is Your Organization High

Don Carew, Fay Kandarian, Eunice Parisi-Carew, Jesse
Stoner, and Ken Blanchard

Chapter 2 The Power of Vision

Jesse Stoner, Ken Blanchard, and Drea Zigarmi

SECTION II Treat Your People Right

Chapter 3 Empowerment Is the Key

Alan Randolph and Ken Blanchard

Chapter 4 SLII®: The Integrating Concept

The Founding Associates

Chapter 5 Self Leadership: The Power Behind

Susan Fowler, Ken Blanchard, and Laurence Hawkins

Chapter 6 One-on-One Leadership

Fred Finch and Ken Blanchard

Chapter 7 Essential Skills for One-on-One

Ken Blanchard and Fred Finch

Chapter 8 Building Trust

Ken Blanchard, Cynthia Olmstead, and Randy Conley

Chapter 9 Coaching: A Key Competency for

Leadership Development
Madeleine Homan Blanchard and Linda Miller

Chapter 10 Mentoring: The Key to Life Planning

Ken Blanchard and Claire Díaz-Ortiz

Chapter 11 Team Leadership

Don Carew, Eunice Parisi-Carew, Lael Good, and Ken

Chapter 12 Collaboration: Fuel for High

Jane Ripley, Eunice Parisi-Carew, and Ken Blanchard

Chapter 13 Organizational Leadership

Ken Blanchard, Jesse Stoner, Don Carew, Eunice Parisi-
Carew, and Fay Kandarian

Chapter 14 Organizational Change: Why People

Resist It
Pat Zigarmi, Judd Hoekstra, and Ken Blanchard

Chapter 15 Leading People Through Change

Pat Zigarmi and Judd Hoekstra

Chapter 16 Managing a Successful Cultural

Garry Demarest, Chris Edmonds, and Bob Glaser
SECTION III Treat Your Customers Right

Chapter 17 Serving Customers at a Higher

Ken Blanchard, Kathy Cuff, Vicki Halsey, and Jesse

SECTION IV Have the Right Kind of


Chapter 18 Servant Leadership

Ken Blanchard, Scott Blanchard, and Drea Zigarmi

Chapter 19 Determining Your Leadership Point

of View
Margie Blanchard, Pat Zigarmi, and Ken Blanchard



About the Authors

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Leading at a Higher Level
Why Did We Write This Book?
How This Book Is Organized

SECTION I Set Your Sights on the Right Target

and Vision

Chapter 1 Is Your Organization High

The Right Target: The Quadruple Bottom Line
Employer of Choice
Provider of Choice
Investment of Choice
Corporate Citizen of Choice
A High Performing Organization Scores Every Time
S = Shared Information and Open Communication
C = Compelling Vision
O = Ongoing Learning
R = Relentless Focus on Customer Results
E = Energizing Systems and Structures
S = Shared Power and High Involvement
Leadership Is the Engine
The HPO SCORES® Quiz: How Does Your Organization
How Does Your Organization Score?
How Should I Use My Quiz Results?

Chapter 2 The Power of Vision

The Importance of Vision
Effective Versus Ineffective Vision Statements
Creating a Vision That Really Works
Significant Purpose
A Picture of the Future
Clear Values
A Compelling Vision Creates a Culture of Greatness
Vision Is the Place to Start
Vision Can Exist Anywhere in an Organization
Make Your Vision a Reality
How It’s Created
How It’s Communicated
How It’s Lived
Vision and Leadership

SECTION II Treat Your People Right

Chapter 3 Empowerment Is the Key

What Is Empowerment?
The Power of Empowerment
How History Blocks Change to Empowerment
Tapping People’s Power and Potential: A Real-World
Learning the Language of Empowerment
The Three Keys to Empowerment
The First Key to Empowerment: Share Information
with Everyone
The Second Key to Empowerment: Create
Autonomy Through Boundaries
The Third Key to Empowerment: Replace the Old
Hierarchy with Self-Directed Individuals and Teams

Chapter 4 SLII®: The Integrating Concept

The Three Skills of an SLII® Leader
Goal Setting: The First Skill
Diagnosis: The Second Skill
Matching: The Third Skill
Enthusiastic Beginners Need a Directing Style
Disillusioned Learners Need a Coaching Style
Capable But Cautious Performers Need a Supporting
Self-Reliant Achievers Need a Delegating Style
Development Level Varies from Goal to Goal and Task
to Task
Meeting People Where They Are
The Importance of Partnering with People
Effective Leadership Is a Transformational Journey

