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Assessment Task Notification

Stage 5
Year: 10 RoSA Due Date: Week 8
Subject: Religion
Refer to table below
Title Topic/unit

Written Response Catholic Social Teaching

NESA/Syllabus Outcomes
A student:
● E10 Value: recognises the necessary social dimensions of personal and moral responsibility
● E10 Knowledge: articulates an understanding of the core principles and themes of Catholic Social
● E10 Skill: applies the, ‘See, Judge, Act’ methodology to a range of contemporary situations.

Task Outline/context


● 10RE_#A Wilson - Wednesday ● 10RE_#E Coward - Tuesday 19th

20th March, period 3 March, period 4
● 10RE_#B Buchan - Tuesday 19th ● 10RE_#F Visaggio- Tuesday 19th
March, period 4 March, period 4
● 10RE_#C Battin - Tuesday 19th ● 10RE_#G Haybittle - Tuesday 19th
March, period 4 March, period 4
● 10RE_#D Magill- Wednesday ● 10RE_#H Fairbairn – Tuesday 19th
20th March, period 3 March, period 4

You are required to respond to the following essay question under timed conditions. You will
have 5 minutes of planning time and 45 minutes of writing time (50 minutes in total).

Explain the Catholic Church’s response to your chosen social justice issue. You
are to apply the See, Judge, Act framework to your essay, using relevant
examples and appropriate terminology.

To assist you with your research, use the ‘Framework Template’ provided to organise your
ideas. Note that you will be provided with TWO lessons to prepare for this task in class.

Test Instructions:

On the day of the in-class task:

● you will observe test conditions (desks will be separated and no talking is permitted).
● you will need your writing equipment i.e. blue/ black pens, a highlighter, etc. (liquid
paper is not permitted).
● you are NOT permitted to bring any study notes, quotes or practice responses into the
● you are to use the 5 minutes planning time to complete the scaffold provided which
will support your approach to the question.

Submission Instructions
To be completed in class under test conditions.

Academic Integrity
You are reminded that academic integrity is integral to student learning and is highly valued
by our College. This task must be produced with integrity and honesty – breaches include
collusion, cheating and plagiarism. All students are expected to act honestly, responsibly, and
ethically, following guidance provided by the College and NESA. All hand-in Tasks in Year 10
are to be submitted via Turnitin.

You will be assessed on your ability to:

● explain the Catholic Church’s response to your chosen social justice issue.
● apply the ‘See, Judge, Act’ framework to your response.
● use relevant examples, sacred texts and writings.
● use accurate and appropriate terminology.
● develop a well-structured and cohesive essay response.

Marking Criteria

Task Component

Criteria Grade

● demonstrates an extensive knowledge and understanding of the chosen A

social justice issue.
● effectively and appropriately applies the ‘See, Judge, Act’ framework in the
● integrates accurate and relevant examples, sacred texts and writings.
● uses accurate and extensive terminology.
● develops a well-structured and cohesive essay response.

● demonstrates a thorough knowledge and understanding of the chosen social B

justice issue
● appropriately applies the ‘See, Judge, Act’ framework in the response.
● includes mostly relevant examples, sacred texts and writings
● consistently uses appropriate terminology.
● develops a well-structured essay response.

● demonstrates a sound knowledge and understanding of the chosen social C

justice issue.
● makes adequate use of the ‘See, Judge, Act’ framework in the response.
● includes some examples, sacred texts and writings
● uses some relevant terminology.
● develops a sound essay response with some structure.

● demonstrates a basic knowledge and understanding of the chosen social D

justice issue.
● makes inadequate use of the ‘See, Judge, Act’ framework in the response.
● makes minimal reference to examples, sacred texts and writings.
● uses basic terminology.
● develops a basic response that is descriptive in nature.

● demonstrates an elementary knowledge and understanding of the chosen E

social justice issue.
● makes limited or no use of the ‘See, Judge, Act’ framework in the response.
● makes limited or no reference to examples, sacred texts and writings.
● uses limited/ irrelevant terminology.
● presents a limited response that lacks structure and cohesion.

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