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Conservation Technology Serge A.

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Conservation Drones Mapping and Monitoring Biodiversity

Serge A. Wich

Portfolio Diversification Francois-Serge Lhabitant

Biodiversity Conservation: a Very Short Introduction

David W. Macdonald

Conservation of Marine Birds Lindsay Young
Wildlife Management and Conservation: Contemporary
Principles Practices

Conservation of Books 1st Edition Abigail Bainbridge

Infectious Disease Ecology and Conservation Johannes


Population Dynamics for Conservation Louis W. Botsford

Infectious Disease Ecology and Conservation Johannes

Conservation Technology

Serge A. Wich
School of Biological and Environmental Sciences,
Liverpool John Moores University, UK

Alex K. Piel
Department of Anthropology,
University College London, UK

Great Clarendon Street, Oxford, OX2 6DP,
United Kingdom
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The idea for this book developed during an MSc drones. The field site is not unique in its use of tech-
field course that we teach in Tanzania, where Alex nology, and hence we felt that students, colleagues,
directs a long-term primate field site in the Issa and collaborators at other sites around the world
valley. For nearly a decade at Issa, we have used would find a book that describes these and other
various technologies to establish and increase chim- conservation technologies useful. We realized that
panzee (and other wildlife) detections and monitor- even though there are already books that describe
ing. Alex started there many years ago for PhD work specific technologies such as camera traps, machine
by deploying a custom-designed and built passive learning, or drones, no one volume covers a wide
acoustic monitoring (PAM) system, integrated with array of field-friendly technologies. We hope that
radios to conduct real-time monitoring of chim- the book is not only applicable for students, but also
panzee pant hoots, in an effort to localize callers to for managers of conservation areas who more often
improve habituation efforts. Later on, we initiated a than not have to monitor a large number of ani-
collaboration on the usage of drones in western Tan- mal species and vegetation with limited resources
zania to detect chimpanzee nests. We first trained and where results are directly fed into policies and
together in the Netherlands, before Alex and Fiona practices. Determining what options there are avail-
Stewart flew their first missions using fixed-wings able to do so and what each of these options entails
on a region-wide chimpanzee survey. While initial in terms of data collected, analyses, costs, dura-
flights were literally bumpy, now drones are a reg- bility, and specific scientific questions that can be
ular part of various conservation questions being answered with the data is not easy. We hope that
asked not just in Tanzania, but also across great ape this volume helps those managers and conservation
distribution. practitioners to make such choices. Similarly, we
Issa now integrates and relies on PAM, camera feel that this book will be of use for colleagues who
traps, drones, digital data collection on tablets, DNA are developing or initiating new research projects
collection through primate faeces, and uses machine and seek an overview of technologies that are com-
learning to analyse images from camera traps and monly being used in conservation.


We would like to thank Liverpool John Moores We want to thank the Oxford University Press
University for the support of the drone lab that team for offering us the chance to work with them
has been instrumental for our drone work, train- on this book, especially Ian Sherman and Charles
ing the next generation of conservationists, and Bath who provided excellent guidance throughout
for its support in using and developing technol- the process.
ogy for conservation in general. We would also Serge is thankful for the support from Tine, Ama-
like to thank the UCSD/Salk Center for Academic ra, and Lenn during the writing of this book and
Research and Training in Anthropogeny (CARTA), accepting my absence during the many field trips
which has supported primate research and conser- over the past years to work with some of the tech-
vation efforts in the Issa valley. nologies featured in this book. I hope it will con-
We would like to thank Lian Pin Koh, Peter tribute to more and better conservation of wildlife
Wrege, Ammie Kalan, Jorge Ahumada, Oliver and their habitats.
Wearn, Lochran Traill, Erin Vogel, Rich Bergl, Dani- Alex is grateful for the patience and support
jela Puric-Mladenovic, Stefano Mariani, Chris Gor- offered by Fiona Stewart and his favourite primates
don, Jan van Gemert, Josh Veitch-Michaelis, Liana Finlay and Caelan. May these technologies allow
Chua, and Koen Arts for kindly reviewing the for the continued conservation of wildlife for your
chapters. children to observe and appreciate as well.


List of Contributors xvii

1 Conservation and technology: an introduction 1

Alex K. Piel and Serge A. Wich

References 7

2 From the cloud to the ground: converting satellite data into

conservation decisions 13

Lilian Pintea, Samuel M. Jantz, and Serge A. Wich

2.1 Introduction 13
2.2 New technology 14
2.2.1 Remote sensing and EO satellites: hardware and software 14
2.2.2 Earth-observing satellites: analysis 15
2.3 Case study: converting EO data into chimpanzee conservation
decisions in Tanzania 17
2.3.1 Creating research-implementation spaces using conservation
standards 17
2.3.2 Assess 18
2.3.3 Implementation 25
2.3.4 Analyse and adapt 27
2.3.5 Share 27
2.4 Limitations and constraints 28
2.5 Social impacts and privacy 29
2.6 Future directions 29
2.7 Conclusions 29
2.8 Acknowledgements 30
References 30

3 Drones for conservation 35

Serge A. Wich, Mike Hudson, Herizo Andrianandrasana, and Steven N. Longmore

3.1 Introduction 35
3.2 New technology 36
3.2.1 Data collection: hardware and software 36
3.2.2 Analyses 37


3.3 Wider applications: a review of what has been done 38

3.3.1 Land-cover classification and land-cover change detection 38
3.3.2 Animal counts 39
3.3.3 Poaching 41
3.4 Case study 42
3.5 Limitations/constraints of conservation drones 44
3.6 Social impact/privacy 46
3.7 Future directions 46
3.8 Acknowledgements 47
References 47

4 Acoustic sensors 53

Anne-Sophie Crunchant, Chanakya Dev Nakka, Jason T. Isaacs, and Alex K. Piel
4.1 Introduction 53
4.1.1 What questions are we asking? 53
4.1.2 Traditional methods and how technologies overcome
limitations 59
4.2 PAM: from data collection to data analyses 60
4.2.1 Data collection 60
4.2.2 Analysis 60
4.3 Case study: detecting wild chimpanzees using PAM 62
4.4 Limitations/constraints 67
4.5 Social impact/privacy 68
4.6 Future directions 69
4.7 Acknowledgements 70
References 70

5 Camera trapping for conservation 79

Francesco Rovero and Roland Kays

5.1 Introduction 79
5.1.1 What questions are being asked? 79
5.1.2 Traditional methods and limitations 79
5.1.3 How technology addresses this 80
5.2 New Technology: hardware, software, and data analysis 81
5.3 Review of camera trapping conservation applications 81
5.3.1 What cameras are good at documenting 83
5.3.2 Camera traps for conservation—spatial and temporal
comparisons 85
5.4 Case studies 92
5.4.1 Integrate monitoring with management 92
5.4.2 Design fit-for-purpose monitoring programmes 92
5.4.3 Engage people and organizations 93
5.4.4 Ensure good data management 93
5.4.5 Communicate the value of monitoring 94
5.5 Limitations/constraints of camera trapping 95
5.6 Social impact/privacy 95
5.7 Future directions 96

5.8 Acknowledgements 98
References 98

6 Animal-borne technologies in wildlife research and conservation 105

Kasim Rafiq, Benjamin J. Pitcher, Kate Cornelsen, K. Whitney Hansen, Andrew J. King,
Rob G. Appleby, Briana Abrahms, and Neil R. Jordan
6.1 Introduction 105
6.2 New technology 106
6.2.1 Animal-borne tracking technologies 106
6.2.2 Non-tracking animal-borne technologies 111
6.2.3 Data analyses: software in use 115
6.3 Case study: using tracking technologies to identify key habitats
for conservation 115
6.3.1 Methods 116
6.3.2 Results/discussion 116
6.4 Limitations and constraints 116
6.4.1 Sample sizes 116
6.4.2 Device weight limitations and animal welfare 117
6.4.3 Balancing data resolution with study length 118
6.4.4 Analysing tracking data 118
6.5 Social impact/privacy 119
6.6 Future directions 120
6.6.1 Open-source hardware 120
6.6.2 Open data in animal tracking 121
6.6.3 Machine learning on the edge 121
6.7 Closing remarks 122
References 122

7 Field and laboratory analysis for non-invasive wildlife and habitat

health assessment and conservation 129

Cheryl D. Knott, Amy M. Scott, Caitlin A. O’Connell, Tri Wahyu Susanto,

and Erin E. Kane
7.1 Introduction 129
7.1.1 What questions can be asked using field laboratory methods? 129
7.1.2 Traditional methods and limitations 130
7.2 Development of new technology for sample preservation and
analysis 131
7.2.1 Nutritional analyses 131
7.2.2 Hormonal analyses 133
7.2.3 Urine and faecal health measures 134
7.2.4 Field microscopy for parasites 135
7.2.5 Genetic analysis 135
7.3 Applications to conservation 137
7.3.1 Nutritional analysis 137
7.3.2 Energetic and social stress 137
7.3.3 Reproductive hormones 138
7.3.4 Health and immune function 138

7.3.5 Parasite prevalence and species richness 139

7.3.6 Genetic applications to conservation 139
7.4 Case study of orangutans in Gunung Palung National Park,
Indonesia 140
7.4.1 Conservation and health threats faced by wild orangutans 140
7.4.2 Gunung Palung study population 141
7.4.3 Composition and habitat distribution of orangutan foods 141
7.4.4 Health assessments from urine and faeces 142
7.4.5 Genetics 144
7.5 Limitation and constraints of new technology 144
7.5.1 Sample collection and handling 145
7.5.2 Field lab setup 145
7.5.3 Use of chemicals and disposal of biological samples and
contaminated supplies 146
7.5.4 Long-term partnerships 147
7.6 Social impact and benefits of field labs 147
7.7 Future directions 147
References 148

8 Environmental DNA for conservation 157

Antoinette J. Piaggio
8.1 Introduction 157
8.2 New technology 158
8.2.1 Data collection—study design 158
8.2.2 Data collection—targeting single species 159
8.2.3 Data collection—targeting multiple species 160
8.2.4 Data collection—DNA capture 161
8.2.5 Data collection-DNA isolation, purification, and amplification 163
8.2.6 Data analyses 163
8.3 Wider application—review of what has been done 164
8.4 Case study 166
8.5 Limitations/constraints 167
8.6 Social impact/privacy 167
8.7 Future directions 167
References 169

9 Mobile data collection apps 177

Edward McLester and Alex K. Piel

9.1 Introduction 177
9.2 New technology 179
9.2.1 Data collection hardware 179
9.2.2 Data collection software 183
9.3 Applications 188
9.3.1 Behavioural data collection 189
9.3.2 Citizen science and community engagement 189
9.3.3 Mobile geographic information systems (GIS) and
participatory mapping 190

9.3.4 Mobile devices as multipurpose tools 191

9.4 Case study: from paper to digital data collection for primate
conservation at the Issa Valley, western Tanzania 192
9.5 Limitations/Constraints 195
9.6 Social impact/privacy 195
9.7 Future directions 196
9.8 Acknowledgements 197
References 197