Chapter 5 Self Leadership: The Power Behind

Creating an Empowered Workforce
Creating Self Leaders Through Individual Learning
The Three Skills of a Self Leader
The First Skill of a Self Leader: Challenge Assumed
The Second Skill of a Self Leader: Activate Points
of Power
The Third Skill of a Self Leader: Be Proactive
Chapter 6 One-on-One Leadership
Establishing an Effective Performance Management
One-on-One Leadership and the Performance
Management System
Performance Planning: The First Part of a
Performance Management System
Performance Coaching: The Second Part of a
Performance Management System
Performance Review: The Third Part of a
Performance Management System
Partnering as an Informal Performance Management
One-on-Ones: An Insurance Policy for Making One-on-
One Leadership Work

Chapter 7 Essential Skills for One-on-One

One Minute Goal Setting
Areas of Accountability
Performance Standards
Performance Reviews Can Undermine Performance
Limit the Number of Goals
Good Goals Are SMART Goals
One Minute Praisings
Be Immediate and Specific
State Your Feelings
Praisings Are Universally Powerful
Being Close Counts
Make Time for Praisings
One Minute Re-Directs
How Do One Minute Re-Directs Work?
Praisings and Redirects Are Key to One-on-One
The Fourth Secret of the One Minute Manager
The One Minute Apology

Chapter 8 Building Trust

The High Cost of Low Trust
The Benefits of Trust
The Four Elements of Trust
Creating a High Trust Environment
Step One: Know the Behaviors That Support the
ABCDs of Trust
Step Two: Assess the Current Trust Level
Step Three: Diagnose Areas That Need Work
Step Four: Have a Conversation to Restore Trust
The Transparency Challenge
Repairing Broken Trust
Step One: Acknowledge and Assure
Step Two: Admit
Step Three: Apologize
Step Four: Assess
Step Five: Agree
The Ripple Effect

Chapter 9 Coaching: A Key Competency for

Leadership Development
Definition of Coaching
Five Applications of Coaching
Application One: Performance Coaching
Application Two: Development Coaching
Application Three: Career Coaching
Application Four: Coaching to Support Learning
Application Five: Creating an Internal Coaching

Chapter 10 Mentoring: The Key to Life Planning

Obstacles to Beginning a Mentoring Relationship
Choosing a Mentoring Partner
Essence Versus Form
The MENTOR Model: Elements of a Successful
Mentoring Partnership
Review and Renew
Creating a Mentoring Program in Your Organization
Tailoring Mentoring to Career Stages
Early or Entry Level
Mid-Career or Management Level
Executive or Master Level

Chapter 11 Team Leadership

Why Teams?
Obstacles to High Performance
An Effective Team Leadership Approach
Understanding the Characteristics That Make a
High Performance Team
Identifying the Team’s Stage of Development
Productivity and Morale
Team Development Stage 1 (TDS1)—Orientation
Team Development Stage 2 (TDS2)—
Team Development Stage 3 (TDS3)—Integration
Team Development Stage 4 (TDS4)—Production
Providing Leadership Behaviors That Match the Team’s
Teams at Stage 1 Need a Structuring Style
Teams at Stage 2 Need a Resolving Style
Teams at Stage 3 Need an Integrating Style
Teams at Stage 4 Need a Validating Style
Strategies for Higher Team Performance
Keep the Team Moving Forward
Observe Team Dynamics
Manage Closure
The Power of Teams

Chapter 12 Collaboration: Fuel for High

Collaboration Is Not Coordination, Cooperation, or
Creating a Collaborative Framework
Collaboration Versus Competition
What It Takes to Be Collaborative
The UNITE Model
The Heart: Utilize Differences
The Heart: Nurture Safety and Trust
The Head: Involve Others in Crafting a Clear
Purpose, Values, and Goals
The Hands: Talk Openly
The Hands: Empower Yourself and Others
Collaboration: Fuel for High Performance

Chapter 13 Organizational Leadership

Real Life Examples of HPO SCORES®
S—Shared Information and Open Communication
C—Compelling Vision
O—Ongoing Learning
R—Relentless Focus on Customer Results
E—Energizing Systems and Structures
S—Shared Power and High Involvement
Determining the Appropriate Leadership Style for Your
Diagnosing Your Organization’s Development Level
Results and Relationships: The Determinants of a High
Performing Organization
Organizational Development Stage 1: Start-Up
Organizational Development Stage 2: Improving
Organizational Development Stage 3: Developing
Organizational Development Stage 4: High
Matching Leadership Style to Your Organization’s
Development Stage
Applying the Appropriate Leadership Style at Each
Development Level
Stage 1: Start-Up
Stage 2: Improving
Stage 3: Developing
Stage 4: High Performing
The Importance of Diagnosis and Matching
A History-Making Organizational Turnaround

Chapter 14 Organizational Change: Why People

Resist It
The Importance of Leading Change
Why Is Organizational Change So Complicated?
When Is Change Necessary?
Why Change Gets Derailed or Fails
Focus on Leading the Journey
Surfacing and Addressing People’s Concerns
Stage 1: Information Concerns
Stage 2: Personal Concerns
Stage 3: Implementation Concerns
Stage 4: Impact Concerns
Stage 5: Collaboration Concerns
Stage 6: Refinement Concerns
Different People Are at Different Stages of Concern
The Importance of Involving Those Who Are Being
Asked to Change