10 Application of SMART software for conservation area management 201

Drew T. Cronin, Anthony Dancer, Barney Long, Antony J. Lynam, Jeff Muntifering,
Jonathan Palmer, and Richard A. Bergl
10.1 Introduction 201
10.2 New technology 203
10.2.1 Data collection: hardware 203
10.2.2 Data collection and analysis: software 205
10.3 Wider applications: review of what has been done 211
10.3.1 Law enforcement monitoring 211
10.3.2 Ecological monitoring 212
10.3.3 Planning 212
10.3.4 Profiles 212
10.4 Case studies 214
10.4.1 Primorskii Krai, Russia 214
10.4.2 Cross River landscape, Nigeria 214
10.4.3 Queen Elizabeth National Park, Uganda 215
10.4.4 MPA system, Belize 215
10.4.5 Effective community-based rhino monitoring in north-west
Namibia 217
10.5 Considerations and Constraints 217
10.6 Social impact/privacy 219
10.7 Future directions 219
10.8 Acknowledgements 220
References 221

11 Challenges for the computer vision community 225

Dan Morris and Lucas Joppa

11.1 Introduction 225
11.2 Terminology: what’s ‘computer vision’? 225
11.2.1 Computer vision (CV) 225
11.2.2 Machine learning (ML) and supervised ML 226
11.2.3 Image classification and object detection 226
11.2.4 Other terminology 226
11.3 Fine-grained classification 227
11.3.1 Problem overview 227
11.3.2 Why fine-grained classification matters for conservation 227
11.3.3 Why fine-grained classification is hard 227
11.3.4 Progress on fine-grained classification 228

11.4 Generalizable classification and detection for low-quality images 228

11.4.1 Problem overview 228
11.4.2 Why CV for low-quality images matters for conservation 229
11.4.3 Why CV for low-quality images is challenging 229
11.4.4 Progress in CV for low-quality images 230
11.5 Supervised detection and classification in imbalanced scenarios 231
11.5.1 Problem overview 231
11.5.2 Why CV with imbalanced training data matters for
conservation 231
11.5.3 Why CV with imbalanced training data is hard 232
11.5.4 Progress in CV with imbalanced training data 232
11.6 Emerging topics 233
11.6.1 Partial model reuse 233
11.6.2 Human-in-the-loop annotation 233
11.6.3 Simulation for training data augmentation 234
11.7 Practical lessons learned and challenges to the community 234
11.8 Other reviews 235
References 235

12 Digital surveillance technologies in conservation and their social

implications 239

Trishant Simlai and Chris Sandbrook

12.1 Introduction 239
12.1.1 Privacy, civil liberties, and freedom 239
12.2 Digital technologies and surveillance 241
12.3 Conservation surveillance 241
12.4 The social and political implications of camera traps and drones 243
12.4.1 Infringement of privacy and consent 243
12.4.2 Psychological well-being and fear 244
12.4.3 Wider issues in conservation practice 245
12.4.4 Data security 246
12.5 Counter-mapping and social justice 246
12.6 Conclusions and recommendations 247
References 249

13 The future of technology in conservation 255

Margarita Mulero-Pázmány
13.1 Current scope of conservation technology 255
13.1.1 Research questions and conservation applications 255
13.1.2 Resolution 258
13.1.3 Animal welfare and environmental impact 259
13.2 Current limitations and expected improvements in conservation
technology 259
13.2.1 Power supply and data storage 259
13.2.2 Image quality 264
13.2.3 Connectivity 264
13.2.4 Sensor standardization and integration 265
13.2.5 Regulations 265

13.2.6 Cost 265

13.2.7 Data management 266
13.3 New technological trends 267
13.3.1 Robots 267
13.3.2 Social networks, stream video platforms 268
13.3.3 Virtual and augmented reality 268
13.4 Integrating technologies 269
13.4.1 Combining conservation technologies with human
intervention 269
13.4.2 Combining conservation technologies without human
intervention: wireless sensor networks and Internet of
Things (IoT) 270
13.5 Problems and solutions in conservation technology 272
References 274

Index 283
List of Contributors

Briana Abrahms Center for Ecosystem Jason T. Isaacs California State University,
Sentinels, Department of Biology, University Channel Islands, CA, USA
of Washington, Seattle. WA, USA Samual M. Jantz Department of Geographi-
Herizo Andrianandrasana Durrell Wildlife Con- cal Sciences, University of Maryland, MD,
servation Trust Madagascar Programme and USA
Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Lucas Joppa Microsoft AI for Earth, WA, USA
Development, Antananarivo, Madagascar Neil R. Jordan Taronga Conservation Society
Rob. G. Appleby The Centre for Planetary Health Australia, Sydney, Centre for Ecosystem Science,
and Food Security, Griffith University and Wild School of Biological, Earth and Environmen-
Spy Pty Ltd, Brisbane, Australia tal Sciences, University of New South Wales,
Richard A. Bergl Conservation, Education, and Australia and Botswana Predator Conservation,
Science Department, North Carolina Zoo, Maun, Botswana
Asheboro, NC, USA Roland Kays Department of Forestry and Environ-
Kate Cornelsen Centre for Ecosystem Science, mental Biology, North Carolina State University,
School of Biological, Earth and Environmen- Raleigh, USA and North Carolina Museum of
tal Sciences, University of New South Wales, Natural Sciences, NC, USA
Sydney, Australia Erin E. Kane Department of Anthropology, Boston
Drew T. Cronin Conservation, Education, and University, Boston, MA, USA
Science Department, North Carolina Zoo, Andrew J. King Department of Biosciences,
Asheboro, NC, USA Swansea University, Swansea, UK
Anne-Sophie Crunchant School of Biological and Cheryl D. Knott Department of Anthropology
Environmental Sciences, Liverpool John Moores and Department of Biology, Boston University,
University, UK and Greater Mahale Ecosystem USA
Research and Conservation Project (GMERC), Barney Long Re:Wild, Austin, TX, USA
Steven N. Longmore Astrophysics Research
Anthony Dancer Zoological Society of London, Institute, Liverpool John Moores University,
London, UK Liverpool, UK
Chanakya Dev Nakka IBM iX, Bangalore, India Antony J. Lynam Center for Global Conservation,
K. Whitney Hansen Environmental Studies Wildlife Conservation Society, New York, NY,
Department, University of California, Santa USA
Cruz, CA, USA Edward McLester School of Biological and Envi-
Mike Hudson Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust, ronmental Sciences, Liverpool John Moores
Jersey, Channel Islands and Institute of Zoology, University, Liverpool, UK
Zoological Society of London, London, UK Dan Morris Microsoft AI for Earth, WA, USA

xviii L I S T O F C O N T R I B U TO R S

Margarita Mulero-Pázmány School of Biological Kasim Rafiq Environmental Studies Department,

and Environmental Sciences, Liverpool John University of California, Santa Cruz, USA and
Moores University, Liverpool, UK Center for Ecosystem Sentinels, Department
Jeff Muntifering Save the Rhino Trust, Namibia of Biology, University of Washington, Seattle.
Caitlin A. O’Connell Department of Biological WA, USA and Botswana Predator Conservation,
Sciences, Human and Evolutionary Biology Maun, Botswana
Section, University of Southern California, Francesco Rovero Department of Biology,
Los Angeles, CA, USA University of Florence, Florence, Italy and
Jonathan Palmer Center for Global Conservation, MUSE—Museo delle Scienze, Trento, Italy
Wildlife Conservation Society, New York, NY, Chris Sandbrook Department of Geography,
USA University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
Antoinette J. Piaggio United States Department Amy M. Scott Department of Anthropology,
of Agriculture, Animal Plant Health Inspec- Boston University, Boston, MA, USA
tion Service, Wildlife Services, National Wildlife Trishant Simlai Department of Geography,
Research Center, Fort Collins, CO, USA University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
Alex K. Piel Department of Anthropology, Univer- Tri Wahyu Susanto Department of Biology,
sity College London, London, UK and Greater National University, Indonesia
Mahale Ecosystem Research and Conservation Serge A. Wich School of Biological and
Project (GMERC), Tanzania Environmental Sciences, Liverpool John
Lilian Pintea Jane Goodall Institute, USA Moores University, UK and Institute for
Benjamin J. Pitcher Taronga Conservation Society Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics,
Australia and Department of Biological Sciences, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam,
Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia the Netherlands

Conservation and technology:

an introduction
Alex K. Piel and Serge A. Wich

Those of us who study wildlife and simultaneously consider, namely the efficacy and efficiency of any
the threats to it find ourselves at the intersection new, innovative method and, relatedly, the ethical
of two unprecedented ages: the Information or and practical implications of using new devices
Digital Age—where electronic devices and digital (Ellwood et al., 2007).
data govern the flow of information—and the Conservationists require a suite of data to
Anthropocene—where human activities alter the address key questions on animal presence, distri-
dynamics to life, including climate, ocean, and bution, habitat integrity, and the threats to species
forests (Steffen et al., 2007; Joppa, 2015). That the and entire ecosystems. Broadly, conservationists
natural environment is being altered by anthro- use these data to assess biodiversity, monitor
pogenism is undisputed; that technological innova- ecosystems, investigate population dynamics, and
tions can assist conservation biologists to support study behaviour, all in response to an increasing-
solutions to these global problems, however, is not. ly large and global anthropogenic footprint. We
The subject of this book is what technologies are often want to do this longitudinally, especially to
being used in conservation practice, to address what examine trends and change over time, and also
types of questions and what are the associated chal- geographically, across increasingly vast landscapes.
lenges to their deployment. Moreover, long-term projects are faced with how to
Applicable technology must address fundamen- digitize and standardize data collection protocols
tal problems in the field. As such, the process begins while maintaining interobserver reliability, all the
with a simple set of key questions: What do con- while confronted with rotating staff and often the
servation biologists need to know to support con- training of volunteers/interns/students. Alas, con-
servation management and policy? Which data, servation science involves not only knowing what
resolution, or parameters are not being captured data are needed, but what tools can help acquire
that need to be? What existing technology can help them and further, how to store, process, and anal-
obtain the type and quality of data needed? How yse them once procured. The final, and perhaps
do we enhance data capture? From a management most crucial step is providing results in a way that
perspective, can we identify not just hotspots of bio- facilitates actions by decision-makers (Chapter 2).
logical interest, but particular key resources (specif- Specifically, conservation scientists need data on
ic trees, water sources) rather than broader areas or species diversity, counts of individual animals,
general vegetation types (Allan et al., 2018)? Finally, migration patterns, habitat integrity, resource avail-
if technology offers progress towards these answers, ability and distribution, and information on ani-
there is a subsequent set of important questions to mal health, for example. These data inform on

Alex K. Piel and Serge A. Wich, Conservation and technology: an introduction. In: Conservation Technology.
Edited by Serge A. Wich and Alex K. Piel, Oxford University Press.
© Oxford University Press 2021. DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780198850243.003.0001

landscape-wide questions about animal abundance Given the importance of ecological monitor-
and distribution, as well as disease risks. Higher- ing for nearly any conservation project, conserva-
resolution data on group- and even individual- tion scientists have long been interested in animal
level behaviour are important. Disease influences presence, distribution, and density. Traditionally,
demography (birth and death rate), group compo- census and monitoring measures were conducted
sition, and individual behaviour (Prentice et al., via capture-recapture approaches or conventional
2014). With wildlife disease and zoonoses especial- ground (e.g. reconnaissance) surveys, both of which
ly a widespread concern for conservationists (Deem are almost entirely dependent on staff or stu-
et al., 2008), identifying pathogens and conducting dent availability and capacity, with handwritten
diagnostics for evaluating animal health are criti- documentation traditionally stored in data books
cal. Historically, these processes (1) required col- (Verma et al., 2016). In almost all cases, data col-
lection and subsequent export of animal tissue or lectors were required to be in the areas where
by-products (e.g. faeces), (2) were costly in terms wildlife lives, raising questions about disturbance
of money and time, and (3) often resulted in dam- and generally the role of the observer in influenc-
aged shipments and contaminated or ruined sam- ing animal behaviour and movement (Kucera &
ples. There is thus great demand for mobile labs to Barrett, 2011; Nowak et al., 2014). Moreover, the
process samples in the field. larger the data collection team, the greater the con-
Together, data on wildlife presence, habitat, cern for interobserver reliability, whether because
behaviour, health, and threats provide snapshots of variability in researcher knowledge, experience,
of species or habitat conservation status, which are bias, or training. Meanwhile, especially for long-
useful for establishing a baseline understanding term projects with permanent researcher presence
and the subsequent need for management. Ulti- on site, data books piled up on bookshelves with
mately, though, effective biodiversity conservation armies of undergraduate students or interns recruit-
requires fast and effective means of assessing how ed to digitize them for subsequent analyses.
species diversity or numbers shift in response to One of the most commonly used methods for
anthropogenic changes like settlement expansion, data collection, both traditionally and through the
conversion of forest to agriculture, and poach- present for censusing various taxa, is via line tran-
ing among many others. Traditionally, data from sects (Yapp, 1956). In this method, researchers walk
camera traps and drones were collected in isola- a straight line, often of random bearing, and record
tion; contemporary integration of technology allows the perpendicular distance of all direct or indirect
the simultaneous processing of multiple types of wildlife observed from the line. Thorough descrip-
data, with networks of various sensors collect- tions of line transect use can be found in var-
ing data across platforms (Turner, 2014). Scientists ious reviews (Chapter 5; Krebs, 1999; Buckland
can then combine data collected from more recent et al., 2001; Thomas et al., 2010). This method of
technologies like biologgers with more tradition- sampling can be practical, effective, and inexpen-
al ecological data, (e.g. temperature, rainfall) to sive. By calculating the distance walked and the
analyse relationships—often in near real-time—to width of the area visible to observers, researchers
better understand the behavioural consequences of can estimate population densities of species of
a changing world (Wall, 2014; Kays et al., 2015). interest. Line transects have been globally applied
Knowing the type and severity of threats has impli- to various taxa, predominantly used with terres-
cations for the urgency needed to address them trial (Varman & Sukumar, 1995; Plumptre, 2000)
as well. The variability of animal responses fur- and marine (de Boer, 2010) mammals, and pri-
ther influences management strategies. What ani- mates specifically (Brugiere & Fleury, 2000; Buck-
mals eat, where they go, and how they behave land et al., 2010). Initially used for ground sur-
more broadly (e.g. activity budgets, grouping pat- veys, this method is now common for estimat-
terns) in response to reduced habitat availability, ing the population sizes of large mammals (e.g.
human presence, or introduced species has bear- African herbivores—Jachmann, 2002), where vast
ing on what steps can be taken to abate imminent areas need to be covered to sufficiently survey dis-
threats. tribution (Trenkel et al., 1997). Aerial line transects
C O N S E R VAT I O N A N D T E C H N O L O G Y: A N I N T R O D U C T I O N 3

have also been used for birds (Ridgway, 2010) and from recces. Like most of these traditional methods,
marine species as well (Miller et al., 1998). new technology has enhanced the scope and quality
When estimating population densities directly of data that can be collected and thus improved
is not possible, scientists have historically used dramatically how we understand wildlife habitat
methods that reveal relative measures. This is par- quality (Forbey et al., 2017).
ticularly useful with birds, for example, where the Analysis of land cover from manned aircraft was
number of calls per unit area provides a relative initially a common method to assess landscape-
measure of population density. Also known as point wide patterns of habitat quality and habitat change.
counts, the same approach is sometimes used for From the 1970s, satellite imagery became the pre-
roadside tallies of wildlife as well (reviewed in ferred means of generating these data (Roy et al.,
Schwarz & Seber, 1999). These types of surveys 1992; Serneels et al., 2001) and remote sensing was
are based on the proportion of observed evidence identified as a reliable method for predicting fine-
to search effort and the assumption that change scale habitat quality and use by individual species
over time is attributable to population increase or (e.g. sage grouse—Homer et al., 1993). Remote sens-
decrease. Despite their pervasive use, point counts ing has been used to inform on vegetation types
are not suitable for assessing relative abundance of and proportions (Curran, 1980), especially useful
rare or cryptic species (Ralph et al., 1995) given the for specialist species or else in cases where humans
typically low sample size. target specific tree species for extraction (Kuemmer-
Animal presence and distribution are general- le et al., 2009; Brandt et al., 2012).
ly dependent on habitat quality, which is another Eventually, how, when, and where animals nav-
important metric for conservation scientists. Not igate these habitats when observers are not around
only is there a growing empirical evidence that emerged as central questions in conservation sci-
habitat quality influences occupancy of various ence. Examples include how extensive crop raiding
taxa, from plants (Honnay et al., 1999) to primates is by cryptic species (e.g. sloth bears—Joshi et al.,
(Arroyo-Rodríguez & Mandujano, 2009; Marshall, 1995) and evaluations of translocated (or reintro-
2009; Foerster et al., 2016), but also quality can influ- duced) species (e.g. dormouse—Bright & Morris,
ence species spatial dynamics, especially in frag- 1994). Locating and tracking individual animals
mented landscapes (Thomas et al., 2001; reviewed using global navigation satellite systems (GNSS)
in Mortelliti et al., 2010). Evaluating habitat quality relied on cumbersome, expensive, and heavy radio
is especially useful when identifying the ecologi- collars (Rasiulis et al., 2014). Early versions of
cal constraints that influence fitness is impossible GNSS collars stored data in-house and relied on
(Johnson, 2005). collar removal to retrieve data. Moreover, espe-
The earliest ways to measure habitat were via cially for larger animals, pioneering studies had
ground surveys, with an attempt to identify those negative results for conservation. Alibhai and col-
features that facilitate or prevent animal presence leagues (Alibhai et al., 2001; Alibhai & Jewell, 2001)
(Forbey et al., 2017). Methods included counting described a direct relationship between immobiliza-
or trapping animals, collecting faeces, and general- tion schedule (the number of darting episodes) and
ly mapping key landmarks. These can include the reduced inter-calf interval in black rhinos, raising
counting of important resources, such as food and scientific and ethical issues in the early tests of this
water sources, nest or sleeping sites, natural barri- technique. Subsequent deployments were plagued
ers (e.g. rivers), and anthropogenic footprints like with system inaccuracies, human and transmission
agriculture and settlements. They can also include error (sometimes up to 1000 m—Habib et al., 2014),
measurements of habitat integrity that further and disturbance to the collared individual. Besides
affect animal movement, such as fragmentation, radio collars, ‘geolocators’, which were attached
canopy cover, and species diversity (Johnson, 2005). to animals, used the time of day to calculate an
Historically these data have been collected from animal’s position, and so were prone to large error
ground-truthing, including specimen collection for margins as much as tens of kilometres from the
diversity indices, manual tree measurements for animal’s actual location (Weimerskirch & Wilson,
gauging canopy height, and mapping landmarks 2000). Other problems abounded.

Traditional systems have faced challenges on driven, and limited, by the sensors their vehicles
numerous dimensions, from limited spatial and carry, we discuss them both here. More, regard-
temporal coverage to issues concerning data record- less of operator, the ultimate objective of imaging
ing, storage, transmission, and interobserver relia- is similar across platforms, for example, to provide
bility (Verma et al., 2016). Technology is addressing spatially specific analysis and spatially distributed
those limitations, sometimes multiple at a time. A data on targets that exhibit recognizable signatures.
look at the number of peer-reviewed works on the The most common type of remote sensing from
topic of conservation technology shows a clear trend either satellites or drones is multispectral, whereby
over the last few decades that uses the term, ‘Con- sensors assess the radiation (or brightness) emitted
servation Technology’ (Figure 1.1). from surface areas on earth. The cost of high res-
Recent developments in conservation technolo- olution (sub-metre) imagery and sensors continue
gy improve the speed and type of data capture, to decline as the diversity of applications expands
including the quality, quantity, and reliability of in conservation. For example, LiDAR (light detec-
this process, as well as the ways and speed that tion and ranging) on low flying aircraft, but also
data are analysed. For the study of large, espe- from space-borne satellites and drones, estimates
cially terrestrial species, ground teams have long above-ground carbon stocks and overall biomass,
been limited by the time required to cover vast ecosystem structure, and broadly provides critical
areas as well as the danger and logistical chal- data for environmental management (Urbazaev et
lenges of surveying in remote areas. Ground sur- al., 2018; Vaglio Laurin et al., 2020). Advances in
veys continue to be used and offer the advantage hyperspectral remote sensing—multispectral sen-
of identifying small-scale threats (e.g. individual sors with hundreds of bands across a near-
snares) that other methods will miss, but increas- continuous range, including visible, infrared, ad
ingly, ground teams are now complemented, if electromagnetic spectrum—have further potential,
not replaced entirely, with remote sensing meth- being able to identify fine-scale features like habi-
ods. The current volume details these methods, as tat variation at the level of subtle vegetative or
well as the implications for their use. Today, cap- soil differences (Turner et al., 2003; Shive et al.,
turing data about species presence/absence and 2010). Satellites with hyperspectral sensors offer
habitat change across large spatial scales is current- the ability to remotely map specific plant species
ly conducted using either medium/high-resolution and thus ecosystem resilience to anthropogenism
satellite imagery (Chapter 2) or drones (Chapter 3). (Underwood et al., 2003; Li et al., 2014). Finally,
As the applications and uses of these methods are increasingly, and especially with drones, users are


Number of publications



Figure 1.1 The number of scientific
publications on conservation and
10 technology published between 1975 and
2019. Results reflect a search for title
0 words ‘Conservation’ and ‘Technology’ in