Chapter 15 Leading People Through Change

Five Change Leadership Strategies
Change Strategy 1: Expand Involvement and
Change Strategy 2: Explain Why the Change Is
Change Strategy 3: Collaborate on Implementation
Change Strategy 4: Make the Change Sustainable
Change Strategy 5: Explore Possibilities
The Importance of Reinforcing the Change

Chapter 16 Managing a Successful Cultural

Gung Ho!: A Starting Point
One “Right” Culture?
Culture by Design, Not by Default
Skepticism about Culture from Senior Leaders
The Importance of a Compelling Vision
Managing a Successful Cultural Transformation
Phase One: Discovery
Phase Two: Immersion
Phase Three: Alignment
Phase Four: Refinement
Critical Success Factors for Cultural Transformation

SECTION III Treat Your Customers Right

Chapter 17 Serving Customers at a Higher

Getting Legendary SCORES from Your Customers
Creating Legendary Service
Serving Customers at a Higher Level
Decide What You Want Your Customer Experience
to Be
Discover What Your Customers Want
Deliver Your Ideal Customer Service Experience
Permitting People to Soar
Wallowing in a Duck Pond
Giving Your People Wings

SECTION IV Have the Right Kind of


Chapter 18 Servant Leadership

What Is Servant Leadership?
Applying Servant Leadership
Great Leaders Encourage People to Bring Their Brains
to Work
What Kind of Leadership Impacts Performance the
Being a Servant Leader Is a Question of the Heart
Driven Versus Called Leaders
The Plight of the Ego
Ego Antidotes
What Servant Leaders Do
Servant Leadership: A Mandate or a Choice

Chapter 19 Determining Your Leadership Point

of View
Elements of a Leadership Point of View
Key People
Key Events
Expectations for Yourself and Others
Developing Your Own Leadership Point of View
Become a Higher Level Leader



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List of Illustrations

Figure 1.1 The HPO SCORES® Model
Figure 2.1 The Visionary Role of Leadership
Figure 2.2 The Implementation Role of Leadership
Figure 4.1 The SLII® Model
Figure 4.2 Matching Leadership Style to Development
Figure 5.1 Points of Power
Figure 5.2 The SLII® Model
Figure 6.1 The Performance Management Game Plan
Figure 6.2 SLII® Leadership Styles
Figure 9.1 The Coaching Sweet Spot
Figure 11.1 Characteristics of High Performance Teams
Figure 11.2 The Stages of Team Development
Figure 11.3 Team Leadership Model
Figure 11.4 Focus of a Participant Observer
Figure 12.1 The UNITE Model
Figure 13.1 Matching Leadership Style to Organizational
Development Stage
Figure 14.1 The Stages of Concern Model
Figure 15.1 Leading People Through Change Model
Figure 15.2 Perceived Loss of Control Increases
Resistance to Change
Figure 17.1 The Legendary Service Model
Figure 17.2 The Implementation Role of Leadership
Figure 18.1 The Leadership-Profit Chain

Several years ago, my wife Margie and I went on a safari in South

Africa with some family and friends. We had already been on many
safaris, but this time I saw some things differently. The jungle
appeared more vicious, competitive, and territorial than ever before.
If you’ve ever heard a lion roar, it sends chills up your back. When
our long-time guide, Gary Clarke from Topeka, Kansas, imitates the
lion’s roar, he shouts, “It’s mine, mine, mine, mine!” That’s because
when the lion roars, what he’s really saying is, “This is my territory.
Don’t mess with me.” In fact, lions will kill their sons if the sons
challenge their fathers’ control over their territory.
The reason I saw this more vividly than ever before is that I had
decided on this trip that I was going to find out as much as I
possibly could about Nelson Mandela. We had been at a dinner party
where people around the table were asked to share what person—of
anyone in the world—they would love to have dinner with. It was a
quick decision for me. I said, “Nelson Mandela. I would love to have
dinner with a man who was in prison for 28 years and treated
cruelly, yet came out of that experience full of love, compassion, and
reconciliation.” On the trip, I began to read Mandela’s autobiography,
Long Walk to Freedom.
When I compared what I saw in the jungle with how Mandela had
reacted to his treatment, I realized that in many ways we as human
beings are just intelligent animals. And being intelligent animals, we
can choose every day whether to be self-serving or serving. Jungle
animals, like the lion, can’t make that choice. They have to
annihilate others to protect their territory. It’s not in their nature to
share with other species. And yet, just as Mandela did, we as human
beings can make choices to live and lead at a higher level, to be
serving rather than self-serving. But when you look at the leaders
around the world—whether they’re running countries, businesses,
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