Scopus ( The data

search was conducted on 27 April 2020.
C O N S E R VAT I O N A N D T E C H N O L O G Y: A N I N T R O D U C T I O N 5

also applying thermal-sensitive sensors—detecting They can sense and document nearly all aspects of
temperature differentials—which identify anything an animal’s movements, from when a fish opens and
from fires to people and animals across large land- closes its mouth (Viviant et al., 2014) to the nutrition-
scapes (Chapter 3). For conservationists, thermal al geometry that influences marine mammal diving
imaging sensors are providing data to answer ques- behaviour (Machovsky-Capuska et al., 2016).
tions about species distribution, counts, and the For the most part, sensors are small, lightweight,
location of fires (Chapter 3). satellite-based, and often do not require inva-
Satellites and drones offer views from above and sive methods in deployment (Bograd et al., 2010).
thus suffer from an inability to access ground-based Large species from the tropics (Yang et al., 2014)
biodiversity if those are covered by vegetation or to smaller species at the poles (Kuenzer, 2014)
are too small. Two of the most common meth- can be monitored from space using satellite tech-
ods to capture ground-truthing data are camera nology, expanding the geographic scope through
traps (Chapter 4) and acoustic sensors (Chapter 5). which we investigate related questions. As Wilmers
Both have been used for nearly a century in con- and colleagues (2015) summarized in a review of
servation studies. Even more so than satellite or biologging devices, ‘Nearly all biological activity
drone imagery, cameras and acoustic sensors cap- involves change of one kind or another. Increasing-
ture especially species composition and diversity ly these changes can be sensed remotely’. The last
across a sampled area. Historically, data captured decades have transformed our ability from mere-
from these devices were used predominantly to ly identifying animal locations, to now monitor-
build species lists. However, analytical and tech- ing their movement, social interactions, and recon-
nological developments in both have transformed structing behavioural, energetic, and physiological
their applicability to conservation-relevant ques- states from afar. Chapter 6 describes some of these
tions. For example, with both methods researchers innovative biologging tools that are improving the
can now calculate animal density from either DIS- resolution and type of data that we gather from
TANCE sampling (acoustics: Marques et al., 2013, animal-borne devices.
camera trapping: Cappelle et al., 2019) or from spa- In addition to information extracted from loggers,
tially explicit capture–recapture analyses (acoustics: data also come indirectly from evidence left behind
Efford & Fewster, 2013; camera trapping: Després- by animals; for example, hair (Mowat & Strobeck,
Einspenner et al., 2017). Additionally, the hard- 2000; Macbeth et al., 2010), faeces (Muehlen-
ware of both cameras and acoustic sensors has bein et al., 2012), and tools (Stewart et al., 2018).
also improved. Commercial cameras with 3/4G- The emerging field of conservation physiology
enabled networking capability allow devices to (Wikelski & Cooke, 2006), which centres around
transmit image captures to base stations where neuro-endocrine stress indicators and their influ-
image-recognition tools help distinguish poachers ences on behaviour, can reveal wildlife responses
from primates (CITE). Acoustic sensors interfaced to environmental change, from forest loss to water
with local mobile phone networks also offer near temperature to tourism (Ellenberg et al., 2007;
real-time transmission of detected sounds (Aide reviewed in Acevedo-Whitehouse & Duffus, 2009).
et al., 2013). Faeces-extracted DNA has also long been an
Besides merely detecting animal movement, important tool for conservation scientists. DNA
many movement-related questions concern direc- analyses can reveal abundance and survivorship
tionality, speed, and fitness costs. For example, (Sitka deer—Brinkman et al., 2011; pronghorn—
biologgers now reveal animal movement in three Woodruff et al., 2016), population dynamics, and
dimensions, integrating accelerometers, barome- density variability across sites (coyotes—Morin et
ters, and gyroscopes (Allan et al., 2018). Once al., 2016), among other aspects. Historically, DNA
limited to terrestrial systems, biologgers are now extraction and hormonal assays were conducted
employed to investigate the physiological mech- in laboratories far removed from field stations
anisms that influence life history and population and required researchers to preserve, store, and
changes, even for globally distributed populations. export samples. These restrictions have increased in

recent years, combined with pressure to build local et al., 2014). In that sense, eDNA offers a temporal
capacity of range country scientists in molecular range that other methods cannot and with prices
analyses (O’Connell et al., 2019). Chapter 7 explores declining is a non-invasive way to vastly increase
field labs and how much of this analytical work can the spatial scale of biodiversity assessment, while
be conducted with portable field kits. simultaneously maintaining—if not increasing—
As this volume makes clear, conservationists species-specific resolution.
have traditionally employed morphological and The expansion of technological tools for con-
behavioural data collection techniques using direct servation practice is not limited to what data are
observations, as well as sensors placed on satellites, collected but also how they are collected. Tradi-
cameras, acoustic units, and even animals them- tionally, paper and pen sufficed for behavioural
selves. Moreover, for decades an additional focus of observations of wildlife and also for recording sur-
censusing populations, assessing health, and track- vey data. The proliferation of smartphones/tablets
ing movement using indirect evidence has focused and applications associated with data collection and
on the DNA extracted from hair or faeces from integration have immeasurably improved the now
individual organisms. However, by inventorying seemingly antiquated process of recording data by
far larger amounts of DNA in the environment, that hand for eventual transcription into digital format.
is, eDNA, many more questions can be addressed, The appearance/vanish rate of apps in app/play
namely about past and present biodiversity (Beng & stores make a comprehensive chapter impossible
Corlett, 2020). Environmental DNA is animal to write. Nonetheless, Chapter 9 describes some of
genetic material originating from the hair, skin, the more common applications relevant for con-
faeces, or urine of animals but that has degraded servation scientists, compares usability, price, and
and can be extracted from water, soil, or sediment applications. Nearly all offer the advantage of being
(Thomsen & Willerslev, 2015; Beng & Corlett, custom designable, streamlined for specific data
2020). Like most of the aforementioned techniques, collection, and cloud accessible for remote access
using eDNA is non-invasive and sample collection to ground-truthed data. Perhaps the most well-
requires little specialist technical or taxonomic known app, and most pervasively used in species
knowledge (like the others as well, analyses are protection/conservation management is SMART, to
highly technical and complex). Moreover, sampling which we devote an entire chapter (Chapter 10),
entire systems increases the likelihood of capturing including numerous case studies (Hötte et al., 2016)
DNA of cryptic or elusive species, as well as for that demonstrate the role the software has played in
those in which morpho-types are similar and thus improving the efficiency and efficacy of patrols and
potentially difficult to decipher from observation overall species protection (Wilfred et al., 2019).
only. Finally, unlike using, for example, drones With the growth in data collection techniques
or acoustic sensors, when rain or wind, respec- and storage capacities have come better, faster, and
tively, impairs sampling, eDNA collection is not more automated ways of sieving through data to
constrained by weather conditions (Thomsen & identify patterns and relationships between vari-
Willerslev, 2015). ables of interest. Historically, large data sets were
Beng and Corlett (Beng & Corlett, 2020) summa- plagued with delays between data acquisition, anal-
rize the conservation applications of eDNA, from ysis, and subsequent interpretation. Now, we are
being a fast, efficient means of monitoring popula- in the midst of another wave of transformational
tion dynamics on community or species levels as improvement, with automated processing of big
well as a means to map their distribution across data using computer vision and/or deep learning to
vast spatial scales, to identifying biological inva- streamline data management and pattern extraction
sions and assessing the status of eradication mea- (Miao et al., 2019). Computer vision is an interdisci-
sures. eDNA is also useful in revealing past and plinary field of artificial intelligence (AI), whereby
present biodiversity and trophic patterns within computers use pattern recognition to decipher and
seawater, freshwater, and even permafrost material interpret the visual world, also known as machine
dating back tens of thousands of years (Willerslev learning and object classification. Machine learning
C O N S E R VAT I O N A N D T E C H N O L O G Y: A N I N T R O D U C T I O N 7

techniques have transformed the extent to which advancement in social ethics requires people not
we can train computers to identify objects, patterns, just familiar with the technology and its poten-
species, and faces, among others (Norouzzadeh tial, but also philosophy and sociology. Chapter 12
et al., 2018). These data can help identify species and explores questions about who has access to these
in some cases, count individuals (Seymour et al., data, how should they be shared, and how we
2017) at near-identical accuracy levels to humans, weigh scientific, environmental, and empirical ben-
but far faster. Moreover, resulting data can inform— efits against social costs.
if not guide—ground teams that may need to act We hope to have demonstrated the vast reach
urgently. For example, radar and optical satellites of technology in contemporary conservation chal-
can provide daily scanning of tropical forests at lenges, with continuing improvements in sensor
5–20 m resolution and relay results that reveal ille- quality and capability, as well as power and data
gal logging in near-real-time (Lynch et al., 2013) to storage, among others—all while prices generally
ground teams; pictures and coordinates can be sent decline. Improvements in data resolution are key
to smartphones for immediate action. to expanding the types of questions that we can
Resolution in behavioural, physiological, and ask. For example, sub-one metre resolution of satel-
ecological data is prompting a parallel surge in part- lite imagery now allows for questions into botanical
nerships to bridge a data-rich scientific world with diversity, absolute abundance, and indices of pro-
industries that can help support necessary analyses. ductivity for individual plants. Application of such
Microsoft’s ‘AI for Earth’ platform uses computer imagery is useful when identifying specific threats
vision techniques to classify wildlife species and (e.g. expansion of oil palm trees—Srestasathiern &
deep learning to automate survey data. A similar Rakwatin, 2014) or to quantify mosaic habitats
collaboration between Hewlett-Packard and Con- (Gibbes et al., 2010), too. The final chapter (13)
servation International resulted in ‘Earth Insights’— describes the future of conservation technology,
software developed to monitor endangered species highlighting how incremental enhancements of cur-
(Joppa, 2015). Near real-time results of this type of rent methods and also innovative methods will
information across a wide scale, whether on animal guide how we protect biodiversity going forward.
(Wall, 2014) or poacher (Tan et al., 2016) movements, In closing, a comprehensive review of the tech-
offer managers the potential to act immediately niques and associated scientific questions at the core
to mediate threats and protect wildlife. That may of conservation technology is beyond the scope of
result in increased deployment of specific deterrents any single volume. Instead, here we have selected
(e.g. fences for elephants), targeted patrols, or addi- what we consider to be some of the most commonly
tional surveillance to vulnerable areas. In summary, used, important, and applicable tools in conserva-
whereas the ethical considerations for these tech- tion technology. In each chapter, the authors are
nological tools are far behind in development (see experts in the field and review what is known and
next), in some ways, the analytical tools are way what is current. We use case studies to exemplify
ahead, fuelled by partnerships and interdisciplinary how the tools are applied and discuss the limi-
collaborations (Wilber et al., 2013; Sheehan et al., tations as well as what lies ahead. We focus on
2020). The importance, diversity, and contributions some recent, pioneering methods of data collection
of computer vision are discussed in Chapter 11. and also developments to more established ways of
As with nearly all technological revolutions, the data collection. We hope that this volume captures
social tools that are required to accompany such the innovative ways that technology contributes to,
innovations lag behind the physical tools them- improves on, and ultimately drives contemporary
selves. Drone imagery, acoustic sensors, and cam- conservation practice.
era traps are often designed to reveal data on
elusive or cryptic animals. Either incidentally or
maliciously, metadata that may compromise people, References
security, and privacy are thus vulnerable to being Acevedo-Whitehouse, K., & Duffus, A. L. J. (2009).
exposed. The progress needed to advance a parallel Effects of environmental change on wildlife health.

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10 C O N S E R VAT I O N T E C H N O L O G Y

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From the cloud to the ground:

converting satellite data into
conservation decisions
Lilian Pintea, Samuel M. Jantz, and Serge A. Wich

2.1 Introduction The barriers can include a lack of clearly defined

management questions and a lack of budget for
Some of the major threats to biodiversity and
training and transfer of technology, as well as a lack
ecosystem services are conversion, modification,
of providing results to decision-makers and orga-
and fragmentation of wildlife habitats by human
nizations that manage the environment, wildlife,
activities and changes in land cover and land use
and other natural resources (Sayn-Wittgenstein,
(Laurance, 1999; Brooks et al., 2002; Sanderson et al.,
1992). There is an urgent need to not only monitor
2002; Groom et al., 2006; Hansen et al., 2013). Devel-
land-cover changes at multiple geographic scales,
opments in remote sensing, geographic information
but also to understand how the latest EO satellite
systems (GIS), mobile and cloud computing pro-
data, technologies, and tools could be converted
vide the opportunity to systematically and cost-
into more relevant, cost-effective, and actionable
effectively monitor land cover, land-use changes,
information products that could lead to the reduc-
and threats (Rose et al., 2015). Using observations
tion of threats to biodiversity (Pintea et al., 2002;
from Earth Observing (EO) satellites, it is now pos-
Green, 2011; Buchanan et al., 2015). Information
sible to obtain detailed spatial and temporal data on
products are scientific results designed with spe-
land cover and characteristics (such as tree height)
cific audiences and management contexts in mind
of ecosystems that are both locally relevant and con-
and within specific windows of opportunity (Rose,
sistent in spatial and radiometric resolutions across
2018) to support policy and conservation decisions.
multiple scales—from a village to a global level
These challenges are often described in the
(Hansen et al., 2013; Jantz et al., 2018).
conservation literature as research-implementation
However, there are still challenges in incorpo-
gaps by which scientific information accumulates
rating EO products into conservation management
but is not incorporated into management decisions
practice (Whitten et al., 2001; Pintea et al., 2002;
and actions (Matzek et al., 2014). Solutions have
Green, 2011; Salafsky, 2011; Matzek et al., 2014;
focused on improving communication and design-
Buchanan et al., 2015; Toomey et al., 2017). A critical
ing better information products. However, research
step in conservation is the use of information by
from social psychology to organizational manage-
decision-makers to change policies, behaviours,
ment has convincingly shown that empirical evi-
and business practices that drive species loss
dence is only a minor factor in influencing human
(Whitten et al., 2001; Toomey et al., 2017). The
decision-making and behavioural change (Pielke,
main barriers to the use of information provided
2007; Owens, 2012; Newell et al., 2014). While
by remote sensing are often not technological.

Lilian Pintea, Samuel M. Jantz, and Serge Wich, From the cloud to the ground: converting satellite data into conservation decisions.
In: Conservation Technology. Edited by Serge A. Wich and Alex K. Piel, Oxford University Press.
© Oxford University Press 2021. DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780198850243.003.0002
14 C O N S E R VAT I O N T E C H N O L O G Y

developing and sharing better information products with human activities to design and implement
is important, larger amounts of, higher resolution, strategic actions that will minimize or eliminate the
or timely data do not inevitably lead to increased most important threats to biodiversity (Groves et al.,
use by decision-makers and ultimately to conser- 2003). Geographic data, or spatially referenced data,
vation outcomes. Recent understandings of the are any data that have a location associated with
science–policy interface from communication, sci- them. Geospatial technologies are a combination
ence, and technology studies suggest that informa- of three major groups of technologies involved in
tion and knowledge should not be seen as a product the collection, manipulation, storage, management,
to be transferred from researchers to users but rather analysis, visualization, and communication of these
a ‘process of relating that involves negotiation of geographic data and information. They include (1)
meaning among partners’ (Roux et al., 2006; p. 11; global navigation satellite systems (GNSS), (2) GIS,
Pielke, 2007; Owens, 2012). As a result, Toomey et al. and (3) remote sensing (RS) (Longley et al., 2011).
(2017) urged conservation practitioners to adjust RS is defined as ‘the science and art of obtaining
from trying to solve research-implementation gaps information about an object, area, or phenomenon
to creating more research-implementation spaces through the analysis of data acquired by a device
where researchers, decision-makers, and other part- that is not in contact with the object, area or
ners engage, collaborate, identify, and understand phenomenon under investigation’ (Lillesand et al.,
how data, information, and knowledge are pro- 2004). RS data are acquired using a variety of sen-
duced, by whom and for whom. sors mounted on ground structures (e.g. handheld
Finally, with 65% of the world’s land (Rights and platform, towers, vehicles), airborne (e.g. drones,
Resources Initiative, 2015) and more than 80% of aircraft, balloons) or spaceborne platforms (such as
Earth’s biodiversity under indigenous or local com- satellites orbiting the Earth). This chapter will focus
munity customary ownership care and use (UN, mostly on the use of spaceborne EO sensors; oth-
2014; Raygorodetsky, 2018), it is important to con- er chapters focus on drones (Chapter 3), acoustic
sider how EO applications, knowledge, and tools sensors (Chapter 4), and camera traps (Chapter 5).
are perceived and filtered through existing local There are two major types of RS sensors: passive
beliefs, traditions, values, experiences, and con- and active. A digital camera mounted on a drone is
cerns along with the capacity and resources avail- an example of a passive sensor that works by detect-
able to use that information (Toomey et al., 2017). ing reflected sunlight from the object, while active
This chapter provides a short introduction to EO sensors such as LiDAR (light detection and ranging)
technologies that are being used in conservation and SAR (synthetic aperture radar) provide their
and a case study using the Jane Goodall Institute own energy to illuminate the object or scene they
(JGI) chimpanzee conservation efforts in Tanzania observe (Jensen, 2014).
as an example of creating research-implementation Active and passive sensors can be divided into
spaces where EO data and results have been non-imaging (e.g. radiometers) and imaging sen-
developed and used with the local communities, sors (e.g. imaging scanners) that are analogue
researchers, and district and regional governments. or digital and acquired on a range of spectral
and spatial resolutions (Table 2.1). Understand-
ing the trade-offs, benefits, and limitations of var-
2.2 New technology ious categories of platform/sensor combinations
and matching these with the conservation prob-
2.2.1 Remote sensing and EO satellites:
lem are critical to the development of cost-effective
hardware and software
RS applications. For example, ground-based plat-
Conservation is inherently spatial and complex forms (such as handheld devices, tripods, tow-
(Game et al., 2013). It requires using geographic ers, and cranes) are useful for collecting detailed
data to understand the current and changing dis- data from a single point and are often used as
tributions of species, the extent of species’ habi- ground-truthing; however, they cannot provide the
tats and its change, and ecosystem processes along aerial perspective over a larger region that sensors
F R O M T H E C L O U D TO T H E G R O U N D 15

Table 2.1 Example of the taxonomy of remote sensors locations anywhere on Earth. It is a growing
system that currently includes the Global Position-
Category Subcategory ing System (GPS) by the United States, and other
fully operational systems such as Global Navigation
Platforms Ground—Airborne—Spaceborne
Satellite System (GLONASS) by the Russian Feder-
Sensors Active—Passive
ation, BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) by
Output Non-Imaging—Imaging
the People’s Republic of China, and Galileo, a global
Image output Analogue—Digital GNSS owned and operated by the European Union3
Spectrum range Visible—Infrared—Thermal—Microwave When combined with data collection apps such as
Spatial resolution High <5 m—Medium >5 m <50 m—Low > 50 m Open Data Kit (ODK) (discussed in Chapter 9) or
Esri’s ArcGIS Survey 123, GNSS-enabled handheld
devices such as smartphones and tablets enable
placed on aerial and spaceborne platforms provide users to collect, temporarily store, and share
(Turner et al., 2003). Similarly, drones provide very georeferenced field data, including photos and
high-resolution imagery on a flexible schedule, but sounds.
could be cost-prohibitive to cover larger sites com- Finally, GIS could be defined as a computer sys-
pared with satellite images. For example, Maxar is tem for capturing, storing, checking, integrating,
the first company to deliver 30 cm native and 15 cm manipulating, analysing, and displaying geospatial
high definition synthetic (using image resampling data (Chorley, 1988). It is more than computer
algorithms) satellite imagery1 that could be collect- software and includes hardware, software, data,
ed along a swath width of 13.1 km at nadir (i.e. look- methods, people, and institutional processes (Fu &
ing straight down), covering a total of 171.61 km2 Sun, 2010). Therefore, in the context of con-
just in one image. A typical commercial level fixed- servation, GIS integrates GNSS-enabled mobile
wing drone such as an eBee can deliver imagery and RS technologies to collect, capture, manage,
accuracy below 3 cm but can only fly for about 1 manipulate, integrate, analyse, model, display, and
hour on one battery charge and cover around 220 ha communicate geographic data about species, habi-
(2.2 km2 ) while flying at 120 m asl, which is the tats, and ecosystems, human activities, or threats
approximate legal altitude ceiling in many coun- driving biodiversity loss and conservation efforts.
tries2 (Wich & Koh, 2018). This means that it will These components can be joined in one computer
take approximately 78 flights to cover an area cap- desktop or a network of computers via a local area
tured by just one Maxar satellite image, but at a network (LAN) or increasingly today via a Web GIS
five times higher resolution. Of course, flying high- that uses web servers and cloud technologies (Fu &
er will increase coverage area but will result in Sun, 2010).
decreased resolution. This will require substantial
planning, time, equipment, and resources while, in 2.2.2 Earth-observing satellites: analysis
contrast, high-resolution satellite imagery is becom-
There are almost 700 EO satellites in orbit that cur-
ing increasingly available at lower or no cost for
rently enable scientists and conservation practition-
conservation NGOs. Ultimately, the choice of sen-
ers to study the Earth and its processes on a range of
sor should be driven by the management question
spatial, radiometric, and temporal scales.4 The sen-
as a very high resolution might be required for some
sor or combination of sensors that can be leveraged
questions. In contrast, lower resolution might be
depends on the conservation target parameters.
sufficient for others (Wich & Koh, 2018).
Coarse-resolution sensors tend to have high revisit
GNSS is a satellite-based radio navigation system
frequencies and can provide information on global
that allows accurate determination of geographical
to regional land change and ecosystem functioning.

/introducing-15-cm-hd-the-highest-clarity-from-commercial 3
-satellite-imagery 4
2 -satellites-in-space
16 C O N S E R VAT I O N T E C H N O L O G Y

The Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer linkages between patches to enable the flow of
(AVHRR), a meteorological satellite operated by individuals and genes between subpopulations
the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra- (Bennett, 2003). An accurate characterization of
tion (NOAA), has been providing coarse resolution patches and corridors is pivotal and at 250 m reso-
(1–8 km) imagery in 4–5 bands in the visible, near- lution, MODIS is unable to fulfil this role. The Land-
infrared, and thermal wavelengths for over 30 years sat series of satellites has been collecting imagery
with consistent global coverage (Townshend, 1994). since 1972, mostly at 30 m resolution for most
Due to its coarse spatial resolution, AVHRR data bands but earlier satellites were coarser in reso-
have primarily been used to study the Earth System lution with fewer bands. However, prior to 1999
and its processes. For example, AVHRR data have there was no systematic global acquisition strate-
been used to provide clear evidence that the effects gy. Before 2008, individual Landsat scenes need-
of anthropogenic climate change are accelerated in ed to be purchased (Woodcock et al., 2008), which
northern latitudes (Myneni et al., 1997), quantify the hampered the widespread use of the imagery. The
rates of tropical deforestation and associated carbon current Landsat archive contains millions of images
emissions (DeFries et al., 2002), and show that glob- requiring approximately 1.3 million gigabytes of
al tree cover has increased over that past 34 years storage space. In order to use this imagery for
but is still declining in the tropics (Song et al., 2018). regional to global scale analysis, all the images
AVHRR data have also been indispensable for coral need to have atmospheric effects removed and be
reef conservation management. Since 2000, a global assessed for quality systematically. To accomplish
user base has relied on NOAA’s Coral Reef Watch to this, RS scientists developed methods that lever-
provide near real-time alerts of coral reef bleaching age the recent increase in computing power to
events as well as forecasts of future bleaching risk mine the entire Landsat archive for good quality
(Liu et al., 2006). images and systematically remove the effects of the
Since 1999, the Moderate Resolution Imaging atmosphere, enabling them to create products rele-
Spectrometer (MODIS) has provided daily global vant for conservation monitoring. For example, the
coverage at 250 m–1 km spatial resolution with Global Land Analysis and Discovery (GLAD) lab
36 bands that encompass the visible, infrared, and at the University of Maryland, College Park has
thermal wavelengths (Townshend & Justice, 2002). released and is maintaining a forest loss data set
Lessons learned from using AVHRR data enabled derived from 30 m Landsat imagery that has glob-
the development of several science products that al accuracy but also has relevance at the local scale
have conservation relevance, such as measures of (Hansen et al., 2013). Tracewski et al. (2016) used
vegetation productivity, fire detection, land-cover, the GLAD forest loss product to quantify forest loss
and land-cover change (Justice et al., 2002). Defries within the ranges of over 11,000 forest-dependent
et al. (2005) used MODIS data to show that while species. Their analysis resulted in hundreds of
protected areas across the tropics have experi- species on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
enced some forest loss within their boundaries, having their extinction risks increased because of
forest is disappearing at a much faster rate just inferred rapid population declines from either habi-
outside their boundaries, leaving them increasing- tat loss or because of a restricted area of occupancy
ly isolated. In Belize, fires detected from MODIS owing to scant forest cover remaining within their
alerted the Friends for Conservation and Develop- range. Joshi et al. (2016) used the GLAD product
ment (FCD) of forest clearing on Chiquibul Nation- to assess forest loss within 76 landscapes priori-
al Park’s western portion. FCD followed up with tized for tiger (Panthera tigris) conservation over 13
aerial and ground reconnaissance and confirmed Asian countries. They found much less forest loss
that over 200 acres of forest had been illegal- occurred than anticipated over the 2001–2014 peri-
ly cleared by Guatemalan farmers (Davies et al., od, but expansion of oil-palm plantations did result
2015). in extensive habitat loss. Results from this study
A current paradigm in conservation biology is the highlight the value of satellite-based monitoring
preservation of remnant habitat patches (Pimm & for prioritizing the protection of key habitats and
Brooks 2013), as well as preserving or establishing corridors.
F R O M T H E C L O U D TO T H E G R O U N D 17 Detecting animals from space sources relevant for conservation. Users can delin-
Species distribution and abundance are important eate an area of interest and receive a notice via
parameters to estimate when attempting to con- e-mail if forest loss or a fire is detected. Moreover,
serve a particular species. Landsat imagery has the Forest Watcher mobile application enables the
been used to indirectly detect animals for many offline use of Global Forest Watch’s (GFW) spa-
years. For example, Löffler and Margules (1980) tial data.6 Users can set up an area to monitor and
were able to estimate the distribution of the hairy- download deforestation and fire alerts, then take
nosed wombat (Lasiorhinus latifrons) in South Aus- this information to monitor and manage forests
tralia due to its mound-building activity, which while in the field directly from a smartphone or
created areas of bare ground visible from space. tablet and help investigate and report what they
The stark contrast of faecal stains on ice enabled find, enabling immediate action on the ground
Fretwell and Trathan (2009) to map Emperor Pen- regardless of internet connectivity (Petersen & Pin-
guin (Aptenodytes forsteri) colonies across Antarctica. tea, 2017). The frequency of notification depends on
More recently, very high resolution (VHR, <1 m) which alert is of interest to a user. The Fire Infor-
commercial satellites have enabled the detection of mation for Resource Management System (FIRMS)
individual animals from space. In a pilot study, uses MODIS data to create fire alerts that are avail-
Yang et al. (2014) created an algorithm to automat- able within hours of satellite overpass, which could
ically count individual wildebeests (Connochaetes result in multiple alerts per day, albeit at the 1 km
taurinus) and zebras (Equus quagga) in the Maasai scale (Davies et al., 2015). If a user wishes to mon-
Mara National Reserve, Kenya, using 50 cm pan- itor, for example, illegal logging in a protected
sharpened imagery from the GeoEye-1 satellite. On area, an alert sensitive to smaller-scale disturbances
Rowley Island in the Canadian Arctic, Stapleton is needed. The GLAD team developed an alert
et al. (2014) used 50 cm WorldView-2 and 65 cm for humid tropical forests at 30 m resolution that
QuickBird imagery to count individual polar bears is available as new Landsat imagery is acquired,
(Ursus maritimus). They used the count data to esti- which means users can be updated weekly, but
mate bear abundance and found it produced an the prevalence of clouds in the region of interest
estimate similar to abundance estimated from a line could result in a delayed alert (Hansen et al., 2016a;
transect aerial survey conducted a few days prior to Petersen & Pintea, 2017; Palminteri, 2017; Pintea
the satellite imagery acquisition, 94 (95% CI: 92–105) et al., 2019).
versus 102 (95% CI: 69–152) individuals, respective-
ly. In a follow-up to their previous study, Fretwell 2.3 Case study: converting EO data into
et al. (2012) used QuickBird imagery to estimate the
chimpanzee conservation decisions in
number of Emperor Penguin breeding pairs within
the colonies detected from the analysis of Landsat
imagery. They used linear regression to combine 2.3.1 Creating research-implementation spaces
data from 11 ground-truthing stations with individ- using conservation standards
uals detected from the imagery to produce the first
estimate for the total number of breeding pairs in Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) have been listed as
Antarctica. Endangered on the IUCN Red List since 1996. The
major threats to chimpanzee survival are: (1) habi- Applications for near real-time tat loss, degradation, and fragmentation from the
monitoring and alerts incompatible conversion of forests and woodlands
Platforms hosted in the cloud can benefit conser- to agriculture, logging for timber and charcoal, min-
vation efforts. The most prominent among them ing, and human settlements; (2) illegal commercial
is Global Forest Watch,5 which hosts several data

5, GFW forestwatcher
18 C O N S E R VAT I O N T E C H N O L O G Y

bushmeat hunting and trade; (3) disease; and (4) the to guide decisions on its institutional strategies
illegal pet trade (Humle et al., 2016). and allocation of resources and with partners to
The most eastern distribution of the chimpanzee develop a common understanding of the conserva-
range is in Tanzania (Kano, 1971). Tanzania is home tion needs, threats, and cooperate on joint imple-
to two of the longest ongoing long-term chim- mentation of conservation actions from village to
panzee research sites in the world (Gombe Stream regional scales. Since 2005 JGI and partners have
and Mahale Mountains National Parks) that provid- relied on Conservation Standards to make strate-
ed pioneering accounts of chimpanzee behaviour gic decisions and guide chimpanzee conservation
(Wilson et al., 2020; Nakamura et al., 2015). Howev- efforts in Tanzania, Uganda, DRC, Republic of Con-
er, 91% of the chimpanzee range in Tanzania is out- go, Burundi, Liberia, Guinea, and Senegal.
side these two national parks and on lands managed Key questions facing stakeholders engaged in the
by local communities, village, district, and region- Conservation Standards process are: ‘How species
al governments (Pintea unpublished data). Owing and habitats are doing and what are the major
to this, JGI started to engage and work with vil- threats to their survival?’, ‘What actions are need-
lage and district governments as key stakeholders in ed to minimize or eliminate those priority threats?’,
chimpanzee conservation through its community- and ‘Are our actions effective in minimizing or elim-
led development approach called Tacare in 1994 inating the most important threats?’ (CMP, 2007).
(Pintea, 2016). In addressing these questions, the Conservation
Tacare is a rural development approach where the Standards approach is oriented around a five-step
focus is on improving people livelihoods through project management cycle adopted for conserva-
nature-based solutions with conservation as one tion: assess, plan, implement, analyse and adapt,
of the outcomes. It addresses the threats to chim- and share (CMP, 2020). In the next sections, we
panzees, other wildlife, and habitats by assuring will use the Conservation Standards project cycle
that local people and institutions are not only to illustrate how JGI and partners have used EO
engaged, but also own and drive the development data and results to guide decisions and support the
and conservation efforts in their landscapes. It rec- development and implementation of chimpanzee
ognizes that local communities are the most con- conservation strategies and actions in Tanzania.
nected to and depend directly on ecosystem services
(Chancellor et al., 2020). Tacare includes listening to
2.3.2 Assess
communities about their needs and priorities and
actively connecting nature-based solutions (Maes & A Conservation Standards cycle starts with defining
Jacobs, 2017) with the conservation objectives and the project’s purpose, teams, and articulating geo-
planning at the community scale, such as facilitat- graphic scope, a vision of what the project hopes
ing village land-use plans that assure land tenure to achieve, and the conservation targets on which
and enable community development, while also the plan will focus. It also includes making sense of
contributing to conservation. the project’s context, including identifying threats,
As part of its Tacare approach, JGI uses ‘Open opportunities, and key stakeholders (CMP, 2020).
Standards for the Practice of Conservation’ or ‘Con-
servation Standards’ (CMP, 2013) to identify chim- Defining geographic scope and
panzee and other conservation needs, target and developing basemaps
prioritize conservation actions, and measure suc- The use of EO data and geospatial technolo-
cess. Conservation Standards is a science-based and gies starts with identifying, downloading, clean-
collaborative planning approach that uses adaptive ing, and compiling all relevant geospatial data
management to help focus conservation decisions and RS imagery into a geodatabase to produce
and actions on clearly defined objectives and priori- a series of basemaps. This geodatabase serves as
tized threats and measures success in a manner that the foundation for other geospatial applications
enables adaptation and learning over time (CMP, and provides geographical context to the con-
2013). JGI uses Conservation Standards internally servation planning process. It includes multiple
F R O M T H E C L O U D TO T H E G R O U N D 19

baseline features or raster layers defining admin- uses, vegetation, traditional belief sites, and others.
istrative boundaries, protected areas, settlements, JGI’s PRS approach uses satellite imagery from
land tenure, land cover/land use, topography along Maxar or Planet to print paper maps at the vil-
with elevation, slope, and shaded relief, hydro- lage scales between 1:1000 to 1:5000. The institute
logical features like streams and watersheds, and is currently exploring the potential uses of drones
transportation networks. as a complementary source of imagery to sup-
Geospatial layers are usually compiled from port smaller-scale participatory community map-
multiple sources, including individual researchers, ping efforts.
national and international mapping agencies, and Local validation by local communities and
global databases such as the World Database on Pro- decision-makers of the existing EO and geospatial
tected Areas (WDPA)7 or OpenStreetMap.8 Global data and basemaps had three important benefits
and regional data sets could be of various quality in Tanzania. First, it improved the quality of data
that could impact their use as part of a local conser- to support specific conservation planning needs
vation planning process. These include major roads by recording and combining local and expert
that do not exist when validated on the ground, knowledge with the latest GIS/RS data. Second,
protected areas in wrong locations, administrative it enabled key decision-makers to connect and start
boundaries that do not overlap or correspond to collaborating early with researchers. Finally, it
actual locations on the ground, missing settlements, supported a research-implementation space that
and other errors. National data sets have similar increased stakeholder’s awareness of the potential
issues. Many countries in Africa are struggling to and limitations of spatial data, developed trust and
develop operational national spatial data infrastruc- facilitated the actual use of information products
tures (SDI), policies, or standards to improve the derived from geospatial technologies later on in the
quality and availability of geospatial data (Lance conservation process.
et al., 2013).
Tanzania is still at the beginning of developing an Mapping chimpanzee distribution
SDI for the country (Mansourian et al., 2015). There- The Conservation Standards process involves the
fore, all conservation planning efforts in Tanzania selection of a limited number of conservation
used participatory mapping with key project stake- targets or specific species, such as chimpanzee
holders, including local communities, government communities, populations, or habitats, to represent
officers, scientists, and conservation practitioners, biodiversity and the ultimate aims of the project
to ground-truth, validate, and update spatial data (CMP, 2020). At this stage, EO data and associated
to meet specific conservation project requirements. geospatial technologies can be used to map the cur-
Participatory mapping can be done in focal groups rent, historic and, in some cases, anticipated future
using sketching on printed basemaps or by project- extent of the conservation targets under different
ing the map and sketching on the wall while dig- scenarios.
itizing onscreen during the conservation planning The purpose of this step is to help project teams
workshops. identify and agree on clear common goals and how
Since 2002 JGI has developed a Participatory to spend their limited time and resources to achieve
Remote Sensing (PRS) model (Pintea, 2006) as part those goals in the face of uncertainty and lack of
of its Tacare approach. It combines Participatory complete information (Salafsky et al., 2002). EO
Rural Appraisal (PRA) with very high-resolution data and geospatial technologies enable teams to
satellite imagery below 1-metre resolution, enabling model and map conservation targets’ distribution
local people to record their knowledge, values, and status while selecting the best data and mod-
and perspectives of their communities by mapping els available with the management and planning
water sources, wildlife migrations, land tenure, land questions.
For example, in the case of the Greater Gombe
7 Ecosystem Conservation Action Plan (GGE-CAP)
8 (Figure 2.1), stakeholders had access to decades
20 C O N S E R VAT I O N T E C H N O L O G Y

Figure 2.1 Geographic scope of Greater

Gombe, Masito-Ugalla, and
Gombe-Mahale Ecosystem Conservation
Action Planning areas, overlaid with
protected areas and chimpanzee range in
western Tanzania.

of long-term Gombe research data that enabled in 2001 (Pintea et al., 2002; Pintea, 2007). These
detailed definition and mapping of the chimpanzee maps illustrated to stakeholders that deforestation
conservation targets. Using data location points and and an increase in settlements outside the nation-
expert knowledge, researchers used GIS to esti- al park have had an unequal effect on the Gombe
mate and map community home ranges or areas chimpanzee communities.
where chimpanzees move in search of food and oth- The Kasekela community range is the largest and
er resources. These range maps were then overlaid individuals from this community only use areas
with habitat change maps of both inside and out- inside the national park. Kasekela has also been
side Gombe derived from 1972 Landsat MSS and the least affected by the changes outside the park
1999 Landsat ETM+ satellite images at 85-metre (Pusey et al., 2007). In contrast, both the Mitum-
resolution and ground-truthed with digitized and ba and a third community, Kalande chimpanzees,
orthorectified 1974 panchromatic aerial photos and were trapped between the Kasekela community and
1-metre resolution Ikonos satellite images acquired the park boundaries. Historically, both the Mitumba
F R O M T H E C L O U D TO T H E G R O U N D 21

and Kalande chimpanzees travelled outside of the 5-km radius as agreed by stakeholders to represent
park (Pusey et al., 2007). However, due to deforesta- known chimpanzee areas.
tion, largely driven by the conversion of forests and Areas predicted to be potentially suitable for
woodlands to oil palm, farmland, and settlements, chimpanzees in Tanzania were mapped using 12
these two communities lost that habitat (Pintea, environmental predictors largely derived from EO
2007; Pusey et al., 2007). satellite images to annually model habitat suitabil-
The combination of long-term data and spatial ity at 28.5-metre resolution. Tanzania distribution
insights acquired using GIS and RS products map was extracted from a model that covered the
allowed stakeholders to discuss and ultimately entire chimpanzee range in Africa (Jantz et al., 2016).
agree that each of the three chimpanzee communi- The suitability model’s primary RS derived data
ties should represent a separate conservation tar- include annual composites of per cent canopy cov-
get, as each was impacted by different threats er, canopy height, and top of canopy reflectance for
depending on their spatial relationship to the park Landsat ETM+ bands 3, 4, 5, and 7. For all vari-
boundary, and thus required different conservation ables except canopy height, methods for deriving
strategies and actions. This illustrates the challenges these layers globally are reported in Hansen et al.
of identifying a conservation target and the impor- (2013). Canopy height was obtained using Land-
tance of data to inform those decisions. In some sat ETM+ and height estimates from waveforms
cases, focusing on threats such as habitat loss (that returned from the Geoscience Laser Altimeter Sys-
could be easier to gather data on using EO technolo- tem (GLAS) (Hansen et al., 2016b).
gies) could provide a preliminary insight that can To produce the final conservation target maps,
then be verified with chimpanzee habitat use and chimpanzee presence and habitat suitability data
ranging studies. were overlaid with the IUCN chimpanzee range9
However, most of the conservation planning and then edited and classified into more spatial-
efforts outside long-term research sites do not have ly detailed polygons of core ranges and corridors
access to such detailed long-term data. In these cas- using expert knowledge and participatory map-
es, EO data and associated geospatial technologies ping. Other conservation action planning efforts
could be useful in helping teams to match the facilitated by JGI using Conservation Standards
best available data and models with specific project went through a similar process. For example, in the
and planning needs. For example, stakeholders Eastern DRC Conservation Action Plan for Grauer’s
working on developing a national Chimpanzee gorilla (Gorilla beringei graueri) and chimpanzees
Conservation Action Plan for Tanzania (TAWIRI, (Maldonado et al., 2012), stakeholders agreed to use
2018) (Figure 2.1) agreed to focus on two conser- presence within a 5×5 km grid as evidence of the tar-
vation targets: chimpanzee populations and chim- get distribution, combined with expert participato-
panzee habitats. Decision-makers identified two ry mapping of populations sketched as hand-drawn
major types of locations describing chimpanzee tar- polygons on the basemaps. EO data and geospatial
gets: (1) known chimpanzee areas with confirmed technologies were essential in these processes not
chimpanzee presence, and (2) areas predicted to be only to collect, clean, organize, analyse, and visu-
potentially suitable for chimpanzees. alize target population, model habitat suitability,
JGI has collaborated with a network of part- and identify existing data gaps, but also to support
ners to systematically survey and map chim- the creation of research-implementation spaces and
panzee distribution outside national parks since dialogue among stakeholders that helped reach a
2003 (Ogawa et al., 2006, Moyer et al., 2006). Evi- decision how to interpret existing incomplete sci-
dence of chimpanzee presence was compiled from entific results and focus on using existing data to
surveys, including reconnaissance missions (Piel improve conservation efforts and actions.
et al., 2015) and crowdsourced citizen-science vil-
lage forest monitoring efforts (Pintea, 2016). All
these locations were integrated into the same project 9
geodatabase using Esri’s ArcGIS and buffered by a download
22 C O N S E R VAT I O N T E C H N O L O G Y Mapping chimpanzee population and 1999 (Pintea, 2007; Pintea et al., 2012). However,
habitat viability 30-metre Landsat ETM+ data were not sufficient to
Once planning teams have identified conservation support research questions on chimpanzee hunting
targets, a key step is to define their current and behaviour. Higher-resolution vegetation maps clas-
desired status or viability because it provides a sified from 4-metre Ikonos multispectral satellite
baseline against which change can be measured imagery were required to demonstrate that chim-
(CMP, 2020). Viability assessments of conservation panzee hunts were both more likely to occur and
targets that include species, habitats, or ecosystem succeed in woodland and semideciduous forest
process help project teams build a set of hypotheses than in evergreen forest, emphasizing the impor-
to guide conservation and research. It begins by tance of visibility and prey mobility (Gilby et al.,
identifying key ecological attributes (KEAs) for 2006).
each of the targets. A KEA is ‘an aspect of a target’s In the GGE-CAP, vegetation maps derived from
biology or ecology that if present, defines a healthy target 2-metre QuickBird and WorldView satellite imagery
and if missing or altered, would lead to the outright loss allowed mapping of individual scattered trees. This
or extreme degradation of that target over time’ (TNC, resolution informed detailed sweep surveys of a
2007). corridor mosaic north of Gombe, enabling JGI to
The conservation standards group KEAs go into map the distribution of scattered trees and patchy
three indicator classes: habitats important for chimpanzees, differentiat-
ing them from oil palm, banana, and other crops
• Size is a measure of the area or abundance of in a human-dominated landscape (Wilson et al.,
the conservation target’s occurrence (e.g. acres of 2020). Although these high-resolution EO applica-
habitat). tions provided detailed habitat data, they only cov-
• Condition is a measure of the biological com- ered the GGE-CAP area of 677 km2 . It also required
position, structure and biotic interactions that technical personnel to commit extensive time and
characterize the occurrence (e.g. presence of key resources to pre-process, ground-truth, and devel-
species). op very high-resolution classification products from
• Landscape context is an assessment of the tar- EO data.
get’s environment, including ecological processes Such application of high-resolution EO data was
and regimes that maintain the target occurrence prohibitive for the Tanzanian Chimpanzee Conser-
such as flooding, fire regimes, and many oth- vation Action plan (TAWIRI, 2018), which to cost-
er kinds of natural disturbance, and connectivity effectively monitor annually the entire chimpanzee
such as species targets having access to habitats range and corridors in Tanzania required an area of
and resources or the ability to respond to envi- 17210 sq km. The planning team opted for the lower
ronmental change through dispersal or migra- resolution yet globally freely available tree canopy
tion (e.g. average distance in km between habitat cover and tree cover loss products derived from
patches) (TNC, 2007). the 28.5-metre Landsat imagery annually updated
EO data and associated geospatial technologies by the GLAD, University of Maryland since 2000
can be used to define, measure, and continually (Hansen et al., 2013).
monitor and update some of the KEAs. Guided These medium-resolution EO data were com-
by research or management questions, chimpanzee bined with a habitat suitability model and other
habitats can be mapped at different resolutions geospatial data to support decision-makers to agree
using various remote sensors and methods. on three habitat health indicators that could be
For example, in Gombe, calibrated and normal- cost-effectively and operationally monitored using
ized Landsat MSS and ETM+ satellite imagery at 28.5-metre GLAD products:
85-metre resolution allowed researchers to map
long-term changes in the vegetation’s greenness • Size—per cent of evergreen forest and woodland
using NDVI and reference these against changes in loss with tree cover >25% in suitable chimpanzee
chimpanzee feeding behaviour between 1972 and habitat relative to 2000 baseline (2001 onward);
F R O M T H E C L O U D TO T H E G R O U N D 23

• Condition—per cent of evergreen forest loss with baseline. This is an ecologically desirable status
tree cover >65% in suitable chimpanzee habitat and requires little intervention for maintenance.
relative to 2000 baseline (2001 onward); • Good—if suitable for chimpanzee forest and
• Landscape context—proximity to people (dis- woodland loss is between 1% and 2.5% compared
tance from any human-made features such as to 2000 baseline. This is within an acceptable
roads, houses, and farms). range of variation; some intervention required for
Despite their medium resolution, these EO-
• Fair—if suitable for chimpanzee forest and wood-
derived products were actionable because decision-
land loss is between 2.5% and 5% compared to
makers defined thresholds that clearly marked how
2000 baseline. This is outside an acceptable range
to interpret each habitat health indicator using a
of variation and requires conservation or restora-
four-scale rating from the Conservation Standards
tion intervention.
process (TNC, 2007; CMP, 2007). After comparing
• Poor—if suitable for chimpanzee forest and
different thresholds of forest and woodland loss,
woodland loss is >5% compared to 2000 baseline.
government decision-makers, conservation NGO
Restoration increasingly difficult; may result in
staff, and chimpanzee researchers used their expert
the destruction of chimpanzee habitats.
opinion and agreed to rank chimpanzee habitat
health as (Figure 2.2):
To further enable EO data use, JGI developed a
dynamic habitat viability geospatial tool in ArcGIS
• Very Good—if suitable for chimpanzee forest Pro that effectively engages decision-makers in KEA
and woodland loss is <1% compared to 2000 discussions by enabling collaboration and generate

Figure 2.2 Example of an interactive online dynamic dashboard and web map developed using Esri’s ArcGIS platform to visualize the status and
trends in habitat viability indicators developed to inform the implementation of the Tanzania Chimpanzee Conservation Action Plan (TAWIRI 20,
2018). The map on the left shows habitat viability in chimpanzee core ranges and corridors in 2014 compared to 2019, on the right.
24 C O N S E R VAT I O N T E C H N O L O G Y

multiple real-time scenarios. The tool is designed and ‘Which threats are more of a problem and
to guide and facilitate a dialogue among stake- where?’. This is achieved by mapping, overlaying,
holders applying Conservation Standards and helps analysing, and visualizing in space and time conser-
to define and measure habitat viability indica- vation targets distribution and viability indicators
tors. Habitat data are derived from EO imagery against a footprint of human activities and land
and include per cent tree cover, tree height, or cover/land-use change.
fire frequency and suitability models. Users can At the coarsest level, the aforementioned 28.5-
select different management polygons such as pro- metre resolution 2000 onward tree-cover loss prod-
tected areas, project areas, or species ranges, and uct from GLAD, University of Maryland (Hansen
define a geographic extent or scope, from a vil- et al., 2013) can be used to track habitat loss areas
lage to the entire chimp range. They can then and fragmentation throughout the entire chim-
define and customize the threshold parameters to panzee range in Africa. To date, this is the most
reflect the context of specific ecological zones and consistent, frequent, and high-resolution tree cover
management needs. This enables researchers to change global product. For projects in dry envi-
discuss with decision-makers and run in real-time ronments such as in western Tanzania, Guinea, or
a variety of scenarios using different combinations Senegal where GLAD products do not character-
of RS and habitat suitability data. Finally, users ize dry deciduous forests, woodlands, and scattered
can select a temporal baseline from 2000 onward trees that effectively, or areas covered by persistent
and a year for analysis using the annually updat- clouds like in the western region of the Republic
ed data sets. The model runs in minutes. The results of Congo, GLAD products can be complemented
are viewed in maps and dashboards using ArcGIS with other global products such as PALSAR-2 global
Online, allowing for real-time sharing and feedback forest/non-forest map from JAXA.11
among decision-makers during the conservation According to Conservation Standards, defor-
action planning workshops. estation or habitat loss is not a threat. A threat is
human activity driving deforestation and habitat Monitoring threats to chimpanzee habitats loss in a specific area, such as converting forests to
Once the project teams and stakeholders define subsistence or commercial agriculture, logging, or
conservation targets and indicators for measuring mining. Not all tree cover loss is deforestation. Tree
chimpanzee population and habitat health, they loss could be the result of natural tree falls or land-
need to use the available evidence to identify, map, slides. Therefore, higher resolution, below 3-metre
and prioritize the most important direct threats satellite imagery or field validations are needed to
or pressures and the actors behind those threats confirm deforestation and develop more detailed
(CMP, 2020). For a standard list of human activities insights into the human activities driving habitat
that could potentially degrade a target, see CMP’s loss. For example, in Tanzania, tree cover loss could
Conservation Threat Classification (Salafsky et al., result from the conversion of forests and woodlands
200810). to farmland or charcoal production (Pintea et al.,
Threat assessment is one of the most impor- 2012). While short-term actions to address these
tant steps in the conservation process. It is key for two different threats could be similar, for example,
connecting a conservation target (the goal) with supporting village forest monitors to enforce the
incompatible human activities (the problem), guid- protection of adjacent forest reserves, it will require
ing an organization to direct their limited resources very different strategies to eliminate or minimize
towards areas of paramount need (TNC, 2007). these two different threats long term, such as incen-
A variety of EO data and geospatial technolo- tives to improve farming yields in agricultural areas
gies could be used to answer, ‘What threats and assigned by village land-use plans, or provision
human actors are affecting species and habitats?’ of an alternative fuel source to replace charcoal.

10 11
and-actions-taxonomies/ _index.htm
F R O M T H E C L O U D TO T H E G R O U N D 25

For example, 50-cm satellite imagery such as that Informed spatially by the GGE-CAP, EO imagery,
provided by Maxar clearly shows slash and burn GIS and GPS technologies were used as part of
agriculture activities with trees removed and the TACARE efforts with the local communities to
stumps burned on the ground, charcoal kilns, and a facilitate participatory village land-use plans. The
network of footpaths used to bring charcoal to the village land-use plans were developed according
main roads. This kind of information gleaned from to Tanzanian land laws, policies, and guidelines
high-resolution imagery can help conservation and with full involvement of government and
practitioners identify, prioritize, and focus conser- community stakeholders. By facilitating the pro-
vation strategies on eliminating the most important cess and providing technical support, conservation
threats in specific areas. practitioners integrated maps and geospatial tools
to record and manage spatial data on land tenure
and natural resources, such as the location of water
2.3.3 Implementation
sources and forest patches. At the end of the land-
In addition to assessment and planning, EO data use planning process in 2009, 13 out of 14 villages
and associated geospatial technologies are powerful within the GGE completed their participatory vil-
tools to support implementation of conservation lage land-use plans, which became ratified by the
strategies and actions and report progress. Often Tanzanian government. Local communities volun-
RS is the most cost-effective or even the only way tarily assigned 9690 hectares, or 26%, of their vil-
to collect data on project implementation. When lage lands as village forest reserves (Pintea, 2011).
combined with mobile and cloud technologies, RS Guided spatially by the CAP vision, these reserves
data can not only be used to document changes like were interconnected across village boundaries to
habitat loss but also provide near real-time alerts minimize fragmentation and covered 68% of the
that can guide conservation practitioners to take priority core conservation area defined by the GGE-
preventative action. CAP.
For example, one of the strategies identified as JGI further supported implementation of the
part of the GGE-CAP was to develop and imple- GGE-CAP village land-use planning strategy
ment participatory village land-use plans and estab- by supporting community-based organizations
lish zones for agriculture and community-managed (CBOs) to develop bylaws and build local capacity
village forest reserves that benefit watersheds, peo- to enforce their village land-use plans and restore
ple, and chimpanzees (GGE-CAP, 2009). Spatially, and manage newly established village forest
the conservation planning process helped priori- reserves. Starting in 2009, this included working
tize where village forest reserves should be ideally with Google Earth Outreach to support village
located. A core conservation zone was delineat- forest monitors to use GNSS enabled Android
ed to include areas that, if restored and protected, smartphones, tablets, and field data collection
would substantially increase the viability of chim- apps such as the ODK and recently with Esri
panzees inside and outside the park as well as using Survey 123 mobile app and ArcGIS Online
stabilize watersheds to minimize soil erosion, land- platform. As part of the GGE-CAP implementation
slides, and flash floods, and restore other ecosystem process JGI continually combined community
services for people (Pintea, 2011). This core conser- forest monitoring data with high-resolution Maxar
vation area was delineated with GIS by overlaying satellite imagery to report, share, and commu-
community mapping layers with the best available nicate progress with CBOs, village, and district
scientific data, including the historic distribution governments.
of chimpanzee presence, potentially suitable habi- Figure 2.3 shows the success of these conserva-
tat, deforestation, steep slopes, footpaths, roads, tion efforts in Kigalye Village Forest Reserve as
streams, watersheds, and density of human struc- the result of community village land-use planning
tures derived from high-resolution 60-cm Quick- and enforcement described earlier. Landsat MSS
Bird satellite imagery and participatory mapping of and historical aerial photos show that, in 1972,
expert knowledge. the area now represented by the Kigalye Village
26 C O N S E R VAT I O N T E C H N O L O G Y

Woodland Cover Woodland Cover

June, 2005 June, 2014


QuickBird image, May 14, 2005 WorldView-2 image, June 12, 2014
Natural color composite Natural colour composite
60-cm redolution 50-cm resolution

0 1.5 3 6 Kilometers 0 150 300 600 Meters 0 150 300 600 Meters

Villages Oil Palm

Kigalye Village Forest Reserve
Gombe National Park Bare/Grassland
Village Forest Reserves Lake Tanganyika Forest and woodland cover derived from satellite imagery
Forest Evergreen Clouds/Shadow
Decidious Forest & Woodland

Figure 2.3 Gombe National Park and village forest reserves overlay with vegetation derived from 2014, 60-cm QuickBird satellite images from
Maxar (left) with Kigalye village in the orange polygon. Natural regeneration of miombo woodlands in Kigalye Village Forest Reserve between
2005 and 2014 as detected by QuickBird and WorldView-2 satellite images.

Forest Reserve had 370 hectares of woodlands (70% of EO data, community mapping, ODK, Sur-
of its total area), while in 2005—when the village vey 123, and other geospatial technologies to
reserve was created—its woodlands had decreased inform and facilitate a participatory land-use
to 156 hectares, just 42% of the forested area record- planning process owned and driven by the local
ed in 1972. The imagery also shows that by 2014, communities.
community efforts had increased these woodlands JGI’s community mobile platform has been suc-
to 302 hectares, or about 82% of the forested area cessfully deployed and used in Tanzania, the
documented in 1972 (Pintea, 2016). Republic of Congo, the Democratic Republic of Con-
Successful natural regeneration in Kigalye and go, and Uganda to support the implementation
other village forest reserves in the GGE was the of a variety of conservation strategies from law
result of long-term efforts that included developing enforcement to forest and wildlife monitoring. JGI
and implementing a systematic conservation also introduced and supported ODK use by part-
action plan following Conservation Standards ners that further adapted the app for other appli-
(GGE-CAP, 2009), all part of the larger TACARE cations such as behaviour and ecological research
long-term project operating in the area since 1994 (Chapter 9). In 2014, the system was expanded with
(Pintea, 2011; Wilson et al., 2020). The imple- a new app called Forest Watcher, co-developed by
mentation stage of the action plan combined JGI in partnership with Google Earth Outreach and
elements of GeoDesign (Pintea, 2016) and use World Resources Institute (WRI).
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